Valentina Leontyeva last years of her life. “You are everyone’s mother!”: why the favorite of Soviet children, “Aunt Valya,” was not buried by her only son. Dmitry Vinogradov, son of Valentina Leontyeva



On August 1, Valentina Leontyeva, People’s Artist of the USSR, television announcer, host of the programs “Good Night, Kids!”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” and “With All My Heart,” would have turned 93 years old, but in 2007 she passed away. Charming Aunt Valya was adored by little TV viewers and their parents; Bulat Okudzhava and Arkady Raikin were in love with her; she was married twice, but called television her greatest love. She had to sacrifice a lot to this love.

Valentina Leontyeva

Valentina Leontyeva in the first studio of the program *Good night, kids!*, 1960s

Valentina Leontyeva was born on August 1, 1923 in Leningrad. During the Second World War, the family had to endure a blockade and famine, which she could not forget about until the end of her days. They made jelly from wood glue and soup from a leather belt cut into small pieces. To distract her daughters from thoughts about food and curb their appetite, the mother taught them to smoke. Valentina was a heavy smoker all her life and gave up this habit only a year before her death.

Valentina Leontyeva – host of the program *Good night, kids!* *Aunt Valya*

Soviet Union Valentina dreamed of becoming an actress and post-war period Graduated from the Opera and Drama Studio named after. Stanislavsky at the Moscow Art Theater, worked at the Tambov Drama Theater, and then came to television. She first appeared on screen in 1954. Her debut as an announcer was unsuccessful: she had to read a message on the New Year tree in the Central House Soviet army

, and she got so excited that she started stuttering. But this was the only mistake. 10 years later, not a single holiday program on central television took place without her participation.

There were many romantic stories in her life. One day, in 1945, immediately after the Victory, Valentina saw a captured German who was digging a trench, and he asked her for bread. She obtained permission to feed him dinner, and 10 years later he returned to the USSR to thank her and propose to her. She refused him, as well as another suitor - an Arbat boy who sang songs to her and dedicated poems. It was Bulat Okudzhava. They met 40 years later, when Leontyeva was asked to invite the poet to a TV show. And a month after this meeting, Bulat Okudzhava died. Valentina said: “I am terribly sorry now that we lost these forty years without seeing each other - how many things could have been different!”

Leontyeva with female miners on the set of the program *With all my heart*

She got married for the first time in student years. This marriage was short-lived and broke up due to her husband's infidelity. For the second time, Valentina married diplomat Yuri Vinogradov, with whom she fell in love at first sight. They lived together for 28 years, but then separated. Two years after the birth of their son, Valentina became the host of the program “Good night, kids!” Her son was very jealous of all her children, to whom she paid more attention than him, and was worried that his mother was “everyone,” and not just him.

Valentina Leontyeva was born on August 1, 1923 in Leningrad. During the Second World War, the family had to endure a blockade and famine, which she could not forget about until the end of her days. They made jelly from wood glue and soup from a leather belt cut into small pieces. To distract her daughters from thoughts about food and curb their appetite, the mother taught them to smoke. Valentina was a heavy smoker all her life and gave up this habit only a year before her death.

Leontyeva devoted 50 years of her life to television and called it her own great love. She admitted: “Television was my number one home. I left for work and my son was still sleeping. When I came back I was already asleep. She didn’t swaddle her or even feed her.” Perhaps this became the reason for their discord in the future. The son rarely communicated with his mother, and in last years, didn’t see each other at all, didn’t even come to her funeral.

Valentina Leontyeva on the set of the program *Good night, kids!*

At the same time, millions of Soviet children adored Aunt Valya and waited for new releases of “Spokushki,” as they called “Good night, kids!” She was also the host of the programs “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, “Alarm Clock”, “From the Theater Box”, the festive “Blue Lights” and the search program “With all my heart”. She was lovingly called Aunt Valya of the Soviet Union, and became the only female announcer on Central Television to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

People's Artist of the USSR Valentina Leontyeva

In the 1990s. The most difficult period began for Valentina Leontyeva: all her programs were closed, the new management did not see her as an announcer or presenter. She was transferred to the position of assistant director, and later - a consultant in the sign language translation department. At the same time, health problems began. In 2004, after an unsuccessful fall, Leontyeva developed memory lapses and her vision deteriorated. She spent her last days with her sister in the village of Novoselki in the Ulyanovsk region, where she was buried.

