Touching exoticism: a monkey in the house. How much does a monkey cost? What kind of monkeys can you keep in an apartment?

home If you want to get a monkey, weigh the pros and cons. After reading the recommendations and advice, you will understand whether you can provide the animal with good conditions existence, proper care and proper nutrition

at home.

If you decide to keep a monkey at home, you must evaluate your capabilities. Macaques are wild creatures and need certain living conditions. You need to know what to feed the animal, where to house it, and how to care for it. If you are able to do all this, you can buy a monkey that will become a full member of the family. First of all, you need to know what breeds of monkeys are suitable for keeping at home.

  • It is most preferable to keep a Javanese or Rhesus monkey. You can buy a Japanese macaque, but a Chinese or Ceylon macaque in captivity is not as resistant to disease as the Rhesus or Javanese, but has a calmer disposition than the above breeds. But monkeys are not cheap, so it is better not to take a macaque with a less strong immune system.
  • The price of Javan Macaque in Russia is from 50–80 thousand rubles and up to 180 thousand.
The price of Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) in Russia is approximately 90 thousand rubles.

So, the preferred breeds of monkeys for keeping at home are Rhesus and Javanese, let’s dwell on the story about them in more detail.

The rhesus macaque is also called the bunder (lat. Macaca mulatta). An adult grows to be the size of a fox terrier dog. The weight of an adult macaque is 3.2–3.6 kg. The animal's fur is brownish-yellow, and there are bright red growths on the seat. In the wild, these macaques live in tribes; the number of monkeys in them can reach up to 150 individuals. They are led by a leader. If for some reason it is not there, then the number of conflicts in the pack increases. At the same time, primates can publish various sounds

- scream, squeak, growl. Pregnancy in females lasts 165 days, then they give birth to one, or less often two, cubs weighing 300–650 g. The mother feeds the baby for up to a year breast milk

, and he has been with her for 6 or more years.

If you want to keep such a monkey at home, you need to take it when the macaque is still small, since an adult adapts less well to new conditions and can show its angry and quarrelsome character.

The pet must be treated, depending on the situation, kindly or strictly, then you can teach the monkey tricks, as they do in the circus. Therefore, quite often you can see not only in circuses, but also in the summer in open areas in parks, how a rhesus monkey, under the guidance of its trainer, dances to music or does other funny things.

Cynomolgus macaque

The second name for these monkeys is the crab-eating macaque (lat. Macaca fascicularis), but crabs are not its main food. The animal's fur is brown at the top and gray towards the bottom. According to the variety of color, there are 2 types of Javan macaques. The first has yellow-brown fur, the second has darker hair and the face of these monkeys is black. An adult animal reaches an average height of 60 cm. The weight of an adult male is 4.5-8.5 kg, females 2.7-3.8 kg.

In the photo there is a cynomolgus macaque in a diaper

Cynomolgus macaques are quite unpretentious, so this breed is often kept at home. In the southern regions, an enclosure and an insulated shed are enough for monkeys to live. Another argument in favor of this species is that they quickly become tame, however, there are cases when a friendly animal suddenly changes its behavior - it becomes aggressive and can bite a person.

Whatever breed of macaque you buy, it must be kept in a cage or enclosure. To do this, you can fence off part of the room for her. When you let the monkey out to walk around the room or apartment, you need to keep a vigilant watch over it, otherwise the mischief maker may tear and ruin things and books. If she comes across an aquarium on her way, it is likely that the pet will want to feast on snails and fish that she catches from it.

An inquisitive animal can open water taps, gas-burners, start household appliances. Therefore, for the safety of people and the monkeys themselves, these animals need mandatory supervision when you let the primate out of the cage to walk around the house.

If in one part of the room there is a monkey’s cage, then in another, larger part, there may be a monkey’s walking area. From here you will take out everything valuable, breakable and anything that she can break. It is convenient to give the macaque a whole room for the reason that monkeys can be quite noisy, and this way they will disturb the owner and his family less.
When choosing a room for a monkey, you need to know that the temperature in it should not be lower than +22°C, it should be dry and light enough.

When you decide which cage your monkey needs, remember that the animal is mobile. He needs to jump and move around, so the monkey’s cage must be spacious and durable.

A retractable metal tray will make caring for your macaque easier. Large shavings and clean river sand are poured onto its bottom. But you don’t need to put paper or newspapers, otherwise the animal will tear them into small pieces.

