Union of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Scorpio compatibility: head-on collision or missing link? Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman in relationship


Scorpios are strange, incomprehensible guys, and endowed with mystical abilities, although there is nothing mysterious in this fact, because they were born under the auspices of Pluto. The planet is named after the Roman ruler of the kingdom, and not just a simple one, but an underground one - this is the explanation for the amazing talents of Scorpios. Sagittarius creatures are sincere and friendly. It is impossible not to love these guys, moreover, they are patronized by Jupiter, who endows the pets with extraordinary charm. The planet is named after supreme god

the Roman pantheon and is associated with excesses - Sagittarius always has little of everything, and they constantly strive for pleasure.

Scorpios are born under the element of water, which is the soul of the world. The element of Scorpio is in a state of ice, but it is undesirable to touch the unshakable iceberg - it will demolish any obstacle and, if necessary, melt and flood everything around. Fire is the engine of the world, and it is precisely this that is the element of energetic Sagittarius. The light of Sagittarius is not simple; it can be compared to a changeable lightning that flares up here and there.
Astrologers doubt that autumn-winter Sagittarius and autumn Scorpio can be compatible - fire and water, as is known, do not get along.

 But no one has canceled the attraction of opposites - the stars joyfully rub their rays and beat cotton wool on the clouds: let's see what comes of the relationship between the pets of Pluto and Jupiter.

 Scorpio woman and Sagittarius man Lady Scorpio is the most mysterious of all women in the world. When Pluto's pet was born, the baby boys lost sleep and appetite. The water lady is partly a witch; she can guess her chosen one from a thousand men. There are a lot of men's hearts in the Scorpio lady's collection - the guys are ready to fight to the last, and will be happy if the water lady simply smiles at them. Lady Scorpio is passionate and tireless; next to her, any man can be happy. However, if future spouse

The Sagittarius guy is an eternally young and restless cheerful fellow. It’s hard to imagine the fiery boy as sad or despondent - when Jupiter’s pet was born, everyone in the maternity hospital was rolling on the floor laughing, and even the babies jumped out of their cribs and started dancing. Sagittarius is adored by all the women he knows - any beauty can be happy next to the fiery womanizer. But Sagittarius is amorous and frivolous - today he has a queen next to him, tomorrow he has a shepherdess, and the day after tomorrow some business lady. It is impossible to be offended by Jupiter’s ward - it’s not Sagittarius’s fault that his heart is always open to new relationships. The boy of fire hates quarrels and scandals, but if he is jealous, in response he can create such a scene that it will not seem like much.


The Scorpio girl is active, energetic and tireless. It can be found anywhere, the main thing is that it is scary and dangerous. Risk and adrenaline are the main components of happiness for the water lady. Pluto’s ward does not like to meet people, and if she sees a crowd of enthusiastic fans, she immediately tries to run away (her legs are long and strong, and it is almost impossible to catch up).

The Sagittarius guy is a walking holiday. Wherever Jupiter's restless pet appears, fun begins, fireworks go off and everyone starts laughing and dancing. Guys from comedy programs usually hover nearby to crack a couple of Sagittarius jokes. 

The stars tore up thousands of celestial leaves before they drew a diagram of the path along which Sagittarius and Scorpio would go towards each other.
 As a result, it was decided that Sagittarius and Scorpio would go to watch a horror movie (the fiery funny guy would go to the cinema to laugh, and the water lady would go to the cinema just like that, because you won’t scare her with such nonsense). Actually

interesting place

the people in the hall froze in fear, and then a Homeric laugh was heard (well, of course, it was Sagittarius who decided to defuse the situation). Everyone hissed with displeasure, and only the Scorpio lady stared at the fiery boy with all her eyes. Sagittarius noticed the attention of the mysterious lady, and, without thinking twice, moved closer to her. 

Charming Sagittarius volunteered to escort the lady, and made her laugh all the way with stories from his life. Lady Scorpio tried to turn on her intuition, but nothing worked out for her - the fiery comedian was chattering and did not allow her to concentrate. 

They decided to arrange a date the next day. Sagittarius is already head over heels in love and ready for anything. The fiery man rushed to the guys with extreme inclinations to consult. And the Scorpio girl spent the night without sleep - she meditated and tried to understand what her heart was saying.

