Powerful mantras to attract money. Mantras for attracting money - the secret of proper use


Another of our spiritual “helpers” in attracting wealth is mantras. Eastern sages wrote this: “There is a mantra for everyone. All your problems can be solved if you find the right mantra!” This mantra must be practiced regularly, pronounced correctly and set the right intention. In this article we will discuss with you mantras for attracting money. How to do all this, and what mantras for money exist - read below.

Mantras for money: features

If you read mantras for money for one day or start practicing “when you remember,” it will not bring any effect. Regularity and long-term reading are important (1-2 months, unless other conditions are specified). In this case, the mantra opens up for you and begins to have a beneficial effect on your life.

  • . This could be an increase in income, a new job that’s right for you, money for something specific, or faster repayment of debts/loans.
  • income and what you spend it on. These thoughts should be positive and bright!

Another important tip is to be respectful of the mantras, be open to changes, because they will definitely happen. And take advantage of the chances that life will give you! After all, mantras for money are not a magical miracle, they will not make you a millionaire right away, but will simply open up new ways for income, give you chances and happy accidents.

Mantras for attracting money

Below you will find some effective mantras that you can use to practice. But don't mix them, don't read them all at once! Take time for each and let it bear fruit.

-OM GURAVE NAMAH – the mantra of Jupiter, which is responsible for human well-being and prosperity for many years. It is read on Thursdays, the day of Jupiter. Very effective in combination with charity, meditation, positive thinking and other upayas.

-OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI BYO NAMAHA or OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIYE NAMAH- a respectful appeal to the Goddess Lakshmi, a mantra for wealth and the acquisition of all kinds of material wealth. When practicing this mantra, you need to visualize the image of Lakshmi and turn to her. For convenience, you can read before the image of this Goddess.

-OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAH– worship of Ganesha, an effective mantra for attracting money, keeping it and rational use. This powerful mantra also removes obstacles in business and attracts helpers and valuable connections. When reading, it is important to visualize the image of Ganesha.

These are the basic money mantras that you can use to practice. It is also useful to “connect” astrology and see what period you are currently living in, which planets and how they influence your financial sphere. Working at these deep levels helps attract long-term prosperity into your life.

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You work hard and do your best. You put all your energy into your work or business, but you don’t add much money. Common situation? Food prices are rising and housing rents are only rising. The cost of all categories of goods becomes more and more from year to year. In this situation, mantras of wealth and prosperity will help you.

You are not alone in such a vicious circle. A large number of people live from paycheck to paycheck. They only dream of relaxing a little from this race and taking a deep breath.

What can be done in this situation, when work in our country is still poorly paid?

What to do when there is fierce competition in almost any market niche and the markets themselves are overheated to the limit?

There is only one thing left to do - use cunning. But not by some kind of crime or fraud, but by completely peaceful and legal means that life itself generously provides us with. You just have to pay attention to them.

What kind of secret means are these? This article will talk about mantras aimed at attracting wealth. With all the others equal conditions wealth mantras will definitely help those who sincerely want it to tune in to cash flow.

Reading mantras will help you feel the money vibration and tune your mind to the beat of financial prosperity and well-being.

The results of your practices will be expressed in suddenly emerging opportunities. You can get very advantageous situations or brilliant thoughts that dawned on your brain. To verify this divine power, you just need to start reading mantras. Once you feel the results, you won't want to stop.

All mantras for wealth and prosperity are universal in nature.

That is, with a high degree of confidence we can say that they will suit everyone.

There are no exceptions and cannot be. It all depends only on your perseverance and aspiration.

So, who will benefit from reading mantras first?

First of all, for those who know exactly and clearly what they want, this is a fundamental rule.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up nowhere” (c)

You must have a goal, preferably limited in time. Open-ended goals tend to demotivate, and they are not urgent, and therefore are constantly put on the back burner. It follows from this that mantras are not a goal, and certainly not an end in themselves, they are a tool for achieving a goal. Before you start reading mantras, you need to clearly decide for what purpose you decided to do all this.

The meaning of mantras

Mantras of wealth and love tune you into the divine wave, they nourish you with energy and charge you.

