How many times has Trump run for president? Donald Trump has already won the Republican Party. Like Obama, only angrier

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in USA. The ruling Republican Party approached this date in a state of deep split associated with the figure of Donald Trump. The Republican establishment openly opposes the head of the White House, while the rank-and-file members of the party remain loyal to him. Deprived of the support of the Washington elite, Donald Trump is forced to act as a non-partisan independent politician. According to experts interviewed by Kommersant, without interaction with the president, who remains the formal leader of the party, the Republicans risk failure in the congressional elections in November 2018. In turn, if the Republicans lose their majority in Congress, Donald Trump will lose his chances of re-election in the 2020 elections.

According to a poll conducted at the end of October by Fox News, the Democratic Party has greater public support than the Republican Party. Answering the question: “Which party's candidate would you prefer if elections to the House of Representatives and Senate were held today?”, 50% of respondents voted for Democrats, 35% for Republicans. In November 2016, a similar Fox News poll found partisan parity: 45% to 45%.

“They were all disappointed in him as a person who, on the one hand, showed himself to be rude, peremptory and incompetent, and on the other, was unable or unwilling to fulfill his election promises. For example, he did not achieve the repeal of Obamacare - health care reform and patient protection in the United States, introduced by the administration of Barack Obama. Or he was unable to advance the project to build a wall on the border with Mexico,” noted Kommersant’s interlocutor.

Recently, Donald Trump's rival in last year's election, Hillary Clinton, held the president responsible for steps that, in her opinion, split and explode Republican Party. One illustration of this centrifugal process was the recent anti-presidential demarche of two well-known Republican senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker. The first publicly accused the head of the White House of “reckless, offensive and disgraceful behavior,” adding that we're talking about about a direct threat to democracy. The second one noticed that The White house under Donald Trump, it is comparable “to a kindergarten for adults, which requires the constant supervision of teachers.”

The American media immediately recalled that both legislators do not intend to stand as candidates for the next congressional elections. Accordingly, the impending resignation freed senators from the need to follow party discipline. However, in the environment influential republicans there are many more politicians who treat Donald Trump as a misunderstanding. Thus, the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, has repeatedly questioned Mr. Trump’s ability to understand the essence of presidential powers.

“Of course, Trump is a challenge both for the Republican Party and for the entire political system USA, - explained to Kommersant the head of the foreign and domestic policy USA IMEMO RAS Victoria Zhuravleva. “Coming from the world of business, Trump does not belong to the establishment, he is not under its control, he has not passed the institutional ladder, which is mandatory for every American politician - governor, senator, head of state.” According to Ms. Zhuravleva, Donald Trump behaves unacceptable for those traditional Republican conservatives who vote for the Republican Party with each election cycle. “In the American political process, the image of the president stems from the image of the party and vice versa. And now Trump, with his negative perception among the Republican electorate, is creating a negative image of the party as a whole,” the expert believes.

In November 2018, midterm elections for a third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives will take place in the United States. With a very high degree of probability, Democrats will receive a majority in the lower house of parliament: Americans traditionally do not like it when one party controls both the president and Congress. “According to American political tradition, these midterm elections tend to favor the party in opposition. It's almost a pattern. Democrats may well strengthen their presence in Congress, primarily in the House of Representatives,” Yuri Rogulev, director of the Franklin Roosevelt Foundation for American Studies (MSU), told Kommersant.

According to the expert, President Trump can take credit for the growing American economy. “In addition, the Supreme Court has upheld Trump's anti-immigrant executive orders. Those who supported him in the elections may well be pleased with his decisive attitude in this matter,” adds Kommersant’s interlocutor. On the other hand, Yuri Rogulev recalls, the administration in the White House failed to cancel the Obamacare health care reform program initiated by President Obama, which remains one of the main sources of spending. “Now it is important for the head of the White House to achieve approval in Congress of his tax reform plan, which provides, in particular, a 20% reduction in corporate income tax,” the expert continues.

Experts interviewed by Kommersant agree that a year after the presidential election, a stalemate has developed in American politics.

