Compatibility of Leo Rooster and Bull. Compatibility of Ox and Rooster: will the two leaders get along together? There are many reasons for such a strong friendship

home The love compatibility of the Ox and the Rooster is quite good, such partners are suitable for each other, they both strive for a serious relationship that would develop into a strong marriage. But conflicts often occur in such an alliance, all this happens because different temperaments


Ox Man and Rooster Woman

What can be said about the Ox man is that he is extremely stubborn and purposeful. The representative of this sign is accustomed to achieving his goals. But at the same time, he will never go over his head. The Ox is quite conservative and prefers to relax at home rather than in noisy companies. Such a man is also honest, for him the word “justice” is not an empty phrase. The Rooster woman is a lady with restlessness and big amount

vital energy. She is a good housewife and knows how to organize life in the house. But at the same time, she does not miss the opportunity to have fun with friends; for such a woman, communication is as necessary as air.

Love and family

For complete psychological comfort, an Ox man simply needs a family and a faithful, reliable ally. This is exactly what the Rooster woman can become: although she does not always know how to correctly set priorities in her life, in fact, the values ​​of these partners are very similar. According to the compatibility horoscope, the Ox can, with its balance and calmness, become a good support for the Rooster, stabilize it emotional condition

. In turn, the Rooster will be able to saturate the Ox’s life with interesting events and pull him out of everyday life.

The Ox man and the Rooster woman should more often organize interesting leisure time together and solve some things together, this will help bring them closer together.

Main disagreements

Disagreements can occur in this couple due to the dissimilarity of temperaments: for example, the Rooster woman is prone to a quick temper over trifles, which is very difficult for her man to understand. She will constantly pull the rug out from under the Ox’s feet, and if at some point he gets tired of it, his partner will simply leave. The Rooster, especially if he is Capricorn or Scorpio according to the horoscope, needs to learn to control his outbursts negative emotions , as well as your feelings. This is simply necessary for construction harmonious relations

in such a pair.

The Rooster man is usually a bright, eccentric personality who loves to be the center of attention. This man loves to work, but is often scattered in his affairs. Another such man, especially if he is Aquarius, Virgo or Pisces according to the horoscope, is a real owner and a great jealous person. In the family, he must be the head of the family; he cannot bear to be in a supporting role.

The Ox woman is usually a purposeful, strong person who knows how to achieve a particular goal. She is always ready to listen and support her partner, while she herself has a good gift of eloquence. Such a girl is calm and patient, but at the same time it is clear that she has great inner strength. But for complete psychological comfort, the Ox simply needs a cozy family nest.

vital energy. She is a good housewife and knows how to organize life in the house. But at the same time, she does not miss the opportunity to have fun with friends; for such a woman, communication is as necessary as air.

Marriage compatibility for such signs is quite high: the partners are well suited to each other, even despite some misunderstandings in the relationship.

The Ox woman will be able to learn the lightness and some carelessness of her boyfriend Rooster, her life will shine with brighter colors. But the Rooster will be able to learn some balance from his chosen one, perhaps he will become more stable and calm, and will stop fussing over trifles.

According to the compatibility horoscope, such a woman will be able to pacify the Rooster during his attacks of anger; thanks to her delicacy, in this case the couple will manage without a quarrel or scandal. This girl, especially if according to her horoscope she is Taurus or Libra, will be able to easily establish both the professional and everyday life of both of them, she will be a real gift for the Rooster, the main thing is that he appreciates it.

The Ox man and the Rooster woman should more often organize interesting leisure time together and solve some things together, this will help bring them closer together.

Unfortunately, the assertive and explosive nature of the chosen one often brings problems to family life, he may also ruin the friendship of the partners, despite their compatibility horoscope. The Ox woman is not always ready to adequately perceive the tossing and bustling of her partner, and if he infuriates the lady enough, such a family cannot do without a huge scandal.

To the Rooster man, despite good horoscope compatibility, you just need to learn to listen to your partner, tame your fiery temperament and reduce selfishness. He should understand that despite the calmness and poise of the Ox, at one moment he will simply turn around and leave, leaving the Rooster with nothing. To prevent this from happening, the couple needs to constantly work on their relationship, which is not so difficult to do, because the compatibility of the signs is very good.