We must not forget that monkeys are quite smart. Therefore, the cage must be nickel-plated, all-metal, welded from a thick mesh. If it is prefabricated, with screws, then while family members are at work or school, a smart animal can disassemble this structure and break free. Then the consequences can be very unpleasant. In this regard, the door must close well so that the primate cannot open it - it is better to lock it with a key.

In the summer, you can take the monkey with you to your dacha or village and keep it in an enclosure there. A garden enclosure is built on a foundation. Its area must be at least 9 square meters. m. A metal mesh is stretched over a frame of beams. For small primates, its cross-section should be 2 x 2 cm, for large ones 5 x 5 cm. The mesh is stretched on three sides, on the fourth, northern side, the enclosure is adjacent to the building. The roof can be made single or gable, covered with slate, roofing felt or other roofing material. The door is made quite high so that a person can easily pass through it.

There should be several perches inside the cage or enclosure so that the animal can rest on them. You can place a felled and processed tree inside the enclosure and secure it well; the monkey will climb up and down on it, entertaining himself and those around him.

Drinkers and food bowls are also necessary items that should be in a cage or enclosure. Hang a small mirror on the wall, looking at yourself in it; the macaque will also amuse not only itself, but also those who will watch it.

If you don't know what to feed monkeys, then read this section.

When it comes to nutrition, the listed species of monkeys are not very picky; they can eat the same foods as humans. Of course, you can’t give them fried, smoked, or spicy foods. The basis of the diet should be plant food. Cook rice milk porridge for the animal and give it White bread with milk. Beneficial for monkeys and boiled potatoes seasoned with vegetable oil, they enjoy this dish with pleasure.

The monkeys are fed cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, and turnips. They are given boiled legumes and corn. In winter, to prevent diseases, offer your pet feathers and onions.

The photograph shows a monkey eating a coconut.

Healthy primates have excellent appetites, so there is no need to overfeed them. Daily norm You can determine it for your animal experimentally. Food is given to animals at a rate of 3–4 times a day. Scientists have developed a composition of feed for monkeys that is perfectly balanced. Here's what it includes:
  • 36% meal;
  • 24% corn flour;
  • 13% cod fishmeal;
  • 10% sugar;
  • 8% wheat bran;
  • 4% refined soybean oil;
  • 3% mineral mixture;
  • 2% vitamins.
But it is not so easy to find such compound feed on sale, so monkey owners, replacing one ingredient with another, prepare balanced food for their charges themselves. So, instead of flour, sugar and cereals, the primates are given boiled potatoes twice a week. Dried fruits, eggshell powder (as a mineral mixture), vitamins, vegetable or butter are added to milk rice porridge.

Part of the monkey's diet should consist of insects. These can be mealworms, silkworm pupae, and May beetles.

To prevent an unpleasant odor in your apartment, clean your animal’s cage every day. At the same time, see if it is hiding food. Such supplies must be thrown away.

You can put diapers on monkeys and change them like a small child. But they must be removed at night. The monkeys are washed 2 times a day. In the evening, after you remove the diaper, bathe the animal in a bathtub or in a basin with warm water by using tear-free baby shampoo. After this, dry it well and let it dry in a warm place. In the morning, the animal needs to be bathed again, and then put on a diaper.

Therefore, do not make sudden movements near the animal, speak to it kindly, and do not shout. You can speak strictly, but calmly and quietly only when the animal does something wrong.

At good treatment the pet will treat you well, understand what you want from it and be calm and flexible.

Video, monkey in the house, how to keep it:

Cats and dogs are without a doubt the most popular pets. But they are not the only ones that can be found in the apartments of ordinary Ukrainian families. Craving for the exotic, the desire to stand out or have a piece wildlife in their home, or perhaps the endless and devoted love for monkeys motivates people to have such unusual pets. There's nothing wrong with this, but before you make a primate part of your family, you need to make sure that you are ready for its lifestyle.

What kind of monkeys can you keep at home?

Those that weigh up to 3 kilograms. Larger individuals can be dangerous - they have rather large teeth and a unique character. Therefore, pygmy marmosets, saimiris and red-handed tamarins are the most suitable options. Naturally, some keep both monkeys and vervet monkeys, they are easier to educate, they are more interesting to work with, and they can be tamed, but the likelihood of becoming the object of their aggression is much higher than in the case of the same marmosets.

