Thematic planning for teaching literacy in the Federal State Educational Standard. Calendar-thematic planning for teaching literacy to the Goretsky alphabet. Types of speech activity

home Calendar- thematic planning in Russian language (Literacy teaching) 1st grade. UMK "Elementary" school XXI

century" for the 2016-2017 academic year. 80 hours. 16.02.2017

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Bindyukova Elena Mikhailovna,

Development content

Calendar and thematic planning

In Russian


UMK "PRIMARY SCHOOL XXI CENTURY" 2016-2017 academic year. year


Lesson topic

Number of hours



the date of the



Pre-letter period (16 hours)

Introducing a new subject. Hygienic rules for writing. Orientation on the copybook page.

Proceedings No. 1

Introduction of the concept of “word”.

Working out the algorithm of actions on the copybook pages Practicing the concept of “word”. Training in conducting horizontal and vertical.

parallel lines

Dividing a sentence into words. Training in drawing oblique parallel lines.

Comparison of sounds. Training in drawing oblique parallel lines, wavy lines.

Familiarization with the sound structure of a word.

Intonation selection of a given sound in a word, determination of its place in the word. Drawing straight and inclined parallel lines.

Starting diagnostic work

Getting to know the working line. Comparison of words by sound structure. Carrying out semi-ovals. Orientation on the working line. Sound analysis

words "whale, cat". Comparison of these words by sound structure. Practice finding the middle of the superscript space.

Sound analysis of the words “onion, forest”. Comparison of these words by sound structure.

Development of freedom of hand movement. Drawing lines of a complex trajectory.

Difference between ovals and circles. Writing letter elements on the working line

Writing letter elements on the working line. Primer period

(64 h) Letter uppercase and lowercase

the letter a Getting to know.

letter I, I

Letter of capital letter Y.

Small letter letter i.

Reinforcing the rules for designating sounds (a) with letters.

Letter of capital and small letters O, o

Letter of capital and lowercase letters Ё,е

The letter “ё” at the beginning of a word (denoting the sounds “th” and “o”).

Reinforcing the rules for designating the sounds “o” and “a” with letters.

Letter of capital and small letters U, y

Letter of capital and small letters Yu, yu

Reinforcing the rules for designating the sounds [u], [o] [a] with letters. Writing learned letters

Small letter letter e.

Letter of capital and small letters E, e

Writing learned letters

Small letter letter s

Introducing the letter I, i. Capital letter letter I.

Small letter letter i.

Practicing writing learned letters

Letter of capital and small letters M, m

Recipe No. 2

Introducing the letter N, n. Letter of capital and small letter N, n.

Reading and writing syllables, words

Letter of capital and small letters R, r. Writing syllables, words

Letter of capital and small letters L, l. Writing syllables, words

Letter of capital and small letters Y, й

Introduction of the concept of “syllable”.

Practicing writing learned letters.

Introduction of the concept of "stress". Letter of capital and small letters G, g

Letter of capital and small letters K, k

Differentiation of letters G, g-K, k.

Introducing the letter Z, z. Letter of capital letter Z.

Small letter letter z. Writing syllables, words.

Letter of capital and small letters C, s

Differentiation of letters З, з – С, с.

Letter of capital and small letters D, d

Introducing the letter T, t. The letter of the capital letter T.

Letter of small letter t. Making a sentence from words.

Practicing writing learned letters

Differentiation of letters D, d – T, t.

Recipe No. 3

Letter of capital and small letters B, b

Letter of capital and small letters P, p

Introducing the letter B, v. Letter of capital and small letter B, v.

Reading and writing words and sentences.

Letter of capital and small letters F, f

Letter of capital and lowercase letters Ж,ж

(64 h) letters Ш,ш

Introducing the letter Ch, h. The letter of the capital letter Ch.

Small letter letter h.

Letter of capital and lowercase letters Ш, Ш

Letter of capital and small letter X, x

Letter of capital and small letters Ts, ts

Small letter letter ь. Words with separator ь.

Small letter letter ь. Writing words and sentences with the letter ь – an indicator of the softness of consonants.

Small letter letter ъ. Words with separator ъ.

Small letter letter ъ. Writing words and sentences with the letter ъ.

Consolidating the writing of all letters of the Russian alphabet.

Interim diagnostic testing work

Do you want to become better at computer skills?

Trial results Unified State Examinations and OGE come in the form of a list of “pros” and “cons” (++---+-+-) in an Excel table in one cell. “Plus” means a correctly solved task, “-” means an incorrect one. Then all this needs to be put into readable form, analyzed, and provided to both the children and the school administration. In this article we will look at a simple way to convert a sequence of characters from one cell into columns.

Read new articles

The direction will most likely require considerations of love first. Simply because this is the most common type of relationship between a man and a woman. But options for hatred, friendship and work relationships are also possible. There is no point in listing all possible versions of works touching on the theme of love. However, it is advisable to take into account when preparing for the final essay that the topic can concern both mutual, “correct” love, and unrequited or “criminal” love, that is, illegal. It is worth thinking in advance about how to cover such topics and on what material. If, for example, the writer intends to consider “criminal” love as an option for desirable self-expression, then it is worth turning to M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” (Margarita is married, but loves the Master); if a graduate considers such love unacceptable, he can refer to the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin.”

