Medical Academy correspondence department. Medical education in the Russian Federation in the field of cosmetology: levels, standards, subtleties of regulation. Risen from the ashes


Getting an education in Moscow is prestigious, and getting a medical education is doubly prestigious. Thousands of young people from other countries specially go to the capital of the Russian Federation for the coveted crust, not to mention the millions of applicants from Russian regions. But not everyone manages to catch the “crane” in the form of a reputable medical university - the requirements there are high and the competitions are sometimes crazy. But an institution of a lower rank - a school or college - is a much more affordable option. And besides, a good springboard for subsequent jumps - after a university diploma. So, where can you get a secondary medical education in Moscow? Here are some options.

FSBEI "Medical College"

Previously, the institution was called the Medical School of the 4th Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health, and now it is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Medical College”. It trains nurses, medical laboratory technicians, paramedics and advanced practice nurses.

The form of education is full-time. Students are accepted on the basis of ninth and eleventh grades (terms of study - 46 and 34 months, respectively). Training is implemented on a budget and contract basis. Employment of graduates is possible. The college does not provide dormitories.

Medical School No. 15 of the Moscow Health Department

The school was created in 1954 on the basis of a nursing school. Today they also teach nursing and train obstetricians here. Training of obstetricians is possible only on the basis of secondary general education, and to enroll as a nurse, 9th grade will be enough (but there is also a program for graduates of 11th grade). The duration of the nursing course is 46 months for those who entered after the 9th grade, and 34 months for those with secondary education. general education

. Midwives study for 34 months. Full-time form of education. Budgetary and contractual frameworks are provided.

Medical College No. 5 of the Moscow City Department of Health Secondary medical education in Moscow can also be obtained at College No. 5, which was once called Medical school

No. 37, opened in 55 of the last century. The founder of the educational institution is the Moscow City Department of Health. entry level vocational education (but graduates of 11th grade are also accepted). Nursing education is implemented on the basis of basic general education. The duration of the course for both specialties is 46 months. The form of education is full-time. In addition to the daytime, a contract basis is provided: nursing - 100 thousand rubles per year, medical care - 110 thousand rubles per year.

Medical College No. 4 of the Moscow Health Department

Until 2008, College No. 4 was Medical School No. 18, founded in 1955. Today, paramedics, midwives and nurses are trained here. Training is conducted full-time and part-time. Duration – 4 courses. Graduates of 9th grade can only study full-time.

Provided paid services. The cost of a year of study ranges from 51 thousand rubles to 97 thousand (depending on the course and specialty). The educational institution does not provide dormitories for its students, but arranging employment after graduation is possible.

All of the above educational institutions provide state diplomas and have required licenses, manage highly professional personnel. In addition to knowledge, they try to give their students an interesting and rich student life.


Education can be obtained not only full-time, you can study remotely and, of course, by correspondence. But when it comes to medicine, is it possible to get an education in a medical specialty by correspondence? Let's find out.

What does it mean to study medical specialties by correspondence? Not everyone imagines how one can learn this complex profession in absentia. Of course, no one can teach, say, surgery or dentistry in absentia. To become a doctor, you must study at a university and only full-time, with all the necessary theory and practice. It’s strange to imagine a dentist who received his medical specialty in absentia. What if it is a surgeon, cardiologist, gynecologist or therapist? Who would risk entrusting their life to a doctor who studied by correspondence? I think there are few people so desperate.

Medical specialties by correspondence

When we talk about correspondence training for doctors, we usually mean advanced training or retraining for those who already have a diploma in some kind of medical educational institution. But, nevertheless, there are some specialties that can be conditionally classified as medical, which can be learned in absentia. For example, “medical optics” with the qualification “medical optician”. This specialty can be obtained in college, by correspondence in just over 2 years of study. Also, for example, you can get the specialty “Nursing” in absentia with the qualification of manager.

One of the few medical specialties that can be obtained by correspondence, because it is not directly related to intervention in the human body, but requires more good theoretical training than knowledge of some practical things, this is pharmaceuticals. Nowadays pharmacies do not make their own medicines, but sell ready-made medicines, but, nevertheless, the pharmacist must also know a lot about the human body, about the processes in this body, and have an excellent knowledge of chemistry and biology.

Correspondence studies at the pharmacy department can be obtained, for example, at the Moscow state university them. I.M. Sechenov, it will cost approximately 70,000 rubles. for the academic year. At Moscow State University, training in this specialty will cost about 200,000 rubles, at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - about 75,000 rubles. for the academic year.

