Cool anniversary competitions for women and men. New scenario for a woman’s birthday or anniversary “rainbow of life”

home Throughout life, a person is faced with the celebration of anniversaries. On the eve of any anniversary, quite a lot of people take stock of what has been done over the past years. Therefore, in order to lift the spirits and give more positivity, people celebrate anniversaries quite noisily. Be that as it may, forty years is not old age. In this age a large number of people quite actively participate in many events, visit cinemas, and love fun get-togethers. At this age, quite a lot of people have already been able to form family life , raise children and earn a certain position in society. Many people at this age take up enough high positions

At work.

It is necessary to approach the preparation of the anniversary quite seriously. As a rule, not only close relatives are invited to this holiday. Friends and colleagues who have been communicating with the hero of the day for quite a long time will want to come to the anniversary in order to congratulate the birthday boy. The best way to celebrate anniversaries is in restaurants. This way, you can avoid the rather complicated procedure of creating a menu for guests. But guests who will be there to celebrate this holiday should not be bored. But the holiday itself should be remembered by everyone on the positive side for quite a long time. A variety of events that will be held during the celebration can help you with this.

In order for the holiday to be fun enough, you need to draw up a script in advance. It will contain all the competitions and games that will be held. Such events will perfectly not only entertain guests, but also lift them into a festive mood. You will also need to pay considerable attention to how the hall where the anniversary celebration will be held will be decorated. It should have the brightest possible decoration. For this, as a rule, they use a lot of balloons, flowers and greeting posters. A festively decorated hall can greatly please the person who is celebrating his anniversary.

All the games that are played at anniversaries do a great job of raising the spirits of the guests. After all, people who are forty years old are still quite mobile. A very interesting and sweet game is called “Candy”. To hold it, the host of the anniversary will need to set up two tables in advance. Each table will need a vase. There will be sweets in a vase on one table different colors and without packaging. In the second, you will need to put candy wrappers.

There can be any number of players. All participants in the game should stand near the tables and as soon as the music starts, they will begin to wrap candies in candy wrappers. Thus, near each player there will be a small pile of candies. After the bowl of candies is empty, the leader must count all the candies in each pile. The player who can wrap the most candies in candy wrappers is the winner. He should receive an incentive gift. It could be a box chocolates. The rest of the players will receive as a consolation gift those candies that they were able to wrap in the packaging themselves.

A game called “Gift” will be quite interesting. To participate in this game, the host will need to choose two people. It is advisable that they be a man and a woman. Next, the players need to be given a stick. You will need to attach sufficiently long strings directly to the sticks in advance. At the end of this rope a package with a certain gift is tied. After everyone is ready to play the game, the presenter must give a signal and, accompanied by cheerful music, the players will begin to wind the rope directly onto the stick itself. This way they can pull the package towards them. The participant who can pull the package to him first is the winner.

A game like “Association” is also perfect for anniversaries. Everyone who wants to take part in this game must line up. Next, the presenter must approach each participant and calls certain word. The participant must quickly enough respond to the presenter with a word with which he associates what the presenter said. The participant who is late with an answer is eliminated from the game. The winner of the game is the participant who has never lost the pronunciation of the associations. The winner will be awarded an incentive prize. This could be a set of glasses or shot glasses.

Competitions held at anniversaries.

All competitions that are held at anniversaries do an excellent job of lifting the spirits of all those invited to the celebration. The competition is considered quite popular and will be quite fun. For such a competition, the presenter will need to assemble two teams. The captain of each team will be given a bowl containing water. The competition itself is for the participants to run to the finish line as quickly as possible. A bowl of water should be on their head. But you can only hold it with one hand. The team that was able to spill a lot of water from the bowl is the loser, even if it reaches the finish line first.

It will be very interesting for guests to participate in a competition where champagne is used. Only two men will be required for this competition. The host will need to give them a bottle of champagne. Contestants will need to open the bottle as quickly as possible. The winner of the competition will be the participant who can do this quickly enough. As an incentive prize, the winner must make a congratulatory toast to the birthday boy.

