Prague People's House. Public house in Prague. Architecture and interior decoration

This week a new brothel was opened in the Czech capital. This, of course, would not be news at all, if the prostitutes did not serve clients here for free. On the day the brothel opened, a line of eighty men lined up in front of its entrance.
The owner was inspired to open it by a reality show
The owner of the establishment, Sharka Pokorna, gave a magnificent presentation a week before the official opening. Journalists were so impressed by the meeting with Mrs. Pokornaya that there was not a single newspaper or television company that would not report on a new phenomenon in Czech life. Every second article began with the words: “The Czech Republic can be proud! This kind of brothel is the first in the world!”

What makes it first, in addition to the fact that the services here are provided free of charge, is that cameras are installed in all rooms (except for the bar and restaurant), and everything that happens “in the rooms” and salons is broadcast on TV screens located in the bar, as well as on the Internet . You have to pay for “funny pictures” on your home computer. And in order to have something to look at, not only 40 moths of different ages are working, but also a large television group: directors, cameramen, editors - 15 people in total.

The idea to open such a brothel came to me after watching so-called reality shows on various TV channels. I noticed that most of all the audience waits for something intimate to happen between the characters. And TV people most often cut out such moments,” Sharka Pokornaya explained to the press. And then she added: “There is another motive.” Porn films usually feature pumped-up handsome men, the kind you rarely see in real life. Looking at them, porn fans begin to feel complex about their appearance. In our brothel people are from the people. There is much more demand for such people than for professional porn actors. Before the client goes “to the rooms”, he will be asked to sign a paper. First, he agrees that filming will take place. And secondly, it allows you to show everything that will happen on air. If the client is afraid of being recognized, he can become a secret - put on a wig, glue on a mustache or put on a carnival mask
. They will be rented for decent money.

Before the opening of the brothel, its owner was worried - what if people wouldn’t come, would they be embarrassed? The worries were in vain - there were even more people willing than the brothel could accommodate. Bandersha even had to limit the time she spent in the rooms so as not to delay the queue.

In the Czech Republic, prostitution is not yet officially legalized. But it is not prohibited either. Only a pimp can be held accountable. The new brothel does not risk anything. What kind of pimping if sex here is free! If it’s free, it’s no longer for the sake of earning money, but for pleasure. But the Internet, it turns out, doesn’t count.

Public house– one of the most magnificent buildings in Prague. By visiting the House, which the townspeople also call the Municipal House, you will feel the unique spirit of the golden age of Art Nouveau.

Construction of the Municipal House

Prague's main representative of the Art Nouveau style, the Public House, is located near the old Powder Tower. In its place in the Middle Ages stood Royal Palace, later the building was a seminary, the residence of the archbishop, military academies. Having completely collapsed, it freed up space for new construction, which was entrusted to the Czech architects A. Balshanek and O.

Watering lasted 7 years. At that time, the Czech Republic was part of Austria-Hungary: the influence of Austrian Art Nouveau is noticeable in the design of the new building of the Municipal House.

The Public House is a unique harmony of architectural and painting styles from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries: neo-Baroque, neo-Renaissance, Western and Eastern influences merge with Czech Art Nouveau. The monumental appearance of the building is crowned by outstanding decoration created by 30 leading Czech artists and sculptors of the time.

The municipal house has undergone several partial reconstructions. The last one took place between 1994 and 1997.

From the first day the House opened in 1912, it hosted balls, concerts, exhibitions, meetings of societies and clubs. Conceived as a multifunctional building, it also served as the main center of gastronomy in Prague.

And in October 1918 he witnessed an important historical event countries: it was in the Public House that the independent Czech Republic was proclaimed.

Interior of the Public House

The decor and painting of the house were carefully thought out by the craftsmen, and the amount of materials used in interior design is simply amazing.

The building was equipped with all the modern conveniences of the time, including central heating and ventilation, a public water supply system, a refrigerated cellar where ice was stored, electric and hydraulic elevators, and laundry facilities. Technological equipment from those times is still in good working order.

The building has 6 halls, restaurants, cafes, and many rooms intended for holding various social events. The interior decoration of the room is rich in ornaments, frescoes, statues, golden chandeliers and paintings.

