Natural complexes of the Azov and White Seas. Question: "Describe the natural complex of the White Sea." There is a large port of Kandalaksha

home My grandfather was a navigator and lived in the northern part of Russia. He told me about his adventures on the waters of the White Sea on a merchant ship. I remember that this reservoir is very small and not deep at all. Another interesting thing was that some people drank on a dare sea ​​water

, because it turns out that it is practically not salted.

Natural complex of the White Sea It is inland (that is, surrounded by land) and is located in the north of Russia ( European part ). Northern Arctic Ocean is directly related to the waters of this sea. Among the reservoirs washing the territory of Russia, the sea in the north is second only to the Sea of ​​Azov in its small size. Its area does not exceed 91 thousand km². With depth the situation is the same, most higher value - 345 meters, and, on average, the figure is no more than 70 meters. Despite the small size of the sea, quite a lot of water flows into its waters.:

  • big rivers
  • Mezen;
  • Northern Dvina;
  • Kem;


The coastline has a very curved shape, which is why the White Sea is sometimes called the “Bay of Snakes”. It also has neighboring waters: the Barents and Baltic Seas, which are connected through canals.

History and interesting facts about the sea The oldest news about this reservoir dates back to the 11th century. Then he was very important in terms of trade. Since those ancient times, the winds blowing nearby north sea

, got their names. For example, noon is a south wind, and siverko is a north wind. The northeast wind is called midnight, the southeast wind is called lunchtime, etc. The very first foreigners to enter the White Sea were the British, followed by the Dutch. This was obvious given the great growth in the development of trade in fish and valuable fur in those areas. It can be said that coastal areas became large trading points. But already in the 18th century, people began to increasingly understand that the North Sea was not the most profitable trade route, because most

The White Sea is located “on the threshold” of the Arctic and has a very cold climate. Summer is short and cool. On the southern coast, the water warms up to C. Winter is long, from November to May the sea is covered with ice. There is a lot of precipitation, up to 500 mm per year. The White Sea is small in area. The bottom topography is uneven. The sea is shallow. Because located on the continental shelf. The average depth is 60 m. Salinity is % o in the south, 30 % o in the north. The Strait connects the White Sea Throat with the Bering Sea.

White Sea Low-lying but strongly indented shores. Tides from 1m to 3.5m. Mezen Bay - up to 10m. Biological resources poor. Fish: cod, navaga, herring, salmon. Animals: harp seal, seal, beluga whale. Eiders Kandalaksha Nature Reserve. Eider nesting sites are protected

White Sea Brave people live here - Pomors. There is a large port of Kandalaksha. An artificial Belomorsk canal was dug near the city of Belomorsk (built from 1933 to 1933 by prisoners). It connects the sea with the Baltic. Length km. At the entrance to Onega Bay on Solovetsky Island at the beginning of the 15th century, it was founded Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery.

Sea of ​​Azov Sea of ​​Azov Amazing in its shallowness, on average its depth is 7m, and the maximum is 15m. The climate is warm and dry, but the sea does not dry out and does not accumulate salts (Why?). The sea is desalinated to 11-13% o. Sivash - 60% o. The mouth of the Don and the Taganrog Bay are almost completely fresh. This is a paradise for sturgeon and stellate sturgeon.

Sea of ​​Azov In December, the sea becomes covered with ice and is freed at the end of March. They're booming strong storms, especially in the fall. In June the water t rises to C, July August C, in estuaries up to C. Problem: fertilizers with water end up in the sea, hence the blooms and algae. Living organisms die and hydrogen sulfide is released. More than salty waters Black Sea. Disruption of the salt balance leads to a decrease in fish resources.

L. S. Berg was the first to write about the existence of natural complexes on the bottom and surface of the sea. Underwater natural complexes are similar to natural land complexes in the unity and interaction of its constituent components: underlying surface, water, flora and fauna.

In the era of scientific and technological progress, the problems of comprehensive study and development natural resources seas and oceans are becoming one of the most important for humanity.

Rational use of the resources of the World Ocean requires knowledge of the characteristics of the natural complexes of the seas.

Remember what you already know about ocean resources from your continental and oceanic geography course. What resources are rich in the Russian seas (see Fig. 7)?

Using the example of the White Sea, we will show the specifics of its natural complex and the problems of its rational development by humans.

A special natural complex is the White Sea - the icy sea of ​​Pomors, on the shores of which young Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov learned to understand nature. The White Sea juts deep into the land between the Kola and Kanin peninsulas. It is connected to the Barents Sea by a wide strait - the Throat of the White Sea. The border between these seas runs from Cape Svyatoy Nos on the Kola Peninsula to Cape Kanin Nos.

The Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea and the so-called lips - Onega, Dvinsk, Mezen - are deeply cut into the land.

Name and remember the ports of the White Sea.

In terms of its area (about 90 thousand km2), the White Sea is almost 5 times smaller than the Black Sea.

Large islands - Solovetsky in the southwest, Morzhovets - in the north.

The Northern Dvina, Onega, and Mezen flow into the sea.

The seabed topography is uneven: East End The White Sea is shallow (from 30 to 120 m), in the western part the depth exceeds 200 m and reaches 340 m, average depth sea ​​- 60 m.

Rice. 66. White Sea

The volume of water is 5400 km 3. This is only 1/20 of the Baltic and 1/100 of the Black Sea.

Rivers annually bring more than 200 km 3 to the White Sea fresh water. Most of it occurs at the end of spring - in May.

In the bays, especially in spring, the water freshens to 10-14‰.

From November to May the sea is covered with drifting ice. Continuous ice cover occurs in bays.

Water salinity is 30.0-30.8‰ in the north, and 20-26‰ in the south.

In summer, the greenish water of the White Sea is saturated, sometimes even oversaturated with oxygen, and plankton develops wildly in it. However, the severity of winter, desalination of water, coldness and low aeration at depth sharply reduce the potential biological productivity of the White Sea.

There are 194 species of algae in the White Sea, beluga whales and two species of seals live. Among the 57 species of fish, the most important are herring, salmon (salmon, brown trout), navaga, cod, saury, smelt, etc.

The magnitude of tides in the White Sea is 1.1-3.5 m. In Mezen Bay - up to 10 m.

The harsh nature of the White Sea is full of its own unique charm. The slanting rays of the low sun and the diffused light of the white nights give its waters a clarified and ghostly tone.

In 1932, the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve was established in the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea to protect the breeding colonies of eiders. Currently, the area of ​​the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve has been greatly increased: it includes the coasts and islands of Bely and Barents seas. Not only the eider, but the entire natural complex and ancient monuments are protected.

The White Sea was known to Novgorodians back in the 11th century. Natural resources sea, comfortable geographical position contributed to the development of this sea.

As already noted, the role of the seas in human life and activity is increasingly increasing. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the nature of the seas will become increasingly important.

Questions and tasks

  1. What components does the natural complex of the sea consist of?
  2. What factors influence the formation of this complex?
  3. Why is it so important to know the properties of the PC of the sea?
  4. Describe the natural complex of the White Sea.

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