A very popular competition for anniversaries is called “For Brotherhood.” To participate in this competition, you must choose two women and two men. Next, the presenter must pour two glasses of champagne for the participants. After a special signal is given, the men take the glasses and quickly go to their partners. Men's partners should sit far enough away from them long distance. The winner of this competition will be the couple who can drink champagne from Brodershaft glasses in a short period of time. The winner can be given a bottle of champagne as a prize. Such a competition will quickly enough lift the spirits of everyone present at the anniversary.

Competitions related to congratulations for the birthday person are also considered very popular. For example, for one such competition, everyone sitting at the table passes a roll of paper around in a circle. Each guest must write their birthday wish on it. At the end of this competition, all wishes must be read out loud. The author of the brightest wish will receive an incentive prize. It could be a book, a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates or something else. The competitions that are planned to be held during the anniversary celebration should be as active and fun as possible. Otherwise, the celebration itself can turn into a very boring event. But this must be avoided.

What to do. When the holiday is in full swing and the guests are getting bored? Try to cheer them up! But how and who should cheer up the guests? Anyone can do this, the main thing is to start. And the new games and competitions that we have prepared below will help you get started. Believe me, you have never seen such competitions before.

Has the party come to a standstill? So let's shake it up! Brand new cool competitions for a woman’s 45th birthday are something that will make your guests go crazy. Just invite your guests to play, tell them the rules, and you will see how everyone will laugh and laugh. And after that you will remember this holiday and your good mood many times more.

1. Fun competition - Fifth point.
You need two teams, preferably as possible more people– it will only be more interesting. You can divide the guests into “female” and “male” teams. Each team is asked a question: what would they wish for the birthday boy/girl? Just one word is needed. As soon as this word is spoken from each team, all team members stand with their backs to the guests and put their hands on each other’s shoulders.
The task of each team is to write the spoken word. Moreover, this must be done synchronously. Each letter of the hidden word is written separately, i.e. If the team named the word “love”, then first everyone together “writes” the letter “l”, then “u”, “b”, “o”, “v”, and “b”.
The team that writes the required word “more clearly” wins. You can determine the winner by applause, or say that friendship won, and then combine both teams to write the word “happiness”!

2. Who is behind you?
Three couples are selected (preferably married). The first participant from any pair is blindfolded and turns his back to the other participants. The rest of the participants take turns approaching him, leaning their backs and starting to dance to cheerful music. The blindfolded participant must identify his soul mate without using his hands, but only with his back. Then you can switch and let the second participant from the pair guess “his soulmate.” Whichever pair guesses each other correctly wins.
It will be more fun if the “challengers” are not only women, but also the male half of those participating.

3. Dance competition - “At the disco”
Everyone is welcome. Then, to fiery music, each participant must show how the following “personalities” dance (and, regardless of gender, both women and men show “personalities”):
- Shy at the bar
- Lovelace, attracting attention
- Security guard at the entrance to the club
- An avid party animal
- The one who has not passed face control and is standing outside the club at minus thirty (plus thirty)
- Excellent student
And finally, show the one who has a blast to the last: how a drunk dances like crazy at five in the morning in a club.

4. "Couturier"
Two couples are called: a man and a woman. Using lots, it is determined which of them is a fashion designer and which is a model. Then both participants are blindfolded. And on command, accompanied by cheerful music, the “fashion designer” must dress his model with the proposed items. The clothes are first placed in a bag or box, and the fashion designer determines by touch what kind of thing it is and where and how to put it on. The model can also help dress herself.
In the end, the team that completed the task faster and more correctly wins.

5. Damaged phone Live version
This competition-game can also be played at the table. All guests or just participants are given pieces of paper and pens. Then, as in the already familiar game “damaged phone”: the presenter asks questions: “who?”, “Where?” "What is he doing?" - and guests must write the answer on a piece of paper. But this is done in a special way.
When asked “who”, you need to write the name of any of those present. Then fold the piece of paper so that what is written is not visible and give it to your neighbor. The neighbor is already writing the answer to the question “where”. But here you need to write only within the premises where the holiday is taking place. For example: “on a chair”, “under the table”, “on a neighbor’s lap”, “in the arms of the birthday boy” and so on. And he also folds it so that what is written is not visible, and then passes it on to the next person. The next one writes the answer to the question “what does it do.” Here, too, you need to do it within reason, but you can also use humor: “dances a striptease,” “drinks without snacking,” “sings congratulations in Spanish,” etc.
And then, when they have written everything (you can pass one piece of paper around and when it returns to the first participant, give it to the presenter or the birthday person), they read out who should do what, where. And the one who was named will have to fulfill all the conditions of the damaged phone.
If it turns out that someone is left out of work, you can enter their name in any of the options or come up with something new for them.

