Decoding the natal chart. What is a person’s natal chart, what does it consist of?


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“Vedic Horoscope Online” is a unique project for Vedic astrologers and people interested in astrology (Jyotish). All features of the system are described here, and a detailed user manual can be found here 1. The project has extensive capabilities for constructing and analyzing an astrological chart online, namely: displaying the map in both southern and northern styles, with a list of the main ayanamshas to choose from. The calculation of basic data on the map has been implemented - position in the house, sign, nakshatra, etc., plus functional beneficence, Karaka, Avastha, Gandanta, Mrityu Bhaga, Dig Bala, Marana Karaka Sthana, etc. are indicated. The calculation of the main fractional charts has been implemented. And annual card (Varshaphala), yoga (over 200 combinations), special Lagnas, Ashtakavarga, Upagraha, Vimshottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Chara Dasha Jaimini K.N. are also calculated. Rao, Narayana Dasha, a full section for the analysis and selection of Muhurta, analysis and search for Transits, Ashtakuta ( astrological compatibility

) and other useful things. 2. System " Vedic horoscope online" includes decoding (interpretation) of the horoscope . Links that open interpretation texts when clicked are bluish in color and a hand sign appears when you hover over them. Using your birth chart, you can get a decoding based on the position of the planet in the house and the zodiac sign, the position of the ruler (owner) of the house in the house. In addition, the system presents about each planet - you can understand what it shows in the astrological chart, what strong and weak traits it has endowed you with. There are also transcripts for each astrological house - to see them, you need to click on the required house number in the natal chart itself. Vedic astrology has nakshatras in its arsenal, for each of which you can find the necessary information - first of all, pay attention to which nakshatra is occupied by the Ascendant, Moon and Sun. Plus, you can get a comprehensive interpretation of the zodiac signs - to do this, you need to click on the name of the zodiac sign in the natal chart. To understand what zodiac signs affect you highest value- just as in the case of nakshatras, look where the Ascendant, Moon and Sun are located, plus a cluster of planets.

3. At the project "Vedic horoscope online" available unique feature- store a database of your own astrological charts online, and all conditions have been created for this. You can create sections and subsections of any nesting, forming a structure for storing cards. Maps can be loaded into the system by simply dragging them into the browser with the mouse from popular astrological programs: Jagannatha Hora, Parashara's Light or Grahas. Also, for each card you can edit birth data, description and life events, in addition, cards from the system can also be saved to your computer in one of the three previously announced astro program formats. Below are screenshots in star style(can be set in settings).

4. There is confidence that every astrologer is a researcher at heart, and therefore the system has implemented functionality with which you can find people by almost any astrological combination, as well as life events and categories. You can search both within the database of your own cards, and in the Astro-Databank database, the number of which exceeds 53,000 people, for each of which there is a reliability rating of time of birth (Rodden Rating), gender and life events and categories associated with the person, which can also be indicate when searching, and also in the search results there will be links to the Astro-Databank and Wikipedia website with biographical data of the person found. This functionality allows you not only to check the principles from classical works on Vedic (Indian) astrology, but also to identify patterns yourself - by tracing what these people have in common, how this or that combination manifested itself in life. In the search criteria you can indicate, for example, the Moon in Aries in the 9th house in D1 or Jupiter trine AK in D9, or both criteria at the same time and the system will find these people.

I have several articles on this topic. They can be read in this order:

Today we can take a closer look at some of the principles of deciphering the natal chart.

There are only 9 planets. It will not be difficult for you to remember them if you link them into an associative series. In particular, the Sun is associated with Sunday, the Moon is associated with Monday, etc. IN English language It’s even simpler, because there the name of the days is connected with the planets. Sunday - Sunday (San - sun), Monday - Monday (moon - moon).

