Mass effect andromeda weapon upgrades. Mass Effect: Andromeda guide: tips for beginners. Use shock troops and get free loot

home Good afternoon, readers! IN Mass Effect: Andromeda Good afternoon, readers! IN.

, like many RPGs, there is a metric called inventory size that prevents you from living the normal life of a “gatherer.” Also in this part of the series, weapon slots are limited, and today we will tell you how to increase your inventory and the number of these same weapon slots in

How to Increase Inventory Size in Mass Effect: Andromeda

You start with a limit of 50 slots, and cannot increase this number while you are on the first planet Eos. To expand the slot, you need to start accumulating Andromeda Viabilty Points (AVP - Andromeda Viabilty Points) and upgrade an ability called “Increasing inventory capacity”, yes, it couldn’t be easier.

How to Get More Weapon Slots in Mass Effect: Andromeda

You start with three weapon slots, one for melee and two for ranged. In order to get more slots, you need to invest points in the “Battle branch”. At rank 3 you will get 4 slots, and at rank 5 you will get 5.

P.S. Keep in mind that if you carry a lot of weapons, this will increase the cooldown time of your skills! :)

I haven't tested any pistols.
My build:
I play with a melee weapon. I use the N7 set for biotics and shield. Stormtrooper profile. In the hands of a Piranha with an old heat sink. Melee - Biotic amplifier, since you need to hit often so that the shield is restored faster.
Active skills: tactical camouflage, turbocharge, onslaught. In the passives I pumped up combat, biotic and some equipment. Instead of disguise, you can take a biotic spear. Still, it is rarely needed.
Onslaught teleports to the enemy across the entire battlefield + instantly restores the entire shield + increases melee damage.
When going into invisibility, the tech skill is triggered to restore the shield.
When hit in melee, part of the shield is restored.
Thus, I have at least three ways to quickly restore my shield.
If the enemy is not very strong, then attack and melee. If there are several or powerful enemies, then after the onslaught I turn on the turbo charge and first spray with a shotgun. Overheated - hand-to-hand combat. Repeat until annihilation. If they manage to break through the shield too quickly - again, attack them with a TP attack (it is quickly restored) or turn on camouflage (in especially severe cases).
By the way, on high difficulty, dudes with a shield (who still have to kill the drone first for the shield to disappear) fall in one go (or in two if you’re a little blunt). My damage per minute is monstrous. Hydras, nullifiers, and turrets also fall in close combat and do not have time to penetrate my shields.
The only thing that doesn’t fall on the first pass and can kill me is the heavy relic destroyers. Here you need to make several passes.
I suspect that there are not enough weapons that would annihilate the enemies' shields. It may very well be that I need to craft Rigar for these purposes, maybe then I will kill the destroyers faster.
I know that not everyone will like this, but I enjoy fighting in this build. Sometimes there is such a mess on the screen that you don’t have time to react, fortunately the onslaught is with auto-guidance (if the target is within the screen) and gives about 2 seconds of “pause” to look around.

Tdante wrote:
I haven't tested the pistols, sorry, they're almost useless.

The Uragan PP, even if you find or knock out a standard barrel online, will do anything thanks to its rate of fire and stability, the fire continues as long as you hold the trigger, there is almost no spread, out of 100 bullets 90 fly into the target (taking into account if the target motionless).
If you do it yourself with internal canopies + then add external canopies (both here and there, of course, it’s better to give everything for additional damage, which is rather low in terms of the base), then it will have practically no equal among all.
For example, I gave one slot for a magazine extender, now there are 75 rounds of ammunition... this is not just a PP, it’s something.
Yes, it doesn’t take a long distance, but it’s there for that" Black Widow", and yes, the reduced damage is relatively average, but there are biotics to help.
Tdante wrote:

First up, Valkyrie.
Secondly, it doesn’t have an “easy trigger” (at least I haven’t found one yet), you have to click it manually all the time, therefore it’s only effective when hitting the head... although due to the “pauses” between shots, I think it’s The difficulty level "madness" will take off even those who play with a mouse.
Tdante wrote:

Tdante wrote:
Asari Blade. The amplifier hits very quickly, but the blade is very powerful + teleports forward to the enemy.

I agree here, it’s beautiful and fast and the damage is like a krogan hammer + teleport to everything.

I'm looking for an assault, but so far I like the banal pioneer - there is accuracy, there is damage, it fires in bursts + stability and is quite suitable
sniper - black widow - shot-dead-next, and with her ammunition, more than one
shot - Dhan - especially with the turbo charge skill (or whatever the soldier has) works great against bosses like a demon
I haven’t tried everything on my hands yet, for some reason I want to take either a cryo-fist, or vice versa, a “burner”
I don’t use pistols, and I’m already on the verge of an advantage

Since the game has a lot of slag weapons, like the castrated Ghost and Hoe, and some not at all (M-15), the game forced the following: a stormtrooper with an Azarian sword and Tokin\Dhan for close combat. Cheap and cheerful. It turned out to be a normal homeless personStyle.)

