Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility for a year. Sagittarius and Aquarius: compatibility in love relationships - the perfect couple. Advice for building a harmonious relationship between the signs Sagittarius and Aquarius

Astrology is an interesting and rather mysterious thing. For many years, this science has forced people to plunge into its secrets, and those who were able to do this were rewarded. happy life. Many of us today, relying on the horoscope, are trying to build our relationship with love and marriage.

Someone does not even enter into relationships with other signs that are not recommended to them by the horoscope. In this publication, we will look at the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius and find out if friendship or love is possible between them.

Sagittarius temperament features

Sagittarius (dates of birth 11/23 - 12/22) is patronized by Jupiter, who endowed them with generosity and justice. People born under this sign seek knowledge all the time and are sincere in their prejudices. With such a man, as well as with a woman, you need to be extremely careful, because they do not tolerate lies.

Sagittarians belong to fire element. But at the same time, their ardor is somewhat different from other signs of this element. They have a calmer temperament than Aries or Leo (especially when the horoscope is Monkey, Tiger, Dog and Snake). If in the ascendant of a person born under this sign of the Zodiac, the Sun or the Moon, then he is curious and inspired by his future accomplishments.

It is very difficult with a Sagittarius man if you are trying to change him, and everything to try to put pressure on him leads to harsh criticism. The whole problem is that awareness of the situation comes much later than this representative of the zodiacal world expresses his, in his opinion, correct position. Which he will soon regret.

Sagittarius loves to patronize, and Aquarius does not interfere with this. Moreover, sometimes this behavior of Sagittarius helps to get out of a difficult and problematic situation, in which a representative of the air element very often finds himself.

People born under this zodiac sign are sociable and friendly, so they tend to have a lot of friends.

Positive traits:

  • active life position;
  • high mental abilities;
  • honesty;
  • friendliness;
  • sociability;
  • resourcefulness.

But rudeness, harshness and straightforwardness do not always help to build relationships in love, marriage and friendship.

What character traits are inherent in Aquarius

Aquarians are born under the auspices of Uranus and Saturn - the dates of birth are 21.01 - 20.02. This tandem endowed the zodiac sign with vitality, brightness and incredible willpower. In addition, such people have the ability to be creative and innovative thinking.

Representatives of this zodiac world belong to the Air element, which awarded them with high intellectual abilities and sociability. Thanks to these abilities, they are able to achieve high goals in professional activity. Aquarians are humane, altruistic, which gives them an incredible desire to change the status quo. Friendship for Aquarius is not just a word, it is mutual understanding and mutual assistance, so such people do not have so many friends.

People born under this zodiac sign are absolute realists. But at the same time, they do not live exclusively in the present, but prefer to look ahead and make plans for the future (especially if their horoscope is Bull, Rooster and Dragon).

Thanks to a broad outlook, representatives of this sign feel comfortable in a different society. They are calm and reasonable, but at the same time they sometimes like to challenge public opinion by entering into controversial situations. And if you are dealing with Aquarius, then be prepared for various kinds of surprises.

Positive traits:

  • high intellectual capabilities;
  • sociability;
  • logics;
  • generosity;
  • independence.

If we talk about negative qualities, then they include:

  • stubbornness;
  • irresponsibility;
  • excessive curiosity;
  • distraction.

Relationship between Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

A rather favorable combination of zodiac signs. They may well become good friends, companions and spouses. Their vitality will help them quickly find common ground. The fair sex is perfect for the Sagittarius guy, because next to her he can be himself. This is due to the fact that for a girl born under the sign of Air, there is nothing more important than good relationship her lover to her. And since she is not angry at the rude criticism of her chosen one, which in any case will be present in the relationship, in gratitude, he treats her very well.

Affairs of love

Compatibility in love is very high (if as a percentage, then this indicator fluctuates within 90-95%). AT love relationships this couple everything is happening very quickly. They are literally drawn to each other. Sagittarius will be able to win the attention of a girl with his serious attitude to everything around him. The beauty of the relationship between Aquarius and Sagittarius is that she does not seek to take a leading position, and he is pleased to make decisions for two.

The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman will never let strangers into their relationship. At the same time, for a girl, as well as for a guy, personal freedom is very valuable, so each of these signs does not tolerate close control. Moreover, it is this trait of temperament that will bring this love union closer. They will begin to trust each other more and will no longer be afraid of harsh criticism from the chosen one for this or that misconduct.

Such a love union exists, as a rule, for a long time. This is due to the fact that they feel comfortable in the company of a partner, at ease and easily, which becomes decisive for the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius guy when creating a new cell of society.

In most cases, the union of Sagittarius - Aquarius very quickly decides to conclude official marriage. Moreover, each of the signs perfectly understands that he cannot find the best pariah for this.

Married life

Marriage compatibility is very high. Even astrologers say that the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are perfect union to create a family. Marriage exists through emotional intimacy. They are built on mutual understanding and trust of spouses. They practically do not hide anything from each other, and, in fact, they have no desire to conduct a double family life. Sagittarius man, Aquarius woman can find common ground and resolve any controversial situation without obvious criticism and quarrels.

