Dream new broom. Why do you dream about Broom, dream book about Broom, what does it mean to see in a dream? Broken glass in a dream

home Most dream books interpret a broom as a symbol of spiritual cleansing and getting rid of old problems. However exact value the dream depends on its details - the appearance and novelty of the broom, the person’s actions with it, as well as on the person who had the dream. An old broom promises big troubles and difficulties in financially . A new broom portends success in everyone life spheres

. Sweeping the floor means achieving your goal. A bath broom symbolizes good health and well-being, especially if it is made from birch twigs. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:

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    Interpretation from various dream books

      quite boring and monotonous. If you happen to throw away a broom in a dream, this means that the dreamer is tired of some person. He wants to stop all communication with an unpleasant person, but for some reason he cannot do this.

      Appearance and location of the broom

      Seeing a broom in a dream, which has swept all the rooms in the home, means robbery or theft of the dreamer’s personal belongings.

      For people born in winter, a new broom in the house portends a serious illness or dismissal from work. If the dreamer was born at a different time of the year, you can expect success in all matters and personal life. For girls, this dream promises troubles and worries. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if the broom was purchased recently.

      A dirty broom in your hands promises a trip or business trip to a distant country.

      A large broom indicates that a person cannot solve an issue that worries him. A small or toy broom means that the dreamer takes everything too close to his heart.

      Dry branches of a broom portend illness, and green branches with buds portend a speedy recovery.

      A broom with its handle facing down promises unexpected profits. If the handle was raised up, the dream warns the person that now it is not possible to best time to create your own business.

      Seeing a lot of scattered twigs on the floor means unexpected guests; collecting them means doing someone else’s work.

      You should also pay attention to where exactly the broom was located:

      • in the hands of a stranger - to a meeting with an interesting person;
      • in the corner of the room - to conflict in the family;
      • in the closet - to the appearance of secrets from your relatives;
      • in the store - to commit major purchase for home;
      • in the market - the dreamer will begin to save money to fulfill his dream.

      The dreamer's actions

      The correct interpretation of a dream about a broom depends on how the dreamer interacted with it:

      • Holding a broom in your hands and sweeping the floor - in most dream books this is interpreted as a favorable sign. It promises a significant improvement in financial situation and achievement of the set goal. Sweeping a clean floor - get help from stranger. If he was dirty, then the dreamer will have a quarrel with his other half.
      • Sweeping the floor for a long time means hard work. If there was a lot of dust during cleaning, then all the efforts of the dreamer will be appreciated. If the cleaning was accompanied by splashing drops of water in all directions, the dream speaks of the arrival of long-awaited guests.
      • Cleaning someone else’s house means helping a friend in a difficult situation; in your own yard – depending on the opinions of people around you; in a barn – taking on a task that cannot be done alone.
      • Dropping a broom from your hands means unexpected news that will open the dreamer’s eyes to many obvious facts. If the broom breaks while sweeping, you need to prepare for obstacles in carrying out your plans. Trying to break its bars on purpose means ruin or bankruptcy.
      • Watching someone sweep the floor is a sign of unexpected waste. Seeing a broom sweeping itself means minor troubles.
      • Sweeping trash onto a dustpan means doing a thorough cleaning in your house, throwing it in a bucket means successfully finishing the job you started. Sweeping dirt over the threshold - a situation will soon arise when the dreamer will be forced to reveal someone else's secret. Another interpretation of the dream warns a person about the painful and lengthy work that he will need to do in short term. This activity will not bring any positive emotions, since the result will not justify the effort spent.
      • Wash a broom - remember events from the past.
      • Selling a broom means unnecessary troubles and worries. Seeing how an old broom is crumbling and therefore deciding to buy a new one is a warning to the dreamer that you should not wash dirty linen in public, you should not discuss your household with someone, otherwise gossip and gossip cannot be avoided.
      • Taking a broom from someone’s hands means a promotion, holding a broom in your hands means drastic changes in life.
      • Flying on a broom signifies the successful implementation of your plans.
      • To drive away a dog with a broom means a conflict with a friend, and a cat means to get rid of a hypocritical friend.
      • Using a broom to remove cobwebs from the ceiling means the disappearance of mental suffering.
      • Seeing a person weaving a broom is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer’s happiness is in the hands of one of his relatives.

