Monopoly is almost as unfair as real life. How the Monopoly game can be useful


Spin the pinwheel and do what it indicated. Decide whether you want to start playing at university or whether it’s better to start your working career right away. Get a salary and try to evade taxes (legally, of course), buy a house, a car and shares. Reach the finish line and choose how your retirement will unfold.

Whoever remains the richest after all these operations becomes the winner of the game.

What does “Life” consist of?

In the box you will find a colorful playing field on durable cardboard, a bridge, 3 mountains, a sheet of stickers, 6 cars, 7 buildings, a buildable spinner, 2 sets of people (blue and pink), 9 salary cards, 25 life tokens, 9 real estate cards, 9 stock cards, 18 bank loans, 14 insurance policies, money and Russians.

What is this game about? “The Game of Life” allows you to understand how the life of a wealthy resident of a rich country goes. In fact, the game clearly shows the realities American image

life. The game allows you to understand what is good and what is bad, and gives you the opportunity to make choices in real life. "The Game of Life" will appeal to those who have read the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad." Monopoly came into my life one evening at student dormitory . Someone brought it into our room large leaf Whatman paper, on which a square field was drawn, colored watercolor paints

. Multi-colored rectangles bore the mysterious names of London streets: Lechester, Park Lane, Oxford Square... Two cubes were included.

I learned the history of this game only later. It was invented in the USA in 1934. Great Depression, general crisis. Charles B. Darrow from Pennsylvania, like many, lost his job at a company that sold and installed heating appliances. He had some time to “stop, look back” and... invent a new board game. The invention was not original. The basis was the game "Landowners", which 30 years earlier was invented and patented in Great Britain by Elizabeth Magee. Charles Darrow named his game “Monopoly” and patented it on July 30, 1933, after which he decided to sell it to the Parker Brothers company. However, the company refused the purchase. Experts did not find the game worth the money the author asked for it. Then Charles Darrow decided to release the game for sale at his own peril and risk. Homemade copies of Monopoly sold 5,000 copies. After this, Parker Brothers became interested in this game. Everyone likes the betrothed girl! Just a year later, in 1935, Monopoly was the best-selling board game in the United States. And after World War II, it penetrated behind the Iron Curtain. Which is what I witnessed. And maybe even an accomplice, since he made several “Monopolies” on his own and gave them to friends.

During perestroika, the game "Monopoly" began to be sold in the USSR (still in the USSR!) under the name "Manager". It was the first economic game in the country. Now in Russia it exists under various names, including under the original name “Monopoly”

The game has many fans all over the world. Many countries hold Monopoly championships with serious prizes. Even children of primary school age can play the game.

"Monopoly" has long appeared among computer games. But the group drive and general fun that arises from a “live” game is not comparable to the “deaf” computer version.

It's funny that Monopoly is quite popular in Islamic countries. Therefore, an Islamic version of Monopoly for children has appeared on the computer games market. The goal of the game is to go to heaven. That is, the circle along which the players move in the “Western” version of the game turns out to be open. On the way to heaven, children overcome various difficulties and are subjected to moral tests, for example, helping those in trouble. To make the next move, you need to learn a sura (chapter) from the Koran. This is no small test, no dice to roll. After all, there are very long suras in the Koran. For example, the second sura consists of more than 6,200 words and contains 286 verses.

The funny thing is that when my friends and I were playing the bourgeois Monopoly game in the dormitory in the 1970s, someone came up with the idea of ​​making a Soviet version of it. The streets of London were replaced by the streets of Moscow and Leningrad, and instead of money, promotions and government awards were invented. Then an internal, nomenklatura circle appeared by itself with different rules for promotion and the impossibility of returning to the outer circle of “ordinary” life. There was even a nomenklatura prison there.

But let's return from ideological hybrids to the usual game of Monopoly. How does it benefit players?

1. Players get charged Have a good mood and two hours of fun. As one of the owners of the Parker Brothers company, Edward P. Parker, said, the beauty of playing Monopoly is the ability to completely ruin your best friend, but not cause him any real harm.

2. During the game, each participant in the game must negotiate with other participants. It’s a very good opportunity to get to know each other, and for strangers to get to know each other.