, and she got so excited that she started stuttering. But this was the only mistake. 10 years later, not a single holiday program on central television took place without her participation.

In her declining years, Leontyeva lamented: “Television now is not what it was before. Then there was more sincerity in people, we loved our work. That’s why the programs turned out to be sincere and kind. What now? Endless games and shows in which greed, immorality and thirst for profit reign.”

Monument to V. Leontyeva in Ulyanovsk

May 20 will mark ten years since the death of the star of the programs “Visiting a Fairy Tale” and “With All My Heart” Valentina Leontyeva. She was an idol for adults and children, but there were persistent rumors in the media that she had a very tense relationship with her own son Dmitry. Moreover, allegedly in her old age, Leontyeva suffered beatings from her only heir. Dmitry Vinogradov commented on the most common rumors about himself and the private life of his mother.


Now the man lives more than 100 kilometers from Moscow in own home. Dmitry is engaged in creativity - since 2011 he has been a professional artist. According to Vinogradov, he “enjoys life” - reads books, rides a bike, kayaks, walks in the forest, works.

To begin with, Dmitry denied the information that he and his mother had a strained relationship. “We had an excellent relationship with my mother. She never scolded me, for example, for bad grades, never got irritated, did not raise her voice at me and was always an absolute diplomat. The fact is that she is an extremely well-mannered and educated woman, she is not I could afford to behave like some boorish people behave. And as a result, we had a wonderful relationship. And the large apartment allowed us to live completely independently and not interfere with each other,” Dmitry noted.

According to Vinogradov, his mother was a bright, independent woman who smoked a lot and even drove a car herself. In addition, Valentina Leontyeva had a very tough character. Dmitry also noted that his mother had many enemies, “like any famous person".

The man said that he had no complexes because of his famous mother and he did not feel lonely, as journalists presented him to the public. “Not only was the burden of my mother not pressing on me, but no one blamed me for her fame - no one, by and large, cared,” Vinogradov said.

Dmitry is sure that big influence It was not his mother who influenced him at all, but his father, an employee of the USSR diplomatic mission in New York, Yuri Vinogradov. "My father is a cheerful, educated, intelligent, encyclopedically savvy person in all respects. Who was never a snob, never surrounded himself with special the right people. He went on vacation for forty years - and even more - to a small seaside town. He was surrounded by academics, drivers, and retired boxers. It was he who taught me to enjoy communicating with all people, without dividing them into classes or castes... Dad ate and lived by large tablespoons in all respects,” said Dmitry.

In the 70s, Valentina Leontyeva and Yuri Vinogradov divorced. However. according to Dmitry, he was not worried about their breakup. However, he does not maintain relations with his father's other family. “I don’t have my mother’s and father’s photographs placed in my house - I think about them, they are in my head and in my heart, and showing them to someone, demonstrating that I remember them, is stupid and some kind of posturing. In general, about the carnival in which I lived since childhood, I would not say that it was so much fun. Mom always played a little - it was in her blood,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes Dmitry Vinogradov.

Three years before Valentina’s death, Leontyeva went to stay with relatives in Novoselki. Vinogradov explained that the mother suffered a fracture of the femoral neck. The presenter's sister Lyudmila and her daughter Galina volunteered to look after her, inviting her to live with them for a while. There are rumors that this happened as a result of an alleged violent clash between Leontyeva and her son. “Listen, I’m a boxer, I demolish men with one blow, and my mother was small, fragile... how do you imagine this? What nonsense?! In general, relatives began to spread rumors that I beat my mother - after they failed get half of my mother’s apartment,” Vinogradov is convinced.

As Dmitry said, after his mother left, he began sending her her entire pension and salary. Galina also took a lot of furniture from her Moscow apartment. And then interesting things began to happen. “At first it was said that there was enough space in my sister’s apartment for everyone - and Valentina Mikhailovna, of course, too. After some time, Galina called me and said that an apartment in their building on the same floor was for sale and it would be nice for my mother to buy it. I was somewhat surprised by the price of this apartment, but I had no idea that my sister might be playing some kind of dishonest game with me, and I sent the money. But then I was extremely surprised to learn that this apartment was allocated by the local administration,” - the presenter's son said.

The unpleasant story ended tragically. “Ill-gotten things never bring happiness, and especially in such a situation. After some time, Galina’s two sons died, who simultaneously crashed in an accident, and less than a year after that, Galina herself died,” said Vinogradov.

