Where is Lev Leshchenko from? Lev Leshchenko's wife cannot come to terms with the absence of children. Lev Leshchenko's health status, alarming news


Childhood Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born in Moscow on February 1, 1942, in the family of a career officer Valeryan Andreevich Leshchenko. Early childhood The singer's birth was marked by a tragic event - his mother, Klavdia Petrovna, died suddenly when Leo was barely a year old. The father had to bring the boy and him older sister to your place military unit

, where little Lev grew up as a real “son of the regiment.” In 1948, Leshchenko’s father married for the second time. The singer always spoke about his adoptive mother, Maria Mikhailovna, with incredible warmth. Leshchenko expressed his desire to become an artist very early: his parents had to send him to the regional Palace of Pioneers, where the young talent enrolled in several clubs: choral and dramatic. On the creative path, the little artist showed unprecedented success; they immediately began to take him to all amateur art shows, where he amazed the audience excellent performance

Utesov's songs. Soon the teachers advised the boy to take vocals seriously. After graduating from school, in 1959, Leshchenko, against the will of his father, decided to enter GITIS, the department of operetta artists. But the strict selection committee, in contrast to the management of the Palace of Pioneers, talents young man not impressed. Leshchenko had to go to work. The first entry in his work book was placed in Bolshoi Theater , where he was listed as a stagehand. But soon Lev Valeryanovich preferred the precision instrument factory and the position of mechanic to the temple of art. The following year, he again tried to take GITIS by storm, but instead went into the army. Thanks to his father’s efforts, Leshchenko was sent to Germany, to tank forces

. True, Lev did not have to control the combat vehicle for long: the authorities found out about the fighter’s vocal talents and assigned him to the army song and dance ensemble. After Leshchenko's demobilization in Once again

tried his luck within the walls of GITIS, and once again the admissions committee was skeptical about the applicant’s vocals. But she laughed heartily at the army feuilleton, which Leshchenko read as a dramatic passage. The professors took pity, and Lev Valeryanovich, five years after graduating from school, became a student.

In 1970, Leshchenko became a soloist of the USSR State Television and Radio and Television and a month later won the IV All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Since then, the singer was constantly invited to radio and television, and a rare “hodgepodge” got by without his participation. Lev Valeryanovich's popularity grew day by day, but real fame came to him only in 1972 after winning the festival in Sopot.

The thirty-year-old singer was loved not only by the public, but also by the authorities: Lev Valeryanovich became the true embodiment of the Soviet artist. It is not surprising that in 1975 it was he who sang the main song of the country's main holiday. By the way, he got “Victory Day” completely by accident. Its first performer was Leonid Smetannikov, but neither the audience nor the authorities liked his interpretation. The song was put on the shelf, but six months later, at a concert in honor of Police Day, Leshchenko decided to take a risk and include it in the program.

Starting from the late 70s, Leshchenko regularly received some kind of title, award or order once a year. It was rumored that Leonid Brezhnev himself loved listening to his songs. It is not surprising that the artist performed before members of the Politburo more often than other singers. In 1977, Lev Valeryanovich became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1983 - People's Artist. Since 1980, he has been touring with Rosconcert, but after perestroika his fame began to wane. In 1989, Leshchenko was not invited to the “Song of the Year” for the first time, and although he continued to attract full houses at concerts, the artist thought about his financial well-being.

In 1990, on the advice of his wife, Leshchenko went into business: he created and headed the musical agency theater of variety performances, which organized concerts, presentations and creative evenings, in fact, one of the first agencies for organizing corporate events. The new business turned out to be very profitable. The singer also began teaching in Gnesinka, where Katya Lel, Marina Khlebnikova, and Varvara became his students. For the last 10 years, Leshchenko has been actively involved in the music business, most often appearing on stage in “hodgepodges”.