A man and a woman Aquarius and Sagittarius are good together. The manifestation of the impulsiveness and aggressiveness of the spouse for the wives of Aquarius does not mean anything, and they try not to pay absolutely no attention to this. In addition, the fair sex always tries to provide her husband with moral support and gives him the opportunity to throw out all the accumulated negative emotions out. I would like to note right away that the wives of Aquarius do not make excellent housewives, but at the same time, this does not bother the man at all, because for him life is not the most important thing in family life.

The sexual compatibility of the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius man is quite high. She is uninhibited, sexy, loves experiments in sex (especially if Venus is present in her ascendant), which, in turn, in full satisfies a man. Aquarius woman, compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius, compatibility in bed at the highest level only thanks to the ingenuity of the fair sex.

As a rule, in marriage, the compatibility of these signs can only be broken by the appearance of a child, and even then, this is only for a short period of time.


The compatibility of the Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius guy in terms of building friendly relationships is good. The Aquarius girl and the Sagittarius guy have many common interests and topics for discussion. They trust each other and can chat for hours on end. different topics. But at the same time, a strong, true friendship between a man and a woman of these zodiac signs is a rarity. After all, in most cases they are connected not by friendly relations, but by mutual sympathy. Both the girls of Aquarius and the guy of Sagittarius are an additional opportunity to show themselves and take a closer look at the dignity of the interlocutor, once again convinced of their own sympathy.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman nice couple in all respects, and what is the compatibility in the love relationship between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man, we will consider in the next section.

Relationship between Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman

Even when Sagittarius and Aquarius work together and they are connected by a purely business relationship, they still feel sympathy for each other. Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman will always find something to talk about, they have common life positions and hobbies. And even in the case when the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman already have families, this will in no way prevent them from communicating. Sometimes, such office romances, which seem to be only a momentary hobby, lead to the fact that the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man break their marriage and tie life together to always be together.

The Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius woman differ in their concepts of married life. And if for the first it is important to always be behind the strong back of her husband, then for wives born under the sign of Sagittarius, there are no barriers to happiness. Neither financial well-being, nor the children that are in the family, will interfere with putting an end to the relationship for the sake of true and sincere love.

What awaits in love

Sagittarius and Aquarius, their compatibility in love is high, in percentage terms it is 90-95%. In most cases, the Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman do not have time to show their sympathy to each other. There is already a spark between a man and a woman of these signs on an intuitive level, so they just have to meet.

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman have a lot in common. Sagittarius and Aquarius in some cases even complement each other. He often gets into all sorts of problematic situations, while she will always come to his aid and help solve the problem.

Through diplomacy young man, he manages to avoid conflict situations with his chosen one, which allows Aquarius and Sagittarius to maintain their relationship.

He and she Sagittarius and Aquarius need each other like air, but at the same time, we are not talking about painful dependence. Everything is very simple: there is a lot in common between them, they feel good together, and this love affair for them is an opportunity to adopt positive traits partner.

Married life

Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible in terms of building a married life? Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman marriage compatibility is excellent. Sagittarius - Aquarius their union is the most favorable for creating a strong and friendly family. They have no mutual claims. The Aquarius guy and the Sagittarius girl trust each other, so they don’t see the point in deceit and omissions.

The Aquarius guy and Sagittarius girl have slightly different plans for spending personal time. She prefers hobbies, while he is busy with work. But at the same time, they manage to go to the cinema together or take a walk in the park. Such a love idyll is destroyed extremely rarely, because there is nothing stronger than this attachment.

It is impossible to argue that a couple of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman have a fully established life. For wives, as well as for husbands, this side of the issue is practically on the lowest rung of life priorities. For a couple of Aquarius men and Sagittarius women, there is a need for cleaning just before the arrival of friends, relatives and relatives.

Aquarius and Sagittarius will receive perfect horoscope sexual compatibility if they can open up to each other, which shouldn't be much of a problem. The relationship between Sagittarius and Aquarius in the same bed is passionate. And even after several decades, the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman have a very high compatibility in sex.

Aquarius compatibility in marriage with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius is quite high, but sometimes there are such couples when it is extremely difficult for them to build a relationship. To improve the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius, astrologers recommend following some tips:

  1. Often, in the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Aquarius, a split occurs due to monotony and boredom. Therefore, in order to maintain the union, or rather maintain a warm and trusting relationship, diversify your leisure time: walks in an amusement park, going to the movies, etc.
  2. Aquarius and Sagittarius will get the perfect horoscope if they learn to trust each other.
  3. So that independence does not destroy the compatibility of this zodiac couple, they should not abuse their freedom. And if for the air sign, betrayal is not a reason to break off relations, then the representatives of the fire element cannot tolerate this and, without doubting the correctness of their behavior, immediately put an end to the relationship, no matter what they are.

May you always be lucky in life!

Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility is considered one of the best. Their union is like a funny and exciting game. Both signs love freedom and life in all its manifestations. They understand each other perfectly, notice and appreciate positive features character.

Together, Aquarius and Sagittarius are ready to make adventures and make incredible plans. It is never boring next to them, Fire and Air interact perfectly.

Characters of signs

As you know, the interaction of the signs of the Zodiac is significantly influenced by their characters. What features endowed the horoscope with the signs Sagittarius and Aquarius?