It is no secret that while Leontyeva lived with relatives, her son did not come to see her. He explained it this way: “We talked on the phone, communicated, I was going to come there, but, on the other hand, she was going to return, everything was already prepared.” It turns out that Dmitry bought two apartments for himself and his mother.

When the presenter died, Dmitry Vinogradov was not seen at the funeral. “She wanted to be buried next to her mother. A place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery had already been allocated. And her relatives violated her will. And in the future they simply used my mother’s popularity to achieve their personal interests,” Dmitry said. At the same time, he noted that he was at his mother’s grave “one day,” before he left for the Moscow region.

Leontyeva was worried that Dmitry did not have children. However, Vinogradov became a father at the age of 45, which he does not regret at all. The man dotes on his offspring. “Very smart, very kind, very attentive - the most important being for me in this world. Apart from my son, I have no one, and besides my son, nothing interests me. He comes to me on vacation, and lives with his mother. Mom - a very good professional makeup artist, and there is simply no work for her here. We ride bicycles with him, swim kayaks, walk in the forest, read books, and my greatest achievement is that I separated him from the computer. but in fact it’s very simple: you just need to do it,” Vinogradov is convinced. At the same time, Dmitry does not know how he sees his son in the future.

Vinogradov explained: “I want him to be the way he wants to be. I have no right to dictate here. He has the right to live his life as he sees fit. I can give him some advice, but in no case put pressure on him.” . The pressure is on people who are squeezed, enslaved, who live in some kind of non-existent cliches that they have built for themselves; therefore, whatever he wants, he will do.”

Dmitry Vinogradov spoke about his relationship with the famous TV presenter and about his current life

Ten years ago, on May 20, 2007, the most beloved TV presenter of the Soviet Union died. Aunt Valya from “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, Valechka from the program “With all my Heart” and TV news programs. And according to the passport - Valentina Mikhailovna Leontyeva. It’s rare for a person on TV to be adored by both adults and children. However, Aunt Valya is just such a special example of universal love.

But it is possible that she would gladly exchange popular worship for the love of one and only herself. important person in life - my own son.

In the last years before her death, Valentina Mikhailovna lived as a hermit in a small village near Ulyanovsk. There were various rumors about their relationship with their son - even the most monstrous ones. They gossiped about the unbearable character of Dmitry Vinogradov (the boy took the surname of his father-diplomat), even about cases of assault on his part towards the legend of Soviet TV. And when Leontyeva died, her son disappeared for 10 long years. It was rumored that he had gone abroad. But MK managed to find the heir to the first lady of the Soviet television screen very close to the capital. And even call him for a frank conversation.

I am sitting in a beautiful two-story house more than a hundred kilometers from Moscow. In front of me is a huge gray-bearded man with steely eyes, somewhat similar to a Viking. This is the son of Aunt Valya, Valentina Leontyeva, Dmitry Vinogradov.

- Why did you leave Moscow, given that you are a purely urban person and have lived in big cities all your life?

I was planning to leave Moscow back in 2005. And he asked my mother to leave. I live in a very beautiful big house in the forest in an old Russian city, environmentally friendly, wonderful. I left because all normal people at a certain age go to live in nature. And those who remain in Moscow are banal losers.

-What are you doing here?

With my creativity, my work, I draw pictures, read books, ride a bike, swim in a kayak, walk in the forest - I enjoy life. In all its manifestations.

They said that journalists played an important role in your departure from Moscow. They annoyed you greatly when Valentina Mikhailovna chose to move away from you, to a relative in Novoselki.

When the journalists began to pester me, I had already bought this plot. It took me two years to finish this house. And what seems to journalists is normal, because they always seem to have something. That's why they are journalists.

If you remember how many times your name was splashed around in the media, did you want to justify yourself? Just to say: everything is wrong, guys.

Those who feel guilty are justified. And to whom should I justify myself? In front of journalists, in front of relatives? I don’t see a group to which I have to justify myself, and in general I don’t really care what they think about me.

- Then let's go in order. It is believed that you had a strained relationship with your mother.

We had a wonderful relationship with my mother. She never scolded me, for example, for bad grades, never got irritated, never raised her voice at me, and was always an absolute diplomat. The fact is that she is an extremely well-mannered and educated woman; she could not afford to behave the way some boorish people behave. And as a result, we had a wonderful relationship. And the large apartment allowed us to live completely independently and not disturb each other.

How different was Valentina Leontyeva in life from her image on the screen? For example, did she have any bad habits?