Sagittarius decided not to split hairs - a meeting on the roof is what is needed (both scary and romantic). The fiery seducer brought silk bedspreads, elegant tables and delicacies there. True, we had to negotiate with the pigeons, who decided that the holiday was being held for them (Sagittarius bought a bag of seeds for the birds, and the birds promised not to bother the couple).

The night over the city was great. The water-and-fire creatures admired the stars, drank champagne and threw cake crumbs to the pigeons (the birds finally got out to listen to the cooing of the lovers). The main pigeon behaved strangely, sometimes throwing feathers, sometimes creeping up to the glasses with an independent air - it was the messenger Cupid, that’s all.

 Love Intimacy

on the roof - what could be more beautiful? The Sagittarius guy went crazy with passion and new sensations given by the mysterious water sorceress. And the Scorpio woman completely lost her head - Sagittarius turned out to be the best lover in the world. By morning, the idyll was finally destroyed - the pigeons got tired of circling over the city, and they did their business right above the expensive blanket.

Sagittarius and Scorpio decided that this was a sign and they needed to start a family as soon as possible. The fiery guy invited the water lady to his place, and Scorpio, of course, agreed. From passion and incredible attraction, the guys forgot about everything, business and work remained in the past, the fire-water creatures also did not remember about food, and they woke up only a week later - the rumbling in their tummies became too loud. Sagittarius rushed to the store, and the water lady decided to restore order. For some reason, Scorpio turned on the laptop and was stunned - the desktop was completely littered with photos of beauties. The lady of water climbed into social media

, read the correspondence between Sagittarius and the ladies and was about to smash the innocent equipment when a satisfied fiery guy appeared.

The screams of Pluto’s ward were heard by the whole house, the neighbors called the police and ran out into the street in fear. Torn things, vases, glasses and telephones were flying from the windows of Sagittarius’s apartment. The police arrived in time and managed to catch the unfortunate laptop. The guys in uniform also got it, because when the Scorpio lady is jealous, she doesn’t control herself at all. The enraged beauty beat the police and called Jupiter's pet an insidious traitor.

Sagittarius was silent and admired his beauty - in anger, the Scorpio lady became even more beautiful: her eyes were burning and flashing lightning, her hair was disheveled, her gentle hands were destroying the furniture, and her beautiful legs were breaking the parquet. 

Then a dove sat on the window and stared intently at the water lady. Everyone froze and decided that the water lady had gone crazy: Scorpio spoke to the bird in an incomprehensible language.

A minute later, Pluto’s ward was calm and sweet: the water lady apologized to those gathered, kicked the strangers out, and hugged Sagittarius as if nothing had happened.

Sagittarius in love immediately melted and dragged the jealous woman into the bedroom. The fiery boy convinced Scorpio that the ladies in the pictures mean nothing to him: now there is only one woman in his heart, and this is forever (Sagittarius is sure every time that he falls in love forever).

 Marriage During an ugly scene, the Scorpio girl accidentally tore up all the cash in the house, and Sagittarius was left without money. But the fiery guy was not taken aback, he picked the flowers at the entrance and rushed to propose to his water lover. Enraged grannies ran behind (old ladies take care of the flower beds every day), but only the neighbors saw the excited Sagittarius on his knees, they screamed bitterly and applauded.
 It’s good that the water owner only tore the documents in half - the registry office went to meet the young people halfway and signed them without delay. The wedding celebration passed peacefully. The role of toastmaster was played by a guy, and the guests came mostly men (a couple of women were still found, but they showed up in trouser suits and without an ounce of makeup).

When the kids were born, the Scorpio mother switched to them, and Sagittarius finally exhaled. The Scorpio mother turned out to be strict, but fair, the water lady knew about every step of her offspring and the discipline in the house was ironclad. True, dad Sagittarius constantly violated the established rules and arranged endless games and fun.
 It cannot be said that the life together of the water-fire spouses was happy. But Sagittarius and Scorpio are never bored next to each other, and this plays an important role in marriage (plus perfect compatibility

in bed).


The Scorpio girl is powerful and energetic, honest and reliable. It is difficult to communicate with a water lady, because she tries to subjugate everyone, but if Scorpio makes friends with someone, you can be sure that she will never betray or let you down. 