This is very good couple. The Ox and the Rooster harmoniously complement each other and can become not only lovers, but also true friends. There is one “but”. The characters of both are very complex. A man and a woman are drawn to each other, they are in love, but this does not prevent them from periodically finding out who is in charge in the family.

They are lucky in love and marriage, because the path to the altar together is not long, they quickly decide to take a responsible step.

From time to time they enjoy the intensity of passions, this makes the relationship more piquant. Their compatibility is great; we can say that for the Ox, the Rooster is one of the most pleasant and desirable partners. If you follow the advice of an astrologer, then everything will work out, because your life will change for the better.

Japanese horoscope

The eastern horoscope divides our life into many cycles of 12 years. Each person is born in the year of a certain Patron. From him he gets his character, inclinations, compatibility with other signs in love, friendship, work. This is a subtle science closely related to Astrology. In the old days, until the beginning of the 20th century, Japan lived according to such a horoscope, using it every day.

The man did not leave the house without turning to the Almanac for a hint. If it was written there that a certain day of the year was life-threatening, the person tried to spend it at home, closer to his family. On good days, it was possible to enter into the most risky transactions without fear, set off on a journey, or get married.

This life was simpler, because every day you have a good hint from above. Today this art remains only for those who firmly believe in horoscopes. Many people use it not only in the east, but all over the world. It is gaining popularity year after year, old traditions are returning again.

Very often in love and marriage, a person needs a good hint so that the life of the couple is harmonious. Use a horoscope to find out everything about yourself and your partner. By the year of birth you can determine which sign of the eastern horoscope is yours.

Rat: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Bull: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Rabbit (Cat): 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Goat: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Rooster: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Pig: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

If your couple is an Ox and a Rooster, then it is worth learning everything about such a union. The stars predict a good future for you. Of course, there can be a fly in the ointment in any jar of honey.

Ox Man

How to imagine an Ox man? He is a businesslike, thorough man. He always treats his work or household responsibilities very responsibly. There is no such thing that the Bull would do “bung-blunder”. This gives him a huge advantage when it comes to promotion. Bulls often have very successful careers; they quickly rise to leadership positions. The Ox demands the same from his subordinates: execution of work on time, accurately, clearly. It simply won’t work with many signs because they like to be late or are not so focused on work.

The Ox respects his friends. Very selective, will never be with people whom he despises or has no respect for. The bull is not mercantile. He knows what his person is worth. He will never ask for help unless the situation is critical.

The bull is very demanding of his chosen one

He is a very self-sufficient person with great self-esteem. This attracts women of all signs to the Ox. His compatibility with them is not always so high, because the Ox man sets high standards for his chosen one. Appearance, intelligence, activity, sports, interests - it should combine everything positive traits. Only then will the Ox man think about marriage.

Rooster Woman

The Rooster woman is an extraordinary person. She is extremely delighted with herself. We must give her credit, the Rooster woman does not stop in self-improvement. She is busy with herself, education, and successfully building a career. Around her is a society that she has carefully chosen. There is a lot of selfishness in her, which sometimes pushes away her family.

The Rooster woman loves her family, but is very careful that her time is properly distributed between work, education, family and other matters. She cannot neglect herself and her affairs even for family holidays.

She treats weak male signs with great condescension. She can be a very loyal friend when necessary, although she never relies on her friends. Always makes decisions based on his experience and knowledge. She is looking for independence.

Her compatibility with people in a business sense is the same as in a romantic sense. The Rooster woman will not be able to build with everyone business relationship, not everyone is romantic. She has a difficult character that not every man can withstand.

The wise Rooster is always on top

It is best to choose a partner who is still wise enough to understand her aspirations and character. The Dragon will be a good partner, as will the Ox. Compatibility with him, sent by the Stars.

Compatibility in love

The Bull and the Rooster know how to find mutual language. He looks at his beloved woman with tenderness and delight. She managed to achieve so much on her own, it's amazing. He is used to moving in a world where everyone is in charge strong men, so the strength of a woman seems enchanting to him.

They can talk for hours, finding new things in each other. interesting features. And when the time comes to confess your love, the Ox man will be decisive. The couple has a lot in common. so there will be no difficulty in living together and sharing responsibilities.

Neither of them can take full responsibility for the house, so it would be more advisable to hire an assistant. The Rooster woman respects minimalism, so there won’t be a lot of things in the house. It’s easier to live this way, because both have a strong desire to move. They can often change housing and will take only the necessary things with them.

