Amazing creatures of the world. Unusual animals. So, a selection - The most interesting animals in the world

Mental illnesses are inexplicable and mysterious. Society shuns people who suffer from them. Why is this happening? Perhaps some form of mental disorder is transmitted by airborne droplets? The mysterious word "schizophrenic" evokes great amount conflicting feelings and negative associations. But who is a schizophrenic and is he dangerous to others?

A bit of history

The term schizophrenia is derived from two Greek words: "schizo" - splitting, "fren" - mind. The name of the disease was coined by professor of psychiatry Paul Eigen Bleuler and said that it should remain relevant until scientists find an effective way to cure it. The symptoms of the disease itself were described by a psychiatrist from Russia back in 1987, however, then it had a different name - "ideophrenia".

Who is a schizophrenic? Bright minds are looking for an answer to this question. A lot is known about the disease and nothing is known. Normal behavior is mixed with inadequacy, smart thoughts border on implausible nonsense. Bleuler called this emotional, volitional, and intellectual ambivalence.

Most often on initial stage only the family guesses about the relative's condition. The fact is that the disease manifests itself in a very strange way: a patient with schizophrenia rejects loved ones, and in relation to them all deviations from the norm and symptoms of the disease are noticeable, while with acquaintances and colleagues the behavior remains the same. There is a perfectly logical and reasonable explanation for this. Formal, superficial communication does not require such colossal emotional costs as a spiritual connection. The personality is damaged, is at the stage of destruction, therefore love is a painful sphere, a person has neither moral nor physical strength to waste himself on her.


So what is a schizophrenic? This is a person suffering from a serious illness, which is characterized by a number of symptoms:

  • There is emotional coldness. A person's feelings for relatives and friends go out. Gradually, complete indifference is replaced by unreasonable aggression and anger towards loved ones.
  • Loss of interest in entertainment, hobbies. Aimless empty days replace favorite activities.
  • Weakened instinctive feelings. This is characterized by the fact that a person can skip meals, ignore extreme heat or cold, bring their own appearance unrecognizable: there is untidiness, sloppiness, absolute indifference to clothes and elementary daily procedures (brushing teeth, caring for the face, body, hair, etc.)
  • There may be statements that do not withstand any criticism, crazy ideas, strange and inappropriate remarks.
  • There are auditory and visual hallucinations. The danger lies in the fact that sometimes verbal voices do not just convey information, but encourage action: cause serious harm to yourself or others.
  • Who is a schizophrenic? First of all, this is a person who is prone to many different phobias and unfounded fears, suffers from depersonalization.
  • On early stage obsessions appear (frightening and images).
  • You can also observe lethargy, apathy, insomnia, lethargy and a complete lack of sexual desires.

State of psychosis

Under the state of psychosis is meant a spring exacerbation in schizophrenics. It is characterized by a loss of connection with the real world. Orientation decreases, the usual symptoms take on a hypertrophied form. It is believed that even a healthy person experiences some discomfort in the autumn-spring period. This is expressed by melancholy, general lethargy of the body, beriberi, decreased performance.

Nevertheless, many "doctors of the soul" argue that the spring exacerbation in schizophrenics is more a myth than a reality. The aggravation of the disease is extremely rarely confined to a certain time of the year.

Rosenhan experiment

Back in 1973, psychologist D. Rosenhan conducted an unprecedented and risky experiment. He explained to the whole world how to become schizophrenic and return to normal again. He was well versed in the symptoms of the disease, and he did it so well that he managed to simulate schizophrenia, get into hospital with such a diagnosis. psychiatric clinic, and a week later completely "cured" and go back home.

Some time later, the interesting experiment was repeated, but now the brave psychologist was in the company of equally brave friends. Each of them knew perfectly well how to become a schizophrenic, and then skillfully portray healing. An interesting and instructive story is that they were discharged with the wording "schizophrenia in remission." Does this mean that psychiatrists leave no chance for recovery and a terrible diagnosis will haunt you all your life?

