Methods of early child development: a review of existing systems

Many mothers, even before the birth of the baby, think about its further development. What needs to be done so that the child grows up smart and inquisitive? How to develop the possibilities inherent in every tiny little man? What to do with the baby in the first year of life? Answers to all these questions are given by modern methods of early development of children. Which one to choose? You will decide for yourself after reading our article.

1. Montessori Method

According to Maria Montessori, the development of a baby should be based on two principles: a playful form of learning and a child's independence. Without an individual approach to apply this technique will not work. Every child is unique and this must be taken into account. The kid himself will choose a suitable occupation for himself, you just need to create a developing environment for him. The child's mistakes should not be corrected, he will do it himself. Mom should only unobtrusively lead the whole process, but in no case should she teach the baby. What effect does this method of early child development have? First of all, it is aimed at improving:




2. Nikitin's technique

This method of developing young children assumes that the child does not need to be forced to do anything. Communication between parents and the baby should be built in the form of cooperation. Mom and dad just set the right direction, but do not try to teach the child everything as soon as possible. It is also important to create so-called "leading" conditions. For example, if the baby is just trying to pronounce his first words, you should purchase an alphabet for him (plastic or magnetic), as well as a set of numbers (also magnetic or in the form of cubes). It is worth noting that this system is currently very popular all over the world. For example, in Japan this is the basic technique in all kindergartens.

3. Dolman technique

"Bits of information" - this is how Glen Doman himself calls the cards he developed. It is on them that his method of early child development is based. What is its essence? The baby can be shown cards with various images from birth. It can be animals, household appliances, natural phenomena, wardrobe details, even counting points and written words. The session lasts only a few seconds, but is repeated several times a day.

4. Waldorf pedagogy

This method of early development of the child makes the main bet on the spiritual and aesthetic component of the personality, but not on the intellect. If you work according to this system, then with the baby you need to do modeling, folk crafts, play various instruments, stage your own mini-performances, and observe nature. By the way, this technique does not recommend teaching a child to read before he is 12 years old! Visualization plays an important role in teaching. This system has many opponents. First, she completely pays no attention to and thinking. Secondly, in a sense, this technique is aimed at creating ideal conditions that are far from real life. And, thirdly, the development of the child is significantly inhibited. However, this program can help those whose baby is hyperactive and aggressive.

5. Zaitsev's technique

This method of early child development brings to the fore learning to read. Classes are necessarily held in the form of a game. At the same time, children sing, clap their hands and are constantly in motion. The basis of the system is the so-called "warehouses". These are combinations of sounds that are arranged in pairs. That is why at school a child who is studying under this program will have to start all over again - to learn letters, and only then syllables.

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