Married couple

A man and a woman decide to start their own family, which means that both will have to step on the throat of their ambitions. Too many problems are not brought into the house. Both need to divide their time into work and rest time. Only then will you get a good, balanced family.

Over time, the compatibility of the couple increases when all questions have already been answered and the roles of the spouses have been defined.

In marriage, both become softer, because now there is something to live for. They are in a hurry with their feelings, but both of them only benefit from it.

A good couple, because both can teach each other something. Such relationships lead to harmony in life. The rooster stops being so fussy and abrupt. The Ox devotes more time to himself, his home, and taking care of his loved ones. And both are happy in their marriage, so cheating is extremely rare.

Save your feelings for many years to come. The Ox and Rooster will always be admired by family and friends. Someone is jealous. You should not try to break up such a couple, especially in marriage. they are always there for each other.

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Ox is excellent. Everyone in this tandem has the same values. The Rooster and the Ox want to find a loved one and start a family. Partners do not pay attention to extraneous things and strive for rich and happy life. They will definitely be able to build long-term relationships. Harmony reigns between lovers. Thanks to each other, they find their strengths.

The calmness, meaningfulness and self-control characteristic of the Ox woman are developed with the help of the sincerity and courage of the Rooster man. The rationality and practicality of the wife become the foundation of a reliable rear, which her chosen one needs.

The vanity of partners and the desire to be successful contribute to the rapid implementation of plans. Both are not afraid of responsibility and make efforts to ensure that the relationship is strong and joyful. The compatibility of the Rooster man and the Ox woman is reinforced by the similarity of hobbies and points of view. It is safe to say that the relationship between lovers will be rich, exciting and vibrant.

Rooster man and Ox woman: general compatibility

The Rooster man loves to be the center of attention

When an Ox woman meets a Rooster man, she falls in love with him at first sight. It's hard not to notice him. He is always stylishly and fashionably dressed. A man devotes enough time to thinking through his image. Intelligence and beauty give him the opportunity to feel confident and comfortable everywhere. He is a welcome guest at any event. His chosen one likes his insight and thoroughness most of all. The Rooster man loves to attract attention to himself. Of great importance for him is appearance companions. He feels proud when others highlight his beloved among others. The Rooster man likes the attractiveness and discreet style of his chosen one.

Already during the first meeting, partners are attracted to each other. They understand that they are connected by common interests and views. Everyone intuitively feels that they have met exactly who they were looking for. The lovers quickly begin to trust each other.

The main priority for both is family. Without this, they will not be able to feel completely happy. The Ox Woman easily earns money. She does not spare them for her family and home. In her, the Rooster man will find reliable support. After all, it is the Ox woman who can make his horizons wider. She easily organizes them with her beloved and professional life. This is very important for her chosen one.

The character of a man is unstable. He fusses a lot, and this makes it difficult to determine the main thing in his life. The Rooster man spends a lot of time and energy on endless discussions and defending his own rightness. It is difficult for him to concentrate on a specific goal. He pays increased attention to little things, forgetting about what really matters.

And his beloved, who is distinguished by psychological stability, easily helps the Rooster man to relax and forget about those thoughts that haunt him. He, in turn, makes the chosen one more optimistic, independent, relaxed and cheerful. For a conservative Ox woman, a man’s courage and sincerity become a real discovery. Distinctive feature is also the fact that she sincerely wants to become the same as her companion. She tries to adopt his communication skills and over time discovers that in her relationship with the Rooster man, her life has become filled with colors and has become much more exciting.

A man needs approval and praise. His lover always admires his actions. Of course, he becomes even more confident in himself. His wife's approval raises his self-esteem. The Ox Woman represents a very strong personality. Her feelings for the Rooster man cause a response in him. She loves him with all his features, advantages and disadvantages. He reciprocates her feelings, because she treats him with admiration and believes that no one can be better than him. Such mutual relations have a beneficial effect on life successes everyone in this union.

A man born in the year of the Rooster is characterized by narcissism. He loves to be admired. This often irritates people. But this does not apply to his companion. She calmly treats this feature of her lover. Of course he notices this. The man is very grateful for such an attitude to his chosen one and is ready to do a lot for her sake.

