Poems about winter for children: the best. Poems for children on the theme “winter” by O. Vysotskaya “Snow Bunny”


Hello, friends. Today we have prepared children's poems about winter. You will find short and beautiful poems for the little ones - 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old for children 6-7 years old and, of course, poems for schoolchildren of different ages.

There are several poems by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, they are located at the very bottom of the collection. There are also poems by Sergei Yesenin, Afanasy Fet, Agnia Barto, Samuil Marshak, Alexander Blok, Nikolai Nekrasov, Fyodor Tyutchev and other poets. Eh.., right school years

remembered involuntarily... There are a lot of poems collected, so you will definitely find something suitable for your children, and maybe for yourself)

Poems about winter for children
Let the snow get warmer
Oleg doesn’t go for a walk,
Can't handle snow:
“I’ll wait,” Oleg mumbles, “
Let the snow become warmer”

(I. Melnichuk)
Along the streets
A blizzard is sweeping,
White snow is everything

Carried by drifting snow.
Frost is a magician!
This is immediately visible:
And he already
No brushes, no paints

(K. Bilic)
Without boards and axes
The bridge across the river is ready:
The bridge is like white glass

Slippery, fun, light!
The sled slides down on its own,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races down the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

(S. Ostrovsky)
Black ice
It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,
Because it's icy.
But it falls great!
Why isn't anyone happy?!

(V. Berestov)
Oh, you winter-winter,
Winter is my fierce one!
I am begging you

Don't freeze me!
I don't waste my tears
I am Winter. I love frost.
I make people cry.
And I don’t waste them myself.
However, when I leave, I cry.

(Semyon Ostrovsky)
With the arrival of the cold
Why with the arrival of cold
Have the tracks become crunchy?
Because there are puddles at night
However, when I leave, I cry.

Glass was installed in the windows.
Oleg is surprised
Oleg is surprised:
- Why is there snow on the roof?
You won't ride on the roof
Neither sledding nor skiing.

(V. Kudlachev)
Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,,
Full moon
Light of the high heavens, AND,
shiny snow
And distant sleighs
Lonely running.

(Afanasy Fet)
In the cold
Valentina Lanzetti
Snow outside and cold. With strong ice
the puddle is clogged.
Timid from the road
Twigs of the trail
Reaching for houses:

- Can I warm up with you?
The day has come.
And suddenly it got dark.
The light was turned on. We look out the window.
The snow falls white and white.
Why is it so dark?

(Valentin Berestov)
Frost is a magician!
I haven't opened my album yet,
This is immediately visible:
And he already
He painted all our windows overnight!
No brushes, no paints

We are snowflakes
We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold.

Winter has come
Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With magic old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!
(I. Chernitskaya)

Light, winged,
Like night butterflies
Spinning, spinning
Above the table by the light bulb.
We gathered for the fire.
Where should they go?
They too, icy,
I want to warm up.
(I. Bursov)

At my sister's, at Marinka's,
There are two snowflakes on the palm.
I wanted to show everyone
Lo and behold, there are no snowflakes in sight!
Who took the snowflakes?
At my Marinka's?
(M. Rodina)

In the picture of winter
Everything is white from snow:
Field, distant hills,
Fence, cart.
But sometimes they shine on it
In the middle of a cotton clearing
Red-breasted bullfinches
Sun spots.
(Victor Lunin)

Blue and white
White winter. Everything is covered in frost.
The snow woman is blue from the cold.
He doesn't eat lunch or dinner.
Snow woman, do you have a cold?
- What are you, weirdo, I don’t need warmth.
I live in peace with the blue cold.
What could be better than frost and frost?
The ground is white. The sky is blue.
(Frantishek Grubin)

Snow and wind
All trees
In lace:
Snow on the pine trees
On the bushes
They ate in white fur coats.
And got tangled in the branches
Violent snowstorms.
(N. Goncharov)

Three on a snowy clearing
Three on a snowy clearing
Me, Winter and sleigh.
Only snow will cover the ground -
The three of us are getting ready.
Having fun in the clearing -
Me, Winter and sleigh.
(A. Bosev)

Blizzard Song
- Who are you singing for, blizzard?
With silver horns?
— For little bear cubs,
That they are fast asleep in the den.

First snow
In the trees, in the alleys
The snow flies whiter than flour,
Light-light, clean-clean,
Soft, fragile and fluffy.
We squeeze snow in our hands
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
He makes everyone so happy.
Let the snow become warmer”

(V. Berestov)
On the road in a straight line
It was winter with frosts,
Winter was coming home -
The snow lay pink.
Two snowstorms after winter
That snow was blown, shallow,
They blew up the snow as they wanted,
And they threw crystals.
(Alexander Prokofiev)

(V. Berestov)
In an ice carriage rushes
The wind beats its wings
To sleepy houses.
Squares and parks are blooming
Snowy white.
And the frost erects arches
Above the forest path.
(T. Bokova)

All the lakes, all the streams froze,
The rivers became fast and wide.
White snow fell:
Oh, the snowdrifts are deep.
On the roads -
Don't pass, don't pass!

The ponds are closed until March,
But how warm the houses are!
The gardens are covered in snowdrifts
Winter is caring.
Snow is falling from the birches
In drowsy silence.
Pictures of summer frost
Draws on the window.
(E. Rusakov)

It's like there's a bear in a den,
The river lay under the ice,
And the sun shines like winter,
And in the field there is a frosty haze.
All in frost - in a gray karakul -
The birch tree stands behind the bridge,
And writes funny doodles
Fox bushy tail.
(Peter Komarov)

Who will warm the sun
Who will warm the sun?
Everyone is cold in winter,
They run to the house quickly.
The sun remains.
Who will warm him?
It used to warm me up
We were glad to see the sun.
And now they admire
Snowfall dance.
I'll draw the sun
In my album,
And as if it will become
Lighten up the house.
I'll write a note -
I already know how to:
Don't be sad, sunshine!
I'll warm you.
(Lydia Slutskaya)

I'm coming!
I'm coming! I'm driving along a forest path!
I say hello to oak, birch, and pine.
I'm coming! I catch snowflakes with my hands.
I'm coming! I love sledding.
Downhill faster. It's harder to go up.
And the birds chirp: “Have mercy on the horse!”
Run home with your feet
And help grandma carry the sled.”
(Tatiana Bokova)

“Storms, blizzards and blizzards...
There's so much hassle with them,
What a lot of noise and hustle!
How tired I am of them!” —
So the gloomy frost grumbled,
And the river was frozen in ice without noise,
The trees were covered with gray hair,
And there was silence.
Why is it so dark?

