The largest mammal of Crimea. All about Crimea. Who lives in the Crimean forest

Almost every corner of our planet is home to animals that are on the verge of extinction. Crimea was no exception; rare representatives of the animal world also live there.

Limiting Factors

First of all, the diversity, as well as the uniqueness of the fauna and flora of the peninsula is determined by geographical location. A small territory of about 27,000 km² is divided by three climatic zones: mountain belt and subtropics on the southern coast, as well as a temperate continental steppe climate. These territories belong to the Black Sea basin and are located at the intersection of migratory routes of fauna representatives. Another interesting fact is that this area contains fifty salt lakes and two hundred and fifty-seven rivers. Experts have noticed that due to significant rates of genetic erosion, some plant species have been burned in recent decades.

Red Book

The peninsula is home to a huge number of exceptional animals that are on the verge of extinction. It was decided to create a document about such inhabitants.

The Red Book uses an eight-point scale to determine the degree of rarity. Animals of Crimea in the Red Book of Russia are the tricolored and pointed-eared bat, the common long-winged bat, the small and large horseshoe bat, the black-headed gull, and the great curlew.

Fauna on the peninsula

It is known from history that ostriches and giraffes used to live on the peninsula, and due to climate change, people noticed arctic foxes and reindeer. In addition to animals, about two hundred species of fish live in the reservoirs of Crimea. Of these, there are forty-six in fresh lakes and rivers, fourteen of which are Aboriginal. The rest were brought to the peninsula and adapted well there.

In Crimea, there are fourteen species of reptiles, with only one poisonous - the steppe viper, as well as six species of lizards. Among the turtles, only the marsh turtle lives, which can be found in mountain reservoirs. About two hundred species of birds live here, living mainly in mountainous areas. Of these, seventeen species arrive for the winter. There are more than sixty species of mammals; they live in mountainous areas, as well as in nature reserves. The peninsula is home to foxes, badgers, martens, and predatory animals can also be found here. Hares and ferrets are found in forests and steppes. Wolves lived here, but their populations died out completely at the beginning of the twentieth century. The waters are home to monk seals and three species of dolphins.

Rare animals of Crimea listed in the Red Book

Among the rare mammals are the steppe ferret and the common shrew; their numbers are declining at a rapid pace. Wild sheep - mouflons - are also protected. This is the only herd in all of Eastern Europe. The lizard of the spindle family, or also called the yellow-bellied lizard, belongs to a protected species that is on the verge of extinction. The lizard has a large head and large eyelids. The yellowbell has a sandy yellow coloration with a dark pattern on the upper part of the body. Rare animals of the Red Book of Crimea: Mediterranean gecko, golden eagle, pygmy pipistrelle, white-bellied monk seal.

Sea inhabitants

Crimean bottlenose dolphins are also protected. They are capable of speeds of up to forty km/h and emerge from under the water to a height of five meters. The white-bellied seal or monk seal is on the verge of extinction; there are only 600 representatives of this species left on our planet. For their desire for solitude, as well as their short hair, they were nicknamed monks. These rare animals of Crimea, listed in the Red Book, are quite awkward on land, but they feel great in the water. In search of food, seals can swim far from the shore and dive to a depth of up to five hundred meters. The animals reach a length of about two meters and weigh about three hundred kilograms. Males are usually covered with thick black fur, while females are noticeably lighter in color. Because of the light lower part of the body, the seal received another name - white-bellied.

Steppe and mountain fox

In the Crimean mountains you can find mountain foxes, and in the steppes - their steppe subspecies. They feed mainly on hamsters, gophers, mice, and in rare cases even wild rabbits.

In times of hunger, foxes eat lizards, insects and frogs. Due to the fact that these animals listed in the Red Data Book of Crimea are susceptible to rabies, tourists should be careful. Previously they were vaccinated, but now this does not happen. There are no frequent encounters with these animals, because they are very careful and shy.


At first glance it may seem that this is a very small and peace-loving animal, but even wolves cannot compare with the bloodthirstiness of the weasel. However, she is often tamed and becomes quite a gentle pet.

The weasel will quickly make friends with other household inhabitants. Insects and rodents will never appear in the house in which this animal lives. However, in captivity, weasels barely survive to the age of five.


This is the name given to the stone marten, whose chest and throat are covered with fur. white. Whitefish is a very active and voracious predator. However, the stone marten can eat vegetarian food. In summer and autumn season White-tailed animals are animals listed in the Red Book; in Crimea they eat pears, grapes, and hawthorn. If it gets into the chicken coop, it will quickly suffocate all the chickens.


A peaceful representative of the animal world of Crimea of ​​the Mustelidae family. Sables and otters are considered to be the badger's cousins. These animals are very brave and energetic representatives of the fauna. Their burrows are like caves, consisting of several floors, and can reach twenty meters in length. Each floor has its own purpose.