Rooster Man and Ox Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Ox Woman is a big workaholic

The Ox woman loves to work. But her chosen one cannot boast of the same. For this reason, it is the spouse who bears full responsibility for their life together. However, she is not against this state of affairs, since she always relies solely on her own strengths. The Rooster man endlessly praises his beloved, which makes her happy and motivates her for further achievements. In order to make an impression in society, he needs a reliable family and a settled life. The Ox Woman provides him with such an opportunity. Being a leader in the family is normal for her.

It should be noted that the spouses look at weak sides each other in a positive way. Each of them respects their partner and contributes to his self-improvement, which in turn further increases the compatibility of the Rooster and the Ox in love and marriage. The Ox Woman can reassure her lover, thereby guaranteeing him stability for tomorrow. He saturates the life of his chosen one with unpredictability, unforgettable emotions and countless surprises.

It is not difficult for spouses to agree on what responsibilities belong to whom. Both take their roles responsibly. The lovers understand each other perfectly. Often they are united by a common hobby or family business. Over time, their union becomes stronger and more indestructible. They enjoy communicating with their partner because they learn something exciting and new all the time.

Of course, sometimes tense moments arise between spouses. The problem is that a man born in the year of the Rooster has a rather conflictual and explosive character, which somewhat complicates the life of lovers. It is not easy for a woman to adequately respond to the fussiness and restlessness of her chosen one. She has limitless patience. However, there are times when the spouse loses her temper and a quarrel occurs.

Rooster man and Ox woman: compatibility in love

Partners are attracted to each other. There is a strong sexual attraction between them. Proximity has great importance for each of them. Both easily give pleasure to their other half, but also remember about their interests. The Ox woman likes the sensitivity and emotionality of a man born in the year of the Rooster, and the unforgettable experiences that she gets with him. She manages to open up next to her husband. She gives him unforgettable moments. The man shows his beloved admiration and gives her all his tenderness.

The union of the Rooster and the Bull will be long and happy

The compatibility of the Rooster man and the Ox woman is amazing; such a union should be treasured. Conflicts and disagreements almost never happen between lovers. They are so strongly attached to each other that they will not spoil their ideal relationship unfounded demands and claims.

However, some nuances may arise as soon as a man and woman enter into marriage. They will need a little time to get used to each other and go through the grinding period. To strengthen the union, spouses should only take into account the interests and aspirations of their other half. A woman born in the year of the Ox has enviable patience. She may try to strengthen it even more. In a relationship with such an emotional and temperamental spouse, this will not hurt. A man should work on his own selfishness. You should not put your partner out of balance, as she may decide to break up when her patience comes to an end. She won’t even clarify the reasons and will simply leave.

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The compatibility of the Rooster and the Ox is based on the seriousness of both signs and their desire for material well-being. They are not afraid of marriage and value it. Common interests and outlook on life contribute to the creation of strong and reliable bonds. According to astrologers, these signs are capable of creating a successful union. It would seem that they are very different and do not resemble each other, but compatibility in love is such that, if desired, they can become halves of a single whole.

Characteristics of the Rooster

At first glance, representatives of this sign seem frivolous and carefree, but under this shell hides a tender, loving, and sometimes overly honest heart. The characteristics of the Rooster are:

  • presence of a “sixth” sense: they have well-developed intuition and it is simply impossible to deceive representatives of this sign;
  • caution and observation - rarely can anyone catch them in a relaxed state;
  • they love to be noticed and are always in sight, so they choose their clothes carefully; sometimes for this purpose they dress colorfully and a little tastelessly, but deep down they remain conservatives;
  • intelligence and loyalty, you can safely trust them with secrets.

Representatives of this fire sign are characterized by daydreaming, which is why they are often disappointed in people, because reality does not always correspond to their fantasies. They are friendly and make loyal friends.

Characteristics of the Ox

True workaholics, they bring prosperity to the family. They are always financially independent, since they have their own business or strive to create one. They make excellent leaders.

Representatives of this sign are patient and taciturn, often hide their intelligence under a rustic appearance, rarely lose their temper, but if this happens, disaster is inevitable: they are terrible in anger.

The Ox leads a measured and calm life and does not tolerate innovations. This primarily applies to those born in the year of the wooden Ox (1985). Authority and commitment to traditions and foundations are the main characteristics of such a person.

