Project on the topic of volleyball in English. Presentation on physical education on the topic "volleyball". Two-way game according to competition rules


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Volleyball from the English “volleyball”: “volley” is translated as “hitting the ball from the air” (can also be translated as “flying” or “soaring”) and ball is “ball” Suvorova V.M. teacher highest category


“Volleyball... A game that makes your heart sink. A game in which thought pulsates, feverish, hot, working under constant time pressure. Game without draws. A game without rudeness, cruelty and violence. A game that makes you temporarily forget about the uncomfortable, imperfect world behind the rectangle of the court divided by a grid. » Vyacheslav Platonov

Volleyball, as a team sport, fosters a sense of responsibility to the team, the ability to work in a team and trust others. Regular play of volleyball has a hardening effect on the body and increases the body's endurance. The variety of movements and variable intensity of the load when playing volleyball trains almost all muscle groups. Volleyball strengthens the musculoskeletal system and improves joint mobility. Trains the eye muscles, expands the field of vision. Volleyball trains agility, precision, mobility and flexibility Volleyball has a positive effect on nervous system , improves mood, helps fight stress and depression. Strengthens cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation. Positively affects respiratory system

. Volleyball classes develop in children and adults such qualities as hard work, courage, perseverance, perseverance, discipline and the ability to quickly respond to changing situations.

Technical elements of volleyball: Upper and lower straight serve. Passing the ball from above and below. Forward strike, etc.

Performing an overhand pass: When passing, the player smoothly straightens his legs and moves his arms slightly forward and upward towards the ball. This movement continues when the hands come into contact with the ball, but at this moment the fingers, under the influence of the mass of the ball, are retracted back, softly stopping its flight with a yielding movement. The pass is completed with a springy movement of the fingers and hands, due to which the ball is pushed in a new direction.

Pass with two hands from below: legs slightly bent at the knees; the body is slightly tilted forward; arms below, hands nested one inside the other.

Performing a pass with two hands from below: When receiving the ball, the player, straightening his legs and straightening his torso, moves his arms forward towards the ball, the ball is received on the cuffs. As with top gear, it is necessary to observe the sequence of work of individual parts of the body: legs, torso, arms.

Low straight serve: The player faces the net, legs slightly bent at the knees, body weight shifted to the back leg. The swinging hand is pulled back and down, the other holds the ball in front of you at waist level. The ball is thrown up 20–40 cm, and a blow is made with a forward swing of the striking hand. At the same time, the back leg is extended, and the weight of the body is transferred to the front leg. The ball is hit with a tense palm or fist.

Overhead straight serve: The player stands facing the net, legs slightly bent at the knees, left hand in front, ball in left hand; right, slightly bent elbow joint, pulled back and up for the swing. The body weight is concentrated mainly on the right leg. The ball is thrown up right hand is abducted upward, and the body weight is transferred to both legs. At the moment of hitting the ball, the movement of the shoulder slows down, and the forearm and hand make a quick and short movement forward in the direction of the serve. The ball is hit with a tense palm.

An offensive strike consists of a run-up, a jump and a strike. The run-up usually consists of three steps: the first is small and slow; the second – adjusts the direction of the player’s movement; the third, always fast and wide, is performed in a jump. It necessarily contains not only the flight phase of the body, but also a stopping movement with one foot touching the other. In this step, the arms and torso are moved back, and the legs are placed on the support from the heels.

The jump is performed with two legs, while the player simultaneously extends his legs and torso at the ankles, knees and hip joints and makes a forward-upward swinging movement, then the striking hand is pulled back to swing at the blow. The ball is hit with a straightened hand high and always in front of the player, but before this the torso must bend back, especially strongly in the chest, and take the position of a drawn bow.

Volleyball is one of the most common games in Russia. The mass, truly folk character of volleyball is explained by its high emotionality and accessibility, based on the simplicity of the rules of the game and the simplicity of the equipment. The special advantage of volleyball as a means physical education is its specific quality - the possibility of self-dosing the load, i.e. correspondence between the player’s preparedness and the load he receives. This makes volleyball a game accessible to people of all ages

Sources: › literature.html › Volleyball › voleybol … voleybol istov … v … zavedeniy ach › forum / viewtopic.php …›rasMain/›globals /documents/download.php…› Volleyball›All about volleyball

Municipal educational institution

General secondary school No. 2

Open lesson in 5th grade

as part of the city stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year 2009”

Prepared by: teacher

physical culture

Kuklina Zoya Viktorovna


November 2009


physical education lesson

for 5th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2

Theme: volleyball

Lesson objectives:

    to form the physical culture of the individual;

    expand functionality schoolchildren;

    cultivate moral and volitional qualities;

    promote the development of mental and individual personality traits.

