How much the biggest Halloween pumpkin weighed. The largest pumpkin. The origin of the giant pumpkin

Apparently, we have always been amazed at huge things. The ancient Egyptian pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon, skyscrapers, the Great Wall of China and many other giant monuments and natural attractions are some of the most popular and revered things in the world. But do you know how big the largest pumpkin in the world was, or what is the circumference of the world's largest human biceps? To find out, check out this list of 25 incredibly huge things.

25. Building

The largest building in the world by volume is the Boeing Everett Factory, located in Everett, Washington. The volume of the building is 13 385 378 cubic meters. It covers an area of ​​399,480 square meters. This building was originally built for the construction of Boeing aircraft.

24. Sausage

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest sausage in the world was made by JJ Tranfield for Asda Stores Plc, in Sheffield, UK in October 2000. Considering the fact that it was 59,143 kilometers long, it was almost equal to the width of Rhode Island.

23. Thermometer

The largest thermometer in the world, with a height of 40.843 meters, was built by entrepreneur Willis Herron in Baker, California. The thermometer was built to commemorate the highest recorded temperature in the United States, measured near Death Valley, 56.6 Celsius in 1913.

22. Ax

The height of the world's largest ax, located in the city of Nackawic, New Brunswick, Canada, is 14.9 meters and weighs over 55 tons. It was commissioned, designed and built in 1991 by the Woodstock company. This giant ax symbolizes the importance of the timber industry in the region.

21. Motorcycle

The largest motorcycle in the world was built by Gregory Dunham in 2005. It was titled "Dream Wider". The motorcycle is 3.35 meters high, 6.09 meters long, and weighs 2948 kilograms and 350.17 grams. It took him 3 years to build this monstrous motorcycle. Despite its gigantic size, the bike is fully functional and ready to ride.

20. Hamburger

The largest hamburger weighed 913 kilograms 534.96 grams and had a diameter of 3.04 meters. It was prepared at the Black Bear Casino Resort in Carlton, Minnesota. To prepare this hamburger, it took 23 kilograms of 813.6 grams of tomatoes, 22 kilograms of 679.62 grams of lettuce, 27 kilograms of 215.54 grams of onions, 9 kilograms of 71.847 grams of pickles, 18 kilograms of 143.69 grams of cheese and 7 kilograms of 484, 27 grams of bacon. It took four hours to cook, and the patty was turned over using a crane.

19. Cave

Son Doong Cave, located in Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park in Vietnam, is the largest cave in the world. The cave is 9144 meters long and 152.4 meters deep. Son Dong Cave took first place from Deer Cave in Malaysia, which was considered the largest cave in the world before Son Dong Cave was discovered in 1991. This cave is also home to the world's tallest stalagmites.

18. Watermelon

The largest watermelon in the world, grown by Tennessee-based accountant Chris Kent in 2013, weighed a whopping 158 kilograms 984.11 grams. The Great Pumpkin Commonwealth, the authorizing body for the giant fruit and vegetable competition, said this giant watermelon weighed an incredible 19 kilograms 277.67 grams more than the watermelon that set the previous world record. The previous champion was raised by Gabriele Bartoli in Italy in 2012.

17. Mirror ball

The diameter of the world's largest mirror ball was 10.058 meters. It was manufactured by BSG Luxury Group for the Russian branch of Bacardi. This mirror ball was shown to the public at Casa Bacardi at the Larger Than Life party in Moscow, Russia on April 26, 2012.

16. Table football

A typical foosball table is approximately 121 centimeters long. 4 people can play at this table. However, this table, made for the 2013 Heineken UCL Foosball Competition, held in 2013 in Xiamen Haiwan Park, China and sponsored by Heineken, was almost 40 meters long and designed like this. so that one hundred people play at the same time.

15. Biceps

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, amateur bodybuilder Moustafa Ismail from Egypt boasts the largest biceps on earth. Ismail, nicknamed "Egyptian Popeye," says his 787.4mm biceps are the product of hard, clean work in the gym, tons of chicken, poultry, seafood, protein shakes, at least 11 liters of water. a day and vitamin supplements.

14. Lollipop

The largest lollipop made by See's Candies at the See's Candies Lollypop Factory in Burlingame, California in July 2012 weighed 3,175 kilograms 146.33 grams. The lollipop had a chocolate flavor. Its length was 1.4414 meters, width 1.066 meters and height 1.803 meters.

