Nature teaches us to understand the beautiful. "Love for the native country is impossible without love for its nature" consultation (preparatory group) on the topic. What can teach us already

Everything is true and simple. Anything that is contrary to nature must be rejected.
The unity of man and nature ... Do we always realize how closely connected with nature, how dependent on it? AND sunlight, and moisture in the air, and atmospheric electricity, and magnetic storms - all of this, taken together (and each separately), affects the state of the body and human psyche. Nature is harmonious. Everything in it is interconnected, intertwined, subject to uniform laws. We constantly feel the influence of the rhythms of the day and night, the seasons, and this cyclical life brings us the joy of changing sensations, moods: as a long-awaited guest we meet every time spring with its awakening of fields and forests, summer riot of grasses, fruitful autumn, invigorating winter ...
Human society is associated with environment many forms and types of connections, without which it cannot exist.

Why do people study nature at a later time? All with the same goal: they are looking for ways to make their lives more comfortable and safer. Watching the wind, they came up with sails and windmills. Watching a kettle boil on a campfire flame, as steam pushes the lid off it, the man came up with a steam engine. By carefully studying the consequences of riding fires, some ancient thinkers learned how to smelt ore ... The list goes on and on!
As soon as appeared Agriculture, no one asked about why people study nature. Without detailed and maximum information about it, farmers would not have been able to receive those volumes of milk that were thousands of times higher than those of their ancestors. Do you think that the wheat grown in the fields today has a lot in common with the cereals that were grown in the fields hundreds of years ago? If! From a spikelet of modern cereals, we get tens of times more grain and flour than scientists could have imagined in their wildest dreams some 30-40 years ago! But why do people study nature today?

Someone may think that there is no direct need for this: everyone has already learned and managed, you can continue to develop science and technology without looking back at it ... Fortunately, this is not so. Even helicopters submarines, the lenses and plumbing that we use every day were created after long observations of nature. Almost all the outstanding discoveries of our time are made by those scientists who spare their time and effort to study natural phenomena and processes. Moreover, today everyone should observe the world around him: all people should know what a fragile and complex mechanism it is. If you explain to your friend why people study nature, you will help preserve its wealth for future generations.

Nature: trees, flowers, river, mountains, birds. This is everything that surrounds a person every day. Habitual and even boring ... What is there to admire? What to admire? So thinks a person who since childhood has not been taught to notice the beauty of dew drops on rose petals, to admire the beauty of a newly blossoming white-barked birch tree, to listen to the conversation of waves running ashore on a quiet evening. And who should teach? Probably a father or mother, grandmother or grandfather, the one who himself has always "been a prisoner of this beauty."

Nature teaches us to understand the beautiful

Somehow, the lines of N. V. Gogol caught my eye: “The entire surface of the earth seemed like a green-golden ocean, over which millions of different colors... ". Isn't it true that the writer painted an amazingly magical picture. I just want to see such beauty with my own eyes. Nature never makes noise; she teaches greatness to man in silence. The sun is silent. The starry sky unfolds silently before us. The sea is capable of "deep silence". The greatest in nature, which determines and decides our destiny as such, happens silently ... And a man makes noise. He makes noise early and late, deliberately and unintentionally, working and having fun. Noise is impudent and disappointing, arrogant and empty, self-confident and superficial, merciless and deceitful. You can get used to the noise, but you can never enjoy it. He has nothing spiritual in him; he is free from any “third” spiritual dimension. He “speaks” without having anything to say. Therefore, any bad art, any stupid speech, any empty book is noise. © I. Ilyin

Nature plays both material and spiritual significance in human life. Material, since nature itself provides us with food, shelter, clothing. And, it would seem, this idea is very simple, therefore, adhering to this view, a person should be grateful to nature. If there is no such feeling, then, by at least, you need to understand a simple thing: without plowing, without fertilizing the field, there is nothing to hope that next year you will have bread on the table. The spiritual significance of nature in human life, in my opinion, began to be lost long ago, when a person began to pay more attention to himself, his inner peace, and not their relationship with the outside world. Once pagans did not separate themselves from nature, they lived in it and with it. And the character of behavior, and even clothes were in harmony with nature. Now, the more challenges we make, for example, in clothing, the more we adhere to a certain fashion, and not a harmonious combination of comfortable and aesthetic, the more we separate from nature. Nature does not become our mother, who she was for our ancestors. And we, like those Ivans, who do not remember kinship, behave obscenely and hatefully. Nature's patience is not unlimited. She will protest and send us dire warnings, such as Chernobyl tragedy Is one such warning.