Explanatory note

Work program for teaching literacy for 1st grade secondary school compiled in accordance with the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education, requirements of the Approximate basic educational program of the educational institution, author's program V. P. Kanakina, V. G. Goretsky, M. N. Dementieva, N. A. Stefanenko, M. V. Boykina.

The literacy program is built as an organic part of the general course of Russian language and literature high school and is focused on the linguistic, emotional, moral and intellectual development of the child.

Goals and objectives of the course

Critical Role in the implementation of the goals and objectives facing primary school, belongs to the study of the native language. The program for studying the Russian language in primary school includes three interconnected, but with a certain independence: training courses:

1. Literacy training, speech development and extracurricular reading.

2. Literary reading(classroom and extracurricular) and speech development.

3. Phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and speech development.

The literacy program gives the entire process of studying the Russian Language course a clear practical orientation and implements following goals:

– formation in students of initial ideas about language as a component of a holistic picture of the world;

– sociocultural goal includes the formation communicative competence students – development of oral and writing, monologue and dialogic speech, initial skills of literate, error-free writing as an indicator of a person’s general culture;

– development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities, emotional responsiveness when reading, formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the art of words; mastering initial skills in working with educational and scientific texts;

– fostering interest in reading and books; enrichment of moral experience junior schoolchildren, formation of ideas about good and evil; development of moral feelings, respect for the culture of peoples multinational Russia and other countries.

To achieve the set goals in literacy lessons, it is necessary to solve the following: tasks:

– mastering general cultural skills of reading and understanding text; nurturing interest in reading and books;

– development of speech, thinking, imagination of schoolchildren, the ability to choose language means in accordance with the goals, objectives and conditions of communication;

– mastering initial knowledge of vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar of the Russian language;

– fostering a positive emotional and value-based attitude towards the Russian language, a sense of involvement in preserving its uniqueness and purity; awakening cognitive interest to the language, the desire to improve their speech.

general characteristics subject

Literacy training is aimed at developing reading skills and the basics of elementary graphic skills, developing speech skills, enriching and activating the vocabulary, improving phonemic awareness, and implementing grammatical and spelling propaedeutics. The tasks of teaching literacy are solved in reading lessons and in writing lessons. Learning to write goes in parallel with learning to read, taking into account the principle of coordination of oral and written speech. The content of literacy training ensures the solution of the main tasks of its three periods: preliterary(preparatory), alphabetic(main) and post-literal(final).

Pre-letter period is an introduction to the system of language and literary education. Its content is aimed at creating motivation for learning activities and developing interest in the reading process itself. Special attention at this stage we focus on identifying entry level the development of oral forms of speech in each student, especially listening and speaking. There is another task - involvement in educational activities, accustoming to the requirements of the school.

The introduction of children into the world of language begins with familiarization with the word, its meaning, with an understanding of its nominative function in various communicative speech situations, with the distinction in a word of its content (meaning) and form (phonetic and graphic). First-graders form initial ideas about the proposal, develop phonemic awareness and the ability to determine the sequence of sounds in words of different sound and syllable structure. They learn to carry out sound analysis of words using diagram models, divide words into syllables, find a stressed syllable in a word, “read” words following the sound analysis, focusing on the stress sign and the letter of the stressed vowel sound. On preparatory stage initial ideas about vowels and consonants (hard and soft sounds) are formed, the first five vowel sounds and the letters denoting them are studied. During writing lessons, children learn the requirements for the position of the notebook, pen, and correct fit, learn to write first the elements of letters, and then master writing letters.

Content alphabetic period covers the study of the first consonants and their letter designations; subsequent vowel sounds and letters denoting them; familiarity with vowel sounds denoting two sounds; familiarization with letters that do not represent sounds. Specific feature This stage consists of direct learning to read and mastering its mechanism. First-graders master two types of reading: orthographic (I read as it is written) and orthoepic (I read as I speak); work with syllable tables and fusion syllables; master writing all vowels and consonants, syllables with various types connections, words, sentences, small texts.

Post-letter(final) - repeating and generalizing stage. At this stage of literacy learning, a gradual transition to reading whole words is carried out, the ability to read silently is formed, the processes of conscious, correct, paced and expressive reading of words, sentences, and texts are developed and improved. Students become familiar with speech etiquette (verbal ways of expressing greetings, thanks, farewells, etc.) by reading and acting out communication situations. Teaching the elements of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar goes in parallel with the formation of communicative speech skills and abilities, with the development of children’s creative abilities. During this period, children begin to read literary texts and become involved in project activities for the preparation of the “ABC Book Holiday”, during which the knowledge acquired during the period of literacy training takes place. After learning to read and write, separate study of the Russian language and literary reading begins.

Place of the subject “Literacy” in the curriculum.

207 hours are allocated for literacy instruction in grade 1. During the period of literacy training, hours of the literary reading curriculum are allocated for reading lessons - 92 hours. Hours of the Russian language curriculum are allocated for writing lessons - 115 hours.

The structure of the academic subject.

