Orthodox psalms about the giving of the grace of the Lord. How to read the psalm. What is a Psalter

Bless, my soul, the Lord. Lord my God, thou hast exalted greatly; thou hast put on confession and magnificence; clothe yourself with light like a robe, stretch out the sky like a skin; cover Your most exalted with waters, lay clouds on Your ascent, walk on the wing of the wind; create your angels spirits, and your servants fiery flame. Foundation the earth on its firmament; it will not bow forever and ever. The abyss is like a raiment of her garment, on the mountains there will be waters; they will flee from your prohibition, they will be afraid at the sound of your thunder. Mountains rise, and fields descend to the place that thou hast founded for them. Thou hast set a limit, they will not pass it, they will turn below to cover the earth. Send springs into the wilds, waters will flow through the mountains. All the animals of the countryside will drink, and the onagers await in their thirst. On top of that, the birds of heaven are grafted; from the midst of stones they will give a voice. Solder the mountains from Your most lofty ones; From the fruit of Your works the earth shall be satisfied. Vegetate grass for cattle, and grass for the service of man, bring bread from the earth; and wine gladdens the heart of man, anoint the face with oil, and bread strengthens the heart of man. The Polish trees will be sated, the cedars of Lebanon, which thou hast planted. There the birds nest, the dwelling of Erodius leads them. The mountains are high like a deer, a stone is a refuge for a hare. He created to eat the moon in time, the sun knew its west. You put it in darkness, and it was night, in the darkness all the beasts of the oak forest will pass, roaring skins, rapture and seek food from God for themselves. The sun will rise, and gather together, and they will lie down in their beds. A man will go out to his work, and to his work until evening. For Thy works are exalted, O Lord: Thou hast done all wisdom: the land of Thy creation is filled. This sea is great and spacious; There the ships swim, this serpent, you created him to swear at him. Everyone is waiting for You, give food to them at a good time. I will give them to you, they will gather them together, I will open your hand, everything will be filled with goodness. I will turn away Your face, they will rebel; take away their spirit, and they will vanish, and return to their dust. Follow thy Spirit, and they shall be built up, and renew the face of the earth. Be the glory of the Lord forever; the Lord rejoices in his works; look down on the earth, and make it shake, touch the mountains, and smoke. I will sing to the Lord in my belly, I will sing to my God as long as I am; May my conversation be sweet to Him, but I will rejoice in the Lord. May the sinners disappear from the earth, and the lawless, as if they were not to be. Bless, my soul, the Lord. The sun knew its own west; thou didst put darkness, and it was night. As Your works are exalted, O Lord, Thou hast done all wisdom.

Psalm 116 Praise the Lord, all nations, praise Him, all people, for His mercy is established on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Psalm 145

Praise, my soul, the Lord. I will praise the Lord in my stomach; I will sing to my God while I am. Do not rely on princes, on the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit will go out and return to his own land. In that day all his thoughts will perish. Blessed is God, Jacob, his Helper, His hope is in the Lord his God, who created heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, who keeps the truth forever, who executes judgment on the offended, who gives food to the hungry. The Lord will decide the fettered. The Lord makes the blind wise. The Lord raises up the downtrodden. The Lord loves the righteous. The Lord guards the aliens, he will accept the orphan and the widow, and destroy the path of sinners. The Lord will reign forever, your God, Zion, throughout generation and generation.

Psalm 148

Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His might. Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all the stars and light. Praise Him Heaven of heavens and water, which is above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord: as he said, and it was, he commanded, and he was created. Put me in the century and in the century of the century, put the command, and it will not pass. Praise the Lord from the earth, serpents and all the abyss: fire, hail, snow, nakedness, a stormy spirit that creates His word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all cattle, reptiles and feathered birds. The king of the land and all the people, the princes and all the judges of the land, young men and virgins, elders with young people, may they praise the name of the Lord, as if ascending the name of That One, His confession on earth and in heaven. And the horn of his people will lift up, a song to all his saints, the sons of Israel, people who draw near to him.

Religious Reading: Psalter strong prayer to help our readers.

Everyone who has heard at least once about “Psalm 90” (the text of the prayer will be given a little lower) probably wondered: why do they read it? Psalm number 90 is a prayer endowed with great power: it can protect against all manifestations of evil and negativity, from unkind people, from evil spirits.

The ninetieth psalm is the strongest amulet. This prayer manifests its protective properties not only when it is directly pronounced. The function of the amulet "Psalm 90" is well preserved, being written by hand on a piece of paper, a piece of leather or fabric. If you wear this “letter” close to your body, it will protect you from any misfortunes and troubles, accidents, ill-wishers and enemies, magical and other types of energy influence from outside.

The mention of "Psalm 90" is found even in the Gospel (from Matthew - 4:6; from Luke - 4:11). When the Savior kept a 40-day fast in the wilderness, Satan tempted him. In order not to succumb to demonic wiles, Christ read the 11th and 12th verses of this prayer.

In Western Christianity, the ninetieth psalm is read or sung during the evening service, in the Middle Ages it was an obligatory part of the readings on Good Friday.

The Eastern Church uses prayer at funerals and memorial services, and “Psalm 90” is also an indispensable part of the 6th hour divine service.

“Psalm 90”: the text of the prayer

“Psalm 90” is recommended to be read in Church Slavonic, although there are also translations of the prayer into modern Russian. The reason lies in the fact that when translating it is impossible to convey with absolute accuracy the deep meaning and content of the prayer text, its key idea.

In Church Slavonic, Psalm 90 reads as follows:

In the synodal translation into modern Russian, the text of the prayer “Psalm 90” is as follows:

From the history of the origin of the prayer "Psalm 90"

“Psalm 90” originates from the biblical book “ Old Testament: Psalter” - there it goes under number 90 (hence the name). However, in the Masoretic numeration he is assigned the number 91. In Christian religion this prayer is also known by the first words: on Latin- “Qui habitat”, in Old Slavonic (Church Slavonic) - “Living in help”.

Regarding the origin of Psalm 90, researchers are of the opinion that its authorship belongs to the prophet David. He wrote it in honor of deliverance from a three-day pestilence. This prayer is also called the "Praise of David" - under this name it goes in the Greek Psalter.

The content and main ideas of the prayer "Psalm 90"

Psalm 90 is one of the most powerful prayers. The text of the psalm is permeated with the idea that the Lord is the protector and safe haven of all those who believe in him. He convinces us that a person who sincerely believes in God with all his heart can not be afraid of any danger. Psalm 90 conveys the idea that faith in the Most High has an irresistible power. Elements of prophecy can also be found in prayer - it indicates the coming of the Savior, who is the most important protector of any believer.

"David's Laudatory" is distinguished by expressive poetic language. It has its own clear structure. It can be conditionally divided into three parts:

  1. The first part is verses one and two.
  2. The second part is verses three through thirteen.
  3. The third part is verses fourteen through sixteen.

Interpretation of the prayer "Psalm 90"

Unfortunately, not everyone understands “Psalm 90” without complete interpretation. If we analyze each verse of the prayer, we get the following:

The Lord hears everyone who says the prayer “Psalm 90”, and never refuses his help. God is merciful, therefore he often helps a person who has sinned a lot in his life, if, when reading a prayer, he turns to the Lord with deep and sincere faith in his heart, with hope in Him.

As a child, my mother always gave me a piece of paper with Psalm 90 written on it. Of course, then I didn’t understand what it was for, but now I made the same amulet for my children, only on a piece of cotton fabric, sewn into clothes so that they were always protected Lord.

Thank you! I will make myself the same amulet. There is a move to another country, a flight. I am terribly afraid of flying on airplanes, the panic is already starting ...

Hello! My son drinks heavily.

Hello, Elena! If a son drinks, prayer is not always enough, it has long been clear that without realizing the problem by the person himself, it is difficult to help him. As far as I know, there is a prayer to Saint Nicholas and others, you need to ask the priest who to pray for this.