3. During the game, you should quickly figure out what is profitable and how to “sell” your “assets” more profitably. Who will say that this is bad mental training, logical thinking and memory?

4. The game develops strategic thinking and trains attention.

5. During the game, planning and leadership abilities are strengthened, and perseverance is developed.

6. The game teaches you to make important decisions independently and be responsible for your actions.

So I invite everyone to the game table with Monopoly!

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  1. Tales about

Monopoly came into my life one evening in my college dorm. Someone brought into our room a large sheet of Whatman paper, on which was drawn a square field, painted with watercolors. Multi-colored rectangles bore the mysterious names of London streets: Lechester, Park Lane, Oxford Square... Two cubes were included.

The rules were simple, and the game was exciting literally from the first round. Actually, it was a variation of the game “goose”, known since senior group kindergarten. Who will cover the chosen path faster, on which they meet? unexpected surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant? But toy money, toy households and english letters inspired and, I would even say, excited.

The more people sat down to play, the faster the game went. Most of players were eliminated within half an hour. The remaining two or three fought for another hour. Here Fortune showed her face. Someone was lucky, he successfully “got to jail”, having built up all his “streets” and steadily stripping his competitors. Someone was fatally unlucky. In general, everything was just like in life.

. Multi-colored rectangles bore the mysterious names of London streets: Lechester, Park Lane, Oxford Square... Two cubes were included.

I learned the history of this game only later. It was invented in the USA in 1934. Great Depression, general crisis. Charles B. Darrow from Pennsylvania, like many, lost his job at a company that sold and installed heating appliances. He had some time to “stop, look back” and... invent a new board game. The invention was not original. The basis was the game "Landowners", which 30 years earlier was invented and patented in Great Britain by Elizabeth Magee. Charles Darrow named his game “Monopoly” and patented it on July 30, 1933, after which he decided to sell it to the Parker Brothers company. However, the company refused the purchase. Experts did not find the game worth the money the author asked for it. Then Charles Darrow decided to release the game for sale at his own peril and risk. Homemade copies of Monopoly sold 5,000 copies. After this, Parker Brothers became interested in this game. Everyone likes the betrothed girl! Just a year later, in 1935, Monopoly was the best-selling board game in the United States. And after World War II, it penetrated behind the Iron Curtain. Which is what I witnessed. And maybe even an accomplice, since he made several “Monopolies” on his own and gave them to friends.

During perestroika, the game "Monopoly" began to be sold in the USSR (still in the USSR!) under the name "Manager". It was the first economic game in the country. Now in Russia it exists under various names, including under the original name “Monopoly”

The game has many fans all over the world. Many countries hold Monopoly championships with serious prizes. Even children of primary school age can play the game.

Monopoly has long appeared among computer games. But the group drive and general fun that arises from a “live” game is not comparable to the “deaf” computer version.

It's funny that Monopoly is quite popular in Islamic countries. Therefore, an Islamic version of Monopoly for children has appeared on the computer games market. The goal of the game is to go to heaven. That is, the circle along which the players move in the “Western” version of the game turns out to be open. On the way to heaven, children overcome various difficulties and are subjected to moral tests, for example, helping those in trouble. To make the next move, you need to learn a sura (chapter) from the Koran. This is no small test, no dice to roll. After all, there are very long suras in the Koran. For example, the second sura consists of more than 6,200 words and contains 286 verses.

The funny thing is that when my friends and I were playing the bourgeois Monopoly game in the dormitory in the 1970s, someone came up with the idea of ​​making a Soviet version of it. The streets of London were replaced by the streets of Moscow and Leningrad, and instead of money, promotions and government awards were invented. Then an internal, nomenklatura circle appeared by itself with different rules for promotion and the impossibility of returning to the outer circle of “ordinary” life. There was even a nomenklatura prison there.

But let's return from ideological hybrids to the usual game of Monopoly. How does it benefit players?

1. Players get a charge of good mood and two hours of fun. As one of the owners of the Parker Brothers company, Edward P. Parker, said, the beauty of playing Monopoly is the ability to completely ruin your best friend without causing him any real harm.