She was a bright, independent woman. In our family, when I was little, there was a black Chevrolet car - “Chevy”, as the Americans call it. Valentina Mikhailovna even rode it to the south herself. She smoked a lot, sometimes up to two packs a day. True, she smoked Marlboro - but her ligaments never sat down, her voice always remained young and sonorous. My mother was a purebred person.

- And at the same time surprisingly soft and friendly... Or is this part of the TV image?

I was told that my mother is a rather tough person. But this is natural! She worked on television since the late 50s - and a non-tough person cannot survive there. Valentina Mikhailovna had a large number of enemies, like any famous person. Moreover, when the so-called perestroika began, I immediately explained to my mother: most of the roads on television were ordered for her. She is a person of one country, and now she is a completely different country. Therefore, people like Leontyeva, Kirillov, Shilova, Morgunova, Zhiltsova, Vovk, Vedeneeva - all talented announcers - were left out of work, because we followed the path of American television. Thank God that times are changing now and our country is becoming a great empire again.

-Are you a supporter of the empire?

I am definitely a supporter of the empire, because my father was a diplomat, my mother was a troubadour of the regime, and I was brought up in the understanding that we have the biggest, best and greatest Motherland.

They loved to portray you as a lonely boy who developed complexes because of his famous mother. For example, he was jealous of Valentina Mikhailovna towards other children to whom she told bedtime stories from the television screen.

It was just some fool who wrote it, and other fools picked it up. I felt like an absolutely normal Soviet child. I went to Soviet pioneer camps until the sixth grade, spent a lot of time outside with my friends. Not only was the burden of my mother not pressing on me, but no one blamed me for her fame - no one, by and large, cared.

- And that’s why you, the son of famous parents, ended up in a school at the Caliber plant?

There was just a school from the Kalibr plant next to our house.

- Did you change schools often?

Well, how often... I went to first grade on Shabolovka. In the second grade - already on Mira Avenue, where there were three houses for television workers.

- Were your parents called to school? How did you generally behave at school?

At school I behaved normally, because every “goiter” - specifically with the letter Z - poked me in the face: they say, you have such a mother, and you act so badly. And, like any normal boy, I wanted to do even worse. I was the only non-Komsomol member of the three classes.

- What motivated you?

In no way dislike Soviet power. We never had transistors at home that broadcast Radio Liberty. The fifth column never took root in our home, and therefore non-joining the Komsomol was not connected with politics. Just a charter - it was bullshit that had to be memorized. But I can’t afford to teach bullshit.

- And you told this to the teachers?

I told them that the Komsomol is a voluntary matter. Then, of course, I joined the Komsomol. Before entering college, I worked in television as a lighting technician. And one Monday they pushed me into some stuffy, smoky room, someone voted there, and after some time they gave me a Komsomol card - so nominally I was still a Komsomol member. But I was never opposed to Soviet power. In general, I think that being opposed to power is tantamount to madness and, sorry, urinating on exposed wires.

- But your parents were party members?

Mom was non-partisan.

- I wonder how it was possible to work as an announcer on Soviet television without being a member of the CPSU?

Apparently, this was a case where talent outweighed the significance of it. In addition, in our empire there were such people as demonstrative non-party people - that is, they were allowed to travel abroad. On the other hand, I suppose that in the personnel department, when she was sent abroad, they were so sure that she was a party member that they did not even question this fact. That is, there is some kind of political joke here - I can say that many non-party people took high positions. And you didn’t have to be a communist to be in power.

With my father, a diplomat.

Well, your father, an employee of the USSR diplomatic mission in New York, could not be non-partisan. By the way, you are incredibly similar to him, incredibly simple.

My father is a cheerful, educated, intelligent, encyclopedically savvy person in all respects. Who was never a snob, never surrounded himself with the special right people. He went on vacation for forty years - and even more - to a small seaside town. He was surrounded by academics, drivers, and retired boxers. It was he who taught me to enjoy communicating with all people, without dividing them into classes or castes... Dad ate and lived by large tablespoons in all respects.

-Which parent had a greater influence on the formation of your character?

Of course, dad. How can a mother influence a boy?

- Sometimes this happens.

This is in painful cases. And so the son takes everything from his father, it cannot be any other way.

- They wrote that your parents’ divorce had a hard impact on you. After all, you were already an adult when they divorced.

I was so worried that I even went south with my dad and my dad’s future wife.