Their the main task- correctly direct your mental efforts towards what you want. By merging into certain sound vibrations, you yourself begin to sound on the waves of these vibrations.

That is why when reading mantras it is so important to pronounce them correctly. It will take a long time until you skillfully learn to immediately achieve the desired sound tone and rhythm.

Do not be surprised if, along with the chanting of mantras, amazing events begin to happen to you. This is all in order.

Regular exercise will begin to change your energy, and you will simply become a magnet for those situations where your goal or desire is located.

Like attracts like. Therefore, by listening and reciting musical mantras of wealth, you willy-nilly will attract profitable contacts, find profitable solutions and conclude successful deals.

Speaking in simple language, you will simply begin to vibrate on the notes of wealth, emit and attract monetary energy. And long and persistent practice will magically begin to rebuild your way of thinking, remove various misconceptions about wealth and money.

All this will happen by itself, but not immediately. Any major change will take time.

Getting ready for the money wave

You have already understood what the secret of mantras is, now let’s begin to describe them. In this article you will find texts of mantras that you can download for free or read directly from the article.


This mantra for wealth. The main and main mantra, it should be read 2 times a day 108 times.


Mantra for wealth and meeting any financial goals. It is advisable to sing at sunrise. Yogis advise reading it 3 times a day for a whole month.


Mantra for prosperity and good luck. This creative and calming mantra helps you find right decisions in very difficult situations. You need to read in order to gain wisdom and balance in your decisions.


This is universal mantra for attracting money. It is recommended to read 5 times a day. Necessary for tuning into the general money vibration. You can read it constantly, as well as before any financial endeavors.


Also a universal text. It is read along with all other mantras. Aimed at success, monetary gain and wealth.


Give me long life, give me abundance, give me knowledge. O Maheshwari, give me everything I desire, O Parameshwari!


Mantra for blessing. They sing for good luck in all endeavors, for divine love and creative energy. The text of this mantra can be used to precede the reading of all other mantras.


An additional mantra for financial stability. They read it to protect their money from theft or loss.

Mantras can be read any number of times, but not exceeding 108. The main rule is to read a number that is a multiple of three. In the text, stretch out and sing the vowel sounds, and pronounce the consonants muffled and briefly.

The main and most important requirement for reading mantras is concentration. You should be completely focused on reading or chanting the mantra. Consciousness must be completely and completely absorbed and captured by the sound that you pronounce. Everything else shouldn't worry you. Therefore, prepare in advance and sit in a comfortable position for meditation. Try to ensure that no one can disturb you during this time.

At the very beginning, practice pronouncing the mantra. You need to allocate maximum time for this stage. Only then proceed to meditation on sound. After you learn how to read the mantra correctly, you will begin to simply listen to it. This can be called meditation on sound - the principle does not change. At this step, you are already trying to completely merge with the sound, to join the beat of the vibration being emitted.

The goal is ultimately to reprogram your personality. Reading a mantra will draw upon you the qualities and vibrations of the energy with which the sound resonates. Reading bright divine texts will bring you closer to awareness of universal energy with every step. You will absorb and acquire the features, qualities and characteristics of those forces with which the vibrations of the sounds you pronounce are synchronized. A lot of amazing discoveries and insights await you along this path.

The most powerful mantra for attracting money from unexpected sources is the Shrim Brazi sound sequence.

How it works?

The basis of the work of any mantra, including those that help attract money, good luck and luck, is the effect on the brain sound waves, formed when pronouncing words.

The human brain is extremely sensitive to the sound vibrations that surround it. The vibrations of words change its work. And this is proven scientific fact.

The sounds of all mantras are selected in such a way that they can maximally change the functioning of the brain in the direction desired for its owner.

What is the effect of the utterance?

Shrim Brazi is a mantra for attracting money from unexpected sources. But you shouldn’t expect freebies, that money will suddenly start falling on your head, you don’t understand where it comes from.

Sound vibrations only change the functioning of the brain of the person who pronounces them. But they don't change anything in the world. This means that the mantra changes the person himself, but not the space around him. That is, it provides an opportunity to earn money, but not without effort. Shrim Brazi's help lies in the fact that sounds remove from a person's consciousness those mental blocks that do not allow him to obtain the desired material well-being.