Hello. It is necessary that your son wants to quit drinking himself, he must have a DESIRE to get rid of alcohol addiction. Pray. Asking “Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you to help your son get rid of alcohol addiction, give his son the strength to fight satanic temptations.” More or less like this. Prayer is the cry of your soul. With God!

Your son should also pray. It is best if the two of you pray, first you say a prayer, and then your son. The Bible says ( New Testament) “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mat. 18:20).

Can I get a tattoo on the back of this amulet?

Tattooing is considered a sin. Consult with a priest. After all, it is said that it works if you write it yourself by hand, only then will it work.

And where can I find a copy of the original in Latin?

Don't anger God. God sent a test endure

This is my favorite psalm, it really helps.

In my opinion, it is necessary to read a prayer in a language that you know well and understand well what is said in this prayer. And in Old Slavonic, breaking your tongue and not understanding the meaning of the prayer, you are unlikely to convey your prayers to the Lord God. And constantly being distracted, correcting pronunciation, is also not good.

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Strong prayer psalm 148 from the Psalter

The text of Psalm 148 continues the theme of the previous songs: the great gratitude of the Jews who returned from the Babylonian captivity, and who, with God's help, managed to revive their state from the ashes, as well as build the long-awaited Second Temple. The delight of the psalmist, which obviously expresses the joy of the entire Jewish people, is so great that he invites not only people to share it, but also all living things that exist in the Universe and beyond: heavenly bodies, fish and animals, and even higher beings are angels. The interpretation of Psalm 149 makes it clear that by the word "angels" the psalmist means all the heavenly powers that stand before God.

Orthodox psalm 148: prayer for a rich harvest

In the text of Psalm 148, the author draws the reader's attention to the perfection of the Universe created by God: the verse “He set them forever and ever; gave a charter that will not pass away” (Ps. 148:6) refers to all the heavenly bodies that from age to age carry out the “law of God,” that is, carry out the movement established by the Lord. And even changeable natural phenomena such as snow, rain, wind, fog, and hail are admired by the psalmist. Because he is convinced that he, too, obeys the word of God. Read and listen online Christian psalm one hundred and forty-eight should be about the bestowal of good weather and a rich harvest.

Listen to the video prayer psalm 148 in Russian

Read the Orthodox text of the prayer psalm 148 in Russian

Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts. Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all the stars of light. Praise Him, heavens of heavens and waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He spoke, and they became, commanded, and were created; put them on eyelids and eyelids; gave a statute that will not pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth, you great fishes and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and fog, the stormy wind that fulfills his word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all cattle, creeping and winged birds, kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth, youths and maidens, elders and youths, let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted, His glory on earth and in heaven. He lifted up the horn of His people, the glory of all His saints, the sons of Israel, a people close to Him. Alleluia.

Russian Psalter, text of Psalm 148 in Church Slavonic

Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the highest. Praise him all his angels; praise him, all his might. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him with all the stars and light. Praise him, heaven of heaven and water, even above heaven. Let them praise the name of the Lord; like that speech, and bysha; that command, and it was created. Put me in the century and in the century of the century; lay down the command, and it does not pass by. Praise the Lord from the earth, you serpents and all the deeps; fire, hail, snow, nakedness, the spirit is stormy, creating his word; mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts and all cattle, reptiles and feathered birds; the king of the land and all the people, princes and all judges of the land; youths and virgins, elders and youths. Let them praise the name of the Lord; as if ascending the name of that one, his confession on earth and in heaven. And lift up the horn of his people; a song to all his reverends, sons of Israel, people who draw near to him.

Reading Psalms in various life situations. Part 2

On this basis, all psalms can be divided into groups:

The most powerful psalms:

Psalm 2 - to work

Psalm 112 - from getting rid of debts

Psalm 22 - to calm the children

126 Psalm - to eradicate enmity between loved ones

Psalm 102 - from getting rid of all diseases

Psalm 27 - from nervous diseases

133 Psalm - from all danger

Psalm 101 - from despondency

125 Psalm - from migraine, headache

58 Psalm - speechless

44 Psalm - for diseases of the heart, kidneys

Psalm 37 - for toothache

Psalm 95 - to improve hearing

Psalm 122 - from pride

116 and 126 Psalm - to preserve love and harmony in the family

Psalm 108 is a prayer-curse. It contains the wish "Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow." Psalm 109 is David's prayer to the Lord, in which he asks for revenge on his enemies who ruthlessly persecute him. This psalm is replete with curses, mostly directed at one of David's sworn enemies. Many people offer prayers for the death of their enemies. But not all of these prayers reach God. In addition, often evil thoughts directed against someone turn against the person praying. It means that in heaven they hear those prayers that should be heard. This psalm is analogous to the cabalistic ritual of Pulse de-nura.

Help of the Powers of Heaven: Psalter about health

Often people who are burdened with certain problems rely not so much on their own strength as on the life-giving power of prayers and the word of God. However, any prayer is a great spiritual work. It requires complete dedication, sincerity and spiritual purity. The more connected a person is with God, the more effective and efficient his requests are. Therefore, when praying for others, we must not forget about ourselves. Humility, confessions, conversations with a priest strengthen the spirit and faith, support morally and physically. A believer should have more such meetings. The more faith you have, the more effective your prayers.

What is a Psalter

The Psalter is a collection of prayers and verses glorifying the Almighty, which believers read on a particular occasion. Psalms are widely used during worship. Also, they are often pronounced at home, in private reading, because. small in volume, but very significant in content, the verses from the collection are extremely effective for various needs. Especially often they read the Psalter about health - their own or one of their relatives, friends, friends. There is also a tradition of psalmody in funeral services. As for the authorship of the texts, the question of them has not yet been fully studied. Many belong to David, some to Solomon. In total, the researchers found that the book was written over a long time, and more than a dozen people worked on it.

How the Psalter is Built

In monasteries, the Psalter is read from beginning to end in a week. This is done according to certain rules. The whole book is divided into sections - kafiz (there are 20 of them). Inside, each section is also divided into “glories” (glorifications), there are usually 3 of them. And the “articles” themselves consist of psalms - no less than 6 and no more than 9. There are special, private prayers in the collection that are read before one or another kathisma or after it. And when reading the "glories", they mention the living (Psalter of Health) or the dead.

Health protection

If you have been overcome by a cruel illness, you cannot give up and sigh doomedly. And even if the doctors delivered an inexorable sentence, there is always hope. Remember the biblical words "your faith has saved you"? They contain deep meaning. After all, if you read the Psalter about health with deep faith, the hand of God will certainly stretch out and support you, no matter what abyss a person falls into. Moreover, the collection contains special psalms designed to alleviate and heal certain diseases. These are kafiz, and if you are at a loss, do not know how to find a suitable one, contact the priest. He will tell you which section to read so that the Health Psalter brings maximum benefit. For example, with various kinds of mental illness, psalm 4, 7, 27, 55, 56, 108 will ease the suffering. If headaches torment you, you will need verses 56, 79, 125, 128. For healing the organs of vision and hearing, refer to 5, 58, 99, 122. Other psalms can help you. How to read the Psalter about health? At home, three times a day. You may not know the special prayers that precede the psalter reading, they will be replaced by the Our Father.

24 Hour Prayer

For believers, the Psalter is generally a reference book. But there are times when your participation alone is not enough. And you go to the monastery, asking for help and support from the initiates. The indestructible Psalter for Health has a special power - a round-the-clock prayer, which is read by monks specially designed for this, especially strong in faith and marked by the grace of God. Throughout the baptized world, its superiority over other doxologies and petitions is recognized. Since ancient times, many holy miracles and healings have been performed by the indestructible Psalter.

Believe, live with God in your heart - and it will be given to you at your request!

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The vigilant psalter, how to read at home and not only

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

Prayer brings man and God closer. This known fact. It gives strength and gives hope to everyone who asks. You can read for both the living and the dead. Round-the-clock reading strengthens the strength and will of a person, casts out demons and gives God's blessing. Read more about what a psalter of health is, and an unsleeping psalter, how to read it correctly and other interesting information You can find in our article.

