Nosik is divorcing his wife Olga. Alexander Nosik: I like to be friends with ex-wives. Olga's life story

home Alexander Nosik a famous heartthrob, but he never kept track of his lovers, he also had fleeting romances, and long term relationship 39 , but this actor got married for the first time only in years old, became his chosen one Olga Zinger 14 , who was younger than her husband by years. The couple met on the plane, Olga home States that She wasn’t immediately very impressed, although he walked around her like a peacock. At the same time he looked after her and Alexander , and his friend Vitaly , but the first one was much more persistent and active. Looking at this one Olga , may this person forgive me, you can’t even say that the men lost their heads, as soon as they saw her, they carried on an active correspondence with her for weeks, trying to lure her into their networks. Something doesn’t add up here, and this is not the first year I’ve been living in this world; men in my circle have never lost their minds over such women, and even in such a way as to achieve by any means necessary. Although she herself Olga Nosik claims she has two higher education years. The couple met on the plane, that she speaks three languages. How pretentious it is to show off your diplomas! Just think - education, in our time this joy is available to everyone, go, study for health, and in the end, do these diplomas make a girl more attractive in the eyes of a man? Now, if only she had an academic degree... but even then it is unclear why such a thing hooked Alexandra Nosika hooked, besides, apparently, this woman is not very active in the crib. Wife on the program home told some details of their first hibernation. True, there was no instant connection, the girl put on warm pajamas, wrapped herself in a blanket from head to toe, and took off everything and even the sock he took off Olgina

legs, put it on my device. , may this person forgive me, you can’t even say that the men lost their heads, as soon as they saw her, they carried on an active correspondence with her for weeks, trying to lure her into their networks. Something doesn’t add up here, and this is not the first year I’ve been living in this world; men in my circle have never lost their minds over such women, and even in such a way as to achieve by any means necessary. Although she herself Moreover, whentold the public about the programs "Million Dollar Secret"- his first impression of his future husband, he, sitting next to him, mannerly feigned indifference, but it was clear that his wife’s words hurt him. “Six years ago, a sleep-deprived man with bags under his eyes, all rumpled from lack of sleep, smiled so that all the fillings were visible, sat down next to him, grabbed his hand, and his palms were sweaty, ugh, what disgusting!” the wife wailed. Well, what kind of man would like something so that the whole country talks about him so disgustingly and so unromantically. At the time of writing this article Alexander Nosik 45 years. And at the time they met he was at least 39 , this man still looks great, tall, well-toned, green-eyed, infectious laughter, reasonable speech. You may not like him, but objectively he is handsome, well-built, if before he was too sweet, now he has matured and even become seasoned, the guy is in his prime. But his wife declares that he did not make an impression... Continue home tells how he literally went crazy with his Olenka, I didn’t see anyone except her. Such miracles happen all the time in life, maybe it’s all explainable, but I can’t imagine how years. The couple met on the plane, held a siege for a long time. I could easily fall asleep next to such a man, he tossed and turned, she was nearbyin his striped pajamassnorted in her sleep and moved her lips. Maybe she took him with her indifference?

What was in the envelope? home He didn’t show it to anyone, he burned the test results right on the TV program, but his face changed, and although he was having fun the entire program, at the end he drooped and became despondent. Theater, actors and that’s all!