And yet, I believe in the spiritual rebirth of a person, because he comes into this world as a sinless baby. It is only necessary to remind people more often that they are children of nature, its small particle.

Nature teaches us to understand the beautiful From one or several works of Russian literature

Landscape lyrics are the main wealth of A.A. Feta. Fet is able to see and hear an unusually large amount in nature, to depict its innermost world, to convey his romantic admiration for meeting with nature, philosophical thoughts born from contemplating its appearance. Fet is characterized by an amazing subtlety of a painter, a variety of experiences born from communication with nature. Fet's poetics is based on a special philosophy that expresses the visible and invisible connections between man and nature (the cycles "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow", "Fortune telling", "Evenings and nights", "Sea").

The lyrical hero Feta seeks to merge with the beyond. Only life in the beyond gives him the opportunity to experience a state of absolute freedom. But nature leads man into this transcendental. The happiest moment for him is a feeling of complete merging with nature:

Night flowers sleep all day

But only the sun will go down behind the grove,

Quietly the sheets unfold

And I can hear the heart bloom.

The flowering of the heart is a symbol of spiritual connection with nature (moreover, such a connection that occurs as an aesthetic experience). The more the aesthetic experience of nature captures a person, the further he moves away from reality.

There is no end to appeals to nature in Fet's lyrics:

Open your arms to me

Dense, spreading forest.

The lyrical hero wants to unite in an embrace with the forest in order to "breathe sweetly."

Themes of the poem "Whisper, timid breath ...": nature, love. Date in the garden. Mysterious twilight. Verbosity. "Music of love". Fet depicts not so much objects, phenomena, as shades, shadows, undefined emotions. Love and landscape lyrics merge into one whole. Key images of Fet's lyrics are “rose” and “nightingale”. The "purple rose" in the finale turns into a triumphant "dawn". This is a symbol of the light of love, the rise of a new life - the highest expression of spiritual uplift.

Dissolving into natural world plunging into its most mysterious depths, the lyrical hero Feta gains the ability to see the beautiful soul of nature.

Valentina Vilchinskaya
Project "What nature teaches us"


In the sayings of ancient and modern sages, we often meet the advice: "Learn from nature." What is meant? Maybe this is a poetic exaggeration? How can we learn from humans, we can imagine without much difficulty, but how can we learn from nature? How can the fresh mountain air filled with prana give us something else besides health and vitality? Walking among the trees, contemplating the flow of the river, observing the change of seasons, can we gain new knowledge? How and what can nature teach us?

From nature, man has learned everything that he can, a lot of ideas for transforming the surrounding reality, its changes, picked up by man precisely from nature itself. Man himself, as a part of nature, changes and transforms it.

During the preparation of the project, the child had the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity, which made it possible to expand the idea of ​​how one can learn from nature. Independently generalize the received ideas and draw conclusions.

The goal is defined in the work: to find out what nature teaches us.

A hypothesis has been put forward: children, having received knowledge about environmental phenomena and animal behavior, will treat them more carefully.

When working on the project, research methods were used:


Analysis of the literature.

Comparison and observation.




Booklet making

Conclusion: From this work, we can conclude that cognitive research activity allows you to expand your understanding of the world around you, help children from an early age understand that they are part of nature, teaches you to generalize the received ideas and draw conclusions.


What nature teaches us

The sun teaches us not to pity

River - don't sit still,

The star is to burn, the earth is to seek,

The vastness of the heavens - take off from the ground.

Rain teaches us purity

Flowers - love, sunset - a dream,

Resistance - sails,

Forgiveness - my mother's eyes.

Once Valentina Mikhailovna read to us a poem by the poet Vladimir Natanovich Orlov:

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Snow teaches us purity

Teaches the sun to be kind

And for all its enormity

Teaches humility.

Nature all year round

You need to learn.

Us trees of all kinds

All the big forest people,

Teaches strong friendship.

How can you learn from people, I can imagine without much difficulty, but how can you learn from nature? What can she teach us? I decided to find out what, after all, we can learn from nature.

Purpose of work: to find out what we can learn from nature.

Nature has become the object of study.

The subject of research is natural phenomena and animal habits.

To achieve this goal, I solved the following tasks:

1. Study of natural phenomena, life and habits of animals;

2. Mastering the concepts and concepts of living and inanimate nature;

3. Ability to find an answer to an exciting question, using a variety of sources.

4. Development of an understanding of the relationships in nature and the place of man in it.

Work description.

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Hello. My name is Vladislav Razumov. I go to Kindergarten"Berry" in the preparatory group.