The Sagittarius boy has an eternal battery inside him. The fiery fidget is constantly rushing about on business, and along the way makes friends. Jupiter's pet is sociable and friendly - children take turns to make friends with him.
Everyone is afraid of Pluto's pet: teachers, parents, and even the imperturbable security guard. The aquatic ringleader should be surrounded by the best guys; it is not surprising that Scorpio will immediately notice the unusual Sagittarius. 

The mysterious Scorpio girl and the open Sagittarius guy can become great friends. The water lady will constantly get the fiery guy out of trouble, and Sagittarius will always cheer up his girlfriend.

Those around them are not delighted with the fire-water friendship - the guys are always inventing something, and each time the pranks become more and more sophisticated.

The water girl is ready to fight and win, she loves comfort and will do anything to become rich and independent.

The fire guy is not averse to living a beautiful life, but his attitude towards money makes you think - Sagittarius is an incredible spender. 

But if the water-fire guys create a team, the Scorpio lady will monitor the expenses of her frivolous companion and will not allow Jupiter’s ward to go broke.

Competition is not scary for guys - it is generally impossible to compete with a friendly Sagittarius, and even hardened business sharks are afraid to get involved with a respectable Scorpio lady (if anything, she can do a magic spell and all the savings will disappear).

The stars believe that the fire-water union has a great and bright future. Lady Scorpio will easily embody the brilliant ideas of Sagittarius, and in a couple of years the pets of Jupiter and Pluto will be able to buy a couple of dozen villas on the seashore.


The Scorpio guy is deeply unhappy if there are no adventures in his life. He is looking for adrenaline always and everywhere - today Pluto's pet is hanging over an abyss, and tomorrow he is training a tiger.

The Sagittarius girl does not know peace or boredom - she is able to turn the most dull day into a cheerful celebration.

There are not so many places on planet Earth where water-fire creatures could meet. But Pluto and Jupiter are not stupid guys, and they managed to organize a meeting for their pets. Thousands of people roam the streets, everyone is in a hurry and do not notice each other. But the Sagittarius lady carefully looks around (in case familiar fans or old friends pass by).

And Scorpio was just sitting on a bench and making phone arrangements for the next climb to Everest. The fiery lady sat down next to her and began to listen with delight to the conversation of the mysterious stranger. At the same time, Jupiter’s ward saw the guy’s proud profile, his muscles under his T-shirt, and his expensive watch. When the water man felt that he was being looked at, he became angry and was about to leave. But as soon as Scorpio looked at his neighbor on the bench, he was stunned and froze: in front of him sat an incredible beautiful woman

interesting place

. Lady Sagittarius immediately told a couple of jokes about climbers, and the imperturbable Scorpio burst out laughing (half the battle is done, because few people manage to make a water guy laugh).
Pluto’s ward immediately changed all his plans - this amazing and cheerful girl should not be missed. The guys talked for two hours, and then they only noticed that there were no people around - it was as if a crowd of passersby was flowing around their bench, and they themselves were sitting under an invisible dome.

 Scorpio understands magic, he realized that an amazing relationship is planned, because fate itself gives him clues.

Lady Sagittarius was fascinated by her new acquaintance and immediately agreed to a date. While the fiery girl was running around the shops and beauty salons, Scorpio wasted no time. The water sorcerer began to prepare the apartment - first, Scorpio removed all the magic things, then called a team of technicians and cooks.

 Scorpio stood on the threshold and could not find words of admiration, and only burned through the beauty with his hypnotic gaze. But the called personnel finally evaporated, and the water-and-fire guys were left alone - it was time to move on to the meal.

The night over the city was great. The water-and-fire creatures admired the stars, drank champagne and threw cake crumbs to the pigeons (the birds finally got out to listen to the cooing of the lovers). The main pigeon behaved strangely, sometimes throwing feathers, sometimes creeping up to the glasses with an independent air - it was the messenger Cupid, that’s all.

Unfortunately, the pets of Jupiter and Pluto were unable to eat. Passion flared up instantly, and the temperamental Scorpio and the amorous fiery lady ended up in bed. The intimacy between the water-fire creatures was beyond all praise - even Cupid, who happened to fly by, blushed and almost fell to the ground.