      If a woman dreams that she has lost a broom, this is a sign that she will become a sloppy housewife, which will cause her a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation Broom

It is impossible to find a person who does not know what a broom is. We use it in everyday life, go to the bathhouse with it, and there are even brooms for room decoration. This item is on everyone’s lips, and half of the people have it in their hands. Why do you dream about a broom? Are you confused in life and it’s time to do some spring cleaning? To cleanse the soul? Or is this a sign that you are an ideal housewife and have everything in order?

I had a dream about a broom

In order to understand all these issues, it is necessary to study competent sources, which are dream interpreters.

What dream books say about dreams about a broom

There are quite a lot of interpreters. Some interpreters are made for fun, but there are also those who will give you comprehensive information about the dreams that you have.

Dream book of the 21st century

Esoteric dream book

  • Sweeping - a quarrel with a friend.
  • Steaming in a bathhouse leads to aching joints.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Revenge with a broom - to a truce with enemies.
  • A birch bath broom, which you will use to steam yourself, will cleanse your soul.

Velesov's dream book

  • Broken broom - harm the common cause.
  • Cleaning up and sweeping away cobwebs means trouble.
  • Sweeping the floor in the house means guests.
  • Sweeping garbage out of an apartment means the death of a loved one.
  • Seeing a broom in a dream, which has been used to sweep the whole house clean, means robbery, fire, damage to property.

Miller's Dream Book

  • A new broom means your destiny will very soon change for the better.
  • The old one suffers losses in business matters, Miller says.
  • If a woman cannot find a broom in a dream, it means that she will soon become a bad housewife, an evil wife, and a generally unpleasant person, according to Miller.

Vanga's Dream Book

What psychologists say about dreams about a broom

Sigmund Freud believes that sweeping the floors in the house means that you are stuck with routine. You want new experiences with your life partner, and you will soon get it.

Just like he thinks this dream book, a broom standing in the corner - you are too modest and cannot tell your partner about your fantasies, which makes your sex life boring and monotonous.

Throwing away a broom in a dream - you are tired of either certain person, or some thing. But for certain reasons you cannot get rid of it. As they say, “it stuck like a leaf.”

Why dream of taking a steam bath

A new birch broom promises the dreamer longevity and excellent health. Beat your body with a broom, then your body will real life is in the process of being updated.

Although Esoteric dream book indicates that steaming with a broom, beating the body with it, will lead to illness, as well as a quarrel with a good friend.

Hitting yourself with a broom means that you have truly repented of your actions and will be able to beg forgiveness from the person to whom you have brought a lot of trouble.

If you dreamed of a bath broom

Also, taking a steam bath and someone hitting you with a broom is a sign of deception and meanness, from people from whom you did not expect this at all.

Other predictions for why you dream of a broom

  • Buying a new broom in a store in a dream means an important and expensive purchase in reality. At the market - you will have to be economical, since you will need to save a lot of money.
  • Collecting cobwebs from the ceiling with a broom is a sign of a new, profitable offer.
  • If you see cobwebs all over the ceiling, a long-term illness awaits you. If you manage to sweep it away, you will eventually defeat the disease.
  • Sweeping away dark cobwebs in the corners means you don’t have the best relationship with your household. You are trying to find ways to solve a protracted, unpleasant situation.
  • Sweeping in someone else's house - you will help someone with practical and timely advice.
  • Sweeping in the yard means you are reacting too strongly to the opinions of people around you.
  • Buy new broom– get rid of complexes that interfered with your spiritual development.

The associations that arise with the word broom are completely different; if men remember it, they imagine a carefree pastime in a good bathhouse. But for women, this subject most often evokes boring thoughts about the need to clean the apartment. Why might you dream of a broom? It is best to look for the answer to this question in a dream book, because a lot depends on whose hands it was in the dream, what and where it was taken. And of course, when interpreting a dream about a broom, you need to take into account both the gender and age of the dreamer.