Sagittarius character

People born under the constellation Sagittarius are born optimists who see the world in rosy tones. They have a lot of hobbies, Sagittarius is interested in religion, esotericism, politics. At the same time, they are freedom-loving, do not recognize the framework and prevailing stereotypes. The motives of Sagittarius' actions are not vile, he is guided by lofty goals and principles. The fight is always open, Sagittarius has many sincere friends, but there are also irreconcilable enemies. Here are the main character traits of the sign:

  • Cheerfulness
  • purposefulness
  • Optimism
  • Sincerity
  • Straightness
  • Love for freedom
  • Activity
  • Generosity.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

Sagittarius Love Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Aquarius compatibility in marriage with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Sagittarius. Compatibility by zodiac sign on

Sagittarians also have negative traits. They are too talkative, they like to brag. Straightforwardness develops into tactlessness; without ulterior motives, they can hurt a loved one, betray someone else's secret. Sagittarius' attachments are shallow, they have many acquaintances, but few real friends. Sagittarians often do not keep their word, do not fulfill obligations, do not like to do things that require painstaking work and patience.

Character Aquarius

The nature of Aquarius is original and ambiguous. These people do not recognize authorities, love freedom, do not build long-term relationships, they have few attachments. At the same time, they are ready to help even strangers; many philanthropists are born among Aquarius. People born under this sign of the Zodiac are avid debaters, they are smart, they love “intellectual exercises”. Relations are always built on equal terms, they do not like to rule, but they will not tolerate pressure on themselves either. Here are the main features of the character of Aquarius:

  • love of freedom
  • Independence
  • Humanity
  • Intuition
  • Intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Realism.

The negative aspects of the nature of Aquarius include exaltation and extravagance, which sometimes go beyond reasonable limits. These people often suffer from depression, have difficulty experiencing life's difficulties. With high intelligence, a realistic outlook on life, they are subject to illusions and superstitions. Aquarius can be vindictive and vindictive if offended.

General sign compatibility

The compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Sagittarius portends them a happy future. The coincidence of characters, common life priorities, help to quickly find mutual understanding. Both are freedom-loving, do not recognize authorities, their views on life are similar. Sagittarius and Aquarius do not accept pressure on themselves, but they are not going to put pressure on others either. Together they create and create, travel and turn the world upside down. Their relationship is always equal, based on friendship and trust. Aquarius is probably the only sign of the zodiac that doesn't get hurt by Sagittarius' straightforwardness. Who understand better yearning for air sign independence than Sagittarius? Signs always enhance each other's potential, because fire does not burn without oxygen, and air freezes without heat.

The union of the signs of Sagittarius and Aquarius is also experiencing dangers. If the flame is blown too much and the air is heated, sparks will fly. Quarrels between partners can destroy everything that has been created over the years. Fortunately, both signs are quick-witted, and they don’t like to provoke scandals. Astrologers advise them to always remain calm, in difficult moments to turn to their natural optimism. It is important to appreciate each other's positive traits. Aquarius respects the truthfulness and honesty of the fiery partner. Sagittarius, in turn, perfectly understands the desire for independence of his air friend.

Influence compatibility in a love relationship and other factors. The date of birth is related not only to the Sun, but also to the Moon. When the Sagittarius ascendant is in Virgo or Taurus, it becomes more mundane and rational, which does not have the best effect on relationships. Cancer makes Aquarius indecisive and Aries too ambitious. Gemini enhance the innate qualities of Aquarius, and Sagittarius is endowed with resourcefulness and a non-standard type of thinking. A favorable birth year for Sagittarius is the Tiger and the Dragon, and the Rat or Goat is suitable for Aquarius. Not bad if one of the partners was born in the year of the Horse. The dog will change the character of Aquarius and Sagittarius, teach them loyalty and affection.

Sexual compatibility of signs

In bed, Aquarius and Sagittarius are also quite compatible. air sign Venus did not reward him with a stormy temperament; for him, spiritual intimacy is more important than physical and sexual. In sex, he takes a passive position, gives the initiative to the partner. Aquarians rarely go to bed on the first date, contact with a person is important for them, without it they will not enjoy sex. Sagittarians are passionate natures, they often start several novels at the same time. Sex is important to them, but it also does not completely replace communication.

Sagittarius get real pleasure from harmonious relations.

Both signs are ready to experiment, make love in unusual places and in unusual ways. Often their fantasies and hobbies reach perversions. Aquarius and Sagittarius lose their compatibility in love when relationships between partners deteriorate, which immediately affects sex. Aquarius is not one of those signs that will go to put up in the bedroom. misunderstandings in Everyday life affect his sexuality, which is not too strong anyway. Sagittarius, realizing that a partner cannot satisfy all his passion, can go for treason. At the same time, he will continue to sincerely love Aquarius, perceiving the trip "to the left" as a fleeting hobby.

Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman make a great couple. For a guy and a girl from the first minutes of meeting, it becomes clear that they have found their halves. Sagittarius loves Aquarius with his love knocks on the spot. A man is attracted to an original and independent woman. Aquarius admires the strength, honesty of Sagittarius. The straightforwardness of the fire sign seems rude to some, but not to the Aquarius woman. She is able to see a compliment even in a caustic remark.