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Once Valentina Mikhailovna read to us a poem by the poet Vladimir Natanovich Orlov: "What nature teaches us." And I wondered what else we can learn from nature. I talked with the teacher, read encyclopedias with my mother, looked for information on the Internet. And today I want to tell you about what I have learned. I hope you find it interesting as well as me.

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A tree is depicted in front of us. It stands motionless.

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Tolerates everything: wind and cold, rain and snow. They cut off the branch, it says nothing. The tree is very patient by nature. Patience can be learned from him.

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What does the dog teach us? A dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly subtly sensing a variety of emotions and intentions of people. Once in a new team, the dog needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed here, who is the leader, who is the breadwinner, who will play and walk with it. And only after orienting himself in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes its own special relationship with each of the collective members individually. Her tact and ability to establish contact with people depending on their individual characteristics and preferences are worth learning from.

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When we see a dog, we see complete faithfulness in the look. Why are dogs loved? Because they are loyal animals.

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If we compare dogs and wolves, then wolves are unfaithful, although they look like dogs. When we look into the eyes of a wolf (for example, in a zoo, he has a tense, suspicious gaze, he has no one whom he would trust. Although outwardly they look like a dog. Dogs are faithful, therefore they are close to a person. You can learn loyalty from a dog ...

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Pay attention to the cat. The cat knows what he wants and unmistakably chooses what, in fact, suits her best. That is why many people tend to consider her cold and selfish. But this is not true: a cat is a very sensitive animal, and its affection for its owner, albeit not as obvious as that of a dog, makes it a faithful friend, ready to support and calm down through gentle touches. She is relaxed all the time. This means that in life you need to learn to accept everything like a cat: to be relaxed and calm. The cat gives us a great lesson in how to balance our own interests and the needs of those around us. The cat is unobtrusive in communication, she carefully doses the signs of her love and decides herself what to do.

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Those who keep bees know how amazing this insect is, they know not to put the hive too far from the flowers. She will simply wear out her wings and die on the road, and therefore the hives are placed closer so that the bees do not fly so far. In order not to get too tired, because the bees will not take care of themselves. They will live to the last for this hive. The bee does not live for itself. Collective thinking can be learned from a bee. Looking at the bees, we understand that in a team we need to do everything together.

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By observing how a spider weaves a web, man has learned to weave webs.

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If a dolphin finds a wounded dolphin, it helps it stay afloat. Dolphins teach us not to leave each other in trouble.

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Elephants never abandon the elderly. Elephants are taught to respect elders.

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Some plants and molluscs have told people how to make traps: molluscs slam their shells, and plants close their valves when food gets into them.

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Observing how the chameleon, carefully aiming, shoots at the prey with its long sticky tongue, the man came up with a harpoon.

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Claws, fangs and beaks - the hunting tools of animals - have become an example for the manufacture of arrowheads and spears.

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Snakes and scorpions kill their prey with poison - this is prompted to a person how to use a poisoned weapon.

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Even such a hunting technique as an ambush was suggested to people by animals. Watch the cat, how patiently it can sit, crouching and watching if the sparrows have lost their vigilance. Large cats - panthers, leopards, lynxes and jaguars - also watch for prey.

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The wolves were the special teachers of the people. In their hunt, all roles are strictly distributed: some hide in ambush, others drive their prey. In such a hunt, intelligence is already required. Perhaps that is why the ancient people especially revered smart, brave and strong animals: bears, wolves, tigers.

At the end of my presentation, I want to tell you about 4 more things that animals can teach us:

Feeding and caring for your pet's health teaches us responsibility.

Animals either love us or they don't. I think animals are capable of love. And they teach us this.

Taking care of an animal teaches us patience.

Try to throw a ball to a dog, or play with a rope with your cat and you will understand that you can get pleasure from little things.

And I also realized that we must share difficulties among ourselves, help each other and stick together. Such a law of nature. And we must live by this law.


While working on my project, I learned that man has learned from nature since ancient times. Nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and new discoveries. Nature must be loved, protected and very carefully observed and studied. And the main thing is to learn from her all my life, and then many new discoveries await us.

"Love to home country impossible without love for her nature "

A message for educators

“Nature teaches us to understand the beautiful.
Love for your native country is impossible without love for its nature "
K.G. Paustovsky

These words of the remarkable Russian writer most accurately emphasize the importance of nature in our life. "Many of us admire nature, but not many take it to heart," wrote M.M. Prishvin, "and even those who take it to heart do not often manage to get so close with nature to feel their own soul in it."