Why home a couple of weeks later he was photographed by the paparazzi in a cafe with his wife’s friend Anastasia Krainova, and some time later he admitted to reporters that he had not been living with his wife for two weeks. Herself , may this person forgive me, you can’t even say that the men lost their heads, as soon as they saw her, they carried on an active correspondence with her for weeks, trying to lure her into their networks. Something doesn’t add up here, and this is not the first year I’ve been living in this world; men in my circle have never lost their minds over such women, and even in such a way as to achieve by any means necessary. Although she herself claims that they do not intend to get a divorce, they just decided to temporarily live separately. After all, just recently on the program Lera Kudryavtseva “Secret for a Million” she laughed and joked a lot. In general, she was not extravagant or original, but simply funny. Second amazing moment on Kudryavtseva’s program, is that , may this person forgive me, you can’t even say that the men lost their heads, as soon as they saw her, they carried on an active correspondence with her for weeks, trying to lure her into their networks. Something doesn’t add up here, and this is not the first year I’ve been living in this world; men in my circle have never lost their minds over such women, and even in such a way as to achieve by any means necessary. Although she herself against the procedure ECO, she is ready to take the child from the orphanage, but she will never resort to an artificial procedure that seems unnatural to her. This leads to different thoughts, for example, such that she already knows that Alexander Nosik they will not be able to have children. Why home Has your face changed? Maybe he suspected, thought that it was the reason, but was afraid to go check? No, he's just a good actor. Be that as it may, I would like this story to have a positive ending, even if it’s already Alexander Nosik became a father or would simply be happy without children. The main thing is not to deceive anyone, if you love each other, live together, if you don’t love, get a divorce, don’t torture yourself or your loved ones. In any case, probablysad but trueyears. The couple met on the plane, not for Alexandra.

In this photo you see hooked and his wife , but the first one was much more persistent and active. Looking at this one, now probably an ex. Below after all the lovely photos hooked you will find some more photos Olga Nosik.

And in this photo you see mom hooked, she was beautiful, and now, to be honest, she is still beautiful, although at the time of writing this article she is already 72 years old, but she is as beautiful as she was forty years ago. Her name is Maria Sternikova, she is an actress. home very similar to his mother.

In this photo you see Maria Sternikova as a nurse Shurochki, this is our favorite movie "Guest from the Future".

And this is the father hooked, National artist Russian Federation- Valery Benediktovich Nosik.

And in this photo home with his father and uncle.

Vladimir Nosik- father's brother Alexandra Nosika. Vladimir Nosik younger than his brother Valeria for 8 years.

And these girls in the photo next to Alexander Nosik are his cousins, they are twins, daughters Vladimir Nosik.

Well, we finally got to the photos. Anastasia Krainova- beloved hooked, this girl is the former lead singer of the group "Tootsie", she is younger than her chosen one 12 years. Judging by her photo, she's a badass!

The media reported that actor Alexander Nosik filed for divorce from his wife Olga. According to ex-spouses, the separation passed peacefully, without quarrels and scandals. The site called the artist’s representative and asked to comment on the information.

“Yesterday, Alexander and Olga filed for divorce. And without scandals, tears and snot, as is usually customary. As they said in one famous film: “Without noise and dust.” Many mistakenly believe that Sasha cheated on Olga with Anastasia Krainova, but this It’s not true. He and Nastya started dating a month after Alexander separated from his wife. By the way, they also broke up with Krainova, so Sasha’s heart is officially single,” said Nosik’s representative.


In March 2017, the actor made his first public appearance with Star Factory graduate Anastasia Krainova. The couple was spotted in one of the Moscow restaurants and did not hide their feelings. It is worth noting that after the publication of compromising photographs on the Internet, the then-married artist admitted that he really had new novel. Nosik assured that he started a new relationship after he separated from his wife Olga.

It is known that the performer of the role of the Snake in the film “Special Forces” paid for the video of Anastasia Krainova. According to some media reports, the video cost Alexander about a million rubles. The ex-soloist of “Tootsie” herself does not see anything shameful in the fact that her lover helped her.

Let us remember that Alexander was born into a family famous actor Valery Nosik and actress Maria Sternikova. The mother was categorically against her son becoming an actor, but allowed him to occasionally participate in productions of the Maly Theater. Nosik began acting in small roles in the TV series “Maroseyka, 12”, “Kamenskaya”, “Turkish March”. But it was the film “Special Forces” that made the actor famous. After filming this film, he was often offered to take part in action films.

The personal life of the stars of domestic and world show business is always of interest to the public, especially when we're talking about about such prominent representatives as Alexander Nosik. This handsome, courageous and charismatic actor with stunning green eyes is the superhero of many Russian TV series and films that fall into the action genre. However, today we will talk about it only in passing, main theme This article is Nosik's wife, Olga. The girl’s biography arouses incredible curiosity among the actor’s fans, especially in light of the scandalous events that have happened to Alexander recently.