You can also get a correspondence medical specialty as a nurse or nurse. For example, the Faculty of Medicine of the RUDN University accepts applicants for the specialty “Nursing”. The duration of training will be 4.5 years, the form of training is contractual, entrance exams: biology, Russian, chemistry.

The requirements for applicants to the part-time department are not as strict as for full-time students. They note that getting into Moscow State University and First Medical University is somewhat more difficult than entering other Moscow universities.

As for the specialty “General Medicine”, the answer is clear. None distance learning. Correspondence medical specialties in Russia are a great rarity, a value tending to zero. It is safe to say that it is impossible to become a physician (doctor, paramedic) in absentia. Full-time training only, day or evening. In, as already mentioned above, medical workers with an existing medical higher or secondary education have the opportunity to receive mostly correspondence medical education.

Where do you study a medical specialty by correspondence?

Medical specialties can be obtained by correspondence in many educational institutions. These include all Moscow medical universities and colleges. You can take courses in nursing, midwifery, primary health care and preventive care for the population. Such courses are intended for nurses in clinics, hospitals, and primary health care institutions.

More and more actively developing modern methods obtaining education, including obtaining medical specialties by correspondence. There are Interactive online courses for medical workers “Interactive Academy of Doctors” based on the First Medical Center (First Moscow State medical University them. THEM. Sechenov). In absentia, only a set of cycles of advanced training for general or thematic improvement is offered. Short courses (16-144 hours), which present current and helpful information. Certification courses and professional retraining courses in full-time and part-time form.

When enrolling in the correspondence department, you need to understand that your studies will require you to be more self-organized and responsible, since with this form of education, students obtain a large amount of knowledge independently, from educational literature. And how well you will absorb the information and be ready to apply it in practice depends only on your ability to gather and concentrate.

It is much more difficult to obtain medical specialties by correspondence than any other, there is no need to explain for a long time why. Constant practice can help in your studies. For example, you can start with junior medical staff, getting a job as a nanny or laboratory assistant in a hospital. And in the process of work it will be somewhat easier to learn and comprehend the theory and obtain the qualification of a nurse. If you want to become a doctor, you will have to obtain higher full-time education.

Admission plan for the 2014 - 2015 academic year

Training on a budget basis






Laboratory diagnostics


Laboratory diagnostics

Medical laboratory technician

Training under contracts with payment of tuition fees

Code and name of specialty



Full-time education



Part-time (evening) form of education

Laboratory diagnostics

Medical laboratory technician

Admission rules
The school provides training in the following specialties:


Educational requirements



Duration of study at the School

Basic general education

Full-time (day)


3 years 10 months

Laboratory diagnostics

Secondary (complete) general, primary, secondary and higher vocational education

Full-time (day)

Laboratory diagnostics

2 years 10 months

Part-time (evening)

Laboratory diagnostics

3 years 10 months

Admission to educational organizations of persons for training in educational programs is carried out on the basis of applications from persons with basic general or secondary general education, unless otherwise established by Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Acceptance of applications from persons applying for training in educational programs in specialties 02/34/01 Nursing, 02/31/03. Laboratory diagnostics are carried out until August 1, 2014 ( on the basis of basic general education) .

Acceptance of applications to an educational organization for full-time / part-time (evening) education in the specialty 02/31/03. Laboratory diagnostics are carried out until August 15, 2014, and if available free seats In educational organizations, the acceptance of documents is extended until October 1, 2014 ( on the basis of secondary (full) general, primary, secondary and higher vocational education ).



  1. When admitting applicants to the School for training in the specialty 340201 Nursing, entrance examinations are carried out, requiring applicants to have certain psychological qualities (formed interest in the profession).
  2. The entrance examination is carried out in the form of testing (written).
  3. The entrance test is conducted in accordance with the schedule. Date and time entrance test is brought to the attention of the applicant when submitting documents.
  4. Persons who did not appear for the admissions test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) are allowed to attend at the next stage of the admissions tests, but only until they are completely completed.
  5. Persons who fail to appear for the admissions test without a valid reason are not allowed to retake the admissions test.

There are no entrance tests for the specialty 02/31/01 Laboratory diagnostics.

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, financial support which is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations of the city of Moscow, the educational organization carries out admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education in specialties based on the results of the applicants’ mastery of the educational program of basic general or secondary (complete) general education, indicated in the state-issued educational documents submitted by the applicant.