Great lunatics

The topic "Famous schizophrenics" causes a lot of noisy debate. IN modern world this unflattering epithet is awarded to almost every person who has achieved unprecedented heights in art or some other activity. Every second writer, artist, actor, scientist, poet and philosopher is called a schizophrenic. Naturally, there is little truth in these statements, and people tend to confuse talent, eccentricity and creativity with signs of mental illness.

The Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol suffered from this disease. Attacks of psychosis, mixed with excitement and activity, have borne fruit. It is schizophrenia that causes bouts of fear, hypochondria, claustrophobia. When the condition worsened, the famous manuscript was burned. The writer explained this by the machinations of Satan.

Vincent van Gogh was schizophrenic. Joy and bouts of happiness were replaced by suicidal thoughts. The disease progressed, the X-hour came for the painter - the famous operation took place, during which he cut off part of his ear and sent this fragment to his beloved as a souvenir, after which he was sent to an institution for the mentally ill.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was diagnosed with schizophrenia. His behavior did not differ in adequacy, megalomania was feature. There is a theory that it was his works that influenced the worldview of Adolf Hitler and strengthened his desire to become "master of the world."

It's no secret that schizophrenic scientists are not a myth. A striking example- American mathematician John Forbes Nash. His diagnosis is paranoid schizophrenia. John became known to the whole world thanks to the film A Beautiful Mind. He refused to take pills, explaining that they could negatively affect his mental abilities. The people around him treated him like a harmless madman, but the mathematician was nevertheless awarded Nobel Prize.

How to recognize a schizophrenic?

But of course, the presence of some examples from the list does not mean that a person is seriously ill. Such a diagnosis is made by competent specialists very carefully and carefully. After all, schizophrenia is a stigma and, to some extent, a sentence.

How not to incur the wrath of the patient?

As mentioned above, society shuns people with mental disorders, but this is not possible when a family member is schizophrenic. What to do in such a situation? First of all, carefully read the information on how to behave with a schizophrenic. There are a number of rules:

  1. Do not ask questions aimed at clarifying the details of delusional statements.
  2. Do not argue, trying to prove the inconsistency of the patient's statements.
  3. If the patient experiences too strong feelings (fear, anger, hatred, sadness, anxiety), try to calm him down. But don't forget to call the doctor.
  4. Express your own opinion with great care.
  5. Don't laugh and don't be afraid.

paranoid schizophrenia

Who is a person suffering from delusional ideas (jealousy, persecution), subject to fears, doubts, hallucinations, impaired thinking. The disease occurs in people over 25 years of age and is sluggish at the initial stage. This is one of the most common forms of schizophrenia.

"Heavy madness" of a child

For parents, there is nothing worse than a sick child. Schizophrenic children are not uncommon. They are, of course, different from their peers. The disease can occur even in the first year of life, but manifest itself much later. Gradually, the child becomes withdrawn, abstracted from loved ones, and you can notice a complete loss of interest in business as usual. The sooner a problem is discovered, the more effective it will be to deal with it. There are some signs to watch out for:

  • Walking in circles and side to side.
  • Rapid excitation and almost instantaneous extinction.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Unmotivated tears, tantrums, laughter, aggression.
  • Cold.
  • Lethargy, lack of initiative.
  • Disintegration of speech in combination with immobility.
  • Ridiculous behaviour.

Terrible for its complications. If the process arose at the stage of personality formation, then an oligophrenic-like defect with mental retardation may appear.

Alternative Treatment

There is one interesting theory on how to change the life of a schizophrenic. Why doctors of sciences, professors and the most brilliant doctors of our time have not yet been found effective way cure? It's very simple: schizophrenia is a disease of the soul, so drug treatment does not contribute to recovery, but only aggravates its course.

The temple of the Lord can become a panacea, it is he who heals the souls. Of course, at first no one adopts this method, but later, when relatives become desperate, they are ready to try everything. And surprisingly, faith in the healing and power of the church can work wonders.

