Constant anxiety and fear worry about what to do. How to cope with anxiety with "burdened heredity." Features of the behavior of a highly anxious person

Is there fear and anxiety without a reason? Yes, and in this case, you need to contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, because with a high degree of probability a person suffers from unreasonable fear and anxiety because he has an anxious neurosis. This is a mental disorder that occurs following severe short stress or prolonged emotional stress. There are two main signs: constant severe anxiety and autonomic disorders of the body - palpitations, feeling short of breath, dizziness, nausea, and upset stools. The provoking or background factor can be drives and desires, which in real life are not fully realized and not realized: homosexual or sadistic inclinations, suppressed aggression, adrenaline needs. Over time, the cause of the initial fear is forgotten or repressed, and fear with anxiety acquire an independent meaning.

Neurosis differs from psychosis in that neurosis always has real reason, it is the response of an unbalanced psyche to a traumatic event. Psychosis proceeds according to its own endogenous laws, real life has little effect on the course of the disease. Other important difference- criticism. A neurosis is always recognized by a person, causes painful painful experiences and a desire to get rid of it. Psychosis changes a person's personality so much that reality becomes insignificant for him, his whole life takes place in a world of painful experiences.

Success in treating mental illness and borderline disorders often depends on time. The result is always better if the treatment is started earlier.

For anxiety neurosis to develop, in which a feeling of fear and anxiety arises for no apparent reason, two factors must converge at one point:

  • traumatic emotional event;
  • insufficient psychological defense mechanism.

Psychological defense suffers if a person has a deep conflict, there is no way to get what he wants. Women between the ages of 18 and 40 are more likely to suffer from anxiety, and this is understandable. A woman is always vulnerable, because she is too dependent on the assessment of society. At the very successful woman there is always a weak point for which ill-wishers can "bite" her. Problem children, free leisure, insufficient career growth, divorce and new affairs, appearance - all can serve as an impetus for the development of anxiety neurosis.

The rapid development of society, distortions and flaws in the moral side of life lead to the fact that the postulates perceived in childhood lose their relevance, and many people lose the moral core, without which a happy life is impossible.

In recent years, the importance of biological factors has been proven. It became known that after severe stress, the brain forms new neurons, going from the prefrontal cortex to the amygdala. Histological examination revealed that the composition of new neurons contains a peptide that enhances anxiety. New neurons rebuild the work of all neural networks, and human behavior will change. Added to this is a change in the level of neurotransmitters or chemicals that carry nerve impulses.

The discovery of the morphological substrate of emotions partly explains that the response to stress is delayed in time - the formation of persistent anxiety and fear takes a certain period.

In men, the background factor in the development of anxiety neurosis is considered to be a functional insufficiency of neurotransmitters or an insufficient amount or poor quality of substances that transport a nerve impulse. Endocrine disorders can play a bad role when the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the main suppliers of hormones in the human body, are disrupted. Failure in the functioning of these systems also leads to feelings of fear, anxiety, and decreased mood.

In the international classifier there is no heading describing anxiety neurosis; instead, the heading is used, denoted as F41.1. This section may be supplemented by F40.0 (Agoraphobia or fear of open space) and F43.22 (Mixed anxiety and depressive reactions due to adjustment disorder).


First and main feature- anxiety, which is constantly present, exhausting, changes the whole habitual way of life. Such anxiety must be constantly monitored, and this is not always possible. You need to think about the disease if the deep anxiety lasts for at least six months.

Anxiety consists of the following components:

To assess the level of anxiety, you can use the Zanga scale, which is designed for self-diagnosis.

The severity of anxiety is sometimes so strong that the phenomena of derealization and depersonalization are added. These are states in which the environment loses its colors and seems fake, and it is impossible to control your actions. Fortunately, they are short-lived and pass quickly.

Vegetative somatic manifestations are as follows:

In all cases of initial treatment, a clinical examination is carried out to distinguish neurotic or reversible disorders from somatic or bodily diseases. In a normally equipped hospital, this can take 2-3 days. This is necessary because some serious chronic diseases can begin under the guise of neurosis.