Absolutely all people have such blocks. Only the restrictions are different. Some people believe that they will never be able to earn more than $500 per month, some – $5,000, and others doubt that they will be able to make more than 100,000 million rubles per month.

The meaning in numbers is different. But the essence is the same. A person will never be able to jump over the bar that he has set for himself. He simply will not be able to see the opportunities that need to be taken advantage of to improve his well-being.

The mantra for attracting money and wealth allows you to see these opportunities.

Let's say today you earn 5,000 greenbacks a month. And you think that you have hit a wall that you are not destined to overcome. Regularly chanting Shrim Brazi helps change the way your brain works in such a way that you suddenly begin to see that this wall is not a wall at all. And so - a small obstacle. And that it is full of windows and doors through which you can go out to next level.

Why haven't you seen these doors and windows (new features) before? Were they not there? Were. But your brain refused to see them, believing that such beauty was not for it. And he has already reached his ceiling of well-being.

So it seems that, under the influence of the mantra, a person suddenly began to receive money from some unexpected sources. The sources are the most common. It’s just that the person used to look at them point-blank, but didn’t see them. He convinced himself that he couldn’t see. This was his metal block.

How to pronounce it correctly?

  • It is best to recite the mantra out loud to attract wealth and prosperity. Sounds must be created so that they vibrate. And stretch: Shriim Brazii.
  • While working with the mantra, it is useful to finger the rosary in your hands. It helps you concentrate.
  • It is best to make sounds for 10-15 minutes daily. 108 times.
  • It is preferable to start changing the way your brain works on the day of the Full Moon. And in no case to the New Moon.
  • The most important day for working with a mantra aimed at attracting money and wealth into your life is Friday. Since Friday is Venus day. And Venus is associated with prosperity.
  • It is also useful to make sounds daily at the hour of Venus. Every day the hour of Venus is at different points globe comes in its turn. You can find out when the hour of Venus will visit your area of ​​residence. Or on any other similar site.

It is convenient to work as follows: say Shrim Brazi for 10-15 minutes at the hour of Venus (108 times), and then repeat the words to yourself throughout the day.

In principle, you are never required to say a mantra out loud. You can work within yourself. This way you will be able to awaken even deeper areas of the subconscious. But there is one limitation. Most people get distracted when they say words to themselves. And they just don't work.

Practicing pronunciation

Before you start working, you need to listen carefully to how professionals pronounce Shrim Brazi. You can do this completely free of charge.

If such a long recitation seems too intrusive to you, you can listen to a shorter recording, which, however, contains all the necessary 108 repetitions.

What if I don't believe it?

Shrim Brazi - very powerful mantra to attract money. And she doesn't care whether you believe in her or not. What works in this case is not your faith, but sound vibrations that purely physically change the functioning of your brain.

It is not always clear to most Europeans how oriental people, in particular, Tibetans and Hindus, can repeat equally monotonous texts for hours or days, in the hope that they will help them fulfill their cherished desires. Reading mantras looks somewhat fantastic and unnecessarily labor-intensive. It is very difficult for an ignorant person to believe that by reading mantras to attract money and wealth one can achieve financial well-being.

No matter how wild it may seem, there are mantras in our culture. Take, for example, ancient conspiracies or slander that have come since the times of paganism.

Read in the correct order over certain objects or people, they endowed the latter with power, or took away this power. They brought health, luck, wealth, in other words, they influenced from the inside, on the mental level.

Ancient incantations used the energy of sound vibrations in such a way that it was released to fulfill the spoken will of the sorcerer or the person performing the ritual.

Such slander, love spells, whispers and other varieties of “Slavic mantras” mimicked magic during Christianity. They continue to be actively used today both by simple village witches and sorcerers, and by serious adherents of White and Black magic.

Moreover, in addition to conspiracies, from time immemorial we have had prayers - another sound phenomenon of influencing the surrounding reality.

Principles of Prayer

The principles of prayer are based, for the most part, on interaction with the highest spiritual reality called God, on praising him and asking him for forgiveness for sins.