Where is my finger?
Masha put on her mitten:
- Oh, where am I going?!
There is no finger, it’s gone,
I didn’t get to my little house.
Masha took off her mitten:
- Look, I found it!
You search and search and you will find.
Hello, little finger! How are you?
(N. Sakonskaya)

Getting angrier, angrier, angrier
It's frosty outside.
And each one is warmer
Covers the nose.
Both people and machines
There's no time for beauty now.
Both people and machines
Noses covered.
(V. Orlov)

Winter is not far away
Light snowflakes flutter.
The pine trees across the river are turning grey.
The crow croaked from the vine:
“Winter, winter is not far!”
But I myself know no worse,
I'm already getting ready for the skating rink.
Just in case in every puddle
I'm testing the strength of the ice.
(T. Dmitriev)

Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy.
Roll your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a snowball
And the lump will become a snowman.
His smile is so bright!
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.
But the sun will be a little hot -
Alas! - and there is no snowman.
(V. Egorov)

Winter, winter!
- Winter, winter, winter!
Where have you been?
- She carried the cold in a bag,
The snow was shaking on the ground,
My legs and arms were chilling,
She brought a cold into the house,
All the paths are covered
And I collected snowdrifts.

Winter has come
At night the wind howled like a wolf
And he hit the roof with a stick.
In the morning we looked out the window,
There's a magical movie:
Rolled out the white canvas
Sketched some bright stars
And hats for home
Winter has come.
(V. Fetisov)

Under the sky of deathly lead
The winter day is gloomily fading,
And there is no end to the pine forests,
And far from the villages.
One fog is milky blue,
Like someone's gentle sadness,
Above this snowy desert
Softens the gloomy distance.
(I.A. Bunin)

Oh, the frost is angry:
The branches are covered with snow,
He grabs you by the nose and pinches you to tears.
The kids are not afraid
They go skiing and sledding,
They make fun of the frost.

White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.
(S. Yesenin)

Winter has come,
Harnessed the horses to the sleigh,
I brought out a path,
The ice on the river has been swept away,
Connected to the shore
Chained to the ground!
Small guys
Yes lovely girls
She sat me down on the sled,
Yes, she rolled down the mountain!

And the frost is not terrible
The city was covered with snow,
Frost hung like lace...
From porch to fence
Boris clears the snow.
And with a shovel in his hands
Next to him is Marinka.
The heat burns on the cheeks -
The path is getting longer and longer.
And my ears are not cold,
How the frost doesn't get angry
If only for kids
I want to work.
(B. Belash)

Snow everywhere
There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us quickly,
She brought us bullfinches.
From dawn to dawn
Bullfinches glorify winter.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing near the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.
(A. Brodsky)

It's so cold!
It's so cold!
Takes you by the nose
Brings me to tears!
Such a bitter frost,
Stuck, bored.
It's so cold!
It's so cold!
Cover your nose -
It has grown to the eyebrows.
It's so cold!
It's crunching
(N. Aseev)

It came to us
One letter
It was strange.
Instead of stamps -
Three snowflakes
And the envelope -
From pure ice,
But the letter is not on a piece of paper,
And on the white snow:
- Soon soon
I'll rush to you
I'll fly to the snowstorm,
I'll dance and spin,
I'll cover the ground with snow,
And trees, and houses...–
And signed: “Winter”
(I. Pivovarova)

We are snowflakes
We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold.

This is snow!
Who's that over there on the hill?
You won’t even understand right away:
This is little Egorka
Doesn't look like Yegorka.
Eyebrows covered with snow,
Hat, nose and collar.
And from the snowdrift
Yegorka the snowman stood up.
(V. Simonov)

Reluctant in the morning...
Reluctantly in the morning
Winter was busy -
Fallen leaves
I was sweeping in the garden.
Then off to work
Got it hot
And covered it with ice
Quiet stream.
Higher and higher,
Winter has turned white
Fences and roofs,
Wrapped up the branches
Oak and pine trees
So that they can sleep sweetly
Until spring.
(V. Mezinov)

Snow woman
Today from the snow
Wet coma
We are the snow woman
They made it near the house.
This woman is standing at the very gate -
No one will pass
No one will pass.
Adults and children admire her,
Horny hair
The wind blows at her.
She's familiar
Already for all the kids,
And Zhuchka keeps barking:
- There's a stranger in the yard!
(I. Demyanov)

Puppy and snow
The puppy looked at the first snow
And I couldn’t understand anything.
— Where do so many white flies come from?
Has it crowded into our yard?
Or maybe it's bird fluff
Flying over the fence?..
He opened his mouth - and grabbed the snow -
And he began to chew thoughtfully.
He chews and chews, but here’s the problem!
There is only water on the tongue.
The puppy was completely embarrassed
And he went back to the kennel.
He wasn't stupid, he was just small
And I saw snow for the first time...
(L. Dyakonov)

Among our yard
The snowman stood yesterday.
We made it ourselves
He had a bushy mustache.
And today outside the window
Streams flowed all around.
At night the snowman disappeared.
Maybe he went into the forest?
We kindly ask you guys
If the snowman has a mustache
Meet you on the way
Help us find.
(D. Chuyako)

Run out quickly
Look at bullfinches.
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was greeted by snowstorms!
And Frost is the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Sweetened well.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet clusters.
(A. Prokofiev)

This is snow!
The man was surprised:
"This is snow?
Can't be!
Can't be!
On the grass?
Can't be!
In October?
Can't be!
Is it really snow?!” —
The man didn't believe it.
(G. Sapgir)