It is very important for a 40-year-old woman that her anniversary does not become an ordinary event at which guests will simply drink alcohol and raise topical issues, each in their own company.

The celebration must be properly and wisely organized so that it is remembered by the hero of the occasion, and the guests feel that they were taken care of.

In addition, at an event such as an anniversary, people are usually present of different ages, because not only those closest to you are invited, but a wide circle of acquaintances.

That is why the celebration script must take into account that people with different worldviews and life views will participate in competitions and the congratulatory part.

It is very important that the room in which the celebration takes place is beautifully and tastefully decorated. Believe me, this is the key to high spirits and colorful photographs! To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to hire a whole team to prepare the holiday.

It is enough to decorate the walls and ceiling with clusters of balloons - colored or, say, gold, to emphasize that the anniversary is a “golden” person. Also, fresh flowers or garlands of artificial flowers, as well as bright flags, are perfect as decorations.

You can show your imagination and decorate the walls with photographs of the birthday girl, which will later be used in holiday competitions.

Can be used as anniversary invitations beautiful cards, which will indicate the time, place and date of the holiday.

Celebrating an anniversary should be positive, bright and memorable. To do this, it is worth hiring a professional host - he will be able to keep the guests in high spirits throughout the celebration.

Otherwise, due to the large number of guests, the holiday will turn into scattered groups of people who are bored at their tables.

Most the best option when the anniversary scenario for a 40-year-old woman involves a large number congratulatory words, pleasant compliments, words of love and admiration for the birthday girl, as well as fun competitions with the participation of all those present.

The holiday should start with a serious part, in which guests will say sincere congratulations, poems and present their gifts and bouquets of flowers.

And only then it’s worth moving on to memorable competitions that will lift the spirits and be remembered for a long time by all participants in the celebration.

Every person celebrates anniversaries throughout his life. It is at these moments that we think about global things, about the meaning of life events and what has already been done in the previous period.

In order to cheer up, people celebrate their anniversaries, so to speak, on a grand scale, in a big noisy company.

This day should become a bright and cheerful event, both for the birthday person and for the guests, some of whom have known the hero of the occasion for many years. Therefore, they sum up the results together at this solemn moment.

40 years is far from old. Therefore, competitions and congratulations should reflect that at this age women, as a rule, still lead a very active life, participate in all sorts of events, attend movies, theaters, and love cheerful companies and interest clubs.

Also, many girls of this age begin to engage in self-knowledge, yoga and spiritual practice.

This is worth taking into account, because we will not congratulate an ordinary woman, but a deep personality who is interested in the world and principles harmonious construction relationships.

In addition, many at the age of 40 have already formed a family and raised children, and have also earned a certain status in society and at work. The congratulatory part should be filled with words of respect and emphasize the services of the birthday girl to our society.


Competitions that will be held during the ceremonial part of the anniversary should be as active and interesting as possible. Do not forget that there are usually quite a lot of guests in the hall, and some of them do not even have time to communicate with each other.

Therefore, it is important that there is a festive part that will unite the guests and raise the general mood of all those present.

In addition, for adults, the competition program is an excellent chance to have a little fun, show off your acting and dancing skills and get memorable photographs.

Therefore, you should not neglect anniversary competitions when choosing guest dancers and various animators. After all, it is much more interesting for guests to look at those whom they have known for many years.