The guys enjoyed it for about a week. But one day the Sagittarius lady decided to turn on her phone. And it began - alarmed fans began calling every minute and Scorpio could not stand it. The jealous water guy threw the cell phone against the wall, picked up the fragments and threw them out the window.

The girl of fire decided to justify herself, but changed her mind and proudly walked away. However, Jupiter’s pet did not manage to get far - Scorpio jumped out onto the balcony and began shouting that if Sagittarius did not return, he would throw himself out.
A crowd gathered on the street, the ubiquitous neighbors began to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the excited fiery lady rushed back to Scorpio’s apartment.

, read the correspondence between Sagittarius and the ladies and was about to smash the innocent equipment when a satisfied fiery guy appeared.

 The water guy had already repented and fell to his knees in front of the Sagittarius lady, then he rushed to get a new phone, and at the same time bought a dozen jewelry and outfits to make amends.
 Another night of passion put everything in its place, and the lovers forgot about the scandal. But the Sagittarius lady thought about it - after all, you can’t stay in bed all the time, and she wasn’t going to refuse to communicate with fans. No one has ever been so jealous of the Sagittarius girl; she naively decided that it was enough to swear to

eternal love , and Scorpio will stop portraying Othello.
 For a couple of weeks, the water guy held on and didn’t even control his fiery lover. But one day Scorpio saw through the window how Sagittarius was returning from the store, and a smiling boy was carrying her packages.

The unlucky boyfriend set a speed record (he rushed away from Scorpio like the wind, managing to throw apples, bananas and

And the enraged water man rushed around the apartment like a lion, frightening the neighbors with a roar and the crunch of breaking furniture.

A minute later, Pluto’s ward was calm and sweet: the water lady apologized to those gathered, kicked the strangers out, and hugged Sagittarius as if nothing had happened.

But Scorpio calmed down and rushed in pursuit of his beloved. The meeting of the water-fire guys was stormy. Pluto's pet with a mysterious look took a ring from his pocket and proposed to Jupiter's ward. A bridge illuminated by lanterns, a splash of water, a handsome man on his knees - not a single girl can resist, and the Sagittarius woman agreed.
Everyone and everyone was writing about the wedding of the water-fire guys. Give journalists free rein, and they will come up with thousands of details, but here you didn’t even have to use your imagination. The gloomy and imperturbable groom Scorpio and the cheerful and flirtatious bride Sagittarius seemed like an ideal couple.

 The guests either laughed or roared, but in the end they got drunk and some risked teasing the jealous groom with jokes (where and why Scorpio took the hapless comedians out is unknown to the stars, but it is known that these guys disappeared, and a couple of years later they were seen in some wilderness ). For five years, family life seemed like a fairy tale. The Sagittarius wife happily sat at home, she cooked soups, baked pies and did not dream of entertainment outside the apartment. Don't think that domineering husband

Scorpio intimidated his wife - he showered her with jewelry and bouquets every day, so the girl of fire did not suffer much.

in bed).

But here are the kids. Father Scorpio organized a real army for his children, but soon realized that the rules do not work with little offspring (how can you scold a child if he innocently bats his eyes and reports that his mother broke the plate, and a treacherous cat stained the carpet with paints). 
 The Sagittarius mother will be able to convince her husband that the children need to be indulged - Scorpio will dutifully offer his back and give the kids rides, pretending to be a horse.
 If a Scorpio husband and a Sagittarius wife have no neighbors, then their life will become ideal. In addition, Sagittarius knows that as soon as Scorpio turns on Othello, he needs to kiss him and lure him into the bedroom - jealousy, no matter what!

At first, little Scorpio may be nervous because all the kids run to Sagittarius and joyfully hug the fiery girl. But one day the water boy will understand that one cannot be offended by Jupiter’s pet, one can only love and adore her.

The fire-water friendship will become strong - Sagittarius and Scorpio will even forget to think about the incompatibility of the elements.

A jealous water guy will want to forbid his fiery girlfriend to communicate with other kids, but that’s not the case: Sagittarius is a freedom-loving girl, and will make new friends every day.