This is a fairly clean animal, so the house is cleaned daily. The floor of the burrows is strewn with fragrant grass, which is changed twice a year. The burrow is constantly being expanded and improved. After a certain amount of time, the holes turn into entire badger underground cities. These animals, listed in the Red Book, in Crimea feed mainly on mushrooms, wild berries, acorns, as well as gophers, snails and mice. In addition, badgers love honey. These are peaceful animals, but when it comes to their fellow creatures or their home, they stand to the end.


This is a wild animal belonging to the artiodactyls, a genus of sheep. Mouflons live on wooded mountain slopes, and in winter they go down a little lower. Males weigh about 50 kg, and females - 35 kg. Males have horns. Mouflons are very cautious animals and try to live away from people.

Wild boar

These animals lived in Crimea since ancient times, but in the nineteenth century they were completely destroyed. Since 1957, one wild boar and thirty-four females from the Primorsky Territory were brought from the Chernigov region. Subsequently, the number of individuals increased significantly.

The wild boar, an animal from the Red Book of Crimea, a photo of which can be seen in the article, feeds on various roots, mushrooms, nuts or acorns. In rare cases, they can feed on insects, bird eggs and rodents.

Crimean red deer

Deer is the largest animal on the peninsula. Its weight can reach 260 kg, and they grow up to 140 cm in height. Basically, the life expectancy of Crimean deer is 60-70 years. Horns are considered their main weapon. In Crimea, only hunters are considered enemies of deer. Thus, they use their horns during fights for the female, which, as a rule, occur in September.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, deer, animals listed in the Red Book, almost completely disappeared in Crimea. Beginning in 1923, a ban on the shooting of deer came into force. And already in 1943 the number of individuals increased to two thousand.


There was a time when these animals lived in the steppes of Crimea. Nowadays, roe deer live on the slopes of the Main Mountain Range; in addition, they can be found in forests. When meeting people, the animal freezes for a few seconds, then, realizing that it has been noticed, disappears with great speed into the forest thickets. Roe deer are similar to deer. These animals, listed in the Red Book, in Crimea feed on tree buds, bark, herbaceous plants. Male individuals have horns, which they shed at the beginning of the autumn period. In the spring, the antlers grow back. Foxes and martens are considered enemies of roe deer. Animals have excellent hearing. As soon as they sense danger, they immediately warn their brothers. Their scream can be heard over a distance of three kilometers.

What animals are listed in the Red Book of Crimea?

  • The common shrew is considered one of the rarest species of mammals. Mainly lives in the mountainous and forest part of Crimea.
  • The steppe ferret is a representative of predators. These animals feed on small vertebrates, as well as mouse-like rodents.
  • The leatherback pipistrelle leads mainly sedentary image life. Feeds on small insects.
  • The common badger is active in the twilight and night time. The length of the body is from 60 to 90 cm, the tail is 20 cm long. The head is small, the paws have powerful claws.
  • The small gopher lives in burrows that reach almost two meters in depth, and their length is more than four meters. Distributed in wormwood and forb-feather grass steppes.

Animals of Crimea, listed in the Red Book of Russia, are the giant noctule, the gray shrike, the eagle owl, the lesser tern, the blackeye, and the steppe tirkushka.


The gray crane is protected by law and hunting is prohibited everywhere. On the peninsula, the animal lives exclusively in marshy meadows and reed thickets. The pink starling is also included in the Red Book. He lives on Mount Opuk. The red-headed wren is common in the mountainous regions of Crimea. Eagle owl is rare bird in Crimea. Active, as a rule, at night, hunting small animals and vertebrates.

The Crimean peninsula is a small Universe that combines a diverse climate, unique nature and diverse flora and fauna.

Animals that need protection, as well as endangered species, are listed in the Red Book. The first edition was published in 2015. The first volume describes fauna. Here are some names of animals listed in the Red Book of Crimea: steppe ferret, common shrew, common badger, leatherback pipistrelle, small gopher. The second volume is devoted to plants, fungi and algae. A total of four hundred and five species of plants and fungi are included, as well as three hundred and seventy species of animals. The Red Book is considered official document, containing information about wild animals, plants and mushrooms that permanently or temporarily reside (grow) on the territory of the Crimean peninsula.

      A characteristic feature of the fauna of Crimea is its island character. Due to its isolation, the peninsula does not have many of the characteristics of a temperate climate. biological species, but there are some of their own, specific ones.
The fauna of the peninsula is composed of three elements: steppes, foothills and mountains, and, finally, the southern coast. Accordingly, the animal world of all components Crimea is different: the steppe Crimea is classified as steppe zone European-Siberian subregion, and mountainous - to the Mediterranean. But since the Crimean steppe passes into the region of the foothills, rising gradually, it is impossible to establish a clear boundary between them and sharply dismember their fauna. Only the fauna of the southern coast differs significantly from the fauna of the northern slope of the mountains.

