Hospital 13 Dubrovka. Contacts. Inpatient medical care, including


I had the operation done at the first gynecological department for a fee, and the amount was considerable. Lord, I wouldn’t even go there with compulsory medical insurance if I knew what kind of place this was! (((I paid specially, because in the contract department they promised that the operation would be performed by an experienced doctor, the head of the department, Felix Grigoryan, personally. As a result (I found out this actually on the operating table) I was operated on by a very young, extremely unkind girl - a certain doctor Lisitsina. As a result, she prescribed me, who was breastfeeding...

Many thanks to Alexandra Vladimirovna Muromtseva and Felix Mikhailovich Grigoryan! Thank you!

Wonderful doctor Petrosyan Gor Akopovich! The surgeon is not only from God, but also a hard worker! This was not the first time I was admitted to the hospital and not the first time the question of surgery was raised. But she was the only one she could trust and trust with her life. And I was not mistaken. First-class doctor, excellent specialist! If only there were more of these people you could get sick for your health))) good luck to you Gor Akopovich!

I would like to say a huge thank you to the surgeon Anton Viktorovich Kuznetsov, who works in the surgery department of the 13th City Clinical Hospital for my grandmother Tatyana Aleksandrovna S., whom he operated on and treated. Anton Viktorovich is a very attentive, kind and sympathetic person, a doctor from God! I wish there were more specialists like him. I want to wish him happiness and good luck! Thank you! The most disgusting, terrible specialist. We ended up in the 13th City Clinical Hospital by ambulance on 05/08/2017 with very severe protein edema, fluid in the lungs and abdominal cavity

On May 2, 2017, we arrived at City Clinical Hospital No. 13 at lunchtime and sat in the surgery waiting room until the evening. There were not many people, mostly drunk or overeating patients after the holidays, with acute stomachs. I thought that the line would go quickly and that a relative would soon be hospitalized, but it turned out to be the opposite, a small line, 5-7 visitors. Skoriki brought patients and they were admitted without waiting in line! The hospital staff is in no particular hurry to get anywhere; the soldier is asleep and his shift is underway. I remember one guy whom the Skoriki brought...

Huge gratitude to the manager. cardiac resuscitation Mokhov A. E. You are a true professional! Also thanks to Artamonov V.G., Mkrtchyan A.L. These specialists pulled me out of the other world. I would like to note that from the moment I arrived in reception department Very little time passed before the operation began, everything was done very quickly and professionally, which saved me. Also thanks to I. Sh. Shelyganova, a very professional and kind specialist! Only the most positive emotions from the staff and from the hospital. The rooms are clean...

My mother, 78 years old, was hospitalized in the City Clinical Hospital; No. 13 04/07/2017 with suspected recurrent stroke in ICU-3 with subsequent transfer to 1st neurological department. During treatment, the diagnosis was never established. The attending physician does not pay attention to concomitant diseases (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). Does not select medications. At the stated time for conversations with relatives of patients (13-14 hours) he is not in the resident’s room, it is not possible to find him. In ten...

I would like to thank the doctors and staff, despite the fact that it took 24 hours (the RDV operation) everything was decent: the food, the cleanliness, and the new rooms, the cleaners were constantly cleaning and washing the floors, I don’t remember the floor somewhere upstairs. If I may say so, I liked it, considering that all this is free, it’s even surprising. Of the minuses, there is no TV, at least one per floor, and of course I would like a little more attention and participation of doctors to myself, individual approach and sensitivity, but they did everything well, the anesthesia was good, everything was fine, thank you!

I was admitted to this hospital on February 23, 2017 with a broken arm. I would like to express my gratitude to the doctors on duty. They quickly examined me, immediately took an x-ray and took me to the ward. Spent 16 days in the hospital. And I would like to express special gratitude to the nurses and nannies of the traumatology department on the 3rd floor. For their kindness, attentiveness, responsiveness and, most importantly, complete selfless attitude to patients. Thanks to the cleaning girls who keep all rooms perfectly clean.

This is one of the most terrible hospitals in Moscow. They cannot make an accurate diagnosis, they cannot distinguish a stroke from a psychological disorder, they are being treated for no apparent reason. Moreover, operations are performed, supposedly on an emergency basis, without informing relatives or anyone at all, and then the person dies. Boors and arrogant doctors are generally commonplace for this hospital. It took a day and a half to search for the patient’s medical history after the death! How is this even possible?! And at the same time, they also copied a bunch of documents in the patient’s chart...