Dirty story

Handsome Nose is the dream of many women, however, there are not so many items on his personal list of Don Juan merits. Despite his popularity and demand among the fair sex, he recent years remained faithful to one and only one - his wife.

But this was the case before, until in 2017 the press reported that a man was cheating on his wife. This information was immediately refuted by Olga Nosik herself, whose biography we are considering. The story of this couple began about five years ago. All this time, the relationship between Alexander and Olga seemed simply ideal, and therefore the information that the actor had a mistress became unpleasant news for many.

Olga Nosik, whose biography has nothing to do with the world of celebrities, is not a public person, but due to the fact that the girl is the wife of a famous actor, she found herself at the center of a rather piquant scandal. Let us note that Olga, who is 14 years younger than her husband, wisely and with dignity coped with the difficulties and tried not to wash dirty linen in public, telling everyone about her relationship with Alexander.

Who is he?

Nosik is a hereditary artist. His mother, father, uncle and even stepfather are film and theater actors. Despite such a bohemian environment, young Alexander did not connect his future with cinema or television; he dreamed of being an economist, but these plans were not destined to come true and, apparently, for good reason.

The handsome and attractive actor is an excellent candidate for the roles of brave and courageous characters. His filmography includes quite well-known and popular films:

  • "The Return of Mukhtar".
  • "Special Forces".
  • "Kamenskaya".
  • "Guardian of the Law."

With age, the handsome young man turned into a brave man, and this transformation is appreciated by both directors and audiences. However, constant employment at work, most likely, was the reason that the biography of Alexander Nosik and his first wife Olga (official) will not be continued.

And who is she?

It is believed that the rich, attractive and famous men must necessarily be surrounded by equally successful and beautiful women, real stars. However, practice shows that world's strongest they prefer to see next to them not just a pretty beauty, but also a kind, sympathetic, faithful woman. The heroine of our article today, Olga Nosik, is one of these. The girl’s biography will be presented to readers a little further, but now let’s talk about what she is like as a person.

Reading publications in the media about her and her husband, you imagine an incredibly open girl, deeply in love with her companion. Everyone is talking about her feelings joint photos couples. In them, lovers always look tenderly at each other, they are smiling and it is clear that they are immensely close.

Of course, there are those around them who doubt sincere and mutual love; skeptics are especially confused early biography Alexandra Nosik. Olga Nosik is his legal wife, but not his first, because before that he already had long-term relationships with two girls. Many of the actor’s fans do not understand why exactly Alexander’s husband “took” her, because outwardly she is nothing more than just cute.

Olga's life story

If you are interested in where and when Olga Nosik was born, the personal life and biography of this girl, read our article further! She is originally from Donetsk (Ukraine). Olga was born in 1986. She received a legal education and made a good career in her homeland.

The girl’s parents divorced, her father still lives in her hometown and in the house where she grew up, but Olga’s mother emigrated to America. The girl herself most currently lives in Moscow. There, her husband Alexander has a small two-room apartment, which he is renovating. Therefore, the couple had to rent their own housing.

The girl completely devoted herself to family life. They signed with Nosik in 2011. Moreover, on the day of the wedding they had to leave for another city. The trip was connected with Alexander’s work, and his wife, like a faithful friend in battle, almost always and everywhere accompanied her husband.

Air romance

The young people met while traveling - it happened at the airport. Both of them were flying from Kyiv to Donetsk, but Olga was flying home, and Alexander was on work business. This was a significant event, which at first neither of them took seriously, and even more so Olga and Alexander did not think that after chance meeting at the check-in counter at the airport, their personal life and biography will change so dramatically. Olga Nosik (nee Singer) was not very impressed with the artist at all. According to her, he was tired that early morning, with circles under his eyes, and the girl didn’t even have time to really get ready before leaving the house, and therefore appeared before her future husband with half her makeup.

During boarding, they discovered that their seats were located next to each other. Olga is afraid of flying, and even had to hold Alexander’s hand during the plane’s takeoff. Such touching trust melted the man’s heart, and he invited the girl to one of his performances.

Fairytale life

Olga then came on a date, but not alone, but with her mother; the actor even joked about this, saying that he had never met a girl’s parents so quickly. By the way, Nosik had very a good relationship with my mother-in-law. There is a small age difference between them (only 8 years), and therefore it was easy for them to find a common language.