  • Competitions glorifying the birthday girl. Jubilee competitions are considered very popular, in which the hero of the occasion will be congratulated and glorified. In them, those gathered remember how many good things connect them with the birthday girl, and express their gratitude to her.
  1. In one of these competitions, guests are offered a large roll of paper, which must be passed from hand to hand, from table to table. Everyone who receives it writes in it beautiful congratulations, which should be nicely designed on a poster - for a long memory. At a certain moment, all congratulatory compliments are read out, and the guest who wrote the most touching and beautiful words. Of course, the author of the congratulation receives an incentive prize in the form of a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers or something else.
  2. At celebrations, as a rule, competitions go very well, in which those gathered need to show ingenuity and creativity. One of these competitions is the “Poetry Competition”. Those who want to participate in the competition are divided into 2 teams, each of them is given lists with rhyming words, and is asked to compose a poem where these rhymes are used. As a rule, they suggest rhymes for the word “celebrant”. Such words could be case, tan, blow, gift, heat and fire. Of course, the meaning of such poems will be fun and mischievous, and the participants will be able to feel like real poets. This is a fairly long competition, so while the writers of the poems are fighting for the right to win, the rest of the guests can calmly chat and try festive treats.
  3. And such an amazing competition as “A Song of a Lifetime” always gives a storm of joyful emotions. Forty years is a significant period of life. You can imagine the life of the birthday girl through her songs. Each of the guests must stand up and offer a specific song that will symbolize each 5-year period of the hero of the day’s life. For example, it could be - “The river begins with a blue stream” - 5 years, “La, la, la, la, la, la, we are taking with us a cat, a siskin, a dog, Irka the bully” - 10 years, “ Girly girly girl dark nights“I love you girl very much” - 20 years and so on.
  • General competitions for the anniversary. Be sure to think about alternating fun and active competitions with calm and sincere congratulations to the guests. This important rule experienced presenters so that guests do not fall asleep at their tables or vice versa, so that they do not get nervous overexcitement.

  1. A rather comical competition called “Milkmaids” will always lift the spirits of everyone present. To do this, you will need to pull a rope onto which rubber gloves filled with water are attached using clothespins. The presenter pierces each finger in the gloves, and the participants begin to actively and cheerfully milk them. The participant who fills their container the fastest wins. This competition always brings a lot of smiles, laughter and sparkles of excitement to the assembled guests.
  2. And one of the most comical general competitions that unites guests is considered to be the “King of Beasts” competition. As you may have guessed, the main thing is actor the competition will be a lion. As a rule, they choose the hero of the occasion. She should sit majestically on a high, pompous, pre-decorated throne. Pointing at a certain guest, the lion tries to show with gestures and facial expressions what kind of animal he is. And the guest, in turn, must come to the king of beasts in a certain way. That is, if they showed you long ears and you realized that we're talking about about a hare, then you should approach a lion by skipping on two legs. The snake should crawl and so on. In the end, the lion himself chooses the most devoted - that is, the most artistic and creative of his “subjects”.

If a woman decides to celebrate a milestone anniversary with her family, without resorting to the services of holiday agencies, keep in mind: celebrating an anniversary at home is a troublesome and responsible task, requiring considerable financial investments, organizational skills and creativity.

This is not an easy matter: decorate the table beautifully, come up with original script with heartfelt wishes, riddles and fun competitions at home, especially if the hero of the day is a woman.

I really want the evening to become not a boring banal event, but a bright, joyful event in the family chronicle. And for the hero of the occasion - the embodiment of a short, but magical fairy tale with the fulfillment of her cherished desires.

What kind of underwater reefs await the organizers of the anniversary in preparation for such significant day?

Organizing a feast at home is easily possible for every hospitable family, and in this case you can fully rely on the help of junior female staff. The daughters and granddaughters of the birthday girl will willingly take on the usual care of housewives - they will find something to surprise the invited guests and how to decorate the birthday girl’s house.

But as for the scenario with pleasant surprises and competitions for the anniversary, the choice of a sparkling, cheerful presenter - you will have to rack your brains over this for more than one day. It is advisable that a familiar man become the home toastmaster- perhaps the owner of the house, talkative, self-confident, a humorist without complexes and a bit of a ladies' man.