13. Birthday cake

The world's largest birthday cake, made in 1962 for the Seattle World's Fair by Van De Kamp's Holland Dutch Bakers, weighed 11339 kilograms 808.33 grams and its height was equal to 7.01 meters. The list of ingredients included 4,762 kilograms of 719.50 grams of flour, 3,175 kilograms of 146.33 grams of raisins and 997 kilograms of 903.13 grams of pecans.

12. Bow

The largest onion in the world, grown by licensed retired inspector Peter Glazebrook of Newark, weighed 8 kilograms 193.01 grams. With this sample, he broke the previous record by almost 56.69 grams. Glazebrook holds several other vegetable records for the longest parsnip in the world, the largest beet and the heaviest potato in the world.

11. Waterfall

The largest waterfall in the world is Inga Falls in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The average volume of water transported by it is 42,476 cubic meters per second. Although not the tallest waterfall in the world, nor the widest, it is the amount of water it moves per second that makes it the largest waterfall of its kind. To put its power in perspective, it's worth noting that Inga Falls moves nearly 10 times more water than Niagara Falls.

10. Cheese

Dutch gourmet cheese maker Beemster produced a record large Gouda head in the Netherlands in July 2006. The width of the giant head of cheese was 1,828 meters and it weighed 600 kilograms 102.66 grams. The head was reportedly priced at approximately $ 15,500, but the CEO of Beemster decided to cut up the cheese and use it to raise money for charity.

9. Power plant

The most powerful and largest-scale power plant in the world is China's Three Gorges Dam, located in the Yiling region of Hubei province. With a length of 2.41 kilometers, a height of 182.8 meters and a total electrical generating capacity of 22,500 MW, the dam generates enough electricity to be on par with eighteen nuclear power plants.

8. Tree

The world's largest known living free-standing tree is the General Sherman giant sequoiadendron in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in California. Its height is 83.820 meters, diameter is 7.62 meters, trunk volume is 1487 cubic meters. It is estimated to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old. It is the largest living tree in terms of volume and one of the tallest, widest and oldest trees on Earth.

7. Pizza

The largest pizza in the world was made by 5 Italian chefs in Rome in 2012. The width of this Margarita pizza was 39.624 meters. It was made from 5,234 separate batches of dough and contained 8,981 kilograms of 128.2 grams of flour, 3,991 kilograms of 612.53 grams of mozzarella cheese and 4,535 kilograms of 923.33 grams of tomato sauce.

6. Pencil

The largest pencil in the world, made by Ashrita Furman in Queens, New York, is 23.165 meters long and weighs over 8164 kilograms 662 grams. Graphite alone weighs over 2,041 kilograms 165.5 grams. It is made of a 254 millimeter thick graphite core. At the end of the pencil there is an elastic band 76 centimeters long.

5. Book

The size of the world's largest book, This the Prophet Mohamed, is 4.99 by 8.05 meters. The book weighs approximately 1499 kilograms 576.25 grams and consists of 429 pages. The book was showcased by Mshahed International Group in Dubai on February 27, 2012.

4. Pumpkin

The largest pumpkin in the world weighed 921 kilograms 699.62 grams. Its owner, a lumber salesman named Tim Mathison from California, raised it in his backyard in 2013. She broke the record for Ron Wallace of Rhode Island, whose pumpkin, weighing 911 kilograms, 267 grams, won the title in 2012.

3. Outdoor swimming pool

The largest outdoor swimming pool is located in the San Alfonso Del Mar Resort in Chile. Its size is simply amazing. It covers an area of ​​8 hectares 937.13 square meters. Its length exceeds 914.40 meters, its depth is 35.05 meters and it contains 249 837.17 cubic meters of water.

2. Ship

The largest floating platform in the world is the giant ship Prelude, owned by Shell. The Prelude is 487.9 meters long, which exceeds the height of the Empire State Building. When fully loaded, the ship weighs approximately 600,000 tons. The Prelude is expected to begin operations in 2017 and operate in remote Western Australia, where it will serve as a floating LNG freezing station.

1. Chocolate bar

The largest bar of chocolate in the world was created by Thorntons plc in Alfreton, Derbyshire, UK, in October 2011. She weighed 5792 kilograms 374.10 grams, and its dimensions were 4 by 4 by 0.35 meters.

Pumpkin is a healthy and beautiful vegetable. There are a huge number of fruit breeds in the world. For over a century, farmers have been competing with each other, growing giant vegetables every year. So what is the largest pumpkin in the world and what is the secret of its enormous weight?

First records

The vegetable is popular in the United States and can be used to make hundreds of delicious dishes. Pumpkin can be baked in the oven, cooked into porridge and soup, or a fragrant pie. In addition, it is a symbol of the holiday that is celebrated in the fall. Every year, residents try to carve different faces out of the pumpkin and make "Jack's Lamp" out of it.

