Toy library for children's events, game scenarios and competitions. Children's game program - "Funny Box"

(home game program

for children and teenagers) Sound support: microphone, music device with speakers. Necessary materials, colored paper 5 sheets each (red, yellow, green, orange, blue), 5 pens, 5 tablets with sheets, safety pins
— 50 pcs.
Children are divided into 5 teams using colors

(red, blue, yellow, green, orange)

Energetic modern music sounds.

The presenter appears in a T-shirt, jeans and a cap. DJ I
: Hello, young people! Well, let's have some fun!

Rap DJs read their poetry. DJ 2:
There's a big holiday here,

People have fun here with an open mind. DJ 1
: Dances and music, jokes and laughter.

Rap DJs read their poetry. A holiday for the region is a holiday for everyone.

What's your mood? (In!) Sound engineer:

Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) DJ 1:

Well done! Children:

Hooray! Leading:

Dear friends! Today we have gathered to enjoy the sun, life and enjoy the beauty of nature! The motto of our holiday is “Blossom the Earth”!

Music sounds to the tune of the song “Stand in a circle”; helpers gather the children in a circle. DJ I:
Now let's stand in a large circle and introduce ourselves.

Rap DJs read their poetry. DJs approach children.
But our acquaintance will be unusual - now each of you will loudly say your name. On the count of three! One two Three!

What's your mood? (In!) Children shout out their names.

People have fun here with an open mind. Come on, we didn't hear right.

Rap DJs read their poetry.: One more time, and louder! (children shout out their names). Now we have met.
People have fun here with an open mind. Do you think everyone here is friends today?
Rap DJs read their poetry.: And this is what we will find out now. Shall we play?
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Let's play.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Today we are all friends: me, you, he, she.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Hug the neighbor on the right.
Hug the neighbor on the left. Together:
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) We are a family.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Pinch the neighbor on the right...
Hug the neighbor on the left. Pet the neighbor on the left...
Rap DJs read their poetry. We are a family.
People have fun here with an open mind. Give your hand to the one on the right.
Rap DJs read their poetry.: Give your hand to the one on the left.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Smile at the neighbor on your right.
Hug the neighbor on the left. Pet the neighbor on the left...
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Smile at the neighbor on your left.
Rap DJs read their poetry. It's great that we are all so friendly!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Each of you has a flower - red, blue, yellow, green, orange.

Now we will split into teams according to color. Every team must have a captain! Your task is to choose and gather around it! Reds! Yellow! Orange! Blue! Green!

Rap DJs read their poetry. The song “Smile” plays and teams are formed.

Are you ready to have fun? Well, where are your pens?

What's your mood? (In!) The song of the group “Virus” “Where are your hands” is playing.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Now we will check this. Have each team form a circle, holding hands.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Squat down!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Now a poem will be read in which the colors of your teams are found. When you hear your color, you stand up together. And then sit down again.
What's your mood? (In!) Let's start!
People have fun here with an open mind.: The house was brightly painted by Vitya with yellow and blue stripes.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Alena looks at the lantern:
Sometimes it’s red, sometimes it’s green.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Vanya sleeps very sweetly on the orange sofa.
DJ 2: Vovka’s mother suggested,
Buy blue sneakers.
But the boy has an idea:
“Run faster in orange!”
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) The artist Timur has a romantic nature.
Kat he draws beautiful ones:
2 orange,
1 green
2 blue,
1 yellow,
2 red
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Well done! To move on to the next competition, you must change places with the neighboring team, and in a clockwise direction: red
- in place of yellow, yellow - in place of orange, orange - in place of blue, blue
- green, green - red.
What's your mood? (In!) Let's get moving!

Music "Lambada", transition to another place.

Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Great, everyone took their new places, and our holiday continues!
Rap DJs read their poetry. I see our teams are cheerful and active!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Who is the most active in the teams?!
Rap DJs read their poetry. I need one participant from each team.
Activists approach the presenters.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Your task is to collect as many signatures as possible in two minutes. Boys take signatures from girls, and girls from boys.
Rap DJs read their poetry. And the teams support their representatives.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) You are ready! (Yes!)

Nyusha’s song “Sky” plays, the children complete the task,results are announced.

Rap DJs read their poetry. All teams did a great job! And who won? The captains count the number of signatures from their neighbors, they tell the presenter. Green -...Red -...Blue -...Orange -...Yellow -...

Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Let's keep playing!
Rap DJs read their poetry. The next game is “Finish the sentence.” Everyone participates!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Let's try?
Rap DJs read their poetry. Go!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming...(hurray!)
Rap DJs read their poetry. They give us both rivers and forests in the summer...(miracles).
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Who performed the miracle?
Summer into a fairy tale...(turned).
Rap DJs read their poetry. Who made the whole world like this:
Loud, joyful... (colorful).
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) The whole earth around became bright, colorful...(carpet).
Rap DJs read their poetry. Where under the dome of heaven it turns lushly green...(forest).
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) And flowers of Unprecedented... (beauty) are blooming around.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Among the ears of corn by the river Zasineli...(cornflowers).
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) And, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
Rap DJs read their poetry. How nice it is for you to run,
Along the chamomile...(meadows)!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Here they danced across the mirror of the river... (floats).
Rap DJs read their poetry. And all around - gentle, pure,
White lilies...(flowers).
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Like sunbeams
Rap DJs read their poetry. The bees fly merrily towards the honey...(aroma).
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) They transform the world into a world of goodness and beauty... (flowers).
Rap DJs read their poetry. You are so active and cheerful. Well done!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) To move on to the next competition, you must change places with the neighboring team in a clockwise direction (red - in place of yellow, yellow - in place of orange, orange - blue, blue - green, green - red).
Rap DJs read their poetry. And for this we will become elephants for a while. Like this (shows).
Music sounds and the teams change places.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Guys, today we have gathered in such a large and friendly company.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) And among friends, good, kind songs always sound.

DJ 2: Right. And now each team must sing a song about nature. Team captains, come get the text. You are given one minute to prepare, think about the originality of your performance.
Music plays during preparation
Then the teams perform excerpts from the songs.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) The team performs first...
What song are you performing?
What's your mood? (In!) Ok, I bet! Go!
The “backing tracks” of these songs are verse, chorus.
Blue - “Clouds, white-maned horses.”
Green - “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.”
Orange - “Song about Summer.”
Red - “There was a birch tree in the field.”
Yellow - “Grass near the house.”
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) DJ 1:
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) What funny and smart guys gathered here.

Rap DJs read their poetry. And who do we have more today? Girls or boys?
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) This is what we will find out.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Two stomps, two slams Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Anvil, anvil,
Scissors, scissors.
Rap DJs read their poetry. Run in place, run in place.
Bunnies, bunnies.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Come on, together, come on, together:
Rap DJs read their poetry. Girls!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Boys!
Rap DJs read their poetry. DJ 1:

Transfer of teams under Lezginka to the place of the neighboring team.

Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) The next task is in the envelopes of your captains.
Presenter 2 comes up and gives envelopes to the assistants
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) 3~ blue,
E - green,
M - orange,
L - red,
I am yellow.
You have 3 minutes to complete the task. Time has passed.
Teams build the word “Earth” to the song of the ensemble “Earthlings”
" Grass near the house".
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Time is over. So what did we get? Have each team say out loud the letter they made. So...(DJs ask teams to name the letter in order of order in the word).
Rap DJs read their poetry. Let's say in unison what we got - “Earth”.

Yu Antonov’s song “Don’t pick the flowers” ​​is playing.

Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) The earth is the beginning of everything,
Land near, land far away.
Rap DJs read their poetry. And here we repeat again - Together: It all starts with the Earth!
Rap DJs read their poetry. Now let’s make our Earth bloom. Let it be decorated with your flowers.
Children stand in one circle, hold hands, raise their hands
with flowers up, as if the Earth had blossomed.
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) Well done boys! With your help, our planet has flourished. She has become even more beautiful!
Rap DJs read their poetry. Happy holiday!
Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!) And let my Earth bloom:
And forests, and rivers, and fields.
Rap DJs read their poetry. We are responsible for everything with you,
Hug the neighbor on the left. If we want to live on the planet.
Hooray! Dear friends! We hope that our holiday gave you moments Have a good mood, a boost of energy and communication with each other. Love your Earth! See you again!

N. Shubina, stage director, teacher-organizer; Palace of Children and Youth Creativity,
A. Marfutenko, teacher-organizer of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity,

Presenters: Anuta, Praskovya, Ivan. Assistants: Frol, Tit, Seraphim, Vassa.

Music. A cheerful Russian melody sounds. A cheerful crowd appears on the stage.