We offer a choice of gaming competition options various directions that will help you leave the most pleasant memories of this day:

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: intellectual

  • Competition for the development of deductive abilities

Suitable for any family party. Participants are divided into two teams, for example, women's and men's. The host or one of the players makes a wish specific item and describes some of its features and properties. The team, paying attention to the narrator's clues, must guess what is being said.

Female examples:

1. – Any woman will be upset if she finds it on a man’s shirt;

- Every woman has her own;

“Men have to taste it.”

Answer: lipstick

2. – Not a single woman can do without him;

– It can be of any shape and size, and breaking it is not good;

Answer: mirror

Male examples:

1. – Every man dreams of having her;

- He is ready to wash her, cherish her, look after her with trepidation and even without a reminder;

“He doesn’t spare any money on it, and is ready to take out a loan, paying it off for years, just to own it fully.”

Answer: car

2. - Before this weapon, any man is powerless;

- It tastes salty.

Answer: women's tears

The winner is the team that answers correctly maximum amount questions.

  • Competition for better awareness of the life of the hero of the day

You can jokingly call it « Yellow press» . It is necessary to find out in advance from the hero of the day events from her biography that are not known to everyone. And rewrite them on a piece of paper, at the same time writing down fictitious false facts about the life of the birthday girl.

At the festival, the host reads out a list of false and true stories. And if the player thinks that this happened, then he raises the YES sign, otherwise - the NO sign. Those who make two or three mistakes are eliminated from the game. This should continue until there is only one person left who becomes the winner.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: creative

  • Poetry competition "for the best acrostic"

Participants in the competition can show off their talents by coming up with funny quatrains in which the initial words at the head of each line are the name or word of the previous player. For example, the name Galya:

Glamorous and beautiful

And sometimes it's dangerous

It's easy and pleasant with her

I'm happy many times over

There may be multiple winners in this competition.

  • Competition “Draw a portrait of the hero of the day with your eyes closed”

Very funny competition for a woman’s anniversary at home, the essence of which is to try to depict the intended subject - that is, the birthday girl, blindfolding the artist. It will take several players willing to demonstrate their creative abilities and measure them against each other.

Each participant in the game is blindfolded, given a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, and they simultaneously or one by one begin to paint a portrait. You can turn on the music and finish the competition when the melody ends. What happens in the end will amuse everyone.

  • Competition for the best compliment for the hero of the day

The players take turns singing praises to the birthday girl. The hostess of the banquet will evaluate the results and choose the winner.

  • Competition for the funniest Paparazzi photo

At the very beginning of the evening, several players are selected to participate and given a secret task: to film the most fun and interesting moments during the anniversary evening on the phone. At the end of the program, it is advisable to display all photographs, if possible, on a wide screen. The competition can be a surprise moment of the anniversary and cause unpredictable reactions, so photographers need to be extremely careful when photographing participants. However, this is also the most interesting competition at home - guests will eagerly look at the photographs with great pleasure, giggling at themselves and at each other.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: mobile

  • Competition "Cavaliers and Ladies"

Rules of the game: the team of gentlemen is male, just select several people. Each gentleman must give his lady a flower, which is located at a distance of 10 meters.

The playing gentlemen line up at the starting line. The players' task is to travel a given distance on a tricycle as quickly as possible and be the first to reach the flower, and then deliver it to its destination. The first one to give a flower is the winner.

  • Balloon fight competition

Each participant in the game right leg a balloon is tied. After the leader’s signal, players try to pierce the competitors’ balls, while protecting their own ball. Those whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last player who manages to keep his balloon intact is declared the winner.

  • Competition "Tug of War"

Popular in school environment type of competition, but quite acceptable for celebrating an anniversary at home. It entertains well and develops a sense of teamwork. The participants of the evening are divided into two teams. The leader passes the rope, the middle of which is marked with a colored ribbon, and draws a dividing line between the two opponents. At his signal, the teams grab the rope and try to pull it to their side.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: musical

  • Competition "Karaoke Star"

Now almost every home has a computer and a microphone for it, or a karaoke system is installed. You can use the special Karafan program or on the Internet to find a selection of the necessary backing tracks and lyrics to the songs. Anyone can sing, and the winner will be chosen by the audience.

