International company global firepower. Firepower: the strongest armies in the world according to Global Firepower. What is known about Global Firepower


The Global Firepower project has compiled its next annual ranking of the world's strongest armies. Some of the positions were occupied by the same countries as before, but for many armies the situation has changed: some lost their positions, others, on the contrary, increased their power. Russia took second place of honor. Only the US Army was able to bypass it.

First and second place in the Global Firepower index project rating

1 place. USA The world's largest air force - even if you combine the air power of the rest of the top 5 countries, they will be inferior to the United States. Excellent technical equipment of the ground army. The navy is numerically smaller than that of many states, but 20 aircraft carriers make it possible to greatly change the balance of power in different parts peace. US Army on this moment

remains the most powerful of all.
Number of military personnel: 2,083,100 (of which 1,281,900 are active, 801,200 are in reserve).
Airplanes and helicopters: 13,362.
Tanks: 5,884.
Armored vehicles: 38,822.

Warships: 415 (of which 20 aircraft carriers).

2nd place. Russia The Russian army rivals the Chinese, Indian and American in size, although the population of each of these countries is much larger than the Russian one. In addition, in terms of the number of tanks, Russia surpasses China and the United States combined, and air Force more Chinese. And here navy

The Russian Federation has a relatively small number, and it has only one aircraft carrier.
Number of military personnel: 3,586,128 (of which 1,013,628 are active, 2,572,500 are in reserve).
Airplanes and helicopters: 3,914.
Tanks: 20,300.
Armored vehicles: 27,400.

Warships: 352 (including 1 aircraft carrier).

Which countries' armies are among the top five in the world according to the rating from the Global Firepower index?

3rd place. China Although the Chinese army serves one and a half times fewer soldiers and officers than the Indian army, due to the small share of reserves, the number of active military personnel is one and a half times greater. WITH military equipment

China is also doing better.
Number of military personnel: 2,693,000 (of which 2,183,000 are active, 510,000 are in reserve).
Airplanes and helicopters: 3,035.
Tanks: 7,716.
Armored vehicles: 9,000.

Warships: 714 (including 1 aircraft carrier).

The Indian army has a huge number of personnel, but its equipment is not very high - in some types of weapons India is inferior to France. PwrIndx of the Indian Army lags behind its nearest competitor by 0.6 points, although most often the difference between neighboring positions in the ranking does not exceed 0.2 points.

Number of military personnel: 4,207,250 (of which 1,362,500 are active, 2,844,750 are in reserve).
Airplanes and helicopters: 2,185.
Tanks: 4,426.
Armored vehicles: 3,147.
Warships: 295 (including 1 aircraft carrier).

5th place. France

The French army is well equipped with military equipment, and the country's stable economy contributes to the fact that armed forces work harmoniously. However, giant armies are higher in the ranking, from which the French PwrIndx indicator lags far behind.

Number of military personnel: 388,635 (of which 205,000 are active, 183,635 are in reserve).
Airplanes and helicopters: 1,262.
Tanks: 406.
Armored vehicles: 6,330.
Warships: 118 (including 4 aircraft carriers).

Information about the Global Firepower index project

Global index military power(Global Firepower Index) - a rating that evaluates the military power of countries around the world. The ranking ranks states depending on how strong the country's army is. The research is carried out by a team portal Global Firepower, which collects data on the Armed Forces of the world and conducts its analysis.

NATO and partners have chosen November 2018 for saber rattling - Norway is hosting the biggest since Cold War military training. Russia, naturally, is not happy, and in response, it also decided to “flex its muscles.” The Russian military cruiser "Peter the Great" has gone to sea near Norway for missile exercises, which will take place from November 6 to 9. All this weapons display is taking place against the backdrop of a closely watched Europe - a part of the world that has some of the most well-armed armies in the world.

The data on the strongest armies was taken from an annual report by a website called Global Firepower. Experts determine the strongest armies according to 55 parameters (these include geography, logistics, territorial resources, degree of industrial development, variety of weapons, and so on). As a result, even the troops of small nations can rank higher than their larger neighbors.