The mysterious Scorpio girl and the open Sagittarius guy can become great friends. The water lady will constantly get the fiery guy out of trouble, and Sagittarius will always cheer up his girlfriend.

Pets of Jupiter and Pluto are prone to leadership, and together they will become a real thunderstorm for those around them - even malicious grandmothers will be afraid of their water-fire friends.

In old age, Sagittarius and Scorpio will become inseparable - the water-fire kids will take a taxi to get their pension, and any queue will instantly clear up, as soon as the good-natured old lady Sagittarius and the proud, imperturbable old man Scorpio walk in the door.

Scorpio cannot live without difficulties and dangers. He chooses a job solely to his liking; the aquatic man is not afraid of competition, and his rivals do not bother him.

Sagittarius can succeed anywhere, as long as it is interesting and fun. A fiery lady can become a lawyer, or a singer, a veterinarian, or a teacher. True, Jupiter’s pet quickly gets bored with her chosen profession, but she is not sad - changing activities is as easy as shelling pears for Sagittarius.

Water-fire guys love to command, but if Sagittarius and Scorpio create an alliance, the fire lady will gladly obey her energetic partner. Scorpio is at the helm - one can only dream about this, and Sagittarius and the rest of the employees will be happy to work under the leadership of the mysterious boss. Lady Sagittarius is full of brilliant ideas, and the talents of the fiery lady are legendary. At first, competitors will try to lure the charming woman to themselves, but Scorpio will quickly dissuade their rivals of the futility of this plan. The carefree pet of Jupiter can spend money left and right, and this will irritate Scorpio terribly. But Pluto’s ward is a famous hypnotist, and one day he will be able to convince the fiery lady that capital needs to be protected. So the problem is solved, if the water-fire guys don’t quarrel over nonsense, then in three years they will become famous rich people of our time. Scorpio and Sagittarius can create a promising, but very, and his friendliness and straightforwardness are only on the outside.

What these two signs have in common is the need for knowledge. True, Sagittarius wants to know everything because of simple curiosity, and Scorpio - because he is attracted to everything mysterious and hidden.

Sagittarius never loses faith that he will emerge victorious from any situation. He is lucky in life, despite the fact that he may sometimes lose. Scorpio hates losing. It is very difficult for him to be in a defeated state, and his hands give up.

Scorpio is constant in his feelings and open. Sagittarius, although open, is very changeable. He is not touchy, which cannot be said about the representative water element. If Scorpio and Sagittarius want to be together, the representative fire element must learn to think before speaking.

Scorpio greatly values ​​people who know how to feel deeply. He is also attracted to temperamental and passionate people with strong sexual desires. And the representative of the fire element compensates for the lack of sensitivity with his passion.

Sagittarius is afraid of responsibility and hates affection, although he knows how to love openly and honestly. Scorpio must learn to trust him and leave aside all his accusations and reproaches. It’s good if a representative of the water element can instill in his partner thoughts about the benefits of marriage.

In intimate life, the interests of these signs completely diverge. Although Scorpio and Sagittarius have different attitudes towards sex, their temperaments are approximately the same. In bed, Scorpio is focused and silent, while Sagittarius is very talkative.

This union often lacks understanding and warmth. To live in happy marriage Scorpio and Sagittarius must learn to respect each other and give their partner all their tenderness. The main thing is not only to hear, but also to understand your chosen one.

Sagittarius will not tolerate any restrictions or control. A representative of the water element will have to come to terms with his adventurism, receiving a temperamental lover in return.

The marriage of Sagittarius and Scorpio can be very successful if the partners discuss the financial side of it at the very beginning of the relationship. Scorpio always saves, and Sagittarius spends every last penny. Partners must decide who and how will manage the money earned, or everything cash will be kept by a representative of the water element.

Sagittarius is a windy partner. This sign is not indifferent to sex, as, in principle, to other pleasures. He is not averse to having an affair on the side. If Scorpio can catch him doing this, their separation is inevitable.

Sagittarius and Scorpio are a tandem that is not very strong, but widespread. To preserve it, Scorpio must work on himself, be patient and not get angry with jealousy. In no case should he become fixated on his partner and accumulate grievances, try to be more persistent in achieving his goals.