As an option, you can offer the “Battle of the Choirs” competition with various nominations: women’s choir, men’s choir, children’s choir or mixed choir. This type of competition at home is one of the most interesting, since everyone loves to sing, but not everyone can risk performing solo, and in the choir the participants feel more relaxed.

  • Competition for the best ditty

If one of the invitees knows how to play the accordion, or there is a corresponding recording, be sure to hold a ditty competition. Distribute the finished texts on pieces of paper to the guests, and they can also sing their own prepared ditty, if desired, invented on the go. The winner will be determined by a competitive jury, which can be selected in advance. In this game, the winner is the most mischievous and resourceful performer who managed to summon the most big Bang laughter.

  • Musical Hat Competition

The players stand in a wide circle, the host announces the rules of the game: while the music is playing, you need to have time to take off your hat and put it on the head of the neighboring player. When the music stops, the one who remains in the hat is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

  • Competition "Dancing on the Newspaper"

This is a game that is always a huge success and goes off with a bang at any event, especially at home. Participants of this have a fun gamemarried couples or mothers with children. The rules are as follows: a newspaper is spread under the feet of each dancing couple, with the condition that they do not step beyond its boundaries. They turn on slow music, couples dance, and after a while they pause - at this moment the newspaper needs to be folded in half - the dance floor should be halved. The dance continues, then the music is stopped again - the newspaper is folded in four, and so on until the most persistent and resourceful couple remains, managing to maintain balance on a small piece of paper.

Competitions for a woman’s anniversary at home: unusual

  • Competition "Wish Granters"

The birthday girl’s wishes are the law for guests. Notes with tasks for the hero of the day are placed in Balloons and are scattered around the room. These can be the most ridiculous and ridiculous requests - read a poem, sing a verse of a famous song, crow, and so on.

The players catch each of their balls, then they must remove the notes, after bursting the ball, and do what they read on the enclosed sheet. The winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion.

  • Competition "Guess what's in the bag"

Several items or items of clothing are placed in a colored bag made of not very dense material. The presenter offers to guess by touch what is there. Each player who guesses correctly takes the item they have won. A very cool option is when the players wear what they have won - it could be funny women's underwear, men's family panties.

  • Competition "Make the princess laugh"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams - the team “Ivanushki” and the “Tsarevna-Nesmeyan” team. The first team sits on chairs - these are the princesses, who take on the saddest dejected appearance. The second team's task is to make them laugh in any way possible without touching them. You can tell jokes, show pantomime, make grimaces and funny faces. Each princess who smiles is eliminated from the game. After this, the teams can switch roles.

All competitions are indicative, to which you can and should add your own additional nuances.

Each winner will be given a memorable prize, let it be any pleasant little thing - a beautiful fountain pen, a chocolate medal or a badge. At the end, you can arrange a game with a super prize, in which only the winners of previous games have the right to participate.

The main thing in holding an anniversary evening is the resourcefulness and organization of the program host, the ability not to get lost in force majeure situations. It is equally important to prepare the necessary attributes for the game, provide musical accompaniment, and cheer up the hero of the day and all participants in the celebration.

Throw away prejudices and start preparing for a woman’s 40th birthday. You will definitely find our original script useful. The celebration will be unique, since the presented program is original.

Scenario for a woman’s 40th birthday: the scenario consists of several stages:

  1. Original greeting - let's set sail.
  2. Lottery of roles at the holiday - there are no unnecessary people on the ship.
  3. Congratulations to the birthday girl - in verse.
  4. Competitions.
  5. Sailing home.

Progress of the scenario

The child, a cabin boy, greets the guests, gives everyone tickets for the ship and blue lollipops in transparent wrappers to prevent seasickness, tickets with seat numbers. Accompanies you to your seats.

When everyone is seated, it is announced over the loudspeaker: “Please keep your tickets until the end of the voyage, everyone have a pleasant voyage.”

Music is playing.
According to the scenario of a forty-year anniversary, a woman needs to organize the arrival of guests before the birthday girl appears.

