Dream about a train. Station dreams: a dream book about trains. In a dream, see the train. In the Italian dream book

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Why is the train dreaming

Through this page you will learn why dream of a train in a dream according to the dream book .

Often, what a train dreams of is movement. But sometimes this does not mean trips, but hackneyedness. That is, you move along the laid rails, every day repeats the previous one, and this routine suffocates you. A thirst for adventure awakened in my soul. If you eat in a compartment, you will soon find partnerships and start a profitable business.

If this is a common carriage, then colleagues or always smiling neighbors speak badly about you. If your train stops constantly, then there are holes in the papers and you will need to redo something every day. The more cars, the more time allotted to achieve the goal.

What is the dream of the train along Miller

The psychologist believes that what the train is dreaming of hints at your desire to go on a trip or on a future trip. Unusually, if your vehicle moves, as if in slow motion. You decide to check and realize that you are dragging along the sand and there is no railroad track ahead. This is a hint that now you are spending too much nerve on a particular case. But he does not see anything wrong with this, since it is this event that will become the source of your highest income. The tovarnyak will always bring positive improvements with it. If you play the role of a machinist, then this is not always good. Since some difficulties await you, and you can only rely on yourself. An unpleasant neighbor is promised by a trip on the top shelf. Or you will spend a certain amount on an empty cause that will give nothing in return. Well, if you rush at full speed. Since you will reach your goal very quickly, and incredible luck will accompany you. Of course, it’s bad if it suddenly breaks or there was a flaw initially. This promises trouble in business or a delayed trip.

What is the dream of the train along the Vanga

Vanga believes that what the train is dreaming of brings future changes. Get ready for your life to turn upside down in unexpected ways. New people, events can burst into you. But what will be the sign (plus or minus) depends on you. If you stand aside and a locomotive rushes past you, then this bad sign. It's time for you to be sad. Perhaps this is a prolonged state of melancholy or a consequence of some kind of loss. About the trip says your stay in transport. And it is quite possible that you will even dream of a real train in which you are going to make the intended trip. It’s bad if you see that it is too long, with many trailers. It is a symbol of uniformity. Moreover, judging by the length, you can determine how long you will stay in a similar state. Such periods of continuous routine can greatly harm your condition. Also not very a good sign will capture a huge trunk with things on his trip. This means that you will take on problems or get them from someone and you will have to sort them out one by one.

Why dream of a train according to Freud

A connoisseur of the sexual side of life of all mankind believed that locomotives are a symbol of the life of an individual. So what the train is dreaming of can be a symbol of your movement. If it goes smoothly and without jerks, then your life seems to be the same. An unpleasant omen will be the picture when you run after the train. Or you came to the station and see how your transport moves away into the distance. This suggests that you were sent chic opportunities that you missed. But not all is lost yet. You can correct the situation if you slow down and try to understand where you made a mistake. Such introspection will also help you avoid making similar mistakes in the future. Freud believes that getting on a locomotive is not the best choice. Then you yourself will choose boredom, monotony for yourself and turn life into a monotonous slide along the rails. But leaving your car is very good script for the future. On the contrary, you decided to give up boredom and repetition of events. You are ready for a new life and adventure.

Why dream of a train according to Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation gives various interpretations what the train is dreaming of. But the main information can be collected thanks to the ghost of the car. So, its mere presence hints that your marriage with your loved one will not be very happy. Due to constant quarrels and omissions, you will quickly grow old. If you go down from a height down, then you will lose a lot. And the cause will be the difficulties on the way and your anxiety about the little things. If you go to the top, then your financial situation will improve significantly. Overloaded transport will speak about your morality. If it is very crowded inside, then you are endowed with high moral standards. And even if they try to seduce you with low deeds, then you will have enough willpower not to go out of your way. It is bad to drive through a polluted reservoir. There will be big trouble. Be careful if you cannot get inside, for example, the door is closed or there is no door at all. This means that they are preparing a betrayal that will shake your position in business.

According to any famous dream book, the train is the most important signal to a person. In a dream, the mind is open to persistent hints of fate about future events, sometimes obvious, understandable even to a child, but what they dream of is a vast question that requires detail.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: the meaning of a train in a dream

There can be many interpretations of railway technology. The train often plays a role prophetic dream, really meaning a journey, a way. The differences between a passenger train, which reflects relationships with society, and a freight train, which materializes work, are symbolic.