Tsvetkov's dream book offers this explanation for a dream about a broom - when you wake up, you need to be ready to pay the bills. There is a high probability that creditors will unanimously begin to demand that they repay the money borrowed from them. And you'll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. However, the dream book promises not such a “tragic” development of events; an unplanned purchase may happen that will make a hole in family budget. For a person born in winter, seeing a broom in a dream is extremely unpleasant. This is a sign of possible illnesses or troubles in the service, which may even threaten the loss of your job. The same plot in a dream promises additional troubles for young housewives.

In the dream book compiled by Miller, a broom promises wealth and prosperity. But only if he was seen in a dream by people whose birthdays fall at any time of the year except winter. If you dreamed of a new, newly acquired broom, then the dreamer’s life will be rich in impressions and events. However, he will not have to save money in the near future; everything is guaranteed to be in order with his finances.

Why do you dream about a broom? dream book XXI century? Such a dream warns of a quarrel with a very selfish person. The dreamer needs to remember the futility of arguing with such a person. Therefore, do not spoil your nerves and do not waste energy communicating with such a person. But the same dream book is encouraging: if in a dream you are given or given a broom, then this is an accurate sign of an upcoming promotion.

A broom in a dream can be deciphered as a change for the better. This conclusion can be reached by reading the interpretation in the Small Veles Dream Book. There is also an explanation: such changes are possible due to a major purchase, the need for which is dictated by the interests of the business.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, a broom represents a relationship with a female representative. Most likely, this could be a boss or teacher. The emotions that were experienced in a dream are indicative. If you were satisfied and happy, then your contacts with the leader in reality will be pleasant and friendly. And if you are dissatisfied, you will have to suffer with such a lady.

Sweeping with a broom in a dream

Why do you dream of a broom used to sweep the floor? Such a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. In this case, a lot depends on the details. But in most dream books this action is explained as a sign promising the successful completion of some business. The same dream may portend an improvement in your financial situation.

When in a dream you sweep dirty linen over the threshold, then in real life you will be forced to reveal someone else’s secret. In the dream book you can also find the following interpretation: if you sweep with a broom, it means that a grueling and hard work. Get ready to spend a lot of time and effort on it. The most annoying thing is that in the end, even after completing this task, you will not make a profit. Disappointment and fatigue are what such a dream portends.

When in a dream you sweep the floor and rubbish flies in all directions, then when you wake up, find a book of recipes. Very soon you will have a dear guest, and there will be a gala dinner in his honor. Did you sweep a clean floor in a dream? This is good because in reality a person almost unknown to you will do something good and useful for you. But if there were plenty of quarrels on the floor in the dream, then get ready for family squabbles and quarrels.

It’s an excellent sign to see a birch broom in a dream. According to the dream book, this promises the dreamer longevity and good health.

If in a dream you had to steam, dashingly whipping a broom over your body, then it’s time to take up preventative procedures that are beneficial for the body. After such a dream, many physiological processes accelerate. Therefore, a trip to a sanatorium or a massage course will be very effective. The person will literally be transformed, rejuvenated.

But the dream book of esotericists interprets the same dream differently. Seeing a bath broom in a dream is advice to pay attention to bones and joints. According to the same dream book, a dream of a bath broom, which was actively used in the steam room, may portend a quarrel with your best friend.

Why do you dream of a broom with which the dreamer beats himself? Such an unusual plot suggests that an opportunity has arisen to make peace with a person who was undeservedly and bitterly offended by the dreamer. It is after such a dream that the most favorable period for restoring relationships begins. In a dream, did you hit another person with a broom? In this case, you will have to decide whether to forgive the person who insulted or hurt you. Show kindness and generosity. Such an act will be appreciated, and, having made peace with the offender, you will find a reliable comrade for many years.

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Dream about Broom

To see in a dream how you choose a broom, planning to buy it, means you will wash your dirty laundry in public.

What does Broom mean in a dream?

Seeing a birch broom means longevity. Broom-holic - to illness, loss of job. A homemade broom means trouble.

The meaning of dreams Broom

Seeing a broom in a dream means prosperity and rapid positive changes in your destiny, if the broom is new. If it is old and outdated, you will face losses in business.