However, this has never stopped mere mortals from using prayers in their worldly affairs. And the prayer books themselves often consist of different prayer sections:

  • morning and evening prayers,
  • prayers before starting a task and after it is completed,
  • prayers dedicated to educational and work activities,
  • prayers to help with housework,
  • prayers for resolving family relationships.

A huge pantheon of saints, each of whom is “responsible” for a certain area human activity also helps to differentiate prayers by spheres of influence.

They pray to Panteleimon the Healer in case of illness, and to the Great Martyr Barbara when help is needed in financial affairs. The result is almost the same picture as in the case of magical spells and whispers: there is a prayer solution to every trouble or problem.

And given the strict sequence of words and sounds in such prayers, it becomes clear that in them, just like in slander, there is nothing superfluous. All words and sounds of prayers are clearly verified and put together into a harmonious, harmonious composition.

In a word, it turns out to be a typical mantra!

What are mantras to attract money

A mantra, at its core, is a phrase structured in a certain way, considered sacred and claiming to be particularly harmonious with the world or the sphere of it to which it is directed.

In other words, if we analyze all of the above, it turns out that a mantra is a Vedic, Hindu version of a prayer or slander. And, like its Slavic counterparts, it is capable of influencing certain areas of human life.

Since this article is about finance and material well-being, and not a love spell on sexual attraction, then we will consider mantras for attracting money from the perspective of their impact on the surrounding reality.

Of course, if in our magic and religion there are combinations of words and actions that must be performed in order to achieve wealth, then the Hindus have them even more so. These are the so-called " money mantras».

The Vedas orient a person to a greater extent spiritual development and self-improvement. Taking into account the fact that the standard of living of the inhabitants of India is far from high, it is worth thinking that mantras for attracting money and wealth are not particularly popular in this culture. However, they exist and are very influential if you know how to work with them correctly.

Mantras for attracting money - listening and reciting

Mantras or sacred Vedic hymns are mostly written in Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. Tibetan Buddhist mantras are also less common, but they are less popular. Mantras are used in different situations: from attracting money and good luck to helping in the birth of a child.

A special class of such works are money mantras for attracting money and financial well-being. As a rule, these are short-length works, but require one hundred percent accuracy in reproducing the information contained in them.

At all, main strength any Vedic mantra lies in an accurate, correct and deeply conscious combination of sounds, each of which carries its own meaning and in a special way shapes the events and phenomena of the surrounding world, modifies it. It is for this reason that you should be careful when reading mantras.

Ideally, get your mantra for money or financial success from Indian gurus - teachers. However, if this is not possible, you should not rush headlong into the pool and start reading all the mantras in a row. It is better to try to choose one of them (which will be closer to your heart) and then begin to systematically and carefully work with it.

Listening to mantras

The most important thing to do before you start reciting a mantra is to listen to it repeatedly.

Only after you hear the real sound of its sounds will its power and magic be revealed to you. Otherwise, if the text is read from a piece of paper, the mantra may be pronounced incorrectly, distorted and modified, creating in your reality an effect that is absolutely different from the one you are trying to achieve.

Taking into account all of the above, however, the answer to the question of whether mantras are worth reading or listening to is ambiguous, since one does not replace the other, but, on the contrary, complements it. In other words, you should first spend some time listening to the mantra (you should do this until the mantra is recorded in the subcortex and you begin to be aware of each of its sounds and semitones separately) and only then start reading it, paying maximum attention to the correctness and accuracy of pronunciation.

Reciting mantras

Of course, for a Russian person, reading mantras may seem like a complex and lengthy process with a semi-mystical touch. However, knowing its true background, you can really achieve heights in the material world. If you regularly recite mantras to attract money, you can achieve wealth and financial success. The main thing is to accurately pronounce all the sounds of the mantra.

The requirement for precise pronunciation is related to the Hindu belief that the correct sound changes reality. We must remember that our speech apparatus does not cope well with unusual sounds, which means it is quite prone to distorting them. Is not in the best possible way is reflected in the initially perfect verbal formula of the mantra.

How to attract money using mantras

Today in India there are a certain number of mantras for attracting money, but not all of them are equal in their effect and strength.