Vigilant Psalter

This collection of prayers is characterized not only by the fact that it is read without interruption, but also by the fact that when it is presented, the ministers of the church can sit. It consists of certain sections (“kathismas” - read while sitting), which are performed separately for health, for peace and for every day. You can also read it yourself at home. This rite not only strengthens the spirit of the one who prays, but also opens his soul to the Lord, as he speaks to him tirelessly and with great faith.

Indestructible Psalter, features

The monks who have been given the right to read these psalms have a special grace from above - to beg forgiveness for the sins of worldly people. For them, prayer is a sermon, good news that brings them closer to God. And here, on Earth, they are in the form of angels. Their power is very great, otherwise the requests will not reach the Almighty, which means that help in saving the soul will not be provided. And they cannot allow this.

A feature of such prayers is the fact that at the time when the monks pray for a person, great power protects him from evil demons and helps in the fight against sinful passions. They are read day and night, and the ministers simply replace each other after a certain time.

This work has long been performed in many monasteries, both male and female. And ordering his reading was considered a generous alms, which helps in health and saves the soul in heaven. Any monastery needs to have such a rank, since this is its direct support. The great benefit of this rite will be not only to the one for whom they ordered, but also:

  • to you personally, because this is a great and merciful deed;
  • the monastery, as this is its main support;
  • monks, because they take part in this rank;
  • you can inspire other people by your own example;
  • by seeing the inevitable and expected result, your faith will be strengthened and become stronger.

It is very good to order reading and personally for yourself, then invisible support is felt in everything. It is not surprising that there is also eternal reading. And believe me, the money spent will be worth it. You can also carry out this action yourself.

How to read the hymnal correctly

Reading this work is a great tradition, which is based on certain rules, which must be strictly observed. People have been praying for this book for a long time. Even among the ancient monks, it was customary to read in the mind, and the monastery accepted only those who knew it by heart.

In Orthodoxy, to this day, there is a custom to read Scripture by agreement.

  • A group of believers, separately from each other, reads it in full in just one day. Also, each of them reads one kathisma given to him at home, remembering the names of those who conduct the ceremony with him. All this is done clearly and by agreement.
  • On the second day, the whole book is read again, but each of the believers is already performing the next kathisma. If someone from the audience could not read the section given to him on any of these days, he reads it tomorrow, while not forgetting that the following prayers are required for the fulfillment.
  • The whole book is read at least forty times, especially if the fulfillment takes place before Lent. One person cannot do this, therefore, as a rule, this action is performed by a certain group of believers.

How to read the psalter at home

  • for reading, you need to prepare a burning lamp or candle. Praying without church fire is possible only on the road;
  • it is necessary to read only aloud (in an undertone or quietly), so that both the mind and the ear understand the prayer, “live” it;
  • should be paid Special attention on the placement of stress and correct reading in general, you need to be aware of the meaning of each word you read. Remember that a mistake can change the meaning of both one word and the whole phrase, which means that everything performed will not only have no meaning, but will also become a great sin;
  • Psalms can be performed while sitting (“Kathisma”). You need to get up when reading the initial and final songs, as well as on the words “Glory”;
  • pronounce prayers monotonously, without much expression and passion, singing a little, because your sinful feelings are unpleasant to the Almighty. Reading with theatrical tact suggests that demons have settled in the soul of a person who speaks words and filled his mind and heart;
  • you should also not lose heart when reading or be embarrassed if the section you are reading is not particularly clear. With regards to the performance of the psalms, there is such a statement: "You do not understand - the demons understand." Therefore, do not worry if you do not fully understand something in what is written - everything will come with time. Spiritual development will gradually reveal the meaning of the church work.

Now, knowing how to read the psalter correctly at home, everyone who believes and wants to help another will be able to do it. After all, a person's faith is strong only when his spirit and will are not broken, when the mind and heart are one, and the soul is striving for the eternal.

The indestructible psalter about health, what is it

Life and health for any person is the most important thing, without it nothing makes sense. And when a terrible illness lies in wait for our loved ones, worldly misfortunes lie in wait, you can also read the psalms “On Health”. They are ordered in monasteries, and then the monks tirelessly pray for a certain time that the Lord would grant His grace to a loved one and help overcome despondency.

How to read the psalter about health at home

You can also help a loved one at home. By reading prayers on our own and adhering to the above rules, each of us can turn to God, knowing for sure that he will be heard. To do this, you need to have pure thoughts and unshakable faith.

A person always trusts in the mercy of God, because he understands that it will be difficult for him to fight various ailments and misfortunes on his own. And every time troubles happen in life, we turn to the Lord as to the last “instance”, where they will hear, see, understand and help…

An indestructible psalter to remove damage from a person

Sometimes it happens that a person looks healthy and reasonable, but something bothers him and does not allow him to live normally. And when no “earthly” methods help, he goes to the temple, realizing that he is controlled by an “evil force”, which can eventually capture his body and soul completely.

Reading this particular scripture best removes damage, because its main goal is to pacify and give peace, expelling the demons that filled the mind and heart.

The indestructible psalter removes damage various kinds. And this is a very serious problem, in which many do not believe, but in vain. A person's thoughts are material and, having once thought sinfully, one can bring upon oneself the enormous power of demons. Their strength is very great, and it is usually almost impossible to cope with them alone. And this, unfortunately, can lead to disastrous consequences.

Here, help in reading prayers is not only necessary, but is the only way help the sufferer.

Psalter for the dead up to 40 days

In Orthodox history, there is a tradition to read prayers over the body of the deceased before his burial, and then one kathisma after the rite.

  • Only relatives should read, doing this, if possible, standing up and continuously until the very process of burial for several days. You can be silent only at those moments when a memorial service is read over the coffin of the deceased.
  • If, however, relatives cannot gather together over the body of the deceased, then you can divide the time and read to each in his own and at home.
  • Further, after the ceremony itself, relatives continue to read the scripture for 40 days, until the soul of the departed leaves the earthly abode and goes to heaven.

So they help her get rid of the sins committed during her lifetime and find eternal peace in paradise, becoming an angel.

Psalter for the dead

The most common church rite is the reading of prayers for the dead. One of these prayers is “Sorokoust”. It is often ordered in monasteries for commemoration dates. Then the clergy for forty days (and therefore forty times) mention in the reading the name of the person for whom they are praying.

It is believed that in this way all sins are forgiven and God's grace comes. To make this prayer even stronger, you need to order it in several churches at the same time.

The psalter of repose is very important for everyone who has experienced a huge tragedy in life and lost a loved one. Realizing that the pain cannot be relieved even here on earth, nothing can help their loved one, they resort to the mercy of God, who now accompanies him there in heaven.

Psalter of the Virgin

These prayers are read for the health of a close or even unfamiliar person in front of the face of the Virgin Mary in the temple, while a candle is placed on the altar, the fire of which expresses the sincerity of thoughts and love for God.

The Psalter of the Mother of God is a very powerful scripture. They read it, asking for health and grace, since the Most Pure One does the will of the Lord and is closer to him than all the saints.

Valaam Psalter

Another rather interesting reading of prayers is their performance by the choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery. The monks (and among them only men) pray tirelessly and gracefully. Their songs are not only meaningful, but also very beautiful. In Orthodoxy, this choir is truly a masterpiece of church culture.

Prayer is eternal... That is why the indefatigable psalter has such great importance for everyone who has believed the Lord in his heart. This is an “invisible hand” that guides through life, not letting fall, helps and protects, giving a great miracle - faith.

"Blessed is the man who does not go to the council of the wicked, and does not stand on the path of sinners, and does not sit on the seat of destroyers, but in the law of the Lord his will and in his law will be learned day and night. And it will be like a tree planted by the outgoing waters, ..and everything, the tree, if it creates, will have time" (Ps. 1: 1-3).