Drug treatment

It is not always used, if necessary, it is used in a short course, only at the peak of experiences. Medicines can temporarily remove anxiety, normalize sleep, but the leading role in psychotherapy belongs to.

Treatment begins with herbal preparations of complex action, to which addiction is impossible. Preferred drugs that simultaneously promote sleep, reduce irritability, and alleviate anxiety. These are Persen-forte, Novopassit and Nervoflux, they have a balanced composition and are completely harmless. In different proportions, they include vegetable sedatics: valerian, passionflower, motherwort, lemon balm, mint, lavender, hops, and orange.

The psychiatrist can prescribe drugs of the following groups:

The doctor always prescribes these psychotropic drugs for neurosis with caution. Benzodiazepines are given in a short course and quickly become addictive. The pronounced effect of antidepressants should be expected no earlier than 4 weeks, and the duration of the entire course of drug correction usually does not exceed 3 months. Further drug treatment is inappropriate, it will no longer give a good improvement.

If the background drug treatment the condition does not significantly improve, this suggests that the person has a mental disorder deeper than neurosis.

In case of malfunction internal organs drugs that affect the heart rate (beta blockers) may be prescribed and digestive system(antispasmodics).


Always useful, especially techniques aimed at removing the muscle "shell". Improving muscle condition, relieving muscle clamps improves state of mind by the biofeedback mechanism. Physiotherapy methods well eliminate vegetative manifestations.

Massage, all water procedures, electrosleep, darsonval, electrophoresis, impulse currents of low frequency, sulfide baths, paraffin applications are useful.


The leading method of treating anxiety neurosis, in which personality problems are consistently worked out, which ultimately contributes to the acquisition of new experience and a revision of the entire human value system.

Good results are obtained with the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy, during which the techniques of confrontation and desensitization are used. In collaboration with a psychotherapist, the patient voices his deepest fears, takes them apart "by the bones", while being completely safe. In the course of classes, destructive patterns of thinking and beliefs, devoid of logic, fade away.

Traditional hypnosis or its modern modifications are used quite often. In a state of controlled relaxation, a person gets the opportunity to fully reveal their fears, immerse themselves in them and overcome them.

In large medical institutions this option is used. group psychotherapy like sociotherapy. This method is more like communication of interests, getting joint impressions. The Patient Council can organize visits to concerts and exhibitions, excursions, during which personal fears and concerns are addressed.

Group psychotherapy allows you to communicate with people who have similar problems. In the process of discussion, patients open up more than in direct communication with a doctor.

Techniques that combine communication with a specialist and work with the body are successfully used. This is rebirthing or connected breathing, when there is no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Special breathing allows repressed feelings to be brought to the surface.

The Hakomi method reveals to the patient the meaning of his favorite postures and movements. Using strong emotions and referring to the immediacy that each person has, the specialist leads the patient to awareness of the problems.

The normal period of treatment for anxiety neurosis is at least six months, during which time you can completely get rid of it.

Anxiety and anxiety - a person's tendency to experience a state of anxiety. Quite often, these feelings arise when people are faced with serious problems or stressful situations.

Types of anxiety and worry

In his life, a person may face the following types of anxiety:

Causes and symptoms

The reasons for feelings of anxiety and anxiety can be different. The main ones are:

The above causes most often cause anxiety disorders in people at risk:

Such disorders lead to the appearance of various symptoms, the main of which is excessive anxiety. Physical symptoms may also occur:

  • impaired concentration;
  • fatigue;
  • increased irritability;
  • sleep problems;
  • numbness in your arms or legs;
  • anxiety;
  • pain in the abdomen or back;
  • hyperemia;
  • shiver;
  • sweating;
  • constant feeling tiredness.

Correct diagnosis will help you understand how to deal with anxiety and anxiety. A psychiatrist will be able to make the correct diagnosis. You need to seek help only if the symptoms of the disease persist within a month or several weeks.

The diagnosis is fairly straightforward. It is much more difficult to determine what kind of disorder a patient has, since many of them have almost the same symptoms.