"Scorpion" pistols - in second place in terms of damage among pistols, quite light, shoots sticky grenades, ideal for biotics
rifles - M-37 "Falcon" - if you sew a plasma charge into it during crafting, it only tears farts, huge damage, you don't need to aim at all, everything is annihilated in a couple of clicks
sniper rifles-in previous parts ME gave preference to “Widow” or “Black Widow”, the second by the way is still quite good, but I recommend “Isharai” more, not because of the damage, no (even though it is the highest in the game), I advise it mainly because HUGE penetrating effect of bullets, demolishes targets behind any cover, for a sniper this is damn important (especially since targets are highlighted in the sight if you select the infiltrator profile)
shotguns - I tried many, but "Dhan" is still the coolest, only 3 drawbacks - it shoots single shots (which is strange for a shotgun), a scythe (which is not strange for a shotgun, but coupled with the first drawback makes life difficult) and the limited flight distance of shells, they simply disappear after 20 meters, however, this can easily be solved if, when crafting, you sew a Velcro grenade system into the “dhana”, an ideal weapon against bosses

Pistol - "Ashior"
Drobashi is completely gone.
The best sniper is “Isharay”, and before it “Widow”
Assault - N7, probably.

A lot depends on the playing style. Someone goes through without using biotics at all, someone can play as an engineer, etc. and so on.

From "Ashior IX" you can easily squeeze 1624 damage, "Isharay" gives about 1600 + very good penetration of obstacles. If with a set for damage to vulnerable spots/head, it turns out chocolatey. Most die from a shot.

Nightma[R]e wrote:
I don’t use pistols; in my opinion, they are not needed at all.

In vain. There are really evil pistols.

Oh, and for the BB, the Azari blade has no options.

Something like this... Damage build

In general, +98% damage (take the “deadly infiltrator”) if you shoot at the heads. those. actually 2 times more damage.
If you take the “Union of Kett” armor set, the damage will be without shooting at the heads + a bonus from combat skills.

If there are better options, post them. Purely biotics, for example, and not guns.

In my opinion, the best option is a piranha and widow shotgun with a long barrel and a tactical sight.
Piranha takes out light infantry and small robots in a couple of shots. The Widow takes out light unarmored infantrymen in one shot with a headshot. And if you season this whole thing with special cartridges, then you get some killer stuff.

A shotgun needs to be close to be effective. If you really want to get into close combat, there is an Asari sword and a biotic, which can easily tear enemies apart. Armor set, class bonuses and forward.

And so - a widow and a good pistol can completely blow away anything. So what? Then, when you get to normal fluff, one headshot is really enough for most enemies, if you take the set that I outlined above.

That's it. Pistols have a small clip and it is more difficult to aim at close range while moving, and with the spread of a shotgun on a quickly moving enemy, the chance of catching is higher.
You need something fast-firing and lethal at close ranges and lethal at long ranges, not to mention the fact that the widow can punch through walls, which is not observed in any other rifle. And assault rifles have too little damage. Therefore, piranha and widow are the best for most situations.
That's how I play. Apart from weapons and other ammunition like grenades and special cartridges, I don’t use anything, neither biotics nor other skills, just like in other parts.

No one wrote about relic weapons
The scythe is not bad at all, similar to the Valkyrie, only 3 shots.
I made a grenade launcher from Valkyrie with a combo mod - a great thing for crowd control.
Well, at a distance Black Widow.
Melee - Azari Sword.

I also have fun with the BB, but purely in terms of biotics - nova, onslaught, spear + Krogan hammer and dhan without charge modifiers, but with a modifier for damage from the skill with a full clip, in the armor there is a mod for restoring the shield when killed. Fat Ket machine gunner on difficult = onslaught + nova + shot from a shotgun + jump into battle with a mod for an electric discharge or a fiery blow from a slipper or a blow with a hammer or a spear. The BB acceleration is simply brutal, ordinary Ket soldiers fly away from the 1st jump into battle, if there was an BB acceleration before that, or just with 2 hits with a hammer or a shot + a hammer. The shield is constantly restored, so the whole mess turns into throwing opponents around and methodically finishing them off.
For architects and all sorts of other fat bosses like demons or walking relic turrets, I switch the profile to a soldier with the Brave + mod for homing plasma, mod for explosive plasma with the possibility of a fatal shot when overheated, mod for + shield when the clip runs out. From the skills, a stunning shot + a grenade in the sticky variation (huge instant damage and you don’t have to worry about all sorts of bounces) + turbo charge, when the grenades run out, I change to a profile with technical ignition - the initiator of the combo and the stunning shot is the combo activator. A thick Ket pretzel with a drone on a difficult one also flies away in one go, after killing the drone we throw grenades at it or a combo of ignition with a stun and Brave in combination with a turbo charge simply breaks it apart.

Isharay together with the profile Scout that’s it (Brave didn’t look at it, it seems he looked only at the damage, and that’s what he chose)... Drobach Dhan
I don't remember the gun, I think Phalanx(you need to load the save, look)
Kett melee weapon “something there” - I don’t remember...
Assault - it’s not clear, but I also only considered the damage... For some reason, even without the mod, the grenade launcher shoots like that... I don’t know why I shove everything at myself: melee, pistol, ShV, SV, shotgun... Weapons with overheating do not like...