Therefore, before you download sound file with a mantra and start working on listening, memorizing and playing it, you should decide on the original text of this mantra, and for this we will try to understand their varieties.

In the Vedas, almost everyone is strong and effective mantras"attached" to deities. Therefore, in order to understand which mantras to read to attract money and wealth, you need to know the main deities who are responsible for them.

In particular, the most important deity mentioned in the context of promoting wealth is Ganesha. Ganesha is the elephant-headed god of abundance, the son of Shiva and Parvati. It is believed that he can only help those people whose thoughts are pure. You should not recite the Ganesha mantra if you are involved in drug trafficking or illegal activities. financial transactions, here the deity with the head of an elephant is not your help.

Ganesha mantras to attract money and prosperity

Mantras dedicated to Ganesha almost always help achieve financial stability and increase income.

Here are a few of them:

Ganesha Mantra

“Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.”

Ganesha Money Mantra

“Om Gam Ganapataye Sarve Vighna Raye Sarvaye Sarve Guarve Lamba Daraya Hrim Gam Namah.”

This is the most powerful of the verbal formulas invoking wealth in all Vedic texts.

Mantra for business success

"Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah."

This mantra calls for success in any business activity.

Each of these mantras must be recited 108 times a day. Ideally, this should be done in front of the Ganesha figurine.

Thus, you will also additionally charge it (which means it can become your talisman).

Typically, a figurine of Ganesha represents the god sitting in the lotus position, with one hand turned with the palm facing the viewer. It is along this palm or Ganesha’s belly that you should move your hand while reading the mantra.

Another important point:

It is not for nothing that Ganesha is the god of abundance. He loves to be presented with gifts, which he then transforms into the energy you need (in this case, material, monetary) energy.

For this reason, you should always leave sweets or fruits, coins or other offerings in front of Ganesha. You will see, after this he will become much more accommodating.

However, even if you don’t have a Ganesha figurine, just read the mantras. Correct pronunciation and repeating them many times will definitely do the trick!

Kubera mantras

In addition to mantras from Ganesha, there are also mantras for attracting Kubera money. In Hinduism, Kubera is understood as the treasurer god, bringing success in financial endeavors, who presides over the Yakshas - deities of wealth and goddesses of prosperity.

Kubera mantras can be single or complex:

Single mantras - dedicated only to him

“Om Yakshyaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhana-dhanyadi Padayeh
Dhana-Dhanya Samriddhih Mi Dehi Tapaya Swaha.”

Complex mantras, for example the Kubera-Lakshmi mantra:

“Om Shrim Hrim Kshim Maha Ashta Iswarya Sampathu Aadhi Dhyudha Maha Kubera Managala Sarva Vhagya Sudharsana Sanka Chakra Padma Ghadhyudha Sri Lakshmi Narayana Dhevaya Namaha.”

To call on the god Kubera and to fulfill your desire to increase wealth, it is recommended to use special artifacts. They can be in the form of yantras, plates covered with drawings depicting the world of Kubera.

The mantras that are read over the yantras become many times stronger and more powerful, which means they quickly bring the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

In addition to these main gods responsible for financial well-being, there are also a number of mantras dedicated, for example, to Lakshmi, Rama, Krishna, which are also, to one degree or another, aimed at gaining wealth.

For example, Lakshmi's mantras look like this:

“Om Hrim Shrim Lakshmi Byo Namaha.”

“Om Lakshmi Vigan Sri Kamala Dharigan Swaha.”

Mantra to Krishna:

"Om Sri Krishnaya Namah."

Mantra to Rama:

"Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama."

A universal mantra that brings success, prosperity and well-being along with the blessings of the deities is the following:

“Mangalam Dishtu Me Maheshwarikh.”

Using mantras

As you can see, the variety of Hindu money mantras and rituals associated with them is impressive. Deities and goddesses, figurines and offerings, yantras and recitation of mantras with beads - truly, there is plenty to choose from. This means you can always try to turn to these practitioners for help.

The main thing in comprehending mantras is to take the process of reading them seriously, correct pronunciation sounds, multiplied by the awareness of each of them. Only in such proportions and combinations can one achieve effective results when reading mantras of this type.

