Natural Park Lena Pillars (Russia). Where are the Lena Pillars Park on the map of Russia? Yakut Pillars


Lena Pillars National Park The Lena Pillars National Park was formed relatively recently, just over 15 years ago. In the mid-1980s, as a result archaeological excavations

At the mouth of the Diring-Yuryakh stream, which flows through the park, a site of ancient people and traces of the prehistoric Diring culture were discovered. Scientists found not only tools, jewelry and household items, but also the remains of ancient animals: woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiguibatis), bison (Bison priscus) and mammoth (Mammulhus primigenius). There is a version that the Diring-Yuryakh site is one of the oldest in the world. According to natural criteria national park applies for inclusion in the list World Heritage

UNESCO. National Park "Lena Pillars" is one of natural wonders

Yakutia. Their shape has been honed over millions of years under the influence of weathering forces and solar radiation. They began to look like palaces, towers, houses, temples and even people and animals

  • general information Full name: national natural Park
  • "Lena Pillars".
  • IUCN Category: II (National Park).
  • Date of foundation; February 10, 1995.
  • Region Yakutia, Khangalassky ulus.
  • Area: 485,000 hectares.
  • Relief: mountainous.
  • Climate: sharply continental.
  • Official website: Email:.

[email protected]

Walk in the park

The path from Olemkinsk to the village of Pavlovsk along the Lena River leaves an unforgettable impression. After all, this is where the amazing pearl of the North is located - “Lena Pillars”. The national park consists of two branches: “Stolby” and “Sinsky”.

On the right bank of the Lena you can see blowing sand-tuculans. Translated from the Evenki language, “tukulan” means “sand”. The air temperature here can reach +40 °C. There are no analogues to such a miracle of nature anywhere else on the planet. For scientists, the origin of the Tuculans is still a mystery.

Vegetable world On the territory of the Lena Pillars Park, 464 species of higher vascular plants have been identified. Lowland larch taiga dominates. It is interesting that only here an endemic plant grows - Redowskia sophiifolia. It is not found anywhere else in the world. In the Tuculans there is another very- Scriabin's slender leg (Koeleria skrjabinii). There are also many other rare flowers and herbs here: parietaria micrantha, spotted lady's slipper (Cypripedium guttatum), Pennsylvania lily (Lilium rep-sylvanicum), etc.

Really amazing plant can be called arctic lupine (Lupinus arcticus). The fact is that its seeds broke all world records for viability. So, in 1954, during archaeological excavations on the Canadian Yukon Plateau, seeds of this plant were found. Their age was also determined: 10,000 years. After the completion of the excavations, the seeds remained in storage for about 12 years until an attempt was made to germinate them. The experiment was a success!

There are a lot of fancy mosses and lichens on the territory of the Lena Pillars. Reindeer moss, or reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina), has very high frost resistance. Thanks to this, it serves as an excellent food reindeer even in the most severe cold, constituting up to 90% of their diet in winter.

Animal world

The park is home to 42 species of mammals, 99 of birds, 27 of which are rare and endangered, 4 of amphibians and reptiles, and 23 of fish.

Reindeer moss, or reindeer moss, is one of the most frost-resistant types of lichens

Most often found in forests and coastal areas are Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica), sable (Martes zibellina), American mink (Neovison vison), steppe ferret (Mustela evers-manni), and wolverine (Gulo gulo). Smaller animals include the common flying squirrel (Pteromys volans), the common squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), the Asian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus), the long-tailed ground squirrel (Spermophilus undulatus), and the mountain hare (Lepus timidus).

The golden eagle is the largest and strongest eagle, but today this species itself needs protection, therefore it is listed in the Red Book of Russia

The musk deer (Moschus moschiferus), a relatively small animal similar to a deer, is found here. The body length of an adult musk deer reaches one meter, the height at the withers is 70 cm. It does not have horns; instead, fangs serve as tournament weapons for males. pay attention to Latin name this animal. The word moschus has Greek origin and means “musk”, and moschiferus - “carrying musk”. Each male musk deer has a special abdominal gland that produces musk, a strong-smelling substance that has long been used and highly prized in perfumery.

Lena pillars in the fog

The Lena Pillars National Park is home to the small swan (Cygnus bewickii), peregrine falcon (Falcoperegrinus), gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), white-tailed eagle (Hali-aetus albicilla), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), osprey (Pandion haliaetus), white crane , or Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus), and dozens of other bird species.