Somewhere up to level 40, I ran with a sniper and a pistol from the pre-order kit, as well as armor from the same place. Then I crafted a “black widow” and a “hangar commando” armor. So I got to level 60+. For combat at short distances, a pistol from loot and dhan from the same place. I didn’t craft it specifically because I can’t decide which is better. I tested everything I could from pistols and shotguns and it’s not clear. Or rather, the slag was eliminated, but I still didn’t choose the best options. Profile "infiltrator", from the skills of camouflage, turret and relics. I always have a krogan as my companions, but I change the 2nd companion. At the beginning of the battle, I launch drones and they kill someone there together with the krogan. I just shoot off the protruding heads from the "black widow". From time to time I throw a dead turret somewhere behind the enemies. If they go around from the side, then camouflage saves, if there is a really crowd pressing chaotically from all sides, then dodge after evasion (fortunately it camouflages), then the camouflage rolls back, and in it I can run around the map and look for a safe position. It’s also convenient when you need to revive satellites or turn on some kind of console. Don't be distracted by enemies. I chose a Ket blade (also from loot) as a bladed weapon. It replenishes life and serves as a last resort if there are no first aid kits nearby. In this setup there are no difficult opponents at all, since most They don’t see me fighting, and the bulk of them are still shooting from afar.
During the experiments, a couple of questions arose that were never answered. I tried attaching a grenade launcher or plasma to submachine guns and they created a continuous Armageddon of explosions, but somehow I didn’t notice any benefit in the damage. It is not clear how damage is calculated at all: it is added to damage from bullets or replaced by damage from grenades. It feels like nothing changes at all except the special effects. I also didn’t like the beam shooting modification. Somehow there was no damage at all. I tried the old thermal charge, but the rate of fire drops significantly: the “black widow” fires 3 shots instead of 4 before overheating, and the “isharai” simply takes longer to reload. I don’t see the point because the ammunition is already overclocked to enormous levels, and besides, there are boxes of ammunition lying around everywhere. And along the planets there are outposts where you can replenish them between moving to a new point.
The “Hurricane” has stopped with pistols for now - it removes shields well, is accurate, has a frantic rate of fire, pressed the key and fired a hundred rounds at almost 1 point. I want to change the shotgun because I don’t like the “dhan” at all: only 2 shots, and then reload for half an hour. This plasma flies slowly and you won’t hit the moving enemies. So far I've settled on "piranha" and "crusader". I like the “Piranha” better: it shoots like a machine gun, and the magazine holds 10 rounds (this is the default level 8). What's confusing is that "crusader" is defined as "very rare" while "piranha" is only "rare". It’s probably still worth ignoring this indicator and taking the “piranha”.

Infiltrator, with emphasis on technology. I'm playing as an expert.
Combination: Bioconverter on a weapon and a pumped-up skill in technology to restore health from the use of technical skills.
Bioconverter is generally a cheat mod. If you put it in Isharay, then it shoots faster than the Brave. Reloading is instant. Just don’t get carried away and watch the life bar.

Recovering your life from using technical skills also makes life a lot easier. I only need a quick recovery of life from my skills, because Black Widow and Dhan give out more damage. This means that the more often I can use my skills, the faster my life will be restored. Again, the turret or VI relic skill is a bit of a cheat. If they are given a target (even in empty space), then this is considered to be the use of a skill. And I can set a goal without stopping until lives are restored.

Sniper Black widow with bioconverter main weapon. 4 rounds per clip and endless ammo. Ordinary chums fall with one shot to the head. Which is more convenient than the Brave, who requires several shots, and more convenient than Isharay, because... The life bar doesn't drain very quickly.

Shotgun Dhan For middle distance, when there is no time to target all sorts of Demons. It’s more convenient for me to shoot powerfully and run back to reload and restore life than to fire with a low-power weapon.
For close range, against various dogs, has not yet been determined. I also like the krogan hammer, because it suppresses several at once, and the cryo-fist of the relics, because it freezes with one blow. But you can pump up the cryofist with relic glasses, and there aren’t many of them.

As for pistols, there is a wonderful automatic Eagle. Average damage and automatic. At point blank range, for the sake of variety in combat, it works well.

Tried assault rifles. Everyone is kind of weak. People, how do you fight with them? They are weaker than snipers, shotguns and some pistols. Only Falcon firing grenades deals damage. But they fly along a trajectory, we need to adapt. Automatic rifles everyone is weak. Why are non-automatic ones needed if there are snipers with great damage and range? So far this is an incomprehensible class of weapon for me.

Thanks for the information about setting goals - I didn’t know. True, I didn’t like the bioconverter for some reason: life sags too quickly and I don’t want to watch my own suicide. And so, having missed the enemy, you can instantly die. And I don’t like choosing skills with some options that require conditions: increasing damage after killing an enemy, etc. I also don’t use combos on purpose. I prefer passives that constantly work to strengthen and reinforce them with a couple of active abilities with a specific action that does not depend on conditions.
And there is already enough ammunition to kill any group of opponents. I prefer to set the damage boost to 25% with full life and shields (they seem to be interchangeable with the bioconverter).
Assault, yes - neither this nor that. Maybe they have better penetration than a pistol (this parameter is not indicated anywhere at all and is not clear). Higher accuracy - yes. Maybe if you carry one assault rifle instead of a sniper and a pistol or shotgun, then this is optimal in terms of weight. But this only makes sense at the beginning of the game.
I tested different crap and finally settled on “piranha”. Eiroha cuts almost half his HP from the clip. You just have to shoot from close. For those who do not have enough ammunition, you can use "shrapnel". True, it produces less damage, but you can shoot almost non-stop and not worry about ammo at all.

Suddenly I discovered Naladen (kett/eleya). Not only is she a sniper, but she also shoots explosive rounds that penetrate cover. Both the damage and rate of fire are on par. For the beginning player low levels- the most relish.

After a sniper, it’s unusual to play an assault rifle. If you aim at the head, most of the charges in the ShV with automatic fire go up. For these, a stabilizer is required, and it is advisable to have skill in stability. But for example, Zalkin of the kett fires three plasma charges at a time, and when pressed and held, a plasma clot appears. Scatter - maintenance is minimal. And of course, when crafting, you can set unique properties. Perhaps you shouldn’t put a modifier on the beam...then the damage is reduced by 80%! By the way, Isharay is not the only one who penetrates cover, this apparently depends on the damage, and if you have pumped up your sniper skill + crafting and modifiers, then other snipers can do this, like Black Widow and Naladen.