According to Victoria Zhuravleva, both leading parties are in crisis. “The Republicans in 2016 were unable to nominate a candidate for the presidency who would be stronger than the virtually unsystematic Trump. As for the Democratic Party, its establishment is not ready to promote new young leaders,” the expert explains. Regarding the political future of Donald Trump, Ms. Zhuravleva noted: “The only window of opportunity for the president is interaction with Congress. If the Republicans lose in 2018, then in the presidential elections in 2020 he will lose his chance to retain his seat in the White House. Accordingly, the Republican elite, with all its rejection of Trump, needs to interact with him at least until November 2018 in order to avoid defeat in re-election to Congress.”

Georgy Stepanov

The new President Trump was brought into politics in the late 1990s by his teacher, billionaire Ross Perot. In those years, Perot was able to become the third force with which Democrats and Republicans were forced to reckon - in the 1992 elections he gained 19%. Perot advocated isolationism and reindustrialization, against the “betrayal of the elites” and bureaucracy. Trump's current program is borrowed almost entirely from his teacher.

It is necessary to recall how Trump’s political career began. And it began with the “third way”, where billionaire Ross Perot led him.

Perot made his billion in the 1980s, $2.4 billion to be exact, by selling the high-tech company EDS, which he founded, to General Motors. 1988 - its start political career; he is 58 years old - and this also makes him similar to Trump, who began his political career late. An independent candidate, Ross Perot, won 18.9% of the vote in America as a whole in the 1992 elections, and even took second place in some states.

Exit polls then showed that the 19.7 million votes cast for him consisted of 28% of those that would otherwise have gone to Democrat Clinton and 28% of those that would have gone to Republican Bush. And 44% of voters would not go to the polling station at all if Perot were not on the list (and that’s 9 million people). As Notebooks on Conservatism wrote, those who considered themselves conservatives, those who called themselves liberals, and even those on the far left voted for Perot. But the most significant contribution to its percentage came from the lower middle class.

24 years later, the same method was used by his student Donald Trump, who managed to attract the so-called “lost white voters” to his side. This name was given to them by RealClearPolitics columnist Sean Trend: this was the electorate that did not vote for Republican Mitt Romney in 2012. Although the conventional wisdom of pollsters and political scientists at the time was that Romney was underperforming with Latino, Asian and African-American voters (which allegedly contributed to his defeat), Sean Trend put forward a different hypothesis. He showed that Romney's weakness was caused by the indifference towards him from low-income, lower-middle-class white voters ($40,000 to $45,000 a year in household income), the same blue-collar workers who voted for independent candidate Ross Perot in 1992.

In 2012, Trend suggested that these voters were put off by Romney's upper-class behavior, and that if the Republican Party could somehow motivate these "lost white voters" to vote for their candidate, it would significantly reduce the gap between them and the Democratic Party. Sean Trend estimated the number of “lost white voters” at 6.5 million. Obama beat Romney by 5 million in 2012.

It was these voters that Donald Trump found, 24 years after Perot, that allowed him to win.

Moreover, Trump did not come up with anything new in drawing up his program - he almost completely borrowed it from his teacher Ross Perot.

Dmitry Drobnitsky from the excellent political science site Terra America, now deleted, described what Ross Perrault’s “third way” consisted of.

“America first heard about Perot when two employees of his company EDS were imprisoned in Iran just before the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Perot sent a private rescue expedition for his people, which took them from prison and took them to the States via Turkey.

Soon, the businessman began speaking on socio-political topics, became seriously concerned about the problem of American military personnel missing in action in Vietnam, became involved in anti-drug activities, began helping schools, and even proposed several bills. As Pero was drawn into political activity, his attitude towards American system the authorities were getting worse, he constantly said that America was beginning to lose its position more and more, it was working worse, the quality of life of citizens was deteriorating, and politicians were doing nothing to correct the situation.