“She wasn’t his wife yet?”

I already understood that dad was going to marry her. The fact is that in our family everything was built on respect for each other and freedom. If I were a stupid egoist and wild man, I could tell dad: how is it, like mom, and so on. But, on the other hand, what difference does it make to me who my dad communicates with? That is, it didn’t bother me at all; I didn’t feel any negative emotions towards my dad’s passion in advance.

-Have you talked to Valentina Mikhailovna about this? She was probably worried...

She probably didn’t find out right away, and she didn’t even ask me, because she understood that I would never betray my dad.

- Do you maintain relations with that family of his?

I don't support it. I have a sister, she works somewhere abroad, probably married. I think everything is fine with her. Probably, if dad had a son, I would communicate with him, but I’m somehow not interested in my sister.

You said at one time that the only thing you wanted to keep in memory of your dad was the stack (a small stick used as a whip - author's note) given to him by Jawaharlal Nehru. Why?

You never know what I wanted... I would have been glad to get it when I had stupid ambitions, but in reality it no longer matters. I don’t have my mother’s and father’s photographs placed in my house - I think about them, they are in my head and in my heart, and showing them to someone, demonstrating that I remember them, is stupid and some kind of posturing.

In general, about the carnival in which I lived since childhood, I would not say that it was so much fun. Mom always played a little - it was in her blood.

I want to touch on that painful story - Valentina Leontyeva’s departure to relatives in Novoselki three years before her death. Why did this happen?

Mom left for Novoselki because she received a classic injury for people of that age - she broke her femur.

Did you just fall? In fact, there is a common version that during your family quarrels it came... how to put it mildly... to the use of force.

Listen, I blow men away with one blow, but my mother was small, fragile... how do you imagine that? What nonsense?! In general, relatives began to spread rumors that I beat my mother after they failed to get half of my mother’s apartment.

- Okay, let's return to Valentina Mikhailovna's injury.

She had an operation in the Kremlin, everything went well, but the question arose: she needed to invite a nurse, and this would inevitably attract the attention of journalists and so on. And then Aunt Lyusya, mother’s sister, and her daughter Galina offered Valentina Mikhailovna to live with them for a while.

-Have you already separated then?

No, we lived together, we were just getting ready to leave. Accordingly, when my mother left for Novoselki, I began to send her entire pension and salary, quite decent money. In addition, Galina took a bunch of furniture from our apartment. She arrived in Novoselki with a KamAZ truck, which was packed to capacity. The Romanian retreating army would not have collected so many trophies. In general, I didn’t care - we were changing apartments, I had to leave it all somewhere.

Now about housing. At first it was said that there would be enough space in her sister’s apartment for everyone - and, of course, Valentina Mikhailovna too. After some time, Galina called me and said that an apartment in their building on the same floor was for sale and it would be nice for my mother to buy it. I was somewhat surprised by the price of this apartment, but I had no idea that my sister could play some kind of dishonest game with me, and I sent the money. But then I was extremely surprised to learn that this apartment was allocated by the local administration.

- How did you find out?

This was mentioned on one of the TV shows. And all this turned into a banal tale about a fisherman and a fish. And in the end it ended sadly, because ill-gotten things never bring happiness, and especially in such a situation. After some time, Galina’s two sons died, who simultaneously crashed in an accident, and less than a year after that, Galina herself died.

- Died from heart attack, as they say.

Well, what difference does it make how the gods take it? They break on the asphalt and stop the heart. Because you must always measure your actions with the wishes of the gods.

- Was your strained relationship with your relatives one of the main reasons that you did not go to your mother?

We talked on the phone, communicated, I was going to come there, but, on the other hand, she was going to return, everything was already prepared.

- The apartment was exchanged. Where would she return?

I bought her an apartment on Tverskaya, and myself on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya.

Journalists made the greatest number of complaints against you because you did not come to Valentina Mikhailovna’s funeral in May 2007.

No one, especially greyhound writers, has the right to judge what I should and should not do. But speaking of her death... she wanted to be buried next to her mother. A place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery has already been allocated. And her relatives violated her will. And in the future they simply used my mother’s popularity to achieve their own personal interests.

- Did they try to communicate with you after the death of Valentina Mikhailovna? Did you call?

Yes. As I understand it, after my mother’s death they were extremely upset that I did not give them half of the Moscow apartment. As the French say, appetite comes with eating.

- Well, they still had an apartment in Novoselki, which they bought.