Based on the results of the calculations, the index is determined, and the higher it is, the worse the army, paradoxically. Below you will find top 10 most powerful armies in Europe.

10. Ukraine

  • Place in : 29.
  • Expert assessment: 0,5383.
  • Human resources: 44 033 874.
  • Of these, military: 1 182 000.
  • Number of aircraft: 240.
  • Of these fighters: 39.
  • Tank units: 2 214.
  • Navy: 25.
  • The country's military budget:$4.88 billion.

The head of state, Petro Poroshenko, firmly believes that the Ukrainian army is the strongest in Europe. However, experts from the Global Firepower website do not agree with him: according to their version, Ukraine is assigned 29th place in the world ranking and 10th place in Europe. Of course, it confidently outperforms Monaco, Liechtenstein and its prosperous Scandinavian neighbors, but it still has a lot of work to do before becoming a leader.

Like many republics former USSR, Ukraine is not yet able to send its heritage to the landfill Soviet era- no possibilities. This is hampered by both the tense situation within the country and the high level of corruption.

9. Greece

  • Place in the world ranking: 28.
  • Expert assessment: 0,5255.
  • Human resources: 10 768 477.
  • Of these, military: 413 750.
  • Number of aircraft: 567.
  • Of these fighters: 189.
  • Tank units: 1 345.
  • Navy: 115.
  • The country's military budget:$6.54 billion.

Does the changing of the guard of honor in Athens make you smile? Think carefully before you laugh and point at the guardsmen's skirts and the pom-poms on their shoes. It’s not for nothing that Greece is one of the ten most powerful European armies in 2018. The reason for this is the centuries-old history of difficult relations with Turkey; Both nations, rightly fearing each other, try to keep their military forces in good shape. Although both countries are members of the same North Atlantic Alliance.

8. Poland

  • Place in the world ranking: 22.
  • Expert assessment: 0,4276.
  • Human resources: 38 476 269.
  • Of these, military: 184 650.
  • Number of aircraft: 466.
  • Of these fighters: 99.
  • Tank units: 1 065.
  • Navy: 83.
  • The country's military budget:$9.36 billion.

In 2016, Poland's Minister of War, Antoni Macierewicz, announced that the country's military forces would be increased by at least one and a half times. Macierewicz himself is an odious figure in his own way; he firmly believes that the world behind the scenes is led by Russia together with Israel. At the beginning of 2018, he was removed from his position. However, three new brigades, created to serve as a barrier to the eastern barbarians, continue to serve on the border.

And recently, Ukraine has also been included in the list of eastern barbarians, since the Poles are not happy with their problematic neighbor.

7. Spain

  • Place in the world ranking: 19.
  • Expert assessment: 0,4079.
  • Human resources: 48 958 159.
  • Of these, military: 174 700.
  • Number of aircraft: 524.
  • Of these fighters: 122.
  • Tank units: 327.
  • Navy: 46 (of which one aircraft carrier).
  • The country's military budget:$11.6 billion.

Military service in Spain is under the protection of royal family. The crowned head of state is the captain general as ground forces, both naval and air. King Philip VI himself once served in the army and independently rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and captain of the second rank.

In general, military service in Spain is considered prestigious and can bring a citizen bonuses in the future, so they join the army willingly.

6. Italy

  • Place in the world ranking: 11.
  • Expert assessment: 0,2565.
  • Human resources: 62 137 802.
  • Of these, military: 267 500.
  • Number of aircraft: 828.
  • Of these fighters: 90.
  • Tank units: 200.
  • Navy: 143 (two aircraft carriers).
  • The country's military budget:$37.7 billion.

Despite a reform carried out six years ago to reduce the size of Italy's armed forces, its army still remains one of the strongest in Europe. And a lot was cut,
for example, personnel costs were cut by half.

Like Spain, Italy long ago abolished universal conscription into the army upon reaching a certain age and switched to a contract basis. And although Italy does not produce nuclear weapons itself, it stores them for the United States. There are about 50 bombs lying in deadly cargo at the country's military bases.