Lesson objectives:

    Learning the technique of receiving and passing the ball from below.

    Improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above on the spot

    Development of speed and coordination abilities

Lesson plan.

Venue: sports hall.

Equipment: basketballs (according to the number of students), chalk, markers: paper circles and buttons, chips, felt-tip pen, balls.



1. Preparatory part

Construction (organization of students for the lesson).

“Be equal!”


Greeting: “Hello, guys!”...In order, “Pay the bills!” ... “At ease!”

“Be equal!”

“Attention!” "Right!" Behind the guide “Leave-to!” "March!"

Walking, running: bend your elbows, go to fast walking, light jogging “Marsh!”

I.p. - fingers in the “lock”;

1-4 - circular movements with the hands.

5-8 - circular movements with arms back.

IP - hands on the belt.

1-4 – jumps moving forward with the right side;

5-8 – jumps moving forward with the left side.

ORU to restore breathing.

    inhale through the nose, arms up;

    exhale through the mouth, hands down.

O.S., determining the quantitative composition of students.

Instruct students to perform all exercises on command.

Instruct students: the exercise is finished.

Explain tasks

along the way.

Give instructions to maintain distance.

General developmental exercises with basketballs.

I.p. - the ball is below in the lowered hands.

1-4 - straight arms with the ball up, walking on toes.

5-6- hands with ball behind head, walking on heels

Students take basketballs

the guide stops at a certain place (the place is determined by the chip).


– hands with the ball are lowered down.

1-2 - forward, raise your hands with the ball up, bend over;

I.p. - the ball is in front in straight hands. 1 – lunge right foot

with a left turn. 2 – lunge left foot

with a right turn.

Remind you to keep your distance.


– hold the ball in straight hands in front of you.

1 - swing with your right foot, touch the ball with your toe while moving.

2. 1- swing with your left foot, touch the ball with your toe while moving.

Keep your back straight.

    Main part .

    Techniques for performing a volleyball player’s stance and ways of moving around the court without a ball:

    perform a volleyball player's stance followed by imitation of an overhead pass of the ball;

run facing forward, stop at the signal, take the starting position - a volleyball player's stance, run backwards, a volleyball player's stance (from the baseline to the net and back);

with an additional step to the right and left from the side line of the volleyball court to the other side line.

Formation on the front line, put the balls down.

    At the end of this exercise, the second numbers take the balls and line up opposite the other team.

    Teach the technique of receiving and passing the ball with both hands from below:

    take a volleyball player’s stance, holding the ball on your wrists with straight arms, and perform the following movements: (Fig. 2)

    swinging your arms up and down and to the sides;

When receiving the ball, the student’s hands are in front of the body, one hand is inserted into the other, the forearms are deployed to pass the ball. Draw students' attention to lowering their hands down.

This allows you to straighten your arms at the elbow joints as much as possible.

    When performing a pass, only the arms work in the shoulder joints.

3 . In pairs: the first player throws the ball into a position convenient for low gear, the second player returns the ball with low gear.

Improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball overhand with two hands.

    Individual exercises:

    passing the ball over oneself on the spot: to a given height, changing the height from minimum to maximum.

    exercises in pairs:

    perform a top pass above yourself, then a top pass to the student standing opposite;

counter overhead pass of the ball. (Fig. 4)

After a series of programs, students change roles

4.Development of speed and coordination abilities.