Leshchenko’s first wife was singer Albina Abdalova, who in her youth performed in Leonid Utesov’s band. Lev and Albina met at GITIS, where, according to their confession, ex-wife Leshchenko was wildly popular. The young student gave his beloved daisies and took her for walks, but had no intention of getting married. However, the couple's relationship was not limited to kisses. Abdalova said in an interview that in his youth Leshchenko was an incredibly ardent lover, passion rolled over him in the most unexpected places and at the wrong time. Seven years after the start of the relationship, Abdalova and Leshchenko got married. Albina became pregnant several times, but at that time Lev Valeryanovich was completely absorbed in his career. Seeing her husband's unpreparedness for fatherhood, Abdalova had abortions. Despite his wild popularity among the fair half of humanity, Leshchenko, according to Albina, was always faithful to her. And only in 1976 I could not restrain myself. Then in Sochi, 34-year-old Leshchenko first saw the 22-year-old girl Irina, who unwittingly destroyed Lev Valeryanovich’s first marriage.

Irina was born into the family of a diplomat and grew up abroad, so at that time the name Leshchenko did not mean anything to her. Leshchenko immediately launched an active offensive, but neither the warm Sochi evenings nor the gentleman’s baritone could melt Irina’s heart. Suddenly, without leaving her phone number, she left for Budapest, where she studied at the university. But even such an obstacle could not stop Lev Valeryanovich: by some miracle, through Irina’s friend, he was able to find out the telephone number of her hostel. The venerable singer, favored by power, called the young girl almost every day, seeking her favor. Only a year later he persuaded Irina to come to Moscow. And a year later they got married. Irina abandoned her diplomatic career and began to live the life of her husband, becoming a housewife. 34 years after they met, the wife is still together, the singer never tires of talking about his feelings for his wife, which earned him fame as one of the most faithful husbands on the stage. True, according to the singer himself, he is very worried that he and Irina did not succeed in having children.


Lev Leshchenko’s main income comes from the Music Agency he heads. For several years now it has been cooperating with the oil company Lukoil, for which Lev Valeryanovchi even wrote a corporate anthem: “We walked along the highway, climbed ahead, bit into the ground, froze in the tundra, fate tested us to the breaking point, and then life was not for us.” seemed like paradise." The singer’s theater also works with Russian Railways, Gazprom and other companies. At corporate events, Leshchenko not only sings himself, but also brings artists working with other producers. The average rate for a singer to perform at a corporate event is 8-10 thousand dollars.

In 2001, Lev Valeryanovich acquired a furniture factory in the city of Kolchugino Vladimir region, which gradually grew into a company mediocre with an annual turnover of 400 million rubles. During the crisis, the furniture factory began to suffer losses; Leshchenko’s extensive connections helped it stay afloat. Thanks to them, the company now receives well-paid government orders.

Since 2003, the artist has been a shareholder and honorary president of the Triumph basketball club, his responsibilities include establishing contacts with investors and sponsors.

Lev Valeryanovich has always been “rich in pinocchio.” Even in his second year at the institute, he received 70 rubles for work at the Operetta Theater and another 38 for a scholarship. Immediately after graduating from GITIS, young Leshchenko earned 200 rubles a month - that’s what the Gosteleradio soloists were paid. A few years later, his income doubled. He had to perform at least 16 concerts a month, for each of them he received about 25 rubles. Nevertheless, the party vigilantly ensured that in any case the artist’s monthly income did not exceed 500 rubles. But the really big money came to Leshchenko during perestroika: after the organization of the Music Agency, the artist began to charge 10 times more for a concert.


It is difficult to find scandals in the biography of Lev Leshchenko, a model of morality and morality: he does not drink, does not rowdy, does not abuse women. However, the unpleasant incidents in which the artist was noticed speak volumes about him.

In 2006, a scandal broke out at a music festival in Vitebsk: the winning participant from Russia, Oksana Bogoslovskaya, was far ahead of all her competitors. And she did this not without the support of the chairman of the jury and part-time her employer, Lev Leshchenko. According to the Slavic Bazaar regulations, jury members do not have the right to be managers or producers of competition participants. Leshchenko ignored this rule, nominating the soloist of his theater for the competition. This fact might not have outraged the public if Lev Valeryanovich had not so openly “drowned” the Russian’s competitors: he gave Oksana only tens, and no higher than six for everyone else.

