Small spiders in a dream. Why do you dream about spiders: detailed explanations of various dreams. Why do you dream about a lot of spiders?


Probably every man has found himself in a situation where the girl he loves doesn’t get in touch for a long time. So what should you do: call yourself or sit back, waiting for your beloved to suddenly decide to call? In fact, there is a more elegant method - reading spell to call your beloved

, after saying which all the girl’s thoughts will be directed at you and you won’t have to wait long for a telephone conversation with her.

Simple conspiracies The first simple conspiracy,
read in front of the mirror

on the surface of which the lover’s number is displayed with a finger: “The black raven is looking for his little dove, misses her, doesn’t peck at her, but brings her grains and gives her grains. So fly, crow, to my dear (name), bring longing and sadness into her heart for me, bring the telephone number into her tender hands. Let her suffer a lot, suffer for me and miss me, but quickly dial the number.

As soon as the bell rings, I’ll take the confusion out of her. So it is, and so it will become. Amen". Now you need cover mirror surface

opaque cloth and do not remove it until your loved one calls. If you know how to concentrate and have a good imagination, then you can do this

  • simple ritual:
  • go outside, look for a deserted place;
  • raise your hands and face to the sky;

You say nine times: “Almighty heaven, help me, slave (name), help me. Let my beloved servant of God (name) miss me, yearn for me. Let him pick up the phone, dial my number, and start a conversation. Let her suffer and toil, despair and grieve. But as will dial my number,

so all her melancholy will go away. As soon as he hears my voice, he breathes deeply. Amen". To guide the girl's thoughts

exclusively for you, read the following text three times:
“As soon as I lie down, I pray to God,
As soon as I get up, I immediately get baptized.
Worms crawl under the black earth,
and animals live above it.
Above them only the clear sun, the moon,
yes I'm alone.
When I think about my beloved,
about your beloved, beautiful, I want it
hear her
she will immediately dial my number.
Distances don't matter to us
in the soul there is love suffering.
To dispel melancholy into dust,
cute girl is holding a phone in her hands.
My number is dialing now, not for a moment
doesn't forget me.


This ritual will require some preparation - you should first purchase a red candle and print it photograph of your beloved where is she at full height and her eyes are clearly visible (there should be no glasses on her face).

Then the candle is placed on the table, lit with matches, and the photo is placed behind it. During the conspiracy, you should cut the flame of a burning candle with scissors, stopping at the word “Amen.”

Reading spell by heart, 12 times in a row:

“I cut, cut off, all barriers and obstacles,
barriers and other obstacles that prevent my beloved from contacting me.

Even if she (name) does not drink or eat, she mentally listens to my voice.
I tell her to dial my number quickly,
strive for me, rush, never talk to me.
Like the wax of a red candle melts from a hot fire,
so are you, (name), from my hex You can’t hide from the mighty, you can’t hide.
May the Higher Forces help me. Amen".

Button up

For any piece of fabric you need sew on 12 buttons, trying to ensure that the threads are arranged in the form of a cross. The following text is read on each button:

“My Lord, my God, help me and have mercy on me.
Oh, Recluse Feofan, respond,
let slave (name) miss me,
from melancholy and toil he can’t rest,
does not eat or drink until he picks up the phone and my number won't dial.
Remove, Feofan, all obstacles,
let our conversation be a reward.
Don’t let anyone, not high ranks, delay it,
not the common people, not the devil himself.
doesn't forget me.

The action of the ritual is almost lightning fast - the beloved girl will call or appear in person within 12 hours.

To the photo

The uniqueness of this slander is that it not only provokes the girl to make a call, but also convinces her in tender feelings to you, that is, a conspiracy with a slight drying effect. You can use it if you want your beloved to call you after a quarrel.

The words of the conspiracy should be spoken three times, after which wearing photo near the heart:
“Sad, dreary and empty,
to you, (name), without me.
You haven't lost your feelings,
I'll add fire to them.
You're toiling, you're grieving,
you miss me day and night.
My voice in phone
will be able to help you.
Dial my number
talk to me
your cherished words
say it quickly.
I wait for a call at night
both during the day and at dawn.
You, (name), dear,
I love you more than anyone.
doesn't forget me.