On the hill
Go around all the yards -
There's no better mountain to be found.
Carefully! Beware!
The kids are rushing down
Standing, sitting, on my knees,
On cardboards and plywood.
Don't yawn ahead
Don't get in the way!
Oh-ho-ho, look for yourself,
What a miracle this sleigh is:
The five of us barely sat down,
And they rushed with the wind!
In a straight line until the turn,
Someone was left behind...
We hit a snowdrift:
Whoever made it on his side - bang!
(N. Gorodetskaya)

Snow family
Snowy grandfather near the house
Dressed in a snow coat.
He groans all over the area,
He calls his girlfriend.
We began to run at full speed
Sculpt a snow woman.
And she said: “Boredom!”
No granddaughter, no grandson!
We blinded and grandchildren -
Little snowmen.
(M. Vainilaitis)

- Can I warm up with you?
Snowfall, snowfall!
The garden is covered with snow,
And swamps and meadows,
And river banks,
And mountain paths,
And the fields are spacious.
Everything around is white and white,
All the roads were covered with snow.
There are oak trees in white padded jackets,
They ate in white dresses.
The white hares are happy:
It will be easier to hide.
(I. Vasilevsky)

First snow
It smelled like winter cold
To the fields and forests.
Light up bright purple
Before sunset the sky.
At night the storm raged,
And with dawn to the village,
To the ponds, to the deserted garden
The first snow started to fall.
And today over the wide
White tablecloth fields
We said goodbye belatedly
A string of geese.
(Bunin Ivan)

It's getting cold
The wind on the terrace
It's cold in the stroller!
Andreyka is wearing padded jackets,
Sweatshirts, mittens,
Andreike striped scarf
The sisters brought it.
He sits, barely breathing,
In a quilted jacket.
Like at the pole, baby
The sisters equipped it.
- Get used to the cold! —
Sveta explains. —
And winter comes to us,
And not just summer.
(Agniya Barto)

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass.
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! —
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
The snow is cut up by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
(Zinaida Alexandrova)

Like on a hill, on a mountain
Like on a hill, on a mountain,
In the wide yard:
Who's on the sled?
Who's skiing?
Who is taller
Who is shorter
Who's quieter?
Who will run away
Who's on the ice?
And who is in the snow?
From the hill - wow,
Up the hill - wow!
(A. Prokofiev)

Open the calendar -
January begins.
In January, in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard.
Snow - on the roof, on the porch.
The sun is in the blue sky.
The stoves are heated in our house,
Smoke rises into the sky in a column.
(Samuel Marshak)

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
It curls like a snake on the ground
Light drifting snow.
Over the Kremlin wall -
Aircraft flights.
Glory to the dear army
On her birthday!
(Samuel Marshak)

Winter joy
White snow-snowball
It burns, it stings,
Come out, my friend,
Beyond the outskirts.
There's a snowy mountain there
There was a ski track yesterday
Paved by me.
Let's run with you
To the blue forest,
We'll bring it home
Winter joy.
(G. Ladonshchikov)

The creaking of footsteps along the white streets,
lights in the distance;
On the frozen walls
crystals sparkle.
From the eyelashes hung into the eyes
silver fluff,
The silence of a cold night
occupies the spirit.
The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself becomes timid
die in the cold.
Lonely running.

Dilapidated hut
Dilapidated hut
It's all covered in snow.
Grandma-old lady
Looking out the window.
To the naughty grandchildren
Knee-deep snow.
Fun for the kids
Fast sled run...
They run, laugh,
Making a snow house
They ring loudly
Voices all around...
There will be a snow house
Frisky game...
Your fingers will get cold,
It's time to go home!
Tomorrow we'll have tea,
They look out the window -
And the house has already melted,
It's spring outside!
(Alexander Blok)

Little man with a marigold
Once upon a time in the cold winter time
I came out of the forest; it was bitterly cold.
I see it's slowly going uphill
A horse carrying a cart of brushwood.
And walking importantly, in decorous calm,
A man leads a horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a short sheepskin coat,
In big mittens... and he's as small as a fingernail!
“Great, lad!” - Go past! -
“You’re so formidable, as I can see!
Where do the firewood come from? - From the forest, of course;
Father, you hear, chops, and I take it away.
(A woodcutter's ax was heard in the forest.) -
“What, does your father have a big family?” -
The family is big, two people
Just men: my father and I... -
“So there it is! What’s your name?”
- Vlas. - “What year are you?” -
The sixth has passed...
- Well, dead! - the little one shouted in a deep voice,
He pulled the reins and walked faster.
(Nikolai Nekrasov)

Feed the birds
Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
I need a handful of grain
One handful - and not scary
It will be winter for them.
It’s impossible to count how many of them die,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
How can we forget:
They could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Together with people.
Train your birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!
(Alexander Yashin)

Winter night in the village
Cheerfully shines
A month over the village;
White snow sparkles
Blue light.
Moon's rays
God's temple is doused;
Cross under the clouds
Like a candle, it burns.
Empty, lonely
Sleepy village;
Blizzards deep
The huts were swept away.
Silence is silent
In the empty streets,
And you can't hear the barking
(Ivan Nikitin)

Look out the window
Mother! look from the window -
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that a cat
Wash your nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
It has brightened, it has turned white -
Apparently there is frost.
Not prickly, light blue
Frost is hung along the branches -
Just take a look!
Like someone is too shabby
Fresh, white, plump cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.
Now there will be no argument:
Over the skids and up the hill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you yourself will probably say:
“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”
Lonely running.