This sign perceives love as a tribute, he does not consider it a gift. He can truly love, but his feelings are pragmatic, he will never become a romantic. The sign does not tolerate flirting and affairs on the side. Practicality and the absence of illusions become a source of grief for him in love and marriage.

in such a pair.

The Rooster man is a complex and attractive person. He always looks good, well-groomed and dapper. Takes care of his physical fitness, loves to be seen. The opposite sex loves him, because such a man knows what to say to please women. He is smart, has a good education and is very proud of it. In most cases, he leads a stormy life and only in adulthood is he able to think about family and find happiness in marriage.

The Ox woman has the following qualities:

  • reserved and quiet, but everyone can envy her willpower;
  • works hard professionally and at home, but she always has enough time for her loved one;
  • a homebody, always takes care of the home, she makes a wonderful wife and housewife;
  • in most cases becomes the head of the family.

Creating a family with such a woman is real happiness. You just need to be able to spot her in the crowd.

Pair compatibility

The compatibility of the Rooster man and the Ox woman is enviable. It allows both signs to fully open up and achieve harmony in relationships. Marriage is an ideal option; there will be love in it, which does not happen often.

The fair sex is confident in herself and will always be able to calm her chosen one, and he won’t even notice it. A man will bring bright and unforgettable impressions into the measured life of his partner, fill her with joy and fun. This will inspire the lady to new achievements.

The Rooster man and the Ox woman have unique compatibility. The love between them will be bright and mutual.

Relationship problems

Compatibility between the Rooster man and the Ox woman is high and problems as such should not arise in this regard. The Ox is completely compatible with the Rooster. However, their relationship also depends on what zodiac sign the partners belong to.

The indifference of a companion can make a man sad, as a result he will begin to look for a romantic relationship, which is missing in this regard. If she does not notice this in time and does not become interested in the affairs of her chosen one, she will be able to turn her relatives and friends against herself, but first of all, her partner. Everything depends solely on the partners, and they understand that better relationship they can't build it.


The Rooster woman is very romantic, she is able to bring adventure and glamor into the calm and in most cases uninteresting life of her partner. A female representative admires herself, knows about her advantages, is interested in everything, and is never bored with her. Before meeting this sign, she built relationships, but they did not suit her, as they were unpromising. Having fallen in love with such a man, she will become his faithful companion, since she will intuitively feel that this is her man and the relationship with him will be successful.

Pair compatibility

This couple is unique; the partners have a lot in common, but at the same time, each complements the other. The Ox is a responsible man; he willingly fulfills the duties of his other half. A woman will breathe a sigh of relief when a practical partner takes responsibility for the family budget.

Both signs are distinguished by honesty and hard work, and this is expensive. A crystal honest person will never be able to build a real relationship with a deceiver. Everything works out for these signs. The representative of the fair sex has an open heart, while he is a little secretive, but both cannot stand duplicity and deception.

The Rooster woman and the Ox man form a happy union due to unifying factors:

  • both are hardworking, he will admire her intelligence and conscientiousness;
  • they will make joint plans, settle down and household, and in business;
  • they can manage both business and home together;
  • partners love simple hobbies and appreciate each other’s intelligence;
  • she will forgive him for his meticulousness, and he will adequately perceive her criticism.

In marriage, both will be happy, these two will delight and surprise each other, and over the years they will love more and more.

Ox-Rooster couple in love and marriage

This is a very good couple. The Ox and the Rooster harmoniously complement each other, they can become not only

lovers, but also true friends. There is one “but”. Characters of both very complex. A man and a woman are drawn to each other, they are in love, but this does not prevent them from periodically finding out who is in charge in the family. They are lucky in love and marriage, because the path to the altar together is not long, they quickly decide to take a responsible step. Periodically, they enjoying the heat of passion, it does relationship more piquant. Their compatibility is great; we can say that for the Ox, the Rooster is one of the most pleasant and desirable partners. If you follow the advice of an astrologer, then everything will work out, because your life will change for the better.

Japanese horoscope

Eastern horoscope divides our life into many cycles of 12 years. Each person is born in the year of a certain Patron. From him he gets his character, inclinations, compatibility with other signs in love, friendship, work. This is a subtle science closely related to Astrology. In the old days, right up to the beginning of the 20th century, Japan lived according to such a horoscope, using it every day.