Most loud scandal Leshchenko organized himself with his participation quite recently. At the beginning of March he spoke with open letter in support of Lukoil vice-president Anatoly Barkov, whose Mercedes was involved in a sensational accident on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow. As a result of the accident, two women died, for which many of the public and part of the creative intelligentsia blamed Barkov. He, in their opinion, drove into the oncoming lane. Now the top manager of Luikola is considered one of the most odious figures in the country, and Leshchenko, who receives good income from working with the oil company, is perceived by many as a symbol of corruption.


In the elite village of Krekshino, Lev Valeryanovich has a two-story house worth 900 thousand dollars. He also owns a three-room apartment on Academician Zelinsky Street, the approximate cost of which is $700 thousand.

The singer prefers to drive a Mercedes 210 - this is his favorite car brand. Leshchenko likes to spend his leisure time on his own yacht, “Irchi,” which he gave to his wife for her 30th wedding anniversary.


Twice in his life Leshchenko miraculously managed to escape death. In 1970, together with other Gosteleradio artists, the singer was supposed to fly on tour to the south. Unexpected affairs detained Lev Valeryanovich in Moscow, the plane took off without him and crashed, never reaching its destination.

In the early 80s, Leshchenko went to Afghanistan for concerts. One day, the artists’ car accidentally broke away from the military escort and stumbled upon a group of armed dushmans. At the same moment, the GAZ car’s engine suddenly stalled and refused to start. For several minutes, Leshchenko’s life was joyful, but only a hair’s breadth, and only incredible luck helped the car “come to life” and break away from the spooks.

How old is Lev Leshchenko? It seems that he is forever young - the artist changes so little over the years that he looks at us from the stage. He is recognized by his stately figure, special manner of movement and, of course, by his magical, seemingly voluminous voice, which seems to float from the stage and makes the entire audience freeze. Meanwhile the singer has already celebrated his 75th birthday.

Biography of Lev Leshchenko

Lev Leshchenko was born on February 5, 1942. His mother died early, but his father, on the contrary, lived to be 99 years old. In 1948, he brought his stepmother into the house, and soon their daughter Valentina was born, who became Lev’s half-sister.

Valeryan Leshchenko was a military man, and little Lev grew up like a real “son of the regiment” - he wore a suit tailored to his height military clothing, ate in the soldiers' canteen, went to the shooting range. The boy’s love of music was instilled in him by his grandfather Andrei, who never missed an opportunity to play the violin for his grandson.

Lev Valeryanovich spent his childhood in Sokolniki. He became interested in creativity, was a member of the choir at the House of Pioneers, and studied in a brass band, but gradually focused on vocals. Enroll in theater university It didn’t work out right after school, and for some time the future pop star worked as an ordinary stagehand at the Bolshoi Theater, and then went to work as a mechanic at a factory.

The draft came, and Leshchenko, following his father’s advice, went to serve in the tank forces. There his singing abilities were fully appreciated, and from 1962 Lev performed with a military song and dance ensemble, where he soon became a soloist. This practice allowed him to enter GITIS after completing his service. Although they took him reluctantly - he was not impressed - however, a year later they recognized him - not in vain. His low baritone and special timbre gradually became business card aspiring singer. Already in his second year, Leshchenko worked at the Operetta Theater and Mosconcert, and summer holidays spent touring as part of concert teams throughout the Soviet Union.

Musical career of Lev Leshchenko

Lev Leshchenko's career was on the rise. Soloist-vocalist of the Moscow Operetta Theater and the USSR State Television and Radio, winner of the 1970 All-Union competition among pop artists, participant and laureate of international competitions, holder of the title of Honored (1977), and then People's Artist RSFSR (1980), holder of the orders “Badge of Honor” (1985) and “For Services to the Fatherland” 4th degree (2002). In the 1980s, he was already a recognized authority on the Soviet stage, whose name is known in every home. Leshchenko, Pugacheva, Kobzon - perhaps no one could do without these artists festive program on TV.