Sunday - Sun

Monday - Moon

Tuesday - Mars, Ketu

Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter

Friday - Venus

Saturday - Saturn, Rahu

This way you will quickly remember them. Now question next: 7 planets + two ascending nodes (Rahu and Ketu), and houses in natal chart 12. How to distribute the government between the planets and houses? 12 cannot be divided by 7. So, figuratively speaking, 12 apartments need to be distributed among 7 owners.

Came to simple solution. The Sun was allocated one house, the Moon was also allocated one house, and the remaining 5 planets rule two houses each. This is how this section was resolved.

Now we will divide the map into two halves, upper and lower. Two groups are formed. One group (top) belongs Moon, the other group (lower) belongs To the sun.

This is approximately the distribution of them by home and by responsibilities.


Planets have happy and unlucky situation:

Each of them can be in a happy mood, unhappy, gloomy or cheerful. Also, planets can be in a joyful, upbeat mood or, conversely, be in grief and sadness. I've heard this comparison of signs in natal chart– it’s like rooms painted in different colour. Different colors of rooms can evoke one or another mood in us.

There are 5 categories in decoding the natal chart

1. Planet in exaltation (delighted)

2. Planet in own sign (house planet)

3. Planet in mulatrikona (planet performing duties at work)

4. Planet in a neutral sign

5. Planet in a hostile sign

6. Planet in fall

Here's another analogy:

An analogy can help to understand the subtle differences between swakshetra (one's own house), exaltation and moolatrikona.

Own house planets- (eg Pisces for Jupiter) - looks like your own home. Everyone feels most natural and comfortable at home.
Planet in mulatricone(eg Sagittarius for Jupiter) - looks like your own office. The person there performs formal work and his duties. Any person is strong and significant when he performs his duties in the office that belongs to him. The exaltation of a planet (eg Jupiter in Cancer) is like a fun holiday or a picnic. The person is excited and always in high spirits, celebrating something. So a planet in exaltation is like an excited person at the moment of greatest excitement and fun.
Signs fall of the planet(eg Capricorn for Jupiter) - seems like a very unpleasant technique. A weakened planet is like a miserable man held in a place he hates.
Jupiter is a sattvic and dharmic teacher. Jupiter, the ethereal planet of perception, intellect and wisdom, feels most comfortable in the sattvic sign of Pisces, the 12th house of the natural zodiac. This is his home. However, he must also uphold dharma (law, religion). It is his duty to uphold dharma. Whether he likes it or not, he has to do it. And fiery Sagittarius, the 9th house of the natural zodiac, its mulatrikona. Jupiter in Sagittarius is like the "raja purohita" (high priest of the king). He must sometimes make a firm decision to uphold the dharma (as in cases of death sentences according to the same dharma). In Pisces, he is like a peaceful brahmana performing puja (worship) in his home. In watery Cancer, the 4th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter is exalted, more of a thinker and scientist (Water, 4th house).
In tamasic and earthly Capricorn, the 10th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter hates the tamasic and clearly defined karma being performed (action, 10th material house). It's against his nature. The distinct tamasic karma being carried out may be purifying (joyful) with the tamasic planets Mars and Saturn, but Jupiter is unhappy in this position. Thus, Jupiter is weakened in Makara (Capricorn).

Take Mercury as another example. This is an intellectual planet and a significator of communication. Intellectual communication is the most comfortable activity for him. So his house is intellectual Gemini, 3rd house (communication) of the natural zodiac. However, intellectual discussions and debates are the formal work assigned to him. Virgo is the 6th house (spore) of the natural zodiac and it is the mulatrikona of Mercury!
Since sattvic and etheric Jupiter is not at all delighted with the responsibility of fiercely and fieryly defending the dharma (punishing the demon king Bali as a Vamana avatar, for example), he does this out of a sense of duty. But Mercury loves his official work! He loves to engage in intellectual discussions. Thus, Virgo (6th house of the natural zodiac) is not only his mulatrikona (office, duty, karma), but also the sign of exaltation (the highest moment of pleasure at a picnic). Still, “intellectual connection” (Gemini) is the most comfortable for him (home, swakshetra).
The last example is Ketu. For him, the most comfortable activity is mysterious activity, which is shown by the 8th house. So, he possesses the 8th house of the natural zodiac, which is Scorpio. His official duty, however, is to give upasana (meditation) and moksha (liberation), which are shown by the 12th house. So, his moolatrikona is in the 12th house of the natural zodiac, which is Pisces.