Initial stage studying the Russian language and literary reading in the first grade is the course “Teaching literacy”. Its duration (approximately 23 school weeks, 9 hours per week) is determined by the pace of student learning, their individual characteristics and the specifics of the ones used teaching aids. The content of literacy training is presented respectively in both the Russian language course and the literary reading course. Learning to write goes in parallel with learning to read, taking into account the principle of coordination of oral and written speech. Children master the outline of a new letter, learn to combine it with previously learned letters, and practice writing letter combinations in syllables, words, and sentences.

Along with the formation of the foundations of elementary graphic and reading skills, children’s horizons expand, speech skills develop, the vocabulary is enriched and activated, phonemic hearing is improved, and grammatical and spelling propaedeutics is carried out.

After the “Teaching Literacy” course, separate study of the Russian language and literary reading begins.


Preparatory period (4 academic weeks)

Primer period

(16 school weeks)

Post-letter period

(3 school weeks)


Main course

(10 weeks)


Literary reading

Russian language

Value guidelines:

The main value guideline when constructing a literacy course is its focus on developing the ability to learn in first-graders. Considering the transitional stage from preschool to school age During the period of learning to read and write, first-graders should develop: a sufficiently high level of voluntariness, the ability to plan and control their own actions, the ability to concentrate on the task set by the teacher, a high level of activity and initiative, the manifestation of independence in work, the ability to evaluate the correctness of performance own work, positive attitude to school and to academic work.

Another value guideline when constructing the course is the focus of teaching on first-graders’ understanding that language is the main means of human communication. Literacy teaching as the first stage of learning the Russian language is aimed at developing the communicative competence of students - the development of oral and written speech, monologue and dialogic speech, as well as initial literate writing skills.

In the process of teaching literacy, much attention is paid to the formation of visual and figurative logical thinking students. This happens due to the place that modeling of the sound composition of a word and modeling of the composition of a sentence occupy in the course. Children receive all subject knowledge not in the form of ready-made formulations or models already presented in the textbook, but in the process of learning to independently build models. At the same time, first-graders learn a new way of thinking, gradually moving from visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking to logical. At the same time, independent construction of models makes it possible to form in first-graders the most important component of educational activity - control and self-control over the correctness of each task, and after this, the ability to independently evaluate the correctness or incorrectness of each action performed. In the process of learning to read and write, first-graders first of all learn to think, analyze, compare, look for similarities and differences, realize how this is done, prove their point of view, i.e. children master metasubject learning activities and at the same time master all the necessary knowledge in the field of the Russian language.

All the knowledge that first-graders receive when learning to read and write is consolidated in games specially developed for this course, which are mandatory and essential component every lesson. This makes the learning process interesting and exciting for children, including ensuring gentle adaptation to schooling.

The most important value orientation of a literacy course is its student-oriented orientation. This is achieved by the fact that each educational task is presented at different levels of complexity: some first-graders master the solution of a new educational task, working together with the teacher, some students complete the same task independently, and students who most successfully master the material solve the same learning task on more complex material. The content includes material for first-graders who came to school unable to read at all; for students who read syllables and for students who read well. Such construction of the course and learning process leads to the formation of a personal meaning of learning and the development of educational motivation, which is also one of the most important requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Important feature construction of the course and another goal is that the work is aimed not only at practicing technical side reading, but also on reading awareness, which allows you to lay the foundations for future reading competence.

Types of speech activity:

Listening (listening). Awareness of the purpose and situation of oral communication. Adequate perception of spoken speech (statement of the interlocutor, reading various texts).

Speaking. Choice linguistic means in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication to effectively solve the communication problem. Practical mastery of the dialogical form of speech. Mastering the skills to start, maintain, end a conversation, attract attention, etc. Practical mastery of oral monologue statements in accordance with the educational task (description, narration, reasoning). Mastery of norms speech etiquette in situations of educational and everyday communication (greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude, making a request). Compliance with spelling standards and correct intonation.

Reading. Understanding educational text. Selective reading in order to find the necessary material. Finding information given in the text in explicit form. Formulating simple conclusions based on information contained in the text. Interpretation and synthesis of information contained in the text . Analysis and assessment of content, language features and structure of the text.

Letter. Writing letters, letter combinations, syllables, words, sentences in the literacy system. Mastering legible, neat writing, taking into account the hygienic requirements for this type academic work. Copying, writing from dictation in accordance with learned rules. A written presentation of the content of the listened and read text (detailed, condensed, selective). Creation of small own texts (essays) on topics interesting to children (based on impressions, literary works, plot paintings, series of paintings, viewing a fragment of a video recording, etc.).

Phonetics and orthoepy

Speech sounds. Meaningful qualities of sounds. The unity of the sound composition of a word and its meaning. Intonation selection of sounds in a word. Sound analysis of a word. The number and sequence of sounds in a word. Isolated sound (selection, naming, fixation with a chip). Comparison of words that differ in one sound (poppy - cancer). Working with models: building a model of the sound composition of a word, reflecting the qualitative characteristics of sounds (vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants). Selection of words that correspond to a given model.

Vowels and consonants. Semantic distinguishing function of hard and soft consonant sounds.