Features of conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities disabilities health

1. Persons with disabilities, upon admission to educational organizations, pass entrance tests taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics) of such applicants.
2. When conducting entrance tests, the following requirements are ensured;
- entrance examinations are conducted for persons with disabilities in the same classroom together with applicants who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing the entrance test;
- the presence of an assistant who provides applicants with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics(take workplace, move around, read and complete the task, communicate with the examiner);
- applicants are provided with printed instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations;
- applicants, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need during the entrance test;
- material and technical conditions must ensure the possibility of unimpeded access for applicants to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators; in the absence of elevators, the classroom should be located on the ground floor; the presence of special chairs and other devices).

List of documents for admission:

For citizens of the Russian Federation:
- original or photocopy of identification documents, citizenship;
- original or photocopy of a state-issued document on education and (or) qualifications;

- certificate of vaccinations or certificate of vaccinations (indicating their series and date : ADS-m R3, measles Rv (re-vaccination), Paratitis Rv (re-vaccination), Hepatitis “B” V3, Rubella Rv (re-vaccination), Mantoux R, BCG);
- preliminary medical certificate medical examination (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 No. 697). The certificate must include the conclusions of a therapist, dermatovenerologist, otolaryngologist and dentist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist, psychiatrist, narcologist, radiologist (fluorography), ECG, as well as laboratory test results ( clinical analysis blood, clinical urine analysis, biochemical analysis blood).

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad:
- a copy of the applicant’s identity document, or an identity document foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 10 Federal Law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation";
- the original document of a foreign state on education and (or) qualifications (or its duly certified copy), if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education in accordance with Article 107 of the Federal Law (in the case established by the Federal Law , - also a certificate of recognition of foreign education);
- a duly certified translation into Russian of a foreign state’s document on education and (or) qualifications and its annexes (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document was issued);
- copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 24, 1999 “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad”;
- 6 photographs, size 3x4, (matte);
- vaccination certificate or vaccination certificate (indicating their series and date: ADS-m R3, measles Rv (revaccination), Paratitis Rv (revaccination), Hepatitis B V3, Rubella Rv (revaccination), Mantoux R, BCG);
- medical certificate of preliminary medical examination (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 No. 697). The certificate must include the conclusions of a therapist, dermatovenerologist, otolaryngologist and dentist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist, psychiatrist, narcologist, radiologist (fluorography), ECG, as well as laboratory test results (clinical blood test, clinical urine test, biochemical blood test).
- All translations into Russian must be made using the last name, first name and patronymic (the latter - if available) indicated in the identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.

The Application form and a sample for filling out can be obtained from the Admissions Committee and on the school’s website in the Admissions Committee section. The application is being filled out applicants themselves(and not by parents, relatives, etc.) by hand. The application downloaded from the website can be filled out at home and brought along with other documents.
- If the applicant submits an application that does not contain all the information provided for in this paragraph, and (or) information that does not correspond to reality, GBOU SPO “MU No. 19 DZM” returns the documents to the applicant.
- In the event that an applicant fails to provide or is invalid a medical certificate, or if it does not contain, in whole or in part, information about a medical examination that meets the requirements established by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, GBOU SPO “MU No. 19 DZM” ensures that the applicant undergoes a medical examination in full or in the missing part in order established by the said order.

Information about the time and place of the medical examination will be posted on the official website by June 2, 2014.
- Muscovites should obtain a certificate from their place of residence.
- Applicants have the right to submit an application for admission, as well as Required documents through public postal operators (hereinafter - by mail), as well as in electronic form by the address [email protected]. When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a document on education and (or) qualifications, as well as other documents provided for by this Procedure.
-When submitting original documents in person, applicants are allowed to certify their photocopies educational organization.
-Documents are accepted only as a complete package, with a fully executed medical certificate.
- As applications are received, the rating of applicants based on the average score of the certificate will be published on the school’s website.

Enrollment in GBOU SPO "MU No. 19 DZM"
1. The applicant submits the original document on education and (or) qualifications within the time limits established by the educational organization.
2. After the deadline for submitting original education documents, the head of the educational organization issues an order for the enrollment of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment and who have submitted the originals of the relevant documents. An appendix to the enrollment order is a list of named persons. The order with an attachment is posted on the next working day after publication at the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the educational organization.
Advertisement secondary general education indicated in the educational documents submitted by applicants. At the same time, persons with higher the average score of the educational document of the corresponding level, calculated up to and including the third decimal place. Upon presentation of a state-issued document confirming receipt of secondary (complete) general education along with completion of primary vocational education programs (diploma), non-professional academic disciplines (academic disciplines not related to general professional and special ones) are taken into account when calculating the average score. In case of equal average scores, preference is given to those with a higher score in general education subjects assessed in the following sequence: biology, Russian language, chemistry, computer science, algebra, foreign language, basics of life safety, physics, geometry, history, geography.