5. Germany

  • Place in the world ranking: 10.
  • Expert assessment: 0,2461.
  • Human resources: 80 594 017.
  • Of these, military: 208 641.
  • Number of aircraft: 714.
  • Of these fighters: 94.
  • Tank units: 432.
  • Navy: 81.
  • The country's military budget:$45.2 billion.

After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, Germany, like many other NATO members, began to reduce weapons and personnel. And she did it from the heart and on a grand scale - if at the time of the beginning of perestroika there were more than 370 thousand people in the armed forces, now there are barely 200 thousand servicemen.

The main goal of the German army is peacekeeping, whatever that means. And like many others European countries, Germany abolished universal conscription 7 years ago, in 2011.

4. Türkiye

  • Place in the world ranking: 9.
  • Expert assessment: 0,2216.
  • Human resources: 80 845 215.
  • Of these, military: 710 565.
  • Number of aircraft: 1 056.
  • Of these fighters: 207.
  • Tank units: 2 446.
  • Navy: 194.
  • The country's military budget:$10.2 billion.

Turkey has rather difficult relations with Greece and Russia, especially against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Syria. Ankara has long hinted that it would be a good idea for Turkish troops to invade Syria, which Russia, naturally, cannot allow. And for last years Türkiye continued to increase its military power (this was not even prevented by the military’s attempt to stage a coup).

The Turkish army is considered one of the most secure and well-trained among NATO member countries. The dreams of some politicians about establishing a “Turkic world” centered in Ankara are also causing considerable concern.

3. England

  • Place in the world ranking: 6.
  • Expert assessment: 0,1917.
  • Human resources: 64 769 452.
  • Of these, military: 279 230.
  • Number of aircraft: 832.
  • Of these fighters: 103.
  • Tank units: 227.
  • Navy: 76 (including two aircraft carriers).
  • The country's military budget: 50 billion dollars.

The top 3 most powerful armies in Europe in 2018 are revealed by the military forces of Foggy Albion. Like many NATO armies, the British have significantly reduced their power since the end of the Cold War. The apotheosis of military cuts was the dismantling for parts of aircraft that had just left the factory in 2010.

The military budget cuts are causing concern among many politicians, who fear that Russian-flagged military submarines could emerge from the bottom of the Thames tomorrow. The Daily Mail and the Telegraph are also whipping up hysteria - these two newspapers claim that in the event of a war between Russia and England, the “Russian bears” will win. Whether one of them will increase armament is still unknown.

2. France

  • Place in the world ranking: 5.
  • Expert assessment: 0,1869.
  • Human resources: 67 106 161.
  • Of these, military: 388 635.
  • Number of aircraft: 1 262.
  • Of these fighters: 299.
  • Tank units: 406.
  • Navy: 118 (of which four aircraft carriers).
  • The country's military budget: 40 billion dollars.

France has always loved to demonstrate its independence from NATO. In 1966, the country left this organization and returned only in 2009, which created certain tensions between the organizations. Moreover, last week the French President said that it is high time to create a pan-European army, independent of the United States (and, apparently, NATO).

Like many other countries, France switched to a contract army uniform. However, the military is not satisfied with the service, and after its completion, more than 40% of military personnel prefer to do other things. One of the reasons is poor service conditions plus attractive offers from private companies that love to lure military specialists.

1. Russia

  • Place in the world ranking: 2.
  • Expert assessment: 0,0841.
  • Human resources: 142 257 519.
  • Of these, military: 3 586 128.
  • Number of aircraft: 3 914.
  • Of these fighters: 818.
  • Tank units: 20 300.
  • Navy: 352 (of which one aircraft carrier).
  • The country's military budget: 47 billion dollars.

When looking at the first place in the ranking, the soul is filled with patriotic pride. Global Firepower experts recognized the Russian army as the strongest in Europe. And in the world it is second only to its eternal enemy and rival - the United States. In terms of the level of technical development, the Russian army is one of the most powerful, because it is one of those rare countries that is able to completely and independently create the entire development cycle nuclear bomb, from collecting raw materials to delivery to a possible enemy. The Russian army is still replenished by conscription, but thanks to recent reforms, serving in it has become more prestigious, especially if a person is from a small town or village where there are no other social elevators. There are also contract units - these include permanent reaction troops, which recruit the elite of the elite.