Losing a broom means you risk being branded a grumpy woman and a worthless housewife. Buy - you will begin to adjust your behavior, getting rid of shortcomings, but be careful not to overdo it. Finding a broom in a dream means over the years losing touch with friends who are far away.

What does broom mean in a dream?

Unless in reality you are preoccupied with the problems of putting things in order: it symbolizes your readiness for minor troubles that you can easily cope with.

Meaning of sleep Broom

May portend a conflict with an egoist.

Revenge, shake a broom - painful and hard work awaits you.

Revenge by splashing water - wait for the guest from afar.

A broom is served - to a promotion.

Riding a broom or flying means trouble.

Interpretation of sleep Broom

For a bathhouse, a broom is a sign of longevity.

For the home - for repairs, family troubles.

What does Broom predict in a dream?

Revenge with a broom is a loss.

Nice excuse for mom why you don’t do anything at home.

What does it mean to see a broom in a dream

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the floor, you will soon be asked for advice. For your advice to help a person, pee on a purple rag at midnight and tie it to a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

If you dreamed that you were repairing a broom, you will soon have to redo someone else's work. To prevent this from happening, find a white bird feather, drop some corn oil on it at midnight and tie it to a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner) with a purple ribbon.

Interpretation of sleep Broom

Someone casts everyday magic on you, bewitches you.

This is a very strong everyday symbol.

If the broom is clean, then this is evidence of good luck in everyday matters, but a mental illness is brewing latently, threatening a nervous breakdown.

What does the dream of Venik predict?

Broom - prosperity, rapid career growth.

Old broom - losses and disappointments are expected in the future.

The meaning of the dream Broom

Change for the better and order in affairs.

See a broom in a dream

If you sweep out the trash with it, it means recovery, if you just see it, it means news.




Hello! I dreamed that I was at sea, and the sea was muddy and there was a waterfall, and a broom fell into the water. Out of nowhere, my classmate appeared and I asked him to get this broom out of the water. And the water is cold, almost icy. But, no matter what, he entered the water and took out a broom and threw it to me. I changed my classmate into my husband's dry clothes and hung his wet ones to dry. What could this mean???

Julia Dream Interpretation:

What was in your dream dirty water, most likely, promises a weak immune system and instability to disease.


I dreamed that my mother and I were sweeping the carpet in the room and it was very dirty, covered in dust. and I'm trying to sweep away all the dirt from him. Tell me what this could mean please


I dream that I am using a broom (ordinary, household) to sweep away trash in the office. There is a lot of garbage, I sweep it out of all the corners and from under the steel. And when it was almost finished, part of it was blown back by the wind. I'm starting revenge again


I dreamed that I seemed to be sweeping and waving a lot of dust and dust across the floor, and my ex-boy who did a lot of bad things to me, and he walks through that fervor and asks me what am I doing on purpose?


I dreamed that I stuck a broom in the men's school toilet for 5 seconds, then pulled it out and blew on it, it began to smoke blue smoke. I sat on it and flew. what is it for?))


I dreamed that my husband brought me home new lover, and I have to leave his house. the only thing I took was the carpet (not very new), there was a lot of garbage and dust under it, I started sweeping up this dirt, and then I thought “let them clean up here themselves now” and threw the broom


I dreamed that I was buying a broom for my father’s house, i.e. I got married and live separately with my husband, and bought a tree for the house where my mother lives with her daughter-in-law and son.


I dreamed that I was in some possible office, having nothing to do with the matter, and began sweeping up trash on a dustpan, but I don’t work there


Hello! I would like to know why I dream about a broom. In my dream, I saw how I bought myself a new broom, but I didn’t do anything to it, I just took it home.


Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream, it seemed like my husband and I were walking through the market, and he took me to a seller who was selling brooms, they were piled into a large wicker basket. The brooms are all kind of ugly, small, some are gutted. I didn’t want to buy, my husband and I argued a little and walked away and moved on. This is such a dream.