How and where does a monkey live?

All day long, a monkey can jump around the apartment, jump from high furniture to low furniture, climb on you, on the computer, on curtains, and most likely it won’t even ruin anything, but when it’s time to sleep, it will want to retire to its enclosure. She must have it. There the pet will eat and rest.

Naturally, it is within your power to make sure that the primate spends all the time in the enclosure, but this will not make anyone any better: firstly, why do you need a monkey as a pet if you only look at it through the bars; secondly, remember how much these animals love to jump, and in a modest enclosure they are unlikely to be able to accelerate - then either build monkey mansions in the apartment, or allow the pet to run around outside the cage.

By the way, worry about what it is small creature It’s not worth falling off the table - the skill of deftly jumping from one surface to another cannot be taken away from them, they are far from stupid animals, so they can take care of their safety. But you will have to take care that they don’t find any pills, sharp objects or other potential threats in the vastness of your home.

What to feed such a pet?

There is a rule in primatology: the smaller the monkey, the more insects it needs. But the primate will not be satisfied with them alone. Therefore, his diet can be diluted with fruits and even cereals, and served in three doses:

1. Breakfast: porridge based on baby food, with the addition of, for example, eggs.

2. Lunch: zoophobes or crickets.

3. Dinner: fruits and vegetables, cut into small pieces. These can be bananas, strawberries, cucumbers, apples, carrots, greens, oranges, and much more. But citrus fruits must be present in the diet, because monkeys, like humans, do not synthesize vitamin C and receive it only from food.

This way you can get a decent balanced diet with carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as fiber and essential vitamins. The monkeys' bodies are very similar to ours, so diseases associated with poor nutrition are also familiar to them. The main thing is balance.

Important "buts"

There is nothing difficult about caring for monkeys. This is true. However, this is not a reason to rush to the store for small primates. The fact is that keeping such animals is associated with some nuances, which owners often learn about after purchasing a pet.

1. Question of training. Have you ever seen a trained marmoset at the circus? And we haven't met. As a rule, the stars there are macaques different types– they are quite easy to train. But teaching or taming, for example, saimiri is more difficult.

2. “Toilet” question. Yes, waste products from one monkey will be as small as from a small bird, but they will be everywhere. Explaining to such a pet that he needs to go to the toilet in a certain place is quite difficult (see point one).

3. “Painful” question. A monkey can catch many diseases from its owner, ranging from common ARVI to rubella. It is not for nothing that in some zoos such animals are kept behind glass - one of the visitors sneezes, and after a few hours the animal will do the same.

It is almost impossible to catch any infection from a pet if it was born and raised in captivity. From a monkey living in the wild, it’s easy, but which of us comes into contact with it? Returning to the question that you can infect your pet: before you buy a monkey, think carefully about whether you can isolate it for a while if, God forbid, you get sick with something.

The conclusion is this: having a monkey at home is definitely fun and unusual, but the animal will smell the way it wants, go to the toilet where it wants, and behave the way it wants. This is not a call to kill your desire to have such a pet, it is a reason to think about whether you really need one. After all, you don’t want to buy an animal and then be absolutely sincerely surprised by its “surprises.”

In our opinion, this is an absolutely healthy and responsible approach to keeping animals: before you buy someone, it is better to honestly admit to yourself about your desire and ability to put up with all its characteristics.

Considering that 2016 has begun - the year of the Red Monkey, it is not surprising that many fans of exotic creatures in their home are thinking about having... no, not, and not even, but a monkey in their home. But, before they confirm their decision and go in search of something truly unusual for our latitudes pet– we invite you to find out everything about keeping monkeys at home. You may not get a monkey, but you will learn a lot interesting facts about these creatures...

Is it possible to keep monkeys at home?

A monkey is not a cat or a dog, but a wild creature, and in order to adapt it for living at home, it needs to create certain and comfortable conditions for it, find out in advance what can and should be fed to such a pet, and how to care for it. him. If you can provide the monkey with all this, then she will be able to become a full member of your family, if not, your living together will turn out to be torture for both you and her. Therefore, in many respects, the answer to the question whether you can have a monkey at home or not depends on your capabilities.

What kind of monkeys can you keep at home?