To a candle from the church

To make this call to a phone call from your loved one, you should buy a church candle Red. A ritual is performed for the waxing moon, the words are read by heart, the order of actions is not violated. So:

  • With a new needle, purchased specifically for the ritual, the name of the beloved is scratched on the candle;
  • simultaneously with this action, imagine how bored she is, toiling, picking up the telephone receiver;
  • then the needle is fully inserted to the bottom of the candle;
  • place the candle in a fireproof candlestick and light it;
  • pronounced seven times spell words:“I didn’t pierce the candle with a new red needle, I pierced the heart and soul of my beloved (name). Now I won't be bored alone. Call me, my love! I am master of my words and deeds. Just as a candle burns and burns out, a needle heats up, so (my beloved’s name)’s feelings for me will flare up and heat up. Let (name) dial my number, he wants to hear me. Amen".

On the thing

If you have a personal item of your beloved, then casting a spell on her phone call will be quite simple - just say on the item certain words and soon you will be able talk to your beloved, Moreover, the initiative for the conversation will come from her.

The slander is this: “What, my love, don’t you write or call? I know you, like me, are sad. Take the phone quickly and dial my number, I will be glad to hear from you, know that I am worthy of you. Our love will grow stronger, your calls to me will never stop. As I said, this is how it will be. Let it happen according to my speeches.”

On a note

“Forgive me, our Lord! Forgive me, Mother of God! Forgive and bless, allow your desire to be fulfilled. I would like to hear the bell ringing before dawn, but Temples of God and Monasteries have nothing to do with it. Let (name) call, my beloved. Let your voice please me. Lord, forgive me! Love's suffering

you won't allow it. Amen".

To phone To carry out this ritual, you will not need anything other than your own telephone, where you can display a photo of your beloved. The ritual is performed by placing a telephone between the palms

and a clear idea that he will ring now.

At this time, you need to mentally say: “Remember me, suffer, miss me (name). Hurry up to me, call (name) quickly.”

Once you have spoken the words 21 times, put the phone to your ear and imagine that you are already talking to your sweetheart. As a rule, such a conspiracy helps within 24 hours - your beloved will definitely get in touch during this time. You can also speak in mobile phone words that will help make peace

in case of a long-term quarrel:
“Whatever you do, wherever you are,
You just dialed my number.
I suffer, I suffer without you,
I suffer greatly, silently loving. (Name), call me
hurry up
I want to hear your voice right now,
Call me, honey, right now.
doesn't forget me.

The simplest conspiracy is pronounced lying in bed before going to bed - while reading it, you should clearly imagine how your beloved is calling you:

“The desire is fulfilled at that moment,
It is filled with the power of God himself.
I wish you purely and honestly,
Call me, my bride.
When the bell trills,
my melancholy will disappear.
Call, my love, call!
God, help me!”

On a handkerchief

For the ritual you need a new handkerchief made of natural fabric. It is necessary tie 3 knots, saying to each of them three times:

“One scarf, three knots, pass my longing to my beloved, convey my speech to her. Let her dial my number and come to me as soon as possible. I want to hear her, talk to her, I can’t continue to live without her. Just as a scarf is tied, so am I connected to (name). Forever and ever, times endless. May it be so soon!”

The knitted handkerchief is carried with you until the plan is fulfilled. How the dream will happen - they burn the thing in a deserted place, and the ashes from it are scattered in the wind.

Love can make you suffer and suffer if you are waiting for a call, but the guy doesn’t call or write. If you need signs of attention, there is a way out - to resort to magic so that the guy calls you. These simple spells to call your loved one do not require special training or knowledge.

It is important to understand: magic is resorted to only in the most urgent and difficult cases when no other remedy helps solve the problem! For the sake of entertainment or revenge, you cannot perform even the most harmless and simple rituals, since you will have to answer for each of them in due time; any magical intervention in Fate has its consequences!

A simple conspiracy without preparation

Magic doesn't like noise. When planning to perform any ritual, either surround yourself with like-minded people with whom you will think on the same wavelength, or remain alone. If you know how to meditate, great! If not, try not to think about anyone other than your loved one, draw his features in your memory, trying not to miss even the smallest details. Make mental contact.