Aggravation of the disease

An exacerbation in schizophrenics can throw impressionable relatives into a panic. Acute period illness requires immediate hospitalization. This will protect the immediate environment and protect the patient himself. Sometimes certain difficulties may arise due to the fact that a schizophrenic does not consider himself a sick person. All arguments of the mind will break against the blank wall of his misunderstanding, so you need to act without his consent. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the signs indicating the approach of a relapse:

  • Changing the normal mode.
  • Features of behavior that were observed before the last attack.
  • Refusal to see a psychiatrist.
  • Absence or excess of emotions.

If the signs are obvious, then it is necessary to inform the attending physician, to reduce the possibility negative impacts on the patient from the outside, not to change the usual rhythm and way of life.

People who have such a relative are often at a loss and do not understand how to exist with him under the same roof. To avoid excesses, it is worth studying information on how to live with a schizophrenic:

  • Patients need long-term treatment and must be under constant control.
  • In the course of therapy, there will certainly be exacerbations and relapses.
  • It is necessary to create a volume of work and household chores for the patient and never exceed it.
  • Overprotection can be harmful.
  • You can’t get angry, shout, get annoyed at the mentally ill. They cannot bear criticism.

You should also be aware of the signs of an impending suicide attempt:

  1. General statements about the meaninglessness and frailty of existence, the sinfulness of people.
  2. Hopeless pessimism.
  3. Voices ordering suicide.
  4. The patient's belief that he suffers from an incurable disease.
  5. Sudden calm and fatalism.

To prevent tragedy, one must learn to distinguish the "normal" behavior of the schizophrenic from the abnormal. You can not ignore his talk about the desire to commit suicide, a common person is able in this way to achieve attention to his own person, but with a schizophrenic everything is different. You should try to convey to his mind that the disease will soon step aside and relief will come. But this must be done gently and unobtrusively.

It is bad if the patient suffers from alcohol or drug addiction, the course of the disease significantly complicates the rehabilitation process, causes resistance to drugs, and also increases the tendency to violence.

The theme of violence stands apart here. And many people are concerned about the question: is it likely that a schizophrenic will harm others? It should immediately be noted that it is exaggerated. Of course, there have been precedents, but if you establish a trusting relationship with a mentally ill person and care for him correctly, the risk is completely eliminated.

5 out of 1000 people have schizophrenia. This disease is equally common in men and women. Who from famous people had schizophrenia?
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Researchers of Gogol's work and life believe that he suffered from schizophrenia, which was supplemented by periodic bouts of psychosis and claustrophobia. Nikolai Vasilyevich was often visited by sound and visual hallucinations. It was on their basis that the writer created some of the heroes of his works. Apathy and depression were abruptly replaced by periods of excessive activity and inspiration. The writer said about himself that the organs in his body were displaced or even located “upside down”.
Phillip K. Dick
It is believed that a mild form of schizophrenia was in the writer Phillip K. Dick, who became famous for the sci-fi novels Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, which was made into the film Blade Runner, as well as the novel Wholesale and Retail Memories, which formed the basis of the movie Total Recall. Some believe that it was the disease that helped the author create such plots of books.

Vincent Van Gogh
It is believed that the Dutch post-impressionist painter created most of the paintings at the moment when his schizophrenic seizures became more frequent. At this time, he created several paintings a day and could not sleep for days on end.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Researchers agree that this famous stateless philosopher was the owner of a frightening diagnosis - "nuclear mosaic schizophrenia." Currently, this ailment is called obsession, and its most striking symptom is megalomania. It is most likely that schizophrenia was the impetus for the idea of ​​a superman.

Isaac Newton
Some researchers believe that Isaac Newton suffered from schizophrenia, as well as bipolar disorder. In addition to being a brilliant mathematician and physicist, it was very difficult to find mutual language. It was very difficult to talk to him and his mood changed hourly.