When you see a coupe, you want enrichment. The reserved seat promises a mediocre existence, avoid routine.

Traveling is a symbol of development, a bright sign for seekers of the meaning of life. So, exclude the bad meaning - according to the clues of the Enigma dream book, the vision will bring a lot positive emotions, will indicate errors, directions.

Sit down and pass the station

Entering a compartment means forgetting failures, starting to look for a way out. To wait for the flight, to reach the final station means, having avoided interference, to catch up with the goal. The number of stops corresponds to the number of obstacles that interfere with the traveler. Hurry, literally jump on the go - catch eluding luck.

Passing a stop is a sign of money blinded by thirst. It's time to leave, but you can't get out? Echelon rushing? Stop chasing the unattainable, a lot of effort goes into striving to stand out. Pass the station - deny your own "I". Related definitions:

  • go to the platform - finally relax;
  • run away from the locomotive - ignore problems;
  • lie across the rails - fight;
  • fast driving - adventure.

Night scenario - life, going in succession through the allotted difficulties, victories. A string of neat wagons promises longevity and prosperity. An old, rusty diesel makes you think: you need to achieve change.

Miller's dream book reveals an obvious fact: A comfortable bed will give you a good morning! Having gathered to sleep in a dream, did you find a hard shelf? This threatens to dream of embezzlement.

Was it good, comfortable? Get gratitude by making a great offer. Why dream of lying on the top shelf? Trust is punishable: a close comrade will let you down. Miller calls to discard despair, move on.

Silent driving answers the well-known saying: "You go quieter - you will be farther." Crazy shaking predicts an internal struggle.

Sigmund Freud's dream book draws a parallel: the route in a dream reflects the direction chosen in reality. To sit on a broken, shabby tractor - denial of the problem, dulling of sexual desire. see from the window own house mourners - avoid duties. The platform is full of unfamiliar subjects - the dreamer is prone to bouts of sociopathy, arrange a vacation.

The machinist is the commander in chief of the process. To see him, to communicate - control of what is happening. It will turn out to convince the character to change the road - be called the lord of desires. Detailed interpretations of other images:

  • fall under the wheels - disappointment;
  • crash in a dream - plans will be upset;
  • dirty vestibule - experience confusion;
  • sitting on the roof is a huge success;
  • to wander without a ticket - to live for today.

What does a dream mean according to Tsvetkov?

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov brings good news: the lost connection will resume. The vision is likely to be dreamed of in a variety of variations, however, this dream interpreter says: the begged-for meeting, reunion is close.

For a long time to look in a dream after the departing composition - to be tormented by doubts, to show weakness of spirit, to put off what has been started. Wait for arrival - come up with ridiculous excuses, deliberately avoiding action. The person ignores the situation. Roll over, crash - metamorphoses are approaching.

Often, looking for an answer to what trains dream of, people endow magical, even magical meaning directly. main object, discarding the importance of dream attributes, images that can give an ultra-accurate explanation.

Anything can dream: a collision

Terrible nightmares involving trains scare. There is no tragedy - rather, they mark significant incidents worthy of close consideration. The Muslim dream book broadcasts: they saw a trip that ended in an accident - you will be dissatisfied with the obligation to fulfill the order, as a result you will receive a decent encouragement.

The Islamic dream book determines the collision of electric locomotives with a serious battle with a person who undeservedly intends to appropriate the dreamer's laurels. To fall under a fast train, to watch the death of a victim - make a difficult choice. Remember:

  • cross a pond - start again;
  • throw yourself under the wheels - meaningless fuss;
  • see off friends - gossip;
  • deftly jump on the bandwagon - hard work is planned.

What do station attributes mean?

Vanga said: buy train tickets - a holiday is expected, nice people will get a long-awaited child. Esoteric dream book says: paying for hand luggage is a dream for a long period of family troubles. Getting ready to go out, handing over bed linen is a sign of fatigue, apathy. The cosmos sends a hint: treat yourself, take a break.

Stop the movement by pulling the stop crane - bring grief to family members, bother with unnecessary trouble. Think carefully about the dream plot that hides the subtext.

Why else dream of a train?