However, other voices are heard from overseas: some American experts argue that if there is a military conflict between Russia and China, the latter will win. Because China’s technologies are more advanced, and the country’s financial capabilities allow them to be expanded without hindrance. While Moscow had to tearfully abandon the idea of ​​​​building a new aircraft carrier. The reason is simple - there is no money. Time will tell whether US military power will be reoriented to confront China.

Comparison of military power various states is a complex but interesting problem. Despite all the difficulties associated with assessing the power of the armed forces of a particular state, attempts are constantly being made to rank the most militarily powerful states. Due to constant tensions or open clashes constantly observed in different parts of the world, such ratings are in demand and attract the attention of the general public.

On July 10, the American publication Business Insider published a material entitled The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World (“35 most powerful armies in the world”). As is clear from the title, the authors of the article tried to compare the armed forces of leading countries and find out which state has the most powerful army. For convenience, the list was limited to only 35 positions, which is why the vast majority of countries in the world were not able to get into it.

According to Business Insider, the top ten most militarily powerful states are as follows: USA, Russia, China, India, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, South Korea and Japan. Keeping in mind recent events, it is necessary to note the position in the ranking of several other states. Thus, Israel was unable to enter the top ten and stopped in 11th place, Ukraine took 21st place, and Iran is right behind it in the ranking. The Syrian armed forces secured their country 26th place in the world rankings. The last place in the list from Business Insider is occupied by the DPRK.

It should be noted that the authors of The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World did not independently conduct research on the world's armed forces, but used an existing database. They took as a basis for their work famous rating Global Firepower Index (GFP). This rating is considered one of the most famous and authoritative in the world. The purpose of the GFP database is to collect information about the world's armed forces, analyze it and summarize it. The latest ranking of the world's armies was published in April of this year and contains information about the armed forces of 106 states. In the future, the number of countries included in the ranking will increase.

To compare the military power of states, the authors of the Global Firepower Index use a complex assessment methodology that takes into account over 50 various factors. Based on the calculation results, the army receives a rating (Power index or PwrIndex), which approximately reflects its capabilities. At the same time, for greater objectivity of assessments, a system of bonus and penalty points is used. In addition, several additional conditions are intended to ensure objectivity:
- the assessment does not take into account nuclear;
- the assessment takes into account geographical features states;
- the assessment takes into account not only the number of weapons and equipment;
- the assessment takes into account the production and consumption of certain resources;
- landlocked states do not receive penalty points for not having a navy;
- behind limited opportunities a military fine is imposed;
- the assessment does not take into account the characteristics of the country's political and military leadership.

The result of the calculation is decimal with four decimal places. Ideally, the state index should be equal to 0.0000, but achieving such high indicators in reality is impossible. For example, the leader of the latest ranking, the USA, has a score of 0.2208, and Japan closes the top ten with a PwrIndex of 0.5586. Starting from 25th place ( Saudi Arabia), state estimates exceed one. Moreover, Tanzania, which is in last 106th place in the ranking, has a score of 4.3423.

Of course, the GFP rating has certain problems, but still allows you to create a relatively objective picture that takes into account many different factors. Let's turn to the Global Firepower Index database and look at what allowed countries to take the first 5 places in the ranking.

1. USA

The authors of the rating note that in recent years the United States has found itself in a difficult situation. Two costly wars and difficulties with new projects, as well as military budget cuts, have left the Pentagon facing numerous challenges. However, even under these conditions, the US military retained its first place in the GFP rankings, receiving a score of 0.2208.

The total population of the United States is 316.668 million people. Total number human resources suitable for service - 142.2 million people. 120 million people aged 17-45 years can be drafted into the army if necessary. Every year, the number of potential conscripts is replenished with 4.2 million people. Currently, 1.43 million people serve in the US armed forces, and the reserve is 850 thousand people.

Ground units of the armed forces have big amount techniques of various classes and types. In total, the United States uses 8,325, 25,782 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, etc., 1,934 self-propelled artillery, 1,791 towed guns and 1,330 multiple launch rocket systems.

