Look at the leopard tattoos on the arm. Leopard tattoo - meaning. Black and white or color tattoo


The leopard is a graceful and courageous animal. His image is actively used in the fashion industry. The shows of world designers cannot do without this funny and recognizable print. In addition, the leopard is an animal closely associated with myths and legends. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that a tattoo with this animal or with its spotted elements is popular.

Leopard. Beautiful animal

Leopards belong to the cat family of predators. They are listed in the Red Book. However, in some places in Africa their population is still high, so you can get quotas for shooting the animal. The word “leopard” itself comes from a mixture of two names “leopard” and “lion”. Moreover, this name for the animal came into use only in the 18th century. Before this, a different form was used - “leontopardos”. According to scientists, this type of predator originated in Asian countries.

Leopard tattoo after correction, adjustment

The leopard is smaller in size than a tiger or lion, but this does not prevent it from remaining a dangerous opponent. The animal's body is long and muscular. At the same time, the leopard's tail is about half the length of the body. The fur is spotted. On a yellow or light red background there are black spots with a golden center. The colors of the animal vary depending on its habitat. So, you can find individuals with a sandy-gray skin, or you can also see a dark red animal. A leopard tattoo, the photos of which are quite interesting, can depict both options.

Leopard grin in the form of a tattoo

Big Five

Traditionally, the leopard is included in the group of dangerous animals in Africa. The capture of five representatives of the fauna at once is considered honorable. These include buffalo, lion, rhinoceros, elephant and, of course, leopard. If a hunter was able to catch at least one representative of these animals, they say that he became the bearer of a great helmet. Killing a lion is quite difficult. The animal is known to go hunting at night. Thanks to its quiet tread, one can only know about its approach because of the quiet sounds made by the beast. His voice sounds like a cough and the sound of a saw at the same time. In addition, the animal is very tenacious, as are all representatives of this family. There are cases where a wounded leopard pretended to be dead and killed a hunter. Often it is a cunning person who decides to get a leopard tattoo. Its meaning is closely related to the character of the animal.

Leopard tattoo in black and white version

Leopard tattoo meaning

What does a leopard tattoo mean? The leopard tattoo, a sketch of which you can draw yourself or entrust to professionals, is popular among representatives of both sexes. At the same time, it has several meanings:

  • Power and greatness. This the animal can serve as a symbol of pride, stateliness and strength. Therefore, people seeking to gain power are very fond of such tattoos. Along with a lion, the image of a leopard speaks of royalty;
  • Speed. And not only in actions, but also in thoughts. A person who chooses this particular animal as the basis for a tattoo does not think for long, he acts. He is also capable of making decisions;
  • Beauty and grace. In this regard, a leopard tattoo is suitable for women. It seems to emphasize their natural strength. All members of the cat family are traditionally associated with the flexibility of the female body. Therefore, such a tattoo can emphasize the softness and at the same time pride of a girl;
  • Courage and endurance. People who choose leopard can handle everyone life problems. They do not tolerate obstacles and successfully get rid of troubles;
  • Symbol of a single person. Such people do not let just anyone into their lives. It is difficult for them to get close to someone, but they will never betray their truly loved ones;
  • Selfishness. The leopard is a selfish animal. Therefore, a tattoo with his image can speak of a person prone to selfishness.

Leopard grin tattoo in color

Places for tattooing

A leopard tattoo looks good on the thigh or forearm. If the image of the entire animal is taken as a basis, then the application area should be large. For example, back, chest. Animal parts are also popular. For example, spots known throughout the world. These tattoos can be applied to any part of the body. For example, they look great on the side, near the ribs. A few small spots in the shape of paws will give the girl a mysterious look. And men choose clear, geometrically correctly designed spots. Small tattoos look good on the wrist, arm, and shin. The color scheme can be close to the natural color of the leopard. However, tattoos are often done in black and white. This does not make her lose her attractiveness.

Leopard tattoo on leg

I recently got a leopard spot tattoo. I didn't dare to buy a whole animal. Although, perhaps I will grow to that. The tattoo is black and white and is located on the thigh. For me, this is a symbol of grace and simply a beautiful decoration for the body.

Alexandra, Nizhnekamsk.

Leopard tattoo with blue eyes

Leopard in myths and legends

The leopard is found in the legends of many peoples. For example, one of the Armenian myths speaks of three brothers, one of whom was born on this very animal. The ancient Egyptians associated the leopard with the god Osiris. And the Greeks considered the animal to be a like-minded person of Dionysus.