2. During the game, each participant in the game must negotiate with other participants. A very good opportunity to get to know each other, and for strangers to get to know each other.

3. During the game, you should quickly figure out what is profitable and how to “sell” your “assets” more profitably. Who will say that this is bad training for the mind, logical thinking and memory?

4. The game develops strategic thinking and trains attention.

5. During the game, planning and leadership abilities are strengthened, and perseverance is developed.

6. The game teaches you to make important decisions independently and be responsible for your actions.

So I invite everyone to the game table with Monopoly!

Since childhood, my favorite board game has been the legendary Monopoly, and in its most classic version. The box was always marked “teaches entrepreneurship”; for me it was just an excuse to combine business with pleasure.

Years passed, I grew up and began to build my own “monopoly”, but recently I found myself in country house, where grown women and men, who themselves know first-hand the principles of business, played a children's game with the greatest passion, game by law, throwing away poker and billiards. What do adults find on the table? What strategies lead to victory not only in the fictional world, but also in real life? I have identified five main business ideas that the game Monopoly teaches us.

1. Time is your best ally or worst enemy

The first thing Monopoly newcomers understand is that the faster you run forward, the more streets and opportunities you have.

This is true, because all the most successful acquisitions are usually made in the first few rounds. However, after the first laps, beginners usually slow down and sometimes even prefer to “sit out” in the gaming prison, just to avoid ending up on the streets of their rivals. As a result, they “do not pass the “Forward” field and do not receive 200 thousand” and sooner or later fall behind their competitors due to their slowness. So people who have achieved a certain success begin to slow down, become fat and stop improving themselves.

When you decide not to plan new training or give up on ambitious goals, remember that every solved problem and every new experience is yours. "Forward" field. Getting a strong early start in your life and career is important, but it doesn't guarantee future success if you don't stay motivated throughout the game.

Unfortunately, in life there is no single starting amount for everyone and everyone starts with their own capital of knowledge and assets, but time is an asset that is fair to everyone. In the end, it doesn’t matter how lucky you are at the start, what matters most is what you do at the finish line.

2. Read instructions and laws

The rules of Monopoly are quite simple, but they also take up five spreads on both sides of the booklet in small print. Business rules and laws in the real world take up much more paper, but both in children's games and in life, their observance is mandatory.

Moreover, if you know them and easily notice the subtleties, then luck will be on your side: you avoid fines, do not take unnecessary steps, and in the end, you do not go to jail. For example, only experts in the rules can skillfully catch opponents in bargaining.

As in life, you can try to manage and break the law, but will such a strategy to win without losing respect from others? It is much more reliable to know and follow the laws, taking into account all the loopholes and benefits, and there are always more of them than it seems.

3. Luck is only part of success, and not the biggest one

"Oh no! Again you bought the street I needed, the whole game is based only on luck!” - this can often be heard at the gaming table, but in life such statements can be heard at every step.

In fact, cases when you are so unlucky that it is impossible to win or at least survive long enough simply do not happen. It all depends on opportunities to negotiate and properly manage your property.

Whether you're lucky or not, if your knowledge and skills are good enough, you'll have a decent game, but no one likes a whiner. Luck exists, but as one alcohol brand advertised, luck is an attitude.

4. Negotiate and win, remain silent and lose everything

You have two streets yellow color, and your neighbor has one yellow one, and the same situation with the orange ones? This is a reason to agree! You will be surprised, but even in such a simple game, most people will make the choice between “negotiate” and “keep silent” in favor of the latter.

It's just how human psychology works, we don't like to negotiate at all. A good speaker will exchange the streets in such a way that he will leave everyone high and dry, but they will understand this only after the speaker wins. However, remember that the ideal negotiator will make sure that even if everyone except him loses in the end of the exchange, no one will remain offended.

The win-win strategy used by Harvard School negotiators has long become a business standard.

Even if only one can win, this is not a reason to deceive your playing partners.

In addition, lies, flattery or other tricks below the belt during the game become obvious and cause a blow to the reputation, which is difficult to mitigate even after the game is completed.