The golden eagle is one of the most famous birds of prey, the largest and strongest eagle. IN Lately their number has decreased sharply, mainly due to serious disturbances in the ecological balance of nature and the deliberate destruction of birds. Golden eagles, like many other predators, have very acute vision: they are able to see a hare from a distance of 2 km. Golden eagles can attack animals equal and even larger than them in size: foxes, deer and their cubs, chamois, roe deer, sheep.

For visitors

Park mode

The park has ecological routes and trails that introduce tourists to unique natural monuments: the Lena Pillars, tukulans, flora and fauna.

How to get there

From Yakutsk to the Lena Pillars park the distance is about 180 km, from Pokrovsk - 104 km. Before national park The easiest way to get there is by tourist boat. You can also get there from Olemkinsk. More detailed information about tourist routes can be obtained from the park administration.

Where to stay

One of the options is the Buotamskaya recreation center, which is located on the right bank of the Lena River in the park. It has ten heated houses. In addition, you can stay at the Verkhniy Vestyakh recreation center, located a few kilometers above the village of the same name. The base is electrified, there are summer houses, a bathhouse, and a dining room. Up to 20 people can stay here.

Lena Pillars are tall columnar rocks, the origin of their name is associated with the Lena River, along which these stone formations stretch for 80 kilometers. The Siberian miracle is located less than two hundred kilometers from the city of Yakutsk. In 1994, the authorities of Yakutia organized a national park of the same name, which, in addition to the Lena Pillars, included several other important objects of the Republic, and in 2012 the Lena Pillars were included in the UNESCO list.

On average, the height of the Lena Pillars is about 100 meters. Individual rocks reach 200 m, the highest point is 321 m. Similar rock formations can only be seen in the USA (Grand Canyon) and Australia (Uluru). Scientists, historians, and archaeologists never tire of making presentations, writing reports and messages about these unique rocks.

How were the Lena Pillars formed?

Bizarre stone sculptures hanging over the surface of the water sometimes resemble the ruins of ancient castles, which instilled superstition in the local ancient peoples and forced them to compose legends. Modern scientists know how the Lena Pillars were formed: more than 1.5 billion years ago, Siberia was a continent almost completely covered with water. In one part there was the open sea, and in the other there was a large salt marsh, and they were separated by a reef belt.

The Lena Pillars rocks began to form about 550 million years ago, as a result of the uplift of the Siberian Platform and the growth of reefs. Under the influence of the movement of tectonic plates in the thickness earth's surface faults and deeply flowing river valleys were formed. Under the influence of water and wind, the carbonate rocks acquired the shape that we can see today, but modifications of this World Heritage Site are still ongoing.

The value and global significance of the Lena Pillars

Each layer of the Lena Pillars preserves the history of the continent and the entire Planet. The formations contain traces of primitive worms and mollusks. Each glass of fossil reefs contains the remains and skeletons of living organisms that ceased to exist millions of years ago. In the area where this landmark of Yakutia is located, the remains of a mammoth, bison, Lena horse and woolly rhinoceros were found. The carcasses of dead animals were preserved not thanks to permafrost, inherent in the remote northern regions of Russia. The bodies of deceased representatives of the ancient fauna were enveloped tiny particles, which fell in clouds of turbidity from the reef slopes. The clay deposit hardened, the animal tissues petrified, retaining their structure.

This world heritage of Russia has changed the way scientists think about the evolution of the Earth. Transitional forms found in Lena Pillars different types living organisms. For example, researchers concluded that ringworms are not at all one of the most primitive animals from which other species were formed. The fossils found prove that most groups of worms, on the contrary, “lost” the legs of their ancestors who possessed them. And although the conclusions have been drawn, any 4th grade Natural History textbook still does not always contain reliable information about the origin of earthly animals.

Tourism and protection of the Lena Pillars

Today on Far East, where the Lena Pillars are located, tourism is actively developing. The reserve attracts with its amazing taiga landscapes, unique flora and fauna. Here you can find not only bears, hares, squirrels and moose, but also such rare animals as wapiti and wolverine. The Lena River and its tributaries are home to sturgeon, nelma and other types of fish. Any report for children will tell you that on the territory of the reserve there are dozens of plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia.