Ross Perot consistently opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), demanded protectionist measures for American industry and the creation of favorable conditions for small and medium-sized businesses. It was a pronounced economic nationalism and, to some extent, isolationism. It was not yet the Tea Party, but something already close to it, if not in terms of economic recipes, then in terms of the general mood of protest against the globalist spread of America. In particular, Perot demanded that efforts to protect freedom and democracy in the world be paid not only by the United States, but also by its allies, since the United States is not able to do this alone and is not obliged to pay for helping its allies with the decline of its national economy. In this regard, Perot proposed to reconsider the country’s participation in international organizations and, since cold war ended, cut the military budget significantly.

But this was only part of his economic program. Another part of it was modernism. He demanded to develop state program development of “productions of the future”, restoration of industrial enterprises, spoke about the importance of education for the development of the country, and, in connection with this, insisted on its accessibility and modernity. He called for turning relations between the state and business into “intellectual” ones and proposed directing joint efforts to support everything that contributes to industrial development and increasing the number of jobs in the country.

When the billionaire spoke about improving matters in urban agriculture, medicine, and education, he sought to, in his words, “do more with less means,” that is, he insisted on increasing the efficiency of civil servants and the entire state apparatus as a whole. He viewed each of the infrastructure or social sectors as a corporation that required crisis management.

Ross Perot never ceased to repeat that cities like Rome and Tokyo live and prosper, while American cities are increasingly falling into decay. Perot found two main explanations for this circumstance: incorrect economic policy, leading to fewer jobs in these cities, and a degraded culture of the communities. In general, he talked a lot about grassroots self-organization, about how the local people will decide everything better than the officials. Therefore, Perot called for returning to the people the feeling that they “own the state,” and the authorities and officials only “work for the people.”

Perot took a very specific position regarding abortion and the racial issue. He proposed a "national compromise on abortion" as well as a "national commitment to race." Perot believed that both of these issues divided the nation. For this split, he blamed the functionaries of the two-party system, who, in the hunt for their electorate, “play on fear and suspicion” and thus do not contribute to the unity of the nation.”

In 1995, billionaire Ross Perot founded the Reform Party. As a representative of this party, he participated in the 1996 presidential elections and managed to gain 8.4% of the vote (this was enough to receive federal funding for the new party - it is awarded to any party that receives more than 5% of the votes in the presidential elections). By 2000, he promised that this force would become the second in the United States and, at a minimum, would be able to fight the Republicans and Democrats on equal terms, and at the maximum, defeat them.

To do this, Perot gathered completely different audiences into the party, the main thing that united them was hatred of the establishment associated with the two main American parties.

In 2000, the “Reform Party” accepted into its ranks Marxists (L. Fulani), libertarians (Minnesota Governor D. Ventura), conservatives (D. Trump - this was the year that marked the start of his political career), ultra-conservatives (P. Buchanan) and nationalists (D. Duke). The desire of the factions to ensure the nomination of their own representative led to a real battle between Buchanan (he was supported by the Fulani and Duke) and Trump (he was supported by Ventura and - attention! - the Marxist Fulani). As a result, despite success in the first primaries, Trump and Ventura left the party with a scandal. They explained this by saying that the party had chosen the path of fighting Democrats and Republicans, whereas it was necessary to fight not against someone, but for someone, in this case, for the ordinary voter.

The victory over Trump turned out to be “Pyrrhic” for Buchanan: in the 2000 presidential election, he received only 449 thousand votes (0.43%). However, Buchanan was still repeating Perot’s political slogans: he saw the main problem of modern America in undermining the moral foundation of a society in which schools prepare “little drones of the global economy, and the largest mass media corporations are successfully destroying moral values great country."

After the incident, Buchanan and his supporters decided to leave the Reform Party. In 2001, he returned to the Republican ranks, and the party turned into an amorphous political organization. So, in 2004, they supported the independent candidate Ralph Nader, who received 0.38% of the vote. But the shame continued: in 2008, the Reform Party nominated Ted Weill for US President, who received... 481 votes.

After the decline of the Reform Party, the banner of the “third force” was taken up by Ron Paul’s Tea Party. In 2010, political scientists Rasmussen and Schon correctly predicted that the Democratic-Republican monopoly would soon end, with a Third Way candidate becoming president by 2020 at the latest. True, they saw Ron Paul in this candidate, not Donald Trump.