If the debate about negotiation methods can continue forever, then everyone will agree with this fact: if you remain silent, then sooner or later you will definitely lose and lose everything.

The only way out, as in life, is to conduct a constant dialogue, learn to negotiate and take into account the interests of both parties.

5. Finally learn to count!

The cost of buying a street, the cost of buying houses and hotels, the rental cost - all these are just some of the numbers that need to be compared to understand the essence of the asset. Of course, you can just play at random and collect all the streets that come your way, but if your opponents can count, then no amount of luck will help you.

In addition, Monopoly contains several prestige traps. Beginners think that streets in the dark blue category are the most prestigious, and therefore the most desirable from the very beginning of the game. However, they do not take into account the high barrier to entry into business, because the cost of the streets themselves and the construction of houses on them is also the highest. In addition, there are only two streets, which means there is less and less chance that someone will end up on them.

Many players occupy a good half of the table in order to distribute all the assets acquired during the game, but as soon as they have a street, they do not know where to get money for houses, without which it is generally impossible to win. But the money is right in front of their noses: mortgage the property you don’t need and buy the one you need. It’s the same in life: entrepreneurs often complain about the lack of start-up capital, having significant income from work, but spending it on luxury instead.

Even in a board game, which can generally be mastered by children aged eight years and older, there are many financial indicators, which you need to be able to apply correctly. Needless to say, there are even more of them in life, but the most important thing is to be able to operate at least with the simplest ones. You need to be able to distinguish prestige from profitability and learn use your assets correctly. This is even more true if things are not going well for you.

At the end of the game, someone became a winner, and someone lost, and here Monopoly is powerless. Perhaps the most bitter knowledge from childhood was defeat. I was very upset if I lost in a competition and always perceived it as a failure. At university, I started trying my hand at opening small startups, but they all quickly failed.

In fact, every defeat was a great lesson for me, and much more valuable than victory. So it is in Monopoly: each a new game allows you to try a new strategy, in case of defeat you know exactly what you did wrong.

If you lose and you don't like it, just shuffle the cards, return the streets to the bank and sit down to play again. Everything will work out, because now you know how to win!

Welcome to the website of the online project, the idea for the implementation of which was the board game Monopoly, created in 1935 by the American Charles Darrow, and some time later the game was published by Parker Brothers. In the nineties, the first monopoly appeared in Russian, which immediately became a hit in the USSR.

Monopoly Star, this is online game in the genre of economic strategy. Play with friends, chat and win! Bring ruin to your opponents. The rules are quite simple, so the game quickly became popular. At least two people (maximum five) can play, the goal being to achieve a financial advantage and completely ruin their opponents. The participants' pieces move after rolling the dice, players buy up free fields, collecting their monopoly, or pay rent, taxes and fines to their opponents. To make a profit, they “build stars” on the collected brands, increasing the rental cost of their enterprises. If there is insufficient finance for the transaction, you can take out a loan from a banker.

Monopoly Star is a free online game that combines several game concepts. Its basics are similar to the classic monopoly, and the online capabilities made it possible to introduce elements into the game role playing games(RPG). Our project relates to multiplayer browser games. Because browser games do not require installation additional programs, you can start playing right now.

We understand that most of you want to be able to play for free. So you won't stop mid-game because you've run out of "energy." You can play on our website as much as you want. Our project allows all users to play for free after a simple registration.

Playing online means finding new opportunities for exciting leisure time and communication with new friends. IN Everyday life It’s not always possible to gather at the gaming table and this is where the online version comes to the rescue board game monopoly. Convenient chat, functional mail and a developed forum will make communication convenient. Online Monopoly allows you to create clans and take part in clan tournaments with many allies and opponents. The spirit of competition is brighter if among the opponents there are real, living players, and not computer program. Monopoly tournaments are regular events where players earn skill points, in-game currency and valuable prizes. By winning, the player accumulates capital, gains new levels and discovers new gaming opportunities.

In order to start a new game, you need to click on the “Start Game” button and select the desired number of participants, from two to five people. As soon as the required number of users connect, the game will begin automatically. Players with VIP status can try out the exclusive mode team games“2 vs 2”, in which two teams of “monopolists” fight against each other.

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