And a lot of money too. They received both an apartment and money. They received an apartment, money... and death.

- And you, it turns out, don’t even know where Valentina Mikhailovna is buried?

I visited my mother’s grave one day - this was before I left for the Moscow region, in 2012. Naturally, I didn’t visit my relatives.

Dmitry Vinogradov leads a secluded lifestyle.

Aunt Valya was worried that you didn’t have children. Nevertheless, there are rumors that she still has a grandson. Can you say something about your son?

Yes, she has a grandson. I have a wonderful son, and I am very lucky that he was born when I was not 20 or 30 years old, but 45. Very smart, very kind, very attentive - the most important being for me in this world. I have no one except my son, and besides my son, nothing interests me. He comes to me on vacation and lives with his mother. Mom is a very good professional makeup artist, and there is simply no work for her here. Here we ride bicycles with him, swim kayaks, walk in the forest, read books, and my greatest achievement is that I weaned him from the computer. Nobody believes me, but in fact it is very simple: you just need to do it. And we give a computer, as a rule, when we cannot and do not want to take care of the child. I want and I can, so he doesn’t need a computer at all.

- How would you like to see him when he grows up? Similar to you?

I want him to be who he wants to be. I have no right to indicate here.

- But every parent dreams of some kind of future for the child...

This is ordinary primitive parental egoism. He has the right to live his life as he sees fit. I can give him some advice, but under no circumstances put pressure on him. The pressure comes from squeezed, enslaved people who live in some kind of non-existent cliches that they have built for themselves; therefore, whatever he wants, he will do.

- From what moment could you call yourself an artist? Or have you always been one?

Probably always. This is part of me, but no one is interested in me as an artist (Vinogradov began painting professionally in 2011 - that’s when they bought his first painting. - Author’s note).

- Locals do they know whose son you are? Did this somehow affect your communication with them?

They found out about this not so long ago. And this had no effect, because the further a person lives from Moscow, the more decent he is, everyone is used to this. There are a lot of comrades whom I have known for 12 years and who have no idea about my mother. This knowledge hindered me more than it helped.

One of Vinogradov's paintings. As one of his close friends says, Dmitry, being the rightful heir of the Russian avant-garde, more specifically Suprematism, managed to catch the pace modern life and not lose the philosophy. It’s good to meditate under his paintings; you either really like them or cause sharp rejection. Vinogradov’s paintings have an extremely unique energy, and a very strong one at that.

- What is your social circle like now? Has it narrowed?

Over the years, the number of friends of any normal person decreases. If the number of friends increases, he is an aggressive schizophrenic. Over the years normal person becomes more and more self-sufficient and selects people who are closest to him. Accordingly, before death, a normal person must find himself completely alone.

Who on current television can you put next to Valentina Mikhailovna - in terms of professionalism and manner of presentation?

I am not very familiar with modern TV - I have cable television, I watch some historical TV channels, but I don’t watch federal channels at all. Probably in Lately something began to change, because we are starting to build a completely new society with a completely new country. will appear national idea- Television will also change. When we build an Empire, then we will have programs like “With all my heart,” and people like Valentina Leontyeva will appear. Because the Empire gives birth to such people. And creates the Empire.

The whole life of this legendary Soviet woman shrouded in rumors and myths. CT announcer and TV presenter Valentina Leontyeva would have celebrated her 95th birthday this year. She was truly a screen star. When “Visiting a Fairy Tale” and “Good Night, Kids” started showing on TV, the streets of the entire Soviet Union became deserted. All the children sat at home and watched their favorite TV shows with delight. But how did her own son Mitya remember Valentina Leontyeva? One day, the announcer admitted that she paid much more attention to her work than to her son... Watch the episode of the talk show Let Them Talk - Valentina Leontyeva’s son: “All about my mother” 08/01/2018

There was talk in the press that the legendary Soviet TV presenter was experiencing family problems. Not everything was as smooth at home as at work - Valentina Leontyeva herself admitted this more than once with tears in her eyes. “I kept tripping, they kept tripping me up,” she once said. Her son Dmitry did not like the enormous popularity. He was constantly embarrassed when his mother was recognized by passers-by on the street. Today in Let Them Talk, the son of Valentina Leontyeva will openly talk about his childhood, youth and famous mother.

Dmitry Vinogradov: “Everyone who speaks badly about me soon dies.”