For persons with disabilities:
- original and copy of the disability certificate issued by federal agency medical and social examination;
- conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, submit the original and (or) copy of the documents:
- certificate of disability;
- a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for training, issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination.

Teachers: MCLI (Clinical Laboratory Research Methods), Biochemistry, Histology, Microbiology, Chemistry.
Education: higher pedagogical and secondary specialized or medical.
With experience working in laboratories of medical organizations.

Despite the deplorable situation of the budgetary part of healthcare in Russia, higher medical education (especially obtained at Moscow universities) enjoys stable popularity. , offering applicants training in various specialties of higher medical education, contains six state universities.


If you look at the average passing score of the Unified State Exam in 2011, you can understand that the most prestigious and practically inaccessible for most applicants (and Russia as a whole) is the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In order to become a student at the best dental university in Russia, applicants had to show an average of 84.3 points on the Unified State Exam. It is especially interesting that “Stomat” for the first time managed to overtake the oldest medical one - the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov.

Maybe, similar situation developed due to the relatively small number of budget places distributed to on a competitive basis- 284 in “Stomat” versus 990 in “First Honey”. But it is worth noting that both the competition and the passing score for the main specialties at First Med were still higher (see tables).

At the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, you can enroll in three “medical” faculties: dentistry, general medicine, and the faculty of clinical psychology. The situation for these faculties was as follows:

Faculty Budget training Paid training
Number of seats Contest Unified State Exam Number of seats Contest Unified State Exam
Dental (day department) 250 15,0 240 125 10,2 214 145 000
Dental (evening department) 100 11,0 198 30 12,3 153 145 000
Medical (day department) 230 20,0 225 80 19,4 225 87 000
Medical (evening department) 180 8,3 172 30 15,5 179 79 000
Clinical Psychology 25 50,4 169 15 25,8 217 75 000

At first glance, the competition for contract training at this time may seem surprisingly high. But the fact is that almost all the places in this area were occupied by “targeted people.”


The name of this university speaks for itself: the first - and therefore the oldest, best and most famous. It is this Moscow university that is the cherished goal of most applicants from all over Russia who dream of receiving a high-quality medical education. Finding itself in second place among Moscow medical institutes in 2011, First Med imposed, as usual, strict requirements on its applicants: 83.3 points on the Unified State Examination. At this Moscow university you can obtain higher medical education in six specialties: general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics, preventive medicine, clinical psychology and pharmacy.

Competition and passing scores for the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov in 2011.

Speciality Budget training Paid training
Number of seats Competition person/place Unified State Exam Number of seats Competition person/place Tuition fee RUR/year
"General Medicine" (day department) 349 15,60 255 535 4,43 91 000
“General Medicine” (evening department) 80 10,86 181 30 11,23 91 000
"Dentistry" (day department) 68 37,25 242 115 9,06 127 000
"Dentistry" (evening department) 30 12,33 145 20 7,75 127 000
"Pediatrics" 13 173,08 248 15 49,73 75 000
"Clinical psychology" 10 56,90 202 15 15,80 60 000
"Medical and preventive work" 88 17,51 186 15 27,27 65 000
"Pharmacy" (day department) 168 12,68 195 35 16,89 75 000
"Pharmacy" (evening department) 25 10,92 115 10 10,30 70 000
"Pharmacy" (correspondence department) 75 2,21 152 25 3,60 71 000

Risen from the ashes:

The competition for the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was quite high - 10.16 people per place. The faculty was recreated in 1992, thereby replacing the “First Honey” that separated many years ago. At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, training is carried out in two directions: “general medicine” (35 budget places) and “pharmacy” (15 budget places). At the same time, becoming a doctor at Moscow State University is much more difficult than becoming a pharmacist. To enter “general medicine”, applicants needed to score at least 372 points out of 400 possible, while for pharmacy – “only” 336. Note that when entering the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, the Unified State Examination in Russian language, biology and chemistry is taken into account, but applicants must take one entrance examination in chemistry (written). Those who passed the exam with a positive mark, but did not pass the competition, are given the opportunity to obtain a higher medical education at Moscow State University for a record amount of 271,000 rubles per year.

Giving opportunities:

“Second honey”, as people call it RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov, in terms of popularity was far from second, but almost last. The average score for admission to the Unified State Exam is 74.8. It is interesting that the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov gives an opportunity to applicants who are not confident in their abilities to enter the budget and at the same time cannot pay for their education. The fact is that in 1998, the Moscow Government began to finance training in the specialties “general practitioner” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening) and “pediatrician” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening). A special feature of this faculty is that after graduation, the graduate must work for 3 years in Moscow municipal clinics. Accordingly, the competition for the Moscow Faculty is much lower than average.