We are accustomed to the fact that from day to day we are surrounded by plants, animals, the sun is shining, spreading its golden rays around us. It seems to us that it was, is and will always be. In the meadows there will always be a green carpet of herbs, there will be

flowers bloom, birds sing. But this is not the case.Scientists note with dismay that the animal and vegetable world on our planet it becomes poorer, rivers, seas are polluted, and this leads to the death of all living things in them. Many species of animals and plants have already disappeared on earth. People began to miss pure water since rivers and lakes are drying up due to deforestation, they are polluted chemicals, industrial and household waste.

Each of us must protect the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. Conservation of nature is everyone's sacred duty. Treat all living things sacredly. Take care of every tree, twig, every flower. Do not cut trees unnecessarily, do not break them. Clean up trash after you on the banks of rivers, in forest clearings. Prevent a fire in the forest. Do not pollute forests, lakes and do not let your friends do it, do not poison or kill fish. Do not destroy birds' nests, do not kill animals.If we do not learn ourselves and teach our children to perceive themselves as part of the world of living nature, then the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our Motherland.

A child can get the first knowledge about how to learn to love and take care of his native nature even in preschool childhood.From the first years of life, the beginning of an ecological culture is formed in children. Watching the mother, who carefully looks after flowers and pets, the child has a desire to come up and pet the cat or dog, water the flowers or admire their beauty. Children grow up and learn a lot about the world around him. The singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the splash of water in the river, the rustle of grass, the color, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, the rustle of dry leaves, the creak of snow underfoot - all this serves as material for the development of aesthetic sense and sensory perception in children. The ability to see and hear nature acquired in childhood arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interest. In the process of acquainting children with nature, moral, physical and mental education is carried out. In the moral development of the child, a special place is occupied by the education in him of love for his native nature and a careful attitude towards all living things.

A child should know that every plant, animal, insect, bird has its own "home" in which they feel good and comfortable. It is necessary to pay attention to the beauty of nature in different time years, days and in any weather. Teach children to hear birdsong, inhale the scents of the meadow, enjoy the coolness of the spring. Isn't it the most great joy In human life. This is the one

the greatest gift that mother nature gives us. In winter, draw your children’s attention to the beauty of the trees. Admire the frost-covered Russian birch tree Read a poem by Sergei Yesenin:

Explain easily to children that in winter the trees sleep, and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to do a good deed - cover the roots with snow so that the trees do not “freeze”.

Watch the snow fall with the children. Check its properties (fluffy, white, cold, etc.)

Traces are clearly visible on the freshly fallen snow. Invite your child to play the Pathfinder game. By the footprints in the snow, you can determine who went here, who went where, whose they are (a person, a cat, a dog, a bird).

In the spring, nature wakes up. Rejoice with the children at the appearance of the first grass, the first leaf. Invite your child to play the game Find the Signs of Spring. (The sun is shining brighter, the sky is blue-blue, the first flowers have appeared, etc.)

Pay attention to arrival migratory birds... Explain to the children that birds are having a hard time after a long winter, and we can help them by building nesting boxes and remembering to feed them.

The best summer vacation is a trip to the forest. Admire the giant trees and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children about what you can see in the forest rare plants, which are listed in the Red Book. This is lily of the valley, St. John's wort, corydalis. In no case should they be ripped off. Admire their beauty, breathe in the scent. Find with the kids medicinal plants, name them, explain the use. While picking mushrooms and berries, tell the children that they are needed not only by us, but also by the inhabitants of the forest. Some mushrooms do not

they only eat, but they are also treated. For example, fly agaric. A very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for humans. And the elk will come, and he will be useful to him for treatment. Explain to the children that the mushrooms should be cut with a knife, not plucked with the stem. After a while, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Do not look into the nests of birds - these are their homes. The bird can get scared and leave the nest. Little chicks will be left without maternal care and will die.

Of course, everyone understands that you cannot destroy nests, anthills and dig holes.

Do not make noise in the forest. Do not take tape recorders with you to nature, you can listen to them at home. And it is not necessary for the whole forest to talk to each other: enjoy your communication with nature. And the forest, and animals, and birds, and even the tiniest flower will be grateful for your care and attention. Teach children to behave correctly in nature without harming all living things that surround them.

Don't leave rubbish at your resting places!

Ecological fairy tales help to protect and love nature. Curious kids love to listen to them. They ask many questions, and you need to find answers to them together.

By attracting children to close communication with nature, to the knowledge of its world, we, adults, contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, hard work and mercy. These traits are inherent in early childhood, will firmly enter the character of a person, will become its basis.

We and nature are one big family. We will teach children to see the beauty of their native nature, bring up a respectful attitude towards it, and the child will take good care of everything that surrounds him - and our upbringing will not be in vain. And then you can be calm about nature and the younger generation.

What else to read