When you're ready, sit down open window, and repeat 7 times in a row:

“Your body and soul are on fire, you can’t find peace until you call me. As she said, so it will be. Amen"

If a guy doesn't know your number

There are a number of “telephone” conspiracies in case if the guy doesn't know your number at all. For example, repeat these words every morning before sunrise:

“An angel walked across the sky, looking for my beloved (name). An angel walked the earth, looking for my beloved (name). An angel walked underground, looking for my beloved (name). When he found it, he conveyed the news about me to (name). He ordered me to call and talk, to heal the sorrow and melancholy in my heart.”

Strong spell for salt

If the ritual is not limited to a regular spell, but involves performing a ritual, then under no circumstances should it be performed for the sake of curiosity!

To perform the ceremony you need:

  • Candle (any size and color, but smooth, not covered with carvings or patterns).
  • A small piece of white fabric, you can take a regular handkerchief.
  • Container with clean water(glass, cup, small bowl).
  • Salt shaker.
  • Red lace or thick thread.

When all the necessary paraphernalia is ready, we begin the ritual:

  • We light a candle. We place it in front of us so that the flame is opposite our face.
  • We lay out a piece of fabric on a flat surface between ourselves and the candles.
  • We lay the lace on the fabric so that a circle is formed. If the lace is long, we make several turns.
  • Place a container of water in the center of the circle.
  • We take a good pinch of salt from a salt shaker, mentally imagining how our loved one takes the phone and dials your number. Pour the pinch back into the salt shaker. We repeat this twice. For the third time, pour the salt into the water.
  • Take a container of water in left hand, make circular movements with your hand so that a certain circulation is formed in the container and the salt dissolves. At the same time, we read and say out loud three times:

“Like salt in water, so are your thoughts about me - they dissolve, mix, one cannot be separated from the other, cannot be separated, cannot be distinguished. The high banks are washed by clean water, the steep mountain protects the water. And you, (name) I, (name), like you need water, you (name) will be my mountain. Without talking to me, you will become salty water. The circle closes, darling is announced. Amen!".

After the spell, we unwind the lace from the scarf, and also twist it in a circle around a flower pot with a flower, the name of which begins with the first letter of the name of a loved one, or simply with the “male” name of the flower. We also pour half of the salt water from the container over which we read the prayer. The second half can be drunk, or poured into a pot with a flower whose name is “feminine”.

Quick spell for a call with a coin

One of the most powerful conspiracies of this kind is the ritual with a small coin. They take an irredeemable coin, preferably silver or copper; it is not at all necessary that it be in circulation. Write down your phone number on paper in letters, erase or erase the written text with a coin, saying:

“(name) wrote the number, erased the number with the coin, held the coin in her hand, and passed it from hand to hand along with the number. (name) received the coin, found out the number, and called.”


A conspiracy to make a guy call is popular with girls with unrequited love, because does not apply to black magic, does not cause strong feelings and experiences, does not rewrite Karma, which means the risk of paying for it is minimal, unlike .

At the same time, a girl who has performed a simple ritual and spoken to the desired man can determine for herself how possible a relationship with this person is: if a guy calls in the first 3 days after the conspiracy, then the chances of a long relationship are great, and if after a month, they are doomed to failure.

An effective conspiracy to make the one you need call is a unique opportunity to return your former relationship with the object of love through severe melancholy or to tie your loved one to yourself. Your loved one will immediately fall under the influence of magic. A strong conspiracy will work for more than one week without additional recharge. You can read the plot to make your loved one call at home for a woman who has not performed rituals before.

Love spell for a call or letter

The conspiracy to call someone dear to your heart works flawlessly on someone who loves or is absolutely indifferent to the conspirator. To herself, a woman who has been suffering for a long time without mutual feelings says, “I want it, and he will love it.” You can attract both a new groom and a lover who left of his own free will. But still, it is the conspiracy to get your ex-loved one to call that works most effectively.