Faculties, number of budget places and cost of training at RNRMU named after. N.I. Pirogov.


The situation with admission to the medical faculty of the not very prestigious Peoples' Friendship University of Russia looks quite deceptive. Training here is carried out in three areas: “medicine”, “dentistry” and “pharmacy”. At the same time, the passing grade is budget places in RUDN was higher than in many “iconic” medical institutes Moscow:

It is worth noting the incredibly low competition for a contract basis Faculty of Medicine RUDN University However, this can be associated with the incredibly inflated cost of training. On the other hand, only RUDN University gives a real chance to get a higher medical education in Moscow, if Unified State Exam results not happy at all.

If we talk about the popularity of specialties, the TOP-3 consistently includes: “general medicine”, “dentistry” and “pediatrics”. To obtain a medical education in Moscow in these areas, the applicant will have to show truly outstanding results. On the back of the list: “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Psychology” and “Preventive Medicine”. However, it is impossible to single out one “best” or “worst” specialty. It seems quite logical that in “First Med” there is the highest competition in the field of general medicine, and in “Dentistry” - in the Faculty of Dentistry. So, it is not enough for an applicant to choose the right specialty; it is also necessary to evaluate their possibilities of entering a specific one.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

We will analyze in detail the qualification requirements for cosmetologists, as well as specialists with secondary medical education. Using cosmetology as an example, characteristics of the various stages of medical education in the Russian Federation will be given. Based on the analysis of numerous acts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as judicial practice, conclusions will be drawn about the features educational process and details that you should pay attention to when concluding an agreement with an educational organization.

In the Russian Federation it is established next levels vocational education:

  1. secondary vocational education;
  2. higher education - bachelor's degree;
  3. higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Through the prism of medical education this system will look like this:

  • secondary medical education
  • higher medical education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's) 1
  • Postgraduate professional education according to the basic professional educational program (internship)
  • training of highly qualified medical personnel (residency)
  • an additional step in the form of professional retraining or advanced training.

For clarity, let us analyze the above diagram step by step using the example of secondary and higher medical education required to work in the field of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.

The nursing staff in cosmetology includes a cosmetology nurse (the position is contained in the Nomenclature of Positions approved).

Accordingly, there is a separate specialty “Nursing in cosmetology”, the qualification requirements for which are established; Let's present them as follows:

Federal educational provides for 2 types of training: basic and advanced. They differ in the duration of training, as well as in the types of activities to which an employee who has successfully completed the program will be admitted. The difference in the types of activities lies, by and large, in the ability of a person who has undergone advanced training, in contrast to a person who has received basic training, to engage in organizational and research nursing activities.

In addition to the type of training, the duration of obtaining secondary medical education is also influenced by the existing education and form of training. Based on secondary general education (“successful completion secondary school") Obtaining secondary medical education will take 2 years 10 months for the basic program, and 3 years 10 months for the advanced program. If you have a basic general education (“9 years of general education school”), then obtaining a secondary medical education in the basic program will take 3 years 10 months, in an advanced program – 4 years 10 months. Part-time and part-time education (also colloquially referred to as “evening”) will increase the period of obtaining secondary medical education with an existing secondary general education by no more than 1 year, and with an existing basic general education by no more than 1.5 years.

Recently, “Nursing” exists at the level of not only secondary vocational education, but also higher education (bachelor’s level). The corresponding educational standard was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated September 3, 2015 No. 964. The duration of education is 4 years. Upon completion, the graduate has the right, among other things, to engage in organizational and managerial activities (organizing the activities of nursing services at various levels), teaching and research activities.

Please note that having a higher medical education does not automatically equate the status of nursing staff with the status of a doctor.

Even with a higher education in the specialty “Nursing”, a nurse continues to belong to the category of paramedical personnel; she does not become a doctor.

A nurse in cosmetology with a bachelor's degree in nursing does not become a cosmetologist, does not acquire the right to prescribe and carry out medical procedures, evaluate patient complaints, etc. For more information about the activities of a cosmetologist, see paragraphs 5.6.

Please tell me, I have a nursing diploma, graduated in 2004 in Georgia, how can I confirm it and how to get a certificate?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 29, 2012 “On approval of the conditions and procedure for issuing a specialist certificate to medical and pharmaceutical workers, the form and technical requirements of a specialist certificate”, a certificate is issued to persons who have received secondary medical education in foreign countries Federal service on supervision in the field of health care.