In the trauma department they ask for money to let two visitors through. They say that you can only visit one at a time. And then, if you’re three minutes late for leaving, the cloakroom attendant pours out a bucket of dissatisfaction. Why should visitors listen to this?! Most unpleasant experience.

Mom was hospitalized in January 2017, she underwent laparoscopy and, due to her age and side diseases, was admitted to the ICU for a day, where she was constantly under observation, then transferred to the department. The department was clean, the refrigerator was right in the room. The staff is attentive, responsive and qualified. Thanks to all the staff of the 2nd gynecology and ICU! Thanks to the doctors who strengthen faith in free medicine (this is not irony, but heartfelt gratitude)!

Gynecology Department No. 2 is located on the 2nd floor of the surgical building. The bed capacity is 50 beds and is represented by 6-bed wards and 2-bed superior wards. All rooms are equipped with modern functional beds and devices for calling medical staff.

The gynecology department is equipped with the most modern equipment, which allows you to perform diagnostic and treatment procedures and research at a high-tech level. The presence of CT, MRI, ultrasound, endoscopic and x-ray services, and a modern laboratory in the clinic allows us to examine and treat patients with almost any pathology. The department provides paid services, which can be used by both Moscow residents and nonresident Russian citizens. You can view the price list of paid services.

The Gynecological Department is the clinical base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University under the leadership of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.M. Torchinova. The department's doctors constantly participate in symposia, congresses, and congresses of obstetricians and gynecologists, and improve their professional and theoretical knowledge at leading domestic and foreign departments. The department's doctors underwent internships in leading clinics in France and Switzerland.

The main directions of medical and operational activities of the gynecological department are emergency and planned surgical interventions for various pathologies of the pelvic organs, mainly through laparoscopic access.

The list of diseases that are treated in the department on a planned and emergency basis:

  • female infertility (reproductive surgery, endometriosis, pelvic pain);
  • uterine fibroids (including operations with preservation of the uterus for large fibroids, as well as for submucosal location of the myomatous node);
  • cysts and tumors of the uterine appendages;
  • endometriosis of various localizations;
  • ectopic pregnancy (including operations with preservation of the fallopian tube);
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • endometrial pathology (hyperplasia, polyp, intrauterine synechiae, etc.);
  • diseases of the cervix (polyp, ectopia, leukoplakia, cervical dysplasia, etc.);
  • modern approaches using endoscopic technologies in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (including sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of infertility and chronicity of the inflammatory process);
  • threatened spontaneous miscarriage (up to 22 weeks of pregnancy);
  • recurrent miscarriage (including complex treatment for miscarriage caused by thrombophilic mutations, APS, isthmic-cervical insufficiency);
  • non-developing pregnancy.

The list of operations performed by the department’s doctors on an emergency and planned basis:

  • chromosalpingoscopy, salpingovariolysis, neosalpingostomy - reconstructive operations to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes in case of infertility;
  • surgical correction of polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tubotomy, milking – operations for ectopic pregnancy with preservation of the fallopian tube;
  • surgical sterilization;
  • cystectomy, ovarian resection - organ preservation operations for ovarian cysts and tumors;
  • treatment of large ovarian tumors using laparoscopic access;
  • surgical treatment using laparoscopic access for external genital endometriosis of the 4th degree, dissection of adhesions in the adhesions of the 4th degree, coagulation of foci of endometriosis (for any degree of spread of endometriosis), removal of foci of endometriosis, including retrocervical endometriosis;
  • myomectomy – removal of a myomatous node while preserving the uterus (laparoscopic removal of the node is possible for large fibroids);
  • removal of the uterus (including large and gigantic size) is performed by laparoscopic, as well as laparotomic and vaginal approaches;
  • hysteroresectoscopic operations - removal of submucosal myomatous nodes, polyps, dissection and excision of intrauterine septa, destruction of synechiae, ablation and resection of the endometrium;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • surgical correction of urinary incontinence due to tension, prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs;
  • various plastic surgeries on the genitals - traditional anterior plastic surgery, posterior plastic surgery with levatoroplasty without the use of mesh prostheses, Manchester operation, laparoscopic sacrowagynopexy, anterior and rear walls, surgical correction of stress urinary incontinence using a TVT-0 loop, vaginal hysterectomy, “Ofira” mini-sling;
  • intraoperative introduction of anti-adhesive barriers during adhesions during previous operations, external genital endometriosis, myomectomies, etc.;
  • simultaneous operations (hernias, cholelithiasis, appendix diseases);
  • radio wave surgery of the cervix for various pathologies;
  • surgical treatment of tumor-like formations of the external genitalia (Bartholin gland cysts, labia, vagina);
  • surgical correction of isthmic-cervical insufficiency - suturing the cervix in pregnant women with recurrent miscarriage.