The fauna of the Crimean steppes is similar to the fauna of the Ukrainian mainland steppes. There is not a single representative of large mammals in it.
The latter was killed in 1922 at the northern foot of Chatyr-Dag. And today the largest predatory animal on the peninsula is the fox. Two types of it are known: ordinary steppe and mountain Crimean. The fur of the latter is brighter and fluffier, but it is inferior in size to the steppe.
There are seven species of predatory animals in Crimea. At the end of the last century it took root here.
Other predators from the mustelid family: , weasel,
and stone marten.
IN steppe Crimea a lot of rodents. There are hamsters, gophers, etc. The steppe and foothills also abound in other species, among which there are numerous various voles; from the order of insectivores, one can often find the shrew.
In the central part of the mountainous Crimea, at the foot of Babugan, the lands of the Crimean State Game Reserve are located. This is the largest protected area on the peninsula (33,397 hectares). The area of ​​the protected hunting area is divided into two approximately equal parts: protected forests and forest hunting grounds. The farm is closed to tourists and excursionists.
The protected forests are home to deer, badgers and other mammals - 39 species in total. They have been successfully acclimatized here from Corsica, Altai and the Far East.
The pride of protected forests is. This is the largest and most beautiful animal of the mountainous Crimea. The number of animals is maintained at a certain level: deer - 1300 - 1500, roe deer - 300, wild boars– 300 – 400, mouflons – 150 – 200 heads.
Thanks to effective protection, the population of these animals increased in the late 70s - early 80s of the 20th century. increased significantly, and in terms of the saturation of ungulates per unit area, the Crimean game reserve turned out to be the most overpopulated in Europe. The resulting sharp discrepancy between the number of ungulates and the plant food supply began to negatively affect the regeneration of the young forest.
Naturally, the need arose to periodically carry out a planned reduction in the number of the reindeer herd through trapping and relocation. The Crimean deer has already replenished the fauna of many regions of Ukraine.

There are about 300 species of birds in Crimea.
In steppe regions it is quite rare, but it does occur. This large but cautious bird, yellow-brown with black stripes above and white below and along the edges of the wings, has the ability to run quickly, but it flies poorly. The bustard differs from other birds in the absence of a coccygeal gland, which secretes a lubricant with which birds use their beaks to cover their feathers to protect them from getting wet. Autumn rain and subsequent frosts bind these birds with an ice crust, making them absolutely helpless.
Birds of prey can also be found in the steppe. These are primarily the steppe eagle, steppe kestrel, falcon and steppe harrier.
The foothills are home to shrikes, buntings, nightjars, scops owls, a species of starling endemic to the Crimea, and the goldfinch. There are three types of nightingales found here: Western, Eastern and Persian. The first two species nest on both sides of the mountains, and the Persian nightingale is occasionally found on the northern slopes.
The mountain forests are inhabited by the Crimean and long-tailed tits, woodpeckers, redstarts, robin, warblers, and jays. Mountain buntings are found higher up. There is no significant difference in the composition of the bird fauna of mountain peaks and the forests themselves. Moreover, many steppe birds can be found on the yayla: wheatear, skylark, bald-headed lark and others.
The largest bird in Europe nests here - (its nest can comfortably accommodate two adults). This bird can be found in the forests of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains (on the Chernaya and Basman mountains, in the Yaman-Dere gorge near Babugan-yayla and in other places).
3.5 km from the coast, in the Kerkinitsky Bay, there is a nature reserve international importance– Swan Islands (Sary-Bulat). The group stretches along the coast for 8 km and consists of six islands (the length of the largest of them is 3 km, width is up to 350 m). Shallow waters, an abundance of plant and animal food in water and on land, combined with a protected regime, attract a lot of birds, mainly waterfowl, to the Swan Islands. 25 species of birds nest here.
The main decoration of the islands is the mute swan. The fishery for it continued here even in late XIX centuries, which led to a sharp reduction in the number of these birds. Measures to protect the Swan Islands have yielded results: since 1955, the number of this species has increased 10 times, and today there are up to 6 thousand snow-white birds.
Every year in June large flocks mute swans come here to moult. At this time, birds cannot fly, and the protected islands become their home. Swimming flocks of swans are a wonderful, unforgettable sight! This graceful, snow-white bird is distinguished by a beautifully curved neck and a bright red beak. Mute swans go south for the winter; they nest in the lower reaches of the Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, in the floodplains of the Kuban, in the Volga delta.
In late autumn, northern whooper swans gather on the islands for the winter (they have a straighter neck and a yellow beak). So, you can see beautiful feathered creatures in this reserve almost all year round. Whoopers do not nest here either.
Of the other birds that live on the Swan Islands various types ducks, waders, white and gray herons, gulls, cormorants. The most numerous population is the laughing gull, which brings great benefits agriculture: It destroys a lot of rodents. The colony of gulls numbers up to 30 thousand individuals. For summer season Gulls on the Swan Islands destroy almost 2 million ground squirrels and up to 8 million mice.
In the waters of Sivash, where there are more than 60 islands, a lot of nesting and migratory birds live and stop for rest. Laughing gulls, gray ducks and shelducks are especially numerous. On the island of China there is the largest nesting site of black terns on Sivash. Walking around the island can be difficult: at a distance of 1 - 2 meters from each other there are nests of seagulls, and shelducks and gray ducks have made their homes nearby in the weeds.
Crimea is the only place in the CIS where mass nesting has been observed. His appearance is rather gloomy. The plumage is black, dense, the beak is long, yellow, steeply curved downwards, and there is a small crest on the head. The sounds it makes are like a hoarse, unpleasant cackle. Because of its long nose, the cormorant is also called “long-nosed,” and because of its predatory habits and “funeral” plumage, it is called a sea raven. It feeds on trash fish and crustaceans. It is interesting that the wild bird native to Crimea in China, Japan and Hungary is a foraging bird. Before going out to sea, fishermen take several tamed cormorants into the boat. They put rings around their necks that prevent them from swallowing fish and lower them overboard. When enough fish have accumulated in the cormorant’s throat pouch, it is pulled into the boat and, holding it upside down, the caught fish is shaken out.