(From the book “Integral Method of Vedic Astrology”)

Mood changes from good to bad in the following sequence:

Exaltation – Mulatrikona – Own house – Friend’s house – Neutral house – Enemy house – Fall

I won’t bore you with tables here. If you are interested in details, it is here...

Planetary position Attributed properties

Exaltation Gives courage, valor, high position

Mulatrikona Gives various benefits. Wealth, position,


Friend's house Generally favorable, usually gives energetic,

friendly behavior

Neutral house Hostility, pain. It's always true

but the native will try hard to succeed

Home of the enemy Open hostility confirmed

Fall Generally unfavorable, but this is not always the rule


These are some more principles of interpretation natal chart.

A natal chart is a diagram of the location of the celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth. It is very important to know not only the date of birth, but also the moment in time and place of birth of a person. Indeed, depending on this, the planets will be located differently in the map. And, accordingly, influence fate in different ways.

How to make a natal chart

Reading a natal chart begins with drawing it up. You can do this yourself, but to do this you need to have sufficient knowledge in astrology. Most often, a simpler path is chosen: Natal chart ordered from an astrologer or compiled by online programs.

Explore your zodiac sign

One of the main indicators of a horoscope is the zodiac sign that was rising on the horizon at the time of birth. It is called Lagna or rising sign. Lagna is a zodiac sign that determines the character and way of perceiving the world. Reading the natal chart begins with it. For beginners, you only need to know the basic indicators of signs.

Aries are active and quick-tempered. They do an excellent job with any task that requires exploring new horizons. But they often lack patience.

Taurus are slow and thorough. This is a combination of pragmatism and subtle mental organization.

Gemini is the personification of the wind. Easy-going, erudite and talkative, sociable and friendly. However, they lack stability and organization.

Cancer: Behind the seemingly impenetrable external armor hides a gentle soul. They are subject to emotional storms, but know how to hide them deep inside their essence.

Leos require increased attention. However, their leadership skills and charm leave no doubt.

Virgos are pedantic, organized and smart. These are the best accountants and “gray cardinals”.

Libra is a sign of harmony, but their eternal doubts look like procrastination to others.

Many people are afraid of Scorpios. But in vain! Scorpio is a sign of internal transformation. They always and everywhere strive to improve themselves, so they are strict with themselves. Well, to others at the same time.

Sagittarius is fast, sociable and organized. If Leo can be called kings, then Sagittarius is the general of the royal army.

Capricorns are thorough and slow, pedantic and constant. If Capricorn has taken care of you, then you will have nothing to worry about. Unless about excessive care for you.

Aquarians approach life easily and philosophically. After all, they often get into trouble. But they make these alterations look like fun adventures.

Pisces are wise and dualistic. They are difficult to understand. They don't always understand themselves. But they feel that they are doing the right thing.

Interpret at home

To read the natal chart yourself, you need to know that the diagram is divided into 12 separate areas - houses. Each house is responsible for a certain area of ​​life.

For example, the first house is appearance, health, basic character traits.

The second house is responsible for what family you were lucky enough to be born into and what your speech is like.

The third house represents ability, courage and self-effort. Having younger siblings also describes the third house of the horoscope.

The fourth house is responsible for the relationship with the mother, her character, the opportunity to have her own home and transport. It also shows whether studying will be easy.

The fifth house is your children and students. Some schools of astrology believe that the fifth house is responsible for education. However, observations show that the fourth house is most likely responsible for secondary education, compulsory for everyone, and the fifth is higher education, further intellectual development.