The team member stands in a circle with a radius of 1 meter. At a signal, he throws the ball, runs out of the circle, leaves an object in the designated place, returns to the circle and catches the ball. The second participant throws the ball, runs out of the circle, picks up an object, returns to the circle and catches the ball. Those who complete the task faster and do not drop the ball win. (Fig.5)

    3. Final part.

    Construction, summary, homework

Posture exercises, organized departure from the gym

Rice. 1

d movement of students in steps to the starting position.

n moving left side forward with side steps

n moving with the right side forward with side steps

◘ Teacher ● Students

Rice. 4

Rice. 5

1. Literature.

G.A. Kolodnitsky Planning and organization of classes. - Bustard, M., 2006

2. G.P. Bogdanov Physical education lessons. - Education, 1979

3. A.G. Furmanov Volleyball.- Sports. M., 1983

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The goal is to create an understanding of the game of volleyball. Objectives: To familiarize students with the origins of volleyball and its history. To familiarize yourself with the history of volleyball in the USSR. Create an idea of ​​volleyball technique. Generate interest in playing volleyball through educational videos.

3 slide History of volleyball Volleyball is a team sport that is very popular. This sport contributes to the development of many physical qualities : arm strength and, jumping ability, reaction speed, coordination of movements in space and time. Volleyball appeared in the USA in 1895. The founder of this game was Pastor William Morgan, a college teacher, who proposed calling the game “volleyball,” which translated from English is “flying ball” (from “volley” - to hit on the fly and “ball” - ball). In 1900, the first volleyball rules appeared. IN Western Europe Beach volleyball (2 x 2) has become very popular, in last years That's why beautiful view European and world championships are held in sports, and it is included in the program Olympic Games. Volleyball, which originated in 1895 in the USA, quickly became popular in different countries, especially on the European continent. Originally it was a game of entertainment. The ball was in the air for a long time, because... a large number of players in the team (8 - 10 people) and weak attacking technique did not allow the ball to fall onto the court for a long time. However, gradually methods of kicking the ball over the net began to appear, making it difficult for opponents to defend. This led to the identification of the main technical techniques: serve, pass, attack, block.

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The tactics of the game also changed. If initially all tactics boiled down to the balanced arrangement of players on the court, then the complication of the game made coordinated group and team actions necessary. Volleyball was becoming collective game. In 1947 it was created International Federation volleyball (FIVB). The development of volleyball has accelerated. European and world championships began to be held, and the European Champions Cup was played. In 1964, volleyball was included in the Olympic Games program. Currently, more than 110 countries are members of the FIVB. Soviet athletes made a significant contribution to the development of world volleyball.

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Volleyball in the USSR. Volleyball appeared in our country in 1920–1921. in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and in other cities of the Volga region. Since 1925, it has been actively developing in Ukraine, in Far East. An active promoter of sports volleyball was the Dynamo physical education and sports society, created in 1923 on the initiative of F. E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1925, the first official volleyball rules in our country were approved in Moscow, according to which the first competitions were soon held (in 1926). In the same year, the first intercity meeting was held between volleyball players from Moscow and Kharkov. And already in 1928, at the First All-Union Spartakiad in Moscow, the All-Union Volleyball Championship was played for the first time among men's and women's teams. Meetings at the Spartakiad contributed to a unified interpretation of the rules of the competition and convinced of the need for collective team actions. After this, volleyball became a popular sport everywhere. The introduction of volleyball in 1931–1932 contributed to attracting young people to play volleyball. GTO physical training complex, one of the tasks of which was to improve the general physical fitness going in for sports. On this basis, the skills of volleyball players improved and the technical capabilities of players and teams expanded. Volleyball is becoming a sports game in the full sense of the word. It was included in the programs of many major competitions. In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, and since 1933, championships began to be held regularly Soviet Union. Our volleyball players held their first international meetings in 1935 with teams from Afghanistan. Soviet athletes won two games.

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Soon the world volleyball championships began to be held. Men's World Cups since 1949, and women's since 1952. It is interesting that already at the first World Championship, the USSR national team took first place, and the women's team in the same year took first place in the European Championship. Since that time, our athletes are still among the best on the world stage. Already in 1964, volleyball was included in the program of the Olympic Games held in Tokyo. At these competitions, volleyball players from the USSR and volleyball players from Japan took gold. During the entire period of the Olympic Games (since volleyball entered the program of the Olympic Games), our volleyball players and volleyball players became seven times Olympic champions. The popularity of volleyball in the world continued to grow. Championships of countries and continents were held. The question arose about including it in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. in 1957, the session of the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize volleyball as an Olympic sport. At subsequent Olympics, Soviet volleyball players and female volleyball players became champions three times. Our athletes also won at the XXI Olympic Games in Moscow. The number of international competitions and tournaments has increased from year to year. Since 1965, the following sequence of events has been established: a volleyball tournament at the Olympic Games, next year the World Cup, then the World Championship, then the European Championship, and finally the Olympic Games again.