Many tourist routes include mountaineering to the tops of the Lena Pillars. A large number of observation platforms allow you to view the majestic nature of Siberia, as if on a map. Motor ships ply along the Lena River for vacationers, attracting tourists with a wide variety of recreation programs. And yet, the mysterious Lena Pillars, which keep the secrets of the origin of earthly life, are not conducive to noisy relaxation. Exploring these places should be done slowly and thoughtfully. Even the photo shows what immense beauty lies in these ancient rocks - the majestic nature of Siberia is more suitable for philosophical reflection and comprehension of the meaning of life.

In contact with

What bizarre fantasies does nature present to us, creating landscape wonders! Here are the pointed rocks along the coast of the Lena River in Yakutia - either petrified trees with their tops directed upward, or ancient castles with towers propping up the heavens with their spiers!

Bizarre geological formations stretch along the right bank upstream rivers for more than 520 km from the city of Olekminsk to the village of Pavlovsk, but their density is especially high between the villages of Petrovsky and Tit-Ari. The height of most of the pillars exceeds the hundred-meter mark, some of them rise above the river level by almost 220 m.

It is believed that the rocks that make up this unique natural monument began to form in the early Cambrian period - approximately 550 million years ago. However, the formation of the Lena Pillars occurred much later, 150 million years later, when the processes of gradual uplift of the Siberian Platform began, leading to the appearance of faults and river valleys. The activation of karst destruction and erosive weathering contributed to the emergence of bizarre rock formations that excite the imagination of everyone who was lucky enough to see them with their own eyes.

Once upon a time, the Decembrist A. A. Besstuzhev-Marlinsky and famous writer V. Korolenko, and today not only nimble tourist boats, but also imposing passenger ships certainly stop at the Lena Pillars.

The pillars are beautiful in any season. In spring, their dark gray silence is embellished by snow-white clouds of flowering bird cherry trees, soft purple spots of lilac, and soft emerald mats of mosses. In summer, at the foothills there is a pink sea of ​​fireweed, a variety of flowers, lilies and lilies. In autumn, the entire right bank of the Lena blazes with crimson, and the winter marble-snow outfit is majestic and festive in its own way.

There is a ringing silence among the rocks, only occasionally it is broken by the timid chirping of swallows and swifts that have built their burrows in the limestone walls, and sometimes you can hear the creaking of spruce, pine and rowan trees, clinging to their roots in the crevices between the stone blocks.

Natural Park "Lena Pillars"

In the 90s of the last century, in the vicinity of a unique natural monument, a natural park of the same name was founded, including two branches - “Sinsky” and “Stolby” and occupying total area 485 thousand hectares.

In the park, in addition to the Lena Pillars, there are many other valuable natural objects of interest for ecotourism. IN natural park The remains of ancient animals were discovered - bison, mammoth and woolly rhinoceros. Rare permafrost ecosystems are protected. More than 20 species of vegetation found in the park are listed in the Red Book of Russia, and the protected species of fauna of world importance include the crane crane, small swan, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, and white-tailed eagle.

In 2012, the park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List based on natural criteria.

Attractions nearby Lena Pillars

Within the park there are many picturesque objects that many tourists seek to see.

In addition to the Lensky pillars, the Sinsky pillars are no less beautiful, which are not so impressive in size - no more than 50-100 m above water level and stretch in the lower reaches of the Sinaya River for 180 km. They are especially grandiose in the place where the seething stream is hidden under the rocks.

Downstream after the mouth of the Khariya-Yurekh River, the beautiful Buotama makes its way among the same rocks as the Lena Pillars. The Buotam rocks impress with the variety of rocks that come to the surface - dolomites, limestones, marls.

The natural park is also famous for its rare variety of landscape – northern sandy desert, presented in the form of large blowing sand massifs - tuculans. There are two tukulans in the protected area - Kysyl Elesin, sand dune near the mouth of Buotama, and Saamys Kumaga, almost 5 km long, consisting of ridges, shafts and basins, overgrown with herbs, wild rose thickets, and sometimes tall pine trees.

A parking lot was discovered within the natural park primitive people at the mouth of the small river Diring-Yuryakh, during excavations of which stone tools and burials of the late Neolithic period were found.