Total aircraft in the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps - 13683. These are 2271 fighters, 2601 attack aircraft, 5222 military transport aircraft, 2745 training aircraft, as well as 6012 multi-purpose and 914 attack helicopters.

The US Navy and other agencies currently operate more than 470 ships, submarines, boats and support vessels. 10 aircraft carriers, 15 frigates, 62 destroyers, 72 submarines, 13 coast guard ships and 13 minesweepers.

Despite the appearance the latest weapons and technology, the US military continues to need oil and petroleum products. The United States oil industry currently produces 8.5 million barrels per day. Daily consumption is 19 million. US proven reserves are 20.6 billion barrels.

The GFP ranking also takes into account countries' manufacturing and logistics capabilities. The total US labor force is 155 million people. The country has 393 merchant ships (flying the American flag) that can be used by 24 major ports. total length highways– 6.58 million miles, railway – 227.8 thousand miles. There are 13.5 thousand airports and airfields in operation.

An important element of the rating is the financial component of the armed forces. The US military budget is $612.5 billion. At the same time, the country’s external debt is equal to $15.9 trillion. The country's gold and foreign exchange reserves are $150.2 billion, purchasing power parity is $15.9 trillion.

To predict a country's capabilities in a defensive war, the Global Firepower Index takes into account the geographical characteristics of countries. total area USA – 9.8 million sq. km. The coastline is 19.9 thousand km, the borders with neighboring countries are 12 thousand km. Waterways – 41 thousand km.

2. Russia

The total population of Russia is 145.5 million people, 69.1 million of whom can serve. Each year, 1.35 million people reach conscription age. Currently, 766 thousand people are serving in military service, and the reserve of the armed forces is 2.48 million.

Russia has one of the largest parks armored vehicles. Its armed forces have 15.5 thousand tanks, 27,607 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and similar vehicles, 5,990 self-propelled guns, 4,625 towed guns and 3,871 MLRS.

The total number of aircraft in the armed forces is 3082 units. Of these, 736 fighters, 1,289 attack aircraft, 730 military transport, 303 training aircraft, as well as 973 multi-purpose and 114 attack helicopters.

The Navy and Border Guard operate more than 350 ships, boats and auxiliary vessels. This is one aircraft carrier, four frigates, 13 destroyers, 74 corvettes, 63 submarines and 65 coast guard ships. The mine sweeping forces are represented by 34 ships.

Russia's "working hands" are estimated at 75.68 million people. There are 1143 sea and river merchant ships. The main logistics load falls on seven major ports and terminals. The country has 982 thousand km of highways and 87.1 thousand km railways. Air transport can use 1218 airfields.

The Russian military budget is $76.6 billion. The country's external debt is $631.8 billion. Gold and foreign exchange reserves are estimated at $537.6 billion. Purchasing power parity: $2.486 trillion.

Russia is the largest state in the world and has an area of ​​more than 17 million square meters. km. The country's coastline is 37,653 km long, and its land borders are 20,241 km long. total length waterways reaches 102 thousand km.

3. China

The top three in the April Global Firepower Index ranking is completed by China, which received a score of 0.2594. The country is increasing its defense spending, allowing it to increase its presence in the Asia-Pacific region and also move up the GFP rankings.

The PRC is the world's largest country in terms of population: 1.35 billion people live in this country. If necessary, 749.6 million people can be drafted into the armed forces. Every year, 19.5 million people reach conscription age. Currently, 2.28 million people serve in the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), and 2.3 million are reservists.

The PLA has 9,150 tanks of various classes and types, 4,788 armored vehicles for infantry, 1,710 self-propelled and 6,246 towed guns. In addition, the ground forces have 1,770 multiple launch rocket systems.

The total number of aircraft in the Air Force and Naval Aviation is 2,788. Of these, 1,170 are fighters, 885 are attack aircraft. Transport missions are performed by 762 aircraft, and 380 aircraft are used for pilot training. In addition, the PLA has 865 multi-role helicopters and 122 attack helicopters.

The Chinese fleet has 520 ships, boats and vessels. This number includes one aircraft carrier, 45 frigates, 24 destroyers, 9 corvettes, 69 submarines, 353 coast guard ships and boats, and 119 mine-sweeping ships.