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General information The technique of playing volleyball is divided into attack technique and defense technique. Both in attack and defense, they distinguish: stances and movements, ball handling techniques. During the game, a volleyball player moves around the court. The purpose of these movements is to select best place for receiving the ball, for performing other technical techniques. Maximum readiness to move is the most important thing in a player’s starting stances. The racks differ in the degree of bending of the legs: basic, high, low. Basic stance (Fig. 1): legs are at the same level and slightly bent, feet are parallel at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from each other, the torso is not strongly tilted forward, arms are bent in front of you. Having adopted a certain stance, some players stand motionless (static stance), others move in place by stepping or jumping (dynamic stance). Movement around the site is performed by walking, running or jumping.

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Walking. The player walks with a bent step, bringing his leg forward slightly bent. This allows him to maintain a stance and quickly take the necessary starting positions to perform tactical techniques. Run. Quick movements around the site and sudden changes directions are performed by running on slightly bent legs. The last running step is the longest, since it is followed by a stopping movement (stopping, changing direction, jumping for an attacking blow or block). A hop is usually performed after a step or run, when game situation forces you to extremely quickly take a new position to perform a technique. Fig.1 Stance of a volleyball player: a) main stance; b) standing while performing a two-handed pass from above

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Submissions. The technique by which the ball is put into play is called a serve. Common technical details for all types of serves are a stable stance, convenient for hitting, tossing the ball, hitting the ball, and the volleyball player’s transition to subsequent game actions. There are several types of serves: lower straight (Fig. 2), lower side (Fig. 3), upper straight (Fig. 4) and upper side (Fig. 5). The so-called planning feed (Fig. 6) is a type of top feed. The peculiarity of the “planing” serve is that the ball is struck with a hand fixed in the wrist joint, without any accompaniment (Fig. 7). As a result of this, the ball does not rotate, but glides without having a flight path. Reception of such balls is difficult. The jump serve is also often used (Fig. 8). The main thing in a jump serve is to throw the ball correctly, if you don't throw it correctly, then you are unlikely to serve at all. The ball must be thrown in front of you and forward, to the distance necessary for the run. In this case, the height and length of the throw are determined individually, based on simple convenience.

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Fig.2 Bottom straight feed (front and side view) Fig.3 Bottom side feed. Fig.4 Top direct feed Fig.5 Top side feed.

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Fig.6 Option of upper side feed, so-called planning feed Fig. 7 Methods of hitting the ball when performing planning serves.

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Transfers. The technical technique by which the ball is sent to a partner to continue the game or transferred to the opponent’s side is called a pass. Based on the direction relative to the transmitter, forward, overhead and backward transmissions are distinguished. Based on the length of the trajectory, they are distinguished: long passes - through the zone; short ones - to the neighboring zone; shortened ones - into their zone. Based on the height, transmissions are classified into low (up to 1 m above the grid), medium (over 2 m), and based on the distance from the grid - close (less than 0.5 m) and distant (more than 0.5 m). The most common is the two-handed overhand pass (Fig. 8, a). Its main advantages are reliability and accuracy. When performing this pass in the starting position, the player’s legs are bent at the knees, hands are brought out in front of the face so that the thumbs are approximately at eyebrow level. The hands are slightly turned inward, the ends of the fingers form an oval in the shape of a bucket (Fig. 8, b). The fingers are optimally tense.