In a dream, you jump out - get ready to have a delicate conversation, fearing the reaction of the interlocutor. Jump unsuccessfully - take risks, despise weakness. A high-speed train rushes past - the alleged opportunity is irretrievably lost, strangers use the benefits.

Drop in at the last moment before departure - lose friendly ties. Tired of waiting for a trip, the emptiness of the station - calm your curiosity, people are repelled by obsession. To see a train explosion is to reject a dream, to realize the futility of hopes.

see obstacle

Crush a pedestrian - beware of useless acquaintances. The train rushes to the dismantled rails - build a career. Crash, knock down a high fence - a conversation will suddenly take place that precedes a seductive offer. It is better to stubbornly defend your own conditions, otherwise there is a threat of being left with nothing.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

riding a train is an important invitation; pass cars - count years (months); the train itself is time; getting on the train - new things; to be late, to miss - strong doubts; loss of hope; inactivity; see Station and Road.

Dreamed of a train

according to Miller's dream book

A train in a dream portends a journey. Seeing yourself on a train that is barely dragging forward, since there are no rails under it, means that you are in for serious excitement because of a business that will eventually become a source of your well-being and wealth. If you see a freight train in a dream, it means that changes for the better await you. Seeing yourself on the top shelf of a sleeping car means that you will soon have a trip with an unpleasant fellow traveler and you will waste money that could be used with great benefit.

What is the dream of a freight train

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

material worries.

I dreamed about the railway

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream Railway- so you will soon find that your business needs special attention, as your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it. If a girl dreams of a railway, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there. To see a railroad fence in a dream means betrayal in your affairs. Passing through the intersection of sleepers on the railway means a time of anxiety and exhausting work. Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful business management. Dream about flooded railroad tracks clean water, means that misfortune will darken the joy of life for a while, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Dream about trains

according to Loff's dream book

Trains - vehicles moving over rough terrain at a relatively low speed. Passengers tend to be in close company of fellow travelers, and therefore the trip is often perceived as romantic. Dreams of this nature reflect the dreamer's hope for a love affair. A dream can unfold like a romance with a fellow traveler. In a dream railroad station, like the metro station, is the intersection of many lines, and therefore, the place of life choice.

What is the dream of the station

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be at the station - the road; to see - an unexpected visit, meeting; meeting someone is hope, a new business; accompany a friend - an offer.

Why dream of going

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

riding - success in the main business, acquaintance (for a woman); on a bicycle - pending cases; riding in a ladies' company - deception; on a stallion on a bad road without stumbling - well-deserved honor, respect; the type of crew you are traveling in - the type of relationship; motorcycle - personal relationships; the sound of the engine - how it works, so things will go; terrain - type of obstacles or vice versa - help if the terrain is favorable; see horse; in the carriage - gossip.

Seeing a metro station in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Being at the terminus of a transport system such as the subway is associated with an alternative choice. When in real life we have an important decision to make, places of confusion and confusion often appear in dreams. In most cases, sleep is a good testing ground. various options choice, and with more impartiality than the real world allows. The first question to ask about a metro station is: do you have the option of traveling on one train, multiple trains, or none of the trains? Who is with you on the subway? Do they decide which train to take, or do you just guide them through the station?

What is the dream of the metro

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be in an empty Metro hall is someone's patronage.

The meaning of sleep about the train

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a train in a dream - a dream warns that if you continue to pull, then your help will no longer be needed, you may be late. To prevent this from happening, treat your sleep carefully and, without delay, try to fix everything. About what in question? Most likely, someone from your "former" needs support. Try to provide it as quickly as possible and do not be afraid of condemnation from others. If you dream that you missed the train, then such a dream promises you chance meeting with a person with whom you will then fall in love, and the sympathy will be mutual.

Dreamed of a wagon

according to Miller's dream book

To see a wagon in a dream means that you will not be very happy in marriage, troubles will age you prematurely. Riding a wagon down a mountain is a prediction of many labors that will cause you anxiety and cause losses. Riding up in a carriage portends an improvement in your property affairs. Riding in a heavily loaded wagon means that debt keeps you on a high moral level, despite the attempts of others to shake you. Ride along dirty water- a sign of terrible misfortune. Seeing a closed wagon means that you are threatened with a secret betrayal that will interfere with your affairs. If a young woman dreams that she is riding in a carriage close to a dangerous embankment, this is a warning against rash acts that, if she fails to resist, will bring upon her the wrath and contempt of many people. If she rides in a sleeping car, this is an incentive for her to have more control over her actions in real life, keeping herself from being frivolous.