As 1 of the three available active skills, assigned to 1,2 or 3. The skill deals decent damage and works as a detonator in a combo. Set the enemy on fire or froze, and then destroyed them with a shot. By the way, Isharay has a rather long reload time, the widow is like a machine gun with him. The Dhan shotgun is unsurpassed in damage, or the crusader - high accuracy., the Yushidar pistol has two cartridges, but the highest damage, it is advisable to make it and install a mod to restore the shield when the clip is empty (fired two shots, the shield was restored... if pressed, you shoot in the air - cheat), well, this is also possible on Isharay. For everything with a minimum of 1-2 charges, in principle, even for Ch. Widow. But I didn’t like the “infinite” charge at the expense of life, as well as the “old heat sink” (there is a long delay between shots). Set: Azari sword (fist of relics), Yushior pistol, Dhan shotgun, Ch. Widow sniper, Tokin stitch (but not sure which is the best). In the early stages, you can get Ch. Widow from a box on the Nexus (known as).

I sacrificed 4 cells so as not to go into the minus (although closer to the 30th mu there are greens with a margin - about the advantage), I carry one black pumped-in one throughout the game, I don’t use pistols at all, Dhan and Valkyrie hang 90% of the game idle, tab cells are completely idle -probably because I play on easy (don’t laugh) I’m not a shooter at all, I came into the game purely for the RPG component. And the Azari sword is natural (to break out of the mix + the damage is not frail and an unusual side (bug?)) you can get into small kett stations even through walls, and not gates))) and the widow cannot see walls thinner than 2 meters)) naturally a scout! and only he is the choice of a sniper/saboteur (vision through walls and +100% damage from a non-standing state))).
z.y. thanks for the clarification - I understand - I don’t need it - I pumped up passives from all three and became a bot master (also for the whole) - VI (loyalty quest) and Turret - together they are like another partner)))) Technique and combat from biotics, I only pumped up shields passive - in principle we can’t kill a Persian - you can screw it up beyond the norm, but I’m already fed up (it’s too long) - I’ll go through the whole difficulty later in a year (I liked it, although for some reason they’re pushing for it) - a good time killer. One question - 1 2 3 - is it possible to get the 4th button? I understand about the tab wheel, you can see it there, but I would like a 4th...... I have camouflage 1 VI 2 and Turret 3.... I need 4 more)))))

raspisnoy1 Quote: “(I liked it, although for some reason they are targeting her).” Yes, I put it on purpose now to compare with the first Mass E. I played it a long time ago and naturally forgot about it. There seems to be more RPG stuff there, I liked that you can dress and arm your partners, and in battle you can give commands to use skills. But to say that Andromeda sucks, I don’t think so, the game is quite playable, more dynamic. It’s just different, but demanding that everything in Skyrim be like in Morovinda is not correct. By the way, the weight of the barrels increases to the maximum, with the engineer’s perk + 40% weight.

I agree with you.... I'm now level 53 - I don't download or carry pistols at all - the weight is around 70% with three fluffs - scout-technician + level 5 combat... you can bring pistols, but what for?)) times five in the whole game I switched to shot and auto... the sniper is a legitimate cheater in the game... he can only be taken down by a lot of small people. But I did something clever - I pumped up the turret from the side Pibi AI assistant (they are paired as a 3rd partner). I go into the premises in camouflage, launch two of them and stay at the entrance - shooting everyone through the walls like in a shooting gallery (the spy can see right through them) - it became very cheating, so I cranked up the difficulty and despite the fact that the sniper is, IMHO, the best fighter against architects. In short, I liked the game, like the first mass, but for some reason I threw the second one at 1/4... or stupid hacks and somehow it didn’t hit the soul. I used the third for about 30 minutes - I liked the graphic, but since I missed the second, then and didn’t play. Andromeda is almost not connected with the franchise (narrative line) and, in principle, is a good killer of the left time (I’m waiting for Divinity original syn 2, etc.) very long - just what the doctor ordered))

Well, as far as weapons go, of course, the relics have an assault rifle, the “scythe,” which doesn’t require searching for ammunition, it replenishes itself, it shoots very accurately and powerfully, it shoots in short bursts. and you can use the quarian “carbine rigar” for finishing off shotguns. putting the “old heat sink” improvement on it so as not to look for ammunition, so that it can be replenished. essentially it’s not bad, but it shoots at short range. but this is not the essence of this shotgun, but the fact that shotguns can and should be equipped with mods that improve military performance by tens of percent. The same assault rifle is needed against very strong enemies who can grab you at close range and kill you with the help of a fatality.
The sniper is generally garbage, what kind of sniper is this if you have to shoot in the head with the most powerful weapon 6 times. their damage at level 10 does not seem to exceed 2000, which is very little when compared with the damage of a rathka, although it is not written down anywhere, in fact, the damage of a rathka is as if the damage were 7000. Of course, the damage of a hammer is written, but in fact, it comes out to much more than the same damage of 600. but the ratka also has a jump from above, which hits the area.
And no need to lalya. Some idiots wrote that in Andromeda you can only play madly because of cover...olol. Stormtrooper - close combat will kick everyone's ass. Cheating dashes that give almost invulnerability, plus a practical instant cooldown for the onslaught. If this is not enough, we take a turbo charge.
Let me remind you that the attack aircraft is an onslaught with the restoration of shields + nova in area. 3 skill any, depends on perversions.
Easy to go:
Aegis - if the onslaught still has a long cooldown (2-3 seconds, 3 is already mega critical), then the aegis will give the required time to cool down. Shelters are not for stormtroopers.
Turbocharge - if the Dhan shotgun with its prohibitive damage does not seem good enough, you can make it twice as good. It’s quite possible to take down an architect at close range if you’re not a handyman.
Well, some kind of stunning shot, a blast wave, etc. - all that a rare broad can give just to start a battle (jumping sometimes gets boring (=)

BioWare's new project has a whole galaxy to explore, but to be ready to take on the responsibilities of a pioneer, it's worth checking out our single-player guide.

