Women's health problems. Women's health problems: how to avoid them? Possible causes of female diseases

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Today we are talking about women's health more and more often. According to a national survey, almost 13% of women over 18 are in fair or poor health. At the same time, a recent survey showed that 56% of Russian women underestimate the importance of regular medical examinations and tests. But every representative of the fair sex should undergo a general examination at least once every 2 years. And depending on age, it is worth paying attention to certain aspects of health. In this article we will tell you exactly which ones. website

I've collected the most important questions to ask your doctor depending on your age.

  • 20 years

“Am I at risk of developing breast cancer?”

  • 30 years

“Is my digestion okay?” After 30 years of work digestive system gradually begins to slow down. Metabolism is no longer as fast as it was at 20 years old. The good condition of the digestive system is important to ensure the smooth functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems

  • . Symptoms such as reflux, constipation and bloating are signs that you may want to get tested and change your diet.

“Are my moles and birthmarks okay?” Be careful about moles and birthmarks

on your skin. New formations that appear on the skin after 25–30 years are most likely no longer moles. They are not necessarily malignant. These formations usually indicate photoaging - damage and aging of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

So if you suddenly gain weight and have trouble losing it, talk to your doctor. A consultation will help you identify other signs of menopause and develop a more effective diet and exercise routine that fits your lifestyle.

How often do you undergo a medical examination and prepare for consultations with a doctor? Share your opinion in the comments. Women's health problems in are becoming more common. Not only mature women, but also young girls are susceptible to gynecological diseases. These diseases cause a lot of discomfort, and some of them pose a serious threat to a woman’s health. However, many problems can be avoided if you healthy image life and follow simple recommendations.

Causes of women's health problems

According to doctors, the main causes of various female diseases are: weakened immunity, chronic stress and nervous overstrain, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, poor nutrition, hypothermia, hormonal disorders in the body, problems in the sexual sphere, taking antibiotics and other medications. All these factors contribute to the emergence of all kinds of diseases. Gynecological diseases can be divided into several types:

  • infectious diseases. These include sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, candidiasis, trichomoniasis), viral infections (genital herpes, papilloma), as well as inflammation of the female genital organs (colpitis, vulvovaginitis);
  • tumor diseases. This group includes various tumors and neoplasms of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes of benign and malignant nature;
  • endocrinological diseases. This group includes diseases caused by disruption of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalances in the body.

Everyone knows the statement that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Gynecological diseases are no exception. The female body is a fragile system that can easily be thrown out of balance. Therefore, every woman should take care not only of her beauty, but also of her health. What needs to be done to minimize the risk of problems?

Intimate hygiene

Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene is the key to maintaining women's health. From an early age, girls must be taught to perform daily hygiene procedures.

Regular doctor visits

To promptly identify and eliminate possible problems women's health, every woman, regardless of age, should visit a gynecologist twice a year. The doctor will conduct a preventive examination, take the necessary swabs for analysis and tell you whether everything is in order with your health.

Many women turn to a gynecologist only when they feel unwell, but this is not entirely correct. Even if nothing hurts or bothers you, you should not neglect regular preventive examinations.

In addition to the gynecologist, there is one more doctor that every woman needs to visit. This is a mammologist. A mammologist specializes in diseases of the mammary glands, and since no woman is immune from the appearance of benign or malignant tumors in the breast, everyone needs to undergo a preventive examination with a mammologist. It is recommended to visit this doctor once a year, and even more often for women who are at risk for breast diseases.

Responsible approach to sex life

Regular sex life helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the production of hormones that have a positive effect on the female body, protecting it from many diseases. However, this happens if the woman has a regular sexual partner. Frequent changes of partners, on the contrary, negatively affect a woman’s health.

Women of reproductive age should not forget about contraception. Properly selected contraception protects against unwanted pregnancy and is the prevention of abortions, which negatively affect women's health.

There are many forms of contraception: condoms, birth control pills, intrauterine device, spermicidal suppositories and creams. In order to correctly choose the most suitable remedy and not harm your health, you should seek help from a gynecologist.

The right choice of clothes and underwear

Best to wear underwear made from natural fabrics - synthetics retain moisture and do not allow the skin to breathe. It is better to wear bikini panties and thongs only for an intimate date - for every day you should choose comfortable panties that cover the buttocks. You need to change your panties every day.

In addition to panties, you need to pay attention to the bra. It should also be made of soft, pleasant to the touch, breathable materials. It is important to choose the right bra size so that it does not squeeze or rub your breasts.

In cold weather, be sure to dress warmly. It is better to put off thin tights and short skirts until the summer, but in winter and autumn it is important that all intimate parts are protected from hypothermia.

By following these simple rules, every woman can avoid many health problems.

As a rule, women do not talk about this even with a gynecologist, but in vain. We begin to worry only when there is a problem in the sexual sphere. And if we paid more attention to proper care of the external genitalia, then many problems could be avoided. First let's look at some physiological characteristics female body.