The interpretation of this dream depends on which train you dreamed about and in what situation. Missing the train, why dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

To dream about riding a train means to go with the flow. If you didn’t have time for the train, you lost something important, refused the upcoming changes in life. Get on the train - return to your track, get off the train - changes are coming.

Esoteric E. Tsvetkova

This dream book interprets the image of a train as a symbol of time. To be on a moving train is to be invited to some important place.

Meridian Dream Interpretation

What was the dream of a train that does not move along the railroad? This will mean anxiety, excitement about something important.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

I dreamed of a train with passengers, which means that something will change a lot in life. If you dream of a train carrying goods, you will soon receive a good income. We saw that the train was derailing, which means failure awaits you. The express is dreaming - everything that you have planned will soon come true.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

The train here means change, luck, travel.

To jump off a moving train means to strive to change something in life.

Dreaming that you are a train driver? You are in for a stupid waste of money.

In a dream, you jump on a train just before departure, which means that trouble awaits you in business area. If you manage to get into the car according to the schedule, you can expect success in all your endeavors.

Why dream of being late for the train? The dream symbolizes an internal struggle with oneself, hesitation in making decisions.

In a dream, do you want to catch up with a departing train? This is an indication of your anxiety, excessive anxiety, fear of losing everything. Perhaps you should not rely on loved ones, it is better to rely on yourself.

I dreamed of a train station and a crowd of people, which means you are experiencing constant stress, nervous overload deprives you of rest and complete relaxation.

To see the premises of the railway station in a dream is a warning about unexpected guests.

According to the dream book, if a train derails, you should prepare for difficulties.

Are you hit by a train in a dream? So, there will be minor troubles soon. Also, falling under a train can mean deception, an unpleasant incident, theft.

Dream about being hit by a train stranger, promises you danger, you can get some kind of injury.

The train crashed in a dream - it means that significant difficulties have to be overcome.

The train passes by you - you have lost something or missed your only chance.

Riding a train in the subway is a warning about numerous worries and unfulfilled dreams.

Looking for the right train in a dream? You need to delve into yourself, find time for reflection.

I dreamed that they came to see someone off on the train, which means that there will be a parting with a loved one ahead.

Why dream of a trip on a large train? A long stretch of monotonous everyday life awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

The Miller train is a symbol of travel. If he rides slowly, besides not on rails, then you will be very worried, worried about something. Your seat on the train is on the top shelf? This dream indicates an imminent journey to bad company and waste of money.

Feeling seasick on a train? A difficult journey awaits you, which will end happily. If you are traveling in a dream in a train standing in one place, it means that your personal life leaves much to be desired.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a train means receiving news. Perhaps a journey ahead. Ride in a train car - get what you want, climb up career ladder. Why dreamed of being late for the train? This poses difficulties and problems.

Erotic dream book

Dreamed of a fast train? Bright changes await you, new temptations that you cannot avoid. Did you get off the train? A respite is needed, you are overcome by boredom and fatigue from everyday life.

Spring dream book

For a woman to see an express train in a dream is a warning about possible childbirth ahead of schedule.

Esoteric dream book

Why the train is dreaming, especially the departing one, means future sadness. Boarding the train promises big changes in life. See a large number of wagons and large luggage - it means that you are in for a lot of trouble associated with loved ones.

Freud's dream book

If you are riding a train in a dream, then your real life is full of anxiety and excitement. The train passes by - you are sad about an unfulfilled sexual dream.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming that you are riding in a common carriage? An indication that they envy you, they are preparing intrigues.

The train trip is delayed due to long standing at all stops - this portends delays in processing important documents.

you see very long bridge, a train rides over the bridge - there will be a protracted illness.

It can be difficult to correctly interpret what the train is dreaming of. After all, such a plot turns out to be very meaningful. He can promise a person a long trip or suggest that he will pass his life path in splendid isolation is not the best idea.

In Miller's dream book, the train symbolizes the journey.