Despite the fact that the game in many ways did not live up to the expectations of ordinary gamers, thousands, tens of thousands of people still play it. Even the not-so-high-quality animation and sometimes boring gameplay couldn’t push back the high-profile title, titled with the cult “Mass Effect” banner.

So, if you are planning to sign up for the next ark ship flying towards the Andromeda galaxy in the near future, then it will certainly be useful for you to know what you will encounter in this place, alien to humans and other races of the Alliance.

Forget about side content on the planet Eos (for now)

From the very beginning, the planet Eos greets the player with a very radioactive environment: movement is only possible in relatively small spaces, and going beyond them quickly kills the character and his entire team. Therefore, if you do not want to spoil your impression of exploring the second planet in the game, then leave it immediately as soon as you complete the main task of clearing the atmosphere.

Don't worry about missing something: everything interesting places will remain safe and sound and will await your return.

After completing the main mission, fly away from the planet and continue along the main plot, and after a while visit Eos again. Thanks to your actions, this planet is no longer trying to kill you. At least not as much as before. You can easily explore the entire location without damage from radiation, and the game will no longer be off-putting with the strange decisions of the development team.

Take your time with research and crafting

If you're playing on Normal difficulty, you won't need to research new technologies or craft equipment at all, but on higher difficulties, especially Madness, Mass Effect: Andromeda can feel quite difficult.

But even in this case, do not rush to spend research points and valuable resources, because they are quite limited in the game, and therefore it is worth thinking carefully about how to use them effectively. For example, some types of armor provide bonuses to biotic skills, and it will be useless to you if you are, say, a technician. Of course, no one is stopping you from creating a hybrid class, but at first it is not recommended to “spread through the tree” if the complexity is set to high.

This is especially true for technology milky way. Research in this branch is the most valuable in the game due to the small number of points available. Moreover, many very good items are concentrated in this branch. For example, the N7 armor, familiar to many from the original trilogy about Captain Shepard.

The situation is similar with craft. Most of the gear that can be crafted can actually be bought from in-game merchants without too much trouble and found in containers scattered here and there. What you really should focus your attention on when crafting items is improving weapons, since it is not always possible to quickly find the necessary “gadgets” at the nearest merchant, because there are plenty of types of weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Another reason not to waste resources on creating starting items: you will end up replacing them in the later stages anyway. And since difficulties will begin precisely there, it is worth saving resources to meet them in full combat readiness.

Don't waste your skill points

An important feature of the Mass Effect: Andromeda role-playing system is that a character can only use 3 active abilities in battle. In game menus they are marked with "circles", while passive abilities are marked with "triangles".

Due to the limit of three active skills, you need to be very careful about spending the skill points that your character gains by gaining levels. Most best option- develop three active skills from the same branch to the maximum. As a rule, skills of the same type (combat, technique, biotics) are better combined with each other, it is easier to achieve synergy with them and perform combo attacks.

Invest the remaining points in passive abilities. They operate always and under any circumstances.

Of course, no one is stopping you from pumping up more active skills for different combat situations. In later stages, the profile system can be very useful. But at first, try not to waste skill points on everything.

Use the profile system wisely

To some extent, this advice is a continuation of the previous one. In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the player can create combat profiles, each of which can have its own set of active skills. Switching between them allows you to change your character build on the fly and adapt to changes on the battlefield.

The game does not limit you in any way in selecting skills to create profiles, but this does not change the fact that the game has effective builds and not so effective ones. The most useful skills are those that allow you to carry out so-called combo links, and they, in turn, are most easily done using skills from the same branch.

This means that the most logical thing to do is to make one profile for each archetype: soldier, technician and biotic. In each of them, collect three maximally developed abilities, and invest the rest in passive skills.

If you were in a hurry and "scattered" skill points randomly and now you do not have enough points to create truly effective profiles, then return to your ship, the Tempest, and use the special redistribution station. She is located on the lower level, in the medical compartment.

Always try new weapons before giving up old ones

Mass Effect: Andromeda features a very extensive arsenal of a wide variety of weapons. There are almost all samples from previous parts, as well as completely new types of weapons.

Each “barrel” has a unique set of characteristics, as well as reloading animations in battle. And here there is a very “subtle” point: the numbers do not always allow us to understand exactly how the weapon will behave in battle.

For example, the Hoe carbine has impressive damage from one shot, but due to its low rate of fire it is not suitable for every player. The fact is that this can only be found out in battle.

At the same time, it is usually impossible to change equipment in the middle of a mission, and because of this you can end up in a very sticky situation: in two minutes there is a difficult battle with the “boss”, and you have in your hands a stick that, according to the technical passport, is powerful, but is not really it is simply inconvenient to use in this situation.

To avoid such incidents, always try new weapons before abandoning your old ones. Of course, habit decides a lot here, but even a weaker, but familiar weapon can be more useful than an untested new weapon.