Many people bypass the sixth house, afraid of the name of its characteristics - enemies, debts, illnesses. However, we must remember that one of the characteristics of the sixth house is service. And it is through service that some people can begin to transform. Therefore, it requires careful study in order to see a peaceful way to solve emerging problems.

The seventh house is partnership. Moreover, partnership at all levels of life. These are both business partners and family partnerships. Interestingly, the seventh house is opposite the first. And there are reflected the characteristics that the owner of the horoscope lacks. That is, it complements the first house, as befits an ideal partner.

The eighth house with the frightening name “death” frightens only beginners. It, like the sixth, is a house of transformations, but more profound. And if they are completed with dignity, then rewards from fate will not keep you waiting. He is also responsible for the ability to esoteric practices and astrology.

The ninth house is the house of the father, spiritual teacher and good fortune. He demonstrates an attitude towards authoritative opinion, the ability to obey elders, and shows the character of his father.

House ten is the house of work and labor activity. What is the best thing to do to move in the right direction of development.

The eleventh house shows relationships with older relatives, influential people. By its characteristics you can find out whether wishes are easily fulfilled.

The twelfth house is not only about detachment from social life, not only costs, but also the secret side of life. What people try to hide from others. And sometimes even from ourselves.

Reveal the meaning of the planets

Natal chart reading is inseparable from the terminology of Jyotish (Vedic astrology). After all, next we need to consider the influence of the planets. Planets are only an approximation of the Sanskrit word "graha", which means "invaders". These are celestial bodies and phenomena that, with their influence, capture certain areas of life. Since the grahas are mainly the planets in the modern sense of the word (Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn), then all the other grahas (Sun, Moon, Rahu (northern lunar node) and Ketu (southern lunar node)) were translated from Sanskrit as planets.

When reading a natal chart, terminology is not as important as the characteristics of the influence of the planets.

The sun influences the ability to be a leader and organizer, and carries the qualities of unconditional paternal care. After all, the father can punish. But he does this rarely, with love and justice.

And the Moon personifies maternal all-forgiving love. Just as a mother has the strongest influence on a child, the Moon is responsible for a person’s worldview, his emotional condition and mind. (In the Vedas, the concepts of mind, intelligence and intelligence are different).

Jupiter is the largest and most significant planet, responsible for wisdom, intelligence, deep knowledge, and luck. This is the minister in the kingdom. This is a guru - in life.

Unlike Jupiter, Mercury, a small and fast planet in its movement, gives a person speed of action and thought processes, ease of acquiring knowledge and communication, intelligence.

Mars is warlike, aggressive and ardent. He is a protective warrior.

And Venus characterizes feminine qualities, but not their maternal side, but their sensual side. Venus is beauty and creativity, desires and charm.

Saturn is a very distant and dark planet from the Sun. But at the same time, Saturn is the personification of patience, justice, hard work, and slowness. Only those who do not behave according to the laws of existence are afraid of Saturn. And he receives results from Saturn according to his actions.

Rahu and Ketu - the two lunar nodes - are not material bodies. They are not visible or noticeable, but their influence on life can be very strong.

Rahu is the illusion of the material world. But he also has positive traits. Internet, Newest technologies and the desire to expand one’s knowledge is also all the paraphry of Rahu.

Ketu strives for closeness, privacy and compresses everything into a point. Introvert, hermit, monk.

Now you know everything! Reading the natal chart and decoding comes down to combining the obtained characteristics of the planets, houses and zodiac signs. All these characteristics are combined and the result is such a complex mix: the fate and capabilities of a person.

However, you should not assume that everything written in the natal chart cannot be changed. The natal chart is more likely route sheet life, which indicates what transformations are destined for us on the path of life. But we can choose the method of these transformations ourselves.