It is in this country that unusual contests are held, where giant vegetables are participants. Any fruit is carefully checked for damage and chemical additives. If the jury noticed any chips, cracks or dents, then the pumpkin is removed from the competition.

According to the rules of the festival, the vegetable must be grown in natural conditions using natural fertilizers. Only the perfect pumpkin should win this competition.

The very first huge fruit weighed 181 kg. The record was recorded in 1900. The winner was William Warnock from the USA. A year later, he broke his own record and grew a vegetable 1.5 kg heavier than the first. For many decades, no one could surpass his record.

And only in 1976 Bob Ford managed to do it. His pumpkin weighed 204 kg. In 1980, the measuring bar was raised again. This time the American Howard Dill became the leader. He managed to grow a vegetable weighing 208 kg. Literally a year later, the farmer again managed to take first place, having grown a vegetable 15 kg more than the previous one.

Howard walked among the winners for a short time. After 3 years, Norm Gallagher passed him by presenting a pumpkin of 277 kg at the fair. In 1986, the stakes began to rise, and Robert Henkens took the lead. The size of his pumpkin exceeded 300 kg. Every year, farmers' vegetables grew by leaps and bounds, and by 1990, a fruit weighing 370 kg became the record holder. For several decades, the size of pumpkins has doubled.

The first heavyweight was a pumpkin from the USA. She weighed 1,524 pounds or 691 kg. This beauty brought $ 10,000 to her owner-farmer.

Queen of California

Local farmer Joel Holland managed to grow a 558 kg fruit.

In order to take this giant to the competition, it took him a whole truck and several working hands to load the vegetable into the car. After the competition, the gardener sold the pumpkin for $ 6145. Not bad revenue!

Record holder from Wisconsin

American Chris Stevens managed to grow a vegetable weighing 821 ku. The giant was featured at the 2010 Harvest Festival. The girth of the vegetable was 4.7 meters. After the fair, the fruit was sent to the Botanical Garden, which is located in New York. There, everyone could admire the giant.

The farmer admitted that the secret of a large pumpkin is quite simple: he is madly in love with his vegetables and uses only the highest quality fertilizers to grow them. There was also some sunshine here. Pumpkins are very fond of the sun and volumetric watering.

Stevens brought the fruit from Wiscons by truck to display at the festival. After the announcement of the results, the pumpkin was solemnly cut and used to make pies. All the seeds were returned to the owner so that he could set a new record next year.

Pumpkin from a married couple

In 2011, the winners were John and Kelsey Bryson from Quebec, Canada.

They managed to grow and bring to the "pumpkin festival" a fruit weighing 824 kg. The competition was held in Prince Edward County and attracted a huge number of heavyweight participants.

Exactly 900

The big pumpkin was also grown by Harry Miller. He introduced the fruit in 2013, which weighed exactly 900 kg.

The farmer cultivated the vegetable carefully for 3 months. The total cost of the heavyweight was $ 11,910.

In 2012, the weight of the largest pumpkin was 911 kg. Ron Wallace from New England managed to raise a large beauty. A huge vegetable was presented at a fair in Massachusetts.

The farmer was not the first to receive the original award. Six years ago, he managed to win at the same fair. Only then his "participant" weighed only 680 kg.

Tim Matheson and his vegetables

Another vegetable also from California weighed a record 921 kg. He managed to achieve this size in 4 months. Tim Matheson's family took great care of their favorite vegetable.

In 2013, this record was recorded by a popular agricultural company in the country. The farmer still continues to grow unusual vegetables of enormous size.

Another medalist from California

The Half Moon Bay festival has been held in California (USA) since 1973. Farmers from many countries present the creations that they have managed to grow. The largest pumpkin was presented by a local, and weighed 933 kg.

John Hockley has long wanted to win first place in this competition. In 2014, he managed to surpass all rivals and himself. With his huge grown brainchild, he "crushed" all competitors. The second-place vegetable weighed 130 kg less than Hockley's pumpkin.

The area of ​​John Hockley's garden is 4 acres. During the year, he carefully cultivated 6 different types of pumpkins. Only thanks to the perseverance of the farmer, they reached large sizes, and one of them managed to become a real record holder and get into.

The farmer knew that it was forbidden to use any chemical preparations at the time of the growth of the fruit, otherwise it would be removed from the competition along with the pumpkin. This prompted the gardener to use only organic fertilizers. Thanks to proper watering, its fruits gained up to 20 kg per day, growing well in size.