This relationship can be over before either partner even realizes it even started if they are not careful! Their patience will be very richly rewarded. Sagittarius thrives on change in life, new ideas and the power of positive thought. Scorpio just wants to get closer to their partner and strengthen their emotional connections. In the early stages of a relationship, Sagittarius may feel surrounded by Scorpio's intense attention and high expectations for love. If Scorpio can restrain his seething emotions, then these two will be able to experience many pleasant and exciting love adventures.

Both Scorpio and Sagittarius see each day as a new adventure (or in Scorpio's case, a new mystery) and as an endless opportunity to explore to discover and learn. Common adventures bring them closer together. While Sagittarius may get tired of Scorpio's stubbornness and inflexibility, Scorpio may think that their Sagittarius partner is just a little too impulsive. They will enjoy learning together and interesting trip can be a very beneficial pastime for this couple. Their relationship will always be on the move!

Planetary compatibility Mars-Pluto-Jupiter

Pluto and Mars rule Scorpio, while Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mars, the god of war, opens the door for the decisive, brave nature of Scorpio. Mars, when conjunct Pluto, represents rebirth and renewal. Jupiter focuses on philosophy, higher education, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. These planetary signs of growth, expansion and masculine energy combine to create a stable relationship based on mutual admiration.

Compatibility by elements Water-Fire

Scorpio is a Water sign and Sagittarius is a Fire sign. Sagittarius has a spontaneous nature, moving in any direction on a whim, while Scorpio's impulses are more secretive and less easy to read. Even if they encounter misunderstandings or misinterpretations of each other's motivations, a crisis can be averted. If these love partners agree that their relationship has value for both of them, then their devotion and affection for each other will survive any trouble.

Interpersonal compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpio is a fixed sign and Sagittarius is a mutable sign. Both zodiac signs can scatter their attention on solving several problems at once. Also they both can use their strong energy for manipulating their partners, this is especially important for Scorpio. Sagittarius likes to rush from project to project, so Scorpio will need to be patient in order to withstand this Sagittarius character trait. If Sagittarius sees that Scorpio is a real assistant to him in his affairs, then Sagittarius will be infinitely grateful to Scorpio for the help provided. Scorpio can be stubborn, burdensome and demanding, so he must give Sagittarius love his own space and time for his own interests. Scorpio carries out the implementation of Sagittarius' ideas to the end, even if Sagittarius has already lost interest and moves on. But more often than not, Sagittarius, due to his innate mental agility, flexibility and unshakable determination, overcomes any obstacles at work and achieves general recognition and success.

What's the best thing about a Scorpio and Sagittarius relationship?

They can give each other security and freedom of thought. Once they open up to each other and appreciate their different approaches to life, then these two have the potential for a full, deep and heartfelt relationship. Overall, they have a long and passionate relationship.

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Between these two signs there may be a good relationship. They have similar characters, which allows them to find mutual understanding, as in family life, and in business sphere. The compatibility horoscope for Scorpio and Sagittarius gives excellent compatibility between partners. Together they love life in all its manifestations. None of the chosen ones will be tied to home life, and the best pastime for a couple will be traveling, romantic date, communication with friends and creative activities.

Already at the beginning of the relationship, the couple successfully complements each other. They form an unbreakable tandem that all lovers dream of. Both signs know how to enjoy every moment spent together. To ensure good material base their family partners work hard, and over time, each of them can achieve career growth.

The union of Scorpio and Sagittarius will at first hide their feelings from strangers. Gradually they will understand that their feelings are truly sincere and then the time comes to tell everyone around them about their love. When the whole world learns about the couple’s tender relationship, everyone will envy them.

Sagittarius can conquer a partner with his beauty and sensuality, while Scorpio is a little reserved in relationships, but gradually next to his chosen one he will become more relaxed.

General compatibility of zodiac signs

Scorpio is a sign of Water, while Sagittarius is under the protection of the element of Fire. And as soon as you look at each other, two opposites begin to attract. It would seem, what could they have in common? But from the first meeting, all conclusions lose meaning.

Scorpio is captivated by his erudition, open-mindedness, brilliant position in society and a good education chosen one. Sagittarius will not be able to pass by such a person unnoticed.