In an ideal pair, the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man is based on trust and equality. Their union is very open, spouses are often seen in society, they travel together, go in for sports and other interesting things. Their house will be opened for many friends. It is always cozy in it, a woman equips a home nest with taste, and a man tries to ensure that there are no material difficulties in the family. Each of them has his friends and girlfriends, personal space, which no one invades.

Problems and ways to solve them

Even in such a harmonious pair as the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man, problems arise. If partners get hung up on everyday things, daily routine, they will quickly lose interest in each other. And without real feelings, the family cannot exist. The cold temperament of the wife will push her husband to treason. With all the love of freedom and breadth of views, Aquarians painfully perceive such a situation. If a man is successful, he will want to be appreciated by a woman. But for Aquarius, social status does not matter, because the wife will not admire him.

To solve problems in marriage, the Sagittarius guy and the Aquarius girl should heed a few tips:

  • Live full life Don't get hung up on everyday issues
  • Women should pay more attention to intimate relationships
  • A man must restrain his passions, with all the breadth of views, Aquarius does not forgive betrayal
  • A man should not expect high marks for his success; for a woman, his sincerity, love, and optimism are much more important.

If friction and misunderstandings appear in the family, it is best for the spouses to go on a trip. New impressions will smooth out problems, Aquarius and Sagittarius will find their compatibility of signs again, thanks to friendship, mutual respect and work on mistakes.

Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are a couple of teenagers who never sit still. For a guy and a girl, life is a continuous adventure. Their meeting and acquaintance quickly develops into a stormy romance, which often ends in a wedding. Moreover, partners can make a decision unexpectedly for themselves. They will want to experience something new, unusual, and marriage is best suited for this.

A married couple is rarely found at home, they constantly travel, go to parties, and do charity work. The motto of Aquarius and Sagittarius is to live happily. A man and a woman are attached to each other, but do not consider it shameful to go out separately. Spouses value each other's freedom, it attracts and brings them together. Relationships are built not on material, but on spiritual values. Both strive to develop as individuals, to know the world, improve intellect and acquire new knowledge. When children appear in the family, mother and father try to give them a good education, harmonious development.

Problems and ways to solve them

Compatibility of a pair of Sagittarius and Aquarius can kill boredom. If they get hung up on material or everyday issues, quarrels arise between them, everyone wants to break out of the daily routine. Problems may be in sexual relations. Aquarius is not a very temperamental sign, a woman lacks passion in bed. Therefore, there are often betrayals in the family. Fortunately, both are able to forgive each other for these small weaknesses.

  • Do not put material issues at the head of relationships
  • Travel more and spend time together
  • Chat with friends, engage in self-development
  • A man should be more proactive in sex
  • It does not hurt a woman to throw up new ideas for family leisure from time to time.

Family problems between Sagittarius and Aquarius are not so significant as to destroy their union. good compatibility signs will help overcome difficulties, live together for many happy years. In the percentage of divorces, this couple is extremely rare.

5 /5 (15 )

Those born under the constellations of Sagittarius and Aquarius are perfectly compatible, because their positions in life are similar. These signs can create strong friendships and a happy family. AT business relations The signs of Air and Fire also get along easily. But to say that such a union is ideal is impossible. Both partners love communication, they are easy-going, filled with creative ideas, however, the representative of Fire accepts changes in the surrounding world more easily, and the sign of Air is conservative in some matters, especially those relating to his personality. Consider Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility more.

Compatibility Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man

Even if the relationship between Sagittarius and Aquarius is exclusively working, such people sympathize with each other as potential partners. These signs are kindred spirits who have the same hobbies, life position, love communication and attention.

Even when both started a family, given fact won't stop them from having a relationship. A light romance may seem non-committal to them, but it can lead to love between a man and a woman, and for reunion they are able to overcome many obstacles. Financial well-being will not keep lovers, even children born in marriage will not stop them. mutual attraction signs of Air and Fire obviously.

Watch the video. Compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius.

In love

Often, the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius lady do not exchange money to interest each other. This issue is resolved by nature, so one meeting is enough for them, which determines the fate of these signs.

Such an alliance is characterized by mutual understanding and trust. The representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Aquarius, often finds himself in difficult situations and manages to systematically get into trouble. His companion enthusiastically rescues her lover from troubles, the man of Air will appreciate this and will thank the other half in full.

The fair sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius, behaves harshly with others, such a woman can express herself harshly with family and friends. Thus, fiery women often spoil relationships with those they love. Fortunately, the air man is nearby. In such circumstances, the beloved will divert attention to his person, try to amuse others, and convince the impulsive chosen one of the need to retire. At the same time, the behavior of Aquarius is correct, so the other half will not be upset, but will express sincere gratitude to the airy man.

4 out of 9 couples look for value in a relationship

The signs of Air and Fire are dependent on each other, but this does not mean that there are no problems in their relationship. They feel comfortable in the company of the second half, while each partner understands the benefits of such an alliance for both.

In relationship

The relationship of these signs at any age is similar to the behavior of teenagers in love. Both love to misbehave, tend to avoid clichés and restrictions. Sagittarius and Aquarius like to play, and the rules in their competitions are constantly changing, and they do it for fun.