For winning the competition, John received $ 12,500, which he was very happy about. The farmer then admitted that next year he will try to grow an orange vegetable a few more kilograms and will try to win again.

Pumpkin king

For Benny Meyer, growing giant pumpkins is a matter of honor. The farmer has participated for several years in the German Agrarian Festival in Zurich. The most difficult task for the gardeners was not to grow a vegetable, but to deliver the heavyweight participants to the exhibition. It took them several tractors, cranes, SUVs and trucks to haul and weigh the huge vegetables.

In 2013, the vegetable "participant" from Benny Mayer was disqualified from the competition, although his weight reached 1053 kg. Unfortunately, the pumpkin had some flaws. The jury of the competition decided to exclude the beauty from the competition.

But the farmer did not stop there. And in 2014 he grew a pumpkin several kilograms more than the previous one. The pumpkin weighed a record 1,056 kg and became the largest vegetable crop.

Giant vegetables, growing up to several meters and hundreds of kilograms, belong to the type "Giant pumpkin". The largest pumpkin in the world has exceeded the weight of one ton. Enthusiasts are constantly presenting to the public their achievements in growing these fruits. And almost every year over the past decade, last year's record is broken.

In Germany, there is a championship for weighing these amazing vegetables, which is accompanied by exhibitions. For example, in 2014, viewers could see sea creatures (such as a dolphin and an octopus) made from stacked pumpkins. Their contests and "pumpkin festivals" are held in different parts of the United States and Canada.

The first modern world record for a giant pumpkin was recorded in 1976. The weight of the record-breaking vegetable was 204 kilograms, and was raised by a resident of Pennsylvania, Bob Ford. It took him three months, and the giant vegetable brought Bob $ 5,000 in prizes at a local fair. Four years later, Howard Deal became the new record holder. In 1980, he raised a pumpkin weighing 208 kilograms, and a year later - 223. Howard not only set a new record, but also did a lot to develop the giant pumpkin variety.

1. Pumpkin by Matthias Willemines

Although most of the incredible pumpkins are grown in the United States, the giant fruit created in Belgian soil now comes first. In 2016, a farmer named Matthias Willemines grew a pumpkin that weighed 1190 kilograms. He came with his creation to the European Pumpkin Weighing Championship, which is held in Germany (Ludwigsburg). Farmers from all over the world come to this unusual championship.

2. Benny Meyer's pumpkin

In 2014, the winner was Swiss Benny Meyer. This resident of the canton of Zurich presented a vegetable weighing 1054 kilograms to the jury and the audience. Not long before that, he grew a pumpkin weighing 951 kilograms and won with it in Brandenburg.

Beni is a farmer who associates the size of the vegetables he grows with daily watering and careful maintenance. In 2013, he brought a pumpkin to the championship, which exceeded in weight the one with which he won, but the jury disqualified him because of a hole in the pumpkin he brought.

3. Tim Matheson's pumpkin

In 2013, the largest pumpkin was raised by Tim Matheson, a farmer and timber merchant in the United States. The weight of his pumpkin was 921 kilograms. According to him, he grew the vegetable for 105 days in his vegetable garden in Napa County, California. His record was recorded in an annual competition held in California by the agricultural company UesugiFarms.

The winner attributed his success to a moderate temperature that year. Matheson, then 56, received $ 14,000 for his victory.

He continues to grow giant vegetables today. His pumpkins were nicknamed "flying saucers" in their homeland because of their peculiar shape. In 2015, he won the Northern California competition with a 819 kilogram vegetable.

4. Ron Wallace's pumpkin

In 2012, the largest pumpkin was raised by Rhode Island (New England) farmer Ron Wallace. Her weight was 911 kilograms. He presented the result of his farm labor at a fair in Topsfield, Massachusetts on September 28, 2012.

It was not the first time for Ron to break the world record. In 2006, he won the victory with a pumpkin that weighed 680 kilograms. Thereafter, almost every year, farmers' contests revealed heavier vegetables.

5. Pumpkin John and Kelsey Bryson

In 2011, the Canadian married couple Bryson became the winners. They live in the province of Quebec. They brought their pumpkin, weighing 824 kilograms, to the "pumpkin festival" in Prince Edward County. The Bryons were not the first Canadian farmers to grow the largest pumpkin ever. In 2004, the record was set by Al Eaton, a resident of Richmond, Ontario. The weight of the pumpkin from his garden was then 655 kilograms. But his record was broken a year later.