There was something else, but suddenly today I only remembered about the broom, with some pride I walked somewhere with a broom and it seems like a dustpan, and then also with some pride I walked back


I dreamed that I wanted to buy a broom. There were many of them. I'm standing in line. They asked me the price, they answered 5 lari (Georgian money). and they tell me 8 lari. I didn't buy it. I arrive at my husband’s sister’s store and look in from the back door. my father is sitting there and there are 2 brooms from those that I didn’t buy against the wall. I tell my father why they bought them for 8 lari, when they sold them to others for 5. I don’t remember further.


My husband and I walk through the market and choose a broom. There are a lot of people on the market offering us different brooms... but I don’t like any of them. As a result, we do not choose any of them.


In a dream, in front of the entrance to the entrance to the public bathhouse, I gently steamed myself with a broom, which was half flying around, I entered there, there was a grandmother-bath attendant cleaning and two naked men with brooms, new and flying brooms were lying on the floor, I threw the broom into a pile of old ones , I saw a man working out his leg. And I woke up. There is no unpleasant feeling from sleep


I saw in a dream how I looked at my old broom and a new one in my hands. And in a dream I wanted to exchange the old one for a new one, because the old one was bad at sweeping away sand, but the new one is fluffier and should sweep away better. And in in general terms I was cleaning in a dream. Like I do this every week in reality.


I dream of a broom - I sit down and try to fly on it, I can’t, then I jump into the abyss on it and take off... and fly on this broom.. I see an old woman below, fly up to her and try to look at her scary, as if I were a witch. then I descend on a broom into the abyss and save my loved one from there.. we both take off on a broom and fall to the ground.. I understand that it is a prophetic dream, but I cannot understand it.. I will be grateful to you, Tatyana, if you help me. Thank you.


I cleaned the room at work, swept the trash into a dustpan, moved furniture aside to collect the trash underneath


I prepared birch and oak brooms, at first they turned out clumsy, but then they turned out to be perfectly shaped, fluffy, ideal brooms for a bathhouse


I walked on a flat slate roof former home, in the middle there was a large hole in the roof, and nearby there were a lot of brooms lying in a mountain, completely new, I wanted to get them and moved towards them along the roof, fearing that the roof would collapse, but at a walk I began to move more confidently.... then I woke up


I dreamed of the end of the world... everyone was immediately packing their things, my family and I too, my mother even bought something in the store and cooked food. and I kept running to some cabinet and collecting brooms... later the road began to collapse, and I didn’t want to leave these brooms (there were about 3 or 4 of them) I even cried... but at the last moment I took the fluffiest one a broom and ran away, sat down on her things and cried a lot... a couple of minutes later the road collapsed and we all started falling, and I woke up abruptly...... what could this even mean?

Dream books offer detailed, versatile explanations of what a broom means in dreams. This familiar element everyday life in a dream takes on several meanings.

The interpretation takes into account the following plot details:

  • What is it intended for: for cleaning the house, yard, or is it a bath broom;
  • What the dreamer does with a broom: sweeps, buys, finds, chases someone with a broom;
  • Condition of the broom: fluffy, thinned, broken;
  • Personality of the dreamer: for men and women, the dream has different implications.

Why do you dream about a new broom?

Dream Interpretation of Winter Birthdays considers it a bad sign if in a dream you buy a low-quality broom. If it crumbles in your hands, with sparse twigs, it portends losses, illness, and unnecessary troubles. If, despite the disappointing state of the broom, the cleaning was completed, it means that in reality it will be possible to overcome difficulties. A new broom that suddenly breaks warns of intrigues on the part of competitors.

A brand new lush broom in Miller's dream book interpreted as a symbol of future prosperity. The dreamer feels that he is on the threshold of positive changes and is ready to say goodbye to the past without regret. Buying a deliberately huge broom indicates an inflexible decision to change fate, to sweep away everything unnecessary from your life.

Dream Interpretation of Veles reports that the sleeper’s affairs will go well if he decides to bring his plan to life. Wealth and success will find him on their own.

Modern dream book considers a broom in his hands to be a symbol of aggression. The dreamer is hostile to the world around him. This approach can hardly be called constructive.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Navi believes that throwing a broom in a dream happens to those who have been subjected to a magical attack in reality. A dreamed target is a real source of evil. If there was none, and you randomly scattered brooms, it means that you will be able to free yourself from negative energy influences, no matter where they come from.