The family idyll of Alexander and Olga was truly beautiful and touching. The two seemed to understand each other perfectly. They always appeared together in public, and not once during the years they lived together did either spouse give reason to doubt their honesty.

This fairy tale was overshadowed by only one fact - the absence of children. Alexander Nosik has neither a son nor a daughter at all, although he has long since crossed the 40-year-old mark. The actor says that he is too busy for this, because the child requires a lot of attention and dedication. And Olga at one time supported this point of view. The couple, while living together, did not even have a cat, because young people were often not at home, but not even in Moscow.

The show goes on!

When Alexander started dating his future wife, no one knew who Olga Nosik was. The girl’s biography began to become clear after some time. She behaved so quietly and modestly that some journalists, many months after the start of the relationship between Alexander and Olga, still continued to call the girl “ new passion» actor. She often made fun of such headlines in the press.

The young family did not hesitate to participate in various shows and programs and gladly gave interviews to journalists. So, one day they had to be the heroes of a television program that dealt with apartment renovations. Olga wanted the design of their new home to be in Provence style. In fact, they received a kind of surreal design that made their apartment completely uninhabitable.

Nosik and his wife also attended Lera Kudryavtseva’s frank talk show. There they revealed many secrets of their family life, discussed why they still don’t have children and what lengths they are willing to go to in order for the baby to appear in their home. In this conversation, Olga clarified that she is ready to stay with her beloved, even if he, in principle, cannot become a father, but at the same time she would not agree to artificial insemination or surrogacy, but is thinking about an adopted baby.

And yet it’s true...

However, this fairy tale also came to an end. According to Alexander himself, he left his wife and now he has a new relationship with Anastasia Krainova. This fact is also confirmed by the paparazzi who took photographs compromising the actor. Of course, this is unlikely to have much impact on his reputation; men are often forgiven for such offenses.

Now many are interested in the question of how his future personal biography will develop. Olga Nosik, whose photo we provided in the article, is probably ready to accept her husband who has stumbled. She accepted these sad events in her life with incredible endurance and strength. Let's see, perhaps this tactic will help her emerge victorious from this situation?

Alexander Nosik is having an affair with famous singer.

Actor Alexander Nosik unexpectedly became the hero of gossip columns. He, who until recently was considered an exemplary family man, was spotted by the paparazzi hugging a famous singer. He had to admit what was really going on in his relationship with his legal wife.

The personal life of Alexander Nosik has always remained a little secret. At the cinema party they say that before official marriage he had two civilians. But both were unsuccessful.

His first chosen one was called Alla, she was 10 years older and really wanted to start a family and have children. But Alexander, apparently at that time, was not yet ready for such a serious relationship, so he stepped aside.

He met his second companion, Yana, while working on the film “The Return of Mukhtar.” They communicated for about five years, but then Alexander broke off this union - “the love boat crashed into everyday life.” In general, Sasha, by his own admission, is used to always leaving first.

However, when he met his current still legal wife, he changed a lot. And he even decided to finally officially legitimize the relationship.


We can say about Olga and Alexander that they met in heaven. We flew together on the same flight. Moreover, Sasha was with a friend, and they both liked the girl. For a whole week after the flight, both Nosik and his friend corresponded with Olga. But to keep everything fair, each message was read out loud to each other. As a result, Alexander turned out to be more persistent and luckier.

Olga has nothing to do with the acting world. By first education she is a lawyer, a retired lieutenant. But when she married Alexander, she began to help him in his business and produce.

Olga was not only a loyal friend, but also, to some extent, a personal stylist. She always carefully chose what she and her husband would wear when going out. And so that the details of their wardrobes, at least in some way, coincide.

They generally had a huge influence on each other. So, thanks to his wife, Sasha got into the saddle. And he, in turn, put Olga on skis. She taught him English language, he is driving a car. They went sailing together...


Just recently, there was no sign of a breakup. They gave joint interviews in which they looked like a fairly organic couple. As the spouses said, they even quarrel very rarely. If at first life together and there were some disagreements, then they were able to get used to each other. When a conflict did arise, Sasha was always the first to make concessions.