Smetana Concert Hall

The largest city concert hall is the B. Smetana Hall, which received its name in honor of the outstanding Czech composer. It can accommodate up to 1,200 spectators and is unique due to its acoustics, as well as advanced technology for constructing vaults using stainless steel. The highlight of this hall is the glass dome, decorated with steel grilles and stained glass windows, which evening time illuminated with illumination. There is enough daylight to avoid the need for additional lighting.

The perimeter of the hall is decorated with an original cornice. The stucco medallions depict Czech composers. And the balconies located on the sides of the stage are complemented by sculptures and garlands of flowers.

The main pride of the Public House is the organ, containing up to 5 thousand pipes, crowned with a portrait of Smetana in bronze. The world's leading organists consider it an honor to perform musical masterpieces on this instrument.

Classical music concerts in Obecní dům

Mayor's Salon

The Mayor's Salon is artistically the most valuable and beautiful room.

The famous artist took an active part in the design of the Mayor's Salon. At that time, the master was interested in the national epic of the country, so the theme of the ceiling and wall paintings was dedicated to the history, traditions of the Czechs, as well as the Slavic consent.

The frescoes located on the walls, ceiling, and “sails” of the salon allegorically depict human virtues. Alphonse Mucha's combination of talent, creativity, fame and love for the Motherland left its mark on the interior decoration.

The public house contains up to 1.5 thousand rooms, but attention should be paid to a thorough review of at least the main halls of the building. The luxury you see will make your head spin, and the bohemianism and elegance of the decoration will serve as a kind of warning: there is nothing to do here without evening dresses and tuxedos.

Today, the Public House welcomes visitors to a coffee shop and a French restaurant, where even high-ranking officials have visited: presidents, maharajas and the queen. Excellent cuisine, incredible coffee and live music - everything is conducive to communication and business meetings.

In addition, the House hosts exhibitions, conferences, fashion shows and special events. The halls warmly welcome guests at concerts, banquets and annual balls.

Nightlife in Prague is in full swing. Walking through the Czech capital in the evening, it is difficult not to notice representatives of the oldest profession.

The annual influx of tourists makes prostitution a very profitable business. Intoxicated and well-fed tourists are the main clients of prostitutes in Prague. However, if you think that among women of easy virtue there are many natives of the Czech Republic, then this is not entirely true.

As a rule, in the Czech Republic representatives work in the field of sexual services of Eastern Europe: Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine, Albania, you can also meet Asian women and chocolate beauties from Africa and Latin America. There are legends about the temperament of Czech women. They say they are much hotter than Czech men, who are even forced to turn a blind eye to their wives’ infidelities in order to save their family.

Due to the fact that prostitutes in Prague for the most part girls from other countries, local corrupt women themselves support this legend. They learn foreign languages ​​and know how to maintain an intellectual conversation; many speak Russian. Still, Czech women are not distinguished by sentimentality and devotion, and sex for them is nothing more than a physiological process beneficial to health.

Where to hire a prostitute in Prague?

It won’t be difficult to pick up a prostitute in Prague on Old Town or Wenceslas Square - in the very heart of the country’s main city. On Wenceslas Square, under the signs “Cabaret” and “Night Club”, Prague brothels with quite expensive prostitutes are hidden. However, not all nightlife establishments offer intimate services; in many you can only enjoy striptease.

The most Famous places, where you can meet the priestesses of love - Darling Cabaret, Club Empire, Atlas Cabaret Night Club, Exasy, Capitain Nemo. Entrance to such an institution will be paid or free. If you come in for free, you will have to order a drink from the waitress who comes up. Most often, beer here can be 2 or even 10 times more expensive than in a cafe. However, you won’t have to wait long and soon some stranger will come up to your table and offer to have fun with her. Typically, the numbers for love games located on the second floor or in the basement. The rooms have everything you need: bed, shower, etc.

By and large, the quality of intimate services in the Czech Republic is very different. Elite prostitutes strive to get into prestigious brothels in the west of the country on the border with Germany. Street prostitutes in Prague offer their services from 20 euros per hour to 100 and more. In nightclubs, brothels and cabarets, selling love costs more - from 60 to 200 euros per hour. Same-sex sex is also popular, and prices are almost the same.