To study the essence of the problem and clarify the diagnosis, the psychiatrist conducts special psychological tests... Also, the doctor should pay attention to the following points:

  • absence or presence characteristic symptoms, their duration;
  • the link between symptoms and possible diseases organs;
  • the presence of stressful situations that could lead to the appearance of an anxiety disorder.


Some do not know what to do with constant anxiety and anxiety. There are several ways to get rid of this.

Drug treatment

Anxiety and anxiety pills are prescribed for an aggravated course of the disease. During treatment, the following can be used:

  1. Tranquilizers. Allows you to relieve muscle tension, reduce the severity of manifestations of fear and anxiety. Tranquilizers should be used with caution, as they are addictive.
  2. Beta blockers. Help relieve vegetative symptoms.
  3. Antidepressants. With their help, you can get rid of depression and normalize the patient's mood.


It is used if you need to get rid of increased anxiety. The essence of this method is to create an alarming situation that the patient must cope with. Regular repetition of the procedure lowers the level of anxiety and makes a person confident in their abilities.


Relieves the patient from negative thoughts that exacerbate anxiety. It is enough to spend 10-15 sessions to completely get rid of the feeling of anxiety.

Physical rehabilitation

It is a set of exercises, most of which were taken from yoga. With their help, anxiety, fatigue and nervous tension are relieved.


The fastest and most effective way to relieve anxiety. During hypnosis, the patient faces his fears, which allows him to find ways to overcome them.

Treatment of children

To get rid of anxiety disorders in children, use medications and behavioral therapy, which is the most effective method treatment. Its essence lies in creating fearful situations and taking measures that would help to cope with them.


To prevent the onset and development of anxiety disorder, you must:

  1. Don't be nervous about trifles. To do this, you need to change your attitude towards the factors that may cause concern.
  2. Exercise. Regular physical exercise help to distract from problems.
  3. Avoid stressful situations. It is recommended that you do less activities that cause negative emotions and worsen the mood.
  4. Rest periodically. A little rest can help relieve anxiety, fatigue and stress.
  5. Eat well and limit the use of strong tea, coffee and alcohol. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, which contain a lot of vitamins. If this is not possible, then you can take vitamin complexes.


If you do not get rid of this problem in a timely manner, then some complications may appear.
In the absence of treatment, the feeling of anxiety becomes so pronounced that a person experiences panic and begins to behave inappropriately. Along with this, physical disorders appear, which include vomiting, nausea, migraines, loss of appetite and bulimia. Such intense excitement destroys not only the human psyche, but also his life.

Every person experiences a feeling of excitement or anxiety from time to time. But sometimes it goes off scale: there is an acute sense of danger, incomprehensible fear, terrible nervousness. Panic thoughts come to mind, heartbeat quickens, chest becomes cramped, lost. The reason for such discomfort is an internal anxiety that is not subject to our consciousness. And no one is immune from such a condition, regardless of age, social status and mental health. Millions of people in the world are interested in the question of whether it is possible to control the feeling of anxiety, and how to learn not to worry? Let's try to figure out what causes internal anxiety, and how to deal with it.

The reasons for the excitement

The cause of concern may be economic instability, uncertainty about the future, fear of bankruptcy, worries about loved ones, approaching old age, fear of death. But it also happens that a person is worried about trifles, for example: “Did I leave the kettle on the stove? Did I turn off the iron before leaving? Did I close the door or not? " Naturally, in order not to worry, it is advisable to go and check. What if it becomes a habit? Right! This is not an option.

This kind of experience is completely normal. The feeling of constant anxiety is not a negative feeling. But when it becomes intrusive and does not leave you for quite a long time, you definitely need to fight it. Do not worry, first try to calm down and decide for yourself how dangerous unreasonable worry is for you and what its consequences are fraught with. If it gives you some inconvenience, we recommend that you follow the advice of psychologists.

Get rid of fear

When fear comes into life, a person experiences uncertainty and confusion. It is fear that interferes with concentration, since a sick imagination paints terrible pictures of subsequent events, usually exaggerated and implausible. Having succumbed to negative thoughts, a sense of approaching danger, insurmountability and insolubility of problems, you lose your sense of reality, falling into an abyss of anxiety and quiet horror. And the more you think about it, the stronger the feeling of hopelessness.