Each partner is struck by the individuality and uniqueness of the chosen one. This is due to the proximity of the constellations of signs. The union of Scorpio and Sagittarius can result in an excellent joint business. The latter gladly corrects the chosen one’s projects, and Scorpio is able to bring all his partner’s ideas to life.

Both signs are active and active. For them there are no obstacles that can interfere with their plans. To realize their ideas, they are ready to work long and hard.

In addition to work, both signs know how to relax. There are no obstacles for them to pack up in an hour and go on a long journey. They love adventure and spontaneity, so they never get bored together.

A couple can spend a lot of free time talking on any topic. They reveal to each other enormous knowledge in all areas of life. The union has virtually no conflicts in their life together, and therefore they have every chance of creating a promising relationship.

Compatibility Scorpio Woman – Sagittarius Man

The couple will be united by mutual respect and friendship at first sight. A woman is able to appreciate enthusiasm, sincerity and courage in her chosen one. At times, her chosen one may be too straightforward, but the woman will not notice this flaw.

A man will charm a woman with his openness. Such people are very rare, and therefore Scorpio realizes the value of these qualities in a person. If a quarrel arises in a couple, the partner will be able to defuse the situation with his unsurpassed sense of humor and playful behavior.

Scorpio Woman And Sagittarius man After the first meeting they understand that they cannot live without each other. They both begin to dream of adventures in other countries of the world. Together, the couple will be able to chart an interesting itinerary for future travels, which will include enjoying nature, getting to know other traditions and communicating with new people.

Trusting each other plays an important role. Each of the partners reveals himself in a new way to his beloved and therefore it is very important for them that the chosen one does not betray him. Over time, the romantic nature of a man will begin to irritate his partner and in order to keep him close to her, she will begin to nag him for all sorts of reasons and will become unbearable. In order to attract attention, a woman will increasingly make scenes for her chosen one, which will have a bad effect on the couple’s relationship.

Fortunately, over time the couple will learn not to create conflict situations, feel spiritual closeness in each other and overcome life’s difficulties together.

Compatibility Scorpio Man – Sagittarius Woman

The meeting of these signs is promising. At first sight, the partners will feel an irresistible attraction to each other, and none of them will try to tame the chosen one and dominate him.

As in any other family, a couple may have conflicts, but this will not force the lovers to separate. Together they are ready for any challenge. The optimism of the chosen one has a positive effect on the partner’s worldview. He will be very grateful to the woman for always being there for him and will provide her with great support in any situation.

These relationships are very rich in terms of interaction between partners. Everyone here gets what they need, but at the same time makes certain sacrifices. Fiery Sagittarius gives Scorpio the emotionality that he so lacks, and in return he receives an inner feeling of freedom. Thus, Compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius represents an equal exchange that allows partners to complement each other.

The difference in the characters of Scorpio and Sagittarius is explained by the fact that here we're talking about about two opposing elements. Water and Fire are known to be poorly compatible, so the coldness of Scorpio will constantly extinguish the open friendliness and ability to enjoy everything and everyone that is inherent in Sagittarius. Even the differences in external behavior visible to the naked eye. If Sagittarius is sociable and open, then Scorpio is closed and secretive. However, there is also common features in the character of these two signs. Both experience an irresistible desire to reveal all the secrets of the world. The only difference is that Sagittarius will do this out of curiosity, and Scorpio because of his suspiciousness.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Sagittarius is also characterized by the fact that Sagittarius does not lose heart: if he loses, he hopes to take revenge, of course, in a fair fight. Scorpio doesn't know how to lose. If this happened to this representative of the water element, he will begin to develop a plan for revenge and will sting at the most unexpected moment.

Scorpio's introversion constantly comes into conflict with the emotional and open nature of his partner, and vice versa. In addition, the mental organization of Scorpio is very subtle and sensitive. Not wanting to show his weaknesses, he disguises them under a mask of cold indifference, although in fact he is very vulnerable. Sagittarius says what he thinks, and Scorpio is easy to offend. That's why fire sign It’s better to learn to think through phrases carefully before making an enemy. Sagittarius, on the other hand, lacks enthusiasm and energy in relationships; in addition, he is very fickle and expressive, and such traits will not find understanding in the eyes of Scorpio.