Praskovya. Attention! Attention!
Adults and little residents!
Don't you want to have some fun?
Anyuta. Then don't waste time,
Hurry up and visit us!
For you games, dancing,
The competitions are cool.
You will be satisfied!

Praskovya. Hello, good gentlemen!
We are local guys -
Very interesting!
Not Tajiks, not Armenians,
Natural Slavs.
Let me introduce myself:
Praskovya from the Moscow region,
Anyuta from Surgut,
Seraphim from Sartym,
Vassa from Langepas,
And also Frol and Titus -
Two twin brothers
Identical from the face
Originally from Cherepovets.
Moreover, Ivan from Buyan Island... And where is Ivan?
Anyuta. There goes. He's carrying something.

Ivan comes out to the melody of the song “Peddlers.” He carries a painted box and sings.

Ivan. Eh, the box is full
Various jokes and miracles.
Open up, dear soul,
My mysterious casket.
Stop telling stories, it's time people
have fun!
I have a gift for you - the highest
The box is funny! It contains games and fun
For different tastes and morals!
Come on, open the box and have some nursery rhymes
take it out!

The girls open the box and try to get something out of it.

Praskovya. What an interesting thing!
Anyuta. Wait, let the guys guess what is there.
Praskovya. The sage saw the sage in him,
A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram.
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And the monkey is a monkey.
But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him,
And Fedya saw the shaggy slob. (S. Marshak.)
Guys, what are you talking about? we're talking about? What did they bring the boy Fedya to? That's right, to the mirror! (Takes a mirror out of the box.) My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth... By the way, when you look in the mirror, the reflection repeats all your movements. You will become my reflection. Watch and repeat everything after me.

The game dance “Humpty Dumpty” is performed. The famous text is performed to the melody of a pop hit.

Right hand forward (arm extended forward and bent at the elbow. Circular rotations at the elbow joint),
And then her back,
And then forward again
And let's shake it up a little.
We boogie-woogie
Making circles
And we clap our hands like this.

When we lose, we clap our hands, making a circle with our hands clockwise, then counterclockwise. We clap over our heads and behind our backs.

Right foot forward (leg raised and bent at the knee, pendulum movements of the ankle),
And then her back,
And then forward again
And let's shake it up a little.
We boogie-woogie (arms bent at the elbows, legs together, squat slightly and twist our knees to the right and left),
Making circles
And we kick our legs like this.

When we lose, we jump twice right leg, bringing the left one forward, then change legs.

Hands on their own (random swings to the sides),
Legs on their own (we squat a little, bring our knees together and spread them apart),
The head is either here or there. (We turn our heads.)
While I'm catching up with my legs (running in place with high knees)
While I'm catching up with my legs,
Hands crawl to the sides. (Arms to the sides, perform wave-like movements.)
Right hand! (Raise your hand with an open palm up, lower it down.)
Left hand! (Raise your hand with an open palm up, lower it down.)
Right leg!
Left leg! (Raise your leg, bending the knee, and swing it from side to side.)
Head! (We turn our heads.)
Shoulders! (We shrug.)
Stomach! (Circular movements of the hips.)
And all together!
Ivan. Well done! Well, let's get the next nursery rhyme?.. Guys, guess what it is? The gold is thick at the edges, but the gold is empty in the middle. This thing has no beginning or end. Mom and Dad have it. It is given as a gift when people get married. Right! This is a ring. (Takes a ring out of the box.) Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!

Helpers carry out two large pyramids of rings, at least 15 pieces in each, and two meter-long pegs.

That's how many rings we have. There's enough for everyone. Guys, line up behind me and Anyuta in two columns at the starting line.

The presenters form teams and give them names. Helpers take the pegs on which the rings will be put on and move away from the starting line 6-8 meters.

Attention! At my signal, the first player removes the ring from the pyramid and runs to the peg. Puts the ring on the peg. Then he returns back, passes the baton to the next player, and goes to the end of the column. The first team to put on all their rings wins. Is the task clear?.. Are the teams ready?.. Let’s start! Attention! March!

The “Rings” relay race is being held.

Praskovya. And now we stand in one big ring, that is, in a round dance. Look what a huge ring it turns out to be. Previously, rings, crowns and belts were amulets. It was believed that they protect against evil spirits, from evil spirits. In general, the circle is a symbol of the sun. In Rus', people have long danced in circles and played round dance games. Let us also dance the sunny round dance “Quadrille”.

A "quadrille" dance is performed.

Let's go in circles!