  1. If a person simply watched such an object from the side, he will soon have to gather in long way. This can be both a business trip and a trip to the second half after a virtual acquaintance.
  2. If there are no rails under a moving train, it means that in reality the business, which now gives the dreamer a lot of trouble and trouble, as a result will become a source of his wealth.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a freight train is associated with material worries that will appear in the life of a sleeping person through the fault of others. Perhaps he will even have to take on other people's financial obligations due to weakness of character and inability to refuse loved ones.

Had to travel by train at a very slow speed? Loff's work notes that this is an important sign for a man or woman. A person in real life takes too long to respond to the request of relatives and friends for help. If he continues in the same spirit, he will be late and those around him will have serious trouble through his fault. On this occasion, the sleeper will suffer from pangs of conscience for a long time.

Dream train ride

If a person is going to travel by train in a dream in a comfortable, cozy carriage, this is a great sign. In reality, he will be lucky in all his endeavors and he, for sure, will be able to realize all his plans. Therefore, it is necessary to act boldly and decisively, without postponing things for later.

Had to travel by train to an unknown destination? Such a plot promises a man or woman fatigue from routine, empty chores and dissatisfaction with their lives.

A trip on a locomotive abroad is a dream of a very bold, decisive act that will completely turn the whole life of the sleeper upside down. But you should not worry about this, the changes will eventually turn out to be joyful and successful.

Seeing railroads in a dream

For a woman, the railway portends a meeting with an interesting gentleman who will live in another city or even a country. The girl will have to make a difficult decision to move or give up her love for the sake of a comfort zone.

If the railway in a dream turned out to be flooded with water, it means that temporary obstacles will arise on the way of the sleeping person to the goal. You need to enlist the help of friends in order to overcome them faster.

The emerging road with very frequent rails suggests that in order to solve problems, a person will need to remember the past experience of overcoming the same difficult situations.

Dream about missing the train

Plots about missing the train portend a temporary crisis in real life.

It will seem to the sleeper that failures haunt him in all areas, but in fact such a crisis will turn out to be useful.

It will help the sleeper to leave the comfort zone and find himself in something new. As a result, an active process of self-development will start.

If a person tries to jump on the train on the go, but does not have time at the last second, then depression will soon overtake him in reality. The sleeper will feel apathy for everything and only new acquaintances and vivid emotions will help him get out of this state.

train accident

If in a dream a person sees a train accident in which his loved ones die, then in reality they should pay more attention. The dreamer himself suffered - you need to be more careful with money in real life. Even the smallest of debts should be avoided.

Jumping out of a burning train on the move - to the betrayal of the second half. Most likely it will be cheating.

If the accident happened during the dreamer's long trip by train, then he should be more careful about his health. In this case, the road symbolizes the life of a man or woman, and the dream suggests that an “accident” is possible on it in the form of a serious illness.

Departing train

It’s great if in a dream about a departing train a person sees someone holding out his hand from the car. This is a clear sign that in real life the sleeper will receive help from others. The responsiveness of other people will allow him to quickly and easily get out of this difficult situation.

Did you manage to catch up with the departing train and jump it? Soon the dreamer will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, but the peak of his activity must be spent wisely. For example, start a new business of your own, which a person has long dreamed of.

train carriages

Empty train cars symbolize problems in business. This is a hint that it will be possible to solve them only when a person finds like-minded people and stops trying to cope with everything alone.

Sometimes even the comfort of the cars seen affects the final interpretation of sleep:

  • cargo and dirty, they promise a person serious material problems;
  • reserved seats suggest that the sleeper will have to save money;
  • coupe portends prosperity over a long life span.

A very bad sign is a car that has unhooked from the train in the process of movement. One minor mistake made by a sleeper will significantly worsen a person’s affairs. Cars falling into a cliff suggest that the dreamer will be in serious danger due to his own frivolity.

Why dream of waiting for a train?

Had a dream that you were waiting for a train? Waking up in the very near future should abandon any financial transactions, since there is a huge risk of fraud. To wait for the promised profit, a person will have to wait a very long time or even sue a partner.

The train does not arrive at the station for a long time because of a traffic jam on the rails? In reality, one of the ill-wishers actively puts spokes in the wheels of a person, preventing him from achieving his goals. Modern dream books suggest that you need to check not only competitors, but also friends for loyalty common cause. Perhaps an envious person wound up among them, significantly spoiling the dreamer's life.

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