UVZ presented a unique mortar gun on the Ural vehicle. What is a Phlox self-propelled gun? Mobility of a modified Russian installation


The newest 120-mm self-propelled gun "Phlox" is intended for mountain rifle and airborne brigades Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" (part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, produces artillery weapons ) will present at the Army 2016 forum and exhibition the latest mobile self-propelled artillery unit “Phlox”. The product is equipped with a unique 120-mm cannon, combining the capabilities long-range gun

, howitzers and even mortars. Therefore, Phlox can hit enemy targets located at a distance of 10 km to just hundreds of meters from its position, both with conventional artillery shells and mines.

As the general director of Burevestnik, Georgy Zakamennykh, told Izvestia, this is the first domestic self-propelled artillery unit (SPG) of this caliber, placed on a high-capacity chassis of a vehicle of the Ural family. It is designed to completely replace outdated towed guns of a similar caliber in the Russian army. The concept of placing a 120-mm gun on a vehicle chassis is a completely new solution for our army,” said Georgy Zakamennykh. - In fact it's new class weapons, allowing to significantly increase mobility artillery units Russian army. The main distinctive feature of the new self-propelled gun is the gun, which is unified in ballistics and breech with the 2A80 gun, but thanks to new design solutions, it provides a reduced load on the chassis when fired and increased accuracy


Vertical angles are controlled by a special drive, which restores aiming after a shot has been fired. The transportable ammunition of the Phlox self-propelled gun, as told by the Central Design Bureau, is more than 80 rounds, including 28 ready to fire in operational stowage. Compared to existing towed and transportable 120-mm artillery weapons, all this ensures high mobility of self-propelled guns and automation of the processes of preparing and firing.

According to military historian Alexei Khlopotov, currently only Russian army has unique artillery systems that combine the capabilities of guns, howitzers and mortars.

- On airborne weapons and the Ground Forces have self-propelled guns “Nona” and “Khosta”, and “Phlox”, although it uses their ideology, is superior to its predecessors in firing range and accuracy, as well as in the power of its ammunition, Alexey Khlopotov told Izvestia.

- Mortar guns fire not only regular artillery shells, but also mortar shells. They are also capable of raising the trunk in a vertical plane in the range from -2 degrees to +80. Thanks to such solutions, mortar guns can not only hit targets at a distance of up to 10 km along a mounted trajectory, like a howitzer, but also hit targets with direct fire, like conventional cannons, and even throw mines, like mortars, almost vertically into enemy trenches. The very idea of ​​“wheeled tanks” is not new in the world. However, it is Russian engineers and designers who offer a unified model that combines powerful weapons, mobility, and confident armor protection

. The first sample of the new Phlox firing system should become one of the brightest “flowers” ​​of a kind of “exhibition of achievements” of the Russian armed forces and defense industry.

Photo 2. JSC Central Research Institute Burevestnik confirmed the fact of production of the Phlox self-propelled gun on the basis of their enterprise, but were unable to add anything significant to the information previously voiced on this matter by General Director Georgy Zakamennykh. He, in particular, said that the main distinctive feature

The new self-propelled gun is its gun, which, due to new design solutions, provides a reduced load on the chassis when fired and increased accuracy of fire.

It is worth saying that it is precisely this problem – the unstable position of the gun on a wheeled platform – that is preventing the development of “wheeled tanks” in the West. The solution here is either to increase the mass of the main platform (by turning it into a full-fledged armored personnel carrier), or to use additional supports when firing from a stationary firing position.

It must be said that at Phlox these issues were resolved more elegantly. It is possible to withstand increased loads when firing from a gun with such a powerful caliber due to the use of a modern recoil system with an auxiliary hydraulic effect. Mechanical energy The shot turns into heat and serves to absorb shocks and impacts. As a result, shock loads on the gun carriage - a rotating platform mounted on the Ural chassis - are significantly softened.

Photo 4.

The “main caliber” of the Phlox is the 2A80 gun – a unique combination of a howitzer gun and a mortar. The fire is carried out with 120-mm mines and ready-rifled shells. Interestingly, the gun is equipped with an innovative cooling system, and in addition, it uses an indicator indicating the maximum permissible level of barrel heating. The chassis of the artillery mount deserves special mention - the Ural vehicle, manufactured in a special armored version and equipped with a reinforced engine with a capacity of over 300 horsepower.