The average length of hospital stay before and after surgery depends on the preparation and examination data before surgery, the severity of the pathology, the option of using a particular treatment technology and surgical access. On average, with endoscopic access it is 2–4 days, with laparotomy – 5–8 days.

Head of department Rhea Nadezhda Anatolyevna - work experience in the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology - more than 30 years. Since 2005, she has been the head of the gynecological department No. 2 of City Clinical Hospital No. 13. She is proficient in the technique of organ-preserving and radical operations on the uterus and uterine appendages using traditional and laparoscopic access, hysteroresectoscopic interventions, plastic surgery on the vagina and perineum, including slings (TVT-O).

Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Moscow State Medical and Dental University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.M. Torchinov has more than 45 years of experience. Since 1993, he has headed the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Moscow State Medical and Dental University. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating obstetric and gynecological pathologies.

Chief physician : Aronov Leonid Semenovich.

Secretary : Obukhova Irina Vladimirovna
tel.: +7-499-940-03-45 (ext. 1171);
Fax: +7-495-674-80-76;
e-mail: gkb13@site; [email protected]

Human Resources Department:+7-499-940-47-36, ext. 1385; +7-495-674-51-20.

Information desk : +7-495-674-51-00;

+7-499-940-47-38 ext. 1378 (daily from 09:00 to 19:00).:

  1. Archive operating mode Archive of medical records . Administrative building, 2nd floor. Reception of citizens on weekdays from 8:45 to 16:15, lunch break
  2. from 13:00 to 13:30. X-ray archive

. A separate one-story building on the hospital grounds. Opening hours are from 8:30 to 14:30, Saturday and Sunday are days off. Issuance of radiographs from 10:00 to 14:30. Reception departments

: +7-499-940-47-38 ext. 1202 (No. 1 - surgery), ext. 1414 (No. 2 - therapy), ext. 1476 (No. 3 - injury). Registration of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department:

+7-495-674-74-51; +7-499-940-47-39, ext. 1342 (on weekdays from 8:00 to 14:00). : +7-495-587-70-88.

Hotline for planned hospitalization of out-of-town patients:+7-495-600-50-50.

Paid hospitalization:

  • Telephone numbers of some departments and offices
  • clinical diagnostic laboratory – +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 1491);
  • department of functional diagnostics No. 1 – +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 2173);
  • department of functional diagnostics No. 2 – +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 1527);
  • department of ultrasound diagnostics – +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 1233);
  • Department of Surgical Endoscopy – +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 2078);
  • physiotherapy department – ​​+7-499-940-47-34 (ext. 1204);
  • detoxification room – +7-499-940-47-34 (ext. 1365);

hyperbaric oxygenation room – +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 1358, 2089).

Department of paid medical services : st. Velozavodskaya 1/1, therapeutic building (building 15), 1st floor, opening hours:

  • treatment room : on weekdays from 08:00-17:00;
  • consultations with doctors, all types of diagnostics, concluding agreements with insurance companies and legal entities from 9:00 to 17:00.

Additional office Department of paid services is located at: st. Velozavodskaya, 1/1, surgical building (building 12), 1st floor, opening hours: on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00; mail: [email protected].

Office of paid services of the obstetric branch : st. Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, 3, maternity hospital No. 13, 1st floor, tel.: +7-495-675-68-61 , email mail: pmu.. department of paid medical services, obstetrician-gynecologist Golikova Olesya Albertovna. Office opening hours:

  • consultations on pregnancy management and concluding contracts for childbirth: weekdays from 9:00 to 16:30.

Office of paid services of the Yuzhnoport branch (polyclinic) : st. Trofimova, 26, building 8, tel.: +7-495-958-95-55 , email: [email protected], opening hours:

  • consultations on outpatient examination and treatment, registration for consultations and treatment at an outpatient surgical center and other services: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - from 10:00 to 16:30, Wednesday - from 12:00 to 19:30.

Phone number for consultations and appointments examination and treatment of individuals : +7-495-600-50-50, email: [email protected].

Get advice on survey issues, concluding contracts for dispensary observation programs for healthy and premature babies aged 0 to 3 years: st. Velozavodskaya, 1/1, head. department of paid services of the Center for Restorative Treatment of Children from 0 to 3 years old Balashova Elena Demyanovna, phone: +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 2177), reception +7-499-940-47-38 (ext. 1156), el. mail: cvl@site, opening hours: on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, on Saturday vaccination day from 9:00 to 14:00.