The ex-spouse will immediately notice himself thinking that he misses his wife. The melancholy will only intensify until the victim is completely under the spell. Such a man will not help himself. He will have no choice but to succumb to that attraction that arose out of nowhere. The spell to call can only be read by brave women. They are tired of waiting for luck to smile on them, so they use a conspiracy to make the guy call on the days of the waxing moon.

How to call a man

Only morally prepared women will be able to call their loved one by force. Resilient and confident in your own capabilities. Tying a man who is not needed is dangerous and imprudent. If the object of desire does not love the conspirator at all, a more complex but effective ritual is selected. It has a complex effect on the guy. If a lover cannot decide who he needs and his thoughts are constantly changing, with the help of a conspiracy it will be possible to attract him to you.

Reviews of rituals that are easy to find on the Internet differ radically. Even proven conspiracies to make your loved one come to you today cannot work unconditionally. For the beloved to write (and not just write, but also crawl to ex-woman on your knees) magic alone is not enough. She works from the desires of the conspirator, but without her efforts it will not be possible to tie the guy down for a long time.

Choosing a Ritual

It is impossible to choose a suitable ritual without thinking about future actions. Used for rituals: photo, item, clothing of a loved one. If you call a guy incorrectly or break the sequence of all stages of the ritual, you can harm both yourself and the object of your love. The distance between potential love partners is an important factor in choosing a magical ritual.

Charms are used for rituals:

  • to a call from a loved one;
  • for the chosen one to come home to the conspirator;
  • so that my dear one starts to get very bored and I can’t sleep or eat without a girl;
  • for the darling to give his heart and open up;
  • strong call with binding.

A girl who is not afraid to directly state her desires will always succeed. After reading the plot to make your loved one urgently want to meet or call, you won’t have to wait long for results. Attitude is very important, because a girl should not be afraid of the actions she takes to improve her own personal life.

Prayer for a call from a lover

In order for the darling to return or remember ex-lover special prayers are read. They work very quickly and do no harm to either the man or the conspirator. The easiest way to get your loved one to respond again is to read prayer words with sincere faith in the guy’s mutual feelings.

After reading each prayer, you need to thank God and higher power for your help. Prayer will not create love, but it will help open the lover’s eyes to the feelings of a friend or acquaintance. After reading the prayer text, the guy will change his attitude towards the conspirator. White magic the call now works immediately, suppressing the will of the other person. With the help of prayer, you can force your lover to immediately call or make himself known.

When the prayer is said

Calling a loved one through prayer is done at home. Gather spectators or assistants (be it a friend or close person) not worth it. A special conspiracy should be cast late at night or before bedtime so that the one the conspirator loves will call.

A strong conspiracy for a guy to call, which does not need any attributes, is best read on the waxing Moon or in the big Orthodox holiday. As soon as the woman is alone, she should introduce her lover. His image must literally stand before your eyes. A conspiracy to call the one you need or strong prayer reads in a half whisper:

“My light, my wonderful light, why has it forgotten me? Look at me, dial my number. You need to come to me. You see how your beloved is waiting for you to write. Answer me and come."

The easiest and safest way to attract love, to call a person after a long separation, is to read a prayer (a simple spell addressed to the saints). It will give you a chance for a happy future together with your loved one. Using a spell to make sure the person you need calls will become the best assistant in love magic.

Ritual for a lover's call

A strong hex is read only after preparation. Conspiracies with the telephone or for news from a person are carried out only during a certain phase of the moon. The man who is under the spell will lose all desire for life. A strong conspiracy works with a telephone or other equipment so that a man sends a message, read only after the woman’s confession in church. The conspirator must cleanse herself spiritually and only then carry out strong ritual Houses.

You can make a universal call slander on both your boyfriend and your husband. A universal spell for a husband or loved one to respond, even if he is married, is read from memory. Conducting a ritual without preparation is very dangerous. Before the ceremony, you need to make a protection so that strong curse the phone was not returned to the conspirator.

What is needed for the ritual

Making a strong ritual for your loved one is easier if there is already a connection between people. Even departed feelings are easier to return than to create new ones. Indifferent man ex-husband, harboring a grudge against his wife - objects of witchcraft who will resist in every possible way. The loved one will feel a violent influence, and even a strong ritual may not work.