"When reading the Psalter, a special angel is attached. The Church Slavonic Psalter has over the Russian ... the advantage that it contains eternal depth and heavenly mysteries that cannot be explained by words. The psalter angel stands at the right hand and tells the heart the meaning of the words read, even if they cannot be explained by the mind. I I didn't understand many words, I guessed, and the angel explained their meaning.

Church Slavonic reading is much higher than the synodal translation of the Psalter (into Russian). The Psalter is a heavenly book, not an earthly one, and its language is inexplicable, otherworldly. Church Slavonic was translated by the Holy Spirit and was revealed to the elders. And in the Russian translation there are no those mystical heights. The Psalter in Russian has almost no power in battle. The demons are not afraid of her.

Pray according to the Psalms, at least a few kathismas a day, from three to seven. The wondrous world will move in the heart.

(Saints) did not part with the Psalter and defeated the hordes of the enemy and Satan himself. If only you knew how Satan is afraid of the Psalter and what a fence the Psalter weaves for the prayer book! Amphilochius taught us that he lost his power as soon as the reading of the Psalter stopped... In the house of Amphilochius, the Psalter was read around the clock. And the elder said: I lose my peace when the reading of the Psalter stops. The Psalter was composed for him special world. He conveyed his love for the Psalter and the secret of its action in an invisible battle against the action of the spirits of evil to his true disciples.

The Church Slavonic psalter is so great that (the ascetic), having joined it, will never part with it as with his fully armed sword. And the spiritual Orthodox, in contrast to the worldly and worthless, worthless, appreciated and knew the power of the Psalter and did not leave it and blissed in its sweetness.

The angel, says the Queen, appointed for monastic deeds, reads the Psalter together with the ascetic and rejoices unspeakably, sees the heavenly thrones while reading the Psalter with his ward and reveals the mystical meaning of the Psalter, many times superior to any verbal meaning - ascending through the eternal book of life.

Without Church Slavonic speech, the prayer structure of Orthodoxy is impossible. I held the Psalter to my heart, Mother of God He holds the book of life at His breast, did not part with it. The Psalter was my mother and mentor, and abbess, and guardian angel, and my cell attendant, and friend, and the Gospel, and the Lord. Without the Psalter, I was like without eyes and like without hands.

I lost the Psalter, the devil stole it, brought in special thieves, and the Psalter suddenly disappeared. But I cried out to the Lord without rising from my knees. And one day I saw the Psalter returned. The psalter was at hand. The lost Psalter was returned to me. It was in one of the wanderings in Ukraine in Krivoy Rog.

There is no need to inquire into the specific meanings of this divine book. They surpass human understanding and say much more than a person in the present can understand with his sinful cup and the misery of the knowledge of God is insignificant, and the inability to true knowledge of God.

I always knew that the Psalter is a mirror of the Book of Life. I read the heavenly Psalter. I have read it for eternity. I composed by reading the Psalter what the celestials contemplate before the throne of God. I loved the Psalter on a par with the Gospel and wondered how the miracle of the Psalter was not revealed to people: they are carried away by secular, spiritual, patristic books, but no one knows the sweetness of the psalter ... And I thanked my teacher Amphilochius, who gave me the seals of the psalter of blessedness.

When you read the Psalter by candlelight tenderly in Church Slavonic, immediately the celestial Holy Rus' is included in the reading. And the hosts of ascetics heed the quiet voice of the prayer book.

The Psalter is the largest cover. My house was a psalter, and in the Psalter I hid from sorcerers, from persecutors and from enemies. And without a psalter booth - blows one after another and defenselessness, even if he lived in golden mansions and was surrounded by a thousand neighbors, armed soldiers.

What cover and what help from the Psalter, only he who knows her honey-mouthed verbs knows. The Psalter will tell you more than all the books that have been written since the foundation of the world. If you neglect the Psalter, you will not recognize even a hundredth part of what the Lord wants to reveal to you.

I sobbed already at the first "Blessed is the husband", I could not hold back my tears ... Blessed is the husband who delights himself with a psalter lyre, singing to the Lord a song of thanksgiving and praise on the harp of David.

The psalter tablet, like a thin plate, captures the state of the prayer book's heart. The psalter joins the celestials of the Kingdom to the golden altar, combines the hearts of all who pray on it.

The musical structure of the Psalter is equal to the angels, heavenly, and exceeds the masterpieces of the greatest composers written from the century. And the psalter shield in battle with the demonic world cannot be compared with any other prayer, including exorcism, for exile.

This book was written by the Holy Spirit, and it is not blessed to divide it into different authors, like other books of the Bible. Whoever grounds their meaning thinks humanly and the grace of the Holy Spirit is taken away from him. Holy Scripture needs to be approached in the fear of God and trembling, and not a rational study. The elders were never interested in who wrote the Bible at what time, whether it was the first Isaiah and the second, but they listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit on the pages of Holy Scripture and indescribably delighted their ears.

There is not a single word in Holy Scripture that is not from the Holy Spirit. If there are any errors interspersed, the angel teaches them not to notice and to read as it should. If you start Scientific research you will lose grace and destroy the treasury. The Lord loves the simple and the pure in heart, the meek and humble in disposition. Unknown (magic) - smiled. Magic spells emanate from sorcerers, and the inexperienced fall into their nets and often die.

In addition to regular and consistent reading of the Psalter, create individual verses that you especially love, think about them, write them out, sing them.

In the Psalter, the grace of relics is more fragrant than the church antimension with moshes. Psalter - Garden of Gethsemane. Holy Virgin, sending me to you, she said: "The Rosary has plunged many into delusion. Teach them the Psalter, My beloved."

Rosary - preparation for psalter grace. Through the rosary they learned the mysteries that could not be known otherwise, and prepared themselves for royal table psalter. If Catholics and their saints knew the Church Slavonic Psalter, many of them would become its zealous adherents and leave the rosary. If Louis Grignon de Montfort, beloved by you, read one day, how would I, following the Psalter from beginning to end, would write an enthusiastic treatise about it and not part with it.

Use this great gift of the Russian land, the gift of its saints. It is not for nothing that they say: be faithful to the Orthodox shrine, and whoever wants to enter the Kingdom, acquire the Psalter prayer and the Holy Spirit in it. I did not know a single priest or ascetic who received the second grace of the Holy Spirit without a Psalter. Three were holy fools and, due to illiteracy, did not read the Psalter, but went through great deeds and persecutions.

There is behind this, Church Slavonic, immaterial, silent Psalter - a Psalter from the Kingdom. Treasure in every psalter verse! A thousand years is not enough to hug them. Truly, a book from eternity.

The ascetic is told the heavenly music of the Psalter while reading it in Church Slavonic.

Is it possible to compare even one morning prayer with psalter breadth and depth? The morning rule is read daily. Why not create daily the most beautiful (117) of the psalms, like prayers in the monastic rule?

The Orthodox services are based on the Psalter, and without love for the Psalter, without being instilled with the Church Slavonic psalter, without its seals, these services are closed. The psalter itself is a service of services. By doing it in different ways, you can spend the whole day in prayer - the second most important after the liturgical one.

No state of mind, which would not be reflected in the Psalter, and there is no question that the Psalter would not resolve. In it is the all-perfect fullness of the presence of God. The Psalter is fragrant in all worlds and is a favorite book not only of people, but of all creation (birds, invisible spirits...). The Psalter is compiled according to the architectonic canons of the book of creation. It observes the pillars of wisdom that lie at the foundation of the universe.

In heaven there is a sphere of psalteric bliss. The psalter is read in it in Church Slavonic, but is seen and comprehended in heavenly images. Entering this sphere, I personally saw and empathized with every verse that I knew in my earthly days. King David, King Solomon, the ancient prophets and judges dwell in this wondrous sphere, and many saints visit it, tired of their labors on the cross, and linger in it for a long time, receiving untold consolations.

(Arch. John:) "Each psalm has its secrets and seals. When an angel opens the world of this psalm, it is impossible to get out of it, you want to create it again and again, endlessly. The psalter flows into eternity, like a river of paradise ...

