In honor of the Air Force's anniversary, the military will show unique aircraft for the first time. Aerospace Forces Day will be celebrated with an air festival New, modern, maneuverable

home August 12 is Aerospace Forces Day in Russia. Domestic military aviation is 105 years old. The culmination of the holiday is a grand air show with the participation of more than 150 aircraft in Kubinka. The whole story on earth and in the sky air fleet

– from the first aircraft to fifth generation fighters. The main news of the day was announced by the Minister of Defense.

There are thousands of people in the stands at Patriot Park. All eyes are on the sky, where the Swifts are replaced by the Russian Knights, and those by the Falcons of Russia. The number of aces gathered in one place at one time makes your head spin, even if you don’t lift it.

On the occasion of the holiday, the Aerospace Forces lifted everything into the sky near Moscow - here are literally all types of aircraft and helicopters that they have in service. In total, more than 150 cars participate in the festival! Airplanes were sent here from 10 airfields - aerobatic teams from Kubinka, helicopters from Klin, latest generation fighters from Zhukovsky. And it’s not just the amount of equipment. In addition to the widely represented modern cars

, flying rarities also took to the skies - restored aircraft of the Second and even the First World War - Yaks, the first MiGs. Here is the Douglas - at the helm of former Air Force Commander-in-Chief Pyotr Deinekin, at 79 years old! Plays out on the ground and in the sky historical reconstruction

which ends in our victory. After which the attention of the audience switches to the heroes of our days. The pride of the VKS, the Su-35S, is spinning figures at supercritical angles of attack. And the most anticipated event, one of the most spectacular, is a demonstration air battle between two fifth-generation fighters T-50, or Su-57: just the day before it became known that this is the serial name that will be given to the superfighter, which they plan to replace in the Russian Aerospace Forces with the good old Su-27 .

The T-50 was presented to the general public six years ago, then it was, as they say, a development for the future - and now it has come: the Su-57 will begin to arrive in the troops next year.

“I would like to express my deep gratitude to your families: wives, children, relatives, friends for believing in you and us, for the fact that they are waiting for us from flights, from long business trips, supporting you and us to fulfill any the assigned task,” said Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev.

The audience seems to be imbued with this spirit. Wives and daughters are somewhere next to their beloved men - even those who don’t really see the action, but only hear. In general, it’s simply amazing to see the huge number of ladies among the spectators - and they also say that military aviation not a woman's business.

“How is it not feminine?! Did Tereshkova fly? What about the partisans? Our women, old ladies? Personally, my grandmother is a veteran!” - the guest of the holiday objects.

We receive strong confirmation from the head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu. Before the start of the show, he toured the historical exhibition, where, in particular, they sang “Darkie” to him. And then, in an interview with Channel One, the minister announced very unexpected news on women’s issues: soon military aircraft will be piloted by ladies.

“There are a huge number of girls who would like to become military pilots. We received hundreds of letters. We cannot fail to respond to this request. This year we will recruit the first group to the Krasnodar military aviation school. From October 1 this year, the first group of girls will begin training to become military pilots. I hope that in five years they will decorate this holiday with their skill,” said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Those interested are literally right there, a few minutes after the minister’s departure.

“It was great, it was cool. We are glad that we visited here. I want to become a military man, I want to fly and go to flight school. This is so cool,” says the girl.

“I myself want to become a fighter pilot, I’m striving for this,” says the young man.

Well, another pleasant surprise. This, which rarely happens this summer, was prepared by the weather for the audience. In the morning there was a warm sun over the Moscow region and clear sky– it’s a pleasure to fly and watch! Regardless of gender.

August 12, 1912 by decree Russian Emperor Nicholas II, the staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was formed. This day is considered to be the beginning of the creation of Russian military aviation. Day Air Force Russia was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2006. In 2015, the Air Force became part of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

In honor of the 105th anniversary of the formation of Russian military aviation, the Fast and the Furious aviation festival will be held in the Moscow region, in which more than 150 aircraft will take part.

A large-scale celebration of the anniversary of the Russian Military Space Forces will be held in the Patriot Park at the Kubinka airfield. The air show will last two hours. During this time, military pilots will demonstrate to the audience all types aircraft domestic military aviation from restored aircraft from the First and Second World Wars - Farman, Piper Cub, Douglas DC-3, Il-2, MiG-3, S-47 - to the latest fighters - T-50, Su-35 and Su-30 .