The ritual requires a certain set of magical attributes:

  • if the ceremony is carried out with equipment - a telephone or a computer, you cannot use someone else’s means of communication;
  • you need a small set of attributes brought from the church: candles, holy water;
  • a personal item that a guy often uses;
  • red thread or scarlet ribbon;
  • I need my dear's phone number.

In order for the man you like to call you, read the spell on water - an effective and simple way to call with a telephone. The slander is needed by those girls who are tired of waiting for the first step from a man. A quick-acting ritual is carried out with additional attributes using matches, wine or a photograph of a loved one with new lover. For more complex rituals, you need the advice and recommendations of experienced magicians.

Carrying out the ritual

In order for a loved one to call, you need not just a strong ritual, but a powerful spell that works from magical attributes and a photograph of a man. The conspiracy is very strong and for a person it can become a real test. The plot is read late at night in the twilight.

Early in the morning before the ritual, a woman needs to go outside and bow to all four cardinal directions. The Lord's Prayer is read, and then a small spell is recited:

“My man, my husband, my knight and my protector, come to me, respond, find yourself, come to me at dawn or let me know about you.”

Casting a spell

At night, a ritual is performed directly so that the beloved will call. The photograph of the lover and the photograph of the conspirator must be tied with a red thread. Candles are lit on the table, and next to it lies an item that belongs to the person who is to call. Holy water is chanted, which is then sprinkled on the photographs:

“I go to bed, pray to God, and when I wake up, I cross myself. Your light, your longing. The sun and moon rose, and I was alone. Take your phone and call me. So may the Lord bless me, His Son and Spirit help me. Key. Lock. Language".

After the ritual, magic begins to work from the first days. A spell on a loved one changes his thoughts and behavior. He begins to feel very bored and sad. There is no need to repeat the plot, otherwise you can harm yourself and the man.

Conspiracy at a distance

In order for a man or guy to be bored easily, and to be the first to call after a quarrel, you need to read a quick spell to the phone number or to the wind. Such a conspiracy works quickly and effectively. The ceremony is performed by the wife or lover, but secretly from everyone. You can carry out a ritual so that your spouse calls first on your number if you cannot get the man’s coordinates.

When the spell is cast

“(Name), you are dear to me, you are pleasant to me, I need you, but why don’t you call? I am good, pleasant, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone and dial my (your name) number. You will hear my voice, your heart will be filled with joy.”

After the spell, the person is literally unrecognizable - he will be drawn to his beloved, looking for a meeting with her and an opportunity to talk.

Love is an incredibly pleasant, bright, joyful feeling felt by a person; it allows you to soar above melancholy, sadness, and gray everyday life. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve reciprocity from a loved one.

Usually the situation is aggravated by the fact that the girl in love becomes extremely shy, literally going mute in the presence of her lover, in which case the chance of success in love relationships is significantly reduced. And a shy man can incredibly delay the start of a relationship.

If a man has written down your number, try to get the desired call using magic. Fortunately, it has been developed a large number of strong, effective conspiracies, allowing you to push your beloved man to make a phone call. Often, after carrying out a conspiracy, your loved one will call more than once or twice; take the situation as seriously as possible.

Follow the basic rules

A loved one will make a call exclusively to a girl he knows, knowing the phone number, and a spell for a quick phone call will allow you to start a serious relationship: make sure that the person is really not needed for entertainment. Do not use strong conspiracy

as a joke, for example, as a way of revenge. A magical intervention done with malicious intent will harm, first of all, the customer.

Understand the difference between artificial and natural sympathy.

They read the plot in private, in a whisper, unless otherwise provided by the plot instructions. Before performing the ritual, it is recommended to undergo strict fasting for several days. A spell to call your loved one is prohibited during menstruation. When working, you should not wear makeup, minimal jewelry, simple clothes, and let your hair down. The spell turns out to be strong if nothing distracts you, focus as much as possible on the image of your loved one, the goal, the desire for a call; you can cast the spell only on the right day.

The best love calling rituals For a person to call, he needs an object that he managed to touch. If you don’t have the item, a mobile number written on paper will do.