Winter sings and echoes
Winter sings and echoes,
The shaggy forest lulls
The ringing sound of a pine forest.
All around with deep melancholy
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.
And there's a snowstorm in the yard
Spreads a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful,
Like lonely children,
Huddled by the window.
The little birds are cold
Hungry, tired,
And they huddle tighter.
And the blizzard roars madly
Knocks on the hanging shutters
And he gets angrier.
And the tender birds are dozing
Under these snowy whirlwinds
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Beautiful spring.
(Sergey Yesenin)

December morning
There is a month in the sky - and night
The shadow has not yet moved,
Reigns over himself without realizing it,
That the day has already started up, -
Which is at least lazy and timid
Beam appears after ray,
And the sky is still completely
At night it shines with triumph.
But two or three moments will not pass,
The night will evaporate over the earth,
And in the full splendor of manifestations
Suddenly the world of daytime will embrace us...
(Fedor Tyutchev)

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.
Dark forest with a hat
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable...
God's days are short
The sun shines little, -
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.
(Ivan Surikov)

What a breeze!
What a breeze! What a breeze!
How strong and cheerful!
Hung up the snow caps
Unprecedented beauty
On fences and bushes.
Where in the summer time
There is a gentle meadow in daisies,
Nowadays a snowy veil
Everything around me was drawn in.
Waiting for the sunrise
Under huge moon
Nature sparkles and sparkles
Silver and gray.
Everything was covered in white
Wind, blizzard and frost.
Why in winter - not in summer -
Is my nose turning red?
(Walter De la Mare)

Hello, winter guest!
It rained yesterday morning
He knocked on the glass windows,
There is fog above the ground
Got up like clouds.
...At noon the rain stopped
And that white fluff,
Snow began to fall.
The night has passed. It's dawn.
There is no cloud anywhere.
The air is light and clean,
And the river froze.
Hello, winter guest!
We ask for mercy
Sing songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have freedom -
Walk anywhere:
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
We will never get used to it, -
Let your frost crack:
Our Russian blood
It burns in the cold!
(Ivan Nikitin)

Winter colors
Winter has prepared
Paints everything for everyone herself.
Field - the best white,
Zoryam - scarlet ink.
All trees are clean
silver sparkles.
And on the street - guys
decorated in a row.
Like an artist, he paints in different ways:
whoever plays paints it red.
Who is afraid to move -
Blue paint is fine.
Don't beg for anything
paint it differently!
(V. Fetisov)

Winter has brightened up
Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.
All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:
- Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn!
(M. Pozharov)

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched,
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light down chain…
Is the winter sun shining?
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty.
(Fedor Tyutchev)

Happy winter has come
There's a mess of snowflakes all around.
Don't sleep, get up early
Get your skates quickly.
Happy winter has arrived!
The sun froze to the ice,
I go to the skating rink in the morning.
And it stings my nose painfully
Angry Santa Claus. –
The sun froze to the ice.
Snowballs are flying fast -
None of the guys are cowards.
And a hot battle broke out,
At least we are friends.
Snowballs are flying fast.
Merry winter has come -
There's a mess of snowflakes all around.
Don't sleep, get up early.
Get your skates quickly.
Get your skates quickly.
Happy winter has arrived!
(V. Korkin)

Christmas tree
Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:
In colorful garlands, in bright lights,
And the Christmas tree stands, sparkling, in a magnificent hall,
Remembering with sadness the old days.
The Christmas tree dreams of an evening, monthly and starry,
Snowy meadow, sad cry of wolves
And the neighboring pine trees, in a frosty mantle,
Everything is in diamond shine, covered in fluff of snow.
And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,
They dream and they drop White snow from the branches...
They dream of a Christmas tree in a lit hall,
Laughter and stories of joyful children.
(Konstantin Fofanov)

Tricky sled
My sled goes on its own
Without a motor, without a horse,
Every now and then my sled
They run away from me.
I won't have time to sit on horseback,
Sleigh - start and run...
My sled goes on its own
He was carrying a motor, without a horse.
And under the hill is my sled
They are waiting for me behind the snowdrift.
Naughty, they are bored
Climb up alone.
(I. Bursov)

On skates
I rush like the wind on skates
Along the forest edge...
Mittens on hands
Hat on top...
One-two! So I slipped...
One and two! almost tumbled...
One-two! tighter on your toes!
The ice crunched and quacked,
The wind is blowing from the right.
Christmas wolves! full speed -
From pond to ditch...
One-two! By slippery slope
One and two! funny legs...
One-two! forward and forward...
(Sasha Cherny)

There's fun all around me
childish noise and screaming.
Today is housewarming
Snowman celebrates.
Bucket on the head
Excellent carrot nose.
Stay in order all winter
I'm watching in the yard.
With ember eyes
I look around.
To make more sense
The janitor gave me a broom!
Let summer not come
never into my yard.
I'm better for my health
snow and cold.
That's just Snow Baba
No need to tease me!
(Tatiana Bokova)

Winter morning
The blizzard moans, the clouds drive away
To the lake close
In the low sky.
The paths are hidden, whitewashed
Delicate lace,
Light, snowy.
And the sparrow, little bird,
A small, unreasonable bird,
He wants to hide from the snowstorm,
He wants to hide, but doesn’t know how.
And the wind whirls it across the sky,
And carries him to a pure little pole,
From the slope, into the darkness of the forest...
It's bitter, poor little bird!
The blizzard moans, the clouds drive away
- Hid all the paths,
So as not to pass.
Everything around is white - covered with snow,
Snow covered everything around...
(Victor Lunin)

There's a blizzard outside the window,
There is darkness outside the window,
Looking at each other
They sleep in the snow at home.
And the snowflakes are spinning -
They don't care at all! —
With a bare shoulder.
Teddy bear
Sleeping in his corner
And listens with half an ear
Blizzard outside the window.
Old, gray-haired,
With an ice stick
Blizzard hobbles
Baba Yaga.
And the snowflakes are spinning -
They don't care at all! —
In light dresses with lace,
With a bare shoulder.
Thin legs -
Soft boots,
White shoe -
Sounding heel.
(Sergey Kozlov)

I was walking in winter
I walked along the swamp in winter
In galoshes, a hat and glasses.
Suddenly someone rushed along the river
On metal hooks.
I ran quickly to the river,
And he ran into the forest,
He attached two planks to his feet,
He sat down, jumped up and disappeared.
And for a long time I stood by the river,
And I thought for a long time, taking off my glasses:
“How strange
Planks and strange hooks!”
(Daniil Kharms)

Blank verses
The snow is spinning
The snow is falling -
Snow! Snow! Snow!
The beast and the bird are glad to see the snow
And, of course, a man!
Happy gray tits:
Birds are freezing in the cold,
Snow fell - frost fell!
The cat washes its nose with snow.
The puppy has a black back
White snowflakes are melting.
The sidewalks are covered in snow,
Everything around is white and white:
Enough work for shovels,
For shovels and scrapers,
For large trucks.
The snow is spinning
The snow is falling -
Snow! Snow! Snow!
The beast and the bird are glad to see the snow
And, of course, a man!
Only the janitor, only the janitor
He says: “I am this Tuesday.”
I will never forget!
Snowfall is a disaster for us!
The scraper scrapes all day long,
The broom sweeps all day long.
A hundred sweats left me,
And everything is white again!
Snow! Snow! Snow!
(Sergey Mikhalkov)