This behavior tends to attract trouble because you unknowingly “call” trouble to you. Thoughts have the ability to materialize, and both good and bad thoughts obey this law of nature. What to do?

Try to change the scenario of events by setting yourself up in a positive way. Try not to think about the bad, do not worry about what may or will happen in the near future. After all, it will happen anyway! Remember the pleasant moments in your life more often and drive away the dark thoughts.

Don't lose your composure

It is very difficult for a modern person to avoid certain situations that make him nervous. Among them:

  • exams;
  • speaking in front of a large audience;
  • unpleasant conversation with superiors;
  • disorder of family relationships;
  • financial difficulties;
  • health problems.

Of course, all of this is very important to you. Much depends on the results of these events. The fear of failing an exam or performance and being considered a failure is quite natural, but your excessive nervousness and fuss can ruin everything. Do not worry in advance, it is better to make every effort to avoid failure. Confidence in your knowledge and powers will greatly reduce the degree of anxiety.

As for everything else, these are temporary phenomena, their successful resolution directly depends on how you react to this. By controlling your thoughts, you will be able to control your emotions and subsequent actions.

Sports activities

If you are experiencing constant excitement and anxiety, yoga can help you. Yoga restores nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, reduces heart rate. The main rule when exercising is to focus only on gymnastics, do not worry, relax and do not think about anything or anything that might excite you. Meditation helps to reduce constant unreasonable worries, reduces feelings of anxiety, danger, fear and uncertainty about the future. The brain and nervous system begin to work more rationally, new parts of the brain are activated. There is a biological and mental transformation of a person.

Don't get hung up on problems

Do not worry about the past - you will not return it. Returning every time to old grievances, you re-experience those unpleasant moments that it is high time to forget about. Ask yourself what exactly makes you remember this or that situation? And why doesn't the past let you go? Having restored in memory the former picture, try to take into account all the mistakes and shortcomings because of which you are still worried. Close this page of your life and never return to it. Learn to live in the present.

Live life as if it were the last day of your life. Don't worry in advance and enjoy every minute of your life. Tighten your schedule as much as possible so that you don't have time for empty worries. Only by changing your attitude to life, you will be able to pave the way to the future - serene, calm and happy, as you imagine it.

Many people often experience conditions such as internal tension and an unexplained sense of fear. An increase in anxiety can be associated with chronic fatigue, the influence of stress factors and chronic diseases. In such a state, a person is in constant excitement, but does not understand its reasons. Let's take a look at why anxious feelings appear.

Excitement for no reason is a problem that people face, regardless of their gender, age, health status, position in society

Feelings of excitement and fear are not always the result of the development of mental pathologies. Many people often experience nervous system agitation and anxiety in different situations... Internal conflict caused by intractable problems or anticipation of a difficult conversation can only increase anxiety. As a rule, the anxious feeling completely disappears after the resolution of internal conflicts. However, the very unreasonable feeling of fear is not associated with the action of external irritating factors. Most often, this condition occurs on its own.

Flight of imagination, and freedom of imagination can only aggravate a person's condition. In most cases, in a state of anxiety, terrifying pictures are reproduced in the human mind. In such situations, emotional exhaustion is observed due to the feeling of one's own helplessness. Similar situations can negatively affect health and lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. There are several different diseases characteristic feature which, is an increase in anxiety.

Panic attacks

Panic attacks are most often formed in in public places. A large crowd of people can be taken by surprise and only increase the severity of the attack. Experts note that the development of a panic attack is rarely preceded by any signs. It is important to note that such attacks are not associated with the influence of external stimuli. According to statistics, people between the ages of twenty and thirty are more susceptible to panic attacks. According to scientists, the predisposition to panic is more pronounced in women.

The reason for the increase in anxiety can be the long-term influence of factors that traumatize the psyche. However, psychologists do not exclude the possibility of a one-time emotional shock, which has such a force that a person's world is turned upside down. The feeling of anxiety in the chest can be associated with a malfunction of the internal organs and hormonal imbalances. Besides, important role in this matter is assigned to heredity, type psychological personality and other features of the psyche.