Excursions to the Lena Pillars

Weekend tours to the Lena Pillars are very popular. Those who want to go on a trip along the Lena gather on Friday evenings at the Yakutsk river station and set off on one of the ships. By morning, the cruise ship docks at the foot of the cliffs. The group of tourists spends the whole day in nature, and in the evening returns to the ship. On way back A 6-hour stop is expected on Rassolod Island to search for pirate treasure. Arrival in Yakutsk late on Sunday evening.

Excursions to the Lena Pillars are also carried out by small 12 or 15-seater boats from Yakutsk or along a combined route: by road to the villages of Verkhny Bestyakh, Bulgunnyakhtakh or Elanka, and then along the river. The cost of the trip is approximately 6-8 thousand rubles for one person.

A visit to the Lena Pillars Natural Park is possible by purchasing a ticket at the office of the environmental institution in the city of Pokrovsk. Its cost ranges from 250-350 rubles for a one-day stay and 650-850 rubles for three-day accommodation in guest houses of tourist centers. The park offers interesting eco-trails for tourists:

  • Tuculan,
  • The feathered world of Buotama,

as well as rafting routes along the Sinaya and Buotama rivers. Relaxation in the park is also possible in winter time– traveling on snowmobiles across the ice crossing “Batamay – Lena Pillars” is no less exciting than a cruise on a motor ship along the Lena.

Where to stay

The easiest way to see the Lena Pillars is to stay at one of the hotels in Yakutsk and go on a one-day tour along the river to explore the attraction. The cost of accommodation in hotels in the capital of the Republic of Sakha - Siberia, Sterkh, Landysh, Lena, Tygyn Darkhan and others from 800 to 5000 rubles. In Pokrovsk there is the possibility of temporary accommodation at the Buotama recreation center. On the territory of the Lena Pillars Natural Park there are several options for accommodating tourists - in guest houses in the Labydya area, in the hunter's house and at the Lena Pillars recreation center in the village of Verkhny Bestyakh, at the Ust Buotama tourist center in the Buotama section of the natural park.

How to get to Lena Pillars

Russia, Republic of Sakha, Khangalassky ulus, Pokrovsk

From Moscow to Yakutsk, air travel is more rational than other options. Airplane tickets will cost from 7,800 rubles for one passenger. If you need to go to Pokrovsk, you should use bus route No. 202, the fare starts from 200 rubles.

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Introducing a guest post Yuri Gelios. He lives in one of the most beautiful, in my opinion, corners of Russia - in Yakutia. There are many amazing creations of nature here. And today there will be a story about the Lena Pillars, which rise above the waters of the Lena River. Few can boast that they have seen them with their own eyes. So get ready for an exciting journey!

is unique nature reserve, located in Yakutia on the river Lena. Local residents often summer time years, they travel to the Lena Pillars on ships or boats (if they personally have one). You can go on this cruise only in summer by water, but in winter this route is quite extreme, also along the river, but by car.

Sometimes the pillars are visited by foreign tourists - extreme sports enthusiasts who usually come to Yakutia to test themselves at the Pole of Cold - Oymyakon.

The Lena Pillars are the greatest miracle of nature; they are a kind of stone forest, almost the same as the Wulingyuan Pillars in China. These majestic rocks, whose height reaches 200-300 meters, stretch along the banks of the Lena River for 80 km in length.

Nearby, some columns, rocks, pillars sometimes resemble some strange animal, sometimes a dragon, and some dreamers even see the ancient ruined walls of a castle.

On the rocks that rise along the river bank, you can find rock paintings made by ancient local residents with red and yellow paint. The images vary, but most are of animals, people and writing.

The history of the appearance of this Yakut miracle of nature has its roots deep in antiquity. Sometime in the Cambrian period (approximately 540 million years ago) above Oimuransky barrier reef there was a not very deep warm sea and there, at the bottom of the sea, carbonate sediments formed. Over the past time, due to the movement of tectonic plates, this area has risen by 200 meters, and as a result of this, deep fault zones have appeared, and this was the beginning of the incision of rivers, and then the Lena River was formed with steep steep banks, which are called the Lena Pillars.