Terms of issue:

1. Availability of certificates establishing the equivalence of educational documents (certificates of recognition of documents of foreign states on the level of education and (or) qualifications...

Is it possible to apostille a diploma of secondary education from the First Professional Institute of Aesthetics, 4th category cosmetologist? 450 working hours are indicated in the diploma.

Yes, documents on secondary vocational education are subject to apostille. To do this, you need to submit a written or electronic application (through the government services portal). Confirmation of educational documents falls within the competence of the executive authorities of the subjects exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation...

Secondary medical education vs. education of a specialist in the provision of household cosmetic services

Due to frequently asked questions Let us dwell in more detail on the relationship between secondary medical education and the education necessary to provide household services.

A cosmetology nurse is a position that requires a mandatory secondary medical education, which is obvious.

However, to carry out procedures that are domestic in nature, which include: tattooing, manicure, pedicure, etc., to work as a cosmetologist, esthetician, or cosmetic esthetician, no medical education is required, since the indicated .

To work as a specialist in the provision of household cosmetic services, namely: a cosmetologist, an esthetician, a cosmetic esthetician, an esthetician technician or a specialist in the field of applied aesthetics, a secondary vocational education is required, but not a secondary medical education.

To complete the topic of secondary medical education, we will inform you (or remind those who are in the know) that a number of positions of paramedical personnel, an exhaustive list of which has been established, can be assigned to persons who have not fully mastered the higher education program (who have completed 3 years and more). This list does not include a nurse in cosmetology, but simply a nurse, a treatment room nurse, etc.

So if you have not completed the higher medical education program, then you can work in certain positions of nursing staff (the right is secured by clause 5 of Article 69).

However, from the above it should not be concluded that having 3 years of education, for example, in the “Dentistry” profile, you can get a job as a nurse, and then retrain as a nurse in cosmetology, without having a diploma in nursing, midwifery or general medicine. It is necessary to understand that the admission of “undergraduates” to practice is an exception aimed at solving certain personnel issues, but in no way a way to bypass the qualification requirements for medical personnel.

If a specialist with secondary vocational education in the specialty “applied aesthetics” (= cosmetologist) receives a diploma in the specialty “nursing” (in that order), wouldn’t this be an analogue of receiving the specialty “nursing in cosmetology”?

Secondary vocational education "applied aesthetics" has no relation to secondary medical education, which includes the specialty "nursing". Therefore, regardless of the order of receipt of education, it will not be possible to equate the secondary education of an esthetician, received before secondary medical education, with the education of “Nursing in cosmetology”...

According to professional standard, Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF 12/22/2014 No. 1069n “Specialist in the provision of household cosmetic services” educational requirements do not provide for compulsory medical education for a cosmetician. I was trained at training center having a license to conduct educational activities according to educational programs vocational training by profession "Cosmetician". Upon completion of training, I received a diploma of qualification “Cosmetician of the III category” in accordance with the State requirements for the minimum content and level of professional training for the assignment of this qualification (as written in the diploma). From the point of view of the inspection bodies, is my education sufficient to work as a cosmetologist in a beauty salon in accordance with the above Standard?

You are right, a medical education is not required to provide household cosmetic services. However, we advise you to pay close attention to the list of procedures that relate to household cosmetic services, as well as the requirements for the specialist providing them. The list of services and requirements is contained in the Professional Standard approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection...

If I have completed the “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge” course, is this an advantage for me when working as a tattoo artist? Or is it necessary to study at a medical college?

A tattoo artist is a specialist in providing household services; he is not required to have a compulsory medical education. Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a tattoo specialist are established, respectively, which is approved...

If honey is available. licenses in the spa complex, specialists with medical staff work. education and specialization: massage therapists and cosmetologists. Who has the right to do body treatments (peelings and wraps, not massage)? A link to legislation is required.

Wrapping and peeling has the right to be carried out by a specialist in the provision of household cosmetic services. These types of activities do not require a mandatory medical education, however, the specialist performing them must meet the requirements established by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 22, 2014 “On approval of the professional standard “Specialist in the provision of household cosmetic services” ...

In terms of the duration and degree of complexity of the educational process, obtaining a medical education is certainly superior to obtaining higher education in any other specialty. A system of several stages, each of which takes several years, should ideally be aimed at cultivating highly qualified medical personnel. Unfortunately, some decisions taken by government authorities in connection with international legal obligations are likely to “cripple” the system of higher education in Russia in general 2 and medical education in particular. There is no hope that reforms will bypass medical education. However, let's look at that educational system, which is still preserved.