Hello, winter-winter
Hello, winter-winter!
We were covered with white snow:
And trees and houses.
The light-winged wind whistles -
Hello, winter-winter!
An intricate trail winds
From clearing to hill.
The hare printed this -
Hello, winter-winter!
We put up feeders for the birds,
We pour food into them,
And the birds sing in flocks -
Hello, winter-winter!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

The whole village sleeps in the snow.
No goo-goo. The month disappeared for the night.
Snow is blowing.
The kids are all on the ice,
On the pond. The sleighs squeal together -
Let's go in a row!
Some are in the harness, some are the rider.
Wind to the side. Our convoy has expanded
To the birches.
Suddenly the front line shouts:
“Devils, stop!” The sleds stopped, the laughter stopped.
“Brothers, wolf!..”
Wow, how they sprayed back!
Like hail. Scattering everything from the pond - who goes where.
Where is the wolf? Yes, it's a dog -
Our Barbos! Laughter, roar, laughter and talk: “Oh, wolf!”
(Sasha Cherny)

Favorite winter
Beautiful winter,
It's freezing outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
And as warm as possible!
I'll put on gloves
My mother knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I will pull stubbornly.
The whole lake is covered in ice,
The trees turn silver
And everything around is covered in snow,
And I'll go for a ride.
I'll ski down
WITH steep mountain quicker,
I'll go sledding
And, falling, I will warm myself.
How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times of the year
Where the rain comes unexpectedly.
When the mushrooms grow
And the buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.
Winter is the most beautiful!
It may be cold, but still
Blush, more fun,
It looks like a holiday!
(Larisa Kasimova)

Dilapidated hut
The dilapidated hut is covered in snow.
An old grandmother looks out of the window.
The snow is knee-deep for the naughty grandchildren.
It's fun for the kids to run fast on a sled...
They run, laugh, make a snow house,
Voices are heard loudly all around...
There will be a frisky game in the snow house...
Your fingers will get cold, it’s time to go home!
Tomorrow they'll drink tea, look out the window -
And the house has melted, it’s spring outside!
The evening is quiet and frosty...
The evening is quiet and frosty.
Only there is no snow.
The stars turned on outside the window,
The lights in the house were turned off.
A cloud came out from behind the forest
The house became quiet and silent
At night someone is barely audible
He knocked on the windows with his paws,
And in the morning in silver
Snow-white silence
Someone clean and fluffy
It was on my window.
(Alexander Blok)

Janitor Santa Claus
In a fur coat, in a hat, in a shower jacket
The janitor was smoking a pipe,
And, sitting down on a bench,
The janitor said to the snow:
“Are you flying or melting?
You won't understand anything here!
You sweep, you sweep,
You're just sweeping to no avail!
Why am I talking?
I’ll sit and smoke.”
The janitor smokes a pipe, smokes...
And the snow squints my eyes,
And sighs and yawns,
And suddenly he falls asleep.
Look, Manya... - Vanya shouted.
You see, the scarecrow is sitting
And eyes like embers
He looks at his broom.
Santa Claus and children
It's like a snow granny
Or just Santa Claus,
Well, give him a hat,
Grab him by the nose!”
And how it growls!
How his feet will knock!
How can he jump up from the bench?
Yes, he will shout in Russian:
“You will already be freezing -
How to grab me by the nose!”
(Daniil Kharms)

Who draws so skillfully...
Who draws so skillfully
What kind of miracle dreamers,
Ice drawing is sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all one artist.
These are all his paintings.
frolicking in a wide field
And tired of wandering in the forest,
Santa Claus is bored or something?
I decided to get into a warm house.
But scared people
The door was locked
And Morozko - come what may -
Soon he climbed towards them through the window.
But there was a barrier there too -
There was glass everywhere in the windows,
And Morozko out of frustration
He decided to harm people.
He calculated with his cunning eye,
He took the brushes, whitened, enamels -
And by morning all the window glass
No light was allowed into the house.
(M. Lesna-Raunio)

Poems about winter by A. Pushkin

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The sorceress is coming - winter,
She came and fell apart; shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
The frost has flashed, and we are glad
Mother's pranks are winter.
(Alexander Pushkin)

The sorceress is coming - winter,
Came, crumbled into shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
The frost has flashed, and we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter.
Snow! Snow! Snow!
(Alexander Pushkin)


Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood it renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
He is both painful and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window.
(Alexander Pushkin)

Winter road
Through the wavy mists
The moon creeps in
To the sad meadows
She sheds a sad light.
On the winter, boring road
Three greyhounds are running,
Single bell
It rattles tiresomely.
Something sounds familiar
In the coachman's long songs:
That reckless revelry
That's heartbreak...
No fire, no black house,
Wilderness and snow... Towards me
Only miles are striped
They come across one.
(A. Pushkin)

What a night! Frost is bitter,
There is not a single cloud in the sky;
Like an embroidered canopy, a blue vault
Replete with frequent stars.
Everything in the houses is dark. At the gate
Locks with heavy locks.
People are buried everywhere;
Both the noise and the shout of the trade died down;
As soon as the yard guard barks
Yes, the chain rattles loudly.
And all of Moscow is sleeping peacefully...

Winter evening
The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.
Our dilapidated shack
And sad and dark.
What are you doing, my old lady?
Silent at the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are tired,
Or dozing under the buzzing
Your spindle?
Let's have a drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be more cheerful.
Sing me a song like a tit
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a maiden
I went to get water in the morning.
The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
She will cry like a child.
Let's have a drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief: where is the mug?
The heart will be more cheerful.