However, you should not think that attracting money is possible only with the help of classical Vedic mantras. You can mantra by using your own invented texts on attracting money.

Of course, there is no guarantee that you will invent the right combination of sounds (although, who knows, maybe you have the talents of a mantrakar - the creator of mantras), however, if the message you form is sent with faith in a successful outcome, then the likelihood of achieving a positive result will increase significantly .

The use of mantras, both for everyday affairs and for global purposes (be it a successful marriage, wealth, career or happiness in life) family life), although not new, but, at this stage, only an acquired practice for our space. This means that you should approach its study, and even more so its development, carefully and carefully.

Compliance with this requirement, quite possibly, can not only protect against an unforeseen outcome, but also bring unprecedented positive results!

Psychologists say: a person has so much money, so much he is ready to take. And the problem of wealth and poverty is more psychological than material.

Albert Einstein believed only in science, but front door There was a horseshoe hanging in his house. In his defense, the scientist said: “I may not believe in omens, but they still come true!”

You may not believe in magical ways to attract money per se, but they still work!

For thousands of years, humanity has struggled with the psychology of poverty. People have created conspiracies, prayers, rituals, mantras, mudras, and talismans to attract money.

Let's use the knowledge and experience of our ancestors, change our psychology, learn to love and appreciate money.

IMPORTANT: The main condition for any undertaking, including magic, is faith in success.

Faith refers to strong emotions that help the subconscious mind perceive thoughts (positive and negative).

Magic requires mystery. It’s better to talk to the Universe about what you want in private. But on money days!

Money days

The moon influences wildlife planet Earth. This is a scientific fact, not a mystical one.

The 14th is characterized by a high level of energy in all living things. lunar day. Maximum amount creative energy is typical for the 20th lunar day.

Most The best way attracting money these days - visiting a hairdresser.

A fresh money haircut will attract financial luck, because the cosmos influences us through our hair.

The biblical stories of Solomon and Samson prove this.

The calendar week also has a money day. The fourth day of the week, Thursday, is under the auspices of Jupiter - the planet of luck, generosity, and prosperity. It's no surprise that Thursday is considered the best day to increase wealth.

Spells to attract money

Conspiracies arose from pagan spells and prayers to idolized forces in nature. Over time, such appeals were transformed into magical formulas capable of calling for help with the energy of sound. higher power. Then pagan formulas were intertwined with Christian prayers, and humanity received an amazing magical remedy for solving any problem: from expelling cockroaches to attracting money.

For the hex to work, you need to know a few simple rules:

Words are pronounced clearly and in the order in which they are written in the original text;
the conspiracy is whispered or pronounced in a muffled voice;
repetitions (if necessary) must be identical in strength of voice and clarity of pronunciation.

The plot for Thursday is read for three weeks in a row(every Thursday). The moon should be in the waxing phase (words of the spell in the picture below).

Prayers to attract money

Prayers can cope with any misfortune. Appealing to Saint Spyridon of Salamis (Trimifuntsky) will help if there is an urgent need for money. Saint Spyridon experienced poverty in childhood. Endowed with the gift of healing, insight, and mercy, he became the Bishop of Salamis and spent his entire life caring for those who needed help and bread.

Now they receive help from him through prayer (words of prayer in the picture below). The main thing is to pray daily and concentrated.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Salamis (Trimifuntsky) for help with money

Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Most Holy Theotokos do not refuse help to those who sincerely ask.

Considered favorable for starting prayers 7th lunar day. You can pray both in church and at home.

Rituals to attract money

Our ancestors knew thousands of rites and rituals that attracted wealth. Some rituals will require the performer to have serious training, experience, and knowledge. Others are easy and fun rituals that require good mood and self-confidence.

RITE: Simoron ritual of creating a bell of well-being - effective way attract money. We need a new bell, with a pleasant ringing sound. The instrument will become a money instrument if you rub it with the banknote with the highest denomination of all the banknotes in the house, saying at the same time: “I rub it, I charge it with the energy of money!”

After this, all that remains is to regularly ring the bell with the call: “Money, come to me!”