Consultations on laboratory diagnostics , drawing up individual programs for laboratory examination, consultations on laboratory profiles: +7-499-940-47-35 (ext. 1491) weekdays from 08:30 to 15:30, email..

Consultations on issues concluding agreements with insurance companies and legal entities for the provision of outpatient and inpatient care and for cooperation issues: +7-499-940-47-35, ext. 2075; email mail: [email protected].

Get background information O paid services , you can sign up for examinations, consultations with doctors, outpatient and inpatient treatment (conservative and surgical), order paid transportation of patients (including with two orderlies) and other services by calling: +7-495-600-50-50; +7-499-940-47-35 (ext. 2076, 1124, 2074, 1329, 2075).

Head paid medical department services : Safarova Irina Sergeevna: +7-495-671-78-27; +7-499-940-47-35 (ext. 1530); +7-919-769-99-87.

IN evening time, weekends and holidays questions regarding the provision of paid medical services, organization of patient transportation, funeral services, etc., can be sent to email: [email protected] and contact the duty administrator of City Clinical Hospital No. 13 by phone: +7-919-769-99-58 .

Paid services

The hospital provides paid medical services in the following areas:
- orthopedics (joint replacement)
- arthroscopic operations
- arthrology-rheumatology
- surgery
- gynecology (same-day abortions, mini-abortions)
- endoscopic operations in surgery
- cardiology
- therapy
- neurology
- urology (prostatitis, urogenital infections)
- ozone therapy
- pressure chamber
- plasmapheresis, ultraviolet irradiation of blood
- laser therapy
- massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy

Patients are provided with 1-2-bed wards, superior wards, and ambulance vehicles.

Scientific base

Clinical departments

On the basis of the hospital departments there are clinics and departments of educational and research institutes, which conduct extensive scientific and practical work on priority areas and are a source of medical personnel.

From the first days of its existence, the departments of the sanitary and hygienic faculty of the 1st Moscow University worked in the hospital. medical institute them. THEM. Sechenov; Faculty of Surgery, headed by Professor Lebedenko V.V.; Faculty Therapy, headed by Professor A.G. Ghukasyan

Over the course of several decades, a joint history took shape surgical departments hospitals and the department of general surgery of the medical faculty of the Russian State medical university.

For 16 years, the surgical clinic was headed by Honored Scientist, Professor Yu.E. Berezov.

Over the years, thanks to the joint work of the department’s staff and hospital doctors, the surgical clinic has taken one of the leading positions in esophagogastroenterology and endoscopy surgery.

For almost two decades, the surgical clinic was led by the Honored Scientist, Professor V.M. Buyanov. A surgeon and scientist of a wide range, V.M. Buyanov headed the main scientific directions: surgical gastroenterology, emergency surgery of the abdominal organs, purulent-septic surgery. For the development of new methods of regional intensive therapy for pancreatic necrosis and organ-preserving operations on the pancreas V.M. Buyanov was awarded the USSR State Prize.

In addition to practical and scientific activity Hundreds of residents and graduate students were trained at the department, dozens of doctoral and master's theses were defended, 28 employees of the department became professors. Over many decades of work, the staff of the surgical clinic introduced 6 inventions, over 30 innovation proposals, and published more than 500 scientific works.

Since 1999, the Department of General Surgery has been headed by Professor N.A. Kuznetsov. Development and implementation of surgical micro-access when performing operations on the abdominal organs, methods for assessing the degree of endogenous intoxication in surgical patients, new methods for diagnosing and treating purulent-inflammatory diseases, improving endoscopic surgery, widespread and effective use of endoscopic-radiological methods for diagnosis and treatment cholelithiasis, software video laparoscopy for pancreatic necrosis - the main directions of scientific and practical research today.

Medical and scientific-practical work in the therapeutic clinic is carried out under the leadership of the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Russian State Medical University.

The department is leading in the study of the effect of invasive and non-invasive laser therapy on the course of coronary heart disease, respiratory diseases (obstructive pulmonary diseases), peptic ulcer duodenum. The influence of some medicines on the course of myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, post-infarction cardiosclerosis. Research is being conducted on the state of the immune-biochemical system in the formation and development of IHD. For these works, 25 copyright certificates were received.

The department is a methodological center for laser therapy; its developments guide many medical institutions when conducting laser therapy. For the development and implementation of laser therapy methods in practical medicine various diseases to the team of department employees headed by Professor I.M. Korochkin. awarded the State Prize for 1987.