Winter morning
Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, dear friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open your closed eyes
Towards northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!
In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky;
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad -
And now... look out the window:
Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
transparent forest one turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
The whole room has an amber shine
Illuminated. Cheerful crackling
The flooded stove crackles.
It's nice to think by the bed.
But you know: shouldn’t I tell you to get into the sleigh?
Ban the brown filly?
Sliding on the morning snow,
Dear friend, let's indulge in running
impatient horse
And we'll visit the empty fields,
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.


In an ice carriage rushes


The wind beats its wings

To sleepy houses.

Squares and parks are blooming

Snowy white.

And the frost erects arches

Above the forest path.

T. Bokova


Happy winter has come

With skates and sleds,

With a powdered ski track,

With a magical old fairy tale.

On the decorated Christmas tree

The lanterns are swinging.

May your winter be merry

It doesn't end any longer!

I. Chernitskaya

Winter, winter, winter!

Where have you been?

She carried the cold in the bag,

The snow was shaking on the ground,

My legs and arms were chilling,

She brought a cold into the house,

All the paths are covered

And I collected snowdrifts.

Winter has come,

Harnessed the horses to the sleigh,

I brought out a path,

The ice on the river has been swept away,

Connected to the shore

Chained to the ground!

Small guys

Yes lovely girls

She sat me down on the sled,

Yes, she rolled down the mountain!


Today from the snow

Wet coma

We are the snow woman

They made it near the house.

This woman is standing at the very gate -

No one will pass

No one will pass.

Adults and children admire her,

Horny hair

The wind blows at her.

She's familiar

Already for all the kids,

And Zhuchka keeps barking:

Stranger in the yard!

I. Demyanov

“Storms, blizzards and blizzards...

There's so much hassle with them,

What a lot of noise and hustle!

How tired I am of them!” -

So the gloomy frost grumbled,

And the river was frozen in ice without noise,

The trees were covered with gray hair,

And there was silence.

V. Berestov

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In transparent glass.

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

There are bullfinches on the branches.

Z. Alexandrova


Light snowflakes flutter.

The pine trees across the river are turning grey.

The crow croaked from the vine:

“Winter, winter is not far!”

But I myself know no worse,

I'm already getting ready for the skating rink.

Just in case in every puddle

I'm testing the strength of the ice.

T. Dmitriev


Light, winged,

Like night butterflies

Spinning, spinning

Above the table by the light bulb.

We gathered for the fire.

Where should they go?

They too, icy,

I want to warm up.

I. Bursov


We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We don't mind spinning around.

We are ballerina snowflakes

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out to be a snowball.

We whitewashed the trees

The roofs were covered with fluff.

The earth was covered with velvet

And they saved us from the cold.


There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -

Winter brought him.

She hurried to us quickly,

She brought us bullfinches.

From dawn to dawn

Bullfinches glorify winter.

Santa Claus, like a little one,

Dancing near the rubble.

And I can too

So dance in the snow.

A. Brodsky


White snow-snowball

It burns, it stings,

Come out, my friend,

Beyond the outskirts.

There's a snowy mountain there


There was a ski track yesterday

Paved by me.

Let's run with you

To the blue forest,

We'll bring it home

Winter joy.

G. Ladonshchikov

Getting angrier, angrier, angrier

It's frosty outside.

And each one is warmer

Covers the nose.

Both people and machines

There's no time for beauty now.

Both people and machines

Noses covered.


Open the calendar -

January begins.

In January, in January

There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

The stoves are heated in our house,

Smoke rises into the sky in a column.

S. Marshak


The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

It curls like a snake on the ground

Light drifting snow.

Above the Kremlin wall -

Aircraft flights.

Glory to the dear army

On her birthday!

S. Marshak

Run out quickly

Look at bullfinches.

They arrived, they arrived,

The flock was greeted by snowstorms!

And Frost is the Red Nose

He brought them rowan trees.

Sweetened well.

Late winter evening

Bright scarlet clusters.

A. Prokofiev


At night the wind howled like a wolf

And he hit the roof with a stick.

In the morning we looked out the window,

There's a magical movie:

Rolled out the white canvas

Sketched some bright stars

And hats for home

Winter has come.

V. Fetisov


Like on a hill, on a mountain,

In the wide yard:

Who's on the sled?

Who's skiing?

Who is taller

Who is shorter

Who's quieter?

Who will run away

Who's on the ice?

And who is in the snow?

From the hill - wow,

Up the hill - wow!


A. Prokofiev




The man was surprised:

"This is snow?

Can't be!


Can't be!

On the grass?

Can't be!

In October?

Can't be!

Is it really snow?!” -

The man didn't believe it.

G. Sapgir


The puppy looked at the first snow

And I couldn’t understand anything.

Why are there so many white flies?

Has it crowded into our yard?

Or maybe it's bird fluff

Flying over the fence?..

He opened his mouth - and grabbed the snow -

And he began to chew thoughtfully.

He chews and chews, but here’s the problem!

There is only water on the tongue.

The puppy was completely embarrassed

And he went back to the kennel.

He wasn't stupid, he was just small

And I saw snow for the first time...

L. Dyakonov


The city was covered with snow,

Frost hung like lace...

From porch to fence

Boris clears the snow.

And with a shovel in his hands

Next to him is Marinka.

The heat burns on the cheeks -

The path is getting longer and longer.

And my ears are not cold,

How the frost doesn't get angry

If only for kids

I want to work.


Reluctantly in the morning

Winter was busy -

Fallen leaves

I was sweeping in the garden.

Then off to work

Got it hot

And covered it with ice

Quiet stream.


Higher and higher,

Winter has turned white

Fences and roofs,

Wrapped up the branches

Oak and pine trees

So that they can sleep sweetly

Until spring.

V. Mezinov

It came to us

One letter

It was strange.

Instead of stamps -

Three snowflakes

And the envelope -

From pure ice,

But the letter is not on a piece of paper,

And on the white snow:

Soon soon

I'll rush to you

I'll fly to the snowstorm,

I'll dance and spin,

I'll cover the ground with snow,

And trees, and houses... -

And signed:

I. Pivovarova


On the road in a straight line

It was winter with frosts,

Winter was coming home -

The snow lay pink.

Two snowstorms after winter

That snow was blown, shallow,

They blew up the snow as they wanted,

And they threw crystals.

A. Prokofiev


Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy.