These signs are wonderful lovers, great friends, loyal partners. Over time, their union becomes stronger, so the likelihood of a break is excluded. The signs of Air and Fire are not afraid of new experiences, they are happy to plunge into unknown feelings. Therefore, one should not be surprised when this couple quits everything and goes to the sea, I do not have a penny for my soul. Sagittarius and Aquarius are freedom-loving signs, but everyone can not stand it if one of the partners abuses trust and contributes to the deterioration of relations.

Often a sense of humor comes to the rescue. Jokes never lead to quarrels and disagreements. Sagittarius and Aquarius are able to overcome obstacles, because they only fuel mutual interest and stimulate action. Such a couple becomes serious only after the birth of a child, then the realization comes that the baby must be properly educated and provided for.

In the Sagittarius-Aquarius pair, lovers should be based on positive, simplicity and friendly communication. Otherwise, the couple will not be able to avoid the routine and will lose mutual feelings. To exclude such a phenomenon, they should start from global interests and mutual desire for career growth.


To create a family, air and fire signs are well suited to each other. They can understand and support a partner in any situation; there are no comments or complaints in such a pair. There is no understatement between a man and a woman of these signs, because they do not accept deceit and lies. In such an alliance, partners are able to turn a blind eye even to treason, while protecting each other from the negative manifestations of casual relationships with the opposite sex.

IT IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman.

In bed, Sagittarius and Aquarius behave the same way. The representative of the stronger sex is more inventive in sex, and the woman does not require much and agrees to any ideas of her husband. Passion does not fade away in this couple for many years.

In everyday life, the representatives of Air and Fire are not going smoothly, but for both men and women, this sphere of life does not have special significance. The lady wants to spend free time on their own interests, and her companion is immersed in labor activity. Husband and wife rarely do household chores, only when it is really necessary, for example, they put things in order before the arrival of relatives. Spouses do not criticize each other, no one is tormented by guilt.

7% of divorces

Such couples do not often break up, and if this happens, former partners often restore relationships. It is difficult for such people to find how understanding the other half is.

in friendship

A lady born under the constellation Sagittarius is open to communication, her circle of friends consists mainly of representatives of the opposite sex. The fiery woman believes in the existence of friendship between a man and a woman. Aquarius can become her friend, with this sign they will become close. It is likely that Sagittarius will feel interest in an airy man as a potential chosen one, and the chances of reciprocity will be high. Other signs are often perceived fiery woman as a friend, but the ward of Uranus will notice the attention and support of Sagittarius, will be imbued with sympathy. Their relationship will be successful, but most likely, these two will not remain just friends.

In sex

In intimate life, the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman are not an easy union. The air sign is capable of beautiful courtship, it is eloquent and self-confident. In bed, the ward of Uranus does not know restrictions, prohibitions and conventions. This sign loves variety, it is ready for any experiments.

Such features of Aquarius fuel the passion of the fiery companion. The downside is that sensuality is alien to an airy man. Sex does not play for this sign important role, he considers sex a means to satisfy physiological needs. Aquarius does not show passion, romance, does not attach importance to caresses. Born under the constellation Sagittarius, on the contrary, sensuality is inherent, this woman loves to have fun.

In work

Jupiter's ward loves freedom and independence. Sagittarius is in constant search of a favorite thing - today she is the head of the enterprise, and tomorrow she decides to become a cleaner. Sagittarius does not like paper work - she is not able to sit in one place, the Fire woman needs to travel. Lady Sagittarius is open to communication, therefore, she easily acquires the necessary acquaintances, and almost immediately colleagues and partners turn into her friends.

Born under the constellation Aquarius has a lively mind, he has a penchant for invention. If the ward of Uranus decides to become a deputy, he will responsibly approach the performance of duties. An airy man loves communication, this sign likes to work with people. Aquarius knows how to negotiate and find compromises, he is close to political sphere, and at the same time can become one of the criminals.

IT IS INTERESTING! Sex with an Aquarius man.

The business relationship between Sagittarius and Aquarius will become productive. However, it is better to delegate the resolution of financial issues to the air-fiery tandem to another sign, for example, Leo or Capricorn. Jupiter's ward is wasting money, and her partner is not striving for financial well-being and be content with little.

Sagittarius and Aquarius form a reliable partnership, so they succeed in any activity - every successful entrepreneur will wish to cooperate with these signs, because you can learn a lot from them.

In percents

Representatives of Fire and Air understand each other, both are able to support and help with advice. Such a union is harmonious and successful, therefore these signs are able to live a long and happy life together.

Psychological compatibility

The acquaintance of the Sagittarius lady and the Aquarius man usually happens by chance, this couple often finds themselves in circumstances where the situation develops by coincidence. Mutual sympathy contributes to the rapid rapprochement of Sagittarius and Aquarius. These signs become dependent on a partner, so breaking such a relationship is not easy. The airy man will surround the chosen one with attention and love, and the fiery lady will turn into a faithful, reliable, loving wife.

The charm of Jupiter's ward makes the companion happy, and the love of communication and boundless optimism help out the beloved in difficult situations, when Aquarius falls into despondency and apathy. Both signs are interesting, freedom-loving personalities, these traits bring together and strengthen the air-fire union, making it harmonious. Sagittarius and Aquarius can create a wonderful family in which the main value is not money, but spiritual connection and the desire for self-development.