Since 1990, Lev Leshchenko became the head of " Music agency» – a theater of variety performances, mainly engaged in organizing concerts, creative evenings, and various performances. The singer has released many of his own albums (first records, then CDs), his compositions are included in numerous collections. For a long time he has been collaborating with Vladimir Vinokur, and their half-joking duet “ Vovchik and Levchik"The audience was very fond of it.

The artist also carried out teaching activities, helping the release of such performers as Katya Lel, Marina Khlebnikova and others. Today he does not appear on stage very often, but in February 2017 he gave a big concert, thus celebrating his 75th anniversary.

Personal life of Lev Leshchenko, family and children

Lev Leshchenko was married twice, with his first wife, Alla Abdalova, he lived for 10 years, from 1966 to 1976. Being both human creative professions(Abdalova is a theater artist and singer), they often did not see eye to eye, quarreled, separated and reunited, and eventually divorced completely. By the way, songs sung by spouses as a duet, were popular. Among the most famous are “Old Maple”, “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart”, “Song about Moscow”(“...I will never forget a friend if I became friends with him in Moscow”) It remains to add that Lev Leshchenko’s children from his first marriage are a myth that sometimes appears in the yellow press. They did not have children, although they could have been born. Alla had an abortion several times.

Marriage with Irina Bagudina, who was 12 years younger than the groom, took place in 1978. Soon after the wedding, it turned out that Lev Leshchenko and his wife did not have to dream about children - as a result unsuccessful pregnancy the woman was forever deprived of the opportunity to have children. But this did not cause the separation; Leshchenko and his second wife Irina are still together.

Today, Lev Leshchenko is called a “corporate” artist by many. His “Music Agency” cooperates with Russian Railways, “Lukoil” and “Gazprom”, organizes concerts in which not only artists under Leshchenko’s “patronage” participate, but also many others. He is the honorary president of the basketball club in Lyubertsy and is on the Ukrainian “sanctions” list as an artist who is prohibited from visiting this country.

Good afternoon, my dear readers. Today I wanted to remember my childhood and those artists whose concerts I watched on an old black and white TV. When a voice came from the screen Lev Leshchenko- People's Artist, and then Honored Artist of the RSFSR, my grandmother always asked to turn it up louder. And even I, a child, listened in fascination to the powerful baritone of this performer. Would you like to take a walk with me through the pages of his biography? So…

Biography of Lev Leshchenko

The first cry of the future great artist was heard in a Moscow maternity hospital on February 1, 1942. His childhood occurred during the most terrible war and post-war years. His father, Leshchenko Valeryan Andreevich, went through the Soviet-Finnish war, and after the end of the Second World War he worked in the Ministry state security THE USSR. Lev inherited his good health from his father, because he died just one year short of his hundredth birthday... But Lev Valeryanovich got his strongest voice and ear for music from his grandfather, Andrei Vasilyevich Leshchenko, who at one time was a singer in church choir, and even played the violin.

Some publications say that Leshchenko is not a real name Lev Valeryanovich. But Wikipedia is silent about this fact... And the artist himself resolutely refutes these rumors!

Son of the regiment

Little Leo was left without a mother very early. She died when he was about a year old. Due to his father’s intense employment in the service, little Leshchenko was the so-called “ son of the regiment».

He walked in the ranks, put on a small uniform, like a real military man, and in winter he got huge skis that were three times his size. Sometimes the father took the boy to stay with his grandfather, who taught his grandson the basics of singing and playing the violin. Over time, Valeryan Andreevich married again, and Lev had a younger sister and a new mother.

The beginning of a long journey

The boy's singing talent was immediately noticed at school. In his free time from lessons, Lev was engaged in choral singing, swimming, learned to play wind instruments and mastered the artistic expression. Soon his choirmaster insisted that the boy study only singing. Since then, not a single school concert has been complete without his participation.