It is often better to dismantle unnecessary items than to sell them

As noted above, in Mass Effect: Andromeda the number of resources for crafting is limited, which is why the creation of items should be taken seriously. This is partly why it’s also worth considering whether to sell weapons or armor that you don’t need.

Since the player spends most of his time in little-explored places where there is no proper infrastructure, the conditional value of game money and credits is much lower than in previous parts of the series. Merchants are not encountered very often, and there is little point in constantly returning to the Nexus station: the “bigwigs” there have a meager assortment.

Therefore, it is often better to parse unnecessary items than to sell them. It's much faster - just press one single button, and as a reward you will not receive useless loans, but valuable resources that are almost always needed.

By the way, you can disassemble not only weapons or armor, but also upgrades for weapons. In the game they are divided by efficiency into classes from 1 to 5, so if you have just changed the upgrade on your favorite weapon to the same one, but of a higher quality, then you can safely disassemble the old one - you will no longer need it.

In addition, disassembling items allows you to free up space in your inventory, which is limited to 50 slots. Don't forget about it!

Remember the weight of the weapon, it affects the cooldown of abilities

When you upgrade your character by adding the ability to wear more weapons(up to four types), do not rush to arm yourself to the teeth, because the weight of the equipment plays a very important role important in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

The fact is that the recovery time of activated skills is proportional to the “load” of the character. It's about not about the number of items in the global inventory, but only about equipped weapons. Therefore, if your character deals most of his damage with active abilities, then an advantage in taking 3 or 4 “guns” will greatly reduce the effectiveness.

That is why biotics are usually equipped with a single pistol or, at worst, a shotgun. They do not need assault rifles, massive machine guns, or snipers, since they deal the main damage with biotic skills and their combos.

Don't forget about melee combat and consumables

In Mass Effect: Andromeda weapon melee weapons are separated into a separate item, which can be changed during the game. Thanks to this, after some time your pioneer can become a real “butcher”, armed with dangerous melee weapons and picking up a special set of abilities.

At first, you will only have a basic omni-tool, which will hardly allow you to effectively deal with enemies at close range. However, don't ignore the possibility of upgrading or replacing these weapons. For example, the Biotic's special weapons are amazing with the right skills, and the Soldier and Guardian trees have upgrades that can increase melee damage by up to 140%!

Don't forget about consumable items too. These can be ammo amplifiers with various effects such as fire or freezing, shield restorers, ammunition boxes, and even the destructive Cobra charge - the ultimate solution to any problems in battle.

Well, the best part: consumables do not affect your weight, which means they do not limit the speed of ability cooldown in any way.

Always try to have something to remove enemy shields

Of course, the shield is your most best friend in Mass Effect: Andromeda, but he is friends not only with you, but also with some opponents. And then knocking down shields can cause a lot of problems, because they “absorb” damage well and can gradually recover if the enemy finds cover and does not receive damage for some time.

In addition to this, the shield (blue bar above health) allows enemies to avoid the effects of many abilities. For example, a biotic push will not move an enemy if they are under a shield. In addition, many abilities deal only a fraction of their nominal damage to shields.

To avoid the need to remove shields from the same enemy several times, always keep something in your arsenal that allows you to remove them for a very short term, to then finish off the enemy with your main weapon or using an ability.

Some of the latter are precisely designed to remove shields. For example, “Overload” for a technician. She puts big damage shields, but weakly hits health or armor.

If your character build doesn't have these abilities, you can come up with something else. For example, use rapid-fire weapons or use special “electric” cartridges using the appropriate “consumables”.

If you were unable to kill the enemy while he was without a shield, then try to at least delay their recovery. An igniting weapon is best suited for this, but in general, any weapon that causes damage over a certain period of time will do, even if it is minimal.

Penetrate armor correctly

Shields are far from the only obstacle to the enemy’s “carcass”. Some types of enemies are armored and their health is yellow. There are not many of them, but battles with them can also be difficult due to the fact that the armor perfectly absorbs normal damage.

Unlike shields, armor holds up well against rapid-fire weapons, so to effectively fight against armored targets it is best to use heavy weapons that fire rarely but accurately. These are shotguns, sniper rifles and all kinds of grenade launchers.

Also, abilities that deal fire damage are very effective against armor. And if you don’t have them at hand, you can use incendiary and cryo-cartridges.

The fight is faster than ever

One of the most important changes to the combat system of Mass Effect: Andromeda is the noticeably increased dynamics. The character moves faster, and can also jump and make lightning-fast leaps in any direction. Opponents have also become much more maneuverable and can sometimes close the distance with you in a matter of seconds.

Old tactical schemes are outdated, and therefore you will have to learn again, using new opportunities. Try to always be higher than your opponent, to do this jump on high places. Remember that enemies will rarely "spawn" above you, so height will often be your saving grace.

Each of the hostile factions received special units that attack exclusively in close combat. These are the “dogs” of the kett and robbers, and small drones of the relics. They can cause a lot of problems, and to avoid being in an awkward position, look around often. If you see an enemy using melee combat, jump in the opposite direction from him.

Horse races can also be very useful when, in the heat of a firefight, your shields are removed and your health begins to drain. In this case, you need to retreat as quickly as possible in order to wait out the danger and restore shields. The jumps are very helpful with this, and a skilled trailblazer will be able to use them to move to cover almost instantly.

Return to the Tempest after every major mission

This advice is unlikely to be useful to those who have played past games in the Mass Effect series, but not every newcomer knows that many dialogues with characters are tied to the progress of the main plot.