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It will turn into a snowball

And the lump will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

But the sun will burn slightly -

Alas! - and there is no snowman.

V. Egorov


Among our yard

The snowman stood yesterday.

We made it ourselves

He had a bushy mustache.

And today outside the window

Streams flowed all around.

At night the snowman disappeared.

Maybe he went into the forest?

We kindly ask you guys

If the snowman has a mustache

Meet you on the way

Help us find.


Who's that over there on the hill?

You won’t even understand right away:

This is little Egorka

Doesn't look like Yegorka.

Eyebrows covered with snow,

Hat, nose and collar.

And from the snowdrift

Yegorka the snowman stood up.

V. Simonov


Snowfall, snowfall!

The garden is covered with snow,

And swamps and meadows,

And river banks,

And mountain paths,

And the fields are spacious.

Everything around is white and white,

All the roads were covered with snow.

There are oak trees in white padded jackets,

They ate in white dresses.

The white hares are happy:

It will be easier to hide.

I. Vasilevsky


In the trees, in the alleys

The snow flies whiter than flour,

Light-light, clean-clean,

Soft, fragile and fluffy.

We squeeze snow in our hands

And we throw snowballs.

The first snow is light snow,

He makes everyone so happy.

I. Melnichuk


It's so cold!

Takes you by the nose

Brings me to tears!

Such a bitter frost,

Stuck, bored.

It's so cold!

It's so cold!

Cover your nose -

It has grown to the eyebrows.

It's so cold!


It goes - crunches


At my sister's, at Marinka's,

There are two snowflakes on the palm.

I wanted to show everyone

Lo and behold, there are no snowflakes in sight!

Who took the snowflakes?

At my Marinka's?

M. Rodina

Go around all the yards -

There's no better mountain to be found.

Carefully! Beware!

The kids are rushing down

Standing, sitting, on my knees,

On cardboards and plywood.

Don't yawn ahead

Don't get in the way!

Oh-ho-ho, look for yourself,

What a miracle this sleigh is:

The five of us barely sat down,

And they rushed with the wind!

In a straight line until the turn,

Someone was left behind...

We hit a snowdrift:

Whoever got there, turn sideways - bang!

N. Gorodetskaya


Masha put on her mitten:

Oh, where am I going?!

There is no finger, it’s gone,

I didn’t get to my little house.

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

You search and search and you will find.

Hello, little finger! How are you?

N. Sakonskaya

Snowy grandfather near the house

Dressed in a snow coat.

He groans all over the area,

He calls his girlfriend.

We began to run at full speed

Sculpt a snow woman.

And she said: - Boredom!

No granddaughter, no grandson!

We blinded and grandchildren -

Little snowmen.

M. Vainilaitis

White birch tree under my window

She covered herself with snow, like silver.

On fluffy branches with a snow border

The tassels bloomed with white fringe.

And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,

And snowflakes burn in golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily walking around,

Sprinkles the branches with new silver.

S. Yesenin

The creaking of footsteps along the white streets,

lights in the distance;

On the frozen walls

crystals sparkle.

From the eyelashes hung into the eyes

silver fluff,

The silence of a cold night

occupies the spirit.

The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,

just to fall asleep;

The clear air itself becomes timid

die in the cold.

Poems about winter for children in a light, interesting form convey the whole fabulous atmosphere of winter fun and New Year's holidays. Snowballs from snow-white fluffy snow, making snowmen, sliding down the slides are entertainments that children adore.

Kids quickly remember the understandable rhymes of poems about winter for children, which they can recite during a children's New Year's party or family meeting. Colorful lines will help you spend frosty evenings with benefit, giving good mood not only for the kids, but also for you, dear parents.

Who will warm the sun?

Everyone is cold in winter,
They run to the house quickly.
The sun remains.
Who will warm him?

It used to warm me up
We were glad to see the sun.
And now they admire
Snowfall dance.

I'll draw the sun
In my album,
And as if it will become
Lighten up the house.

I'll write a note -
I already know how to:
Don't be sad, sunshine!
I'll warm you.

White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.

Snow everywhere

There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us quickly,
She brought us bullfinches.
From dawn to dawn
Bullfinches glorify winter.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing near the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.

Black ice

It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,
Because it's icy.
But it falls great!
Why isn't anyone happy?!

The ponds are closed until March,
But how warm the houses are!
The gardens are covered in snowdrifts
Winter is caring.
Snow is falling from the birches
In drowsy silence.
Pictures of summer frost
Draws on the window.


In an ice carriage rushes
The wind beats its wings
To sleepy houses.
Squares and parks are blooming
Snowy white.
And the frost erects arches
Above the forest path.

Getting angrier, angrier, angrier
It's frosty outside.
And each one is warmer
Covers the nose.
Both people and machines
There's no time for beauty now.
Both people and machines
Noses covered.

We are snowflakes

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold.

First snow

In the trees, in the alleys
The snow flies whiter than flour,
Light-light, clean-clean,
Soft, fragile and fluffy.
We squeeze snow in our hands
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
He makes everyone so happy.

It came to us
One letter
It was strange.
Instead of stamps -
Three snowflakes
And the envelope -
From pure ice,
But the letter is not on a piece of paper,
And on the white snow:
- Soon soon
I'll rush to you
I'll fly to the snowstorm,
I'll dance and spin,
I'll cover the ground with snow,
And trees, and houses...–
And signed:

Winter has come

Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!

The sled slides down on its own,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races down the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

Run out quickly
Look at bullfinches.
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was greeted by snowstorms!
And Frost is the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Sweetened well.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet clusters.

Snow family

Snowy grandfather near the house
Dressed in a snow coat.
He groans all over the area,
He calls his girlfriend.
We began to run at full speed
Sculpt a snow woman.
And she said: “Boredom!”
No granddaughter, no grandson!
We blinded and grandchildren -
Little snowmen.

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In transparent glass.
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! –
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut up by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry.
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

Three on a snowy clearing

Three on a snowy clearing
Me, Winter and sleigh.
Only snow will cover the ground -
The three of us are getting ready.
Having fun in the clearing -
Me, Winter and sleigh.

Let's go build a snowman...

Let's go build a snowman!
Let's take a bucket, carrots, and a broom!
Let's go ice skating!
Let's go on a slide!