This self-propelled gun weighs about 20 tons. Its crew consists of 4 (3 gunners and a driver) people. It is distinguished by a very high level of automation, due to which the time of transfer to the combat position reaches a record 30 seconds (according to other sources, 20 seconds). The crew has at its disposal the latest means of guidance, navigation and communication.

The available ammunition also breaks records - 80 rounds, which are located in protected special armored superstructures.

A self-propelled gun is capable of using Various types ammunition. For example, high-explosive fragmentation shells can hit targets at a range of 13 km, and controlled ones at a distance of 10 km. It is also possible to use 120 mm min. The gun's rate of fire reaches up to 10 shots per minute.

For uninterrupted operation of the self-propelled gun system when the main engine is turned off, an autonomous power supply unit is installed. Thanks to this, Phlox will not only increase its main resource power plant, but the thermal signature will also decrease, which will increase survivability on the battlefield.

This will also be facilitated by an optical-electronic countermeasures system from precision weapons enemy, with detection sensors and a special grenade launcher defense system.

Photo 5.

The cabin here is welded, made of metal sheets of various thicknesses, and the engine compartment is equipped with its own armored casing. The manufacturer guarantees the safety of the crew even when an explosive device with a capacity of up to two kilograms of TNT is detonated. The Phlox crew will be able to repel attacks by sabotage and reconnaissance groups not only with standard weapons, but also with a 12.7-mm Kord machine gun mounted on the cabin.

Photo 6.

Placing a self-propelled artillery mount (and “Phlox” to some extent fits this definition) on a wheelbase truck- truly a new word in the domestic military-industrial complex. The only thing that comes to mind is the Nona-SVK battalion self-propelled artillery gun mounted on the chassis of the BTR-80 amphibious wheeled armored personnel carrier.

Entered into service in 1990, this self-propelled gun is a 120mm rifled semi-automatic gun-howitzer-mortar and the wheelbase of an armored personnel carrier. "Nona-SVK" is capable of overcoming trenches, trenches, and water obstacles on the move. In terms of the power of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile, its shot is comparable to the effect of 152 mm ammunition.

Photo 7.

The closest modern models to Phlox can be considered the 120-mm Khosta self-propelled artillery gun and the Vena system of the same caliber. Both are tracked, both use a rifled semi-automatic gun, both were produced at the production base of PJSC Motovilikha Plants. At the same time, given that “Vena” is a self-propelled gun of a relatively new model, there is every reason to believe that “Phlox” will take the most advanced technologies from it.

Photo 8.

These include, for example, the use of an instrument-computing complex. It allows the exchange of information between the combat vehicle and the control vehicle, and the preparation of initial data for firing at independently scouted targets or based on information received from the battery control point. The system also adjusts the settings for firing after notching the first shot, controls guidance elements in various modes, and stores information about three dozen targets in memory (independent of the presence or absence of energy).

Photo 9.

All necessary information is displayed on the commander’s monitors, which are equipped in the Phlox self-propelled gun cabin. Thanks to this system, it is possible to monitor the technical condition of the complex in real time and control the drives for horizontal and vertical guidance of the gun. A laser target designator-rangefinder is also interfaced with the computer of the weapon-computing complex, and the topographical reference system ensures automatic determination of coordinates even when the vehicle is moving.

Photo 10.

Most experts related to missile and artillery topics agree that Phlox is very timely and potentially in demand weapon modern Ground Forces. Former boss artillery motorized rifle regiment 27th Guards motorized rifle division reserve lieutenant colonel Leonid Budzdorovenko admits: if his subordinates had such weapons, it would be much easier to resolve issues of fire support during missions in the North Caucasus.

The officer names the wheelbase as the main advantage: the same “Gvozdika”, which was in service with artillery divisions of motorized rifle regiments in the mid-1990s, had a tracked drive and was difficult to maintain, limited in speed, and most importantly, had a lot of weight, which often did not allow crossing some bridges in Chechnya.

Photo 11.

In addition, as experts in the field of artillery believe, in modern combat such advantages of self-propelled guns as powerful armor are not so in demand. The use of self-propelled guns in an attack, direct fire is a rarity, therefore, the presence of protection against anti-tank weapons is no longer a necessity.

Photo 12.