Every day, China produces 4.075 million barrels of oil, which is less than half of its own consumption (9.5 million barrels per day). Proven oil reserves are 25.58 billion barrels.

China's labor force is estimated at 798.5 million people. The country operates 2,030 merchant ships. 15 ports and terminals are of strategic importance. The total length of roads exceeds 3.86 million kilometers, and there are also 86 thousand kilometers of railways. Aviation can use 507 airfields.

China's defense budget reached $126 billion last year, according to GFP. The country's external debt approached $729 billion. The country's gold and foreign exchange reserves reach $3.34 trillion. Purchasing power parity: $12.26 trillion.

The area of ​​China is just under 9.6 million square meters. kilometers. The coastline is 14.5 thousand km long, the land border is 22,117 km. There are waterways with a total length of 110 thousand km.

4. India

India received a score of 0.3872 and ranks fourth in the GFP rankings. This state has already become the largest importer of weapons and military equipment, and, apparently, will continue military-technical cooperation with foreign partners in the future.

Being the second largest country in the world by population (1.22 billion people), India can call up to 615.2 million people into the army if necessary. Every year, the available human resources are replenished by 22.9 million people reaching military age. Currently, 1.325 million people are serving in the Indian armed forces, with another 2.143 million in reserve.

The Indian ground forces have 3,569 tanks, 5,085 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, 290 self-propelled guns and 6,445 towed artillery pieces. Rocket artillery is represented by 292 multiple launch rocket systems.

The Indian Air Force has 1,785 aircraft of all classes and types. The aircraft fleet has following structure: 535 fighters, 468 attack vehicles, 706 military transport and 237 trainers. Transport and auxiliary tasks are performed by 504 multi-purpose helicopters. The destruction of enemy equipment and forces is assigned to 20 attack helicopters.

The Indian Navy is comparatively small, with only 184 ships. This number includes 2 aircraft carriers, 15 frigates, 11 destroyers, 24 corvettes, 17 submarines, 32 ships and coast guard boats, as well as 7 minesweepers.

India has relatively small oil fields, but the country remains dependent on foreign supplies. Proven reserves – 5.476 billion barrels. Every day, the Indian industry produces 897.5 thousand barrels of oil, and daily consumption reaches 3.2 million barrels.

The Indian workforce is estimated at 482.3 million. There are 340 merchant ships flying the Indian flag. The country has 7 major ports. The total length of roads exceeds 3.32 million km. For railways, this parameter does not exceed 64 thousand km. There are 346 airfields in operation.

This year, India has allocated $46 billion for defense needs. The state's external debt is approaching 379 billion. The country's gold and foreign exchange reserves are estimated at $297.8 billion, and its purchasing power parity is $4.71 trillion.

India's territory is 3.287 million square meters. km. The country has land borders with a total length of 14,103 km and a coastline of 7 thousand km. The length of the country's waterways is 14.5 thousand km.

5. UK

The top five in the GFP ranking, compiled in April of this year, is completed by Great Britain, which received a score of 0.3923. This country intends in the near future to devote Special attention its armed forces and, in connection with this, is implementing several new projects.

Of the UK's 63.4 million citizens, only 29.1 million can join the army. The number of potential military personnel is replenished annually by 749 thousand people. Currently, 205.3 thousand people are serving in the armed forces. Reserve – 182 thousand.

The British ground forces are armed with 407 tanks, 6,245 armored vehicles for transporting infantry, 89 self-propelled artillery installations, 138 towed guns and 56 MLRS.

The Royal Air Force has 908 aircraft. These are mainly aircraft: 84 fighters, 178 attack aircraft, 338 military transport and 312 training aircraft. In addition, the troops have 362 multi-purpose and 66 attack helicopters.

Britain once had one of the most powerful navies in the world, but in recent decades it has lost its maritime power. At the moment there are only 66 ships and vessels in the British Naval Service. This includes 1 aircraft carrier, 13 frigates, 6 destroyers, 11 submarines, 24 coast guard vessels and 15 minesweepers.