Like cats and dogs, there are different breeds of monkeys. And, not all of them are suitable for home keeping. According to experts, it is preferable to have monkeys of the breed in the house cynomolgus or rhesus macaque. Why you can’t have monkeys of other breeds - although outwardly they may differ little from the representatives of the above recommended breeds, in reality it turns out that, for example,

Ceylon or Japanese macaques have poor health and often get sick in captivity, while they have a somewhat violent disposition, unlike Javan macaques, which are calmer.

These practical points in the process of communicating with primates are very important and should be paid attention to. Therefore, we will tell you in more detail about these 2 breeds today...

By the way, the cost of a Javan macaque in Russia ranges from 50 to 180 thousand rubles, but the cost of a rhesus macaque is slightly lower, up to about 90 thousand Russian rubles. As you can see, the money is not small...

Description of the Rhesus monkey breed

Rhesus macaques are known to specialists under another name - bunkers. Adults reach the size of a dog breed and weigh 3.5 kilograms. Coat in the animal it is brownish-yellow, and in the area of ​​the seat of the macaque one can find bright red growths.

In the wild, these monkeys live in families that are more like tribes. So, the number of monkeys in such big family can be 150 individuals. The family is led by the head - the leader, and if for some reason he is absent, conflicts are observed within the family, accompanied by loud screams, squeaks, and growls. This is how monkeys express their emotions.

Macaques reach sexual maturity at 2.5-3 years, while females have reproductive function until 18-22 years, after which they lose the ability to reproduce offspring. Pregnancy in females lasts 165 days, and 1-2 cubs are born at a time, weighing from 300 to 650 grams. Until 12 months, the monkey feeds the cubs with milk, and then switches them to an adult diet. However, children stay with their mother until they are 6 years old and older, until they start their own families.

Those who want to keep rhesus monkeys at home should consider several important points:

you need to buy a small individual, since an adult macaque may not adapt to new conditions and may never become tame.

A negative trait of rhesus monkeys in some cases is their uncooperative and angry character.

You need to communicate with such a pet a lot, adapting to the situation - sometimes you need to be affectionate with him, and sometimes strictness will not hurt. With proper upbringing, you can teach your monkey not only tricks, but also rules of behavior, and your monkey will be cultured and well-mannered. By the way, It is rhesus macaques that most often perform in circuses, dance to music and perform funny tricks.

Cynomolgus macaques are also called macaques crab eaters However, you should not think that this breed of monkey feeds exclusively on crabs. This is wrong. The coat of these animals is brown in the upper part of the body, and gray towards the lower part of the body. At the same time, according to the variety of color, two types of this breed of monkeys can be distinguished. The first species has yellow-brown fur, while the second has darker fur, and the skin on the monkeys’ face is black. The height of an adult cynomolgus macaque reaches 60 centimeters, the weight of an adult male is from 4 to 8 kilograms, and the female is from 2.7 to 3.8 kilograms.

These creatures are quite unpretentious in matters of maintenance and feeding, therefore, they are often kept at home. In the southern regions they can be kept in an enclosure or in an insulated shed. They quickly get used to humans and become tame. True, you shouldn’t let your guard down; there are quite a few cases where cynomolgus macaques abruptly changed their behavior and became so aggressive that they could bite their owner. So, you should trust them, but remember that you are not dealing with a loyal dog, but with a cunning monkey.

Keeping monkeys at home

After we have become acquainted with the 2 breeds of monkeys that are most suitable for home keeping, we propose to move on to the practical aspects of living together with them under the same roof.

Remember the main rule, No matter what breed of monkey you buy, or what size it is, you should keep it in a spacious metal cage or enclosure. You can also arrange an indoor enclosure for her and fence off part of the room with a dense metal mesh. These precautions are necessary to ensure that your macaque does not harm you or itself.

Since monkeys are very active creatures, the size of the cage or enclosure must be such that the animal can move freely, run and jump there. In order to facilitate the process of cleaning the cage, it is better to install a metal tray at the bottom; you can pour large shavings or clean river sand onto its bottom. You should not use paper or newspapers as filler. The macaque will tear them apart.

To prevent the dexterous, cunning and strong macaque from escaping from its cage, it is better to choose nickel-plated, all-metal, welded from thick mesh. As experience shows, it is as easy as shelling pears for a macaque to unscrew the prefabricated cage with screws, disassemble the entire structure and break free. It's just a matter of time. So, do not forget about precautions to protect both yourself and your exotic pet from possible troubles.