In addition, aviation groups “Swifts”, “Russian Knights”, “Falcons of Russia” and “Berkuts” will take to the skies. The pilots will demonstrate their skills in group and solo aerobatics and air combat techniques. The smoke show will be performed by Su-25 aircraft.

  • Bai Xueqi/Xinhua

As part of the celebration, viewers will not only be able to see all the capabilities of the modern Russian Aerospace Forces, but also try themselves in the role of military pilots. Training simulators and simulators will be installed for festival visitors, where anyone can try their hand at flying aircraft.

At the end of the air event, awards will be given to distinguished servicemen of the Russian Aerospace Forces. They will be awarded state awards.

Flight through centuries

Russian military aviation has a long and glorious history. Russian combat aircraft took part in the First World War. Despite the fact that Russian industry at that time lagged behind the military industry of other countries and most aircraft were created at foreign factories, in 1915 domestic designers were able to create the world's first multi-engine bomber, the Ilya Muromets, and a specialized fighter aircraft to accompany it.

  • 4-engine heavy bomber "Ilya Muromets"
  • Wikimedia Commons

Much attention was paid to the development of military aviation in Soviet times. In the pre-war period, the USSR Armed Forces received many new models of military aircraft: Il-2 attack aircraft, MiG-3, Yak-1, LaGG-3 fighters. IN post-war period In the Soviet Union, fourth generation fighters were created - the Su-29 and MiG-27.

The Russian Aerospace Forces occupy a vital place in the armed forces of our country. Russian combat aircraft are considered among the most powerful in the world. In terms of the number of aircraft, domestic aerospace forces are second only to the United States. According to a 2015 ranking compiled by Flight International magazine, Russia has 3,547 combat aircraft, while the United States has 13,717 military aircraft.

In the sky above the Motherland

Until 2015, the Russian Air Force was a separate species troops of the country's armed forces. By decree of President Vladimir Putin, the air force became part of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of Russia.

The structure of the Russian Aerospace Forces includes three types of troops: air force, air defense forces and missile defense, space forces.

The Russian Air Force includes long-range, military transport and army aviation, as well as anti-aircraft, missile and radio technical troops. In addition, the Russian air force has its own special troops, which provide reconnaissance and communications, engage in electronic warfare, rescue operations and defense against weapons mass destruction.

The air and missile defense forces include radio engineering and electronic warfare troops, fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft missile forces.

The tasks of the space forces include monitoring space objects, identifying and repelling possible threats in space, launching spacecraft and control of military satellites.

The main tasks of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Peaceful time are the protection of the country's state border in the airspace, alerting management about the flights of foreign reconnaissance vehicles in the border zone.

VKS is the air shield of the country's armed forces. And in conditions of hostilities, military aircraft are the first to fly out to protect the territories of the state from enemy air strikes, ensure actions Ground Forces And Navy, strikes at enemy air, land and sea forces, and ensures the transportation and airdrop of troops and military equipment.

At the combat post

Since 2015, Russian military pilots, at the request of the Syrian authorities, have been carrying out missions on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic as part of a military operation against a terrorist group. Islamic State»*.

New modern threats require modernization of the country's military space forces. According to the data open sources, the Russian Aerospace Forces fleet consists of more than 800 fighters (Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-35, MiG-29, MiG-31), about 150 attack aircraft (Su-24 and Su-34), 200 attack aircraft (Su-25), 150 training aircraft (Yak-130, etc.), about 70 strategic bombers (Tu-95 and Tu-160), more than 40 long-range bombers Tu-22M3.

In 2016 in Armed forces Russia received 59 combat aircraft (12 MiG-29SMT, 2 Su-30M2, 17 Su-30SM, 16 Su-34, 12 Su-35S) and ten Yak-130 combat trainers.

New, modern, maneuverable

Today, the modernization of Russia's military air fleet is in full swing. The Russian Aerospace Forces are receiving new Su-35 fighters and Mi-28 helicopters “ Night Hunter" and Ka-52 "Alligator". However, according to experts, the most breakthrough developments will be fighters created under promising programs. aviation complex front-line and long-range aviation (PAK FA and PAK DA)

“The newest Russian aircraft of the fifth generation T-50, which has already received official name The Su-57 is a truly modern aircraft. It will be a stealth, super-maneuverable, multi-role fighter. This is our analogue of the American F-22 Raptor,” Dmitry Kornev, founder of the Military Russia portal, told RT.