A person's response to danger (real or imagined) always includes both mental and physiological responses

Experts distinguish three forms of panic attacks:

  1. Spontaneous type- the transient onset of an attack not associated with the action of irritating factors.
  2. Situational view- manifests itself on the basis of experiences associated with traumatic factors or internal conflicts.
  3. Conditional-situational attack- in this case, a panic attack can be triggered by a chemical or biological stimulus (alcohol, drugs, hormonal imbalance).

Panic attacks are characterized by symptoms such as anxiety in the area chest, the rapid increase in indicators blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, vegetative-vascular dystonia and dizziness. To the above symptoms, you can add attacks of nausea and vomiting, a slight increase or decrease in body temperature and disturbances in the work of the respiratory organs. The feeling of shortness of breath can lead to unconsciousness caused by the fear of death. In the case of a severe attack, there are disturbances in the functioning of the sense organs, disruptions in the functionality of the musculoskeletal system and involuntary urination.

Anxiety neurotic disorder

Persistent anxiety and restlessness is a specific manifestation of neurotic disorder. This disease is closely related to the disruption of the nervous system. Anxiety neurosis is characterized as a disease, the physiological signs of which are symptoms of a violation of the functionality of the autonomic system. Under the influence of external factors, anxiety can intensify and provoke the appearance of a panic attack. According to experts, neurosis is a consequence of prolonged emotional stress caused by severe stress.

A neurotic disorder is characterized by symptoms such as an unexplained feeling of fear, insomnia, and problems associated with poor quality sleep, feelings of depression and hypochondria. Most patients with a similar diagnosis complain of frequent dizziness, headaches and tachycardia. In rare cases, the development of the disease may be accompanied by a violation of the functionality of the digestive tract.

The emotion of fear always has a source, while an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety overtakes a person as if for no reason

An anxious form of neurosis can be either an independent disease or accompany schizophrenia and depressive disorder. Much less often there is a simultaneous course of anxiety and phobic forms of the disease. It is important to note that the prolonged absence of a therapeutic effect can lead to chronic pathology. With this type of mental disorder, crisis periods are observed, which are accompanied by panic attacks, causeless irritability and tearfulness. If left untreated, the disease can transform into obsessive-compulsive disorder or a disease such as hypochondria.

Hangover syndrome

Irregular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to acute intoxication of internal organs. In this state, everyone internal systems increase the speed of their work in order to cope with poisoning. First of all, the nervous system is activated, which leads to intoxication, which is characterized by sharp emotional swings. Once in a fight with ethyl alcohol other systems enter, a hangover syndrome is formed in a person. One of the specific signs of this condition is strong feeling anxiety that is localized in the region of the heart.

Also, this condition is characterized by discomfort in the abdomen, sudden changes in blood pressure, attacks of dizziness and nausea. Some patients experience attacks of visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations, an unreasonable feeling of fear and despair.

Depressive syndrome

According to experts, representatives of every social or age group are prone to depressive disorder. Most often, the formation of depression is preceded by traumatic situations and severe stress. Many people who are prone to depression experience anxiety when faced with various difficulties in life. It should be noted that even strong personalities with a strong-willed character can face depression. Depressive disorder can be caused by:

  • severe somatic diseases;
  • parting with a loved one;
  • loss of a relative.

Feelings of anxiety and danger are not always pathological mental conditions

It is also not uncommon for depression to occur for no apparent reason. According to scientists, the cause of such a phenomenon is failures in neurochemical processes. Hormonal and metabolic disorders cause strong influence on psycho-emotional balance. Depression has many of the characteristics that are characteristic of mental disorders. Among the symptoms inherent in this pathology, one should highlight the feeling chronic fatigue and apathy, decreased emotional sensitivity and self-esteem. Many patients have difficulty making important decisions and difficulty concentrating. A depressive state is characterized by a tendency to solitude and unwillingness to communicate with people around.