Already at that time, the talented Lev easily took on complex age-appropriate songs by Leonid Utesov.

After graduating from school, the future voice of “Victory Day” tried to enter the theater institute, but the first attempt failed miserably. After working for a year as an ordinary backstage worker in the theater, Lev went to serve in the tank forces. But, having considered the talent of the young conscript, the command sent him to the song and dance ensemble.

After finishing his military service, the young artist again tries to conquer his Alma Mater. And, despite the fact that at that time the enrollment of students was already completed, an exception was made for him. Having successfully passed all the exams, Lev entered GITIS. A year later he became a student at the Operetta Theater.

Creative activity of Lev Leshchenko

The career of this talented performer was skyrocketing. In the late 60s, the artist began performing at the Moscow Operetta Theater. And four years later he was popular on the USSR State Television and Radio. His next achievements speak for themselves! The powerful voice of the “Moscow Nightingale” was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by the jury of many famous competitions in Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Belarus and other countries.

For a long time, Lev Valeryanovich taught at the Music Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins. Under his clear leadership, many wonderful artists appeared on stage.

Artist's creative baggage

Over the years of his stage activity, Leshchenko has released several dozen CDs, records and albums on other media. His popularity was absolutely deserved. The soft timbre of the baritone, combined with an aristocratic, “thoroughbred” appearance, had an indelible impression not only on the female part of the audience.

Lev’s courageous performance of the song “Alyoshenka” or “Ballad of Mother” made the whole audience cry, and even the courageous military men did not hesitate to wipe their eyes...

And all his compositions can be called fundamental, songs for centuries that will always touch the strings of any living heart... Just remember his “Victory Day”, which became a hit...

Now Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko 74 years old. He was married twice, but, unfortunately, never became a father. The artist leads his entire life healthy image life, actively involved in sports. I really want to wish this performer to live for many more years and pass on all his invaluable knowledge to the younger generation.

Approved by Vyacheslav Dobrynin

On February 1, Lev LESCHENKO celebrated his 73rd birthday. Unfortunately, the Enteveshniks ruined his mood before the holiday: they showed him the scandalous memories of his first wife. It is noteworthy that almost seven years ago, Express Gazeta was the first to find Alla ABDALOVA and she shared with our readers the piquant details of her intimate life with the singer. The TV people have now presented this entire story as their exclusive. Although many of the facts in Alla’s current story do not correspond to reality.
The Leshchenko spouses were offended not even by this, but by the fact that the journalists, introducing themselves “ Good morning» Channel One, they came to their house supposedly to record the story, as they note New Year. But they broadcast a bad editing, using seemingly innocent material for their own not so good purposes.

Indignation, disgust and the feeling that you have stepped into something sticky and smelly, too! - Irina Leshchenko, the wife of Lev Valeryanovich, shared her feelings from watching “The New Russian Sensation” the other day with a MK journalist. - Oh, horror, but we accepted them with an open soul!
Mrs. Abdalova does not feel deceived, but Lev Leshchenko’s friends are indignant: there are a lot of lies in these drunken (Alla was drinking wine in the shot) memories! For example, a pensioner stated that Lev forced her to have abortions and at first avoided communicating with Vinokur (he didn’t even want to answer phone calls, he lied that he was not at home). And it was only thanks to her that the friendship worked out. And so strong too.

Complete nonsense! - Vladimir Natanovich does not hold back his emotions. - Leva and I began to be friends much earlier than I even knew about her existence. But she can be forgiven. In general, I treat her normally - she is an unhappy, lonely woman. But I am against believing the words of this sick man. Lev Valeryanovich has so much merit to the state that, in pursuit of ratings, our television programs have absolutely no need to offend the feelings of a person of such rank and unquestioningly believe the words of a woman who is clearly not in her right mind.
“The program stated that the song “Victory Day” became popular precisely thanks to Alla, who made him a star,” I remind Vinokur.
- Lord, what are you talking about! Yes, indeed, at first they didn’t want to put “Victory Day” on the radio and put it in rotation, because the artistic council believed that a song on such an important topic could not be march-like. I remember how much the composer David Tukhmanov and Leva, its first performer, were worried about this. And when, nevertheless, on the eve of November 10 - Police Day - Leva showed it at a rehearsal, the then Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov exclaimed: “A wonderful song! We should definitely include it in the concert program!” And she immediately became super popular. That's the whole story. Well, tell me, what does Alla or anyone else from his close circle have to do with it?!