If your capabilities allow, you can keep the macaque not in a cage, but in an aviary - this option is ideal for summer time somewhere in the country. The size of the enclosure must be at least 9 square meters, from the foundations, and a metal mesh should be stretched over the frame made of beams, with a section of 2 by 2 centimeters for small primates, and 5 by 5 centimeters for large macaques. The mesh is stretched on 3 sides, while the 4th side of the enclosure is tightly adjacent to the wall. To ensure that the animal is not constantly under the scorching rays of the sun and does not get wet in the rain, it is necessary to make a 1-2 pitched roof and cover it with roofing material on top. The door to such an enclosure is made high so that you can pass through it without bending over.

Inside the enclosure you can install perches and shelves on which the primate will rest. You can place a processed log of a tree - the macaque will climb on it, entertain itself and you.

If you hang a mirror in an enclosure or cage, the macaque will spend hours in front of it, grimacing. However, make sure that the mirror is securely fastened, because if the macaque throws it and breaks it, it could be injured by its fragments.

Of course, inside the cage or enclosure there should be drinking bowls, food bowls, a bath of water, toys for the macaque...

Walking around the house

As you walk around the house (and you can let the macaque out of its cage once you tame it), you will have the opportunity to observe the destructive power and insatiable curiosity of primates. A prankster or prankster can tear things, spoil books, turn over an aquarium, open taps, start household appliances... At the same time, she will do this faster than you will try to eliminate the consequences of her walk. Therefore, under no circumstances leave the monkey unattended, and take care in advance that during walks it does not come across valuable and important objects and things for you.

Some owners, if the room allows them, set aside a whole room for the macaque to walk around. There is nothing in it that the macaque can break, tear or destroy. At the same time, the animal feels free and relaxed there.

Special conditions for detention

Since macaques are heat-loving creatures, in the room where their cage or enclosure is located, and where they walk, the air temperature should not be lower than +22 degrees above zero Celsius, the room should be light and dry. Considering that macaques are very noisy creatures, and their screams can disturb both you and your neighbors, it won’t hurt to worry about additional sound insulation.

For Russia, a monkey in an apartment is exotic. Firstly, because these animals are not representatives of the domestic fauna, and secondly, because they are wild with all the ensuing consequences.

However, despite both of these arguments, having a monkey as a pet is very, very interesting, because this animal will definitely not let you get bored. But, first of all, we advise you to become more familiar with the habits and character of monkeys suitable as pets.

According to experts, it is better to choose from the following types: cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys. We strongly advise against buying Chinese or Ceylon macaques, since in captivity they lose their immunity, begin to get sick a lot and eventually die. And, to be honest, the character of these monkeys leaves much to be desired. They behave restlessly, as if they are in a state constant anxiety. The Javanese macaque, like the Rhesus, is quite resistant to disease, and the disposition of representatives of both species is characterized by friendliness and balance. In addition, these monkeys behave very entertainingly and are capable of delivering a lot of positive emotions to their owner.

So, as you yourself already understood, it is better to buy a monkey with good immunity, which will live a long time and delight family members with its cute antics, or you can simply lose money (and a lot of it) if a monkey with a weak immune system gets sick and dies.

The pleasure of owning a Javanese macaque will cost you a minimum of 50,000 rubles, and a maximum of 180,000. The price of a rhesus monkey on the Russian market is close to 100,000 rubles.

Now more details about each:

  • The cynomolgus macaque, otherwise nicknamed the crab eater for its passion for crab meat, has a rather attractive appearance. It has two types of color: one is brown-yellow, the second is dark with a black muzzle. The height of an adult does not exceed 60 cm and weighs 4-8 kg. As you can see, the animal is compact and will not take up much space in the apartment. In addition to strong immunity, this type of monkey has a second advantage for keeping in the house - the “Javanese” is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and quick adaptation to humans (the owner and members of his family). In the south of Russia it can be kept outdoors in an enclosure, and in northern regions- in an enclosure in the house. However, it would be wrong not to warn you about rare cases when cynomolgus macaques show aggression and even bite their owner;
  • Rhesus macaques are smaller in size than Javanese monkeys. As an adult, it weighs up to 3500 g, and is comparable in height to a fox terrier. The monkey's body is covered with yellow-brown fur, and there is a growth on its ischial part bright red colors. In different situations, the Rhesus makes different sounds, from a menacing growl to a child's squeak. It is better to adopt a Rhesus at a young age. This way he can better adapt to life in new conditions. It is extremely difficult for an adult animal to adapt, so it regularly shows anger towards others.