How to eliminate anxiety and worry

Feelings of anxiety and anxiety, the reasons for the formation of which were discussed above, are an important sign of the need to see a specialist. The duration of stay in such a state and the difficulty in overcoming it, will allow the specialist to draw a conclusion about the nature of the pathology. The following signs may be the reason for an immediate visit to a psychotherapist:

  1. Frequent panic attacks.
  2. Feeling of inexplicable fear for your own life.
  3. An increase in anxiety is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

To get rid of the above feelings that do not have a good reason for their appearance, special medications are used. In order to enhance the effect of drugs, the course of treatment is complemented by psychotherapeutic correction. Treatment anxiety solely medication does not always allow you to achieve a lasting result. According to experts, people who take the pills often have relapses.

If the patient timely applies for medical help, to get rid of anxiety, it is enough to undergo a course of mild antidepressants. After achieving the desired results, supportive treatment is carried out, the duration of which varies from six months to one year. The choice of a treatment strategy and the selection of drugs are based on the underlying disease and the severity of its symptoms. In the case of severe forms of mental disorder, treatment is necessary in a clinical setting, where potent antipsychotic drugs and drugs from the group of antidepressants will be used as part of complex therapy.

In the case of mild diseases that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system, the following sedatives are used:

  1. "Novo-passit"- a medicinal product based on natural ingredients. The duration of this drug depends on the cause of the anxiety.
  2. "Valerian"- the average duration of the course of administration varies from two to three weeks, during which, the medicine is taken twice a day.
  3. "Grandaxin"- a sedative used to eliminate feelings of fear and anxiety. The drug should be used three times a day. The maximum daily dose is six tablets. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the severity of clinical manifestations and the patient's condition.
  4. "Persen"- a sedative, the action of which is aimed at preventing panic attacks. The maximum period for Persen's admission is no more than two months.

Anxiety overwhelms for no reason when a person gives freedom to his own imagination

Feelings of anxiety for no reason and unwarranted fear lend themselves well to therapy. Experts note that a positive result can be achieved in a very short time. Among different techniques treatment should highlight the effectiveness of hypnosis, confrontation, behavioral psychocorrection, physical rehabilitation and sequential desensitization.

The choice of the method of treatment is carried out by the psychotherapist based on the form of the mental disorder and its severity.

In rare cases, the use of potent tranquilizers is required to achieve a lasting result. Drugs in this category are used to treat many of the symptoms of mental disorders. It is important to note that most of the drugs in this group have many side effects... Due to the possible harm to the body, experts recommend starting treatment with less effective means based on natural ingredients. This category of pharmacological agents includes preparations containing extracts of medicinal plants.


It is important to note that medication is used as an adjunct to psychotherapy sessions. During the session, the doctor identifies the causes of anxiety and proposes a solution to internal conflicts that caused the formation of mental disorders. After the cause of the anxiety state is identified, methods are selected to eliminate it.

Every person from childhood at least once experienced panic and fear for no reason. A strong excitement surging from nowhere, a feeling of overwhelming panic cannot be forgotten, it accompanies a person everywhere. People suffering from phobias, attacks of unreasonable fear are well aware of the unpleasant sensations of a pre-faint state, trembling of the limbs, the appearance of deafness and "goose bumps" before the eyes, rapid pulse, sudden headache, weakness in the whole body, approaching nausea.

The reason for this state is easily explainable - unfamiliar surroundings, new people, anxiety before a performance, exams or an unpleasant serious conversation, fear in the office of a doctor or boss, anxiety and worries about your life and the lives of loved ones. Causal anxieties and fears are treatable and relieved by withdrawing from the situation that has arisen or by ending the action that causes the discomfort.

Much more difficult is the situation when there is an alarming feeling of panic and fear for no reason. Anxiety is a constant, restless, growing feeling of inexplicable fear that arises in the absence of danger and threat to a person's life. Psychologists distinguish 6 types of anxiety disorders:

  1. Anxiety attacks. They appear when a person is about to experience the same exciting episode or an unpleasant event that has already happened in his life and its outcome is unknown.
  2. Generalized disorder. A person with this disorder constantly thinks that something is about to happen or something is about to happen.
  3. Phobias. This is the fear of non-existent objects (monsters, ghosts), the experience of a situation or action (altitude-flight, water-swimming), which do not really pose a danger.
  4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. These are obsessive thoughts that forgotten by man the action can harm someone, endless rechecking of these actions (unplugged tap, unplugged iron), repeated actions many times (washing hands, cleaning).
  5. Social disorder. It manifests itself as a very strong shyness (fear of the stage, crowd of people).
  6. Post-traumatic stress disorder. The constant fear that the events after which there were injuries or there was a threat to life will repeat again.