Consonants are voiced and voiceless, paired - unpaired.

A syllable as a minimal pronunciation unit. Dividing words into syllables. Emphasis. Verbal stress and logical (semantic) stress in sentences. Emphasis. Pronunciation of sounds and combinations of sounds in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Graphic arts

Sound and letter. A letter as a sign of sound. A positional way of denoting sounds with letters. Reproduction of the sound form of a word according to its alphabetic notation (reading). Vowels as an indicator of hardness - softness of consonant sounds. Letters E, e, E, E, Yu, Yu, I, I(iotated), their functions.

Letter designation of the sound [th’] in different positions.

Introducing the Russian alphabet as a sequence of letters.

Hygienic requirements when writing. Developing correct posture, tilting the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen when writing and drawing. Design of written capital and lowercase letters. Writing letters, letter combinations, syllables, words, sentences in compliance with hygienic standards. Development of small finger muscles and freedom of hand movement. Techniques for correct copying from printed and written fonts. Vowels after hissing ones (zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - schu). Recording, laying out a split alphabet, typing and writing from dictation of individual words and sentences (three to five words with sounds in a strong position). Comparative analysis letter recordings of words with different positions of consonant sounds.

Word and sentence

The word as an object of study. Material for analysis. Meaning of the word. Word and sentence (distinction). Observation of the meaning of a word. Working with sentences: highlighting words, changing their order, spreading and shortening sentences. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, in proper names. Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence (familiarization).


Familiarization with spelling rules and their application:

– designation of vowels after sibilants in the position under stress (cha - sha, chu - schu, zhi - shi);

– capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, in proper names (without introducing a term);

separate writing words;

– transfer of words into syllables without consonant clusters;

– punctuation marks at the end of a sentence.

Speech development

Development in children of attention to the sound side of audible speech, auditory memory and speech apparatus. Improving general speech skills: teaching a leisurely pace and rhythm of speech, correct speech breathing, moderate volume and correct intonation.

Improving the pronunciation of words, especially those that are complex in their sound-syllable structure, in accordance with the rules of orthoepy, observing stress. Correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, correct use of similar sounds, most often mixed by children.

Correction of deficiencies in the pronunciation of certain sounds caused by deviations in the speech development of children.

Results of mastering the subject “Teaching literacy”

Preparation period

Subject results

The student will learn:

Distinguish between oral and written speech, distinguish between letters and sounds;

Isolate sentences from a short text, formulate a sentence in oral speech

Select words from a sentence and correlate them with the model of the word;

Divide a word into syllables using graphic diagrams;

Divide words into syllables; identify a stressed syllable in a word;

Define main idea offers;

Distinguish vowels from consonants, distinguish letters from sounds;

The student will become familiar with the rules of landing when writing, learn to trace patterns and write elements of letters independently, learn to write elements of letters without interruption, write letters and connections with them. The skill of continuous writing with a slant will be developed.

The student will have the opportunity to learn in joint activities with teacher:

Become aware of figurative ideas about a sentence; about the word as a unit of speech, its named function; about the syllable as part of a word, its named function;

Identify syllables in words in the process of syllabic analysis of the word;

Determine the position (stressed and unstressed) of a syllable in a word; determine logical stress, distinguish the intonation coloring of a sentence

Articulate sounds in accordance with the characteristics of their pronunciation, be aware of the figurative idea of ​​sound;

Understand the semantic meaning of intonation;

Denote vowel sounds with letters;

Consider the vowels a, o, u, and as a letter, a syllable word;

Observe the positional change of consonant sounds.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher;

Accept and maintain the learning task, adequately perceive the assessments of the teacher and friends;

Make necessary adjustments and act based on the results of the discussion.

Cognitive UUD:

Find your bearings in textbooks (notation system, content);

Understand information presented in the form of pictures and diagrams.

Use sentence models, sound patterns of words given in textbooks,


Engage in dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify anything unclear).

Cooperate with comrades when performing tasks in pairs: establish and follow the order of actions, correctly report errors to a comrade;

Participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem;

Accept another opinion and position, formulate your own opinion and position.

Personal UUD

Accept the new status “student”, the internal position of the student at the level positive attitude to school, take on the image of a “good student”;

show interest in new educational material

Follow the rules of personal hygiene, safe behavior at school, at home, on the street, in in public places;

Be attentive to your own experiences and the experiences of other people; moral content of actions.

Letter period (main).

Subject results

The student will learn:

Describe consonant sounds

Recognize letters representing vowels and consonants

Recognize the graphic image of letters, isolate sounds from words,

Group, systematize letters according to their designation of different sounds and style;

Denote iotated sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel letter with the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya;

Determine the topic of the text, its main idea, retell the text;

Name the letters in alphabetical order, name the letters correctly.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Extend the stem of the sentence, reduce sentences to the stem;

Correctly express your thoughts in speech, observe the role of form changes for the accuracy of expressing thoughts and connecting words;

Observe the discrepancy between the spelling and pronunciation of unstressed vowels;

Identify the root in words with the same root;

Explain the meaning of ambiguous words,

Solve letter puzzles;

Find passages that can answer the question;

Choose a passage to which you can choose a proverb;

Correctly use capital letters when writing proper names;

Find a rhyme;

Come up with a title for the text, pose questions;

Distinguish the meanings of polysemantic words

The student will get acquainted with the outline of letters, learn to reproduce them in writing, learn to write syllables, words, short sentences, observing the slope, height and proportions of the letters. The formation of the skill of continuous writing with a slant will continue.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

3. Make the necessary additions and corrections to your work if it diverges from the standard (sample).

4. In collaboration with the teacher, determine the sequence of studying the material,

based on the illustrative series " route sheet».