  • Airplane T-50
  • RIA News
  • Vladimir Astapkovich

According to the expert, it is assumed that a series of 12 front-line fighters will be launched by 2019.

Military expert Konstantin Sivkov noted in an interview with RT that the newest Russian Su-57 fighter is superior to its American counterpart in many respects.

“The Russian fighter is superior to the American F-22 Raptor in flight range, in terms of the missile weapons long range: our vehicle has a missile with a range of about 380 km. Moreover, it is better than the Raptor in terms of air combat, and in terms of aerodynamics and hull configuration, our fighter is as stealthy as the American,” added RT’s interlocutor.

Experts told RT that Russia continues to improve the MiG-31 and MiG-31BM fighter-interceptors and the Su-24 M bomber. Assembly of the first serial Tu-160M2 strategic bomber has already begun, work is underway to create a light fighter and new types of helicopters.

  • Su-30SM fighter escorting the Tu-160 missile-carrying bomber of the Russian Military Space Forces
  • RIA News
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In May 2017, Russia began developing a promising long-range aviation complex.

“This will truly be a breakthrough and reach the current world level. The new aircraft being developed by the Tupolev company will be a flying wing type aircraft, subsonic, modern, and economical. This will be a platform for the use of long-range precision weapons. It is planned that he will work with other branches of the military,” says Kornev.

The first flight of the PAK DA is planned for 2025-2026.

But these are not all the new items that will join the Russian Air Force in the future. Sivkov, in an interview with RT, spoke about the development by Russian aircraft designers of a fundamentally new aircraft.

“A new breakthrough will be the creation of the A-100 aircraft based on the Il-76-MD-90A. This is a development of the A-50 aircraft, which is now actively used by our military in Syria, but more advanced. The A-100 will have a significantly more powerful radio-technical complex, will be able to detect low-flying targets, and will be able to provide automatic guidance on air targets (now this all happens manually),” the expert explained.

Unmanned future

Military expert Vladimir Yazikov, in a conversation with RT, said that the future of Russian military aviation lies in sixth-generation unmanned fighters.

  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“Unmanned fighters will even look different. They will all be tied into one network, will aim at the target independently, easily break through any defense, and there will be no risk for the pilot. The most important thing is that they will be able to fly at the boundaries of the stratosphere and airspace. Such an aircraft will be difficult to notice, and it will already be going into outer space. Pre-unmanned fighters will be available by 2036. I believe that the future of the Russian Aerospace Forces lies in such machines,” the expert concluded.

* “Islamic State” (IS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia.

The Russian Air Force celebrates 105 years since its formation. The successor to the Air Force since 2015 is the new kind Armed Forces - Aerospace Forces. This year, the main holiday of military aviation will be celebrated with a grandiose air festival, displays of unique historical aircraft and the latest models of aircraft.

Formation of the Air Fleet

On August 12, 1912, an order was issued according to which the Aeronautical Unit of the General Staff was put into operation. This day is considered to be the beginning of the creation of Russian military aviation.

By the beginning of the First World War, the Russian air fleet already had 39 air squadrons and more than 250 aircraft. In those years, the main function of aviation was reconnaissance. After the appearance of the famous Ilya Muromets bomber developed by Sikorsky, long-range aviation began to develop.

Today the Air Force includes long-range, front-line, military transport and army aviation, which, in turn, include bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aviation.

In 2015, in accordance with the decree of the Russian President, the Air Force was merged with the Aerospace Defense Forces and formed a new type of troops - the Aerospace Forces (VKS).

Now the Russian Aerospace Forces are actively receiving the latest Su-35, Su-30SM, Su-34 fighters, modernized MiG-31BM interceptors, attack helicopters Mi-35M, Yak-130 combat training aircraft. In the coming years, the super-maneuverable MiG-35 and fifth-generation PAK FA fighters will be put into service.

More than just an airshow

This year, in honor of the 105th anniversary of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense will hold a grandiose aviation festival “Fast and Furious 2017”. The event will take place on August 12 on the territory of the Patriot Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation.

The aviation festival will last for two and a half hours. More than 150 aircraft will fly in the skies over Patriot Park - from restored veteran aircraft from the First and Second World Wars to fifth-generation PAK FA fighters.