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As the ball approaches, the legs begin to move towards it in the opposite direction - they straighten in knee joints and lift the player's body. Following this, the arms are included in the movement - they rise and straighten to meet the ball. The main shock-absorbing load is taken by the thumbs. The index (primarily) and middle fingers are the percussive fingers. Ring fingers and the little fingers hold the ball from the sides without grasping it. These movements of the legs, torso and arms, performed together, provide a short touch of the ball with elastic fingers, allowing you to direct it to the desired point along the intended trajectory. Study the postures and movements of a volleyball player when passing with two hands from above, pay attention to the position of the legs, torso of the arms in the main stance (Fig. 8, a); the location of the fingers on the ball (Fig. 8, b); movements of a volleyball player when passing the ball forward, over himself and back (Fig. 9). Other types of passes are used less frequently: two hands from above in a jump (Fig. 10, a), one hand from above (Fig. 10, b), two hands from below (Fig. 16). IN modern game passing is an important element of organizing an attack, connecting defense with attack. The task of the passing player in this regard is to create for partners best conditions to attack with offensive blows. Every volleyball player must master the entire arsenal of fast and precise passes, be able to alternate (change) them in length, height, direction, and perform distracting actions in a timely manner.

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Fig.8 Passing the ball with two hands from above (a); the position of the hands and the location of the fingers on the ball at the time of the pass (b). Rice. 10 Other types made in various directions passes in volleyball: a) with two hands in a jump, b) with one hand on top. Fig.9 Overhand pass with two hands, performed in different directions: a) forward; b) above oneself; c) back.

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The main types of passes in volleyball: - “just” a regular high pass to the 2nd and 4th zones. - “meter” is passed into the 3rd zone, at a height of a meter from the net. - “a meter behind” is passed in the same way as a meter, only the setter gives a pass behind his back. - “takeoff” is passed to the 3rd zone. At the moment when the setter touches the ball, the attacker should already be in the air with his arm outstretched, ready to strike, and the setter should put the ball into the attacker’s hand with a quick and short pass. - “take-off from behind” is passed like a normal take-off, only behind the head and the attacker runs a little late. - “dushka” passes like a takeoff, but only into a block gap. For example, between the third and fourth zones. - “stack” is played like a take-off in the 3rd zone, but the ball is not thrown with force into the attacker’s hand, but is suspended above the net at a height of 20-50 cm. The attacker must run with a delay compared to the take-off. But such attacks are easier to block, since the blockers have time to block. - “cross” is passed to the antenna, lower and faster than “simple”, at the moment when the setter touches the ball, the attacker must be in the final stage of the run-up and ready to jump. - “marita” is passed like a “meter”, but the difference is that the attacker imitates a take-off run and stops, the block rises, at the moment when the block falls, the attacker jumps and hits.

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Assault Attacking blows. An attacking technique consisting of one-handed hitting a ball that is above the top edge of the net towards the opponent's side is called an attacking shot. The speed of the ball depends on the blow: the stronger the blow, the greater the speed, therefore, it is more difficult to take it. According to the technique of execution, a distinction is made between a direct attacking blow and a side one. Both can be performed in a standing jump or from a running start. According to the speed of the ball, they are distinguished: 1) Power (speed); 2) Carpal (accelerated); 3) Deceptive (slow). Direct forward strike. The run-up length ranges from 2 to 4 m and consists of 2 to 4 steps. The first step is short, performed softly, as if sneaking, the last step is long, performed in the form of a leap. The straight leg is brought forward and placed on the heel, followed quickly by the other leg. The torso leans slightly back, arms below and behind. Together with the roll on the toes, the legs are straightened and a jump is performed, the hitting hand rises with a wave along the shortest path

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During the jump, the shoulders and the hitting arm are pulled back, the torso bends (Fig. 12). From this moment the actual attacking strike begins. The first movement is bringing the elbow of the striking hand forward. The hitting arm, straightening at the elbow joint, begins to move forward and, with an accentuated movement, hits the ball with the hand. The fingers of the hand are tightly clenched at the moment of impact, the ball is slightly ahead of the player. Landing after a strike is performed on bent legs with arms down, which gives the player the opportunity to quickly begin moving in the desired direction or perform a second jump to block.

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A side attacking blow is performed after a wide swing across the side with the striking hand. By changing the movements of the arm and hand, you can also perform attacking strikes with the ball moving to the right and left.

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Strike with translation to the right or left. A strike with a translation to the right or left can be done with or without a rotation of the body. Strikes with a rotation of the torso are performed in the same way as a straight shot, but with a slight rotation of the torso in the direction of the strike and the ball is struck from above - from behind - to the right. When moving to the right, the torso begins an instant turn after lifting off the ground, then it is tilted to the left in order, and the shoulder is moved away from the net. And when hitting without turning the body, the main role is played by hitting the ball with the hand.