6. Accept and maintain the learning task, take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher,

plan your actions,

7. Sit correctly when writing, hold a pen, apply this knowledge when doing written assignment, correctly navigate the copybook page and notebook

Cognitive UUD:

Communication UUD:

5. Allow for the existence of different points of view, take into account different opinions, strive for coordination,

Personal UUD

Post-letter period

Subject results

The student will learn:

Ask questions about the content of what you read, answer questions;

Correlate the content with the topic of reading, highlight the features of Pushkin’s poetry (intonation, pace of reading, features of speech);

Determine the theme, the main idea of ​​the work;

Correctly construct answers to the questions posed;

Ask questions about the content of what you read;

The student, in joint activities with the teacher, will have the opportunity to learn:

Participate in dialogue when discussing a read work and discuss a given topic;

Distinguish between the elements of a book (cover, title page, table of contents, illustrations, abstract);

Compare works of different genres;

Briefly characterize the heroes of the works,

Divide the text into semantic parts, draw up a simple plan;

Identify the real and fantastic, funny and comic in the content of the text;

Compose a short monologue based on the author’s text;

Give a simple description of the main acting persons works;

Create a short oral text on a given topic.

Develop competent writing skills.

Develop the ability to write down a sentence and find the basis in it.

Test your ability to write a sentence and use punctuation marks.

To develop spelling skills for vowels in the root of a word.

To develop spelling skills for voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of a word.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

1. Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher.

2. Carry out control in the form of comparing your work with a given standard.

3. Make the necessary additions and corrections to your work if it diverges from the standard (sample).

4. In collaboration with the teacher, determine the sequence of studying the material.

Cognitive UUD:

1. Find your bearings in textbooks (notation system, text structure, headings, vocabulary, content).

2. Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using reference materials textbook (under the guidance of a teacher).

3. Understand information presented in the form of text, pictures, diagrams.

4. Compare objects, objects: find commonalities and differences.

5. Group, classify objects based on essential features, according to specified criteria.

Communication UUD:

1. Observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

2. Engage in dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify anything unclear).

3. Cooperate with comrades when performing tasks in pairs: establish and follow the order of actions, correctly report errors to a comrade.

4.Participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem.

Personal UUD

1. Perceive the unifying role of Russia as a state, territory of residence and community of language. Correlate the concepts of “native nature” and “Motherland”.

2. Show respect for your family, value mutual assistance and mutual support of family members and friends.

3. Accept the new status of “student”, the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards school, accept the image of a “good student”.

4. Be attentive to your own experiences and the experiences of other people; moral content of actions.

5. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior at school, at home, on the street, and in public places.

6. Be attentive to the beauty of the surrounding world and works of art.

By the end of the 1st year of study, children should

    all sounds and letters of the Russian language;

    isolate sounds in words, determine their sequence;

    distinguish between vowels and consonants sounds and letters;

    correctly name soft and hard sounds in a word and outside a word;

    extract words from a sentence;

    write 3-5 sentences on a specific topic.

    Find answers to questions using the textbook, life experiences, and information received from the teacher

    They learn to determine the purpose of work in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

    Distinguish new knowledge (skill) from already known knowledge with the help of a teacher.

    They talk through the sequence of actions; learn to express their versions and assumptions.

    Learn to work according to the proposed plan.

    In the proposed situations, specific actions are identified that can be assessed as good and bad.

    To teach how to explain from the perspective of universal human moral values ​​why specific actions can be assessed as good or bad.

    Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech (at the level of a sentence or a small simple text).

    Learn poems and small prose fragments by heart.

    Listen and understand the speech of others. Read and retell text expressively

    Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

    Learn to perform various roles in the group (leader, performer).

    Retell short texts in detail; determine their theme and main idea

    In the proposed situations, relying on known rules of behavior, make a choice about what action to take.

Reading Skills:

1st half of the year : smooth syllabic reading of words, sentences, short texts with learned sounds and letters denoting them.

2nd half: Correct, smooth syllabic reading with elements of reading whole words of small texts with all the letters of the alphabet. The approximate rate of reading an unfamiliar text is not lower than 25-30 words per minute. Observe pauses separating one sentence from another.

Educational and methodological support

1. Printed manuals:

1. ABC. 1st grade: educational. for general education institutions: at 2 o'clock / V. G. Goretsky [and others]. – M.: Education, 2013.

2. Ilyukhina V.A. Miracle copybook, a manual for general education students. institutions: at 4 o'clock - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013.