Excursion to the Lena Pillars

In general, for the majority local residents the cruise is not cheap, which is a little strange. You can say that whether you are English or Yakut, you will pay approximately the same amount for a trip to these majestic pillars. But you can have a great rest there. Usually a cruise lasts 3 days, so during this time you can swim, get drunk, catch fish, and just have a fun time with friends.

However, this is one of the best tourist routes, which is not a shame to show in front of foreign tourists. Of course, there is also a route to Oymyakon and Tiksi, but this is for natural extreme sports enthusiasts, usually there are few Russian tourists among them, the cost of tours is quite high, but we are often visited by Discovery and NatGEO TV channels. More about Oymyakon and others interesting places Yakutia, you can read it on my blog. For now, let's return to our pillars.

More often than not, among those wishing to spend a cultural holiday in nature, the weekend route is in demand. Collection and departure begins on Friday evening at the river station. Already in the morning the ship arrives at the Lena Pillars. During Saturday, the ship stays offshore. All Saturday you do whatever your heart desires. And in the evening of the same day, boarding and departure takes place. On the way to Yakutsk there will be a short stop on the island of Rassolod and then back to the river port of Yakutsk.

Cost of excursion to the Lena Pillars reserve

Cruises are carried out on two luxury ships: "Demyan Bedny" And "Mikhail Svetlov" , on appearance The ships are practically not much different from each other. Both ships were built in the 80s of the last century in Austria, but despite their considerable age, they look excellent. The decoration of the corridors and cabins is made of wood, gilding everywhere, glass, good furniture, carpets, in general, comfortable ships. The cost of one place in a 4-bed cabin will cost about 6,000 rubles. In a 2-bed room - 6600 rub. In 1 local - about 7000 rubles. If you want chic, then one place in a luxury cabin will cost you about 12,000 rubles. Well, if you want to rent the entire cabin, then the luxury option will cost 23,000 rubles. These are prices for weekend rates. There are also several types of cruises: 1 day, 2 nights and 1 day, 3 days and 2 nights, than more days, the more expensive. A cruise on weekdays will cost a couple of thousand rubles less. Want to detailed information or maybe you would like to come to Yakutia to take a cruise? Then it’s worth checking out the tour operator’s website -

What to do with yourself on the ship before arriving at the place?

You can entertain yourself and relax not only on the river bank, but also on the ship itself. It has various Board games, karaoke, even a library (why read if you’re going to have fun?!), and, of course, a disco located on the upper deck. You can also spend time in the sauna and, if you don’t know how to have fun, then visit the cinema. Or you can play the balls in billiards, although perhaps this is only during the parking period, since when moving, the balls themselves strive to get into the hole without your help :) There is a local toastmaster who entertains people with various games and competitions.

Tired of dancing and relaxing? Do you want to eat? There is a restaurant on the ship, although, of course, this is not “Tygyn-Dyrkhan”, but rather a dining room, which is why the food there is simple. Several types of hot dishes, several types of soups, a couple of salads, side dishes and drinks. Alcohol is also present, but it is quite expensive, as is usually the case in restaurants (some manage to bring alcohol on board). The food is not bad, they cook well. You can buy cards and eat with them, or purchase a full meal package for the duration of the cruise along with the voucher.

By the way, if you want to feel like the owner of a ship, you can rent a ship; 1 hour will cost you only 30 thousand rubles. It takes 5 hours to sail from Yakutsk to the Lena Pillars, the average cruise is 30 hours. But this is true, to stroke your vanity, this option is usually used by enterprises and organizations that organize corporate parties for their employees.

Going on such a cruise alone is a waste of money, unless you are the soul of any company. Usually they travel in small groups of 10-20 people (the ship can accommodate up to 200 people), organizations, some go with their family, and there are even “lovers” who usually sit in the cabins all the time so as not to suddenly get burned :)

Arrival at the stone forest of Yakutia

I described all this on the first day, or rather the period of time Friday evening and Saturday night. In the morning the ship moored to the shore, and you get out and see them... Lena pillars. Those who wish can undergo a shamanic rite of purification, and then hit the road to conquer the peaks of the rocks.

There are two ways to go up: long and calm and fast but dangerous. The long path takes 40-50 minutes, it goes around the rocks, there are wooden paths, stairs, and areas for gatherings. Short way for extreme people– 20 minutes and you’re already at the top, but you’ll have to climb almost sheer rocks, but from these places a gorgeous view opens up and the pictures are more spectacular.