Parveen Babi - Indian actress
The famous Indian actress, who at the age of thirty began to be treated for schizophrenia. Considered the most glamorous Bollywood actress. She accused the CIA, the KGB, the Mossad of wanting her dead.

Alexander Nikolaevich Skryabin
Alexander Nikolaevich was a suspicious and extremely religious person. Scared family and friends drastic changes mood, as well as their views on everything that happens. In addition to the unique music, his merits include the first ever use and popularization of color music. According to doctors, Alexander Nikolaevich suffered from schizophrenia.

Maya Myakila
Swedish artist diagnosed with schizophrenia. She resides in small town Norrkping. Her drawings are also studied by attending physicians. It is considered one of the most provocative artists of our time.

John Nash
John Forbes Nash Jr. is a famous American mathematician who worked in the field of game theory as well as differential geometry. He is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. The public is known for the film made about the life of John Nash "A Beautiful Mind". It is noteworthy that John Nash was able to come to terms with his illness and learned to ignore its manifestation, which the doctors initially considered an improvement. Died in a car accident about 3.5 months ago.

Five out of a thousand people have schizophrenia. This disease is equally common in men and women. And the first descriptions of schizophrenia-like symptoms can be found already in the 17th century BC, in the "Book of Hearts" - part of the ancient Egyptian papyrus Ebers. Which of the brilliant people suffered from schizophrenia?

Philip K. Dick

It is believed that a mild form of schizophrenia was in the writer Philip K. Dick, who became famous for the sky-fi novels "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", which was made into the film "Blade Runner", and "Memories Wholesale and Retail", which formed based on the film Total Recall. Some believe that it was the disease that helped the author create such plots of books.

It is believed that the Dutch post-impressionist painter created most of the paintings at the moment when his schizophrenic seizures became more frequent. At this time, he created several paintings a day and could not sleep for days on end.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Researchers agree that this famous stateless philosopher was the owner of a frightening diagnosis - "nuclear mosaic schizophrenia." At present, this ailment is called obsession, and its most striking symptom is megalomania. Most likely, it was schizophrenia that served as the impetus for the idea of ​​a superman.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Researchers of Gogol's work and life believe that he suffered from schizophrenia, which was supplemented by periodic bouts of psychosis and claustrophobia. Nikolai Vasilyevich was often visited by sound and visual hallucinations. It was on their basis that the writer created some of the heroes of his works. Apathy and depression were abruptly replaced by periods of excessive activity and inspiration. The writer said about himself that the organs in his body were displaced or even located upside down.

Isaac Newton

Some researchers believe that Isaac Newton suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. He was a brilliant mathematician and physicist, but it was very difficult to talk to him and his mood changed hourly.

Parveen Babi - Indian actress

The famous Indian actress, who at the age of thirty began to be treated for schizophrenia. Considered the most glamorous Bollywood actress. She accused the CIA, the KGB, the Mossad of wanting her dead.

Alexander Nikolaevich Skryabin

Alexander Nikolaevich was a suspicious and extremely religious person. He frightened relatives and friends with sudden changes in mood, as well as his views on everything that was happening. In addition to the unique music, his merits include the first ever use and popularization of color music. According to doctors, Alexander Nikolaevich suffered from schizophrenia.

Maya Myakila

Swedish artist diagnosed with schizophrenia. She lives in the small town of Norrkoping. Her drawings are also studied by attending physicians. It is considered one of the most provocative artists of our time.

John Forbes Nash Jr. is a famous American mathematician who worked in the field of game theory as well as differential geometry. He is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. The public is known for the film "A Beautiful Mind", filmed about his life. It is noteworthy that John Nash was able to come to terms with his illness and learned to ignore its manifestation, which doctors initially considered an improvement. He died in a car accident in May 2015.

American fashion model Bettie Page is a sex symbol of the 50s of the last century. Filmed in the genres of erotica, fetish and pin-up.

In 1958, Page became interested in religion, in 1959 she became a Christian. In the future, she actively worked in Christian organizations.