- Well, everything is clear with Alla. How did it happen that the TV crew tricked them into your friend’s house?
- Well, Lyova is simply a very intelligent person who cannot refuse people. This intelligence and gullibility of his became the reason for the provocation clean water. Of course, Leo was very upset when he realized that he had been treated like a child. Thank you for not pestering him with calls on this topic. So I always check documents before letting a person into my home or office - you never know why he came. But I also didn’t come to this right away, but after several deceptions.
“I can imagine how offended Lev Valeryanovich’s wife was: not only did the shameless TV people tell big lies, but they also inserted Abdalova’s absurd revelations into the program. Allegedly, Irina Lev was specially “planted” into bed by administrator Efim Zuperman in order to annoy her, Alla!
- Of course, this is not true! How was it even possible to broadcast something like this?! Irochka is a wonderful woman, smart, Leva is truly happy with her. Why go far, you can call Slava Dobrynin - he just witnessed their acquaintance.

“I was very surprised when Zuperman’s name was mentioned in the program,” Vyacheslav Grigorievich admitted to me. - I won’t lie, I knew this man, but he had nothing to do with Leva and Ira’s acquaintance. Leva saw Irochka in Sochi and fell in love with her at first sight! I assure you, no one framed anyone!
I, too, am extremely outraged by the TV show shown - at least write letters of protest! Didn’t you feel that Alla Abdalova was already in a state of insanity?! This is a man who has moved away from everything. She lives not even with memories, but with some kind of effort on what to say. She is simply an unhealthy person, so on her part this is not even intentional deception, but impotence. Everything that Alla says must be questioned, and this is a question more likely for medicine than for any other organs. For example, an unhealthy person walks down the street and shouts slogans - it turns out that everything he shouts should be taken at face value?

Chamomiles and wine

Our correspondent Maria SVETLOVA found Lev Leshchenko’s first wife 10 years ago and spent three years persuading her to meet. Alla Alexandrovna did not want to stir up the past. But at some point I made up my mind. Carefully, weighing every word, she opened her soul, afraid to say too much. I got the impression that it was very painful, there was a lot of resentment inside and I just wanted to cry. Below are excerpts from that interview. Read it and you will understand: there is almost nothing in common with what you saw on NTV.

Leva and I studied at GITIS in the operetta department. All our girls were delighted with him. He also had curls. For some reason he felt shy and straightened them out. But regarding the fact that he had a lisp, he didn’t have any complexes and didn’t work with speech therapists. I thought he was good anyway.