3. Goretsky, V. G. Toolkit on teaching literacy and writing: book. for the teacher / V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, N. A. Fedosova. – M.: Education, 2009.

4. Goretsky, V. G. Literacy training. Lesson-based developments. 1st grade / V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, N. A. Fedosova. – M.: Education, 2009.

5. Zhirenko, O. E. Lesson-based developments for teaching literacy. 1 class. Pre-primary, alphabetic, post-primary periods. New set of lessons / O. E. Zhirenko, L. A. Obukhova. – M.: VAKO, 2011.

2. Information and communication means:

Electronic supplement to the textbook “Russian ABC” by V. G. Goretsky and others (CD).

3. Visual aids:

A set of demonstration tables for the “Russian ABC” by V. G. Goretsky and others (authors T. V. Ignatieva, L. E. Tarasova); letter ribbon

4. Materials and technical means:

Computer technology, interactive board, video projector, exposure screen, magnetic board with a set of devices for attaching tables.

Calendar-thematic planning for teaching literacy (“ABC” -92 h)

Lesson topic

Formation of UUD on the topic

Scheduled date

Actual date

"ABC" - the first

educational book.

Regulatory: navigate through the ABC textbook. Cognitive: strive to acquire aesthetic needs and spiritual values.

Communicative: ask and answer questions

Oral and written speech.

Regulatory: formulate a learning task and stick to it. Cognitive: independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Communication: be able to solve educational objectives ask a neighbor or teacher for help


A sentence consists of words.

Regulatory: apply established rules. Cognitive: search and select the necessary information. Communicative: ask questions and seek help

Sentence and word.

Making sentences from words.

Regulatory: formulate an educational task, apply established rules. Cognitive: search for necessary information.


Sentence and word.

Regulatory: formulate a learning task and stick to it.

Cognitive: carry out the solution of an educational task under the guidance of a teacher.

Communicative: be able to ask for help in solving educational problems

Syllable, stress


Cognitive: distinguish between an object and the word that names it.


Word, syllable, stress


Regulatory: navigate the variety of ways to solve problems. Cognitive: use general problem solving techniques.


Syllable, stress




Dividing words into syllables

Regulatory: choose the most effective ways problem solving.

Cognitive: navigate the variety of ways to solve problems.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion, ask questions

Speech sounds: vowels and consonants

Regulatory: accept the learning task of the lesson; reflection on methods and conditions of action.

Cognitive: search for the necessary information.

Communicative: use speech to regulate one's actions

Vowels and consonants. Merging a consonant with a vowel

Regulatory: create activity algorithms for solving problems of various types.

Cognitive: understand asked question, build an oral answer in accordance with it.

Communicative: come to an agreement, come to an agreement general decision

Vowel sound [a], letters Ah, ah (p. 20-21)


Cognitive: consciously and voluntarily construct messages in oral form.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Vowel sound [a], letters Ah, ah (p. 22-23)

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems. Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

Sound [o], letters Oh oh

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems.

Cognitive: recognize objects, highlighting essential features; synthesis, comparison.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

Sound [o], letters Oh oh

Regulatory: pose and formulate problems. Cognitive: choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation. Communication: adequately use speech to plan and regulate one’s activities

Sound [i], letters And, and

Regulatory: recognize, name and identify objects in accordance with the surrounding reality.

Cognitive: choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Communicative: use speech to regulate one's actions

Sound [i], letters And, and

Regulatory: determine the sequence of intermediate goals and corresponding actions, taking into account the final result.

Cognitive: foresee the possibilities of obtaining a specific result when solving a problem.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

Vowel s, sound [s],

Regulatory: compare the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Cognitive: use established rules to control the solution method. Communicative: listen to your interlocutor, communicate with each other

Sound [u], letters Uh, uh (p. 36-37)

Regulatory: carry out classification according to specified criteria.

Cognitive: establish analogies and cause-and-effect relationships.

Communicative: construct a monologue statement

Sound [u], letters Uh, uh

Regulatory: transform a practical task into a cognitive one, use speech to regulate one’s actions.

Cognitive: draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Communicative: use speech to regulate one’s actions and criteria for the success of educational activities.

Sounds [v], [n"] letters N, n

Regulatory: carry out final and step-by-step control based on the result.

Cognitive: distinguish between the method and result of an action. Communicative: determine the goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction

Sounds [n], [n"] letters N, n

Regulatory: carry out final and step-by-step control based on the results. Cognitive: classify according to specified criteria. Communication: build statements that are clear to your partner

Sounds [s], [s"], letters With, with (p. 44-45)



Communication: listen to the interlocutor

Sounds [s], [s"], letters With, with (consolidation) (p. 46-47)

Regulatory: use established rules to control the solution method.

Cognitive: distinguish between the method and the result of an action. Communicative: articulate your difficulties

Sounds [k], [k"], letters K, k

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, apply established rules in planning a solution.

Cognitive: independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Communicative: use speech adequately: formulate sentences correctly, logically structure the plot of a fairy tale

Sounds [k], [k"], letters K, k (consolidation) (p. 50-51)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, apply established rules in planning a solution method.