Inhabitants of rivers and seas
Crimean mountain rivers, such as Salgir, Kacha, Belbek, Kara-Su, etc., are, in essence, streams that are very stormy during rainstorms and become shallow and dry up in the summer. Naturally, under these conditions, there is no fish wealth in the Crimean rivers, both northern and southern slopes. And yet, about 15 species of fish are found in Crimean rivers.
The headwaters of the Kara-Su are inhabited by trout. In addition, local barbel and Crimean chub species are found in Crimean waters.
Among them there are quite rare animals: swordfish, tuna, monk seal, monkfish, lobster, blue crab, starfish, hammerhead shark and blue shark.
In the Black and Azov Seas, three species of the dolphin family are known: , and Azovka. Most large dolphin Black Sea – bottlenose dolphin, its average weight– 150 kg, length – from 2.3 to 3 m, feeds on bottom and demersal fish (flounder, scorpionfish). It can eat up to 30 kg of fish per day. The weight of the white sided dolphin is half that of the bottlenose dolphin. The smallest dolphin is the Azov dolphin, or porpoise: weight – up to 30 kg, length – up to one and a half meters.

Of the invertebrates, mollusks are especially characteristic of the Crimea. 69 species of mollusks live here, 29 of which are found only in Crimea. This large percentage of endemic species of mollusks is a characteristic feature of the Crimean fauna.
Near Balaklava and the St. George Monastery lives an endemic land mollusk - the Krinitsky snail, related to the common garden snail.
Among the arthropods, one can note the freshwater crab, which lives under stones in some rivers of Crimea. In general, crabs are inhabitants of the seas. This crab is an exception. The freshwater crab is found sporadically in fresh waters Western Europe and in the Caucasus. This is an animal of the southern countries, and its presence in Crimea characterizes the general appearance of the Crimean fauna.
From the same class of arthropods, characteristic representatives of the order Centipedes are found in the Crimea. These are the centipede flycatcher and the centipede flycatcher. Scolopendra is long, about 10 cm; centipede of black-greenish color with a bronze tint, with red-yellow strong legs and head. Like most centipedes, it lives under stones. Scolopendra is dangerous with its poisonous (but not fatal) bites, which cause severe inflammation. It is widespread in the Crimea in the foothills and on the southern coast.
The centipede flycatcher is found in the same areas as the centipede flycatcher. This is a timid and not only harmless, but even useful nocturnal insect that destroys house flies. Among centipedes (there are 42 species of them in Crimea) there are many endemics.
Of the order Arachnoidea, which is in the same class of arthropods, the following are found in Crimea: salpuga, or phalanx, tarantula spiders and the karakurt spider.
Salpuga is a poisonous arachnid, a rather large animal, gray-yellowish in color, with long legs. In Crimea, it is found in the foothills and on the southern coast. It is also less common along the shores of the northern part of the peninsula.
The tarantula is characteristic of the steppe fauna. This is a large spider with legs colored ring-shaped in gray and black. The female is twice as large as the male and eats him after mating.
Karakurt – small spider black in color with red dots, it is found mainly in wormwood steppes adjacent to the sea, where it builds a hut made of cobwebs among the grasses. It often lives under stones. In houses it comes across as an exception. This animal is nocturnal. The female is poisonous during mating season, coming in mid-summer.
The Crimean scorpion is not particularly dangerous, and it is found relatively rarely in the rocks of the Southern Coast. His closest relatives live in southern countries. For Crimea, this type of scorpion is endemic.
The insect fauna of Crimea is rich in both the number of species and the abundance of individuals. Insects of Crimea represent forms characteristic only of Crimea or, mainly, of Mediterranean countries.
In the gardens of Crimea, a large blue-violet beetle belonging to the ground beetle family is often found. This beetle belongs to a species endemic to Crimea and is listed in the Red Book. In the forests near Chatyr-Dag, under fallen leaves, you can often find another ground beetle, also purple in color, but smaller in size. This is the so-called Dezhana ground beetle - a species characteristic only of the mountain forests of Crimea.