One day Leva looked into the dance class. I look - he is looking at me point blank. I'm not timid. After class she came up and asked: “What’s the matter?” He replied that I looked a lot like his niece. I was not at a loss: “Let’s take her to her and show her, I’ll see if you’re lying.” We arrived in Khimki, to his home. And for sure: I am the spitting image of my niece!
Levi's stepmother took our visit very seriously and decided: since Leva brought home a girl, that means he is a bride.
...One day I come to class, and he is standing in front of the audience with a bouquet of daisies. He took me by the arm and led me into the front garden of GITIS. He sat him down on a bench and took out a bottle of wine. Then the guys ran to the store... I still can’t stand sweet wine. By the way, when visiting I always had to drink for two. Leva takes a sip a little, and his diction becomes such that you can’t make out anything - just hissing.
They became friends. And after some time, Leva offered to spend the night with him. He said: “Don’t think anything bad: I have dad, mom and sister at home.” The family, of course, was fast asleep. And we... Then he asked me: “Al, is it really our first time?” And I was fooling around, no, I don’t remember something. Before registration, we lived with him for several years. We met secretly - either at my sister's or at his parents'. Leva once told me: “We never slept with you except in heaven!” That is, everywhere!
Yes, he sometimes said that we should have children. But, having become pregnant, I thought for a long time what to do. I was haunted by doubts whether we would continue to be together. I asked him: “Do you love me? If yes, then I’ll give birth.” He didn’t answer me. So I went to the midwife. Another time I got knocked up again, again I asked him what to do. But Leva has no time for that. He came from Japan, he had impressions... He muttered something like do as you please. Out of stupidity, perhaps, I asked the doctor who was scraped out of me. She says: "Boy." I didn’t even tell my husband that we would have a son. Then I went for abortions without consultation. One day, after an operation, a doctor told me: “Alla, you could have two great boys. Twins". I was scalded...
Well, then somehow everything went downhill. Lev met Ira and fell in love. I didn’t hold back, I filed for divorce myself. A couple of years later, she and Irina got married. But I never got married again... And, you know, in spite of everything, I still love Leva and wish him only happiness.

The well-known singer Lev Leshchenko, whose biography we will consider in this article, was born into the family of an officer. Few people know that the future artist grew up without a mother from the age of one, that he worked as a mechanic, and that for several years in a row he unsuccessfully tried to enter the theater school. Despite all the trials of fate, he achieved his goals, and today the biography of Lev Leshchenko is of interest to millions of people who revere his work.

The difficult childhood of the future artist

Lev Valeryanovich was born in the family of a career officer in Moscow on February 1, 1942. The boy's mother died when he was not even a year old, his father most For a time, he was busy in the service, so he was raised by his grandfather and grandmother, with whom he often visited, by the second wife of Valeryan Andreevich, until she had her own children, by his father’s adjutant, Sergeant Major Andrei Fisenko. We can say that the boy grew up “the son of a regiment”: he dined with the soldiers in the canteen, during the day he watched their exercises, and in the evening he marched in the general formation to the cinema. And even wore military uniform three sizes larger.

When Lev was six years old, his father married a kind and sweet woman, Marina, for the second time. She treated the boy very well, but she had a catastrophic lack of time to raise him: Marina had two nephews under her care, and later her own daughter was born.

Biography of Lev Leshchenko: education and definition of profession

The future artist was taught to sing by his grandfather. Levushka sang, and his grandfather played an ancient violin, which made magical sounds, after which the boy, as he recalls, dreamed musical dreams. They probably served as an impetus for musical career. When Lev voiced his plans for the profession, the father, who saw his son as an officer, criticized them. While still at school, Lev sang on the school stage, but no one thought that it would develop into something more.

Biography of Lev Leshchenko: on the way to the goal

Immediately after school, the guy goes to work: first as a theater worker, then at a factory as a mechanic. Several attempts to enter GITIS were unsuccessful and upon reaching Leshchenko he was forced to go serve his homeland. As a soldier, Lev did not forget about his childhood dream and was even able to become a soloist in an army song and dance ensemble. Having been demobilized, Leshchenko again heads to the theater. The professors, who already knew the young man by sight, agreed to listen to him, despite the fact that they had already graduated long ago. So the future artist became a student. When he was in his second year, no one doubted that Leshchenko was a born actor and singer. Everyone saw his talent.

Biography of Lev Leshchenko: finest hour

They learned about the artist when he won a song competition in Sopot in 1972. The whole country learned about him. The open face, charming smile and honest look of the young performer in an elegant white suit with a bow tie captivated almost everyone. Since then, the artist began the life he had dreamed of since childhood. During his career, he was awarded many prizes and awards, and was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Lev Leshchenko: biography

Children are the artist’s only dream that did not come true. Not a single marriage of Lev Valeryanovich gave him descendants. The artist’s first wife was a singer, but Leo was quickly disappointed by his wife’s indifference to him and they separated. In 1978, he married for the second time to Irina Bagudina, with whom they still live together.

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