Having climbed to the top, you have a stunning view of the panorama of the beautiful Lena River and the vast taiga. The feeling is indescribable - you have to see it... After descending, you have the opportunity to relax on the shore, eat barbecue and just sit by the fire. It is better to take the grill and all the paraphernalia with you, since their supply on the ship is limited.

In the evening, the captain of the ship gathers all the tourists with long and drawn-out beeps, everyone comes on board and the ship sets off back. But that is not all. On the way home there is a stop at a pirate island called Rassolod Island. The stay takes about 6 hours, during which time you can take part in the search for pirate treasure, play active games with a ball, and just for a walk, filming beautiful nature. In summer in Yakutia the nights are light, at 12 at night it can be as light as at 8 in the evening, so the evenings are long here. After a late evening walk around the pirate island, the ship again calls everyone on board and sets off on its return journey.

In the evening, the ship already arrives at the river port of the city of Yakutsk and the people, cheerful, rested and relaxed, go home. And now, the journey can be considered over.

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The high cliffs, stretching like a solid wall for forty kilometers along the coast of the Lena River, resemble walls medieval castle or frozen stone giants. This is none other than the famous Lena Pillars (Yakutia). For the Yakuts they are a symbol of courage, love and fidelity. After all, the Lena Pillars are the fossilized figures of two lovers who were bewitched by a terrible dragon. The serpent wanted to take the girl as his wife, but her fiance defeated him in a duel. And yet the lovers were not destined to live together; the dragon finally managed to take revenge by turning them into stone. So says the ancient legend...

What are Lena Pillars?

Lena Pillars (Yakutia) are high vertical cliffs of unusual shape, stretching along one of the banks of the Lena River. Seeing them for the first time, you are amazed by their harsh and majestic beauty. This miracle of nature is located in the natural park of the Republic of the same name. Stunning cliffs from forty to one hundred meters high are becoming more mysterious and beautiful every year due to the peculiarities of the local climate.

Creation of the park

The Lena Pillars Natural Park was created after the decree of the President of the Republic of August 16, 1994. The main activity of the park is the development of eco-tourism, which is becoming increasingly popular. The reserve welcomes guests on its territory throughout the year, offering specially designed tourist routes.

Lena Pillars (Yakutia) is a real miracle of nature. The mountain system stretches for tens of kilometers along the river coast. It consists of vertical cliffs, as if growing from the bowels of the earth. The Lena River seems to be protected from the outside world by a mountain range.

The unique park is located in the Olekminsky and Khangalasssky districts of Yakutia, 200 kilometers from Yakutsk. It is divided into four zones: Buotamsky, Sinsky, Lena Pillars and Tukulan Sands. The park is located on the banks of the Sinaya, Buotama and Lena rivers, from where the pillars got their names. Currently, these wild places are very popular as part of eco-tourism.

Stone forest

The unusual Lena Pillars (Yakutia) as unique geological formations are included in the list. In addition, they are a natural monument of world significance. A couple of years ago, the Lena Pillars (Russia) and the surrounding areas were taken under UNESCO protection.

Why does the mountain range have such unusual shape? In fact, the pillars are made of limestone, which, under the influence of harsh climatic conditions region, breaking into pieces, formed vertical rocks of stunning shape. The Lena River is protected for many kilometers, with rocks located close to each other.

History of the stone forest

The mountain range from which the pillars eventually emerged began to form 550 million years ago. Once upon a time, a sea splashed on these lands, at the bottom of which limestone accumulated. It disappeared from the face of the earth during the period when the Siberian Platform was uplifted. Limestone formed rock formations, river valleys and faults. The bizarre shape of the mountains was influenced by factors such as weathering and erosion. The process lasted quite a long time, and already 400 thousand years ago a stone forest appeared, which still delights the human imagination for centuries.

Eyewitnesses say: the Lena Pillars are especially beautiful at dawn, when they are illuminated by the rays of the sun and resemble medieval castle. The Lena River, flowing at the foot of the mountains, gives this picture an even more majestic appearance. The ridge looks completely different at sunset. In the evening hours, the rocks take on an ominous appearance, reminiscent of the abode of an evil sorcerer.