The principles of raising pet monkeys are the same as for dogs. They should be treated kindly or strictly depending on their behavior in this moment. Both species are willing to learn, so they can be taught to perform some circus tricks that will make your children and house guests laugh.

With good nutrition, living conditions and kind treatment, the monkey will gain confidence in you, learn to understand you and be docile and calm.

These monkeys are called common marmosets, marmosets, or more often -. These are the most primitive of primates. By appearance and behavior are very reminiscent of squirrels, but their round, expressive muzzle immediately reveals their monkey nature. White-eared and black-eared marmosets are most often kept in captivity. The former have thick tufts of long, light hair growing on their ears, while the latter have short, dark-colored tassels.

In my homeland, in tropical forests South America They spend their entire lives in the treetops. They feed on fruits, insects, spiders and small vertebrates, especially chicks and bird eggs. They live in small family groups.

Marmosets came to Europe soon after the discovery of America and since then have been constantly kept in zoos and by animal lovers.

They attract with their beauty, funny behavior and, compared to other monkeys, ease of keeping. It is known that these monkeys lived in St. Petersburg and were even bred by lovers back in late XVIII century. Their habits in captivity were described by the famous Russian academician Peter Simon Pallas. Nowadays they often appear in our port cities, but usually in very poor condition. Ignorance of the basic rules of keeping a monkey leads to the fact that, having passed through many inept hands, the animals die or end up in a zoo.

Like all the other monkeys, marmosets need a varied diet from high quality products. These animals should receive liquid sweet porridge made from infant formula once a day. If yesterday you were given semolina, then today it is better to cook buckwheat, and tomorrow rice. The daily portion is about 30 grams.

In addition to porridge, every other day the animal is fed raw fruits from the best quality and natural fruit juices. A little of both is required: 2-3 tablespoons of juice from 5-6 cherries, cherries, grapes or other berries.

Wistity more than all the other monkeys, require animal feed: mealworms, South American crickets.

It is also necessary to diversify the menu raw eggs. It is difficult for the animal to cope with chicken eggs, so we successfully use quail or indoor bird eggs. In summer, the diet can be varied with grasshoppers, dragonflies, butterflies, spiders, etc.

Uistiti lap up liquid food from a bowl, like cats, and take solid food in their paws and bring it to their mouth. They deftly bite through the shell of eggs and quickly eat out the contents with their tongue.

Pallas also noted that low temperatures in an apartment are easily tolerated by the wistti. Undoubtedly, drafts are dangerous for them. It is best to keep animals in spacious glass enclosures or cages, with a large branch or cut tree trunk installed inside for climbing. A box-house with a small entrance hole is also placed in the enclosure (it imitates the hollows in which they spend the night). A mattress and a warm blanket are placed inside the house, and the animal wraps itself in it at night.

When the monkey gets used to its new place of residence, it is advisable to regularly let it run around in the room. Unlike other monkeys, Uistiti do not tear, hit, spill, or get dirty anything.

Uistiti (like other wild animals) should not be given unlimited freedom in an apartment. In artificial home conditions, the natural instincts of animals “do not work”, and animals can easily harm themselves. Walks should be limited to a few hours. Tame animals willingly return to the cage on their own, but just in case, you need to have a net with a long handle in order to be able to catch or drive a stubborn monkey into the enclosure.

With proper care, weasties breed in captivity. The male and female do not need to be separated even during childbirth. Pregnancy lasts 4 months, one to three cubs are born with fur and sight. From the first hours of life, babies cling to their mother's fur, and she constantly carries them on her. During the first days, the female feeds very often, every 15-20 minutes, so it is difficult to artificially feed the wistti. The male takes care of the mother and babies, the female, without a twinge of conscience, takes away tidbits from her husband and does not hesitate to assault her. With the exception of these pardonable manifestations of matriarchy, families live very amicably, often the males take the cubs from the females and carry them on themselves.

Whistiti quickly get used to their owner and clearly distinguish their own from strangers. They treat the latter with distrust, swear, making characteristic chattering sounds and clicking their teeth.

Wistity is very mobile, dexterous, curious and smart animals, so keeping them at home is a real pleasure for a true lover. But these animals are gentle, and they should only be owned by those who can provide them with the proper conditions and attention. We can guarantee that all your worries will pay off handsomely.

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