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman

The representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius and Lady Aquarius, are active and cheerful personalities, they sympathize with each other and are not against rapprochement. For the ward of Jupiter, a meeting with an airy woman is a real gift. Together with such a chosen one, the fire sign feels free, Aquarius will not be offended by a rude remark or a caustic joke, and such behavior is typical of a Fire man.

The air-fiery couple is successful for both, in such a relationship a man will become serious, and his beloved will become easier to perceive reality. In this way, partners will find the optimal solution to their problems.

In love

Love between the signs of Fire and Air flares up rapidly. They are drawn to each other, Sagittarius and Aquarius quickly find mutual language. The ward of Jupiter devotes a lot of time to resolving his own difficulties, he is inclined to create a problem out of nothing. Born under the constellation of Aquarius, she will gently accept such a seriousness of a man and try to tactfully convey to her lover how to solve a seemingly difficult task in a simpler way. The companion does not limit Sagittarius, does not impose her point of view. The Aquarius woman does not seek to take the reins of government into her own hands, giving the chosen one the right to choose. As a result, the ward of Jupiter will agree with the advice of the air lady, while not feeling obligated.

90% of partners do not accept control

Both signs value freedom, the road to their personal space is closed to everyone. Aquarius and Sagittarius do not accept when they are trying to control. For this couple, in addition to freedom, individuality and the ability to keep harmless secrets are important.

Such principles bring together and strengthen the relationship of the air-fire union, Sagittarius and Aquarius are imbued with mutual understanding and trust, not afraid to hear a comment or criticism. The fiery man likes the temperament of the ward of Uranus, and she easily accepts his immediacy.

Watch the video. Astrology: a psychological portrait of a Sagittarius man.

Aquarius part with Sagittarius infrequently, because it is not easy to meet such reciprocity in another person. Usually, the relationship of an air-fire couple leads to marriage, which turns out to be successful.

In relationship

Having met, Sagittarius and Aquarius start a kind of game that is so addictive with its fascination that the air-fiery couple does not have time to realize that they have spent their whole lives together. The relationship of these signs will be saturated and full of new sensations, vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Jupiter's ward is frank and says what he thinks. For this reason, many perceive a man as rude and ill-mannered. But the air companion likes such straightforwardness, because she has a difficult temper, but she does not accept two-faced, deceitful people. The desire to protect inner world evokes a sense of respect in an Aquarius born, this corresponds to her moral principles. Sagittarius and Aquarius are kindred spirits, it will be difficult to find a more worthy partner for both.

The unpredictability of a fiery man can spoil the relationship with his beloved, but this will not last long, conflicts and quarrels will not happen. The danger for the couple is the gray everyday life and routine. This causes indifference to others and the second half. In order not to lose a relationship, Sagittarius with Aquarius needs to learn to accept the point of view of a partner. Both signs are quite flexible psychologically, so this will not be difficult to do.

There are almost no reasons for disagreement between these signs, and if they arise, lovers quickly eliminate them.

Many are afraid of communicating with a fiery man because of his caustic disposition, but his companion may take what Sagittarius said as a compliment, while others consider it an insult. The tolerance of an airy woman surprises the ward of Jupiter, he realizes that Aquarius is a worthy companion. These two do not know what boredom is, together they are able to stay for days.


The married life of Aquarius with Sagittarius is based on spiritual kinship and understanding. Husband and wife are completely open to each other, they do not deceive a partner, they are not hypocrites. The airy lady does not notice excessive emotionality and outbursts of negativity on the part of the fiery man, she seeks to help her husband and support him, giving the chosen one the opportunity to get rid of emotions. If the husband had a quarrel with the team, the ward Uranus will try to calm him down and improve the mood of his beloved.

IT IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

A couple of Sagittarius and Aquarius do not like to do household chores, they do not care about household issues, so they are accustomed to separating duties in order to quickly get rid of the routine and go to friends or relatives. It is difficult to call a woman of the air an excellent hostess, but Sagittarius makes no claims about this.

Everything is fine in bed with the air-fiery couple. The ward of Uranus shows ingenuity in intimacy, she is relaxed, therefore she completely satisfies her beloved. Aquarius suits the fiery man sexually better than other signs, because they are not able to liberate themselves completely, being afraid to hear criticism from the ward of Jupiter.

These signs part infrequently, because both spouses realize that it is almost impossible to find a better partner, so they value their marriage and readily make mutual concessions.

in friendship

Long-term communication and mutual understanding is possible between a fiery man and an airy woman, but it is difficult to call such a relationship friendship. Sagittarius and Aquarius are drawn to each other, and even if one of them already has a second half, this will not interfere with their connection. Probably, these signs will devote more free time to each other, after which they will enter into a love relationship.

In sex

Jupiter's ward in intimacy shows passion in intimate relationships, but often believes that relationships with a lover are not based on sex.

8 out of 9 couples experiment in bed

A man is ready to surprise Aquarius in intimacy, and this suits both. fire sign positively looks at experiments, he seeks to please the chosen one. In bed, he shows variety and attentiveness to his partner.