Fire is most often conducted from closed firing positions distant from the contact line, where there is no contact with enemy armor-piercing weapons. As for protection from attacks, for example on a march, standard car armor will do just fine. From the fire small arms It will also protect improvised explosive devices, and ATGMs, as a rule, are not taken into ambush.


The 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun 2S40 "Flox" on the Ural-4320VV (6x6) chassis was developed at JSC Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" (part of the Uralvagonzavod concern). The self-propelled gun is designed to perform fire missions to hit moving and stationary targets with mortar mines or artillery shells (including high-precision ones).

The combat weight of the vehicle is about 20 tons. The self-propelled gun has armor: the front part protection corresponds to class VI, the sides are protected according to class V, the engine and transmission section is protected by an armored casing corresponding to class III. The chassis protects against mines weighing up to 2 kg of TNT - the explosion does not affect the performance of the engine, and a charge of 5 kg of TNT cannot incapacitate the crew. To increase cross-country ability, middle and rear differential locks are provided. The installation is equipped with a YaMZ-536 diesel engine with a power of 310 hp. The crew consists of an artillery crew (3 people) and a driver, who is located in a 5-seater armored cabin.

The stern of the self-propelled gun is equipped with a rotating platform with a 120 mm caliber gun module. The rifled gun has the same ballistics and bolt as the 2A80 gun. It can be used both as a howitzer and as a mortar, depending on the ammunition used. The firing range reaches 13 km with a high-explosive fragmentation projectile, 7.5 km with a high-explosive fragmentation mine, 10 kg with a guided projectile. Firing is fully automated through the use of an automatic loader, rate of fire is 8 (OFS) or 10 (OFM) rounds per minute. The AZ automated ammunition rack contains 28 rounds, another 52 are in conventional racks.

The 120-mm gun is equipped with a modern recoil system, which made it possible to eliminate the need for retractable mounts. This solution, together with modern electronics, makes it possible to reduce the readiness time to fire to 20 seconds and significantly increases efficiency. Vertical pointing angles from -5 to +80 degrees, horizontally - 35 degrees. right and left. The Phlox self-propelled gun is equipped with a modern digital weapon-computing system, which is capable of performing many tasks automatically. These tasks include:

Transferring and receiving data between machines;

Processing the received information and preparing data for calculating shooting parameters;

Adjustment of the installation's firing on the first shot;

Switching between different surveillance tools depending on environmental conditions;

Storing up to 30 targets in memory at the same time and switching between them.

The received and processed information in real time is continuously supplied to the crew monitors in the cockpit, which allows them to quickly respond to the situation and monitor the status of all systems.

As an additional weapon, self-propelled gun equipped with a remote-controlled combat module with a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun and a combined sighting system (on the roof of the cabin). The self-propelled gun is also equipped with a detection system laser irradiation and setting up smoke screens.

Photo © Vitaly Moiseev

At the Army 2016 forum, Russia demonstrated the latest wheeled self-propelled artillery unit, Phlox.

In fact, the public became aware of it a little earlier, when A. Zharich, who works at Uralvagonzavod, posted photographs of the new product on his Twitter.


The Phlox self-propelled gun was created on the basis of the Ural-4320VV armored vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement. To increase cross-country ability, middle and rear differential locks are provided. The YaMZ-536 engine runs on diesel fuel and develops a power of 310 hp.

The car is armored, its front protection corresponds to the sixth class, which provides invulnerability to SVD shots and armor-piercing incendiary bullets.

The sides are protected according to the fifth class, the engine-transmission section is protected by an armor casing corresponding to the third class.

The chassis is protected from mines, for example, in tests carried out, the detonation of 2 kilograms of TNT led to the separation of the wheel, but did not affect the performance of the engine, and 5 kilograms of TNT was not enough to incapacitate the crew.

The crew, consisting of an artillery crew and a driver, is located in a cabin designed for five seats and protected by armor.

Interesting features are the rotating platform on which the gun module is located and the absence of retractable supports that are extended before firing.


The rifled gun has a bolt unified with the 2A80 120 mm cannon, similar ballistics and can act as a howitzer or mortar. It is located in an uninhabited gun module located at the rear of the self-propelled gun on a rotating platform.