Therefore, after completing the next story mission, do not be lazy to return to your ship, the Storm, and chat with the crew members. They will probably tell you a lot of interesting things and, perhaps, if you are courteous enough, they will offer you an affair.

Also, don't forget to return to the Nexus Station sometimes. Its inhabitants also periodically receive new dialogue lines and side quests.

Upgrade the Nomad transport and use it

The locations in Mass Effect: Andromeda are much larger than in , and it is not always effective to explore them on foot. On the planet Eos you will find a garage, and in it - the Nomad transport. With it, traveling will become much faster and more fun.

By the way, Nomad has very useful functions. Firstly, by clicking on the right mouse button, you will activate the high-traction mode, which, in turn, will increase the cross-country ability of the vehicle several times. Secondly, the Nomad can accelerate by pressing the Shift key and even jump using the Spacebar.

If you liked this all-terrain vehicle, then you can improve it by using research center on "Bure". The corresponding technologies can be obtained by talking with an engineer from the Angara race. It is located at the rebel base, which you will definitely visit during the main storyline.

Use shock troops and get free loot

Arriving at the Nexus, you will meet many characters and have time to talk to them a lot. One of them, a turian in charge of the station's security, will tell you about the strike force system and give you access to the interface for managing them.

Shock troops can be sent on special missions. You cannot participate in them yourself, unless they are special APEX missions for online play. Tasks are divided by rank into bronze, silver and gold. The higher the rank, the more difficult it is for the squad to complete the task, and the time required for this increases.

As a reward for completing a task, the player receives special points with which he can improve his squad. But what’s more important is that each completed task gives you several containers with free equipment.

These containers are the only way endless receipt of items, resources and game currency. Therefore, if you cannot progress through the game further, then you can start “farming” missions for shock troops. Sooner or later you will get enough items to strengthen yourself and still pass the difficult section.

Spring. The gaming community is torn by conflicting emotions. One of the most respected franchises in its genre has received a controversial sequel. We can already say that the interested audience is divided into two parts: some harshly criticize Mass Effect Andromeda, others praise. We will not praise or scold MAE, but will try to adapt to its realities, dictated by modern requirements communities. And at the same time, find something in the game that gamers might miss, carried away by novels with aliens or a trip on the Nomad. Despite the rather formulaic plot and boring quest lines, the world of Andromeda is quite deep and cannot be explored in a couple of hours. And for a couple of dozen too. The rules have changed: scanning and reconnaissance are now an integral part of the game and a source new equipment. The format of battles has changed, becoming more vertical and dynamic. The foundations of ten years ago have been shaken. But the game is still incredibly interesting. It intertwines many storylines, emotions and characters. I really want to dive in head first. If you know where to look. Today Game2Day will reveal to fans of Mass Effect Andromeda several useful secrets, tasks and subtleties that are difficult (or simply too lazy) to figure out on their own. Go.

Find the armorN7

Mass Effect Andromeda literally inundates players with innovations. While the veterans of the series thoughtfully shake their heads, let’s throw in a way to get a little nostalgic. Head aboard the Nexus, where the latest iteration of the game's iconic N7 armor awaits. Favorite color scheme - black, with white and red stripes, oh those were the days!

How does the research system work?

The research and development system resembles a minefield where a bomb squad with Parkinson's disease has worked. Remember one simple thing from the start: weapon and armor mods CANNOT be applied to equipment already in your inventory. Let's explain with an example: the cool grenade launcher component is unlocked. To activate this component, you will have to reassemble the weapon. The same goes for force shield buffs - the piece of armor they are attached to must be collected again.

How to do ground and pound

The new system of combat encounters forces the old men to change their battle tactics. The most effective strategy now is surprise attacks with active use environment. Case in point: a ground-and-pound move using a jump in the air. You need to hover right above the enemy and press Triangle / Y to collapse down, causing a local apocalypse with an explosion. Even with a Krogan hammer or an Asari blade, the move animation does not change. But it allows you to interrupt an enemy attack and deliver a powerful blow.

What features should I download?

For newcomers, Mass Effect Andromeda will often feel like a confusing maze full of traps and secrets. The skill set in the game throws a whole bunch of confusing names in the face of newbies and gives complete freedom to experiment. How does it end? Obviously nothing good. Aimless rushing from one skill tree to another will not help. We help with advice. You can add Backlash and Barricade to your arsenal of defensive features, which generate a protective screen. Cryo beam, Lance, Invasion or Concussive Shot will allow you to attack competently and quickly. For additional power, you can choose Charge, Tactical Cloak (invisibility) or Singularity (mini black hole). They can be applied between base features.

In any unclear situation, use “Nomad”

Once you get your hands on Nomad, take it with you every chance you get. Transport reliably protects from environmental hazards planets and will allow you to instantly move from planet to ship. To make a spatial jump, you just need to climb into the all-terrain vehicle and hold down triangle (Y key). You can use any research station to summon the Nomad.

How to play correctlyMassEffectAndromeda?

Quite a strange statement, isn't it? Mass Effect Andromeda has a poor system of hints on how to enjoy the game, and not turn it into endless running around planets and space with a scanner. The battle strategy has changed: more dynamics and verticality have been added to it. With the help of jumps and jerks, you can create a real carnage by combining various techniques. Movement is life and you will see this in the first few hours of the game.