The air lady perceives sexual life without much emotion, but the passionate ward of Jupiter can change her. At the same time, Aquarius needs a long time before entering into an intimate relationship with a lover for the first time. Born under the constellation Sagittarius can bring pleasure to the second half, therefore, in the sexual life, only betrayal of the fiery sign can become an obstacle. Aquarius and Sagittarius allow a relationship based on sex and free love. To create a lasting union, lovers need to learn to understand each other, strengthening relationships and developing trust.

In work

The Sagittarius man is romantic and loves to travel. Jupiter's ward is a talented person, but there is one problem - today he seeks to create a business, and tomorrow he dreams of becoming an actor. But employers are happy with such an employee, because a fiery man is able to develop unique ideas that can become the basis for financial development and well-being.

The ward of Uranus is able to succeed in any field. Good luck pursues an airy woman, and her intuition and developed intellect lead to high achievements even in complex issues. If the Aquarius lady takes up the restoration of a bankrupt enterprise, after a while it will become profitable and successful.

According to astrologers, the tandem of Sagittarius and Aquarius in business can become outstanding. They are not afraid of competition, because no one can compete with such partners. The air-fire couple is unique, both think outside the box and are ready to create many new ideas.

In percents

The Sagittarius-Aquarius pair is 80% compatible.

They can find a common language both in love and in work. They are united by similar life positions and priorities. Both signs are able to engage in dialogue and find compromises, so such an alliance can lead to a happy marriage.

Psychological compatibility

The relationship between air and fire signs can be called beautiful. Sagittarius and Aquarius create their own world filled with harmony, faith in a brighter future, optimism and understanding. The circle of communication of lovers is wide, they are friendly and ready to help in a difficult situation. The Fire man and the Water woman know how to enjoy life, so such a couple is successful and prosperous.

These signs love to travel, learn something new, strive for self-development. They do not infringe on the freedom of the second half, realizing that restrictions can destroy harmony in the family. A person born under the Sagittarius constellation is more active, and when paired with Aquarius, he becomes more restrained, which allows him to acquire inner balance and peace of mind.

Compatibility between representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the best. Companions are distinguished by openness of natural characters and immediacy in communication. It brings partners closer. Contribute to the development of prosperous relationships and the elements themselves that control people. Air kindles fire well. In other words, Aquarius is able to bring a spark of inspiration into the life of Sagittarius, saturated with positive and emotions.

Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman are energetic and optimistic companions. They quickly converge and they are pleased to communicate with each other. For a partner in such a pair, it is a great opportunity to remain themselves under any circumstances. Next to the Aquarius woman, the man becomes more restrained, and his partner becomes more serious and ceases to be frivolous about life.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 98%)

The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in a love relationship is very high. Love between partners always develops rapidly. Having met, the partners are so fond of each other that sometimes it is difficult for them to talk enough, because they can discuss any topic.

Aquarius woman is fascinated by smart and erudite men. Representatives of these zodiac signs are never bored together. They are able to organize a wonderful pastime, filling it with positive emotions.

In love tandems, complete understanding and tolerance reign. Their distinctive feature is the unwillingness to quarrel for any reason. It contributes to a prosperous atmosphere that partners easily relate to emerging life difficulties, never dramatize the current situation. life situation.

In a love union, complete equality reigns, none of the partners strives for leadership. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac can get used to everyday inconveniences against the backdrop of a philosophical attitude that everything in life will work out on its own. Yet that is often what happens. But if love leaves, then Sagittarius and Aquarius, without regret or resentment, part.

In bed (compatibility in sex 76%)

The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in bed is high. Partners do not have any natural complexes, so the sex life is filled with exclusively positive.

Some difficulties in intimacy arise due to the fact that the Sagittarius man is more passionate. A soft partner in her temperament cannot always meet his requirements. That is why the partner must understand that in order to get maximum pleasure in bed, you need to get close to your partner on a spiritual level.

In the intimate sphere, relations are always equal. And the longer they continue, the more harmonious they become. At first, the partner needs to remember the natural vulnerability of the partner. You need to be more gentle with her.

In the intimate area loving people everything is always top notch. Over time, a thin and sensitive partner begins to understand exactly what a partner needs, therefore, she shows ingenuity.

Married (compatibility in family life 53%)

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in marriage is not high, but this only indicates that the lovers are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. The marriage of representatives of this zodiac sign is always strong. It is based on emotional intimacy and absolute mutual understanding, so divorces are rare.

Spouses are always frank with each other, they never pretend. The calm and balanced wife of Aquarius never perceives the rough emotionality of her husband in her address. She understands that life circumstances have developed in such a way that close person I needed to get rid of the accumulated negativity. For example, if a husband is angry at work, then the wife will definitely try to cheer him up.

Spouses are interested not only in being together, but also visiting various social events. They perceive life as a routine, so they are always ready to cancel all household chores. The Aquarius woman is far from the best hostess, but her husband is not at all annoying. If necessary, the spouses put aside all affairs and put things in order together in the house, or resolve other household issues by agreement.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 74%)

Friendship between representatives of these signs of the zodiac is always strong. And often it develops into love, so the second half of people have something to worry about. In a friendly tandem, friends completely trust each other.

As a rule, friendly relations develop on the basis of common interests. As a rule, friends are united by a common hobby. A similar rhythm of life and the same outlook on life are also unifying factors.