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Blocking in volleyball The defensive technique used to block the path of the ball after an attack from the opponent is called a block, and the action of the defenders is called blocking. From the position of the player (Fig. 20), preparing to block, the defender moves to the intended blocking location with an additional step, jump or run. The last step before jumping is performed as a jumping, stopping step (similar to a run-up before an attacking blow); the other leg is placed shoulder-width apart. Then comes the jumping. The legs begin the movement, then the arms continue. As the ball approaches, the arms are straightened and placed in the path of its movement: the fingers are spread apart and optimally tense, the hands are slightly bent to direct the ball forward - down to the opponent’s court.

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Receiving the ball in volleyball Defense technique. In defense, the same stances are used as in attack, but low stances are more often used. Movements in defense are also not much different from movements in attack - walking, running, lunges and jumps, but they are usually performed rapidly, with sudden stops, with a quick change of direction, often turning into a jump or attack. Countermeasures include catching the ball and blocking. Receiving the ball is a technical defensive technique that allows you to leave the ball in play after the opponents’ offensive actions. The main thing in modern volleyball is receiving the ball with both hands from below (Fig. 16). It is most reliable against increased attack power, against strong hits and planning serves. With this method of receiving the ball, the body is vertical or slightly tilted forward, straight arms are lowered forward - down, elbows are close together, hands are together. The ball is placed on the forearms closer to the hands (they say “on the cuff” Fig. 16).

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Receiving the ball with two hands from above is used against balls that are not flying very fast, as well as in cases where another method of receiving is not rational. Thus, a game situation often forces you to perform a reception and a directed pass followed by falling on your back (Fig. 17 and Fig. 18). In other cases, a reception with two hands from above is similar to the same pass. Fig. 17. Reception of the ball with a fall and roll onto the back Fig. 18. Receiving the ball with a lunge and fall (roll onto your back)

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Receiving the ball with one hand from below is considered inaccurate and is used relatively rarely, but if the ball flies far from the player and it is impossible to receive it in any other way, the volleyball player is forced to use this technique. A straight hand with tightly clenched fingers blocks the path of the ball; The striking movement is performed with the palm, fist, forearm or shoulder. The legs, as a rule, are not involved in these movements. With one hand from below in a fall (Fig. 19), the ball is received after a run and jump. Before mastering this technique, you should learn how to land correctly. After receiving the ball, the arms are extended forward and spread to the sides somewhat wider than the shoulders, placed on the floor and slowly bent at the elbows, absorbing the force of the fall. The player lands on his chest and rolls onto his stomach and hips. Having mastered the element on gymnastic mats and on the floor, it can be safely used on playgrounds.

VOLLEYBALL Volleyball - view sports site, divided mesh, trying to direct ball hit the floor), or for a player on the defending team to make a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching the block).