8 beats - movement of the “flashlights” in place.
8 bars - children show playing the pipe.

Let's go in circles!

8 beats - children go to the right.
8 beats - children go to the left.


8 beats - jump in place, like jumping rope.
8 bars - spinning in place.


8 bars - go to the center of the round dance.

Out of the circle!

8 bars - coming from the center.

Anyuta. Well done! We continue to play and dance. Let's make the round dance wider. We break into pairs. Couples holding hands make a “collar”, that is, they raise their hands up.

The presenter tells, and the assistants clearly illustrate what has been said.

So, the gates stand in a circle, and in the circle - in the yard - couples run. (Selects and displays 4-5 pairs in a circle.) Now the music will start playing, and these couples, without releasing their hands, will dive into any of the gates standing in a circle. This way. They sneak in and become goalkeepers themselves in their place, and the former goalkeepers end up in the yard and run to replace other goalkeepers. As soon as the word “Stop!” is heard, the gate closes, that is, one gives up. Those who were inside the circle were caught. The girls are spinning and the boys are dancing squat. Then the game resumes. Remember: you cannot go through the same gate twice in a row. The gates open - the game begins!

The game "Vorotsa" is taking place.

Ivan. We completely forgot about the funny box, but there are so many interesting things in there! Shall we open it?.. Guess what it is? Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but a story. Book? Right! (Takes out a book of folk tales from the box.) There are different letters in the book. Who do you think came up with these letters? Who invented the first Slavic alphabet? I'll give you a hint, choose correct option. Was it Savka and Grishka, Cyril and Methodius or Timon and Pumbaa? Right! Cyril and Methodius! Hence the name of the first alphabet - Cyrillic. With the advent of writing, songs, epics and fairy tales began to be written down. This wonderful book of fairy tales will go to the one who guesses how many pages it contains. 100? No, less! 40? More! Applause to the winner!
Praskovya. Now it’s my turn to bring out the nursery rhyme! Guys, guess what it is?
Blooms white
Hangs green
It falls ripe. (Apple.)

An apple is taken out of the box.

All for the harvest! The "Apple Relay" is announced. Guys, line up behind us in two teams at the starting line.

Behind Ivan and Praskovya, two teams form columns. Helpers bring out two painted plates and two tennis balls, and place stump buoys at a distance of 6 m from the starting line.

Take an apple and put it on a plate. Left hand we put it behind our backs and run to the stump and back. We pass the baton to the next player, and we ourselves go to the back of the column. All about everything in two minutes. The team that doesn't drop the apple wins. Are the teams ready?.. Let's start! Attention! March!

The relay race is taking place.

Ivan. Let's continue harvesting!
In this fairy tale, friends,
The family works together:
Bug, granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather...
She was born nicely... (Turnip.)

A small fake turnip is taken out of the box.

Here it is, the turnip is a unique plant. It has long been used in Rus' to treat asthma, rickets, and laryngitis. And they ate it fried, steamed, boiled, salted, raw - in a word, any kind. But before that, they first planted it, raised it, and then what did they make from the soil? That's right, they pulled. This is what we will do. One team stands to my right, and the other to my left.

Helpers carry out the rope. A voluminous fake turnip is attached exactly to the middle of the rope.

Attention teams! Your task is to pull the turnip to your side and hold it for five seconds. One, two, three, pull!

The “Pull-Pull” competition is taking place.

Anyuta. Tired? It’s okay, now we’ll rest a little with a new nursery rhyme.
She's unattractive in appearance
It's quite simple
But she has
Two with tail handles.
When you unwind it
Once, then again,
Be more careful, my friend,
Don't catch your foot.
What is this? Of course, a jump rope. You can even dance with her. Look at us and repeat all the movements after us.

The game dance “Jump Rope” is performed. We pick up imaginary jump ropes. We jump on one leg, on the other, on both at once. Legs crossed, turned around and again on one...

Ivan. Now we get up in one big round dance and play with a skipping rope. I will spin it, and you jump and try not to catch it with your foot. Whoever gets caught in the rope goes to Anyuta.

Ivan stands in the center of the round dance and, holding the rope by one end, spins it at the level of the feet of the players standing in the round dance. At a distance, Anyuta and her assistants create two small round dances from the entangled players. The game ends when there are 6-7 people in small round dances.