Guests in the hall. Suddenly the light goes out, one beam shines in which a couple is dancing. Gradually she fades into the background, the presenter, the captain of the ship, comes out.

Captain of Fantastic Voyages
Everyone is welcome on the ship.
Guests will be pleased with the trip,
They will all touch the dream.
There will be danger somewhere,
We will all swim and break through,
Let's celebrate the anniversary's participation,
IN bright day, in a burning fire.

Good evening, ladies, gentlemen! We have gathered here to celebrate the anniversary of an amazing person, kind, sympathetic, sweet, beautiful. Now I will ask you a few questions, and you will tell me who it is.
“The most harmful and conflict-ridden enemy cannot resist this woman’s dazzling smile.”
“Her sense of humor will make the very first ignorant of ignorant people laugh.”
“Geniuses will be surprised and admired by her talents.”
“An evil heart will be melted by her kindness and mercy.”
“There will be no travel on any ship without this, and all ships will fail at the very first storm.”

Who is this? Of course, our excellent, kind, sweet, beloved, respected, and most importantly, the TALISMAN of our ship - (F.I.).

The lights go out and the hero of the day comes out to solemn music. She is met by a child - a cabin boy - and escorted to a place of honor.

In a world of storms, worries and anxieties,
In the middle of a ship's voyage.
It's hard to withstand this threshold,
Without bending over tons of obstacles.

The birthday girl did everything
She has a husband and children,
So let's congratulate her
On this significant date.

It's amazing how many people want to congratulate this wonderful woman! We see family, colleagues, and friends. Today you will hear millions of wishes and congratulations from your closest people. And now - the first toast! For you, (name), for your holiday!

And we are ready to set sail. We all know very well that in order for a ship to complete have a good trip, before starting departure, you need to break the bottle on it. But I suggest not to waste precious alcohol, we will still need it. Let's all take pens and pieces of paper and write our wishes to the birthday girl, and she, in turn, will write what she would like to achieve by the next anniversary.

After that, we will cork the bottle and give it to the birthday girl. And on her next anniversary, she will open it and see if the wishes have come true. But it is important that you write your wishes by saying them out loud.

As you have already heard, I am the captain of this vessel, called: “Saint (name)”, my name is (name), you have never had a more unusual voyage in your life! The ship continues to sail, so only God knows where it will take us today! But we will look with optimism and hope that the beautiful pirates will not kidnap the birthday girl at the most inopportune moment.
It is not possible to get off our ship, so good voyage, ladies and gentlemen!

So, what kind of weather can we expect while sailing?
Partly cloudy, anniversary hurricane with champagne.
The temperature above the table is 40 and above, the air has a festive flavor.
There is foggy cloudiness in the head at night, clearing is possible in the morning. If everyone is ready to set sail, then I suggest raising a celebratory glass.

Undoubtedly, only the closest and dearest of our birthday girl gathered in our hall. But how well you know her, we will now find out.
What kind of music does she like...
- Rest,
- Have fun,
- Work,
- Clean up the house
- To be sad,
– Who is her favorite performer?

Dancing to the music.

If it were not for our (name), we would not have seen the journey. Since it is she (I.O.) who guards and protects the ship.

For the journey to go smoothly, it is necessary for each team member to act as one. Now each of you will draw a card, some will have questions, some will have answers. You must find the right answer to your question and then show it in action.

Guests take turns drawing questions and answers, matching them and completing them.

The point of this game is that absolutely any answer is suitable for each question.
Possible questions and answers:

  1. Do you drink often?
  2. Do you like erotica?
  3. Do you often quarrel with family and friends?
  4. Do you often swear at friends and acquaintances?
  5. Are you hiding your leftover income from your family (husband)?
  6. Are you ready for knightly feats?
  7. Are you ready to leave for Donbass?
  1. Oh yes, it brings me unearthly bliss.
  2. When the husband (wife) does not see.
  3. Unfortunately, only once a day.
  4. When no one sees.
  5. And don’t be ashamed to ask, knowing me!
  6. Dreaming about it.
  7. Happens sometimes at night.

Host: And our voyage continues. The weather outside is still clear, only a little cloudiness begins to appear in my head.