Without a Psalter, the life of an ascetic is meager. Pitiful crumbs from the table of His prayer. Psalter - abundant bread, wine and oil. An inscrutable sweetness is to put each verse and word of the Psalter in the heart, as the Word of the Lord himself.

Matushka wants us to fold the Psalter in our hearts, like an invisible, fragrant scroll, so that in the heart temple, on its altar, the mysterious Psalter rests. There is no inner temple without the Psalter, established on the altar. The psalter is imprinted in the heart, like the word of the Lord. As the Blessed Virgin listened to the Lord in her earthly days, with the same charismatic hearing, mother wants us to listen to the words of the Psalter. This is the voice of the Bridegroom, the voice of the Holy Spirit, the consolation for the bride, irreplaceable, incomparable.”

St. Euphrosyne: "The Holy Spirit will reveal to you countless ways of creating the Psalter. If you collect images of its reading in Egypt, in Greece, in Russia by hermits of Alexandria, Athos, it is impossible to count them. The Lord gave each monastery, each city his own image of the creation of the Psalter. Some they recited in a singsong voice, others repeated verses, still others sang the Psalter silently, fourths sang antiphonally, fifths inserted them into church services, sixths into night singing and monastic processions, sevenths blessed the singing of the Psalter monotonously with grace, others admiringly and magnificently...

The Psalter refines the spiritual ear and fills the heart with the grace of God. Like a censer, it smells sweet in the inner temple.

Once in heaven I heard the Psalter - it was created by a skete ascetic, a recluse - not in Russian, but in some oriental, Egyptian or ancient Arabic language. The angel, my guide, translated immediately, and every word was clear and intelligible to me ... And so I listened - I could not tear myself away. I have never heard such beauty of the creation of the Psalter anywhere and ever. Angels flocked from the heavenly spheres to listen to how this ascetic prays on the Psalter.

The dead love the Psalter so much that at the sound of it, their wounds immediately heal and droplets of oils appear on them.

The ranks of heaven consider it their duty from time to time to listen to the psalter prayer as a perfect system of glorifying God, given for Adam, God's creation.

On the sick, if the Psalter is read with the mention of his name, the Psalter acts like a balm on the wound, the acute pain passes and the wound subsides.

There are sins that can only be begged for by psalter prayer, they require such a long ablution and purification. There are sins that the ascetic can neither see nor repent of, but the psalter prayer reaches them and washes them away.

The psalteric ascetic takes upon himself a heavy burden, because the demons of the one who is healed through the staid psalteric prayer fall upon him. I was severely beaten and for many years attacked by the tempting spirits of those whom I implored in the psalter prayer, whom I healed and rescued from the abyss.

Whoever has not known either prayer or scolding of the psalter is still a spiritual infant, even though he would quote the Gospel by heart in different languages.

Read the psalms with childlike spontaneity and rejoice as if they were composed just now, in your presence. Have each separately on the prayer table and give each one your attention.

The icon in the hospital ward, if the Church Slavonic Psalter is read in front of it, secretly smells sweet and becomes for the sick as if it were alive.

In places of confinement, the Psalter will turn the prison into an oasis of the Kingdom.

To whom I put the seals of the reading of the Psalter Prayer, he will not leave it, like a virgin from a midnight prayer, stocking up on kindled lamps and oils. The Psalter is the same oil for the lamp from the parable of the Lord, which is necessary for the wise virgin. The reading of the Psalter, which takes place during moses, is an initiation into the secrets of the eternal world, the presentation of the true image of faith, prayer, asceticism and the priesthood. There is nothing more important today. And then the Lord will show.”

August-September 1998
(Quoted from the collection "World of Saints", N1, M., "New Holy Rus'", November, 1998, ed. 2nd, corrected, p.2,10-15)
For reference - About Efrosinya, see: Dvorkin A.L. "Sect Studies", ed. 2002, p. 601.: "... at the end of her life, she declared herself the fourth hypostasis of the Trinity and predicted her resurrection on the 40th day."
I have less faith in Dvorkin than in the author of this book.

Long ago, when there was no computer, I wrote it out from a book about St. Arsenius of Cappadocia (Elder Paisius), in which cases he applied each psalm. Maybe someone will come in handy, although his prayers and ours cannot be compared.
Those conditions and cases in which each psalm is applied, according to
Saint Arsenius of Cappadocia.