The healthy microflora of the vagina consists of almost 98% lactobacilli, the remaining microorganisms are opportunistic. The main function of lactobacilli is to form a protective barrier for the female reproductive system. Lactic acid is food for lactobacilli. The amount of lactic acid in the microflora is determined by the level of acid alkaline balance or, as it is commonly called, pH balance. It has an acidic reaction and reaches a level of 3.5-4.5 - this is the norm.

However, when exposed to both internal and external factors A malfunction may occur, which leads to a disruption of the pH balance and a shift in the vaginal microflora to the alkaline side. Thus, the number of lactobacilli is reduced, and opportunistic microbes multiply. And only when a woman notices changes, this is usually discharge, itching, burning, she turns to a gynecologist, who makes a diagnosis of candidiasis, in other words, thrush, or bacterial vaginosis, in other words, dysbiosis of the vaginal mucosa, or vaginitis, i.e. . inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. From this we can conclude that the development of opportunistic flora depends on an imbalance in the pH balance, so if you maintain it at normal levels, many problems can be avoided.

Here are some recommendations to help keep your acid-base balance normal.

  1. Take a shower at least 2 times a day with warm water.
  2. When washing, use specialized intimate area care products that contain lactic acid.
  3. When washing, you need to direct the water jet and move your hands from front to back.
  4. After washing, you need to blot the moisture (do not wipe it) with a clean and soft towel, always your own.
  5. You need to douche only when necessary, not often, so as not to wash away beneficial lactobacilli.
  6. Are you using sanitary pads with a restorative layer of probiotics, which can restore vaginal microflora, protect your women's health from infections and other unwanted reactions, such as inflammation, itching in the intimate area, irritation and allergies.

Factors contributing to pH imbalance

And now I would like to talk about the factors that contribute to pH imbalance.

  • During menstruation, the vaginal mucosa is thinner than usual, the amount of lactic acid decreases, and, accordingly, the lactobacilli that feed on it decrease. As a result, the pH balance rises to a level of 6-7, which leads to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms that feed on blood, so these days it is necessary to be more careful in keeping the genitals clean.
  • During and after sexual intercourse, the pH balance may change, since a man’s sperm has an alkaline composition, which leads to inflammation.
  • During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, which can also cause inflammatory processes, because on local level immunity decreases, and the protective function of the woman’s reproductive system weakens.
  • After childbirth, for several weeks, residual amniotic fluid and blood are released, which are a good feed for pathogenic microbes. Therefore, inflammation may appear in the uterine cavity.
  • During a woman's menopause, the work of the ovaries is significantly reduced, and a hormonal imbalance occurs, which can provoke an increase in the level of acid-base balance. As a consequence of this, the pathogenic flora becomes more saturated, and because of this, unpleasant sensations may appear during intimacy, as well as various inflammations, itching and burning in the intimate area. But a completely reliable prevention against all this is the same pads with probiotics, which are mentioned just above in this article.

Good health to you!

We rarely associate this or that state of mind with our physical health. Like, not a single disease, not a single real, bleeding wound can compare with mental pain.

It will compare and even outdo it. Female physiology is directly connected, no matter how strange it may sound, with subtle spiritual matters. Many women's diseases arise from the fact that we do not accept certain things about ourselves (in appearance, character, social position, etc.). And, in fact, it is much easier to prevent and cure an unpleasant disease when you understand its psychological background.

Menstrual irregularities

In a psychological context, it indicates that a girl or woman denies her nature, her femininity. She is not satisfied with her body, she is afraid to be sexy. It has been noted that the cycle returns to normal when a woman joins some women’s group with a normal moral climate. Constant communication with the fair sex normalizes the flow feminine energy, and often it is thanks to this that menstruation becomes painless and does not bring suffering.


Decreased sexual excitability - signs of being in constant fear. Fear of sexual intercourse. Such women often completely deny everything carnal, physical intimacy, giving preference to spirituality. Probably, a puritanical atmosphere reigned in the families of these women; the father or mother was very strict and did not allow the girl to have any contact with boys. It is very difficult to get rid of this fear, this block. Frigid women deliberately date or associate their lives with sexually inferior partners to justify their insensitivity. But only men can “bring them to their senses”—they can’t get out of this situation on their own. Your partner should show by example that you can not only bring pleasure, but also receive it. This must be a very loving and strong person.

How to get rid of psychosomatic diseases?

The following ways will help you relax and return harmony, and therefore health, to your life:


According to Ayurveda, which help cope with psychosomatic disorders. Simple breathing exercises and asanas that will relax your mind can be practiced daily.

Yoga has a calming effect on the body and makes you more aware and accepting of yourself and your environment. Experiments have shown that yoga is as effective as medications when it comes to treating psychosomatic illnesses.


Medicines are usually prescribed by doctors to relieve certain physical symptoms. Most specialists also recommend that patients consult psychologists/psychotherapists, as medications provide temporary relief. An anxious person may suffer from a recurrence of physical symptoms, so it is necessary to look deeper for the cause.