The firing distance reaches 13 kilometers when using high-explosive fragmentation projectiles; for guided projectiles, the distance is reduced to 10 kilometers. Firing is fully automated thanks to an automatic loader, which made it possible to increase the rate of fire to 8-10 rounds per minute.

The automatic loader contains 28 shots, that is, ready to fire at any time, another 52 are in the stowage.

The Burevestnik Research Institute hinted that the abandonment of supports became possible thanks to the installed anti-recoil system. This solution, together with modern electronics, makes it possible to reduce the time of readiness to fire to 20 seconds and significantly increases the mobility of the latest Russian self-propelled gun "Phloks".

Also on the roof is a domestic combat module, controlled remotely. It is equipped with a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun.


A modern digital weapons-computing complex is used, capable of performing many tasks, removing them from the crew. These tasks include:

  • transferring and receiving data between machines;
  • processing the received information and preparing data for calculating shooting parameters;
  • adjustment of the installation's firing on the first shot;
  • switching different surveillance means depending on environmental conditions;
  • storing up to 30 targets in memory at the same time and switching between them.

The received and processed information in real time is continuously supplied to the LCD monitors in the cockpit, which allows the crew to quickly respond to the situation around them and monitor the status of all systems.

Thanks to the use of a low-recoil gun module, a high-speed and maneuverable wheelbase and modern digital equipment, the new self-propelled unit from Uralvagonzavod should become low-vulnerability.

Also helping to reduce vulnerability is the use of laser irradiation detection systems and KAZ, similar to the Shtora, which became distinctive feature T-90.


First of all, wheeled self-propelled artillery installation seen in some Syria, where the ability to overcome water barriers is not needed, but mobility is valued.

Also, a wheeled chassis is noticeably cheaper than a tracked one, which gives excellent prospects as an export option.

From September 6 park near moscow"Patriot" welcomes visitors to the Army 2016 forum. The main purpose of this event is to demonstrate the latest domestic developments in the field of weapons and military equipment. In particular, several samples modern technology this time it was presented by the Uralvagonzavod corporation. One of its most interesting developments, demonstrated publicly for the first time, is the promising self-propelled artillery gun (SAO) Phlox.

The existence of a promising SAO project called Phlox became known on August 30. On this day, the press service of the Uralvagonzavod corporation published a press release dedicated to the organization’s participation in the upcoming Army-2016 exhibition. It was mentioned that more than fifty full-fledged and prototype samples of new systems, weapons and equipment will be shown at the corporation’s exhibition site. One of the exhibits was supposed to be the newest 120-mm Phlox self-propelled artillery gun. Other details, however, were not reported.

General view of the machine

The appearance of the new self-propelled gun became known on the first day of autumn. On September 1, State Secretary and Deputy General Director of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation Alexey Zharich on his page in social network Facebook published several photos of a new development created by specialists from the Burevestnik Central Research Institute. The posted pictures were jokingly called spy photos. On the same day, Izvestia published excerpts from an interview with general director Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" (part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation) by Georgy Zakamennykh, who revealed some technical features new project.

Information about the Phlox JSC project published a few days ago is not yet able to fully reveal all the features of the appearance promising development. However, the available amount of information allows us to consider the latest domestic combat vehicle, determine some of its features, and also make certain assessments.

As follows from the available photographs, the Phlox project uses both existing and new components and assemblies. In particular, all the main components and armament of the vehicle are proposed to be mounted on the basis of one of the existing wheeled chassis. With this approach it can be ensured good combination main characteristics and ease of production. Ultimately, this could have a significant impact on the commercial potential of the development.

The three-axle all-wheel drive chassis of the Ural-VV armored vehicle is used as the basis for the Phlox self-propelled joint stock company. IN original form"Ural-VV" is an armored car designed to transport personnel or some cargo. The car is built using a hood layout and, as recent projects show, can be equipped with special equipment of the required type. Under the hood of the car there is a YaMZ-6565 diesel engine with a power of 270 hp. The transmission provides torque transmission to all six drive wheels.

The artillery self-propelled gun receives a crew cabin, which is a shortened and redesigned version armored corps base vehicle "Ural-VV". This unit is a product of reduced length, providing double-row placement of the calculation. On the sides there are four doors necessary for access inside. The cabin receives armored glass. The door glazing is additionally equipped with embrasures with dampers. The characteristics of the cabin body have not yet been specified, but there is reason to believe that the level of protection is similar to the body of a basic armored car. Let us remind you that the Ural-VV vehicle has class 5 cabin protection with up to class 6 in some areas.