Traditionally, the leopard is included in the group of dangerous animals in Africa. The capture of five representatives of the fauna at once is considered honorable. These include buffalo, lion, rhinoceros, elephant and, of course, leopard. If a hunter was able to catch at least one representative of these animals, they say that he became the bearer of a great helmet. In Christianity, the leopard symbol is considered sinful. This animal is still considered an accomplice of the devil. This is worth thinking about before deciding to get a tattoo. Although it is worth noting that Christianity has a negative attitude towards any kind of tattoos.

Simple leopard tattoo on the arm

Leopard often emphasizes femininity. Perhaps this is why girls love him so much, choosing the animal as the basis of a tattoo. So, in Asia, the leopard was considered a symbol of fertility.

I recently got a cool leopard tattoo. It took a long time to choose a master. As a result, I have a beautiful and dangerous animal on my back. The leopard seems to be creeping up on its prey, its eyes shining brightly. Not only is it beautiful, but it also has special meaning to me. So, my friends also know that no matter what, I remain aggressive towards my enemies. I am capable of taking revenge, but I can do it beautifully.

Mikhail, Moscow.

Video: 50 leopard tattoos

Realistic leopard face tattoo, photo from:

As a totem animal, the leopard has taken pride of place among tattoo symbolism. It has earned the love and respect of tattoo culture connoisseurs due to its wide range of meanings. The design came from heraldry, in which the leopard was valued no less than the lion.

The animal has many artistic solutions in many styles. The pattern is suitable for both men and women. Its meaning changes depending on the gender of the wearer.

Who is this tattoo suitable for?

As a leopard tattoo, it is suitable for focused and courageous individuals. The animal is considered the personification of courage, rage and bravery. It occupies a place of honor on the coats of arms of Syria, some provinces of Iran and Pakistan.

IN modern interpretation The leopard is considered a sign of smart and cunning poker or billiards players. They are lucky and brave, are not afraid to take risks and always get big wins.

The image will decorate the body of people with a tactical mindset. The animal will strengthen the strong-willed aspects of the owner’s character and give confidence in their abilities.

On the owner's skin, the leopard will become an impenetrable protection against negative influence. Residents South America the leopard was considered formidable divine power, performing the role of conducting. It was the animal of kings. Some dynasties of rulers believed that they were descended from the Leopard God.

Leopard tattoo meaning

In culture, a leopard tattoo carries several meanings that have positive and negative character. For some, the leopard is the personification of order, cunning and power. Others see him as a ruthless hunter who does not choose methods in achieving his goal.

Common meanings of a leopard tattoo:

  • determination;
  • achieving the set goals;
  • courage and strength;
  • domination;
  • calculation, tactics, hunting;
  • gambling;
  • courage;
  • cruelty;
  • dominance;
  • greatness, etc.

Some values ​​were taken from . Leopard can symbolize the desire to achieve excellence in a business to which you have dedicated your life. In another reading, this is the ruthless destruction of rivals on the way to one’s goal.

Some prefer to compare the hunter to royalty and privileges given at birth. Leopard means high status, noble origin, or the ability to achieve this through your own efforts.

The meaning of tattoos for men

On male body The leopard tattoo transforms depending on the owner’s occupation. For example, a player in gambling it denotes "dangerous adversary".

The owner of the tattoo loves to set up fatal traps for his opponents in the game. He enjoys the process of the game and knows how to take steps forward. Which gives him an advantage that the player skillfully uses.

On the skin creative person the meaning changes. Acquires a decoding of a bright individuality, which is achieved by hard work on oneself. This natural sense of beauty is developed and brought to the absolute. Leopard print is worn by aesthetes who cannot tolerate dullness or triviality.

Connoisseurs of racing or compare the leopard with endless freedom of movement. The animal's ability to develop great speed and control its movements gives the owner of the tattoo similar benefits. Tattoos are loved by athletes, racers and sports car owners.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

A leopard tattoo for girls takes on the meaning of a successful hunter. The beast brings good luck to the female half in marriage or business. The girl must clearly decide what goal she is pursuing and not get scattered. If the bearer wants to achieve both goals, she should set up a table of priorities and achieve her plans gradually.

Shoulder tattoo, leopard spots

For women, leopard means sexuality, health, longevity. The beast emphasizes the pragmatic and flexible mind of the owner. The bearer knows how to find balance and reach a compromise in the most difficult situations. Moreover, in any dispute she is assigned the role of arbiter, and in Everyday life she leads the way.

What style of tattoo should I use?

Leopard is a flexible symbol. It can be painted in the style of realism or watercolor using the advantages of both options. The picture will look especially expressive in color using a rich color scheme. Masters prefer to perform compositions in full height animal or portrait images of the face.

Among the black and white styles for the animal, dotwork, black and white technique, graphics and engraving are suitable. If you are looking for original solutions, use neo-traditional, new school and trash polka.