It is worth noting that there are also free brothels in Prague. The most famous of them is Big Sister. There you can pick up a girl on the spot or bring her with you. Everything you need will be provided to you: towels, bedding, contraception. Although the brothel is free, there is one small caveat: you will have to sign permission to broadcast your love affairs on the Internet.

Prostitution is not officially prohibited in the country, so there should be no problems with the police. Be that as it may, you should be careful when using the services of prostitutes in Prague, especially street ones. A “night butterfly” caught on the street can invite you to your place or to the nearest dark alley. The outcome of such an adventure is unpredictable; you may be expecting a dose of sleeping pills or her pumped-up boyfriend, who will force you to part with your money and valuables. It’s also not worth calling girls through advertisements in newspapers, since this is usually how tourists are lured into saunas and other places for active pastime. It is best to bring the prostitute to your room. It would be safer to go to one of the brothels, especially a popular one. The owners of such establishments value their reputation and regular customers, so they take care of their girls.

And finally, so that your holiday in the Czech Republic leaves only pleasant impressions, when embarking on a search for corrupt love, you should not forget about the means of protection.

The Western world with its “forbidden fruits” has always attracted residents of a country in which “there is no sex.”

And the concept of “sex tourism” arose and became established a long time ago; everyone knows recognized centers such tourism, and Prague is not the least among them.

Online sexual forums are full of stories from “experienced” people about visiting Prague brothels and other adventures. Finding truthful information among advertising texts and outright nonsense is not easy.

Let's try to make things a little clearer.

From the point of view of the law, prostitution in Prague and in the Czech Republic in general is not prohibited. But pimping and running a brothel are a criminal offense. However, everyone has long known that laws are created in order to circumvent them.

In the Czech Republic, you won’t find an establishment with a neon “Brothel” sign (nevěstinec in Czech) hanging above the entrance. The place where lovers of corrupt love strive will be called “night club”, “private club”, “cabaret”, “strip bar” and so on - it all depends on the imagination of the owners. The main thing is that everyone understands what we are talking about. The sign is designed to help with this; red is the dominant color.

The owners and staff of such places reliably distance themselves from what happens between their visitors (it doesn’t really matter whether they are opposite-sex or same-sex). Their task is to provide a comfortable meeting place for those who are already eager to meet. A show program with appropriate content, a bar with drinks for every taste - that’s all that is needed. And then - privacy in an alcove rented in advance, “private dance”, “erotic massage” and everything you want (for your money). Prices range from 40 euros for a 20 minute private party to... I'm guessing there is no price cap. Especially when you consider the additional costs. In particular, an almost obligatory element of “seduction” of a girl is a special cocktail, without which she simply cannot live (the price will also be special!).

According to historians, Czech women were famous for their freedom of morals back in medieval Europe. To quench male lust, “gentlemen” (beer houses, where married women the entrance was closed, but the husbands had fun), “hotels” (inns where guests were provided with “comprehensive” services) and “lazne” (public baths, where liberated bath attendants provided visitors with complete relaxation).

After the fall of the Iron Curtain, Czech girls had to face powerful competition from the East, primarily from Ukrainians. The “women's market” in Prague has become noticeably internationalized, enriched, for example, with exotic women in the form of migrants from the African state of Ghana. And yet Czech (and Slovak) personnel dominate.

How to find a brothel in Prague? It's not difficult at all! Just walk along Wenceslas Square. Starting around noon, advertising agents, mostly Afro-Europeans (but not only), walk along it. They are very attentive to single men and male companies. We can say frankly: it’s hard to get rid of them! These same people, I am sure, will be happy to help with another “slippery” question: where to find “weed” (drug trade in the Czech Republic is officially prohibited, possession “for oneself” and use is not). These agents will escort the thirsty person to the nearest establishments.

Taxi drivers will help those who save money and are not afraid to go beyond the historical center. Prague taxi drivers may not know the shortcut to your hotel, which is around the corner, and will take you across the city (for the right price). But believe me, they know all the brothels in the capital by heart! The benefit is mutual: by bringing a client to an establishment in Žižkov or Holesovice, the taxi driver will earn money. And the client may save on the girls’ services (it’s more expensive in the center and the rent is higher there).