They predicted that the old right-left contradictions would fade into the background over time, that is, in the new historical stage there will be a “reset” to non-party politics in the spirit of the 18th century. For example, the economy, education and health care in the 20th century could still be centrally controlled by the state, but in the 21st century they again require distributed control. More value The people's militia should also play a role in maintaining law and order.

But representatives of the Tea Party were unable to move beyond their libertarian agenda. And Donald Trump remembered the start of his career in 2000, when he found himself in the company of such different people- from Marxists to paleoconservatives - and was able to unite them best ideas, correctly guessing the request of those same “lost white voters”: social conservatism and pride in America.

After winning the US presidential election on November 8, 2016, Donald Trump became the 45th president of America. His rival, the candidate from the Democratic Party, despite the total support from the world and American media, lost by a significant margin. Thus, Clinton received only 232 electoral votes, against Trump's 290 votes.

This created a real sensation in the world community. When the eccentric, incredibly temperamental and unlikeable businessman announced his intention to run for the presidency of the United States in 2015, no one took it seriously.

After all, Trump has never been involved in politics, devoting his entire life to business.

An interesting fact is that Donald himself, having announced his intention to run as a Republican, said the famous phrase: “I will be the greatest president God has ever created.” An ambitious statement!

The election results broke the pattern with such a bang that many prominent world politicians looked extremely confused, not knowing how to behave in this situation. After all, everyone was confident that Clinton would win!

However, you should wait until the newly elected president takes office. The event will take place on January 20, 2017, therefore, a lot can change during this period of time.

We bring to your attention the most Interesting Facts about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump in his youth

It is reliably known that at the age of 13, Donald Trump began having serious problems at school. It was all due to the unrestrained and incredibly expressive character of young Donald. In order to somehow solve these difficulties, his father decides to send him to a private boarding school, the New York Military Academy.

It was there that the true formation of the personality of the future president began. According to Trump himself, at the military academy his boundless energy was directed in the right direction. There he learned to survive among enormous competition.

His extraordinary organizational skills began to manifest themselves very early. At the military academy, he managed to establish his leadership among his comrades. Graduated from training with the rank of cadet captain S4.

New York Military Academy student Donald Trump in 1964

In 1968, Trump received a Bachelor of Science in economics, specializing in finance.

Donald Trump's father owned a real estate company. Actually, it was there that the young guy who later became the 45th President of the United States began his career.

Interesting fact: surname "Trump" with in English translated as "Trump card". Donald was always very proud of such a trump surname, believing that it brought him good luck.

Thanks to his outstanding abilities, he turned it into an expensive brand. Various accessories, perfumes, vodka and much more are produced under this name.

How old is Donald Trump

As of 2016, Donald Trump is exactly 70 years old. He was born on June 14, 1946. By the way, this is also a very interesting fact. Trump became the oldest president in US history, being elected at the age of 70.

Before him, the record belonged to Ronald Reagan, who was elected head of state at the age of 69.

Facts from the biography of Donald Trump

Donald Trump's fortune, according to various estimates, ranges from 4 to 9 billion US dollars. During his career, he suffered complete bankruptcy several times. However, incredible perseverance and self-confidence helped him rise again to the level richest people planets.

One of the last crises of a businessman occurred in 1991. At that time, Trump’s debts amounted to $9.8 billion. Taking a desperate step, he mortgaged his famous skyscraper “ Trump Tower" in New York and received a good loan from financial organizations. Literally a few years later, he managed to pay off all creditors and again began to increase his capital.

An interesting fact from Trump's biography. One day, a businessman took out a bank loan in the amount of $500 million, securing the deal only in his own name. Probably, the creditors knew that even under the most unfavorable circumstances, the resourceful Trump would definitely find a way out of the situation and, sooner or later, return the money with a profit. In the end, they were right!

Often, American developers turned to Donald Trump with a request to sell their buildings, ensuring a successful transaction in his own name. For this reason, many buildings bearing his name are not owned by his companies.

Not everyone knows that Donald Trump is also a successful writer. He has written more than 15 books on business topics. Considering Trump’s biography, all books have sold millions of copies around the world. Every businessman studies the life of a billionaire with pleasure and undisguised interest in order to understand what principles allowed him to become so successful.