Works in the Mayan and Aztec directions look good. It allows the use of techniques close to realism in combination with architectural techniques of frescoes. The works look three-dimensional, as if carved from stone.

Places for tattooing

The leopard image looks good on open places with a wide area. Most often, the full silhouette is printed on the sides, back or chest. A leopard running or descending from a tree can be placed on the bicep or forearm.

The leopard's head is struck on the shoulder, calf or wrist. Under the muzzle, choose a round shape closer to the joints. This allows you to use relief to add volume. In addition, the lined face of an animal in these areas means a talisman against evil spirits.

If you are interested in a leopard, it is better to base a tattoo sketch on a photo of the animal. It will allow you to convey the plasticity of the animal and take into account the color and coloring of the skin. It is also better to take works in the spirit of Aztec sculptures from photographs of real historical objects.

Graphic original works can be done in the style of engravings. Many Renaissance, Baroque and Gothic artists dedicated their works to the animal. You can use classic works as inspiration.

The artist will come up with original solutions based on tattoo symbolism. Depending on the chosen style, the sketch and work will be built. If you want to create an unusual picture, work with an artist to compose the drawing.

Video – leopard tattoo, photo gallery

The leopard is an animal whose grace, beauty and speed have made people admire it since prehistoric times. Outwardly beautiful and graceful, but ferocious and deadly, leopards have penetrated deeply into both ancient and modern culture: they were depicted in the first rock paintings, our ancestors worshiped them, and now they imitate the skin of a leopard fashion clothes, these proud animals become characters in paintings and tattoos. Let's consider the meaning of a leopard tattoo.

Ancestors' beliefs

Ancient myths and legends will help you understand what a leopard tattoo means.
In the mythology of many African tribes there is an image of a deity taking the form of a leopard. This representative of the cat family was one of the four sacred animals that were depicted during ritual dances. Most of the funeral traditions of these lands are associated with leopards: their skins were put on the deceased ruler, they were hung on a mourning cart, and they were placed with the dead man in his tomb.

Shamans also wore leopard skins. The spots on the animal’s fur were associated with the eyes, so it was believed that such a robe would allow the shaman to establish a connection with spirits and see what is hidden from the eyes of mere mortals.

IN Ancient Egypt There is also a connection between this predator and burial rituals, for example, its skin served as a symbol of the priest who escorted him to the tomb.

IN European culture The image of a leopard is much less common. In the Christian tradition, he is described as an unclean animal, a henchman of the devil, symbolizing sinful lust and cruelty. The image of a leopard is present in “The Song of Roland” when the hero sees prophetic dream. This predator is also mentioned by Dante.

Symbolism in modern tattooing

What can a picture of a leopard tell about its owner?

  • Power. Such a tattoo can become a talisman that helps to achieve a high position in society; it is not for nothing that only representatives of the privileged classes wore the skins of these animals. A person who has chosen such a tattoo dreams of achieving heights in his chosen business or has already achieved a lot, but is not going to stop there.
  • Ferocity. The image of a leopard indicates that its owner is merciless towards enemies and protects with all his might what is dear to him. He is principled, sometimes even cruel, but this helps him keep his territory intact.
  • Courage, fearlessness. In the face of danger, this representative of the cat family is truly fearless; he defends his own to the last drop of blood, without even considering the possibility of retreat. This is what the owner of the tattoo with his image does, of course, in a metaphorical sense. When trouble comes into his life, he meets it with his head held high and fights to the last.
  • Decisiveness and swiftness. When a leopard hunts, it usually reaches its prey from its ambush in one swift leap, which often does not even have time to squeak. A tattoo depicting this formidable predator suggests that its owner, as soon as he makes any decision, acts with lightning speed, turning his plans into reality. Such people sometimes soar to the pinnacle of success so quickly that others don’t even have time to come to their senses.
  • Fertility. This meaning of a leopard tattoo on a girl may be quite relevant, because in some Neolithic cultures of Asia Minor there is a connection between the image of a leopard and the female deity of fertility.

Choice of style and subject

Naturally, the championship in popularity and beauty belongs to realistic tattoos. Realism is one of the most suitable styles for depicting people, animals, birds, plants, in general, everything that exists in nature. Sometimes you can see things that you want to look at endlessly, every detail is drawn in them so clearly and realistically. However, such work requires a high level of skill from the tattoo artist and patience from the customer, and will also be quite expensive.

If you like monochrome images that do not obey the canons of realism, look at the photo of a leopard tattoo in a graphic style. Its peculiarity is that only black color is used for the work, and all shadows and transitions are made using shading.

The leopard tattoo is quite popular among both men and women. This symbol is chosen for its grace and strength. The leopard tattoo design looks equally good in both color and black and white. The image is usually applied to the chest, shoulder, thigh, back, and other parts of the body.