Psalm 1 When trees are planted and a vineyard to bear fruit.
Psalm 2 For God to give enlightenment to those who go to the convention.
Psalm 3 To avoid human evil, so as not to unjustly offend your comrades.
Psalm 4 So that God heals sensual people who fell ill with melancholy through the attitude of hard-hearted people towards them.
Psalm 5 For God to heal wounded eyes struck by an evil person.
Psalm 6 To free God from the spell.
Psalm 7 About those who suffered from fear and intimidation and threats of evil people.
Psalm 8 About those who suffered evil from demons or from crafty people.
Psalm 9 To stop the intimidation of demons in a dream or fantasy during the day.
Psalm 10 About the hardness of heart of spouses who quarrel and separate (when an unjustly cruel or cruel sympathetic one torments).
Psalm 11 About fools who do evil to people.
Psalm 12 About those who are sick with the liver.
Psalm 13 On a terrible demon (read 3 days, 3 times / day).
Psalm 14 About changing the thoughts of robbers and turning them to repentance.
Psalm 15 About finding lost keys.
Psalm 16 About great slander (read 3 days, 3 times / day).
Psalm 17 When there is an earthquake or the wrath of God, cataclysms and lightning.
Psalm 18 About the release of the mother during childbirth.
Psalm 19 About childless spouses due to injury, to heal them.
Psalm 20 About softening the hearts of the rich, so that they give mercy to the poor.
Psalm 21 About stopping fires so that there is no evil.
Psalm 22 About the pacification of disorderly and disobedient children who offend their parents.
Psalm 23 So that the doors open when the keys are lost.
Psalm 24 To people whom the tempter is very envious and constantly brings temptations to them so that they grumble.
Psalm 25 So that it does not harm the one who asks God for good, if He gives.
Psalm 26 So that God protects the inhabitants from enemy troops, may they not harm people and plunder farms.
Psalm 27 About the healing of the nervous.
Psalm 28 About those who are afraid of the sea and the storm.
Psalm 29 About those who are in danger, far away, among the barbarians and godless peoples, so that God saves and enlightens them, and pacifies those, so that they know God.
Psalm 30 For God to give an abundance of crops and fruits when the weather is not favorable.
Psalm 31 So that travelers find the way when they get lost and exhausted.
Psalm 32 So that God reveals the truth, for the unjustly condemned, and they are freed.
Psalm 33 Those who are near death, when they are tormented by the devil or enemy troops, when they threaten or violate the border to do evil.
Psalm 34 So that God frees good people from the networks of evil people who exploit the people of God.
Psalm 35 About the complete destruction of enmity after a battle or misunderstanding.
Psalm 36 From seriously wounded people from malicious criminals.
Psalm 37 When the jaws hurt from rotten teeth.
Psalm 38 To find work for abandoned and unfortunate people, let them not grieve.
Psalm 39 About the restoration of love between the master and servants in case of friction (conflicts).
Psalm 40 To free mothers in premature birth
Psalm 41 Young, suffering from unrequited unrequited love.
Psalm 42 About the release of captives from the dungeons of the enemy people.
Psalm 43 For God to reveal the truth in suspected spouses, and about mutual love.
Psalm 44 About people suffering from the heart and kidneys.
Psalm 45 About the young, whom the enemy, out of envy, prevents from starting a family (getting married).
Psalm 46 About the appeasement of a servant, a slave, when the wounded leaves the owner and about finding a job.
Psalm 47 When great destruction and looting happens by pirate gangs of thieves (read constantly for 40 days).
Psalm 48 About those who do dangerous work.
Psalm 49 So that people who are far (from Him) repent and turn to God and be saved.
Psalm 50 When the educational wrath of God comes to us, sinners (epidemic, disease and general death of people and animals).
Psalm 51 So that the cruel-hearted leaders repent and become merciful, and do not torment the people.
Psalm 52 So that God bless the net and catch fish.
Psalm 53 So that God enlightens the rich to free the purchased slaves.
Psalm 54 To restore the respect of the defiled family, which was slandered.
Psalm 55 Sensitive, who were mentally wounded by their comrades.
Psalm 56 About people suffering from headaches from many experiences.
Psalm 57 So that favorable circumstances come to those who act for good, so that God prevents every crafty action of demons or envious people.
Psalm 58 About the dumb, so that God would give them speech.
Psalm 59 So that God reveals the truth when the totality of people is slandered.
Psalm 60 About those who find it difficult in business or laziness, or timidity.
Psalm 61 So that God averts trials from a faint-hearted person who does not have patience and grumbles.
Psalm 62 So that the fields and trees bear fruit when the water dries up.
Psalm 63 When a person is bitten by a wolf or a rabid dog (give them water to drink over which to read).
Psalm 64 So that merchants have reverence and do not deceive ordinary people.
Psalm 65 So that the evil one does not bring temptation to homes and sorrows to families.
Psalm 66 To bless the poultry houses (chickens).
Psalm 67 To free mothers during difficult childbirth, when they suffer greatly.
Psalm 68 When the wrath of God happens and the rivers flood, and carry away houses and people.
Psalm 69 Sensitive people when they argue about trifles and despair, so that God would strengthen them.
Psalm 70 About people who are left behind, who are burdened by the envy of the devil and despair, in order to find mercy from God and shelter.
Psalm 71 May God bless the fruits of the new harvest that the farmers brought home.
Psalm 72 About the repentance of evil-doing people.
Psalm 73 So that God saves the inhabitants working in their fields when the enemies surrounded the village.
Psalm 74 About the appeasement of a rude master who torments neighbors and servants.
Psalm 75 Mother who is afraid of childbirth.
Psalm 76 When there is no mutual understanding between parents and children, so that God enlightens them, let the children of their parents obey and parents show love.
Psalm 77 On the enlightenment of lenders (creditors), so that they do not offend their neighbors for debts and that they be merciful.
Psalm 78 So that God saves the village from robbery and destruction by enemy troops.
Psalm 79 About the healing of a man whose face is swollen and his whole head hurts.
Psalm 80 So that God may regard the poor, the impoverished and the mourners.
Psalm 81 So that people buy the products of farmers, so that the villagers do not get upset.
Psalm 82 For God to prevent people plotting murder.
Psalm 83 So that God preserves the property of the house, animals and products of production.
Psalm 84 About the healing of people wounded by robbers and victims.
Psalm 85 About the salvation of the people when cholera attacks people and die.
Psalm 86 About the continuation of the life of the owner of the family.
Psalm 87 About the protection of all defenseless people suffering from the cruelty of their neighbors.
Psalm 88 About strengthening the weak and infirm people so that they can work tirelessly and not grieve.
Psalm 89 About sending down rain during a drought, or when the sources are scarce.
Psalm 90 So that the devil disappears when he appears to a person and frightens him.
Psalm 91 So that God gives people reason, so that they prosper spiritually.
Psalm 92 So that God saves the ship, which was endangered during big storm in the sea (sprinkle 4 sides of the ship with holy water).
Psalm 93 So that God enlightens people who call for rebellion and repair riots and robberies.
Psalm 94 So that the magic (witchcraft) of the spouses does not touch, so that problems and friction are not created.
Psalm 95 For God to give hearing to the deaf.
Psalm 96 So that magic leaves people.
Psalm 97 So that God sends comfort to grieving people.
Psalm 98 So that God blesses and sends grace to young people who want to devote themselves to God.
Psalm 99 For God to bless people and fill them with Divine desires - human.
Psalm 100 About giving grace to virtuous people.
Psalm 101 So that God blesses people who bear titles, help people with kindness and understanding.
Psalm 102 So that menstruation comes when it is delayed.
Psalm 103 So that God blesses the property of people, so that they do not become impoverished and do not grieve, but let them glorify God.
Psalm 104 So that people repent and people confess their sins.
Psalm 105 About enlightening people so that they do not deviate from the path of salvation.
Psalm 106 About getting rid of the infertility of women.
Psalm 107 So that God humbles enemies, may evil intentions change.
Psalm 108 About healing lunatics or pardoning false witnesses, may they repent.
Psalm 109 So that the young have respect for the elders.
Psalm 110 So that unjust judges repent, and may the people of God judge fairly.
Psalm 111 About the preservation of soldiers going to war.
Psalm 112 So that God sends help to poor widows, may they pay their debts and be freed from prison.
Psalm 113 So that God heals mentally retarded children.
Psalm 114 So that God would give eulogy (blessing, material support) and consolation to the unfortunate, poor children, so that they would not be despised by rich children.
Psalm 115 So that God heals the terrible passion of lies.
Psalm 116 About preserving love and harmony in families, let God be glorified.
Psalm 117 So that God humbles the barbarians when they surround the village and threaten, and crush their evil intentions
Psalm 118 So that God would show His power against the barbarians and humble their operations when they kill innocent women and children.
Psalm 119 For God to give patience and condescension to people who are forced to be among cunning and unrighteous people.
Psalm 120 About protecting slaves from enemy hands, so that they do no harm to them until they are freed.
Psalm 121 About the healing of people suffering from the evil eye (witchcraft).
Psalm 122 For God to give light to the blind about the healing of sick eyes.
Psalm 123 About saving from a snake bite.
Psalm 124 About the preservation of the buildings of righteous people from evil
Psalm 125 About the healing of people suffering from a constant headache.
Psalm 126 About reconciliation in the family during quarrels.
Psalm 127 So that the evil of the enemy does not approach the houses and the peace and blessing of God rest on the family.
Psalm 128 About the healing of people suffering from migraines, headaches, and about pardoning hard-hearted and unjust people who oppress the sensitive.
Psalm 129 So that God gives courage and hope to the newcomers, so that they do not find it difficult to work.
Psalm 130 For God to give repentance and comfort with hope to people, but be saved.
Psalm 131 So that God has mercy on the people when there are frequent wars due to sins.
Psalm 132 So that God enlightens the peoples, may they come to an agreement and be reconciled.
Psalm 133 About preservation from any danger.
Psalm 134 About concentration during prayer and connecting the mind with God.
Psalm 135 About the protection of refugees when they leave their homes and go to be saved from enemies.
Psalm 136 For God to establish a person who has an unstable character.
Psalm 137 So that God enlightens the leaders, may people find understanding in their requests.
Psalm 138 To stop the devil from tempting pious people with blasphemous thoughts.
Psalm 139 So that God pacifies the obstinate owner of the family, may they not torture the whole family.
Psalm 140 Yes, so that God pacifies the local rude boss who mocks his neighbors.
Psalm 141 So that God pacifies the rebellion that produces evil.
Psalm 142 About the preservation of the mother during pregnancy, but not to throw off.
Psalm 143 So that God will tame the rebellious people, so that civil war does not break out.
Psalm 144 So that God bless the deeds of people, may they be pleasing to God.
Psalm 145 About the cessation of bleeding in people.
Psalm 146 About the healing of people beaten by evil people and wounded in the jaws.
Psalm 147 So that God tames wild mountain animals, so that they do not harm people and do not harm crops.
Psalm 148 About the well-being of the air, about the abundance of the harvest, may the people glorify God.
Psalm 149 To give thanks to God for the great kindnesses and for the much love that has no limits, which He pours out on us.
Psalm 150 So that God would give joy and comfort to our grieving brothers who are in a foreign land, and to our deceased brothers who are in a more distant foreign land.

There are no exact indications on what occasion and when this psalm was written. Perhaps when David was attacked by Saul or Absalom, for in it the psalmist complains about the treachery of his enemies, but at the same time rejoices, seeing the goodness of God towards him. Here we are invited to reflect, and it would be well if we would seriously consider, I. The wickedness of sin (v. 2-5).