Pumpkins not only in the world, but also in individual countries and even states. The national record for Belgium in 2016 coincided with the world record. The largest pumpkin grown in Germany in 2016 was 901 kilograms, in South Africa - 506, and in Spain - only 469. The largest pumpkin in the United States, as of November 2016, was grown in Wisconsin and weighs 919 kilograms.

In the American city of Half Moon Bay (California), the world championship is held every year to determine the largest pumpkin. This year Super Bowl of Weigh-Offs Championship was held for the 40th time! Vegetable growers gladly showed their gigantic specimens. But, of course, everyone was amazed by the winning pumpkin. Its weight was almost a ton - 900 kilograms!

The weighing procedures were carried out by a strict jury. All three prizes were awarded to super heavyweights from California.

The largest pumpkin is recognized as a vegetable that was submitted to the competition by farmer Harry Miller from Napa. The weight of the giant pumpkin was 900 kilograms. The farmer stubbornly courted the record holder for 100 days, and as a result, the gardener received a reward of $ 11,910.

The total prize fund awarded for the first three places traditionally amounted to $ 25,000.

The homeland of pumpkin is South and North America, so this vegetable is very popular in modern California. The Indians began to grow pumpkin on these endless expanses 5 thousand years ago.

It was customary for the first American settlers to carve the top of the pumpkin, remove the seeds, fill the inside with milk, honey and spices, and then bake the pumpkin in ash. The Indians, on the other hand, preferred to fry the slices of pumpkin over the fire, and the strips of dried pumpkin were used to create rugs.

In addition, today pumpkin is also very popular in many countries: it is boiled, baked, fried, salads, side dishes, juices, preserves, jam, candied fruits and the like are made. Despite the fact that 90% of pumpkin is water, in general, the vegetable is an excellent source of carotene and other vitamins, which is useful for many diseases.

Uncut pumpkins have the ability to persist for a long time, so they are often harvested for future use and used in winter and autumn.

Pumpkin can be found in almost any garden, but still this plant is deprived of attention in our country. The options for using a tasty and healthy product are often limited only to pumpkin porridge, while in the USA and some European countries there are a huge number of recipes for baking, sweets, first courses and pumpkin garnishes in use. Without this vegetable, it is impossible to imagine one of the popular American holidays - Halloween. But the competition of farmers who are trying to grow giant fruits and win with them the title of the largest pumpkin in the world deserves special attention.

The origin of the giant pumpkin

The genus Pumpkin has about 20 species of herbaceous plants, but not all of them are popular with gardeners. In the CIS countries, the common pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) is the most popular, but in South America, the USA, Europe, South Africa, India and the Philippines, the giant pumpkin ( Cucurbita maxima). To say that these pumpkins are large is to say nothing, because it is this species that forms the largest fruits in the plant kingdom.

Interesting! In India, fruits are not only eaten, but monkeys are also caught with it. Rice is poured into a small hole in the fruit. A monkey, clutching rice in a fist, does not let go of its prey, but cannot pull out its paw with it.

In the wild, the giant pumpkin was found in the mountainous regions of the Andes and was actively cultivated by local Indian tribes. During the Inca Empire, the large pumpkin began its journey to the northern regions of South America, and in the 18th century it reached New England and the United States.

Pumpkin race

The start of the pumpkin race began in 1979 by Howard Dill, who brought a specimen weighing more than 200 kg to the fair, and later grew an even larger pumpkin from its seeds. Decades of breeding work have made it possible to obtain pumpkins of various shapes, colors, tastes and sizes, but when growing a large pumpkin, only the latter characteristic matters. Numerous farmers grow a giant pumpkin, once brought to the United States from South America, collect seeds from the largest fruits in order to grow specimens of even greater weight and size.

Interesting! Most often, specimens grown in California, where heat and light are enough for the formation of large fruits, become contenders for the title of the largest pumpkin.

Record-breaking pumpkins can be obtained almost annually. The largest pumpkin currently listed in the Guinness Book of Records weighs 821 kg, with a fruit girth of 4.7 m. It was raised by a farmer from Wisconsin, Chris Stevens. He managed to surpass the previous record holder weighing 783 kg by almost 40 kg

Secrets of the Giant Pumpkin

The incredible size makes you wonder about the amount of fertilizer that was used when growing a large fruit. However, the jury of the competition controls not only the weight of the pumpkin, but also the composition to ensure the safety of the grown product, because then the giant is used for numerous pies.

The farmers who cherish and cherish these plant monsters have their own secrets, although it is difficult to call them unique:

Hundreds of farmers are trying to get a large fruit, spending a lot of time and effort on its cultivation. This amazing competition and hobby, rolled into one, transcends US borders and is rapidly expanding into other countries.

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