Anniversary, there is so much in this word
Congratulations, laughter, games,
We wish you explosive happiness,
And health and happiness along the way.

There is a smile on the face of the hero of the day,
This warms our souls doubly,
All bad weather is just a mistake,
A dove of peace sits on the window.

It was not by chance that we gathered here,
Children, husband, girlfriends, friends,
We love you very much, extremely
We are all a big family together!

In a real team, everyone understands each other without words. For this competition I need one volunteer, the most courageous and courageous.

When one person comes out, the presenter speaks into his ear any word related to the anniversary, for example, the mascot of a ship, he must portray it in such a way that others can guess what or who it will be about. The one who guesses first is invited to the stage, and the actions are repeated.

Competition "Board Broken"

The sound of a siren, a general alarm is declared.

And our team continues to delight our birthday girl (name) with its consistency. You need to split into two teams.
After the teams separate, pour the alcohol of your choice into two large glasses, give them a straw, and whoever drinks the most will drink the most.

Presenter: After such health procedures with life-giving sea moisture, you simply need to refresh yourself!

The host calls the birthday girl away and hides her.

While all the guests are having a snack, two half-naked pirates “fly” into the hall and report that the ship’s mascot has been stolen, and the crew needs to complete a task to return the birthday girl.

Competition "Underwater Labyrinth"

The leader stretches a rope on the floor, thereby marking the route. The participant must walk through it with his eyes closed without tripping. Those sitting in the hall help him.

At this stage you can carry out.

Fanfare sounds, and the birthday girl appears, surrounded by two pirates, who report that the team has completed the task, so they are forced to return the talisman to our ship.

The ship's mascot is a miracle,
It is more important than all, it is more expensive than all
The captain is much more important
And in general, everything won’t be the same without him!

Here come the dashing pirates,
And they stole our happiness.
Yes, the guys are very bad,
But we dealt with them, atas!

The hero of the day is with us, guys.
There he sits with a happy face,
All anxiety is immediately removed,
We will reward her with a crown.

You need to drink to this woman,
She brought positivity to everyone,
I'll give her three bouquets,
I will be very polite to her!

Being surrounded by pirates, our birthday girl (name) missed and yearned for her crew. Let's support her with compliments. To do this, we will again divide into two teams. Then the very first team member must tell the birthday girl a toast, drain his glass and pass the baton to the next team. After the second team says a toast and drinks, the task returns to the first team, but to the second participant. And so on until the end. Whoever doesn't find something to say will lose. The birthday girl will give you the prize for the best praise - hot and steamy kisses.

We all know that you are a goddess,
You just can't find anything more beautiful
Men holding their breath
They're afraid to even approach

Beautiful, beloved, dear,
Beautiful, perky always
We raise toast after toast,
We love and appreciate only you!

Live a hundred years, no two hundred, three hundred
Always be with us, lead us
Don't be sad, smile with happiness
We will follow you to the end of the road!

When the pirates returned the birthday girl, they said that they had never seen a greater treasure than her. Therefore, together with her, they gave away all their wealth so that such a beautiful woman would continue to live and prosper. But in order to open this treasured chest, you must pass the test again. But it won't be easy. This is a truth test. If someone does not pass it, the treasured chest will not be opened. So, attention (fanfare sounds), next task.

The captain of the ship approaches the presenter and hands her a “crystal of truth.”

According to Calypso's predictions, the crystal of truth is awarded (date of birth of the hero of the day) to the chosen one. Our ship had been looking for this man for many years, and finally we found him. We present the birthday person with a crystal. Solemn music sounds, after this word from the presenter: “It’s time to find out what the birthday boy is thinking about.” A song is playing. Then the birthday girl passes the crystal to other guests (in a circle).

The chest is ceremoniously brought in. Solemn music sounds. We carry out.

And we arrive at the final station of our journey. During our journey, he was so captivated by our birthday girl that he was ready to leave the ship to our birthday girl. The floor is given to the mascot of our ship - (last name, first name). And I am leaving my ship, but its talisman remains with you, which I hope you will continue to delight and delight with toasts and. Have a good trip!

October 31, 2016.

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