Cave world
The physical world of caves as such, i.e. their darkness, uniform and almost constant temperature, degree of humidity, etc., leaves an indelible imprint on the animals living in caves, creating a very specific and sharp biological environment. Darkness, for example, affects the color of the surface of the animal’s body, discoloring it, the organs of vision, leading to their reduction and even complete disappearance, and compensating for visual defects by the hypertrophic development of the organs of touch. The relatively constant temperature of caves affects the nature of the so-called periodic phenomena in the life of cave animals. In short, every physical factor characteristic of caves has its own impact on the appearance and biology of cave animals. Currently, among the inhabitants of the Crimean caves, we know 17 species of protozoa, 5 species of worms, 1 species of mollusks, 70 species of arthropods and 5 species of vertebrates, and a total of 98 species.
Of vertebrates - several species

Since the climate of the Crimean Mountains is temperate continental (close to subtropics) and they are located in the southern part of the Crimean peninsula, the fauna here is very diverse. In winter, the mountains are only occasionally covered with snow at the very tops, and in summer the mountains are warm and dry, which is very attractive for all living creatures. Who exactly lives in such a convenient climate? So, animals of the Crimean mountains.

Meeting the animals of the Crimean Mountains

Of course, these are mountain foxes. At the moment, it is the fox that is the most large predator in the Crimean mountains. They live all over the world and feed on small rodents. Foxes are very graceful in appearance: bright red color, bushy tail. The height of a young individual does not exceed 60 centimeters. The voice is similar to the barking of a dog. The fox is the main regulator of the number of small rodents.

Weasel is the smallest representative of predators (only up to 21 centimeters in length). An easily tamed animal, it is clean by nature. Despite their cute appearance, weasels are cold-blooded and not of the “fearful kind.” Weasels live in fields, steppes, under stones and in hollows.

Roe deer is a herbivore, external signs similar to deer. Roe deer have a unique hearing; they hear trouble at a distance of three kilometers from them. Body length is about 130 centimeters, height 80.

Wild boar - to renew the population, they were brought in at the beginning of the 20th century. Boars are omnivorous, have elastic bristles, which protect themselves. A boar can reach 170 centimeters in length and weigh up to 200 kilograms.

Badger - has a very beautiful color. His fat has healing properties. It feeds on rodents and insects. Body length 70 centimeters, tail about 20, weight 24 kilograms.

Crimean red deer- The length reaches 2.5 meters, deer live up to 25 years. Deer are noble and “stately” animals, graceful. Per person deer.

Hamsters look very cute, you just want to pick them up. But that was not the case, these animals are very aggressive and prefer to live alone. Despite their small size, hamsters can leave large, lacerated wounds where they bite.

Of course, these are not all animals, this is only a small part of them. In Crimea there are 6 species of insectivorous animals, 6 species of artiodactyls, 7 predatory animals, 15 rodents, 18 bats. and favorable living conditions for all animals played a role positive role. Once in these mountains, no one, everyone will want to return again to this unique place.

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Crimea is rightly called “little Australia”. This peninsula includes three climatic zones, so many different animals live on its territory.

Features of fauna

Crimea has a rather modest area of ​​27 thousand square kilometers, but at the same time it contains 50 salt lakes and 257 rivers. The Black and Azov Seas are washed by mountain and steppe massifs. All of the above factors determined the species diversity of animals, fish, birds and insects living in the region. There is evidence that in former times even ostriches and giraffes lived here, but against the backdrop of climate change, they were replaced by less heat-loving animals.

Since there are endangered species among the animals of the peninsula, it was decided to create a Red Book of Crimea. The publication is still in draft form, but the animals on the list have already been taken under protection.

Who lives in the steppe?

The fauna of the Crimean steppes includes white-bellied shrew, ground squirrel, jerboa, hamster, mole vole, foxes and many other representatives of the animal world. Among the birds of these latitudes there are bee-eaters, rollers, bustards, cranes, little bustards, steppe harriers and eagles.