In order for the compatibility of Scorpio and Sagittarius to move into a harmonious direction, these partners need to treat each other with respect, be more tolerant and attentive. This will help them get to know each other better and learn to be calm about their partner’s shortcomings.

Scorpio will have to get used to Sagittarius's love of freedom and his unambiguous penchant for adventure, and also sweep aside all suspicions and doubts about his reliability, which, like a swarm of bees, rustle in his mind and prevent him from focusing on real feelings. Sagittarius is one of those people who cannot be bound by a sense of duty or affection. The only thing that will keep him close to Scorpio is real love, and Scorpio, like no one else, is able to evoke this feeling in a fiery partner.
The compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius in relation to finance cannot be called positive. The first partner loves reasonable savings, the second is quite wasteful. Therefore, it is better to divide the budget or appoint Scorpio in charge.

In general, the relationship is very complex. This is a combination of incompatible things. Such partners will constantly experience the whole gamut of emotions, from tender passion to anger that makes the blood boil in their veins. Here coexist deep trust and deception, material aspirations and spiritual development. Only one thing is clear: there will be no spiritual comfort and tranquility in the union of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Sexual compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpio is too subtle, Sagittarius is assertive and rude. Sexual compatibility signs Scorpio and Sagittarius is far from ideal. The first does not like the unceremoniousness of the fiery partner and his desire to conquer space. Sagittarius is too simple by nature to understand the cunning desires of Scorpio. When a representative of the water element Once again will be offended by the inconstancy and irrationality of his partner’s actions, he will try to humiliate Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius is not one of those people who fall into despair; he will not lose his cheerfulness and cheerful disposition, although he may well run away from such a partner.

Compatibility: Scorpio man - Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is able to give warmth and light to those around her; her cheerfulness knows no bounds. Her aura may well make a Scorpio man happy. He is touched by her childish openness and such touching honesty. By letting this fiery girl into his life, Scorpio will be able to reveal those feelings that he hid for so long in the depths of his subconscious. Next to Strelchikha you want to dream, smile and enjoy everything that is around. However, Scorpio himself can have a negative effect on the chosen one. He is cold and rather dull, and with this behavior he can extinguish the Sagittarius lady’s desire for eternal light. This is how Water acts on fire. Constantly being in interaction with a representative of the water element, a fiery girl may forget what made her so happy just recently. In order to be in harmony with herself, she needs to travel a lot, communicate with different people and explore the world. A man born under the sign of Scorpio will try to limit her in this. As a result, the Sagittarius girl will wither away like a bird in a cage.

There is a trait in the character of Sagittarius that can outright kill any Scorpio. Sagittarius says everything clearly and openly, while Scorpio is too touchy to take criticism calmly. In response, he also tries to sting his partner. On this basis, many disagreements arise. In addition, Scorpio sometimes wants to be alone with himself, while his sociable chosen one cannot stand these difficult moments.

The relationship between Scorpio and Sagittarius can be destroyed by Scorpio's suspicion. He needs to learn once and for all: a girl born under the sign of Sagittarius will never start secret relationships. She is too open to engage in conspiracy. If the feelings fade, she will simply leave.

Compatibility: Scorpio woman – Sagittarius man

With her suspicions, a Scorpio woman can kill the cheerfulness of a Sagittarius. She should know that she will see all his shortcomings and possible mistakes on his face on the very first day of their acquaintance, since he is too direct and open man to play some games. In addition, he requires a little freedom of movement. He loves meeting with friends and can easily organize a joint picnic or party. You shouldn’t deprive a fiery man of this joy. If the Scorpio lady tries to break her lover and make him as sad as she is, he most likely will not be able to stand it. Even if his feelings do not allow him to leave his chosen one, it is quite possible that Sagittarius will become seriously ill without receiving the necessary emotions.

In these relationships, Sagittarius should be more attentive to his beloved. Inside it lies a huge inner strength, and emotions rage like a volcano. However, the Scorpio lady will never show her weakness. A man who sincerely fell in love with such a girl should be able to guess from the slightest change on her face what could have upset her so much. After all, such a woman is a symbol of fidelity and devotion in a relationship, and this is worth a lot.

Both partners will have to go through a long and difficult road before they learn to understand each other's moods and desires. Not many succeed, but the reward exceeds all expectations.

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