In astrology there are many more different nuances of the mutual influence of zodiac signs, planets and houses. There are lords of houses, aspects of planets and signs, gunas and power of influence. Therefore, if you are not an experienced astrologer, take the results of the card reading easier and have fun. But if you want to get a serious and complete interpretation of your chart, you have two options:

  • contact a practicing astrologer;
  • start studying Jyotish and change your destiny for the better.

> Natal chart online

What is a natal chart? This is a personal horoscope created using birth information (date, time and place). With its help, you can find out about everyone’s karma, as well as about inclinations, opportunities and expected circumstances that may affect life path. When drawing up a natal chart, you decide on a cosmogram. It displays the arrangement of planets in the zodiac circle and houses. And based on this information, the horoscope itself is deciphered.

Online program for calculating the natal chart

How to calculate a natal chart

This is a unique program that allows you to find out detailed information about yourself. That is, by entering data about the place, date and time of birth, you will receive details about your character, inclinations, positive and negative qualities and even look into the future.

How to use the card?

To a beginner who is not familiar with all the intricacies of astrology, drawing up a natal chart may seem like a daunting task. In fact, everything is much simpler. To get the full picture, you only need to enter your name, gender, date of birth and time. As for the last one, this is important point. Of course, it’s great if you know exactly when you were born. But if you do not have such information, then put 12:00:00 (and next to it in the column check the time - exact, only date or + several hours). Below, indicate your country, region and city, then the latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 1

Next comes a column with parameters. In “Horoscope”, always start with the “natal” column. Only after its creation can you create an event one, etc. On the right you see the “aspect colors”. Just put the colors you need in the columns that interest you. This will make it easier to see the final diagram.

Problems arise in the "House System" because beginners who have not encountered them do not know which one to choose. This is not surprising, because even professional astrologers They disagree on which of them is closest to the truth. You can read more about these systems online, or find out which ones your favorite astrologers prefer. And you can start with the “cosmogram”, which is located in the last columns. Her beauty is that she is able to describe psychological potential, point out strengths and weak sides inner world and give a lot of other useful information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 2

When everything is ready, click on “Create a horoscope” and get your card. Now, how to read it? It's quite simple. By hovering your mouse over the planets to which the lines stretch, you will discover their meaning for you.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 3

But to get a full picture, you just need to hover over the Horoscope, and all the necessary information will open there: Description of the card, Table, Psychological porter, Horoscope of professions, etc. You just need to open what interests you and read the information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 4

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 5

Below are the coordinates and status of the planets with explanations.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 6

Astrology is a science with a long history. Even in ancient times, while studying the stars, people noticed that a happy or unhappy fate is in some interaction with a certain position of the stars at the time of a person’s birth. These data began to be recorded and compared. This is how the predictions appeared.

It is better to know in advance the exact date of your birth, down to hours and minutes. Celestial bodies are in constant motion, so an incorrect date can cause a false prediction.

Traditionally, the emergence of the natal chart is associated with Ancient Egypt. It was the Egyptians who first began to pay attention to the stars and. Excavations carried out in Egypt have proven that the first natal charts were drawn on papyrus.

The essence of the natal chart

What can a natal chart tell you?

The natal chart is the most full horoscope of all that exist. Thanks to the drawn up diagram, you can find out what character traits a person will have, how he will communicate with others, what advantages and disadvantages he will have. In addition, the star chart will tell you about the positive and negative impact planets in your life will indicate favorable and dangerous dates. It is noteworthy that from this you can even determine which companion you need to look for happy marriage. If you already have a significant other, then an astrologer can compare your natal charts and make a prediction about your compatibility.

A natal chart is an approximate horoscope of a personality. You need to listen to him, but you shouldn’t believe in all the predictions. Especially if the data is calculated from approximate information about the time of your birth.

Using the natal chart, you can determine the characteristics of a person’s mentality, his preferences and areas of activity in which he will be successful. If, when drawing up a horoscope, an astrologer tells you information that is not very pleasant, then you should not react critically to it. If you find out your weaknesses in advance, then your life can be changed dramatically thanks to intensive work on yourself and your character.

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