Take an object or piece of paper, squeeze it in your palm, vividly imagine the image of a person, imagine an upcoming meeting. After 9 times, repeat the words of the conspiracy. The spell is pronounced as clearly as possible, putting emotions into them. Imagine how your darling hears a witchcraft call. If you want a guy to call, then carry out your plans without any problems.

Spell “When your loved one calls”

“My dear (name), why are you silent, don’t call, don’t write, don’t talk to me? Quickly pick up the phone and dial my number! When my voice responds on the phone, my soul will be filled with joy!”
meeting so that I understand my prospects. My heart skips a beat and worries. Sympathy has arisen and is growing. Don't let me perish in torment. Bring (name of your loved one) on a date. I will pray to You for this. My God, my Vizardas. I will praise You and greet You. Don't let me miss my chances. Khantaa upar.”

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday dial full glass water, whisper the magic words of the conspiracy.

Spell “When your loved one calls” on water

“Water to stand - to gain strength, To sigh dearly - to wait for me.”
wedding candle and bell ringing at the wedding hour. That order is still in effect today. Let the souls of the Slave (name) and the Slave (name) go to each other, in the eternal circle, forever and ever, in endless love. I crown with a strong word, I protect with a sculpted deed. I hold it together with all the white magic. Amen!"

The water is not touched until the next of the listed days, then in the morning they put a dull knife in the container and read the spell for the bell.

Continuation of the plot “When your loved one calls”

“The knife is dull in the water all day, my darling is moaning about me.”
Amen. If gold and silver are pure, then God’s servant Ivan, the baby, Claudin’s son, is pure, now forever and ever. Amen. If the chicken egg is pure, then the servant of God is smooth and pure, let go the itch and the itch, all the cursed evil spirits, all the bad faith, no itch, now forever and ever. Amen."

In the evening, the knife is taken out, sharpened, inserted into the glass with the tip, making cross-shaped movements, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

Completion of the plot “When your loved one calls”

“As water moves, so does my dear awaken, so does water become baptized, so does my dear yearn for me. Like water spilling, my dear one meets me so close. As I go to the crossroads, my dear one is on his way. How can I make a wish about him, so he will run to me. Honey, go, hurry to meet me.”
ranks, nor lower ranks,
Neither the first nor the last.
Twelve Disciples of Christ
May they help my meeting.

Then they go to the intersection, throw out the water there, and leave without looking back. The knife is hidden under the mattress for 4 days.

In order for a loved one to call, the following ritual is performed. Calm down, mentally imagine your loved one, you are alone, you feel good. He's in no danger heavenly powers We are happy to help him in any trouble.

When addressing him, you need to thoughtfully pronounce the words of the conspiracy. As you may have guessed, the conspiracy will make the guy call, and will also protect him from misfortunes.

Spell “When your loved one calls”

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a stately, pretty girl, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".
waits for the sun, rejoices and has fun! So (the woman’s name) waited for me, rejoiced and had fun; he could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat without me; neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening; like a fish without water, like a baby without a mother, without mother’s milk, without a mother’s womb cannot live, so (man’s name) without (man’s name) could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor in the morning at dawn, not in the evening, not in everyday life, not at noon, not with frequent stars, not with violent winds, not on a day with the sun, not at night with the moon. Dig in, melancholy, eat up, melancholy, into the chest, into the heart, into the whole belly of (the man’s name), grow and give birth through all the veins, through all the bones with aching and dryness in (the woman’s name).”

Practice shows that repeated, thoughtful reading of the plot guarantees success.

You can try a version of the conspiracy with a photograph. Magical influence such a plan implies that you have met at least several times, and your image has managed to be etched in memory desired man, however, he did not call. If you don't have a photo of your lover, find him in in social networks and print it out. Write his phone number on a piece of paper and place it exactly above the photo. Next, mentally visualize the image of the guy, say the words of the conspiracy.

Spell “When your loved one calls” on a photo

“My long-awaited Falcon, my clear and beautiful! Remember how good it was for us together. Therefore, quickly open your heart to me and open your soul to me. Remember my number and call me so that we can meet you as soon as possible.”
Be it a girl, an old woman, an old man, a man, a sister, a brother, a son-in-law, or a mother-in-law. Take it and fast water carry it across the ocean to Buyan Island. My word is strong, and my will is strong. So it was, is and will be, Amen.”