An interesting fact is that Trump took part in the filming of more than 100 films. Of course, all his roles are episodic, but this testifies to the versatility of Donald's personality.

Moreover, in 2004 he became the main presenter of his own television program “The Candidate”. Its winners, according to the terms of the reality show, were guaranteed to occupy a leadership position in the business of the Trump empire with a salary of $250 thousand.

The essence of the show was that all the applicants (candidates) became managers of Donald’s different companies for some period of time. Those who managed things poorly heard the phrase “You’re fired” from the host, after which they dropped out of the game. By the way, this phrase became so famous that the businessman wanted to patent it.

Donald Trump has always been known as a harsh critic. He once publicly stated that there is no evidence that the current president was born in the United States. As a result of a violent reaction from the American community, the White House was forced to publish Obama's birth certificate.

In 2014, when the Ebola virus became known, Barack Obama refused to ban entry into the United States of persons arriving from the infected zone. In this regard, Donald tweeted the following: “I'm starting to think that the president is not completely mentally healthy. Why didn't he ban flights? Psycho!" .

An interesting fact is that Trump's hairstyle has become, sort of, business card billionaire. Throughout his career, he has repeatedly had to deny rumors that he wears a wig. He himself says that hair is his image.

Moreover, he considers his hair the most famous in all of America. It should be added that he washes them with inexpensive shampoos, but basically does not use a hairdryer.

By the billionaire’s own admission, he does not drink alcohol at all and also ignores tea and coffee. However, this does not stop him from being known for his sweet tooth.

It must be said that, being a rather gentle father, he raised his children extremely strictly in terms of their attitude towards alcohol and any drugs. None of his children use these things. Perhaps the reason for this radical attitude was the fact that Trump's younger brother died of alcoholism.

Tony Sinical, the businessman's butler, says that his master sleeps no more than 3-4 hours a day. Moreover, he gets up long before dawn. Associations involuntarily arise with others who devoted very little time to sleep, while maintaining tremendous performance.

Donald Trump's wives

At 31, Trump got married. His chosen one was the Czechoslovakian model Ivana Zelnicek. This happened in 1977. However, they divorced in 1992 after Ivana found out that her husband was cheating on her. During the divorce, she demanded $25 million.

A year later, in 1993, Trump married again, having previously concluded a detailed prenuptial agreement. Still, business thinking forced him to calculate all his risks. This time his wife was the American actress Marle Maples. They had a daughter, Tiffany, but divorced in 1999.

In February 2008, in one of his television programs, Donald Trump said the following about his wives: “I just know that it was very difficult for them (Ivana and Marla) to compete with what I love. I really love what I do" .

In 2005, fashion model Melania Knavs from Slovenia became Trump's third wife. She is 24 years younger than her husband. At the time of 2016, Melania Trump, in fact, had already become the first lady of the United States, since the elections ended in the victory of her husband.

Donald Trump and his wife Melania

In total, Donald Trump has 5 children and 8 grandchildren.

By the way, the favorite hobby of the 45th President of the United States is golf. The billionaire regularly takes part in various competitions at his own venues.

Photo by Donald Trump

Here you can see photos of Donald Trump. Among them you will find very rare family chronicles and some others. Enjoy watching!

Trump with his wife Melania and son Release of emotions near wife
Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
Donald Trump with his parents
Donald Trump with Ronald Reagan in 1987
Family photo Trump
Trump with Fedor Emelianenko

Melania Trump is the businessman's third wife
Trump in Phoenix, August 2016
Trump's personal jet with exclusive layout and interior design
Donald and his wife

Now you know everything interesting facts from the biography of Donald Trump.

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Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States, formerly a prominent construction magnate and television and radio celebrity. How multi-talented and active man Donald Trump has experienced himself in many guises. Success in urban planning, on television, organizing various reality shows, beauty contests - he succeeded in everything, and if difficulties arose, then with real American optimism he continued to move forward.