Using platforms in the North Sea, the UK produces 1.1 million barrels of oil every day. However, production does not cover the country’s own consumption, which reaches 1.7 million barrels per day. The country's proven reserves are at 3.12 billion barrels.

The UK industry and economy employs around 32 million people. The country's merchant fleet uses 504 vessels and 14 major ports. On the territory of the state there are 394.4 thousand km of roads and 16.45 thousand km of railways. There are 460 airfields and airports in operation.

The UK's military budget reaches $56.6 billion, and its external debt is $10.09 trillion. Gold and foreign exchange reserves are estimated at $105.1 billion. Purchasing power parity: $2.313 trillion.

The area of ​​the island state is 243.6 thousand square meters. km. The length of the coastline is 12429 km. On land, the UK borders only Ireland. The length of this border does not exceed 390 km. The total length of waterways is 3200 km.

Leadership Issues

As you can see, the states occupying the first positions in the Global Firepower Index have several common features. These countries pay great attention to their armed forces, including from a financial point of view. The conclusions of the authors of the GFP rating are confirmed by other sources. For example, according to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), over the past few years, India (4th place in the GFP ranking), increasing the cost of purchasing weapons and military equipment, has literally soared up the list of importing countries and has taken a well-deserved first place. The “silver winner” of the GFP rating, Russia, is currently implementing State program weapons, according to which, by 2020, just under 20 trillion rubles will be spent on the purchase of weapons and equipment.

The purchase of equipment and weapons can be considered one of the main factors that allow countries to stay at the top of the ranking. However, investment in new equipment alone cannot propel a country to the top of the list. In addition to procurement, competent management is required, correct work various structures armed forces, etc. When calculating the PwrIndex, fifty factors are taken into account, each of which can affect the place of a particular country in the list. However, there is some relationship between the quantity and quality of equipment and the country’s position in the ranking. To see it, you need to turn again to the table compiled by journalists from Business Insider.

The authors of the publication The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World not only presented the information in a convenient form, but also noted leaders in certain “areas.” Thus, the world leader in terms of the size of the military budget is unconditionally the United States with defense spending of $612.5 billion. The same country holds primacy in the field of aviation (13,683 aircraft) and aircraft carrier fleet (10 aircraft carriers). As a result, the United States finds itself in first place in the ranking.

Russia took second place and is also a leader in some indicators. In service Russian army there are 15 thousand tanks - more than anyone else. In addition, Busines Insider journalists took the liberty of supplementing the GFP rating data with information about countries’ nuclear arsenals. According to their calculations, Russia has 8,484 nuclear weapons of various classes and types.

The top three is completed by China, a leader in human resources. Theoretically, 749.6 million people could be conscripted into the Chinese army. In addition, it is necessary to note the growing military budget of the PRC, which, according to Business Insider, is second only to the American one and has already reached $126 billion.

An interesting fact is that in the table from the article “The 35 Most Powerful Armies in the World,” the leadership in one of the points remained with a small and not very powerful country militarily. The DPRK occupies 35th place in the GFP ranking and its revised version from Business Insider. Despite this low ranking, the North Korean Navy is the world leader in the submarine fleet, with a reported 78 submarines. various types. However, world leadership in this area did not help North Korea rise above 35th place.

The Global Firepower Index, despite the fact that it was published several months ago, is still of some interest. Due to the complexity of the methodology for determining the assessment, taking into account a large number of various factors, this rating can be considered sufficiently objective and showing an approximate picture of the real state of affairs in military field. In addition, it should be noted that it can please the Russian reader, since our country took one of the first places in it and surpassed almost all other countries included in the ranking. The publication in Business Insider, in turn, reminds us of the GFP rating and allows us to once again feel proud of the Russian armed forces.

Based on materials from sites:

Global Firepower has released its next annual ranking report on the armies of the world.
The rating is formed using more than 50 parameters and is published every year, taking into account more than 2/3 of the world's countries.
The top three have not undergone changes for a long time - the USA is in first, Russia is in second, China is in third.