By analogy with the description of secondary medical education, we will analyze higher medical education using the example of a cosmetologist.

The requirements for cosmetologists have been established; let’s present them in the form of a table:

Specialty "Cosmetology"

Level of professional education

Higher education - specialty in one of the specialties: "General Medicine", "Pediatrics"

Residency training in cosmetology

Additional professional education

Professional retraining in the specialty "Cosmetology" if you have completed an internship/residency in the specialty "Dermatovenereology"

Advanced training at least once every 5 years throughout your career


Cosmetologist; head (chief) of a structural unit (department, division, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - cosmetologist

As we can see, the level of higher education is clearly established: specialty. That is, the division into bachelor's and master's degrees has not yet reached the specialties established by Order No. 707.

Before moving on to the analysis of the direct requirements for cosmetologists, let us briefly dwell on such a stage of postgraduate education as internship. Moreover, this stage will soon sink into oblivion, giving way to a long-term residency.

Internship training ensures acquisition by a specialist required level knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as qualifications to occupy positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers. The duration of internship training cannot exceed one year.

However from September 1, 2017, internship will be abolished. Admission to internship programs was closed on September 1, 2016. According to officials, who are making every effort to reduce budget expenditures on the social sector, the abolition of internships will shorten the training period for doctors and will allow personnel to be sent to outpatient clinics. In a few years, it will be possible to judge what the refusal of pre-graduate internships for medical students led to: an increase in the number of doctors in clinics or a decrease in the quality of services provided. medical care?

According to the legislator, the lack of internship should be compensated for by residency, which will be discussed further.

Residency as a stage of higher education is aimed at training highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies can serve as an analogue of residency in the system of higher “non-medical education”). Persons with at least a higher education degree (specialist's or master's degree) are allowed to participate in residency programs. Persons with higher medical education and (or) higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to master residency programs (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2013 No. 1258).

The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (level of training of highly qualified personnel) provides for full-time training for 2 years. Part-time or part-time residency is not provided. The residency program in cosmetology is divided into 3 blocks: disciplines (basic and variable part), practices (basic and variable part), state final certification. During preparation, students participate in the provision of medical care in the “Cosmetology” profile with the consent of the patients and in compliance with the requirements of medical ethics (the procedure for such participation is established). The basic part of the residency program is established by the standard, and the variable organization determines independently within the limits established by the standard.

The procedure for admitting citizens to study in residency programs has been established.

I am a dermatologist with 18 years of experience. I would like to work in cosmetology. Currently I work as a doctor in a regional hospital. Can I get a specialization in cosmetology on the job, i.e. on weekend courses?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/25/2014 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the specialty 08/31/38 Cosmetology (level of training of highly qualified personnel)”, obtaining an education under a residency program in the “Cosmetology” profile is allowed only in organizations that provide...

The training center where I work insists that I teach injection cosmetology. Tell me, who has the right to teach injection cosmetology and what requirements must be met at the training center?

Employees of organizations operating in the field of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation are allowed to pedagogical activity for educational programs of higher medical education or higher pharmaceutical education, as well as additional professional programs for persons with higher education, if they have: a diploma of higher medical education or higher pharmaceutical education; ...

I am a pediatrician, I want to retrain as a cosmetologist, do I understand correctly that first I must retrain as a dermatologist and only then as a cosmetologist?

No, that's not true. Requirements: higher education in the specialty "General Medicine" or "Pediatrics", as well as residency in cosmetology. We believe that you satisfy the first requirement, thus...

After graduating from medical school in St. Petersburg, she completed an internship and residency in another specialty in 1996. In 2004, I decided to change my profile and completed primary specialization in dermatovenerology, received a specialist certificate in dermatovenereology and then a specialist certificate (improvement in therapeutic cosmetology in the amount of 144 hours (2005)). Starting from 2005 and almost until now, I worked in my specialty, but it is difficult to confirm my experience. I completed short-term training with state-issued documents in mesotherapy, etc. I want to bring my documents into compliance with modern legislation. What is the algorithm of actions and why am I denied admission to a cosmetology cycle (576 hours)? After all, there is a certain transition period to eliminate all legal problems?

It is not entirely clear what transition period and what legal problems we are talking about.

You say that it is impossible to confirm your professional experience over the past 11 years (since 2005). According to clause 3, part 1, art. 100 persons who have received a medical education and have not worked in their specialty for more than 5 years can be admitted to medical practice only after completing training in additional professional programs and having a specialist certificate...

Additional professional programs for medical and pharmaceutical workers are provided for in paragraphs. 3 p. 1 art. 82 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Implementation of professional educational programs Medical education and pharmaceutical education ensures continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills throughout life, as well as continuous improvement of professional level and expansion of qualifications.