The steppe viper can rarely be seen here; people see it much more often four-striped snakes and agile lizards. They nest in the steppe world of Crimea herons, mallards, long-nosed mergansers, cranes.

One of the most popular steppe animals is corsac The steppe fox, called the corsac fox, belongs to the canine family. The animal’s body length is about half a meter, and its tail is up to 35 cm. The weight of an adult is no more than that of a large cat.

The corsac fur coat has a gray-yellow tint with reddish tint, while the fur below is lighter, and the tip of this fox's tail is darkened. In pursuit of prey, the corsac reaches speeds of up to 60 km per hour. He is not averse to eating rodents and birds, and does not disdain carrion.

Domestic chickens often become victims of corsacs. There is also a place in the fox’s diet for vegetarian food - she eats fruits and berries with pleasure.

Foothills areas

There are wolves and squirrels in the foothills of Crimea, but you won’t find many of the usual inhabitants here. Russian forests. But these lands are inhabited by representatives of various Balkan, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and endemic species.

A rich fauna is represented on the northern slopes of Yayla, on the territory of the Crimean nature reserve. Specially protected natural area inhabit Crimean deer, Crimean chamois, pine and stone martens. Local animals have unique characteristics. For example, they wear their “summer” coat all year round.

Let's talk about some interesting inhabitants foothills of Crimea in more detail.

  • Belodushka. The second name for the stone marten is the white marten. It is so named because of the white fur on its chest and bib. Slender and nimble, she sneaks into chicken coops without much difficulty, but she can also feast on berries.
  • Red deer. It is rightfully considered the pride of Crimea. The head of this forest animal is decorated with luxurious horns, which increase with age. Herds of deer can be heard by the characteristic roar that echoes through the forest. In winter, they move closer to the gardens to find food there.
  • Mouflon. This is the name of the mountain sheep, which took root in this region back in tsarist times. Its horns are spiral shaped and its weight can reach two centners. The acclimatization of this beautiful animal was not without difficulties, which is why the mouflon is a protected species. In summer, they hide from the heat in shady rocks and come out to eat grass only in the evening, and in winter, due to lack of food, they get closer to human houses.
  • Roe. During the active settlement of people, these animals were pushed further into the mountains. They do not have weapons to protect themselves from predators in the form of horns, but nature has endowed these graceful animals with very good hearing. It allows roe deer to hear the enemy from afar.

In addition to predators, they are hunted by poachers.

  • Doe. Rarely appears in the foothills of the peninsula. Nimble, resourceful and very beautiful animals have difficulty adapting to the conditions of Crimea. It has not yet been possible to significantly increase the population of these artiodactyls, but local residents They try to protect the animal from the attacks of poachers.

Who lives on the coast?

The southern coast abounds in reptiles and invertebrates.

  • Crimean gecko. These nimble creatures love to live in old buildings, where there are always deep cracks and various tunnels for them. For this reason, in former times they lived in old houses and courtyards.

They saved people from hordes of insects and thereby provided a service to man. But today in cities their population has declined. The reason was the active development of territories, as well as attacks by cats who are not averse to feasting on these cute lizards.

  • Mantis. It gets its name from its raised front legs. Of course, these creatures do not hold their limbs in this position in order to offer prayer. They just spend a lot of time in ambush, meticulously tracking down prey, and from this position it is easier for them to attack it. The height of the praying mantis reaches 5 centimeters, so sometimes they get into fights with sparrows.
  • Crimean ground beetle. This protected inhabitant of Crimea has a purple color that shimmers different colors. It is better not to touch it, otherwise the five-centimeter beetle will secrete a repellent secretion. The prey of ground beetles are mollusks and snails.

Among the feathered inhabitants of the coast there are such birds as herons, mallards, cranes. In total, there are more than 200 species of birds of Crimea, however, among them there are no unique ones that live only in this region.

Inhabitants of reservoirs

Over two hundred fish live in the numerous reservoirs of the peninsula, and a quarter of them periodically visit the Crimean waters from the Bosphorus. A lot in the region frogs, toads and newts. There is only one poisonous snake living here - this steppe viper. Lives in bodies of water and swamp turtle.

The toes of this animal are equipped with membranes, allowing it to swim better, and the size of the shell usually does not exceed 15 cm in diameter. Turtles are diurnal– they sleep until dawn, and then begin to hunt small fish. Also, these animals are not averse to trying plant foods. They spend the winter buried in the mud.

Such animals can be kept at home; in this case, they wait out the cold season in the basement.

Dangerous wild animals

In addition to animals that cannot harm humans, quite dangerous creatures also live in Crimea; it is better to avoid meeting them.