Infographics: newspaper “Red Star”

In particular, among the rare vehicles you will be able to see the Yak-52, Yak-30, Yak-18, Douglas DS-3, Po-2, Il-2, MiG-3, MiG-15UTI. It is expected that the legendary UT-2 training aircraft, which was once piloted by Valery Chkalov, will be involved in the demonstration flights.

All types of modern aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces will take part in the large-scale aviation show. These are the A-50, An-148, Il-76, Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3, Su-34, Su-35, Su-24, MiG-31 and others. The latest MiG-35 and PAK FA fighters will also fly over the Patriot.

Aerobatics teams traditionally take part in the parade: “Swifts”, “Russian Knights”, “Falcons of Russia” and “Berkuts” - the only air group in Russia using Mi-28N helicopters. The air show will traditionally end with the flight of several Su-25 attack aircraft, which will “draw” the Russian flag in the sky.

MOSCOW, August 12 – RIA Novosti. A large-scale air parade dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Russian Air Force, in which legendary aircraft from the First and Second World Wars, as well as aerobatic teams, will take part, will take place on Saturday, August 12, in Kubinka (Patriot Park) near Moscow, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported yesterday .

Exactly 105 years ago - in 1912 in Russian Empire An order was issued introducing the Staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the Army General Staff. It is this event that is considered to be the birthday of Russian military aviation, which served as the basis for the establishment of Air Force Day in the country in 1997. Today, the legal successor of the Air Force is the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of the Russian Federation, formed as a result of the merger of the Air Force and the Aerospace Defense Forces.

Air parade in Kubinka

It is expected that visitors to the parade in Kubinka will be able to see rare aircraft from the First and Second World Wars, which were specially restored for this holiday, including Farman, Piper KEB, Yak-52, Yak-30, Yak-18, Douglas DC-3 , Po-2, Il-2, MiG-3, MiG-15 and others.

In addition, almost everyone will take part in the air show modern types Russian aircraft: A-50, An-148, Il-76, Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3, Su-34, Su-35, Su-24, MiG-31 and others. Also based in Kubinka are Mi-8 helicopters with the flags of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces, combat training Yak-130, Su-35 from the Lipetsk air group "Falcons of Russia" and Su-25 attack aircraft, which will paint the sky above the "Patriot" in Russian colors flag.

All Russian aerobatic aviation teams traditionally take part in the parade: Swifts, Russian Knights, Falcons of Russia, as well as the only air group in the Russian Federation flying Mi-28N Berkut helicopters.

It won't do without promising developments- at the anniversary of the Air Force, the newest fifth-generation fighter Su-57 (previously known as the PAK FA and T-50) and the light fighter of the 4++ generation MiG-35, undergoing tests today, will take to the skies over Kubinka.

Prospects for the Russian Aerospace Forces

Russian military aviation is celebrating its anniversary against the backdrop of a large-scale renewal of its technical fleet: according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, in 2017 alone, the Russian Aerospace Forces will receive about 120 new aircraft and helicopters and about the same number of vehicles next year.

At the same time, the Russian military department is not limited to purchasing modern aircraft, but also expects a number of fifth-generation aircraft projects from the aviation industry. The first such aircraft in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces will be the Su-57 fighter, equipped with a fundamentally new avionics system and a promising phased array radar. The first production batch of 12 fighters is expected to be delivered in 2019.

At the same time, the Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation MiG also plans to work on a fifth-generation light fighter. According to the general director of the company, Ilya Tarasenko, in the near future, the company’s specialists also plan to begin research work on the latest PAK DP fighter-interceptor, which should replace the MiG-31 within 10 years.

Work on the promising PAK DA bomber is not progressing so quickly; the launch date is mass production which was repeatedly shifted.

Thus, Bondarev reported that these aircraft will begin to arrive in Russian troops in 2023. Before this, a different date was given - 2020. Subsequently, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov told reporters that serial production of the PAK DA is planned to begin even later - in 2028-2029.

The bomber will be subsonic and will be able to solve tasks that are currently occupied by three types of long-range aircraft - Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3. According to the deputy minister, the PAK DA should be able to carry as much as possible more weapons, be invisible and use any airfields.

However Long-Range Aviation you won’t have to wait another 12 years for a new car - by decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a program to resume production of the Tu-160 bomber was launched in 2015 (" White Swan"). According to the plans of the military department, the first flight of its modernized version of the Tu-160M2 is planned for 2018, and starting from 2021, it is planned to purchase 50 such machines in the interests of the Aerospace Forces.

