Download presentation concept of human needs. Presentation for the social studies lesson "human activity". Determine whether the judgments are correct


Human needs Hierarchical theory of needs by A. Maslow Spiritual needs Prestige needs Social needs Existential needs Physiological needs primary (congenital) secondary (acquired) individual individuality personality

Social needs of a person indicate that a person is a social, collective being and cannot live outside the group. A person craves friendship, affection, love, communication, help from loved ones, caring for another, belonging to a community, participation in organizations. Prestigious human needs - show that a person tends to stand out in some way, to overtake others, to be unequal to them, to attract attention Special attention

and look for advantages. The desire to stand out drives a career, the desire to obtain higher status, prestige, recognition, and appreciation. Elements of the human psyche and consciousness Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud () is one of the first to discover a complex structure inner world

person. In the structure of personality, S. Freud identified 3 main components: “It” (subconscious) “I” (consciousness) “Super-I” (superconsciousness) “Super-I” “It” “I” subconscious consciousness superconscious

Elements of the human psyche and consciousness Spiritual needs Prestige needs Social needs Existential needs Physiological needs primary (innate) secondary (acquired) subconscious “it” consciousness “I” (Ego) superconsciousness “super-I”

Elements of the human psyche and consciousness Instincts and reflexes are something that is completely beyond our control and is completely determined by nature. Needs are a felt, experienced state of the body or psyche, accompanied by discomfort and having no subjective meaning. Habits are an established pattern (stereotype) of behavior in certain situations, ways we have acquired to satisfy needs and respond to instincts; the result of teaching and learning, most often conscious and purposeful, less often spontaneous. Habits are: temporary and permanent, individual and collective.

Elements of the human psyche and consciousness Motives are meaningful incentives for action; a reasonably explained reason for behavior. Feelings are the sensory component of our consciousness. The combination of feelings is called temperament. Temperament is the type of mental makeup of an individual. Reason is the ability of deduction and induction. Reason - the ability to find an original solution in unexpected situation. Spirit - internal development person.

Elements of the human psyche and consciousness All of the above elements of the human inner world form complex configurations. One such configuration is activity. Activity is the internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by consciousness.

Elements of the human psyche and consciousness Structure of activity subjects (person, group of persons, organizations, institutions) their needs and interests that determine the motives for activity goals, as ideal prototypes of needed items means object (to which the subject’s efforts are directed) the activity itself (the activity itself + behavior) result

Elements of the human psyche and consciousness Types of practical material and production activities ( Agriculture, construction, production of goods, etc.) social-transformative (social control, organizational culture enterprises, reform, revolution) spiritual cognitive ( Scientific research, studying an object, reading books) value-oriented (formation and change of worldview, religious priorities) prognostic (planning financial activities, coordination of group actions)

Sources: Kravchenko, social studies, textbook for 8th grade, Microsoft Office picture collection

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Determine the topic of the lesson

Sinkwine (updating previous knowledge) Topic – NEEDS 2 verbs 3 adjectives 1 phrase 1 sentence - conclusion

What can you learn today? Goal setting

Need (formation of new concepts) The need for something necessary to maintain the vital functions and development of the body, human personality, social group, society as a whole Stimulant of activity What is common?

Biological social needs

comfort Satisfying needs discomfort need

spiritual prestige social security physiological Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory (20th century) lower higher

Formation of skills and abilities

Explain this dependence Suppression of needs 2. Deformation of personality 1. Failure to satisfy needs 2. Mass discontent, irritation of the population

Assignment to consolidate Make a list of YOUR needs Analyze: what type of needs your needs belong to.

Express your opinion The need for happiness is embedded in a person; therefore it is legal. Before talking about the benefit of satisfying needs, we must decide which needs constitute the benefit.

Updating the studied material

1. Concepts: personality, individual, Human.

2. Influence social environment for personality development.

? Man = personality = individuality

Human- This Living being possessing the gift of thinking and speech, the ability to create tools and use them in the process of social labor.

Personality– this is a person as a bearer of some properties.

Individuality- these are characteristics of character and mental makeup that distinguish one individual from another.

Capable of carrying


Controls..., has power...


Is different

in actions

Capable of being responsible


Controls behavior and has willpower

Product of human socialization

Is independent in actions

Has rules and... human


Has its own... and aspirations


Has the rules and responsibilities of a person



Has his own desires and aspirations


………… .

Distinguished by creativity and originality in activities


Has unique features

Lesson topic

Human needs

Need- this is the state of a living being, expressing its dependence on what constitutes the conditions of its existence.

Satisfying a need– the process of returning the body to a state of balance.

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)

Pyramid of human needs (according to A. Maslow)






The higher the need is in A. Maslow’s pyramid, the more difficult it is to satisfy it. The most stubborn needs are spiritual needs. Satisfying them means finding meaning in life, choosing good over evil, treating people the way you would like people to treat you.