Rumors also began to circulate that Dmitry was raising his hand against his own mother and treating her very badly. The man himself today denies such statements. “I lived with my mother until I was 45 and we always got along in the family,” says Valentina Leontyeva’s son. The announcer died in Ulyanovsk, the city where her sisters lived. After Leontyeva’s death, her family and friends began to tell shocking details about the relationship between her son and mother. Dmitry remained silent for 10 years and now decided to tell the whole truth about himself and his mother - the truth that only he knows.

Let them say - Valentina Leontyeva’s son: “Everything about my mother”

The legendary “Aunt Valya”... in 2018, the famous USSR announcer would have turned 95 years old. She was called the most beautiful woman Soviet television, and when programs with her participation were broadcast, the streets of all cities of the Soviet Union became empty. In this issue, Let Them Talk - Son of Valentina Leontyeva: “Everything about my mother”: Dmitry Vinogradov will tell all the details of his relationship with his mother. Was everything smooth in this family?

Dmitry Vinogradov: “I just wanted them all to die, and...cursed them.”

For many years he refused interviews, but for “Let Them Talk” he will tell his truth. More than 10 years ago, Valentina Leontyeva admitted more than once in interviews that she paid very little attention to her son, in contrast to her television career. Little Mitya, unlike his peers, went to bed when his mother was still at work. “All this popularity that befell me actually played a cruel joke on me: I couldn’t calmly walk the streets, go shopping or go to the movies,” Valentina Mikhailovna said in an interview.

Valentina Leontyeva and her son Dmitry Vinogradov. Let them talk

The famous TV presenter and CT announcer Valentina Leontyeva died on May 20, 2007 in the Ulyanovsk region. And after her death, rumors spread in the media that her only son Dmitry treated her poorly and even attacked her with his fists. In this broadcast of “Let Them Talk,” Dmitry Vinogradov, after a long silence, decided to tell his version...

Dmitry Vinogradov:

— I lived with my mother until I was 45. Well, it’s just nonsense, it would seem! But in fact, we just had a large apartment and we had a very good, trusting relationship with my mother. All actresses love to complain, and her friends from the acting community came to her mother and talked about their problems. Perhaps in response, my mother also complained about my father and me. I'm just now trying to find the roots of those rumors about me.

“Mom was extremely popular. Taxi drivers did not take money from her, and at the market they gave her food for free. I wasn’t at all annoyed by her fame, but I’m just not a public person. After my mother’s death, they repeatedly threw mud at me, they removed as many as 7 programs, but I didn’t even react, since only my opinion is important to me. Only I can know where I am good and where I am bad.

Dmitry Vinogradov will talk about how his enemies died one by one and how he really treated his mother. Watch below the episode of the program Let Them Talk - Valentina Leontyeva’s Son: “All About My Mother”, broadcast on August 1, 2018 (08/01/2018).

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Life often turns out to be cruel to the children of famous parents, as if fate were taking revenge on the latter for something - or punishing them for old mistakes

Maria Queen, only daughter Lyudmila Gurchenko, who died at the age of 58 in the courtyard of her own house, did not communicate with her mother for almost two decades. Their relationship was strained even before the breakup, and Maria was raised not by her famous mother, but by her grandparents. As the Queen once said in her hearts, she will never forgive Gurchenko for exchanging her family for “antics and jumping.” Similar tragedies of mothers or fathers and their children unfolded in many star families.

Vladimir Tikhonov, son of Nonna Mordyukova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Nonna Mordyukova in the film “Station for Two”

Son of the famous Soviet actors Nonna Mordyukova And Vyacheslav Tikhonov With early years I knew what it was like to grow up as a child of national idols, and what it was like when parents were at work all the time - for days, or even weeks. He experienced his parents’ divorce much harder than “non-public” children.

They said that Vladimir wanted to become a lawyer, but in order not to upset his mother, he became an actor. However, after a bright start (Tikhonov Jr. successfully acted in films, worked at the Soviet Army Theater, the Film Actor Studio Theater, and went on creative evenings), his career slowed down. Moreover, the older he got, the more he realized that viewers would inevitably compare him to his famous father. And a stellar film - such as “Seventeen Moments of Spring” became for Vyacheslav Tikhonov - in his creative destiny it never happened.

Vladimir increasingly relieved stress with alcohol, then drugs were added to alcohol, and his health quickly deteriorated. Family life also cracked. The last years of his life, Vladimir Tikhonov lived with his mother - and their relationship was very difficult. He died in 1990, at the age of 40, from a heart attack (presumably it could have been caused by alcohol and narcotic substances). Nonna Mordyukova blamed herself for the death of her son before last day her life - and bequeathed to bury herself next to him.