As a result of modernization, the strategic missile carrier should become an aircraft with a completely new “filling”, but the old appearance of the airframe; its efficiency will increase by 2.5 times compared to its predecessor.

These are not all the promising aviation projects being prepared today by the domestic military-industrial complex - within the framework of the new state armaments program 2018-2025, aviation will receive a new early warning aircraft (analogous to the American AWACS) A-100 Premier, the latest MiG-35 fighter, and the military transport Il. -112V, training Yak-152 and other machines.

The future is drones

At the same time, today the Russian defense industry cannot boast of such serious successes in the field of unmanned aircraft, primarily strike aircraft, lagging behind the United States and Israel in this area.

Today, the Russian Aerospace Forces do not have attack UAVs. The troops use only light short-range drones as reconnaissance and target designators. In particular, Orlan unmanned aerial vehicles are used in Syria.

At the same time, a number of military-industrial complex enterprises are currently working on the creation of attack UAVs. In particular, as stated by RIA Novosti, an industry source, the Simonov Joint Design Bureau (formerly Sokol Design Bureau) and the Sukhoi holding are conducting development work to create medium- and long-range attack drones "Zenitsa" (will be launched from aircraft) and "Okhotnik-U" (will be launched from the ground), the stated speed of which will be 800 kilometers per hour.

Moreover, about creating attack drone Ilya Tarasenko, general director of RSK MiG, stated in 2017.

The next, sixth generation of Russian combat aviation, the appearance of which specialists from the military department and the aviation industry began to shape in 2016, should also become partially unmanned.

It is expected that in the future fighter aircraft and UAVs will be able to be integrated into unified system control and work in a "pack". At the same time, according to experts, in the foreseeable future it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon “animate” aircraft.

PATRIOT PARK (Moscow region), August 12. /TASS/. The most high-tech branch of the Russian Armed Forces - Russian military aviation - celebrates the 105th anniversary of its founding on Saturday. As Colonel General Viktor Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia, told reporters, a grandiose air show will take place over the Patriot Park on Aerospace Forces Day.

“We were preparing for this day. The air festival is not only about equipment in the air, but also about a large part on the ground, the history of the creation of the Air Force. Everything will be very interesting, we will show their development,” he said.

The aviation festival will last for two and a half hours. During this time, more than 150 aircraft will fly over the Patriot fleet - from unique restored aircraft from the First and Second World Wars to fifth-generation Su-57 fighters.

Among the rare flying machines are Farman, Piper Cub, Yak-52, Yak-30, Yak-18, Douglas DC-3, Po-2, Il-2, MiG-3, MiG-15UTI. All flying legends are based at the Kubinka airfield near Moscow during the preparation and holding of the air parade on Aerospace Forces Day.

All types of aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces will take part in the air festival. These are the A-50, An-148, Il-76, Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3, Su-34, Su-35, Su-24, MiG-31 and others. Mi-8 helicopters with the flags of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces, combat training Yak-130, Su-35 from the Lipetsk air group "Falcons of Russia" and Su-25 attack aircraft, which will paint the sky above the "Patriot" in the colors of the Russian flag, are based in Kubinka .

All aerobatic aviation teams traditionally take part in the parade: “Swifts”, “Russian Knights”, “Falcons of Russia” and the only air group in Russia flying Mi-28N “Berkut” helicopters.

The newest MiG-35 and Su-57 (PAK FA) aircraft will also fly in formation over the Patriot. In total, more than 10 airfields throughout Russia will be used for aviation flights on this holiday, for example, Su-57 will take off from the M. M. Gromov Flight Research Institute in Ramenskoye, and all helicopters are stationed in Klin.

history of the holiday

Russian military aviation was created on August 12, 1912. On that day, by order of the military department, the staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was put into operation.

The domestic air force was involved in all wars and conflicts in which the Soviet Union and later Russia participated. It was military pilots who became the first of those to be awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union- the highest degree of distinction of the USSR.

The decision to celebrate Air Force Day was made by the President of the Russian Federation on August 29, 1997. Since 2015, the successor to the Air Force is a new branch of the Armed Forces - the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 394 on the appointment of Colonel General Viktor Bondarev as Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, and Lieutenant General Alexander Golovko as his deputy, was signed on August 1, 2015.

Wherein current system control of aviation forces and assets and air defense military districts remains unchanged: the general leadership of the air force space defense is still carried out by the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, and directly by the main command of the Aerospace Forces.

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