The good thing about the ritual is that it encourages your loved one to call, without forcing him to do more. Everything else is up to you.

What to expect from a conspiracy

If you really sympathize with this person, want him to call, and are ready to do almost anything for this, then there is no need to worry. All the above rituals relate to white magic, do not subjugate the will of a person and do not break the usual course of things.

Consequently, the conspiracies will not cause harm to either the performer or the person they are directed at. Whether it will be possible to develop the relationship further depends entirely on you.

Your intention alone will be enough to achieve what you want, and the heavenly forces will only remind your loved one of you.

By adhering to the instructions of the ritual, focusing as much as possible on the image of your beloved, you will get one hundred percent results. Perhaps you will be able to start a long, successful relationship; a strong conspiracy really helps.

If you just met a guy, he aroused your interest, but there was no further communication, then you can magically evoke memories of you and force him to call. This is not a very dangerous influence, since you are not imposing feelings or strong desires on him. You are simply trying to force him to pay attention to you, and leave the rest to his will.

Rules for the ceremony

Any magic spell is aimed at changing the energy field of the person to whom the secret words are addressed. Magic also has strict rules. Here are the main ones:.

  1. Words must be pronounced clearly and clearly.
  2. Magic does not tolerate interference from outsiders, so when pronouncing secret words, make sure that no one can hear you.
  3. Conspiracies to attract attention to oneself, as well as rituals, work best on the waxing Moon. You can also read on other days, but the effect will not be as strong.
  4. As often as possible, remember and imagine in your head the guy to whom your attention is drawn. Imagination will help bring what you want into reality.
  5. Don’t tell anyone that you made a conspiracy, otherwise someone else’s energy may interfere with you.

During the ritual, it would be nice to have his photograph in front of your eyes. If it’s not there, then it’s okay: imagine the person in front of you, how he smiles at you, thinks about you, wants to call you. Then you will succeed.

The simplest and easiest slander

This plot is used when it is necessary for a guy to call immediately after a meeting or on the third day. Buy a small red candle and light it, placing it on the table. Place your mobile phone nearby and cover it with your left hand. Say the following spell words:

“Just as a candle on the table burns and burns out, so your heart (boyfriend’s name) is worried and knows no peace. Your hand is dialing the number, your heart wants to hear my voice. Dial my numbers quickly, calm your soul, take care of yourself. Let it be so!"

That same evening the person to whom the secret words were addressed will call you. If this did not happen, it means the guy was very busy and will definitely call after three days. The plot is one hundred percent working!

Ritual if you know the phone number

Take the thing he touched, or his photo, or write his phone number on a piece of paper. At night, show what you chose to perform the ritual to the Moon. And say this love spell:

“How the moon looks at me, how the night yearns for broad day,
So you too, servant of God (boyfriend’s name), yearn for me, run to me.
I am a beauty, illuminated by the moon, I am pretty, placed in your thoughts.
As the breeze murmurs in the leaves, so my voice lives in you.
Run faster, bring your speech.
When you hear my dear voice, your heart will be filled with longing for love!”

They said a conspiracy and go to bed, putting the thing that you slandered under your pillow. If everything is done correctly, the desired call will definitely come the next day. The main thing is that the ritual must be carried out with conviction, without even a shadow of doubt. Then everything will definitely work out. Your thoughts will be conveyed to the guy. He will remember you and feel the urge to call you.

Spell on the phone if there is no number

If you don’t have the guy’s phone number or belongings, but you really want him to call, you can use the following plot. Take your mobile phone. Imagine well the situation when he calls you. You can visualize his photo on the phone screen, you can visualize the ringing music, you can visualize your feelings. And if it works, then it’s better to do it all at once. This will be much more effective. Now, looking at the phone seven times in a row, read the following plot:

“My beloved (name), you miss, you feel sad, you look at your phone - you’re jealous! You were offended, you pouted, you turned away from the phone! My beloved (name), pick up the phone and call my beloved (your name)! As my voice sounds on the phone, your heart will beat! Love in your body will pour in as my voice responds! My beloved (name), call! Unite our hearts! Amen!"