Along the borders of the Czech Republic (primarily with Germany and Austria), sex services are a whole industry, an important “trade” for local women. Guests from neighboring countries fall for cheapness. The flip side is risk. Recently, a girl from Czech Velenice stole a client’s wallet during sex! Local authorities in cities such as Sokolov, street prostitution is considered a serious problem. And for some reason it seems to me that it’s not just a lack of jobs.

Street prostitution certainly exists in Prague. It is cheaper than “club” prostitution, but I would warn lovers of savings:

Firstly, It is not safe. There is a possibility of losing your property. And also acquire something unwanted (as you know, even when using condoms, medicine does not guarantee anything).

Secondly, on the streets of the historical center, thieves operate under the guise of prostitutes. They practically grab tourists by the hand and offer inexpensive sex. Their main task is to force a person to show a wallet with money. And then it’s a matter of technology. Either the girl herself will snatch it, or her accomplice will do it.

And thirdly, street prostitution is a gypsy business. And this has its own specifics, not everyone and not always pleasant.

For those who do not want to follow the beaten path to traditional specialized establishments, Prague offers a number of alternatives:

  1. Swinger clubs. Interest clubs designed for relaxation, free love and partner exchange. Visitors can enjoy a show program, a sauna, a jacuzzi and much more. The fee is only for entrance and drinks at the bar. Minus - single men are not allowed in, only accompanied by a lady! But don’t be sad - this restriction is absent in establishments of this type, but with different names, for example:
  2. Tantra club(and clubs like it). The fee is for entry and drinks in the bar (in some places there may be a fee for other services, you need to read the club rules). Single men are not only allowed, they are encouraged!
  3. Free love parties. The time and location are unpredictable. Follow the information on the Internet and advertisements (mainly in the subway). The rules are set by the organizers.
  4. Erotic massage. Newspapers are full of advertisements for these services. The degree and depth of the massage is determined by the masseuse by agreement with the client.
  5. Escort services. Great amount offers on the Internet, in newspapers and magazines (by the way, at any kiosk there is a large selection of erotic press with advertisements for girls). The meaning of the term (this also applies to the concept of “cabaret”) in the Czech Republic has long ago changed: we're talking about not about simple escort, but about girls going to the customer’s home or hotel. The range is for every taste and budget. The main risk is that they will not deliver the one you chose from the photo.
  6. "Privates". Private apartments with call girls service. In the Czech Republic there are several specialized Internet portals advertising prostitutes. I suspect that the majority of “escorts” and “privates” have a common database.
  7. Dating websites. You can prepare for the trip in advance. There are “guides” on the websites who are ready, for a certain amount of money, not only to “show Prague”, but also to brighten up a lonely man’s leisure time in all the ways available to them. The undoubted advantage of these girls is their knowledge of the Russian language. Most often, as I understand it, it is the only one.

And, finally, for those who want adventure and experience, and not just the banal “pay and get.” Discos and nightclubs in Prague - perfect place to meet representatives of the fair sex of any race and nationality. Possession foreign languages may well not be required - " sacred alliances” for 5 minutes are perfectly concluded using sign language that everyone understands.

How much such an adventure will cost and how long it will last is impossible to predict. Let me just remind you that the cruise ship Costa Conkordia sank because the captain was too carried away by a dancer from Moldova.

Good luck to you, adventure seekers! I hope you will remember Prague with pleasure! A friend of mine, who made several trips around the world, once said: “Prague is a depraved city!” He meant that human passions and vices in Prague are not driven underground, they are understood and allowed. This is a free city, you can afford a lot here. But also responsibility for possible consequences bring it to you!

The Prague Public (Municipal) House is one of the most impressive buildings in the capital of the Czech Republic. Having visited this building, you will feel the long-gone atmosphere of the times when Art Nouveau flourished in gold.

Construction of the Public House

In former times, a royal palace stood on this site, located near the ancient Powder Tower. In subsequent eras, the building was occupied by a seminary, an archbishop's residence and a military educational institution. When the building fell into irrevocable disrepair, the site was cleared for a new building - the Municipal House. Architects O. Polivka and A. Balshanek were entrusted with the supervision of the construction, and the work was carried out for seven years.