In March, Alexander and Olga attended Lera Kudryavtseva’s show “Secret for a Million” together. The touching way Olya talked about her husband gave no reason to think about any problems in the family.

He likes to sleep curled up against my belly. At such moments, I call him my shrimp,” she said.

The couple also talked about joint plans for the future. For example, about the desire to have children.

I have a family of doctors, and these are people who think rationally,” Olga said. - If you want children, you need to provide them with comfort. And we are on the road: work, filming... But now there are several final points that we are approaching. New house. Moving. And - there will be children. Sasha said that if a daughter appears, so pretty and plump, she will twist ropes out of him.

And suddenly - like a bolt from the blue - a message that, it turns out, the couple had already for a long time don't live together!


The fact that the actor had a new romance became known by chance. The paparazzi found Alexander in an embrace with a girl who, upon closer examination, turned out to be particularly famous. Anastasia Krainova is a popular singer, former lead singer of the Tutsi group.

Nosik, when journalists literally cut off his phone with questions about a new relationship, only confirmed the fact that he does not live with his wife. However, he refused to tell any details - they say, happiness loves silence.

But Nastya Krainova turned out to be more talkative. As she told reporters, she had known Alexander for several months.

He conquered her by the fact that he has an opinion on literally every occasion and event. Therefore, as Nastya says, she can listen to Alexander’s stories for hours.

Although they do not go out together, they spend a lot of time with each other. They sneak out to the cinema or have dinner at a restaurant. It was during such an outing that they were spotted by the paparazzi.

Of course, I’m very worried about Sasha’s separation from his wife, but we don’t touch on our past relationships. Olga is a wonderful girl, I heard only good things about her from mutual friends,” Nastya said.

And only Olga continues to believe that she and Alexander will still be able to save their family.

We are not going to get a divorce, we just separated temporarily to, so to speak, “exhale,” she said.

The day before it became known that 45-year-old actor Alexander Nosik was divorcing his wife Olga after six years of marriage. The former lovers submitted an application to one of the Moscow registry offices. The news of the final separation of the spouses provoked discussions of the artist’s new hobby. In the spring of this year, he was found together with the former lead singer of the Tutsi group, Anastasia Krainova, in one of the capital’s restaurants.

However, as journalists managed to find out, the man is no longer in a relationship with the Star Factory graduate. Correspondents were informed about this by Nosik’s entourage.

“Alexander and Olga filed for divorce. And without scandals, tears and snot, as is usually customary. As they said in one famous film: “Without noise and dust.” Many people mistakenly believe that Sasha cheated on Olga with Anastasia Krainova, but this is not true. She and Nastya started dating a month after Alexander separated from his wife. By the way, they also subsequently broke up with Krainova,” explained the actor’s representative.

The marriage of the Nosik couple will be dissolved on August 19 in the presence of at least one of the spouses. Earlier, in an interview with the “Let Them Talk” program, the artist’s wife Olga explained that she and Alexander could not decide to break off their relationship for a long time. The woman also noted that her ex-lover has the right to happiness in his personal life.

“It probably lasted several years. At some point, we realized that we had to separate... It wasn’t that Sasha left and I was left to suffer. Yes, I was angry with Sasha, we were constantly on the road, on the phone. Then we realized that we shouldn’t get angry, but understand what was happening,” the woman explained.

After parting with Olga, Alexander found solace in the arms of the ex-soloist of “Tutsi”. The actor and his significant other Anastasia Krainova lived as a guest marriage. Every time the artist came to the performer, she tried to please him delicious dishes. Nosik admitted that he was delighted with how the singer knew how to cook borscht.

In turn, Krainova said that she tries to spend as much time as possible with her lover. Anastasia and Alexander often visited various establishments together and loved to discuss topics that interested them with each other. But the actor and singer periodically had to part ways - being a sought-after artist, Nosik constantly toured. By the way, it was regular separations from his wife that destroyed the man’s marriage.

Now, after the actor decided to break up with the Star Factory graduate, his heart is free. “He is officially single,” representative of Alexander Nosik is quoted as saying by

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