Among the stated rating parameters:

1. Nuclear weapon is not taken into account (only conventional weapons), but countries possessing them receive a certain bonus to their rating.
2. Ranking does not depend entirely on the number of weapons, but is rather focused on the variety of weapons and their quality.
3. Geographical parameters, infrastructure and Natural resources influence the overall place of the country in the ranking.
4. The number of population and available labor plays a role important role in the final assessment. Who more people, he usually ranks high.
5. Landlocked countries do not receive a penalty for the absence of a fleet. Countries with a low variety of naval weapons receive a penalty.
6. NATO countries have a bonus due to the combined use of resources.
7. The current military-political leadership of any country is not taken into account.
8. The numbers are taken from open sources at the end of 2016.

Russia parameters according to the report:

Demographic and mobilization potential.

Air Force

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS


Oil, infrastructure.

Finance, geography.

For comparison.

Air Force.

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS.


Oil, transport infrastructure.

Finance, geography.


Demographics, mobilization potential.

Air Force

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS.


Oil, transport infrastructure

Finance, geography.

It also seemed noteworthy that Turkey and Egypt were placed above Israel. If the comparison with Turkey is a moot point, then the superiority of Egypt looks very doubtful.
You can also note that they do not consider China a second aircraft carrier, since it was still being completed at the end of 2016, and Britain counted as many as 2, while in fact there is only 1, and even that is in a state of completion, and Illustrious Already scrapped.

Number of armed forces.



Barrel artillery.

Combat aircraft.


Number of military ships. North Korea is a great maritime power.

Merchant navy. Panama, as usual, is beyond competition.

Oil production, including proven reserves.

PS. The strongest army in Europe in this ranking is located in 30th place between Sweden and Myanmar, even though it is a wartime army, while the vast majority of armies that are higher are peacetime armies. The rating was compiled by Kremlin agents in order to slander Nenka and her defense efforts.

The most powerful armies in the world. Russia took second place in it, behind the United States. ​The top ten countries with the most powerful personnel capable of military service, - in the RBC review.

Population size: 323.9 million people

145.2 million people, of which 1.3 million are active military personnel

Air Force: 13.7 thousand units of equipment

Ground troops: 5.8 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 415 units of equipment

Military budget:$587.8 billion

Population size: 142.3 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 70 million people, of which 798.5 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 3.8 thousand units of equipment

Ground troops: 20.2 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 352 units of equipment

Military budget:$44.6 billion

Population size: 1.3 billion people

Personnel fit for military service: 750 million people, of which 2.2 million are active military personnel

Air Force: 2.9 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 6.4 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 714 units of military equipment

Military budget:$161.7 billion

Photo: Zahid Hussain Bhat / ZUMA / Global Look Press

Population size: 1.2 billion people

Personnel fit for military service: 616 million people, of which 1.3 million are active military personnel

Air Force: 2.1 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 4.4 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 295 units of equipment

Military budget:$51 billion

Photo: Florian David / ZUMA / Global Look Press

Population size: 66.8 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 30 million people, including active military personnel 204 thousand people

Air Force: 1.3 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 406 battle tanks

Navy: 118 units of equipment

Military budget:$35 billion

Great Britain

Population size: 64.4 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 30 million people, of which 151.1 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 856 units of equipment

Ground troops: 249 battle tanks

Navy: 76 units of equipment

Military budget:$45.7 billion

Photo: Nicolas Datiche / AFLO / Global Look Press

Population size: 126.7 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 54 million people, including active military personnel 248.5 thousand people

Air Force: 1.5 thousand units of equipment

Ground troops: 700 battle tanks

Navy: 131 units of military equipment

Military budget:$43.8 billion

Photo: Osman Bekleyen / ZUMA / Global Look Press

Population size: 80.2 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 41.6 million people, of which 382.8 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 1 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 2.4 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 194 units of equipment

Military budget:$8.2 billion


Population size: 80.7 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 37 million people, of which 180 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 698 units of military equipment

Ground troops: 543 battle tanks

Navy: 81 units of equipment

Military budget:$39.2 billion

Population size: 94.6 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 42 million people, of which 454.2 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 1.1 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 4.1 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 319 units of equipment

Military budget:$4.4 billion

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