Another funny round dance game called “Traps”. Everyone who didn’t get caught is lined up in two locomotives behind me and Praskovya. Pay attention to the two round dances that Anyuta did. These are traps. They know how to open and close. Traps, raise your hands up! Now lower it. As soon as the music starts, the traps will open, and we, moving like a train, will be able to pass through them. The music stops and the trap slams shut. Whoever gets caught gets caught in a round dance, that is, in a trap. Let's see whose trap will be bigger by the end of the game.

The game is being played. By the end of the game, two large round dances should form. In one of them stands Ivan, in the other - Anyuta.

Anyuta. It's time to braid the fence. Guys, hold hands tightly and don’t break the chains.

Anyuta and Ivan open the round dances, becoming the heads of the chains, and begin, spinning in place, twisting the chains around themselves. There are assistants at the tail of the chains. At the moment of maximum twisting, a command to change the direction of movement sounds, and now the assistants become at the head of the chains.

Ivan. Where is my box? Let's get the next nursery rhyme!
Knitted trough
The slide is covered
Sheltered from the cold. (A cap.)

The hat is removed from the box.

Here she is! The famous youthful game is “Shapkobros”. Well, good fellows and beautiful girls, come and show your prowess. Who can throw a hat to the very top of the drain?

Assistants bring out a two-meter stick and hold it vertically with a slight inclination towards the audience. A cap, cap or hat is given to everyone who wants to give it up. During the attraction, the two most accurate players are chosen.

We have identified two daredevils. Come on, people, disperse! Well done daredevils, come to me! Now the most important competition is “Funny Fist Fight”.

The assistants bring out two caps and two pairs of giant foam palms. The palm is mounted on a lightweight wire frame and attached to a wooden handle, which is comfortable and safe to hold in your hand.

Put on these caps and miracle hands. You need to knock the cap off your opponent, but in such a way that your cap remains on your head. Is the task clear?

A competition is taking place.

Applause to the dashing fighters! (To the loser.) You fought like a lion. Well done! Get a lollipop. And for a fair fight we give the winner a painted gingerbread.

Praskovya runs out with a box.

Praskovya. Oh, Vanechka, that’s too bad! Oh, Van, trouble!
Ivan. What happened, where did it leak?
Praskovya. It didn’t lose weight, but rolled away.
Ivan. Yes, speak up!
Praskovya. The nursery rhyme rolled away.
Ivan. What was there?
Praskovya. Well, this one... What's his name?
It doesn't taste good with sour cream.
He is cold at the window.
And he left his grandmother,
And he left his grandfather... Who is this?
Ivan. That's right, Kolobok! The bun rolled and rolled and came to us.

Helpers bring out a beach ball, two hoops with light fabric stretched over them, and a rope.

As you can see, now it is not simple, but sporty. Who wants to play with him?.. Then we will split into two teams. All the good guys are good to me, and the beautiful girls are to Praskovya.

The girls' team and the boys' team stand on opposite sides playground. They are separated by a rope held by Ivan and Praskovya. Behind each team there is an assistant with a hoop. The hoop is held above the head vertically to the floor. The ball does not fall when it hits the ring.

On the left is the Foxes team, on the right are the Wolves. A river flows in the middle. You cannot go into the river, that is, beyond the middle of the site. The task is as easy as a bun. You need to throw the ball into the hoop behind your opponents.

For more excitement, you can use three beach balls with a diameter of 40 cm in the game at once. Three matches are played for 30 seconds. The winning team wins large quantity matches.

In our Kolobkoball, the Foxes team wins with a score of 2:1! Hooray!

Sounds funny.

Well, let's take a look in my box. There are no more nursery rhymes for today!
(Sings.) Eh, the box is empty, empty -
No fun, no miracles.
Close, sweetheart soul,
My mysterious casket.
Anyuta(to children). Thank you for your attention!
It was good with you.
Praskovya. Goodbye! We're leaving
More nursery rhymes!

Presenter 1. Good afternoon! We are pleased to welcome you to the game program “Kaleidoscope of Fun”.

Presenter 2. Remember the kaleidoscope - this cute magical toy from your childhood. You look through a small hole, and behind it is a magical world. Turned it a little and the pattern changed beyond recognition.

Presenter 1. Later, as adults, we learned that a kaleidoscope is just a set of colored pieces of glass and a triangular mirror prism. Let's look into this mirror prism, and what will we see there?

Presenter 2. What does the magical world of a kaleidoscope consist of? First of all, let's find out the color scheme; our kaleidoscope uses three primary colors, and we'll find out which ones now.