In 1979, doctors diagnosed him with schizophrenia.

Below is a list with a photo of ten amazing representatives animal world, which have a rather interesting, unusual appearance.

The European Proteus is a tailed amphibian found exclusively in underground karst lakes in the west. Balkan Peninsula. Their body length reaches 25-30 cm, weight 20 grams. Most spend time in complete darkness, at a temperature of about 10 ° C. Completely blind, but have eyes that are hidden under the skin. It does not come out on land, but periodically rises to the surface for air. They feed on small crustaceans and worms. They are able to go without food for many months.

Blanket Octopus (Blanket octopus)

Ninth place in the list of the most amazing animals in the world is octopus-blanket - large view cephalopods, which has three hearts, poisonous saliva, and the ability to easily change the color and texture of its skin. This species also exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism. So, females are able to grow up to 2 meters in length and weigh up to 10 kg, while males reach only 2.4 cm, with a weight of 0.25 g.

Glass frogs are a family of tailless amphibians that have almost transparent skin. About 150 species are known in the world. Interestingly, in only 9 years - from 1989 to 1998. 65 new species were discovered. These very small amphibians, ranging in size from 0.8 to 7.5 centimeters, usually live in trees in mountainous areas. tropical forests South and Central America. Incredible camouflage combined with excellent vision makes glass frogs, without exaggeration, one of the best hunters on Earth.

Drop fish - sea ​​view fish inhabiting deep waters (600–1200 m) off the coast of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. The body length of a drop fish usually does not exceed 30 cm and is a gelatinous mass with practically no muscles and a density slightly lower than that of water. This allows the fish to swim without any expenditure of energy. It feeds mainly on small invertebrates that swim by.

The Madagascar killer spider is a species of spiders from the Archaeidae family that is distributed only on the island of Madagascar. An interesting feature The killer spider is its long neck, holding massive jaws armed with poisonous fangs. Despite its frightening appearance, this spider is not at all dangerous to humans. In addition, its body length is only 2–8 mm. Feeds on others small spiders.

Fifth place in the list of the most amazing animals in the world is occupied by a small belttail - a species of lizard that lives in rocky and desert areas in southern Africa. The total length of their body ranges from 15 to 21 cm. They live in groups of up to 60 individuals. They feed on insects and small invertebrates. In danger, they curl into a ring, grabbing their tail with their mouths. Considered one of the most prickly animals in the world.

Kiwa hirsuta or "yeti crab" is a species of crustacean first discovered in 2005 at a depth of 2228 m in the southern part of Pacific Ocean 1500 kilometers from Easter Island. The body length of an adult cancer is 15 cm. It is covered with numerous feathery bristles that contain filamentous bacteria that purify water from compounds toxic to cancer, and also possibly serve as food for it.

Seahorse rag-picker - view marine fish living at a depth of up to 20 meters in waters indian ocean, off the southern and western coasts of Australia. It has an interesting body shape up to 35 cm long, which is covered with processes that mimic algae. These processes serve only for disguise. Thanks to them, the fish resembles a swimming seaweed. The rag-picker seahorse has no teeth. It feeds on mysids, plankton and algae.

The fantastic leaf-tailed gecko or satanic gecko is a species of gecko found in Madagascar and the small islands adjacent to it. They prefer to settle in dimly lit and damp places, among fallen leaves or on low shrubs. Lead night image life. They feed mainly on insects. In length, adults reach 9–14 cm. These animals have good eyesight and an excellent ability to mimic (disguise) as dry leaves, lichens, tree trunks, etc. These unusual lizards are popular among terrarium owners around the world.

The most amazing animal in the world is Hemeroplanes triptolemus - a night butterfly found only in the tropical forests of Mexico and Central America. Her caterpillar at rest looks quite normal, but if it is disturbed, then, grabbing a tree with its hind legs, it will raise the front of its body, bending like a snake preparing to throw, thereby trying to scare off the enemy.

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