If in a dream you hit yourself with a broom, in reality you risk being left alone with your problems. If another person gets a broom from you, in real life he will agree to play by your rules.

According to interpretation Tsvetkov's dream book, a broom in hand warns of unplanned expenses. Perhaps you will manage to make an impulsive purchase or will have to pay off an old debt.

To the man who saw himself in his night dreams with a broom in his hands, Dream Book of the Wanderer predicts a difficult relationship with a powerful woman: mother or boss.

Esoteric dream book explains why you dream if you have a birch bath broom in your hands. The sleeper has to be very and often cold, which can negatively affect his joints.

Sweeping in a dream

If a woman is in a dream, Universal dream book promises successful completion of the work started the day before. For a man, such a plot means unexpected turn events in reality. If you take advantage of the situation wisely, you can make a good profit.

Ukrainian dream book notices that if you had to sweep the floor with a dry broom, raising stifling clouds of dust, there is a lot of thankless work ahead. A too-wet broom, from which splashes fly, dreams of a visit from long-awaited guests.

If in a dream you were lucky enough to observe from the side the work of a cleaning lady or a janitor with a broom, you will receive a valuable inheritance, promises Hasse's dream book. If you had to sweep the yard with your own hands during leaf fall, it seems that in reality there is no end to obsessive fans.

Loff's Dream Book claims that cleaning the house symbolizes peace and harmony in the family. Unexpected finds foreshadow amazing discoveries in the field of human relations.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov promises an extraordinary surge of strength after awakening, success in business and personal life. But sweeping when it gets dark is not recommended: the sleeper risks finding himself in an absurd situation and incurring losses.

If someone else’s gender is given in your night dreams, in reality you will play a decisive role in someone else’s fate: you will give vital advice, you will learn a fatal secret, you will take on someone else’s responsibility, warns English dream book. The dream calls for caution: by succumbing to the temptation to solve other people’s problems, you risk making your own.

The need to sweep someone else's floor often reflects a desire to change this world, which the dreamer knows firsthand. French dream book advises to beware of gossip in any form: do not spread unverified information and do not give rise to gossip behind your back.

Dream Interpretation of Summer Birthdays says that the one who swept in a dream in reality risks doing a disservice or receiving a large, expensive and unnecessary gift. If, with the help of a broom, you managed to bring a very dirty floor into proper shape, your support will be very helpful, or someone will unexpectedly help you out.

If you sweep someone else's floor with a broom, especially Chinese dream interpreter promises that in the near future your financial situation will improve significantly.

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simenon the Canaanite identifies the dream with what in real life prevents the dreamer from moving forward. If a broom in a dream helped get rid of it, this is a favorable symbol. For the patient, such a dream promises recovery; those who are in a quarrel will find a common language.

Sorceress Medea gives great importance sleep mood. If you are enthusiastic about sweeping away cobwebs, then the deliverance will indeed please you. It happens that the cobwebs do not bother you personally at all, moreover, they give the room a mysterious look. However, you are forced to reluctantly remove it for the sake of other people’s ideas about cleanliness. The plot encourages you to think about whether you are in control of your life in reality, or whether someone is controlling it for you.

If you dreamed of cleaning up cobwebs through force, without the mood, the dream often serves as a harbinger feeling unwell and failures due to the fault of the sleeper himself.

Black cobwebs under the ceiling Eastern dream book considers it a harbinger of family conflicts. If you sweep it away with a broom in a dream, it means that in reality you will have the mission of a peacemaker.

If you happen to spend the night contemplating how someone sweeps it away with a broom and weaves it again, and in the end neither one nor the other can achieve their goal, Emperor's dream book believes that in reality you are tired of meaningless activities and monotony.

If the web is so thick that even a broom is powerless against it, Longo's dream book calls for caution. The coming period is extremely unlucky for dubious undertakings. You really run the risk of getting caught in a network, from which it will be problematic to get out. To the dreamer who is already mired and aware of his plight, the dream book promises that a way out will be found, however, freedom will be expensive.

The broom often plays an episodic role in dreams, rather than main role. This household item is so familiar that it can serve as nothing more than an element of “decoration” that does not carry any special meaning.

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