Black Widow

This dangerous look It is found not only in steppes and forests, but sometimes it can also be seen in urban areas. A bite from a female black widow can be fatal. If this happens, you need to burn it with a match head or a hot object and immediately go to the doctor. If help is delayed, severe body aches, trembling of the arms and legs and dizziness will begin, and hallucinations will occur due to damage to the nervous system.


Ringed centipedes are not as dangerous as black widows, but they are also their bite can cause serious discomfort. The bite can unsettle you for several days, during which time the victim feels fever, muscle aches, and the bite site itself can hurt for a long time. Scolopendra lives everywhere on the peninsula, and it is also very agile - suddenly appears and just as suddenly disappears.

Steppe viper

Its habitat is wide: mountains, steppes, salt marshes, vineyards, sandy roads. She, like the karakurt, is capable of killing with her bite. After it, there is an increase in heart rate, dizziness, nausea, and the appearance of blood in the urine.

The poison can be sucked out by rinsing your mouth with water each time or potassium permanganate solution, At the same time, there should be no wounds in the mouth, otherwise the poison will penetrate the rescuer’s body. Next, the wound is disinfected, a bandage is applied, but no tourniquet is applied.

The victim is prohibited from drinking alcohol; he needs to drink as much clean water as possible. Such a person must be shown to a doctor as quickly as possible.

South Russian tarantula

Mountains and steppes are favorite places for tarantulas. Allergy sufferers are most at risk when meeting it; for everyone else it is less dangerous. The signs of a bite from this spider are approximately the same as in the case of a black widow. The bite site should be cauterized with brilliant green, and you should also consult a doctor.

Wild boar

A large and dangerous predatory animal was once exterminated in this region, but years later it settled again in its forests. The habitat of wild boars is mountainous areas where oaks and beeches grow, because they are not averse to eating plant foods. They avoid meeting people, but if a collision occurs, the boar is capable of showing strong aggression towards the stranger.

The most dangerous are females with piglets; they are ready to fight for their children not for life but for death.


Pressed out by people from the inhabited territories, he did not go too far, but began to settle right in the houses, or rather, in their darkest and dampest rooms. Spiders, scolopendras, and mantises often become its prey, so Scorpions to some extent help people fight dangerous insects.

They lead night look life, so meeting them during the day is unlikely. The symptoms of the bite are similar to the reaction to the bites of other poisonous inhabitants of the Crimea: shortness of breath, pressure surges, chills or fever, dizziness.

They can appear either immediately or after a day, so you should consult a doctor as soon as possible after the incident.

Protected species

Both unusual and interesting animals of Crimea and well-known animals are under protection. arctic fox, wolverine, beaver, marmot, bear, steppe ferret, because their populations in the region are small. The only mouflons for many thousands of kilometers, including Eastern European ones, live in Crimea. They also came from individuals that lived in the royal nursery, and therefore are of particular value.

Serpentine yellowbell has a body a meter long or a little more, it often frightens people as it resembles a viper. The representative of the spindles is completely harmless if you do not specifically frighten it.

Unlike snakes, its eyes have eyelids that blink.

Monk Seal, which is also called the white-bellied seal, is critically endangered. According to scientists, the population of this rare animal numbers no more than 600 individuals in the world. The seal received such an unusual name because of its solitary lifestyle; its head is also decorated with peculiar short fur. Two-meter sea animals can reach a weight of three centners, however, they are capable of diving quite deeply and returning with prey.

Despite the relatively small area of ​​the territory, Crimean peninsula differs in variety. The steppes are adjacent to humid forests and mountains. These are favorable for the flourishing of fauna. Many endemics live in Crimea, and cosmopolitan animals are also perfectly acclimatized.

Features of the fauna of Crimea

In the north of the peninsula there are endless. Crimean mountains stretch from north to east. The southern territories lie in subtropical zone, a mild climate prevails here. The east is represented by small capes and bays. In the west there is a flat coastline. Numerous rivers are calm; in the summer heat, some of them dry up completely. Species composition animals are poorer than in neighboring mainland lands. Crimea is also home to many endemic species. This is explained by the isolation of the peninsula.

The Crimean Mountains and the Black Sea coast belong to the Mediterranean zoogeographic region and are distinguished by the absence of many common forest species, and the presence of Balkan, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and endemic species. The mountain forest fauna is especially rich on the northern slopes of Yayla, in the forests of the Crimean Nature Reserve, which is home to the Crimean deer (endemic subspecies), Crimean chamois, pine marten, fox, stone marten, mole, and other species.

Includes hawks, owls, jays, petroicas, mountain buntings, blackbirds, stonechat and several Mediterranean species. Several species are also found. Some animals, such as mouflon, squirrel, etc. - acclimatized in the protected area of ​​Crimea. The southern coast is home to the endemic Crimean gecko, Crimean lizard and rock lizard. Typical representatives are the cicada, praying mantis, scolopendra, Crimean scorpion and Crimean black beetle. Many Mediterranean species are also common. Among insects, representatives of the order Diptera dominate. The original flora and fauna of Crimea are best preserved in the protected areas of the peninsula.