(II) Of the goodness of God, and how merciful he is (1) to all his creatures in general (v. 6, 7);

(2) to his people in a special way (vv. 8-10). Thus the psalmist was encouraged to pray for all the saints (v. 11), for himself in particular, and for his own safety (v. 12), for the triumph of the fall of his enemies (v. 13). If, in singing this psalm, our hearts have been duly struck with hatred of sin and satisfaction in God's favor, then we sing it with grace and understanding.

Choir leader. Psalm of David, the servant of the Lord.

Verses 2-5. David in the title of this psalm defines himself as the servant of the Lord. Why in this and not in another (with the exception of Psalm 17) cannot be explained; but he was so, not only in the sense that every godly man is a servant of God, but as a king, as a prophet, as a man engaged in serving the interests of the kingdom of God among the people with more readiness and efficiency than any other person in his time. David boasts of this (Ps. 116:7). This is not an insult, but an honor for the greatest men to be servants of a great God. This is the highest promotion that a person is capable of in this world.

In these verses David describes the wickedness of the wicked; it is not clear whether he is referring to his specific persecutors, or to all the great sinners in the world. But here we are presented with sin in its causes, flowers, roots and branches.

I. Here we are presented with the root of bitterness, from which all the wicked proceed. It springs (1.) from their contempt for and lack of regard for God (v. 2): : there is no fear of God before his eyes; for if there had been, the wicked would not have spoken or acted so foolishly; he would not dare to break the laws of God and covenants with Him, if he had a little reverence for His majesty and feared His wrath. In these verses the transgression is properly represented as an accusation under the law: there is no fear of God before his eyes, since he does so. The wicked do not openly declare that they have no fear of God, but their transgressions whisper it secretly into the minds of those who know anything of the nature of godliness and wickedness. David comes to the conclusion that he who lives without limits lives without God in this world.

(2.) From their own self-importance, and the flattery with which they comfort their souls (v. 3): He flatters himself in his own eyes, that is, when he sins, he thinks that he is doing wisely and well for himself, and either does not see, or he does not recognize the evil and danger of his vicious deeds. He calls evil good and good evil. He pretends that his debauchery is simply freedom, his swindling is done out of far-sightedness and politics, and he presents the persecution of God's people as a manifestation of necessary justice. If his own conscience threatens him for what he has done, then he says: "God will not ask, I will have peace even if I continue." Notice, sinners ruin themselves by flattering themselves. Satan cannot deceive them unless they deceive themselves. But will the lies go on forever? No, the day will come when the eyes of the sinner will be opened, when he will find out his iniquity in order to hate him. Iniquity is an abominable thing, an abominable thing which God hates and which His pure and jealous eye cannot look upon. It harms the sinner himself, and therefore he must hate it, but this is not the case; he rolls it under his tongue like a sweet candy, because through it he can get worldly gain and sensual pleasure, but this food of his in his womb will turn into the gall of asps within him (Job 20:13, 14). When the sinner's conscience is convicted, then sin will appear in all its true colors and he will become a horror to himself; when a cup of trembling is placed in his hands and he has to drink it to the end, then the abomination of his crimes will be revealed, and lying to himself will turn out to be unspeakable stupidity and a burden for his condemnation.

II. These are those cursed branches that grow from the root of bitterness. The sinner challenges God and even himself, and what then can be expected if not that everything will come to naught. These were the first two sprouts of sin. People do not fear God, and therefore flatter themselves, and then (1.) They do not realize what they say, true or false, right or wrong (v. 4): "the words of his mouth are unrighteousness and deceit," that is, they plot evil, but at the same time they cover it with a plausible pretext and plausible explanations. It is not surprising if he who deceives himself plots how to deceive all mankind, for to whom will he tell the truth who lies to his own soul?

(2.) Even the little good that was in them leaves them: the sparks of godliness are extinguished, their reproofs are brought to a dead end, their good undertakings are reduced to nothing. He does not want to come to his senses in order to do good. It seemed that they were guided by wisdom and guided by religion, but they left these bonds, shook off religion, and with it their wisdom. Note that he who does not want to do good does not have wisdom.

(3.) Being unwilling to do good, they devise evil, and endeavor to vex pious people around them who do good (v. 5): "In his bed he plots iniquity." Note, Carelessness opens the way to sin. When a person leaves aside good deeds, the habit of praying, the fulfillment of God's decrees and his duty to Him, then the devil easily makes him his agent and instrument in order to attract to sin those who can and cannot be brought trouble to them. He who ceases to do good begins to do evil; so the devil, departing from his purity, soon became the tempter of Eve and the persecutor of the righteous Abel.

It is very bad to do evil, but it is even worse to plot it, that is, to do it intentionally, having a certain decision, to strain your mind to do it as efficiently as possible, to plot and develop using cunning and malice. ancient serpent to plot all this in our own bed, where we should meditate on God and His word (Micah 2:1). This is proof that the sinner's heart is completely engrossed in plotting how to do evil.

(4) Having entered the path of sin, which has nothing good in itself or in the end, he persists and decides to remain on this path. He embarks on an unkind path in order to commit the intended evil; nothing will prevent him from committing these intentions, although this is contrary to his duty and true interests. If only sinners do not make their hearts of steel and bronze their faces, clothed in stubbornness and wickedness, then they will not be able to follow their evil path and be the complete opposite of everything that is just and good.

(5) When doing evil, he likes to see it in others: he does not abhor evil, but, on the contrary, enjoys it and rejoices in seeing others as bad as himself. Or it may mean the impenitence of the sinner. If God gives repentance, the sinner begins to hate the evil that he committed earlier, and himself; it is bitter for him to remember it, no matter how pleasant it is to do it. But hardened sinners have such a sleepy and blunted conscience that later they never remember their former deeds with regret or repentance, but stand firm on their own, as if they could justify themselves before God.

Some believe that David, speaking of this, had in mind Saul, who forsook the fear of God and good deeds, pretended to be friendly to him and gave his daughter as his wife, while at the same time plotting evil against him. We do not have to limit ourselves by interpreting these verses in this way, for there are many among us who fully fit this description, and for them we should mourn and mourn greatly.

Verses 6-13. David, having looked around him and noted with sorrow the depravity of the wicked, now looks with comfort at the goodness of God as an object of admiration. To the same extent, the previous object was disgusting for him, and it could well be put in opposition to this one. Pay attention to:

I. His reflections on the grace of God. He sees the world defiled, himself in danger, and God dishonored by the atrocities of the wicked. But suddenly he directs his eyes, his heart and words to God: "Whatever it is, but You are good." Thus the psalmist recognizes 1. The transcendent perfections of the divine nature. We live among men, and we often have reason to complain, because there is neither truth nor mercy (Hos. 4:1), neither judgment nor righteousness. But all this can be found with God without the slightest admixture. We can be sure that everything that is missing or wrong in this world is fully and correctly present in Him who governs it.

(1.) He is a God of inexhaustible goodness: “Lord! Your mercy is to heaven." If people close the vessels of their compassion, but we are with God at the throne of His grace, then we will find mercy. When people plot evil against us, then God takes care of us, and if we cling to Him, then He takes good care of us. On earth we have little contentment and are consumed to a great extent by anxiety and disappointment; but in heaven, where the grace of God reigns in perfection to eternity, there is contentment. Therefore, in order to have a peaceful life, let's keep our way. However bad the world may be, let us never think ill of God and His government, but, living in the midst of the thriving wickedness of men, use it not to remember the purity of God as if He could look at sin, but to admire His patience, that He suffers for so long those who insolently irritate Him, nay, causes the sun to shine and pours rain upon them. If there were no mercy of God in heaven (i.e., a mercy that is infinitely higher than the mercy of any creature), then He would soon drown this world again (see Isa 55:8,9; Hos 11:9).