Behind the cockpit, after a short gap that is used to carry a spare tire and accommodate some additional units, there are two blocks of target equipment. On the chassis frame, above the second axle, a casing-box is placed, intended for transporting some payload. A characteristic feature of this unit is the sloping roof, due to the characteristics of the artillery unit. On the front wall of the casing box there are fasteners to hold the gun barrel in the stowed position.

Self-propelled gun aft

In the aft part of the chassis frame, the Phlox project provides for the installation of a rotating platform on which the artillery unit is located. In the central part of the rectangular platform there are mechanisms for mounting and vertical guidance of the gun. On the sides of them there are casings designed to accommodate some additional equipment. As can be seen from the available photographs, the artillery unit of the self-propelled gun has the ability to aim horizontally and vertically within fairly wide sectors. Guidance is carried out using automated mechanisms with remote control.

Basic information about the gun used on the new self-propelled gun was announced by the General Director of the Burevestnik Central Research Institute G. Zakamennykh. He said that a new artillery system, partly based on existing units, is being installed on the Phlox vehicle. In terms of ballistics and breech, the Phlox gun is unified with the 2A80 system. At the same time, some new units were used. It is argued that with the help of new technical solutions it was possible to increase the accuracy of fire and reduce the load on the base chassis.

The gun has a 120 mm caliber barrel and is equipped with a combined semi-automatic bolt, the design of which is borrowed from an existing project. The project also provides for anti-recoil devices and fencing. Important feature The artillery part of the Phlox is the use of automation capable of monitoring the position of the barrel. With its help, it is claimed that after each shot it is possible to restore the previously established aiming, which has a positive effect on accuracy and accuracy.

The self-propelled gun's main armament consists of 80 rounds placed in several stacks. First of all, it is proposed to use the so-called. operational stowage, accommodating 28 shells. After using up this part of the ammunition, the crew can use ammunition from other stowages. Also, if necessary, it is possible to reload ammunition from one stowage to another.

The types of ammunition proposed for use have not yet been specified, but some assumptions can be made in this regard. The Phlox self-propelled gun is equipped with a gun unified with the 2A80 system. Let us recall that the 120-mm 2A80 gun is used as part of the 2S31 “Vena” self-propelled gun and has a number characteristic features. Thanks to some design features, such a weapon with a rifled barrel can be used as a howitzer gun or mortar. The Vienna's ammunition load can include several types of projectiles, including guided ones. It is also possible to use mortar mines of any caliber 120 mm existing models, including foreign development.

Considering the use of existing developments and the possible tactical niche proposed for the Phlox self-propelled joint stock company, it can be assumed that in the case of the new project we are again talking about the use of an original system with extensive capabilities. If this is true, then the new self-propelled gun is capable of using a wide variety of weapons with different characteristics. This feature significantly expands the range of combat missions to be solved.

Cabin roof and combat module

All systems of the artillery unit must be controlled from a remote control installed in the cockpit. To monitor the operation of systems and enter commands, it is proposed to use a unit that includes a liquid crystal monitor with a push-button frame. Some other controls are also provided. Equipment for controlling auxiliary weapons is attached to the same remote control.

For self-defense and combat against enemy personnel or lightly armored vehicles, the crew of the Phlox self-propelled artillery gun must use a remote-controlled combat module. In preparation for the Army-2016 exhibition, the self-propelled gun prototype received a system with heavy machine gun"Cord". The module has systems for horizontal and vertical guidance, and is also equipped with mounts for a cartridge box and a unit of optical-electronic equipment. The module is connected to the control panel at the operator's workplace. The crew member controlling the combat module has the ability to receive a video signal from the module’s optics, as well as fully control the operation of all mechanisms.

As an additional means of protection, it is proposed to use a set of smoke grenade launchers. These devices are mounted on the roof of the cabin in a fairly large quantities. Installation is carried out with a slight elevation angle. To set up a smoke screen in the front hemisphere, it is proposed to use two sets of three grenade launchers. Two more similar sets are placed on the sides and are designed for firing forward and to the sides. With the help of 12 smoke grenade launchers, the crew can camouflage themselves and avoid a collision with the enemy relatively safely.