The medications most commonly prescribed by doctors are tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), atypical antipsychotics, and herbal remedies. Specialists prescribe various combinations of drugs depending on the patient’s age, intensity of the disease, duration and responsiveness to treatment.

Therapeutic fasting

Fasting, well known in Japan, successfully alleviates both physical and psychological symptoms in patients with psychosomatic diseases. According to this therapy, vegetative nervous system And endocrine system are regulated by the process of abstaining from food, as a result of which the body restores the balance of both mental and physical health.


Migraines, asthma and gastrointestinal problems seen in psychosomatic disorders are often treated with hypnosis. This treatment method aims to find a solution to the physical symptoms in the patient's subconscious mind. Long-term hypnotherapy can effectively eliminate negative emotions and prevent the influence of the psyche on the body and the development of symptoms. In the past, this therapy has successfully addressed issues of anger, fear, and addiction.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

According to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), how we respond to a situation depends largely on how we perceive it. A person’s thoughts are associated with his emotions, physical sensations, behavior, as well as environment. And this determines how people behave in a particular situation and how they thinking process affects physical state. This therapy helps patients think holistically and relieves health-related anxiety.

Your state of mind is what makes or breaks your physical state. Therefore, psychology plays important role not only in the treatment of the disease, but also in its occurrence. So, next time, while in stressful situation, remember that stress and anxiety can lead to something more dangerous than temporary feelings of anger, depression or frustration. Staying calm in any circumstances is the key to good health and longevity!

There are diseases to which all people are susceptible to approximately the same extent. For example, osteochondrosis, appendicitis or caries can affect men and women with equal probability. There are pathologies that are more common in women, for example, autoimmune goiter, bronchial asthma, depression. Naturally, diseases associated with the female reproductive system do not occur in the stronger half of humanity; they are usually classified as problems of women’s health. But they do not exist separately from other diseases, so the concept of women’s health is much broader than just diseases of the genital area

Gynecological problems

Most gynecological diseases are initially asymptomatic, such as cervical erosion, endometriosis, and even uterine or ovarian cancer. That is why you need to regularly visit a gynecologist, starting with adolescence and into old age. In addition, any discomfort in the lower abdomen should alert you and force you to make an unscheduled trip to the doctor so as not to trigger the disease if it appears. At the appointment, the doctor will not only perform an external examination of the genital organs, but will also take a smear for microflora, and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations.

How should a woman behave in order to protect her body as much as possible? These common truths are known to everyone, but I will still list them. Firstly, a woman should dress warmly; it is unacceptable to wear 40-day tights in 20-degree frost. The consequence can be not only cystitis, but also something worse, for example, adnexitis or pyelonephritis. Secondly, you need to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking, especially drug use. They not only impair the functioning of the reproductive system, but also increase the likelihood of developing postmenopausal heart disease and lung cancer. Thirdly, it is better not to engage in promiscuous sex, this is fraught with very unpleasant diseases, for example, genital herpes, the recurrence of which will have to be treated for the rest of your life. Classic and relatively recently discovered AIDS and hepatitis C are also waiting for you. Not only do they kill an unborn person and are morally difficult for a woman, they can lead to infertility and the development of other gynecological diseases, it is better to try to avoid them, especially since there are many methods of contraception .

What you need to know about breast diseases

U healthy woman at any age, the breasts should be soft and not have any compactions or spherical inclusions. Breast cancer is very common (every eighth woman on earth is sick with it), and effective treatment Since it can only be diagnosed at the beginning of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a breast self-examination every month as follows. Need to lift up left hand, and with the right, examine the left breast carefully and carefully, sector by sector, for lumps and subcutaneous formations, including the armpit. Then you need to raise right hand, and examine the right mammary gland with your left hand. Women who have a family history of breast cancer patients should be especially careful. If any lump or formation is detected, as well as if the nipple on the breast is retracted or there is discharge from it (and you are not a nursing mother), you should definitely visit a mammologist or at least a gynecologist. You should also do this if you find nothing, but your breasts are swollen or painful. Not every breast disease is malignant, it could be mastopathy, but it needs to be treated in any case. The female breast is a very delicate organ and needs to be protected. Colds, strokes, and chest injuries can later turn into oncology or mastopathy.

Problems of older women

Many women endure it hard, their health deteriorates, excessive sweating, hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, and often depression appear. All these problems can be solved, you just need to see a doctor. But even during menopause and the postmenopausal period, a woman can suffer from almost all diseases of the reproductive system, with the exception of PMS, if we consider it a disease. Moreover, when a woman’s body produced eggs, her body was reliably protected from many misfortunes by sex hormones. And in postmenopause, the development of heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and osteoporosis begins. This is often facilitated by loneliness, divorce, death of loved ones, and loss of work. At this time, it is especially important to try to lead a correct lifestyle, to refuse bad habits, perform feasible physical activity.

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