(2) He is the God of indestructible truth: "Thy truth is up to the clouds!" Although God allows the wicked to do much evil, at the same time he is (and always will be) faithful to his threats against sin, and the day will come when he will repay them. The Lord is also faithful to the covenant with his people, which cannot be broken; his right to promises cannot be changed one iota because of the wickedness of earth and hell. This is the essence of great comfort for all godly people; God is faithful even though people lie; the words of men are vain, but the words of the Lord are pure. His loyalty is so high that it doesn't change with the weather like people do; it reaches the clouds (heaven, some say), it is above the clouds and all the changes of this lower world.

(3) He is a God of undeniable justice. “Your truth is like the mountains of God; just as unshakable and strong and therefore noticeable and obvious to the whole world. For there is no truth more sure and simple than this, that the Lord is righteous in all His ways, and that He has never done and never will do any evil to any creature. Even when cloud and darkness surround Him; righteousness and judgment are the foundation of his throne (Ps. 97:2).

(4) He is the God of unsearchable wisdom and vision: "Your judgments are a great abyss, they cannot be measured with a depth gauge and comprehended by finite understanding." Since He has all power and is not obliged to report to us about what He owns, so are His ways secret and extraordinary: "Your way is in the sea, and Your path is in the great waters." We know that He always does good and wise things; but now we don't know what He does; later the time will come when we will know.

2. Comprehensive care and mercy of divine providence: “You protect people and cattle, O Lord, You not only protect them from evil, but also strengthen them with what is necessary for life.” He graciously cares even for the beasts that are unable to know and glorify God; their eyes are fixed on him, and he gives them food at the proper time. So let's not be surprised that God provides food bad people for He also feeds the cruel creatures; and let us not fear that He will not take care of good man: He Who feeds young lions will not let His children die of hunger.

3. God's special favor to the saints. Note, 1. Their character (v. 8). These are those who are enchanted by the grace of God and are at peace in the shadow of His wings.

To them His mercy is precious; they enjoy it; they admire the beauty of God and His good deeds more than anything in this world; for them there is nothing more attractive and desirable. He who does not admire the mercy of God does not know Him; and those do not know themselves who do not eagerly thirst for it.

So they put all their trust in Him. They turn to Him for help, rely on His protection, and then they feel safe and comfortable, like chicks under the wings of their mother (Mt 23:37). It was this disposition of character that the new converts had when they came to rest under His wings (Ruth 2:12);

and what could be more fitting to attract new converts than the excellence of God's grace? What could be more powerful to give us contentment? He who is attracted in this way by love will cleave to Him.

(2) Their privilege. Blessed, thrice happy are the people whose God is the Lord, for in Him they have, or can have, or will have absolute happiness.

Their desires are answered (v. 9): their needs are met; they are filled with the fatness of your house; their longing desires are satisfied; they are filled to overflowing. In the all-sufficient God they have enough of everything that an enlightened soul can desire or receive. The gains of this world and sensual pleasures may fill you up, but they will never satisfy you (Isaiah 55:2). And what is received by divine favor and grace will satisfy, but never satiate. A gracious soul, although it will desire more of God, will never desire anything greater than God. The gifts of providence satisfy them so quickly that they have enough of what they have. “I have received everything, and I am abundant,” says the apostle Paul (Phil 4:18). The privileges of holy ordinances are the fatness of the house of God, sweet to the sanctified soul, and strengthening the spiritual and divine life. And having all this, they are abundantly satisfied; in this world they desire nothing more than a life of fellowship with God and the comfort of the promises. But full and superfluous satisfaction is reserved for the future state; it is an eternal home in heaven, not made by hands. There every vessel will be full. Their joy will be constant: "From the stream of Thy sweetness Thou shalt give them drink."

First, there are truly divine pleasures. "These are streams of Thy sweetness, which not only flow from Thee as their Giver, but which culminate in Thee as their essence and center." Being absolutely spiritual, they are of the same nature as the other glorified dwellers. higher world, and carry some semblance of pleasures of the Eternal Mind.

Secondly, there is a river of these pleasures, always full, fresh and in motion. She has enough for everyone (see Ps. 46:5). Sense pleasures are a stinking puddle; and the delights of faith are pure and clear as crystal (Rev. 22:1).

Thirdly, God not only made sure that people had this river of pleasures, but gave them the opportunity to drink from it, created in them a gracious appetite for these pleasures, and by His Spirit filled their souls with joy and peace in faith. In heaven they will drink forever the blessedness that is in your right hand forever, and be satisfied with the fullness of joy (Ps 15:11).

Life and light will be their eternal part and blessedness (v. 10). Having God for their happiness, first, in him they will have a source of life, from which flows streams of sweetness (v. 9). God, who created the world, is the source of natural life. In Him we live, move and have our being. The God of grace is the source of spiritual life. All power and comfort, all divine principles and actions, the sanctified soul receives from God. He is the source and Creator of all sensations of the divine that the soul receives; all her movements He directs towards them: He quickens whom He wills; and anyone who wants to can come and take from Him the free water of life. He is the source eternal life. The bliss of a glorified saint lies in the fact that he can see and be close to God, constantly feel His love and not be afraid to lose it.

Secondly, in Him they have a perfect light, which includes wisdom, knowledge, and joy: “In Your light we see light, that is,

(a) knowing you in grace and seeing you in glory, we shall receive that which is in abundance according to our understanding and satisfies our minds.” The divine light that shines in Scripture, and especially in the person of Christ, who is the light of the world, has in itself all truth. When we come beyond the veil to see God face to face, we will see the light in perfection, and then we will know enough (1 Corinthians 13:12; 1 John 3:2).

(b) “In fellowship with You now; receiving grace from You and returning our reverent feelings to You in return, in a speedy fellowship with You in heaven, we will find perfect bliss and satisfaction. In Your good pleasure we have all the blessings that can be desired.” This world is dark; we see little consolation in it, but the true light is in heaven, there is no deceptive light; it shines forever and never dwindles. In this world we see God and rejoice in Him through creatures and means, but in heaven God will dwell with us (Rev. 21:3), and in the twinkling of an eye we will see Him and rejoice in Him.

II. Here we have David's prayers, intercessions, and holy exultation based on these reflections.

1. He intercedes for all the saints, imploring that they may always feel the privileges and comforts of God's favor and grace (v. 11).

(1) The people for whom he prays know God, they have known, acknowledged Him and claim that He belongs to them - those who have a right heart, sincere in their profession of religion, faithful to God and man. He whose heart is not right with God does not know Him properly.

(2) The blessings he asks for the saints are the mercy of God (i.e., the evidence of his favor to them) and his righteousness (i.e., the work done by his grace in them);

His mercy and righteousness are His good things according to promise; it is grace and truth.

(3.) The way in which he wants to communicate these blessings to them: “Prolong thy mercy, draw it out like a mother nursing a child who takes out her breast, and then the baby drinks milk from it. May it remain extracted until the very threshold of eternity. The blessedness of the saints in heaven will be perfect, at the same time it will continually increase, for the fountain of heaven will always be full, and streams will always flow from it. This will continue.

2. He prays for himself that he may maintain his integrity and comfort (v. 12): “Let not the foot of pride tread on me, lest my foot stumble, and tread upon me; and the hand of the sinner that is stretched out against me, may it not drive me out of my purity and innocence by any temptation; may she not deprive me of peace and comfort through some kind of trouble. May those who fight against God never triumph over those who want to cling to Him. Anyone who has experienced the pleasure of fellowship with God desires that nothing ever separate him from the Lord.

3. David rejoices in the hope that all his enemies will fall in due time (v. 13): "Where they thought to possess me, the workers of iniquity fell, entangled in the net they laid for me." There, in the other world (as others understand this place), where the saints stand in judgment and have a place in the house of God, those who do iniquity are called to judgment, from where they are thrown into hell, into a bottomless pit, from which they can never get out, since will be under the unbearable wrath and curse of God. Of course, we should not rejoice when any of our personal enemies falls, but the final victory over all those who work iniquity will be an occasion for the eternal rejoicing of the glorified saints.

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Matthew Henry's interpretation of Psalm 35

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