Finally, having decided to try his hand at politics, Donald Trump declared himself the candidate for President of the United States from the Republican Party. Having won many primaries, he became the official presidential candidate on July 16, 2016, and in November of the same year became the 45th President of the United States, after defeating a representative of the Democratic Party Hillary Clinton .

Childhood, education of Donald Trump

Donald Trump as a child (Photo:

Trump's father Fred Christ Trump(11.10.1905 - 25.06.1999), mother - Mary Ann MacLeod(10.05.1912 - 07.08.2000). Donald Trump's paternal grandparents are German immigrants. Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump(born Drumpf) (03/14/1869 - 03/30/1918). Came to the United States in 1885, became a citizen in 1892. Grandmother - Elizabeth Christ (10.10.1880 — 6.06.1966).

The parents of the future president got married in 1936. Mary Ann gave birth to Fred five children: three sons - Fred Jr., Donald, Roberta and two daughters: Marianne And Elizabeth. Unfortunately, Fred Jr. died. As Donald Trump himself said, his brother had problems with alcohol and smoking.

Donald Trump was an overactive and restless teenager in his youth. The future president even faced problems because of this. while attending Kew Forest School in Forest Hills. His parents sent him to a private boarding school, the New York Military Academy, and they were not mistaken. Donald liked this school, he played football, baseball, and won awards.

Donald Trump with his parents at graduation from the New York Military Academy (Photo:

In his book “The Art of the Deal,” Trump, recalling his youth, noted that after graduating from the military academy in 1964, he even thought about entering film school, but still decided that “real estate is more profitable business" It was not difficult for him to come to this idea, since his father successfully worked in real estate.

Donald graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and a minor in finance, after which he focused on a business career.

Career, business of Donald Trump

Donald Trump started out renting houses to middle-class people while working for his father's firm. One of his first projects, while still a student, was the renovation of the 1,200-apartment Swifton Village complex in Cincinnati. The Trump Organization, thanks to the efforts of a young entrepreneur, sold it for $12 million (from $6 million net profit).

In 1971, Donald moved to Manhattan. He had the keen eye of a businessman already in his youth. His popularity was brought to him by the reconstruction of the Commodore Hotel and the opening of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and he became a famous urban planner in New York.

Donald Trump with his father (Photo:

Continuing to work in construction business, he rationally assessed the cost of his projects. Trump estimated the Jacob Javits Convention Center construction project at $110 million, while the city's estimate ranged from $750 million to $1 billion. His project was not accepted. The city also attempted to renovate the Wollman Rink in Central Park. The project began in 1980 and was designed for 2.5 years. However, after spending $12 million on it, the city authorities did not finish it by 1986. Donald Trump offered to accept the facility under construction for free in order to continue the work at his own expense, but he was again refused. As a result of the intervention of local media, he received a construction permit, which he completed in 6 months, saving $750 thousand out of the $3 million budgeted.

However, business was not without difficulties. In 1989, Trump was unable to repay his loans due to the financial crisis and his craving for high-interest “junk bonds.” In 1991, increasing debts due to the construction of the third Trump-Taj Mahal casino for $1 billion brought not only Trump's business, but also him personally, to the brink of bankruptcy. Donald Trump got out of the situation by giving half the stake to the original bondholders in the Citibank casino and hotel in exchange for favorable terms on those loans.

Until the end of the 90s, Trump had a difficult situation in business, although he diligently got rid of debts and continued to be a successful developer. At the same time, in the news about Trump there were different estimates of his condition and until now the media are rarely unanimous in determining how rich Donald is and how much money he has in his this moment. According to Trump’s declaration of May 2016, the lower limit of his fortune is 1.5 billion. According to media estimates, his fortune is in the range of 3-4 billion. Only the TOP 10 most expensive real estate properties of a businessman are estimated at $2.5 billion.

Donald Trump in front of the buildings he owns in Manhattan (Photo:

Donald Trump's presidential race

Trump began to become interested in politics in 2000, when he participated in the primaries of the Reform Party. But he really broke into political life USA and the world Donald after 15 years. On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump at his headquarters officially announced his intention to become the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, and from that moment on, news about Trump gradually conquered the information space of the planet. “I will be the greatest president God has ever created,” he told his associates. “Make America Great Again” was his campaign slogan.