Game “Red, Yellow, Green”

I explain the rules of the game. When I show a green card, everyone stomps, a yellow card, everyone claps, a red card, everyone is silent. Shows cards, participants perform actions.

Presenter 1. So you and I found out what 3 primary colors are the basis of our kaleidoscope.

Presenter 2. What magical patterns do our colors form, or maybe these are colorful and mysterious paintings. Now you have to guess what is shown in our kaleidoscope. We call 12 people, divide them into 2 teams of 6 people.

Game “Artists”

Sheets of paper according to the number of teams are attached to the wall at knee height. Participants are given markers. The goal is to draw an object without talking (a person). Each participant takes turns. The latter names the drawing.

Presenter 1. As we see, our magic kaleidoscope is inhabited by residents, but the trouble is, our residents’ hairstyles are mixed up. Let us help them.

“Malvina Relay”

8 people are invited. (4 boys, 4 girls). Two teams line up in two columns, one at a time (boy - girl - boy - girl). The first player turns around at the signal and ties a long hair ribbon on the head of the next player. Then the second player unties the bow, turns around and ties the ribbon on the next player's head. So until the last player unties the ribbon.

Presenter 2. So we saw what kind of residents live in our magic kaleidoscope.

Presenter 1. What language do they speak?

We call 10 people, 2 teams

Game “Gossip”

Each player is given the endings of the words. The first halves of the words are written on pieces of paper in the box. The players' task is to place the piece of paper with the beginning of the word at the desired ending. The box is passed from one end to the other.

Presenter 2. Well, we have visited the magical world of the kaleidoscope. Now let’s see how our kaleidoscope will turn out, and what the pattern will be in it, and for this we will create it ourselves. At the exit there is a poster with figures of different colors lying nearby. If you liked the program, paint our kaleidoscope with a red figure; if it did not cause either delight or disappointment, paint it yellow; if you didn’t like everything that happens here, then feel free to hang a green figure.

Scenario for the first round of the competition

“Fun Seekers”

Presenter: Hello, participants of the regional competition “Adventurers”. Today we will go to an amusing trip throughout the country “CODE” during which you will encounter obstacles that you can easily overcome. But before we go on a trip, we need to get acquainted.


Divide the children into teams of 8-10 people. The task of each team is to quickly carry out the leader’s commands. The speed and correctness of execution is assessed.

  • build according to the initial letter of names;
  • build by the initial letter of the last name;
  • build according to the initial letter of the zodiac sign;
  • build according to the initial letter of the month in which you were born;
  • unite in groups, those who have a sister, brother;
  • unite in groups, those who have a cat, dog, other animal in the house.

Host: Now, I’ll check how well you know each other? A blanket is thrown over the participants. Participants must name the person in front of them by name. Whoever names it faster takes the losing player to his team. The team that transfers the most participants wins.

Presenter: Each team needs to come up with a name for their team and choose a captain.


One flower, two flowers
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs
Forged, forged
Scissors, scissors
Running in place, running in place,
Bunnies, bunnies
Come on, let's go together, let's go together
Boys, girls.

“Knead, knead the dough”

The guys stand in a circle, holding hands. Repeating the words “Knead, knead the dough” in unison, they come together as tightly as possible. To the words “Inflate the bubble, but don’t burst,” they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle, and those whose circle has broken stand in a circle and are already kneaded. Those in the circle have the right to burst the bubble. The strongest and most dexterous ones win.

Host: Now we can safely go on a journey. (We are transported to the country “CODE”, cosmic music sounds). Here comes the first obstacle. On the way we met the inhabitants of the planet, who were bewitched by an evil sorceress. Let us help them.


Children stand in a circle and repeat the words and movements after the leader.

Aunt Motya has four sons
Aunt Motya has four sons
They didn't eat, they didn't drink
And they repeated it like this

The driver names one by one the parts of the body that need to be used to make the movements shown. All movements do not stop.

Host: Okay, you have dealt with the witchcraft of the evil sorceress. And so we can rest.


Let's imagine that we are all atoms. Atoms look like this: bend your elbows and press your hands to your shoulders. Atoms are constantly moving and from time to time they combine into molecules. The number of atoms in molecules can be different, it will be determined by what number I name. We all start moving around this room. The molecule looks like this: they stand facing each other with outstretched arms.


Work with cards in groups. Find the extra word and explain why.