Since the era of Austro-Hungarian rule was then in the yard, the design of the building was strongly influenced by Austrian Art Nouveau, and now the house is the brightest representative of this movement in Prague. Here they combine harmoniously architectural styles and painting late XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The basis of the stylistic cocktail is Czech Art Nouveau, with which Neo-Renaissance, Neo-Baroque, as well as influences from the West and East are mixed. The impressive building is topped with impressive decoration, which was created by three dozen outstanding craftsmen of that era.

History of the building

The house opened its doors in 1912 and became a venue for organizing musical concerts and lavish balls, art exhibitions and meetings of various societies. The building was originally intended to be multifunctional, so it also became the main gastronomic center of the capital.

On an October day in 1918, the building entered the history of the Czech Republic forever: it was here that the independence of the Czech Republic was declared. During its existence, the building experienced several partial reconstructions, the last of which lasted from 1994 to 1997.

Interiors of the Municipal House

Amazing use was made in the design of the building's interior space. a large number of materials. With their help, craftsmen created detailed paintings and decorations that are so rich in the interior.

It is still functioning today technical equipment, network engineering and the systems with which the house was equipped during construction. Hydraulic and electric elevators, ventilation and central heating systems, ice cellars and laundries, public water supply - these were the most advanced amenities for those times.

The space of the building is lavishly decorated with frescoes and paintings, patterns and figures, golden lamps and other interior items. All this wealth is located in six halls, rooms for organizing various events, and restaurants.

Smetana Hall

This hall, named after the famous Czech composer B. Smetana, is the most spacious in the capital concert hall. During the construction of the vaults, advanced technologies and stainless steel were used for its time; the site has unique acoustic characteristics, which can be appreciated by up to 1,200 people at a time. Here you can enjoy not only the musicians playing, but also the play of light: in the evenings, the steel grilles and stained glass windows that decorate the glass dome are beautifully illuminated. This dome is considered the highlight of the Smetana Hall. And during the day a sufficient amount penetrates here sunlight, and additional illumination is not needed.

Perimeter concert hall decorated with an interesting cornice; famous Czech composers are depicted on the stucco molding in the form of medallions. On the sides of the stage there are balconies, which are decorated with flower garlands and sculptures.

The central object of the entire Municipal House is a huge organ with approximately five thousand pipes, which is decorated with a bronze portrait of Smetana. Any organist would be honored to have the opportunity to perform a piece on this instrument.

Most often the Prague and Czech National Symphony Orchestras perform here, performing Brahms, Mahler, Beethoven and other classics. At Christmas there is a big gala concert here. Prices for these performances range from 26 to 35 euros.

Mayor's Salon

The most attractive room in the house from an artistic and art historical point of view is the Mayor's Salon. Alphonse Mucha, a famous Czech artist, made a great contribution to its design. At that time, he experienced a fascination with the national Czech epic, which was reflected in his work on the salon. Mucha’s works here are dedicated to the traditions and history of the country, as well as the theme of unity of the Slavs.

The “sails” of the room, its ceiling and walls are decorated with frescoes, where human virtues are presented in the form of allegories. Alphonse Mucha combined natural talent and love for home country, thirst for creativity and fame - these qualities of the artist allowed him to leave his mark on the interior of the salon.

Public house in modern times

The interior of the building consists of approximately one and a half thousand rooms, so it is unlikely that you will be able to examine everything. The main attention should be paid to the main halls of the house, the chic design of which will turn anyone’s head. The elegant interior decoration and bohemian atmosphere make it clear that ladies should come here in evening dresses, and gentlemen in tuxedos.
Nowadays there is a French restaurant and a coffee shop in the Municipal House, where quite high-ranking people have visited: the queen, different presidents and even the Maharaja. Everything here is created for business meetings and ordinary social communication: from unobtrusive live music to excellent cuisine and delicious coffee.

Also, the Municipal House becomes a platform for organizing fashion shows, exhibitions, ceremonies. Numerous halls are filled with visitors during annual balls, festive banquets and concerts.

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