Another system designed to increase survivability in a combat situation is laser radiation detection equipment. Several units of such equipment are installed on the roof of the cabin and, possibly, on some other units of the machine. The laser irradiation detection system allows you to timely notice an enemy preparing for an attack and take the necessary measures.

To accommodate the crew on the march and during combat work, a protected cabin with a two-row arrangement of seats is intended. In the front part there are places for the driver and gunner. Between them there is a rack with some electronic equipment. The driver has a full range of controls to control the operation of all major chassis systems. The gunner, in turn, has a control panel for artillery and machine gun weapons. The remaining crew members are placed in the rear row seats, behind the gunner and driver.

The Phlox self-propelled artillery project has a number of characteristic features that are unusual for similar Russian-developed equipment. Some of them, with certain reservations, even allow us to consider the Phlox project as revolutionary new for domestic artillery systems. According to G. Zakamennykh, placing a 120-mm artillery gun on a vehicle chassis is a completely new solution for the domestic armed forces. In fact, this sample can be classified as a completely new class of equipment for our country. This new class allows you to significantly increase the mobility of artillery units. In addition, there are positive design features in the form of the maximum possible automation of the processes of preparation for firing and subsequent firing.

View of workplace gunner

It is already clear that the original concept, implemented within the framework of the project of JSC Phlox, makes it possible to ensure a sufficiently high firepower and increase the effectiveness of combat work in solving a variety of tasks. Depending on the type of target and other factors, the crew of a self-propelled gun can use ammunition of one type or another that is most appropriate to the existing situation. To attack targets directly or for shooting at low elevation angles, artillery shells similar to those used by other guns can be used. In other cases, 120-mm mines can be used, capable of “covering” trenches or other specific targets.

In the case of the SAO 2S31 “Vena”, a gun that combines the qualities of a mortar and a howitzer gun, it is possible to use several dozen ammunition for various purposes with different characteristics. Maximum range firing can reach 8-10 km. In addition, some foreign active-missile projectiles are capable of hitting targets at ranges of up to 15-17 km. It can be assumed that the existing unification of the existing and future artillery systems ensures the preservation of the basic firing parameters.

Let us summarize the preliminary results. The proposed concept, embodied in metal in the form of the first prototype of SAO Phlox, has some positive features, and can also demonstrate certain advantages over other technology of a more familiar appearance. The wheeled chassis should provide high mobility and speed of transfer to new positions, as well as facilitate and simplify the operation of the equipment. Maximum automation of the main processes of preparation for shooting and firing, in turn, makes it possible to simplify and speed up the main processes of combat work, positively affecting overall efficiency, as well as influencing survivability.

The idea of ​​a weapon with advanced capabilities, combining the qualities of systems of several classes, has long been tested in practice and has attracted the interest of the military. In addition, to date, this concept has been embodied in several self-propelled gun projects on a tracked chassis. Now all the advantages of such guns are proposed to be combined with the positive features of a wheeled chassis and modern systems management.

The result of using the series interesting ideas And the solution not so long ago was the appearance of the Phlox self-propelled artillery gun. To date, the project has been completed with the construction of a model, which in the next few days will be an exhibit at an exhibition of weapons and military equipment. In the future, work on the project should continue, which may ultimately lead to contracts for the supply of promising equipment to certain customers, both domestic and foreign.

In the domestic armed forces there are currently no direct analogues of the Phlox self-propelled gun that have similar features, although there are several examples of tracked self-propelled guns with similar weapons. Based on the results of tests and analysis of capabilities, the new wheeled vehicle may suit the Russian military, which will result in a contract for the supply of serial equipment. Also, the new development of the Uralvagonzavod corporation may be of interest to foreign customers. JSC Phlox has a number of positive traits, and also, apparently, is not very expensive. These features of the self-propelled gun may be of interest to the armies of foreign countries.

In the future, the Phlox self-propelled artillery gun may reach serial production in the interests of a particular customer. However, such events should not be expected earlier than in a few months or even years. The first public display of a self-propelled gun is a matter of less distant prospects. The platform for the “premiere” of the promising development will be the Army-2016 forum. From September 6 to 11, specialists and the general public will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest designs domestically developed equipment and weapons, including those from JSC Phlox.

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