Cognitive: independently highlight and formulate a cognitive goal. Communicative: take part in work in pairs: correctly compose sentences, logically build the plot of the story

Sounds [t], [T"], letters T, m (p. 52-53)



Communication:, negotiate, come to a common decision

Sounds [t], [t"], letters T, m (fastening) (p54-57)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Sounds [l], [l"], letters L, l (p. 58-59)

Regulatory: Cognitive: search for the necessary information in textbooks and teaching aids.

Communicative: ask questions and ask for help, use the rules of politeness in communication

Sounds [l], [l"], letters L, l (consolidation) (p. 60-63)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions, anticipate the possibilities of obtaining a specific result when solving a task. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position, allow for the existence of different points of view

R, R

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Consonant sounds [р], [р"], letters R, R (consolidation) (p. 68-69)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Consonant sounds [в], [в"], letters In, in

Regulatory: understand the action guidelines identified by the teacher in educational material. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Consonant sounds [v], [V"], letters In, in (consolidation) (p. 71-72)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Beech vowels YouHer, denoting sounds [y"e]


Regulatory: formulate a learning task, maintain and draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Letter E - indicator of softness of consonants (p. 74-77)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner


sounds [p], [p"], letters P, p (p. 78-79)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: work in pairs: agree who will look for what word in the text, listen to each other’s answers

Consonant sounds [p], [p"], letters P, p (consolidation) (p.80-83)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Consonant sounds [m], [m"], letters Mm (p. 84-85)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.


Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Reading words and texts with letters Mm.

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities

Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

Consonant sounds [z], [z"], letters 3, z

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Reading words, texts with letters 3, h. With And h (fastening) (s92-95)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, listen and understand the speech of others

Consonant sounds [b], [b"], letters B, b (p. 96-97)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: navigate the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying the topic.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Reading words with letter b. Matching syllables and words with letters b And P



Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.


Communicative: take part in work in pairs, groups, use the rules of politeness in communication.

Consonant sounds [d], [d"], letters D, d

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, negotiate, come to a common decision

Paired consonants [d],

[d"]; [t], [t"],

letters D, d, T, t

( s106-109)


Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Letters I, I, denoting sounds [y"a] (p. 110-113 )

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: understand the signs, symbols, models, diagrams given in the textbook; search necessary information.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Letter I - indicator of softness of a consonant


Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Consonant sounds [g], [g"], letters G , G

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.


Reading words with letter G. Matching syllables and words with letters k and g

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.



Consonant sound [h"], letters H, h

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Consonant sound [h"], letters H, h(consolidation) (p. 7-9)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Letter b - an indicator of the softness of preceding consonants

Regulatory: formulate and at keep training

task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner, use politeness rules in communication

Letter b at the end and in the middle of a word to indicate the softness of a consonant (p. 12-13)

Regulatory: organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: participate in dialogue in class, observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette

Dividing soft sign(p. 14-15)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Sh, sh. Combination shi(p. 16-19)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to the interlocutor, negotiate, come to a common decision

Hard consonant sound [sh], letters Sh, sh. Combination shi(consolidation) (p. 20-23)

Regulatory: determine the purpose of completing tasks in the lesson under the guidance of the teacher, organize the workplace. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

F, F (p. 24-25)

Regulatory: realize

ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others

Hard consonant sound [zh], letters F, F (consolidation) (p. 26-29)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Letters Her, denoting two sounds [th "o] (p. 30-31)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Letter Her,- softness index

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, participate in dialogue, follow the rules of etiquette

Soft consonant sound [th". Letters And, th (p. 34-35)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Reading words with the letter Y (consolidation)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

values ​​that determine the attitude of peers towards each other, surrounding people, teachers, positive cooperation in different situations

Consonant sounds [x], [x"], letters X , X

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to the interlocutor, use the rules of politeness in communication

Reading words with letter X (consolidation) (p.42-45)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Letters Yu, yu, denoting sounds [y"y] (p. 46-47)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Letter designation Yu vowel sound [у] after soft consonants in a merger (p. 48-49)



Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position, participate in dialogue in class, observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you

Hard consonant sound [ts], letter Ts, ts (p. 50-51)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.


Reading words with letters Ts, ts (fastening) (p52-55)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Vowel sound [e]. Letters Uh, uh(p. 56-57)

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems.

Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communication

Reading words with letters Uh, uh(consolidation) (p. 58-61)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

Soft consonant sound [ш"], letters SCH, sch. Spelling combinations right now, right now(p. 62-65)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communication: ask questions, construct statements that are clear to your partner

Reading sentences and texts with letters sch, sch (fixing)

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems

Cognitive: transformed the Practical task into a cognitive one. Communication: formulate your own opinion and position

Letters F, f, denoting consonant sounds

ki [f], [f "]

Reading words, sentences with letters F, f. Matching syllables and words with letters V And f(p. 72-73)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions, adequately use speech to plan and regulate one’s activities.

Cognitive: searching and highlighting information. Communication: asking questions and asking for help

Soft and hard dividing marks (p. 74-81)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of the teacher, classmates

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions, adequately use speech to plan and regulate one’s activities.

Cognitive: search and select information.