Let's close our eyes and imagine that the sun is shining brightly outside, but suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, which gradually turned into a huge cloud. And so, one drop fell (we knock with one finger), the second fell, and it began to rain (we knock with all our fingers). Suddenly lightning flashed (clap our hands) and thunder rang out (stomp our feet), it blew strong wind. But gradually the rain began to subside, and now 3,2,1 drops fell on the ground and the sun came out.

Presenter: Our first journey through the country “CODE” has ended. See you in the second round.

Scenario for the second round of the competition

“Fun Seekers”

Hello, we are glad to welcome you, young seekers, to our hall.

GAME is coming out:

Hello guys
You are visiting us
And I’ll reveal my name to you now
I am unable to hide my name,
After all, you have heard it thousands of times.
You know me by sight
And, remaining faithful to me,
You accept with delight
Everywhere you see me.
I walk with you to school,
I meet you at the yard -
A funny, cheerful and noisy game.
I cure all diseases,
And the kids know:
There is nothing healthier in the world
Medicines than game.
When you hung your nose,
I'm kidding you
And I'm fast and fun
I'm curing you out of boredom.
Now you recognize me
And it's time for you
Say that you guessed right
What should you call me?

Well, here we are, meeting you. Good afternoon guys. Want to travel? Let's close our eyes and count to 5 and be transported to the planet IGR. (At this time the card is brought out).

Host: So we ended up on the island, and this is a map of the planet IGR. Let's see where we are. (Look at the map where the winning schools of the 1st round are marked). But the second round of the game has already ended, and today we gathered on the planet of games in order to determine the winners of the second round. And the winners will be determined by the jury. Now let's continue our journey. Are you ready to play?

Listen carefully to the task. You need to repeat the last syllable of the phrase twice, remember?

Get ready kids! -pa, pa
The game begins! -pa, pa
Are you always good? - Yes Yes
Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes
How does the rooster crow in the village? - uh, uh
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! - uh, uh
What time is it? - hour, hour
What time will it be in an hour? - hour, hour
Think, think head! - wa, wa
Are you tired of answering? – chat, chat
Isn't it time to keep quiet? - chat, chat(those who do not repeat the last syllable lose).

Host: Dear participants of the competition, look at your invitations. Each invitation has a tree, divide into teams based on the number of apples on the tree.

Competition No. 1. There are a lot of words in the Russian language where you can change one letter to get a new word. For example: night - b points - d points - To points The teams are given two words, your task is to continue the line. One player comes up and inserts one letter to make a new word. Whose team does it quickly and correctly will win.

1 team court, - ort, -ort, -ort; moth, -ol, -ol, -ol

2 commands, -en, -en, -en; ok, -ok, -ok, -ok

3 command tin, -is, -is, -is; pose, -osa, -osa, -osa

Game: Let's continue our journey.

Dear seekers, unite by the color of your invitation.

Competition No. 2. The task of the teams, after consulting, is to prepare the game with the audience and other teams. (5-7 minutes to prepare).

Host: In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we will play a quiz with you. Whoever raises their hand first answers the question. You will be given 4 answer options, you must choose the correct one.

  1. What was Karabas-Barabas in charge of? circus, theater, zoo, parking lot.
  2. What are Italians proud of? Statue of Liberty Colosseum, stone sculptures, pyramids.
  3. What is a woman's bow called? Entre, curtsy, na, trick.
  4. Who became the very first pet? Cow, mammoth, cat, dog.
  5. Around which table did King Arthur's knights gather? Feast, card, operational, round.
  6. What is a wireless one-way communication device called? Telegraph, pager, telephone, walkie-talkie.
  7. What is the main symbol Olympic Games? Olympic bear, olympic flame,
  8. balloons, stadium. What is the name of the device for soft transportation of goods from air to ground? Elevator, crane, catapult,
  9. parachute. What do you call an old, experienced sailor? Sea serpent, sea horse, sea ​​wolf,

sea ​​Devil.

Presenter: Results of the 2nd competition. We attach badges to the winning team. The teams take their places.

Competition No. 3. And now our participants will be divided into teams based on geometric shapes at the invitation. Teams need to tell the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen” in the genre of tragedy, comedy, musical. While our participants are preparing, we will conduct

auction “Capitals of the World”.

Please name the capitals of the world. Whoever calls last is the winner.

We attach badges to the winning team. The teams take their places.

Let's see which participant has the most stickers, he is the winner (award). Each player is awarded game technology grade book And invitation to

third round of the competition.