On the slopes of the rocks many caves were found, on the walls of which were painted in yellow paint those who lived in these places. In addition, their tools were found. Therefore, the Lena Pillars natural park is of interest from an archaeological point of view. The remains of rhinoceroses, mammoths, bison were discovered here, and in rocks There are fossils of trilobites that lived on earth more than 200 million years ago. It is thanks to the unique finds on the territory of the reserve and unique natural attractions that the park was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Reserved lands

The natural park, on the territory of which the Lena Pillars are located, has a fairly extensive territory. Its area is 81 thousand hectares, and the length of land along the Lena River is 220 kilometers.

On the territory of the park, in addition to the Lena Pillars, there are other equally interesting natural objects. Buotama rocks are mountain formations located below the mouth of the Buotama River. Their peculiarity is the multi-colored texture, which appears due to the combination of limestone and dolomite.

Sinsky pillars are not very high, they rarely exceed the 100-meter threshold. In addition, on the territory of the reserve there are sandy Tuculans. Such large sand massifs are more typical of deserts. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are located in the middle of the taiga and occupy quite a large territory. For example, one of the dunes is about 5 kilometers long and almost 900 meters wide.

The entire reserve is undeveloped land, so any work on its territory is prohibited. Rivers such as Lena, Buotama and Sinaya flow through the park. There are many protected lands and lakes. Natural reservoirs are shallow (from two to three meters) and are filled with rainwater. Their banks are usually flat and marshy.

The park has a wide variety of fauna and flora. There are 500 species of plants, 20 of which are listed in the Red Book, 42 ​​species of mammals, a large number of fish, more than a hundred species of birds.

Local legends

Since ancient times, the Lena Pillars and the surrounding lands have been shrouded in an incredible number of secrets and legends, and the Yakuts tell a lot about them. For many centuries, mysterious pillars were something inexplicable and scary for people. They instilled genuine horror in any person who saw them for the first time.

Local residents say that in these places there lives its own big Foot. The Yakuts call him Ulmesh. His height reaches ten meters, he wears pointed hat and sometimes attacks hunters, and sometimes, on the contrary, helps them. Local peoples generally endowed these mysterious places with special powers. The Lena Pillars were a sacred place for them, instilling horror and fear. People were terribly afraid of angering the spirits living in the rocks. Many believed that the pillars were people frozen forever, punished for something by supernatural forces. Mere mortals were afraid to even approach these places. And only shamans and elders had the right to approach the pillars, thereby proving their connection with the spirits.

Climate of the protected area

The territory of the park is located in a sharply continental climate. The Lena Pillars Nature Reserve is plunged into cold in winter, which lasts for almost six months. The temperature sometimes drops to -36 degrees. But in the summer the temperature is between 20-40 degrees.

Do not forget that the reserve, like the whole of Yakutia, is characterized by permafrost. For this reason, the soil freezes at great depths (from 100 to 700 meters). This situation arose due to the remoteness Atlantic Ocean. Mountain ranges Siberia blocks the path of air masses moving from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. But the cold masses of the Arctic get here very quickly. For this reason, this region is characterized by extreme weather.

Lena Pillars (Yakutia): how to get there

As we already mentioned, the Lena Pillars are located in Yakutia. The nearest village from them is the city of Pokrovsk, located 104 kilometers away, and Yakutsk, 200 kilometers away. Despite the climatic and weather conditions, getting to the reserve is not difficult. For example, you can fly from Moscow to Yakutsk by plane, and then take a five-hour voyage on a comfortable ship to the Lena Pillars nature reserve (Yakutia). It is best to purchase tours from one of the agencies, then you can ride in comfort on one of the ships. It is also possible to rent a private motor boat. However, traveling by this type of transport is not very convenient, but its cost is lower than a ticket on a ship.

Local travel companies also organize winter tours to the Lena Pillars. Riding on prepared off-road vehicles is a pleasure for people who love extreme sports. Tourists are brought directly to the mountain range through the bed of the Lena River by snowmobile.

You can get to the Lena Pillars both in summer and winter. The park has specially designed routes that allow tourists to get acquainted with natural sites. One of the most popular is climbing the rocks at the mouth of Labuya. The road runs along a path lined with log steps with wooden railings. The ascent takes about 50 minutes. There is also a shorter, but prohibited trail. You can use it to reach the peaks in 25 minutes. Tourists strive to climb up to see the stunning views and capture them on camera.

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