After reading the plot seven times, keep the visualization of your conversation for a while. This way the connection between your energy bodies will be stronger. If everything is done correctly within three days the guy should call you.

A spell to call a guy who doesn't know your number

This plot is used if you met a guy, you liked him, but there was no continuation of the acquaintance. In order not to suffer and not suffer in the unknown, you can do a little magic ritual to remind the guy of your existence. Usually, even if he did not ask for your mobile number, a call will certainly follow. (Everything is within reason, if he has the opportunity to find out your phone number from mutual friends!)

Stand in front of a large mirror. You should see yourself from the waist up. The reflection should not occupy the entire surface of the mirror. Take a good look at your image and think about what could attract his attention (face, eyes, lips, etc.). Now imagine that your boyfriend is standing behind your right shoulder, and the guy you like is standing behind your left shoulder. Read the plot nine times in a row, trying not to lose the images in the reflection:

“Anyone (name) is lost, lost in a deep forest! My angel, follow him over the mountains into the forests, or fly to heaven! May the Servant of God (name) be found! He'll turn back to me with news! My angel, don’t let me down! Bring the servant of God (name) to me! Amen!"

After reading, you need to cover the mirror with a scarf for a while so that the energy is preserved. If a guy knows your phone number, after the conspiracy, he will definitely call. And if there is no way to recognize him, then he will try to meet you in the place where you met. So go meet your destiny exactly where you met!

A plot to make a guy call and apologize

And if you are in a quarrel with a guy, and you want him to call first, then you can use another plot. You can, of course, be the very first to go for reconciliation, without resorting to magic. It is even better. This will make you look wiser and more feminine. But this is not always possible.

It happens that the circumstances are not clear to you and you cannot understand what is happening. Then you can contact magical powers for assistance. Perhaps a little push on your part will keep the relationship strong and lead to happiness for both of you.

For the ritual, a photo of a loved one is used. You must look carefully at his face and imagine that he is in this moment talking to you. Then take a piece of paper and write his phone number on it. Cut the piece of paper with the number so that only numbers remain on it (the edge should be as small as possible). Place a piece of paper with a number on the photo (it should represent a mobile phone).

Read the following words three times:

“Like a stork flies to the south, like a fish swims in the ocean,
Just as the earth cannot live without a clear sun,
So you (name) don’t sleep without me (name), don’t eat, and according to my words, you yearn.
Like the nightingale in the grove chirps, sings songs, love calls,
So you (name) miss my speech (name), you remember me with your heart!
As soon as you hear my answer on the phone, your melancholy will disappear. Amen!"

Speak, imagining how he is already dialing your number. You can even imagine music playing from your phone's speakers, which usually means it's ringing. The visualization must be very convincing. Now roll up a piece of paper with his phone number into a small ball and tie it to your mobile phone with a red thread (or yellow, white, green). The color of the thread will depend on the desired relationship.

  • Red - ardent love,
  • yellow – romance,
  • green - friendship,
  • white - marriage proposal.

Carry the ball tied to the phone until it rings. You won't have to wait long! Then it is better to burn the piece of paper so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. This is a magical attachment that can be used to destroy your relationship.

Second spell to call when breaking up

This plot is used in case of separation. When you broke up “forever”, but you want to maintain the relationship, if you can’t take the first step, but you really want to continue pleasant communication, then use the following slander:

“The crows flew in, we scattered to the sides! The birds have flown away - let your beloved (name) return! Holy Mary, help! Save and preserve our love! Let the Servant of God (name) send a message to the Servant of God (name). Holy Mary! Send his heart flying! Let him not toil and suffer, but let him quickly dial my number. Amen!"

You need to read it five times in a row, imagining it well. There is one indispensable condition: you must stop being angry and offended by him. What's done is done, you need to move on without anger and negativity. Remember all the good things that happened between you and read the plot. Your favorite guy will definitely call you! If for some reason the conspiracy did not work, there are others that are stronger. Use them.

What else to read