At the Republican National Convention in July 2016, Donald became the official Republican presidential candidate. Then there was a final push, during which businessman Trump beat politician Hillary Clinton, whom many predicted to win. In the presidential election on November 8, 2016, Donald Trump exceeded the threshold of 270 electoral college votes required to win (he received a total of 306 electoral votes).

After the inauguration on January 20, 2017, Trump’s enemies did not calm down and behaved indecently aggressively. An entire campaign was launched regarding Donald Trump’s ties with Russia, while opponents did not disdain the dirtiest provocations, such as a pseudo-spy report about the businessman spending time with prostitutes in Moscow, where he attended the Miss Universe 2013 pageant in 2013. President of Russia Vladimir Putin in an interview with a CNN journalist said that these scandals indicate degradation political elite USA, and about those who ordered “compromising evidence” Putin said that they themselves are “worse than prostitutes.”

Trump campaign (Photo: AP/TASS)

Donald Trump Family

Donald Trump has been married three times and has five children. He has eight grandchildren.

In 1977, Trump married Ivana Zelnichkova. The first wife is a Czechoslovak skier, later a fashion model. Trump's children from his first marriage - Donald (1977), Ivanka(1981) and Eric(1984). In 1992, Donald divorced his first wife.

Not good famous actress and producer Marla Maples- Trump's second wife, who gave birth to his daughter Tiffany Ariana(1993). Their marriage lasted from 1993 to 1999.

Donald Trump with his family (Photo: Global Look Press)

In 2005, the billionaire married for the third time. Trump's current wife Melania(née Knaus). Melania Trump was born in the Yugoslav city of Novo Mesto in 1970, she is 24 years younger than Donald. Melania has become a successful fashion model; in addition, she is a designer of wristwatches and jewelry. In 2006, Melania and Donald had a son. Barron William.


Donald Trump's official account

A year after the defeat, the Democrats are doing well, as evidenced by the results of the latest gubernatorial elections. But the internal crisis in the party has not been overcome, and successes are largely explained by the mistakes of President Trump

On the morning of November 8, 2016, almost everything foreshadowed that elected president The United States will become Hillary Clinton, and the Republicans will have to recover from the shameful defeat and Trump's candidacy for many more months or even years. The Democrats were preparing for triumph.

In fact, the opposite happened: the party's voters stayed home, drowning the prospects of not only the former first lady, but also several senatorial candidates. In the congressional elections, Democrats were able to increase representation in both houses, but they failed to gain a majority. In fact, a year ago the party found itself on the verge of political bankruptcy.

The disaster was not even the defeat itself, but the sudden failure of the strategy of the party, which relied on two political heavyweights - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who each in their own way trampled the entire democratic youth. The charismatic Obama was so good to the base Democratic voter that almost any bright young politician was inferior to him in comparison. Clinton, in the absence of charisma, simply did not allow similar comparisons: Even as she prepared for her first presidential run in 2008, the Clinton family and her allies concreted the political space for her in the party. Having been burned by the young Obama that year, the Clintons have gone through the party again since 2012, this time making sure that young politicians will not challenge it.

As a result, in November 2016, Democrats witnessed the defeat of a well-deserved but uninspiring Clinton and found that there were simply no young politicians in the party who would have federal campaign experience and would be familiar to voters. Moreover, the Democrats realized that they not only lack new faces, but also lack a constructive agenda for the next two years. They were preparing to be the ruling party and promote Clinton's rather impressive and well-developed program - she published an entire book on the eve of the elections describing the proposed reforms. However, in the role of opposition, the Democrats could only defend Obama's legacy and confront Donald Trump, who did nothing but revise this legacy.

However, criticism, even of such an unpopular leader, quickly bores the voter. The Democrats were faced with the fact that the chosen political model was not working: in all the by-elections in the spring-summer of 2017, they focused on criticizing Trump (and, of course, “Russian hackers”) and, as a result, lost. This led to some democratically minded publicists and experts calling on the party to abandon the fight against Trumpism as the only ideological basis.