  • Volleyball - type sports, team sport game, during which two teams compete on a special site, divided mesh, trying to direct ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court ( hit the floor), or for a player on the defending team to make a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching the block).
Considered the inventor of volleyball William J. Morgan Young Christian Associations(YMCA) in town Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA). IN 1895 tennis basketball Springfield sites ball with a circumference of 63.5-68.5 cm (25-27 inches) and a weight of 340 g, the number of players on the court and the number of touches of the ball was not regulated, a point was counted only with one’s own serve, if the serve was unsuccessful it could be repeated, they played up to 21 points in parties.
  • Considered the inventor of volleyball William J. Morgan, college physical education teacher Young Christian Associations(YMCA) in town Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA). IN 1895 in the gym he hung up tennis the net at a height of 197 cm, and his students, the number of whom was not limited on the site, began to throw over it, basketball camera. Morgan called new game"mintonet". The game was later demonstrated at the YMCA College Conference in Springfield and, at the suggestion of Professor Alfred T. Halsted, received a new name - “volleyball”. In 1897, the first volleyball rules were published in the USA: size sites 7.6 x 15.1 m (25 x 50 ft), grid height 198 cm (6.5 ft), ball with a circumference of 63.5-68.5 cm (25-27 inches) and a weight of 340 g, the number of players on the court and the number of touches of the ball was not regulated, a point was counted only with one’s own serve, if the serve was unsuccessful it could be repeated, they played up to 21 points in parties.
Rules of the game
  • The game is played on a rectangular site measuring 18x9 meters. The volleyball court is divided in the middle by a net. The height of the net for men is 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m.
  • Main article: Volleyball Court
  • The game is played spherically ball circumference 65-67 cm, weighing 260-280 g.
  • Main article: Volleyball
  • Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, and 6 players can be on the field at any given time. The goal of the game is to hit the ball with an attacking blow. to the floor, that is, to the playing surface of the opponent’s half of the court, or force him to make a mistake.
  • The game begins by putting the ball into play using a serve according to by lot. After the ball is put into play by the serve and the rally is successful, the serve goes to the team that won the point. The site is conventionally divided into 6 zones based on the number of players. After each transition, the right to serve passes from one team to another as a result of a point, the players move to the next zone clockwise.
  • Jump serve
  • The serve is performed by the player who, as a result of the last transition, moves from the second to the first zone. The service is made from the service area behind the baseline playground with the goal of landing the ball in the opponent's half or making the technique as difficult as possible. Until the player touches the ball when serving, no part of his body should touch the surface of the court (this is especially true for jump serves). In flight, the ball may touch the net, but must not touch the antennae or their mental extension upward. If the ball touches the surface of the playing court on the receiving team's side, the serving team scores a point. If the player who served violated the rules or sent the ball to out, then the point is awarded to the receiving team. It is not allowed to block the ball when serving, interrupting its trajectory over the net. If the point is won by the team that served the ball, the same player continues to serve.
  • In modern volleyball, the most common power serve is the jump serve. Its opposite is the shortened ( planning, tactical) serve when the ball is directed close to the net.
Receiving submission
  • Usually the players standing on the back line, that is, in the 5th, 6th, 1st zones, receive the ball. However, any player can accept the serve. Players of the receiving team are allowed to make three touches (a player cannot touch the ball twice in a row) and, with a maximum of the third touch, transfer the ball to the opponent’s half. You can handle the ball at a reception anywhere on the court and in free space, but not in the opponent’s half of the court. Moreover, if you have to pass the ball back to your playing half, the second pass out of three cannot pass between the antennas, but must necessarily pass by the antennas. When receiving, no delay of the ball is allowed during its handling, although the ball can be received with any part of the body. A planning serve can be received by 2 players on the back line, but to receive a power serve, 3 players are required.
  • Attack
  • Typically, with a positive reception, the ball is received by the back line players (1st touch) and brought to the setter. The setter passes (2nd touch) the ball to the player to perform an attack shot (3rd touch). In an attack shot, the ball must pass over the net, but in the space between the two antennas, while the ball may touch the net, but must not touch the antennas or their mental extension upward. Front line players can attack from anywhere on the court. Back line players must push off behind a special three-meter line before attacking. It is prohibited to attack (that is, hit the ball above the line of the top edge of the net) only libero .
  • There are attacking strikes: direct (along the way) and side, strikes with translation to the right (left) and deceptive strikes (discounts). All attacking strikes are performed only on one’s own side; one can move one’s hands to the opponent’s side only after performing the strike.
Defense (reception of attack)
  • Defense (reception of attack)
  • Receiving an attacking blow differs from receiving a serve, since all 6 players on the court always participate in defense; some front line players block (sometimes all three), while everyone else plays defense. The goal of the defenders is to leave the ball in play and, if possible, bring it to the passer. Defense can only be effective if all players on the team coordinate their actions, so defensive play schemes were developed, of which only two have taken root: “backward angle” and “forward angle”. In both schemes, the full-backs stand on the side lines, coming out from behind the block 5-6 meters from the net, but the defender in the 6th zone, in accordance with the name of the scheme, plays either directly behind the block (catching discounts for the block), or behind front line (plays long ricochets from the block).
  • Blocking
  • Main article: Blocking (volleyball)
  • This is a playing technique in which the defending team prevents the ball from being transferred to its side when the opponent is attacking, by blocking its progress with any part of the body above the net, usually with the hands transferred to the opponent’s side within the rules. It is allowed to move your hands to the opponent's side when blocking to the extent that they do not interfere with the opponent before his attack or other game action.
  • The block can be single or group (double, triple). Touching a block does not count as one of the three touches. Only those players who stand on the front line, that is, in zones 2, 3, 4, can block.
  • Libero
  • Main article: Libero (volleyball)
  • One or two players (until 2009 - only one player) of a team can be nominated libero. Players of this role cannot participate in a block, serve, or perform an offensive strike on a ball that is completely above the top edge of the net. The libero's uniform must be different from the rest of the players. It is allowed to replace the libero an unlimited number of times without informing the referee. Since the libero does not have the right to attack or block, he usually stays on the back line, changing position with players who are advantageous to keep on the front line, for example, a central blocker
  • Regulations
  • The second assist is made by the setter of the Polish national team Pavel Zagumny. Player #2 is going to attack with the first tempo. Player #11 threatens to attack from the baseline (“pipe”). Enemy blockers must decide which attack to block.
  • A volleyball game has no time limit and lasts up to 25 points. Moreover, if the advantage over the opponent has not reached 2 points, the game will continue until this happens. The match continues until one of the teams wins three games. In the fifth game (tie-break) the score goes up to 15 points. In each game, the coach of each team may ask for two timeouts of 30 seconds each. Additionally, in the first 4 games, technical timeouts are assigned when one of the teams reaches 8 and 16 points (60 seconds each). After the end of the first four games, as well as when one of the teams reaches 8 points in the fifth game, the teams change sides of the court. In each game, the coach has the right to make no more than 6 substitutions of field players (except for the libero).