The sound of bells and bells affects the human psyche, which has been proven by medical research. The ringing helps you concentrate and tune in to a positive wave.

The sounds of bells treat insomnia, depression, and alleviate the suffering of seriously ill patients. So why can't the overflow of a money bell attract money to the caller's home?

Mantras and mudras - magical formulas in the language of the Universe

Mantras are part of world culture. Not only because they were written in Sanskrit (“Sanskrit” literally means “culture”). Philologists and historians believe Sanskrit unique language from the point of view of intellectual and spiritual capabilities. Psychologists say that mantras in Sanskrit affect human consciousness. Researchers of Vedism are sure that mantras are the sounds of the Universe.

God Ganesha

A strong mantra containing the code of well-being is the Ganesha mantra. It is pronounced like " Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha»

(“Ganesha! I worship you!”). Gives wisdom, calmness, removes obstacles.

You need to pronounce the verbal formula 108 times a day, verbatim, without distortion of sounds, as concentrated as possible. This - general rule for all mantras.

Video: Mantra Ganasha

Video to familiarize yourself with the Ganasha mantra

Mudras - gestures that give joy - are the heritage of the mysterious Aryans. It's amazing how much knowledge is forgotten, but not wise.

The mystical plexus of fingers can heal, calm, make you happy, including attracting well-being.

To make money flow like a river, you should turn to the one-eyed Hindu god Kubera.

God Kuber

Video: Kubera mudra technique

When performing Kubera, you need to see your dream as if it were already a reality.

  • The time to practice mudra is every morning and evening.
  • Performing the Kubera mudra is accompanied by chanting the Kubera mantra: “ Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaaya Dhanadhanyadi Padaeh Dhana Dhanya Samriddhing Me Dehi Dapaya Soha"(Kubera, Lord Yaksha, bless us with wealth and prosperity!"):

Video: Kubera Mantra. Attracting money and wealth

Talismans and amulets to attract money

We create amulets and talismans without realizing it.

IMPORTANT: Everyone has a lucky thing - a piece of clothing, a toy, a pen, a keychain. Classic example money talisman- the first coin earned. It should always be in your wallet. You cannot use such money: their purpose is to attract cash flows.

Perhaps the reverent attitude towards the first earnings predetermined the emergence of the concept of “irredeemable coin”. In the 18th century, copper coins with the image of a five-pointed star were used for irredeemable pennies. Over time, the copper kopeck was replaced by the silver ruble. It was believed that the owner of a silver ruble would always have good luck in his financial endeavors.

MASCOT: You can make an irredeemable coin for yourself. The coin is taken from a large cash receipt. To receive a talisman, part of the income is spent on purchases, leaving one coin for yourself from the change. The coin must have the number “5” on it. The rest of the money from the change is given to charity.

On the night before Christmas, a prayer-conversion is recited over the selected coin.

Prayer-appeal to Jesus Christ

1. Prayer to the Lord before starting any business

Words of prayer to the Lord before starting any business

2. “Our Father”

Text of the Lord's Prayer

3. Gospel reading

The coin lies in the Bozhnitsa until Epiphany. Then it is transferred to the wallet. You cannot spend fiat coins.

Incense to attract money

Aroma and smell are inextricably linked with the sixth lunar day. That is why we will prepare aromatic mixtures that will serve as the most effective bait for Money. We will rub them on our body, wallet, banknotes, and smoke in our living space or office. You can use aromatic oils and an aroma lamp.

Here are the money scents:

  • basil
  • orange
  • bergamot
  • patchouli
  • spicy cloves
  • ginger
  • cinnamon
  • ylang-ylang
  • pine
  • rosemary

Affirmations for attracting money are psychological attitudes that allow you to change your worldview.

IMPORTANT: After all, money leaves those who experience discomfort from communicating with it.

Experiencing the action magical rituals When it comes to attracting money, it is important to understand the following: to win the lottery, you need to at least buy a lottery ticket.

To attract abundance into your life
tune in to a positive outlook,
define goals
desire money not for the sake of money, but for the benefits it can bring to your life and the lives of your loved ones.

And you will succeed.

Video: Raising money

Video: Powerful affirmations to attract money

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