Additional professional education can be obtained:

Professional retraining and advanced training are established in the requirements for both nursing staff and medical specialists. What is the difference between these concepts? In accordance with paragraph 4.5 of Art. 76 Federal Law “On Education” advanced training program is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and (or) increasing professional level within the framework of existing qualifications, and professional retraining program, in turn, is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring new qualifications.

There are different forms of documents indicating successful completion of an additional professional program. For persons who have completed additional professional education programs in the form of advanced training, such documents are a certificate of advanced training and a specialist certificate 3, and for those who have completed additional professional education programs in the form of professional retraining - a diploma of professional retraining and a specialist certificate (Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 26 .2012 No. 16-2/10/2-5713).

Training under additional professional education programs for workers with secondary and/or higher medical education that does not meet the qualification characteristics and qualification requirements established for workers in the healthcare sector, in force along with Order No. 707n, but with continuous experience practical work in the relevant medical or pharmaceutical specialty for more than 5 years, is organized:

  • for employees with 10 years of work experience or more, under additional professional education programs in the form of advanced training (the standard training period for any form of training ranges from 100 to 500 hours);
  • for workers with work experience from 5 to 10 years, under additional professional education programs in the form of professional retraining (the standard training period for any form of training is over 500 hours).

When concluding an agreement with an educational organization, we recommend that you pay attention not only to whether it has a license, but also to the compliance of the training periods established by the agreement with the deadlines, as well as the deadlines established educational Standard described below. As judicial practice shows (see, for example, Resolution of the Fifth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 25, 2012 No. 05-AP-3518/2012), the courts are not satisfied with the mere fact of submitting educational documents. In this case, the court drew attention to the insufficient number of hours of training, from which it concluded that they had not undergone professional retraining and brought them to justice on the basis of Art. 14.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Approximate additional professional programs for medical education and pharmaceutical education are developed and approved by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the healthcare sector.

Such a program was widespread in the specialty “Cosmetology”. The purpose of professional retraining (PP) is to master the knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary for a dermatovenerologist to perform a new type of professional activity in the specialty "Cosmetology". Specialists with higher medical education in the following specialties are accepted for PP cycles: 040100 “General Medicine”. 040200 "Pediatrics", and the main specialty is dermatovenerology. The duration of the PN cycle is 4 months, 576 hours.

Cosmetologists who have a five-year break from working in their specialty are allowed to take the certification exam after completing a professional retraining program lasting 4 months (576 hours).

The standard provides for general improvement and thematic improvement as activities aimed, respectively, at comprehensive professional development, deepening and expanding knowledge and skills, and mastering theory and practice on a specific issue/topic. The duration of the general improvement cycle is 144 hours, thematic improvement 72 hours, 144 hours or 288 hours, depending on the thematic cycle of additional education.

Unfortunately, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has not approved or distributed standard professional retraining programs in the specialty “Nursing in cosmetology.”

When undergoing professional retraining, specialists with secondary medical education must carefully study the documents provided to them by the educational organization. In turn, the portal site will closely monitor the emergence of new acts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the field of medical education.

Questions on the topic

I am a pediatrician with 20 years of experience, 5 years ago I completed an internship in dermatovenerology and then 506 hours in cosmetology. I have been officially working for more than a year in a medical clinic as a dermatocosmetologist. Can I not undergo advanced training in dermatovenerology every 5 years, but only in cosmetology? Will this be a problem for future licensing? Because there are opinions that if I don’t confirm dermatovenerology and without working as a dermatovenereologist, then I have to go through an internship again?

Please note: The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 does not provide for the position of dermatocosmetologist. The license of the organization in which you work must specify both types of activities: dermatovenereology and cosmetology. And you must be a full-time employee and combine 2 positions: a cosmetologist and a dermatovenerologist. Total load, according to Labor Code RF, should not exceed 1.75 bets. ...


1 To avoid confusion, we clarify: all three listed stages - bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree - represent completed higher education at different levels, the stages are listed from lowest to highest. Upon completion of each, a diploma is issued higher education a separate stage. Fortunately, medical education is still mostly specialized, but a division into bachelor’s and master’s degrees is already emerging, and there is every reason to believe that in the future, “to the detriment” of specialty, a system involving a division into bachelor’s and master’s degrees will be introduced everywhere.

2 It's about about the transition to the so-called "Bologna system" in the field of higher education.

3 The certificate will gradually be replaced by an accreditation certificate, which will not change the essence of this norm.

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