Friends work great together business area. They are creative in solving production problems, so they often become successful. As a rule, in such a tandem, a friend comes up with solutions, and a friend brings them to life.

Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are always attracted to each other. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac are united by the kinship of souls and the compatibility of natural characters. They are usually associated common interests and hobbies.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 80%)

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are highly compatible in love relationships. But at the same time, in order for the tandem to develop successfully, it is important that the lovers coincide on an intellectual level.

Erudite and sociable people are easy together. They can talk for hours on any topic. Relationships are romantic and positive. Partners are not inclined to dramatize the life situation, therefore they are philosophical about all the events taking place in the world around them.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in love indicates that there are almost never any problems in the love unions of representatives of these zodiac signs. Each of the partners in a pair strive to treat the other with understanding. Tandems are created on full confidentiality. Partners quickly get used to each other and complement one another. But at the same time, Aquarius and Sagittarius are freedom-loving and independent. Danger for love union can be considered boredom and intellectual alienation.

In bed (compatibility in sex 60%)

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in bed is not entirely unambiguous. The thing is that in such a pair, the partner is more passionate. And although the Aquarius man is always beautifully caring and has eloquence, he does not pay due attention to intimacy.

Therefore, in order to improve relations in the sexual sphere, a Sagittarius woman will need to show patience. As a rule, she succeeds and after a while the intimate sphere harmonizes. A man begins to understand the needs of the chosen one in sex and fully satisfies them.

If necessary, the partner is able to discard all conventions, move away from traditions and agree to any experiments. The Aquarius man can be completely liberated and interesting in bed. This suits the sensual young lady.

Married (compatibility in family life 51%)

The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman in marriage is not high. This indicates that partners do not seek to create family unions. But in fact, representatives of these zodiac signs are very suitable candidates.

First of all, it is very important that spouses under any circumstances are able to understand each other. They never make claims and do not blame one another, no matter what happens. There are no omissions between husband and wife, the family union is built on absolute trust. It is noteworthy that in such a tandem, spouses can even forgive betrayal.

The household sphere of the spouses is not well-established, but it is of little interest to them, therefore, disagreements on this matter never arise. Despite the fact that equality reigns in the family, traditional relationships are formed. The husband devotes more time to work, and the wife prefers to spend a lot of time on personal hobbies.

The spouses are hospitable, but they also enjoy visiting. Smart and happy children grow up in a prosperous family. Divorces rarely happen between representatives of these zodiac signs. If the spouses decide to leave, then they do it peacefully, without sorting out the relationship. If they are connected by children, then former spouses continue to communicate.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 80%)

A real, strong friendship is often established between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man. If friends are free, then they can simply enjoy communication. Friends often share a common hobby.

The commonality of interests and the same rhythm of life allows us to find a common language when discussing any issues. In friendship there is no dependence on each other. Partners are freedom-loving and prefer to make all vital decisions on their own.

If married Sagittarius and Aquarius meet, and a friendship is established between them, then the halves have something to worry about. If friends spend a lot of time together, then there is a high probability that a love spark will slip between them.

A Sagittarius girlfriend and an Aquarius boyfriend can create a wonderful business alliance. But it is desirable that friends work in the ideological sphere. The energy and activity of partners allows you to successfully resolve any life situation. This is facilitated by the fact that partners understand each other perfectly. As a rule, a man comes up with original solutions to the tasks, and his girlfriend, who is more practical, implements them.

The meeting of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man very often happens unexpectedly. But, being attracted on a subconscious level, the chosen ones simply cannot pass by each other. That is why a Sagittarius woman may have a completely natural desire to win the heart of a man she likes.

For the chosen one, an important factor that will make you maintain an acquaintance will be the sincerity and friendliness of the beauty. It is also important to demonstrate your erudition by casually supporting conversations on any topic.

It is very good if it turns out to be close to the chosen one as often as possible. He will certainly notice the activity and ease of communication of the beauty. It is important to accompany a man at all events. With such behavior, the girl will definitely be interested in the swift and unpredictable Sagittarius.

It is important to remember that the chosen one appreciates sincerity in people. Suspecting hypocrisy, he will never continue the relationship. Sometimes harsh criticism may follow from his side. But to contradict him in the initial period of dating is not worth it. It is necessary that he understand that his chosen one is ready to accept him the way he is in his natural character.

How can an Aquarius man conquer a Sagittarius woman?

Since the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman are attracted on a subconscious level, it is absolutely not difficult to win the heart of a beauty. But in order to stay together for a long time, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

The chosen one loves active and purposeful men. She likes to take risks and is ready to participate in interesting and fun adventures. That is why you need to spend a lot of time with her in the company of friends. Periodically, you should invite her to picnics, as well as various social events.

In no case should you put pressure on the chosen one, born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, because she is freedom-loving. Be sure to demonstrate the fact that her opinion matters to you.

It is important to look well-groomed and imposing. It is necessary to demonstrate to the chosen one your erudition, easily maintaining conversations on any, the most abstract topics. It is very important that the beauty feel the warmth and kindness of her chosen one. She will agree to continue the relationship if she is confident in the sincerity of her chosen one. She must understand that a man will become her reliable life support and support.

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