Communication: ask questions and ask for help

K. D. Ushinsky. Our Fatherland (p. 86-87)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

V. Krupin. Slovenian first teachers (p. 88-89)

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems. Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

V. Krupin. The first primer (p. 90-91)

Regulatory Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

The works of A. S. Pushkin - fairy tales

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communication: listen to your interlocutor, work in pairs

L. N. Tolstoy about children

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action.

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: listen to your interlocutor

K. D. Ushinsky is a great teacher and writer. K. D. Ushinsky about children

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems. Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communication: formulate your own opinion and position

Works of K. I. Chukovsky (“Telephone”, “Putamitsa” )

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems. Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communication: formulate your own opinion and position

V.V. Bianchi. First hunt (p. 98-99)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communication: listening and understanding the speech of others

Creativity of S. Ya. Marshak (p. 100-101)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general techniques for solving problems, monitor and evaluate the process and result of activities.

Communicative: ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to your partner

Works of M. M. Prishvin (p. 102-103)

Regulatory: model, identify and generally record groups of essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems. Cognitive: transform a practical task into a cognitive one. Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position

Works of A. L. Barto (p. 106-107)

Regulatory: formulate and maintain a learning task, draw up a plan and sequence of actions, adequately use speech to plan and regulate one’s activities. Cognitive: search and select information.

Communicative: ask questions and seek help

Creativity of B.V. Zakhoder (p. 107)

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: work in pairs, groups; observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you

Farewell to ABC

Regulatory: carry out ascertaining and predictive control based on the result and method of action. Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communication: listening to your interlocutor

Calendar-thematic planning and monitoring system for its implementation

Program status: basic.
Textbook: Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A. Literacy training and speech development (Program educational institutions. Primary classes(1-4). Part 1. M.: Education, 2001.).
Number of hours per week: _4_________________
Number of hours per year: _93_____________________
Lesson number
Total hours
Test papers

Preparation period

"ABC" is the first educational book. Oral and written speech

Sentence and word

Syllable, stress

Repetition and consolidation of the material covered

Speech sounds

Merging a consonant with a vowel

Merging a consonant with a vowel

Repetition and consolidation of what has been learned

Vowel sound a. Letters "A a".

The vowel sound o. Letters "O o".

Sound i. Letters “I and”.

Sound s. The letter "s".

The sound of Letters "U.u".

Vowel sounds and letters (generalization).

Letter (main) period

Consonant sounds n and n. Letters "N, n".

Consonant sounds s and s, letter S

Reading syllables and words starting with the letter C

Consonant sounds k and k, letter K

Reading syllables and words with the letter K

Consonant sounds t and t, letter T

Reading syllables and words starting with the letter T

Consonant sounds l and l, letter L

Reading syllables and words with the letter L

Consonant sounds r and r, letter R

Consonants in and in, letter B

Vowel letters E, e

The letter E is an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant in a merging syllable

Reading syllables and words with the letter E

Consonant sounds p and p, letter P

Reading syllables and words starting with the letter P

Consonant sounds m and m, letter M

Reading syllables and words with the letter M

Consonant sounds z and z, letter Z

Reading syllables and words with the letter Z

Consonants b and b, letter B

Reading syllables and words with the letter B

Consonant sounds d and d, letter D

Reading syllables and words with the letter D

Vowel letters I, I

The letter I is an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant in a merging syllable

Consonant sounds g and g, letter G

Reading syllables and words with the letter G

Sound h. Letters "Ch h".

°Reading words with the letter “ch”. The combination of “cha”, “chu”, “chk”, “chn”.

Reading syllables and words with the letter H

Letter b to indicate soft consonants

The letter "b" in the middle of a word

Consonant sound sh, letter Sh

Reading syllables and words with the letter Ш

Consonant sound zh, letter Zh

Words containing “zhi”

Reading syllables and words with the letter Z

Vowel letters Ё, ё

The letter E is an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant in a merging syllable

Consonant sound th, letter Y

Reading syllables and words with the letter Y

Consonant sounds x and x, letter X

Reading syllables and words with the letter X

Vowel letters Yu, yu

The letter Yu is an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant in a merging syllable


Reading syllables and words with the letter U

Consonant sound ts, letter Ts

Reading syllables and words with the letter C

Vowel letters E, e

Reading syllables and words with the letter E

Consonant sound Ш, letter Ш

Reading words with the combination “sha-shu”

Reading syllables and words with the letter Ш

Consonant sounds f and f, letter F

Reading syllables and words with the letter F

Separating b

Dividing b

Post-letter period

K. Ushinsky “Our Fatherland”

V. Krupin “Slovenian First Teachers”

V. Krupin “The First Primer”

A.S. Pushkin. Excerpts from fairy tales

L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky. Stories for children

K.I. Chukovsky. Excerpts from fairy tales

V.V. Bianchi "First Hunt"

Poems by S.Ya. Marshak

Stories by M.M. Prishvina

Poems by A.L. Barto

S.V. Mikhalkov "Kittens". V.A. Oseeva “Cookies”

B.V. Zakhoder “Two and Three”, “ABC Song”

Poems by V.D. Berestova

Farewell to ABC

Attached files

What else to read