Dmitry Egorov, son of Natalia Kustinskaya

Son of the “Soviet Brigitte Bardot”, star of the films “Three Plus Two” and “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” Natalia Kustinskaya and diplomat Oleg Volkov, subsequently adopted by the actress's third husband, an astronaut Boris Egorov, I myself understood early what fame was.

He played his only, but stellar role as a schoolboy - as a handsome boy Dimka Somova from "Scarecrow", although he was, in general, a negative character, many girls fell in love after the film was released. However, Dmitry Egorov did not connect his life with cinema, and his mother did not want it. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, got married, but his happy family life was short-lived. Dmitry Egorov’s son died before he even lived a year, and his wife started drinking.

The second blow – a year after the baby’s death – was the death of Boris Egorov. Dmitry began to drown out his grief with alcohol and then drugs. New darling(by that time he had divorced his wife) also, according to stories, turned out to be a drug addict. Kustinskaya's son died in 2002 at the age of 32 under strange circumstances. A few hours before his death, Dmitry quarreled with his mother and left home with his girlfriend to visit someone. The official version of his death was acute heart failure, but he also had a wound on his temple. It later turned out that he was regularly beaten by his partner.

Boris Livanov, son of Vasily Livanov

The eldest son of the famous "Sherlock Holmes" Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena, a famous cartoonist, Boris showed great promise in his youth. He drew talentedly, studied at Pike and GITIS, many were sure that, like his father, he would become a brilliant actor. But fate decreed otherwise. In 2009 Boris Livanov arrested on suspicion of murder due to alcohol intoxication, and later sentenced to nine years in prison.

Soon after this story became known, other details surfaced - as it turned out, the man had been drinking for a long time. His parents tried to reason with him, forgave him all his antics - and tried to hide him from others family problems. However, a few months before the tragedy, Vasily Livanov admitted in an interview that Boris behaved aggressively more than once, literally throwing himself at his father and then at his mother, more than once. Those surrounded by the family said that the Livanovs’ problems with their son began a long time ago - for some reason he was angry with his parents, believed that he could achieve more in this life, and blamed his mother and father for his troubles.

In 2014, Boris Livanov was released early. Not long ago it became known that he had made peace with his family and, as they say, had “given up” with alcohol.

Photo: Boris Livanov's Facebook page

Philip Smoktunovsky, son of Innokenty Smoktunovsky

Philip Smoktunovsky, like his famous father, he dreamed of becoming an actor. He graduated from drama school, began acting in films, and seemed to be quite successful - but alcohol and drugs, which, according to those around him, he got involved with, destroyed his career and broke him. family life. They said that his addictions took over when Philip realized that he actor career It's not going well enough.

Philip Smoktunovsky with his father. 1969 Archive "Express Newspapers"

According to friends, because of his unlucky son, Innokenty Mikhailovich one of the heart attacks occurred. He tried to treat Philip, placed him in various clinics - but this did not bring success. After the death of his father, Smoktunovsky Jr., together with his sister Maria, who never married, lived with his mother and did not work anywhere. After mother's death Sulamith Mikhailovna in 2016, nothing is known about Smoknutovsky Jr.

Anatoly Serov, son of Valentina Serova

Valentina Serova. Wikimedia

Soviet film star Valentina Serova suffered for many years due to a difficult relationship with her son Anatoly, whom she named after her husband, legendary pilot Anatoly Serov– he died before the birth of the child. When the widowed Serova married Konstantin Simonov, The poet's relationship with his stepson did not work out. As a result, Tolya was sent to a boarding school. Then his life went downhill - and after a while the actress’s life went downhill.

Alcohol has become common problem both for Serova, who lost her family and turned into a forgotten star of a bygone era, and for her son. He got involved with bad company, appeared at home, and more than once raised his hand against his mother. Once Valentina called the actress Rimma Markova and asked to save her - her son went berserk and was cutting down the doors in the apartment with an ax.

Valentina Serova survived her son by only a year - he died in June 1975, at 35 years old. The actress did not attend his funeral. They said that shortly before his death, Anatoly tried to improve relations, came to his mother with a bouquet of flowers - but Valentina Serova’s drinking buddy threw him out.

Dmitry Vinogradov, son of Valentina Leontyeva

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