Interesting! A person cannot name a single reason for his anxiety, but he can explain how he is overwhelmed by a feeling of panic - the imagination gives out a variety of scary pictures of everything that a person has seen, knows or read.

A person physically feels panic attacks. A sudden attack of deep anxiety is accompanied by a decrease, narrowing of blood vessels, numbness of the arms and legs, a feeling of unreality of what is happening, confused thoughts, a desire to run away and hide.

There are three distinct types of panic:

  • Spontaneous - arises unexpectedly, without reasons and circumstances.
  • Situational - appears when a person expects an unpleasant situation or some difficult problem.
  • Conditionally situational - manifests itself as a result of the use chemical(alcohol, tobacco, medicine).

It happens that there is no apparent reason. The attacks happen on their own. Anxiety and fear haunt a person, but in these moments of life nothing threatens him, there are no difficult physical and psychological situations. Attacks of anxiety and fear build up, preventing a person from living normally, working, communicating and dreaming.

The main symptoms of seizures

The constant fear that an anxiety attack will begin at the most unexpected moment and in any crowded place (on a bus, in a cafe, in a park, in a workplace) only strengthens the already destroyed human consciousness.

Physiological changes during a panic attack, which warn of an imminent attack:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • feeling of anxiety in the thoracic region (bursting in the chest, incomprehensible pain, "lump in the throat");
  • drops and surges in blood pressure;
  • development ;
  • lack of air;
  • fear of imminent death;
  • feeling hot or cold, nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • temporary lack of acute vision or hearing, impaired coordination;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • uncontrolled urination.

All this can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Important! Physical disorders such as spontaneous vomiting, debilitating migraines, anorexia, or bulimia can become chronic. A person with a destroyed psyche will not be able to live a full life.

Hangover anxiety

A hangover is a headache, unbearably dizzy, there is no way to remember yesterday's events, nausea and vomiting, disgust for what was drunk and eaten yesterday. A person is already accustomed to such a state, and it does not cause any fears, but developing gradually, the problem can develop into a serious psychosis. When a person drinks alcohol in large quantities, it crashes in circulatory system and the brain does not receive enough blood and oxygen, a similar disorder occurs in the spinal cord. This is how vegetative dystonia appears.

Symptoms of anxious hangover are as follows:

  • disorientation;
  • blackouts - a person cannot remember where he is and what year he lives;
  • hallucinations - not understanding whether it is a dream or reality;
  • rapid pulse, dizziness;
  • sense of anxiety.

In severely drunken people, in addition to the main symptoms, aggression, persecution mania appears - all this gradually begins to take on a more complex form: delirium tremens and manic-depressive psychosis begins. Chemicals have a devastating effect on the nervous system and the brain, pain is so unpleasant that a person thinks about suicide. According to the severity of anxiety hangover, drug treatment is indicated.

Anxiety neurosis

Physical and psychological fatigue, mild or severe stressful situations are the causes of anxiety neurosis in a person. This disorder often turns into a more complex form of depression or even a phobia. Therefore, it is necessary to start treating anxiety neurosis as early as possible.

Suffer such a disorder more woman, since their hormones are more vulnerable. Symptoms of neurosis:

  • sense of anxiety;
  • palpitations;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in various organs.

Important! Young people with an unstable psyche, with problems in the endocrine system, women during menopause and hormonal imbalance, as well as people whose relatives suffered from neuroses or depression, are susceptible to anxiety neurosis.

V acute period neurosis, a person experiences a feeling of fear, which turns into a panic attack, which can last up to 20 minutes. There is shortness of breath, shortness of breath, trembling, disorientation, dizziness, fainting. Treatment of anxiety neurosis consists in taking hormonal drugs.