Below are photos and brief description some representatives of the animal world of Crimea.

mountain fox

A representative of the Canidae family lives in,. On the territory of the peninsula, the fox is evenly distributed. The fox's body reaches 90 cm in length, and its tail is 50 cm. Weight ranges from 2 to 14 kg. They settle in secluded places: rock crevices, windbreaks, tree hollows, and burrows of other animals. The diet of animals includes birds and tree fruits. The activity of foxes directly depends on the food supply. The offspring appear in early May, and closer to autumn the young animals are already independently obtaining food. Currently, fox hunting is allowed, which has negative consequences. Due to the decline in the population of these rodents, the number of rodents is growing.

Black Sea garfish

The fish lives in warm waters Black and Azov seas. She has a thin body and an elongated jaw. The color is greenish, there is a dark stripe on the back. An adult weighs on average about 500 g. Body length varies from 50 to 75 cm. Garfish feed on sprat, anchovy and shrimp. It pursues its prey in jerks, developing high speed. These fish do not lead a sedentary lifestyle and are constantly on the move. The taste of garfish resembles saury, but many are put off by the greenish color of its bones. Despite this, the fish is not poisonous.


A predatory mammal that prefers to live in deciduous forests, caves, crevices and ravines. Often the marten can be found in forest parks and abandoned houses. The body length is 40-59 cm, and the weight is 1-2 kg. The marten feeds on small rodents, grass, tree bark, mushrooms and mosses. Animals often destroy bird nests. The marten lives in hollows, jumps well from tree to tree and leads. Puppies are born in April, and a few months later go hunting with their mother. Natural enemies are wolf, fox, lynx, eagle owl and eagle.

Teledut squirrel

Initially, the small rodent lived in the forests of Altai, but in the thirties of the last century it was brought to Crimea. Here the squirrel acclimatized perfectly. The Teleutka differs from other subspecies of the common squirrel in its large size: the length of the body without a tail is 28 cm, the weight often exceeds 300 g. The Teleutka is distinguished by tufts on its ears and bushy tail, and in winter it changes color from red to gray-brown. Prefers mixed forests and parks for habitat. The squirrel can cover 3 m at a time, jumping from tree to tree. The animals' shelters are hollows, which they insulate with dry leaves, moss, and grass. In urban environments, squirrels live in birdhouses. The diet is quite varied and includes: nuts, pine tree seeds, mushrooms, berries and fruits. In the warm season, squirrels intensively stock up on food for the winter. Natural enemies are foxes, martens, owls, eagle owls and hawks.

Steppe viper

The snake is listed in the Red Book as a vulnerable species. The reptile lives in lowland and mountain steppes, along the banks of reservoirs, in alpine meadows and in clayey ravines. The body is 50 cm in length, females are larger than males. The sharp muzzle of the snake extends forward. The steppe viper has brown skin with a zigzag pattern running down its back. In search of food, the reptile often climbs onto the branches of trees and bushes; in addition, the viper swims well. The food source is insects, lizards, chicks, rodents and frogs. Viper venom is dangerous for children and people with health problems. The snake never attacks first, so all bite incidents occur due to human negligence. The natural enemies of the steppe viper are badgers, ferrets, hedgehogs, storks, owls and eagles.

Crimean deer

These animals are endemic to the peninsula. In size, they differ little from other types of deer. The height of the male at the withers is 1.3-1.6 m, weight reaches 260 kg. The horns of young males resemble matchsticks; in adults, shoots grow. Deer prefer light forests alternating with meadows and overgrown burnt areas. They eat food plant origin: foliage, buds, young shoots of trees. In summer, animals add mushrooms, berries and moss to their diet. Cereals play a major role in their lives. With the onset of winter, deer migrate away south coast. Large animals have practically no natural enemies.

Griffon Vulture

A bird of prey that belongs to the Hawk family, living on the southern coast of the peninsula. The body length of the vulture is 110 cm, and the wingspan is 250 cm. The head of adult individuals is covered with white down, the rest of the plumage is brown. Birds make nests in hard-to-reach rock crevices. The female lays a single egg at the end of winter. Both partners participate in incubation. The chick flies out of the nest at the age of three months. Barn owls are scavengers; their diet is based on animal carcasses. They do not consume skin and tendons, but primarily feed on liver. The bird does not attack living animals and can starve for a long time. After searching for food, barn owls return to the nest to rest. Natural enemies are crows, which can destroy eggs and chicks. Vultures are considered rare species, about 130 pairs nest on the peninsula. Today, the birds are protected by two nature reserves in Crimea.

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