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Presentation - Volleyball for everyone


Text of this presentation

Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams compete on a special court divided by a net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court, or so that a player of the defending team makes a mistake.

Judge and OG
Players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row. Punishments include: reprimands, warnings, deletions and disqualifications. Volleyball has been part of the Olympic Games (OG) program since 1964.

Volleyball Federation
Since 2006, the FIVB has united 220 national volleyball federations, and the game is one of the most popular sports on Earth. The current world champion among men is the Polish team, among women - the US team.

In 1985, the Volleyball Hall of Fame was opened in Holyoke, in which the names of the most outstanding players, coaches, teams, organizers, and judges are entered.
Hall of Fame

General rules
The game is played on a rectangular platform measuring 18x9 meters. The volleyball court is divided in the middle by a net. The height of the net for men is 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m. Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, and 6 players can be on the field during the game. The site is conventionally divided into 6 zones based on the number of players. After each transition, the right to serve passes from one team to another as a result of a point, the players move to the next zone clockwise.

Liberos cannot block, serve, or hit a ball that is completely above the top edge of the net. The libero's uniform must be different from the rest of the players. It is allowed to replace the libero an unlimited number of times without informing the referee.

The game is not limited in time and lasts up to 25 points, in the fifth game the score goes up to 15 points. The game continues until the difference in score is at least 2 points. In one game, the coach can take 2 timeouts of 30 seconds each; in the first four games, when one team reaches 8 or 16 points, a technical timeout is taken

In each game, the coach has the right to make no more than 6 substitutions of field players, and the replaced player can return to the court in the same game only instead of the player who previously replaced him, after which the latter will not be able to enter the court until the next game. In the event of an injury, a team that has previously used all 6 substitutions may be allowed a so-called “exceptional” substitution.

Submission errors
The player stepped onto the court. The player threw and caught the ball. A serve made before the referee's whistle does not count and is repeated. After 8 seconds have passed after the referee's whistle, the ball is given to the opposing team.

The block can be single or group (double, triple). Touching a block does not count as one of the three touches. Only those players who stand on the front line, that is, in zones 2, 3, 4, can block.

Question No. 1
Since when has Volleyball been included in the Olympic Games? Select an answer and click on it! 1963 1966 1964 1961

Question No. 2
Who is the current Women's World Champion? Select an answer and click on it! UK Poland Russia USA

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Congratulations! This is the correct answer!!! Click on the Heart!

Question #3
Where and in what year was the Hall of Fame opened? Select an answer and click on it! 1987 Mexico 1984 Arizona 1988 Boston 1985 Holyoke

Unfortunately your answer is incorrect! To go, click on SMILE!

Congratulations! This is the correct answer!!! Click on the Heart!

Question #4
What is the height of the net for men? Select an answer and click on it! 3.06 m 2.43 m 2.45 m 2.39 m

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