The man did not leave the house without turning to the Almanac for a hint. If it was written there that a certain day of the year poses a danger to life, the person tried to spend it at home, closer to his family. On good days, it was possible to enter into the most risky transactions without fear, hit the road or to register marriage.

Such life was simpler, because every day you have a good hint from above. Today this art remains only for those who firmly believe in horoscopes. Many people use it not only in the east, but all over the world. He gaining popularity year after year, old traditions are returning again.

Very often in love and marriage, a person needs a good hint so that the life of the couple is harmonious. Use your horoscope, to find out everything about yourself and your partner. By year of birth you can determine which eastern horoscope sign your.

Rat : 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Bull: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Rabbit(Cat): 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Goat: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

If your couple is an Ox and a Rooster, then it is worth learning everything about such a union. The stars predict a good future for you. Of course, there can be a fly in the ointment in any jar of honey.

Ox Man

How to imagine an Ox man? He is a businesslike, thorough man. To your work or household responsibilities always acts very responsibly. There is no such thing that the Bull would do “bung-blunder”. This gives him great

advantage when it comes to promotion. Bulls often have very successful careers; they quickly rise to leadership positions. From your subordinates Bull demands the same: execution of work on time, accurately, clearly. With many signs It just won’t work because they like to be late or are not so focused on work.

The Ox respects his friends. Very selective, will never be with people whom he despises or has no respect for. The bull is not mercantile. He knows what his person is worth. He will never ask for help unless the situation is critical.

He is a very self-sufficient person with great self-esteem. This attracts the Bull women of all signs. His compatibility with them is not always so high, because the Ox man has high standards for his chosen one. Appearance, intelligence, activity, sports, interests- it must combine all the positive qualities. Only then will the Ox man think about marriage.

Rooster Woman

The Rooster woman is an extraordinary person. She is extremely delighted with herself. Gotta give her credit Rooster woman does not stop in self-improvement. She is busy with herself, education, and successfully building a career. Around her is a society that she has carefully chosen. There's a lot of selfishness in her which sometimes pushes away relatives.

The Rooster woman loves her family, but is very careful that her time is properly distributed between work, education, family and other matters. She cannot neglect herself and her affairs even for family holidays.

She treats weak male signs with great condescension. Can be a very loyal friend when needed though never bets on his friends. Always makes decisions based on his experience and knowledge. She is looking for independence.

Her compatibility with people in business terms is the same as in romantic. The Rooster woman will not be able to build business relationships with everyone, and not romantic relationships with everyone. She has a heavy character, which not every man can withstand.

It is best to choose a partner who is still wise enough to understand her aspirations and character. A good partner will become a Dragon, as well as a Bull. Compatibility with him, sent by the Stars.

Compatibility in love

The Ox and the Rooster know how to find a common language. He looks at his beloved woman with tenderness and delight. She managed to achieve so much

myself, it's amazing. He is used to moving in a world where strong men rule everything, so strength women seems enchanting to him.

They can talk for hours, finding everything in each other new interesting features. And when the time comes to confess your love, the Ox man will be decisive. The couple has a lot in common. so it won't leave you any trouble live together and share responsibilities.

Neither of them can take full responsibility for the house, so it would be more advisable to hire an assistant. The Rooster woman respects minimalism, so there won’t be a lot of things in the house. It’s easier to live this way, because both have a strong desire to move. They can often change housing; they will only take with them necessary things.

Married couple

A man and a woman decide to start their own family, which means that both will have to step on the throat of their ambitions. Too many problems are not brought into the house. Both need to share time for work, and time to rest. Only then will you get a good, balanced family.

Over time, the compatibility of the couple increases when all questions have already been answered and the roles of the spouses have been defined. In marriage, both become softer, because now there is something to live for. They are in a hurry with their feelings, but both of them only benefit from it.

A good couple, because both can teach each other something. Such relationships lead to harmony in life. The rooster stops being so fussy and abrupt. The Ox devotes more time to himself, his home, and taking care of his loved ones. And both are happy in their marriage, so cheating is extremely rare.

Save your feelings for many years to come. Bull and Rooster will always inspire admiration from family and friends. Someone's jealous. You should not try to break up such a couple, especially in marriage. they are always there for each other.

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