The leopard is a fast, swift animal, possessing truly royal grandeur. Moreover, leopard print is now considered a sign of glamor. In ancient times, it was believed that a person who defeated a leopard became one step higher than other people. That is why rulers decorated themselves with animal skin. The spots on the skin symbolized the eyes. They seem to say: “We see everything and know everything.”

The leopard is a traditional emblem of England and is associated with the desire for freedom. A leopard tattoo is a symbol of fearlessness, ferocity, and courage. African tribes The animal is still considered sacred. Shamans, dressed in leopard skins, communicate with the gods. The Egyptians consider the ferocious cat a companion of the god Osiris.

In Christianity, the leopard was a symbol of sinfulness, an accomplice of the devil. In the Neolithic cultures of Asia Minor - a sign of the female deity of fertility. In ancient times, it was believed that the leopard was the offspring of a panther and a lion, a symbol of valor, loyalty and ferocity. Just like the panther and the tiger, it expresses power. In early Christian mythology, the animal was represented sea ​​monster. In a number of myths it means male friendship.

Nowadays, the meaning of a leopard tattoo is defined as power, speed, greatness. Tattoos are applied to any part of the body, both by women and men. It is suitable for single people who go through life independently, who know how to adapt to difficult conditions, who set themselves big goals, brave and resilient.

A leopard tattoo can tell a lot about its owner. He easily controls people, is slightly selfish, selfish, and quick in thinking and action.

In magical practice, the presented tattoo is a symbol of sorcerers and shamans, signifying superiority over the dark forces of the light forces.

It is stylish to have a noble and sophisticated design on your body. Most often, leopard tattoos are done in the West. However, the drawing will acquire the meaning of a talisman only if a person is independent of the opinions of others and knows what he wants to get from life.

The black leopard is considered an even more aggressive sign. And it has its place in tattoo culture. However, a spotted cat looks much more beautiful on the body.

Leopard tattoo video

Below are photos of leopard tattoos from different artists for your inspiration. And remember: no matter what the leopard tattoo design is, the main thing is that it is unique!

The leopard tattoo is the embodiment of grace and strength. Suitable for people who are independent, go through life independently, know how to achieve their goals, adapt to difficult situations, extreme conditions. Such an image on the body has meaning or is defined as power, attraction, speed, and is popular among men and women. Looks good in color and black and white.

What does it mean for guys

Most often, leopard tattoos are worn by men on the following parts of the body:

  • Breast;
  • back;
  • Shoulder;
  • Hip.

This image symbolizes royal greatness, superiority over others, and therefore will be suitable for strong, purposeful men who are accustomed to achieving their goals. Depending on the design options, such a tattoo has the following meaning:

  • Intelligence service;
  • Heroism;
  • Loneliness;
  • Protection;
  • Cunning;
  • Courage;
  • Fearlessness;
  • Ferocity.

Such a tattoo will become a talisman only for those men who are independent of the opinions of others and are self-sufficient individuals.

They know what they want from life, they are always in control of what is happening, and they can turn the situation around in a way that benefits them.

A person with a leopard tattoo usually leads a lonely, independent lifestyle, so he easily perceives changes, adapting to them and extracting maximum benefit from them.

Meaning for girls

A leopard tattoo is usually applied to girls in order to emphasize their grace and beauty; it has the meaning of superiority over others, independence, and glamor. Girls apply this tattoo on their arms, shoulders, legs, chest, back, and thighs. Most often, tattoos are done in color to brighten the image.

Such a tattoo for women sometimes has the meaning of fertility and devotion. Sometimes girls prefer to apply leopard spots on different parts of the body, which may mean a desire to hide the truth about themselves, posing as the wrong person, in order to maintain an advantage in any situation.

In any case, the meaning depends on the performance of the leopard, what pose it takes, its size and color. It is suitable for girls with a strong, daring, independent character, but at the same time glamorous, elegant and graceful. Only in this case will it bring good luck to the owner.

Prison meaning

The leopard tattoo symbolically corresponds to fearlessness, ferocity, aggression, cruelty, fearlessness, and audacity. In nature, this strong animal is very hardy, dexterous, capable of hunting animals several times larger than itself. The prison meaning of such a tattoo (tattoo) is a sign of power, superiority, sinfulness, a ruler and arbiter of destinies.

A person wearing this image can be convicted of murder, is aggressive and cruel.
In order for the leopard, namely its image, to carry a certain meaning and correspond to the meaning, it is important before applying it for both girls and men to choose the color of the position of the animal, what the look, mouth and many other nuances will be, because otherwise it will just be a beautiful, meaningless picture .

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