Determine whether the statements are correct:

  • Only unsatisfied needs have motivating power.
  • Lower needs are common to all people, regardless of education.
  • Higher secondary needs are inherent in all people to the same extent.
  • Lower needs contribute to the formation of personality.
  • Spiritual needs cannot be experienced if lower needs are not satisfied.


§ 4, questions and assignments

“Activity and personality” - Personality structures. Number of movements. Moral. Personality. Activities. The process of human creation of material and spiritual values. Category social. The personality of each person. A game. Game time. Activity and personality. Activity. Work. Personality structure. The concept of personality. Abstract model.

“Free time” - Turn around, smile and sit down again. M.D. Thus, you can…. From my point of view... One - rise. To always be in order, you need to do physical exercises! Free time: do physical exercise or watch TV. TIME is a specific moment at which something happens (S.I. Ozhegov).

“Human activity and its diversity” - Creative activity. Activity. Activities. The concept of "activity". Essence and structure of activity. What drives human activity. Classification of activities. The form of existence of human society. Human activity and its diversity. Means of achievement. Needs and interests.

“Types of human activity” - Communications. Differences between human activity and animal behavior. Actions aimed at achieving a goal. Beliefs. A game. Types of communication. Activity as a way of human existence. Activities and communication. An image of an anticipated result. Maslow's pyramid. Activity structure. Subjects of communication.

"Leisure rest" - B free time the individual is free from responsibility to society. The concept of "Leisure". Guys love to watch TV series, cartoons, and movies. The multiplicity of approaches complicates attempts to understand what leisure means. Statistics. N. Zabolotsky. Let's find out where and how teenagers spend their free time. Leisure and Recreation.

“Game activity” - Teaching experience 13 years. Knowledge quality diagram 2005/06 – 2007/08 academic year. year. Didactic games; Business games; Game situations; Non-standard forms of lessons; Extracurricular gaming activities. Education: Moscow state academy physical culture, 1997 Game teaching methods.

There are a total of 15 presentations in the topic

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Human activity, its main forms

Activity is a person’s way of relating to to the outside world, consisting in the transformation and subordination of man to his goals.

Chuprov L.A. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3 s. Kamen-Rybolov, Khankaisky district, Primorsky Krai

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Main components of activity

  • The subject of an activity is the one who carries out the activity (person, team, society)
  • The object of activity is what the activity is aimed at (object, process, internal state person)
  • Motive
  • Methods and means
  • Process
  • Result (product)
  • Needs
  • Social attitudes, beliefs, interests, drives and emotions, ideals
  • Motive is a combination of external and internal conditions, causing the activity of the subject and determining the direction of activity
  • The goal of an activity is a conscious image of the result towards which a person’s action is aimed.
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    • communication
    • doctrine

    A special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation.

    It is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. If material objects are included in this exchange, this is communication.

    This is a type of activity whose purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities by a person.

    Can be organized or unorganized.

    This is an activity aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

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    the one who initiates communication (individuals, groups, communities, humanity as a whole)

    This is why a person needs to communicate.

    This is the information that is transmitted in interpersonal contacts from one to another.

    these are methods of transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication (using the senses, texts, drawings, diagrams, radio-video equipment, the Internet, etc.)

    Recipient of information

    • Structure
    • communication
    • Subject
    • Content
    • Facilities
  • Slide 6

    Creativity is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, something that has never existed before ( new goal, new result, new means, new methods, etc.)

    The most important components of creative activity

    Combining existing knowledge

    the ability to create new sensory or mental images in the mind

    characterized by special strength, brightness and unusualness of the created ideas and images

    knowledge the conditions for obtaining which are not realized

    • Nature of activity
    • Conscious character
    • Social character
    • Productive character
    • Transformative character
    • Imagination
    • Fantasy
    • Intuition
    • Consciously setting goals and anticipating results
    • Focus on obtaining a result (product)
    • Focus on changing the world around you and yourself
    • Carrying out activities in diverse relationships with other people
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    Complete the task

    Write the appropriate examples from those listed below in the table.

    A dog guards the house, a boy rides a bicycle, a composer composes an opera, a teacher teaches a lesson, a squirrel makes supplies for the winter, a mother plants flowers.

    Slide 9

    2. Solve the crossword puzzle. If all the words are guessed correctly, then vertically you will get a word that characterizes one of the types of activities.

    Oral folk... 2. Work differently... 3. Happens at school. 4. What is the time for when it’s time for fun.

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    What does a person need?

    • Want!
    • Life is a continuous process of meeting human needs
    • Need
    • A person needs something!
  • Slide 11

    Are needs “eternal”?



    Needs depend on the conditions in which people live and change over time.

  • What else to read