A mental disorder in which a person cannot enjoy life, enjoy communicating with loved ones, does not want to live, is called depression and can last up to 8 months. Many people are at risk of acquiring this disorder if they have:

  • unpleasant events - the loss of loved ones, divorce, problems at work, lack of friends and family, financial problems, poor health or stress;
  • psychological trauma;
  • family members suffering from depression;
  • childhood trauma;
  • self-prescribed medications taken;
  • drug use (alcohol and amphetamines);
  • past head trauma;
  • different episodes of depression;
  • chronic conditions (diabetes, chronic illness lungs and cardiovascular disease).

Important! If a person has symptoms such as lack of mood, depression, apathy, regardless of the circumstances, lack of interest in any kind of activity, a pronounced lack of strength and desire, rapid fatigue, then the diagnosis is obvious.

A person suffering from a depressive disorder is pessimistic, aggressive, anxious, experiences a constant feeling of guilt, is unable to concentrate, he has impaired appetite, insomnia, and thoughts of suicide.

Long-term failure to detect depression can lead a person to use alcohol or other types of substances, which will significantly affect the state of his health, the life and life of his loved ones.

Such different phobias

A person suffering from anxiety disorders, experiencing and anxiety, is on the verge of transition to a more serious neurotic and mental illness... If fear is the fear of something real (animals, events, people, circumstances, objects), then phobia is a disease of a sick imagination, when fear and its consequences are invented. A person suffering from a phobia constantly sees objects or waits for situations that are unpleasant to him and frighten him, which explains the attacks of unreasonable fear. Having thought up and winding up the danger and threat in his consciousness, a person begins to experience a feeling of severe anxiety, panic, attacks of suffocation begins, hands sweat, legs become wadded, light-headedness, loss of consciousness.

The types of phobias are very different and are classified according to the expression of fear:

  • social phobia - fear of being the center of attention;
  • agoraphobia - fear of being helpless.

Phobias related to objects, objects or actions:

  • animals or insects - fear of dogs, spiders, flies;
  • situations - fear of being alone with oneself, with foreigners;
  • natural forces - fear of water, light, mountains, fire;
  • health - fear of doctors, blood, microorganisms;
  • states and actions - fear of speaking, walking, flying;
  • objects - fear of computers, glass, wood.

Attacks of anxiety and anxiety in a person can be caused by the seen approximate situation in the cinema or in the theater, from which he once received in reality mental trauma... Often there are bouts of unreasonable fear due to the enacted imagination, which gave out terrible pictures of a person's fears and phobias, causing a panic attack.

Watch this video with useful exercise How to get rid of fear and anxiety:

Diagnosis established

A person lives in a constant restless state, which is aggravated by unreasonable fear, and anxiety attacks become frequent and long, he is diagnosed with "". Such a diagnosis is indicated by the presence of at least four recurring symptoms:

  • rapid pulse;
  • hot, rapid breathing;
  • asthma attacks;
  • stomach ache;
  • feeling “out of your body”;
  • fear of death;
  • fear of going crazy;
  • chills or sweating;
  • chest pain;
  • fainting.

Independent and medical assistance

Specialists in the field of psychology (for example, psychologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin) will help to find out in a timely manner the causes of anxiety, which cause panic attacks, and also find out how to treat this or that phobia and get rid of attacks of unreasonable fear.

Different types of therapy can be prescribed, which are carried out by a specialist:

  • body-oriented psychotherapy;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • neurolinguistic programming;
  • systemic family psychotherapy;

In addition to medication, you can try to prevent or relieve anxiety yourself. This could be:

  • - breathe in the stomach or inflate a balloon;
  • taking a contrast shower;
  • distracting counting of objects in the room or outside the window;
  • taking plant-based tinctures;
  • playing sports or what you love;
  • walks in the open air.

The family, family, and friends of the person with the disorder can be of great help in identifying the problem. Having talked to a person, you can learn much faster and more about his illness, he himself may never talk about his fears and anxieties.

Supporting relatives and friends with a kind word and deed, observance simple rules during periods of panic attacks and anxieties, regular visits to specialists and the systematic implementation of their recommendations - all this contributes to the early relief of existing disorders and complete relief from them.

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