And yet, in general, Trump’s year has been successful for Democrats, albeit unevenly: Republicans have not yet managed to advance a single significant legislative initiative, which was primarily facilitated by infighting within the party and the president’s chaotic management style. The party also has demography on its side: the share of the non-white population that traditionally supports Democrats will only grow.

Democrats' party strategy will still be taking shape ahead of the November 2018 elections, in which they will try to increase their representation in Congress and rehearse for the 2020 presidential campaign. The main fork the party faces is to move to the left, towards liberal progressives, where a significant part of Democratic voters, especially young ones, are drifting, or to the center, assuming that liberals will not go anywhere and will vote for a centrist from their party against any Republican candidate. This is an eternal fork for American politics, and parties usually do this: they flirt with radicals at the primaries stage, and closer to the elections they move towards the center. However, today, when the share of voters on the left and right is growing, and the number of independent and centrist-minded Americans is steadily declining, there is a temptation to work only with your core audience, without risking losing convinced supporters by shifting to the center.

An excellent illustration of the current state of affairs for Democrats are the results of the November 7 elections: in two states, New Jersey and Virginia, Democrats won by significant margins. A significant portion of those who voted for them motivated their choice by their rejection of Trump and his activities as president. However, Virginia Governor-elect Ralph Northam built his campaign on a promise to work constructively with the White House, while other Democratic pressure groups, including those associated with former president Obama. The Democrats’ landslide victory was due precisely to the combination of anti-Trumpism (for the party’s base electorate) and the proposal of a constructive regional agenda.

New hopes?

Although the presidential elections are still three years away, the question of who will lead the party in them is already being actively discussed. Today in the Democratic camp there are proven trump cards, ambitious young politicians, and dark horses.

Perhaps the main presidential candidate today is former Vice President Joe Biden, who refused to participate in the 2016 elections due to the death of his son. He has already expressed his regret and confidence several times that last elections would have been a better candidate - he would have brought the party the votes of angry white working people from Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which Clinton sorely lacked. Biden's main obstacle is his age; he turns 75 in November. However, he is only four years older than Trump.

Another powerful old man of the Democratic Party is 76-year-old Bernie Sanders. His success in 2016 was largely due to his uniqueness as an alternative to Clinton, as well as his left-populist agenda. Competing with him in this field—and most likely taking over leadership in this part of the political spectrum—is Senator Liz Warren. They represent the left wing of the party and will play on active criticism of Trump and the establishment in general, including within their own party; for example, Warren recently admitted that the Democratic apparatus played along with Clinton in the 2016 primaries. So Warren is trying to gain support from Sanders voters.

Clinton herself cannot be written off either. Today, her nomination in 2020 looks like a mockery, but after several years of Trump’s “successes” such a turn of events will be quite possible. During the promotion of her book “What Happened,” Clinton already stated that she had enough time at home and would not leave public life. However, she has little chance of a third political campaign; her party’s mistakes cost her too much.

Many in the party would like to see representatives of the new generation among the leaders. Behind recent months Several young members of Congress have loudly made themselves known, but it is still difficult to say whether Democratic voters will be ready to support Obama 2.0 - a relative newcomer to politics, but charismatic and able to work with the electorate.

The same number of questions arise for potential candidates who come from business. Trump's experience shows that a businessman is not always successful in politics, especially if he has not built relationships with the establishment of his party.

Finally, there is a lot of speculative talk about the nomination of representatives of political dynasties - Michelle Obama or Chelsea Clinton. However - despite everything good attitude to these candidates—the previous election cycle showed how tired voters are of the nepotism of American politics.

A year after the crushing defeat, the Democratic Party feels afloat, but this is largely the result of Donald Trump’s chaotic and conflicting policies towards his own party. Democrats would do well to stop externalizing their problems and blaming Hillary Clinton and Trump and the Russians for their defeat, and start developing a platform that is truly relevant to their voters, while maintaining a balance of elements of the traditional left and progressive agenda and maintaining a constructive centrist position. In this case, they will be able to transform last year's defeats into major victories in 2018 and 2020.

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