Since 1976, the department has defended 8 doctoral and 38 candidate dissertations, and 3 monographs have been published.

Treatment and research work is carried out at the Department of Polyclinic Therapy No. 2 of the Moscow Faculty of the Russian State Medical University, created in 2003 by decision of the Moscow Department of Health. The department is the basis for training doctors for clinics in Moscow. The department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Chukaeva I.I.

The department studies a wide range of current problems: prognosis for coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension; the influence of drug therapy on the course of myocardial infarction, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, arterial hypertension in people with various concomitant diseases in different age groups.

A search is underway for the most informative methods for diagnosing myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary disease heart and non-coronary heart lesions.

Under development rational system examination, monitoring and treatment of patients with arterial hypertension in urban clinics and hospitals for early detection of target organ damage, selection of differentiated approaches to their treatment, prevention and rehabilitation, including secondary, in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Since 2003, the department has defended 1 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations, received a patent for a method for diagnosing silent myocardial ischemia in women, and prepared 14 methodological manuals for doctors and patients, a textbook on outpatient therapy was published.

On the basis of gynecological departments, a large scientific, practical and academic work in close collaboration and under the leadership of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Dentistry, Moscow State Medical University, headed by Professor AM Torchinov. Research conducted at the department covers a wide range of topical problems:

● hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;

● hormone replacement therapy;

inflammatory processes in gynecology;

● laser therapy and ultrasound examinations in gynecology;

● uterine fibroids;

● changes in the functions of the biliary system during pregnancy.

Totally agree last years Employees of the department on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 13 defended 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations, and prepared 5 more dissertations for defense. Currently, the department has the most modern morphodensitometric laboratory (headed by Professor Umakhanova M.M.).

Since 1988, employees of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the RUDN University have been working in close collaboration with the staff of the departments.

The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the RUDN University, headed by Professor Nikolai Vasilievich Zagorodny, has the most modern clinical facilities in the hospital; the operating rooms, resuscitation and intensive care units for orthopedic and traumatological patients are well equipped. Training rooms allow for therapeutic, scientific and practical work and educational process at a high level. In the last 2 years alone, many new methods of treating orthopedic and trauma patients have been introduced.

Scientific connections have been established with many foreign and domestic companies. Among them, the most famous are Sulzer Orthopedics (Switzerland), Plus Endoprotetic (Switzerland), Dina International (Germany), Johnson and Johnson (USA), OVEC (Germany). Together with domestic companies Osteomed and Implant MT, new hip and knee joints.

On the basis of the departments, department employees regularly conduct demonstration operations and training modern technologies doctors from different regions of Russia and the CIS.

It has become the norm for the department to invite foreign orthopedists to jointly perform new operations on various joints. All this has turned the hospital’s orthopedic and traumatology departments into one of the leading centers in Moscow for providing qualified care to patients with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Over the past 10 years, 60 residents have been trained on the basis of the traumatology and orthopedic departments of the hospital, one doctoral dissertation and 8 candidate’s theses have been defended. Based on the materials of the departments’ work, 88 patents and copyright certificates were obtained. For the Burdyuk rod apparatus, the department was awarded a Gold medal at an exhibition in Brussels and a bronze medal from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Currently, the hospital employs two professors and one associate professor of the department, 10 graduate students and 30 residents, and about 150 sixth-year students of RUDN University study annually.

Since the opening, the children's departments have been working in close cooperation with the Department of Physiology and Pathology of Newborns of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. From 1964 to 1985, the clinic was headed by K.A. Sotnikova. - a prominent scientist, one of the founders of clinical neonatology in our country, who for many years was the chief pediatrician of the USSR Ministry of Health.

From 1985 to the present, the clinic is headed by Professor G.M. Dementyeva.

Since 1996, in collaboration with the Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, care has been organized for premature babies with retinopathy of prematurity. With the participation of psychologists from the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy and Defectology, as well as Moscow State University, correctional and psychological assistance children with developmental delays and their families.

Based on the results of joint research conducted by employees of the hospital and the institute, principles for organizing departments of this type and evaluation criteria were developed physical development premature infants, evaluation tables, and schemes for the pathogenesis of RDS and pneumonia are proposed. The etiological structure of pneumonia in newborns has been studied, intensive therapy methods have been developed, including mechanical ventilation, the use of exogenous surfactant, interferon preparations, recombinant erythropoietin and others. They are reflected in four published monographs, manuals, as well as in more than 400 articles and materials. 5 doctoral and 18 candidate dissertations were defended, the results of which were used in practice.

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