Let's go outside to play in the snow!
Just dress warmly!
There are mittens on the stove - take them!
Let your hands warm with warmth!

Let's not miss out -
An opportunity to become a child for a moment!
And it’s time to stop growing old -
He will lose to us in this race!

Winter can't last forever!
And there is still snow, for now!
Everything in our life is fleeting!
Let's go build a snowman!

Frosty morning

The sun seems to warm
It shines joyfully in the morning.
Floating in the clear sky
Without meeting the clouds.

Everything around is in radiant light,
Loud chirping here and there.
It's like we're talking about summer
Despite all the cold.

Only steam when talking,
Yes blush on the cheeks
The morning cold will not be hidden
In gilded rays.

Magic night

Trees in the garden in the frost, like in a fairy tale
Frozen in a deep silver sleep.
And the branches that lost their colors in the fall
Covered in snow, they glisten in the moonlight.

The laughter of children on the sled can be heard.
Bright lights flicker in the sky.
Round dances in fancy masks circle
Neighbors at the spruce tree, in the burning window.

Snow garden

Opening the windows wider
Early morning in October
Boundlessly surprised
I stood there for two minutes!

I stood spellbound
Admiring the beauty,
What's behind the window frame
She shone before me!

Instead of golden leaves
On the trees between the branches,
The snow sparkled silver
Infinity of lights!

Everything is shrouded in sparkling
A snow-white veil,
Illuminating with a bright shine
The autumn garden is icy!

Poems about winter for children are filled with a fairy-tale atmosphere. There are also everyone’s favorite snowballs, sleds, snowmen, and also a lot of snow.

Website “Mom can do anything!” I have collected the most interesting and understandable poems about winter for children. Kids will quickly remember them and will be able to tell them at a matinee in kindergarten or just in the family circle.

First snow

In the trees, in the alleys
The snow flies whiter than flour,

Soft, fragile and fluffy.
We squeeze snow in our hands
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
He makes everyone so happy.

(I. Melnichuk)

(Valentin Berestov)

Frost is a magician!
This is immediately visible:
I haven't opened my album yet,
And he already
No brushes, no paints
He painted all our windows overnight!

(K. Bilic)

On the hill

Go around all the yards -
There's no better mountain to be found.
Carefully! Beware!
The kids are rushing down
Standing, sitting, on my knees,
On cardboards and plywood.
Don't yawn ahead
Don't get in the way!
Oh-ho-ho, look for yourself,
What a miracle this sleigh is:
The five of us barely sat down,
And they rushed with the wind!
In a straight line until the turn,
Someone was left behind...
We hit a snowdrift:
Whoever made it on his side - bang!

(N. Gorodetskaya)

Who will warm the sun?

Everyone is cold in winter,
They run to the house quickly.
The sun remains.
Who will warm him?

It used to warm me up
We were glad to see the sun.
And now they admire
Snowfall dance.

I'll draw the sun
In my album,
And as if it will become
Lighten up the house.

I'll write a note -
I already know how to:
Don't be sad, sunshine!
I'll warm you.

(Lydia Slutskaya)


White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.


Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy.
Roll your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a snowball
And the lump will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.
But the sun will be a little hot -
Alas! - and there is no snowman.

(V. Egorov)

Snow everywhere

There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us quickly,
She brought us bullfinches.
From dawn to dawn
Bullfinches glorify winter.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing near the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.

(A. Brodsky)


The ponds are closed until March,
But how warm the houses are!
The gardens are covered in snowdrifts
Winter is caring.
Snow is falling from the birches
In drowsy silence.
Pictures of summer frost
Draws on the window.

(E. Rusakov)

(V. Berestov)

In an ice carriage rushes
The wind beats its wings
To sleepy houses.
Squares and parks are blooming
Snowy white.
And the frost erects arches
Above the forest path.

(T. Bokova)


Run out quickly
Look at bullfinches.
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was greeted by snowstorms!
And Frost is the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Sweetened well.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet clusters.

(A. Prokofiev)

We are snowflakes

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold.

Winter has come

Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!

Slippery, fun, light!

The sled slides down on its own,
But they have one whim.
So that the sleigh races down the hill,
We drag them up ourselves.

(S. Ostrovsky)


Run out quickly
Look at bullfinches.
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was greeted by snowstorms!
And Frost is the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Sweetened well.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet clusters.

(A. Prokofiev)

Puppy and snow

The puppy looked at the first snow
And I couldn’t understand anything.
— Where do so many white flies come from?
Has it crowded into our yard?
Or maybe it's bird fluff
Flying over the fence?..
He opened his mouth - and grabbed the snow -
And he began to chew thoughtfully.
He chews and chews, but here’s the problem!
There is only water on the tongue.
The puppy was completely embarrassed
And he went back to the kennel.
He wasn't stupid, he was just small
And I saw snow for the first time...

(L. Dyakonov)

Snow family

Snowy grandfather near the house
Dressed in a snow coat.
He groans all over the area,
He calls his girlfriend.
We began to run at full speed
Sculpt a snow woman.
And she said: “Boredom!”
No granddaughter, no grandson!
We blinded and grandchildren -
Little snowmen.

(M. Vainilaitis)

Snow woman

Today from the snow
Wet coma
We are the snow woman
They made it near the house.
This woman is standing at the very gate -
No one will pass
No one will pass.
Adults and children admire her,
Horny hair
The wind blows at her.
She's familiar
Already for all the kids,
And Zhuchka keeps barking:
- There's a stranger in the yard!

(I. Demyanov)


The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In transparent glass.
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! –
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut up by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry.
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

Morning cat
Brought on his paws
First snow!
First snow!

He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!

He's spinning
Over the guys' heads

He managed
Down scarf
On the pavement

He turns white
Along the fence
Took a nap
On the lantern -

Very soon
Will fly
From the hills.
Can be
Build a fortress
In the courtyard!

First snow

In the trees, in the alleys
The snow flies whiter than flour,
Light-light, clean-clean,
Soft, fragile and fluffy.
We squeeze snow in our hands
And we throw snowballs.
The first snow is light snow,
He makes everyone so happy.

What else to read