Keep track of your consumables inventory

Micromanagement on the battlefield is completely disabled. Therefore, it is easy to forget about your capabilities and the arsenal available for use. This is especially true for consumables. In order not to be left with empty “pockets” at the very crucial moment, it's worth visiting the AVP terminal on board the Tempest or Nexus to unlock more slots. And then pay a visit to the merchants and stock up on everything you need. Even throwing explosive discs are useful - they will help deal with weak opponents without wasting precious and expensive ammunition.

A robot named Zap

Hidden technical skill - a small robot defender named Zap, which can be called into battle. You can get it by completing the Peebee mission "Remtech". Zap is a great assistant in battle, and if you work hard and improve all of his characteristics, you can gain access to missile strikes and a laser attack.

How to improve frame rate inMassEffectAndromeda?

For some unknown reason, MAE has options that negatively affect the frame rate. To improve the visualization of the game, dig into the graphics options and disable two items: Film grain and chromatic aberration. After this, the picture will improve significantly.

How to manage a department?

Bioware has almost completely removed the ability for players to control their teammates on the battlefield. If previously it was possible to pause the game, assign targets, change types of weapons and ammunition, now all team tactics are limited to a couple of techniques. But you need to use this too. Aim at the space ahead and press the pointer button to send the unit into position. True, if the pointer is near an enemy, the game perceives this as a target on the enemy. Press the direction button several times and it will activate special feature teammate.

Scanning and research

Scanning allows you to study technologies that can then be used on armor and arsenal. You need to use it like this: earn research points, unlock research items with them, go to the menu and craft yourself something useful before starting the mission. Everything is in exactly that order. This way you get the best gear for each quest in advance. Profit?

How to earn a lot of resources?

After completing several dozen missions or exploring planets, you accumulate a whole bunch of unnecessary equipment. Break them down into basic components that can be used to craft new items. Visit the AVP terminal. Combine disassembled weapons with bonuses from AVP to maintain a constant supply of spare parts. This whole simple procedure will significantly increase the resources in your pocket.

Renderable Plates

To craft armor, you will need the Renderable Plates material, which is abundant in every alien creature you encounter. There is no need to kill representatives of humanoid races, it is immoral. All sorts of dinosaurs and monkeys in armor are our goal. Adhi, Taurga, Galorn. The best way to shoot them is from the Nomad while on an intergalactic safari. And then sell valuable resource traders.

How to have sex with game characters?

It's impossible to imagine Mass Effect without romantic scenes. The intercom will regularly remind you of meeting invitations from one character or another. The easiest way to get the next hero or heroine into bed is to complete a mission from the Primary Ops list or open new planet. Upon completion of the quest, all that remains is to confirm your serious intentions in a simple dialogue and stock up on contraception in large quantities.

What's the best way to start?

The incredible number of missions in the first few hours does not allow you to filter out quality content and enjoy the game to the fullest. Don't spend too much time on one planet. Leave Eos as soon as possible, talk to all teammates to unlock loyalty quests. Archon hunt branch, Cora's mission - great way start the game for health. Try to mix interesting missions with boring tasks like "Find 5 objects" or "Talk to X, then to X, then to X."

The fact that Mass Effect: Andromeda, so to speak, “messed up” is now being examined in some detail by those who are not lazy - from disputes over facial animation to the surprisingly low ratings of the latest game in the epic sci-fi franchise from Bioware.

Beneath it all, however, is a sweet spot that you can love, but you'll have to dig a little to get to it. We can only hope for patches, updates and some additions for this game.

If you're planning on jumping aboard the Ark Hyperion and heading to the Andromeda galaxy, then there are some things you should know about the gameplay systems and mechanics of the latest Mass Effect. With this guide, you'll make your life in a new and hostile galaxy easier, and you'll also be able to smooth out some of Andromeda's rather rough edges.

Forget about side missions on Eos - leave the planet as soon as possible and come back later

Mass Effect Andromeda doesn't give any hints here, but once you're done with the Vault on Eos, you'll start clearing the atmosphere of that incredibly annoying radiation that covers most of the map. It doesn't happen right away. You'll need to go through a bit of an important mission first. But once the rad threat is gone, you'll be able to explore virtually the entire map without causing yourself constant rad damage.

Don't bother fighting radiation while trying to complete all the side quests on Eos the first time you land there. The radiation on the planet is there to stop you early in the game, not to provide some kind of challenge. Some of the missions can all be completed, but it's best to ignore them.

There will still be more missions on Eos in the future, so don't worry about it. Don't fly there until there are more missions accumulated there, and then come back. And at the beginning of the game, just fly away. Moreover, the game becomes much better after Eos.

Don't worry about research and crafting in the beginning

You don't really need to research or craft weapons and armor in Mass Effect Andromeda, but if you do, it's best to wait a bit to figure out what you need.

The reason for this advice is that crafting materials and research points are quite quickly consumed resources. So if you spend your hard-earned currency on unlocking a dozen low-level items, you will have to work hard in the future to get the points you need for high-level items at the end of the game.

This is especially true for all on-screen exploration of the Milky Way. Points for this research are the hardest to obtain, but this is where you can find the most famous weapons from the Mass Effect universe.

Most of the equipment from the crafting menu can be found as loot or picked up from stores, so there is simply no point in spending these points right away. The point of crafting is that you apply augmentations to created items. A crafted, augmented weapon of the fifth level will be better than the same gun obtained by other means, and you will decide in what aspects.

Another reason to return to research later is that all these menus will become much more understandable to you and will not make you resentful. Leave the crafting idea for later and come back later.

Spend your skill points wisely on matching skills and abilities

It is very important that you fully understand how the skills page actually works. If there is a round icon next to a skill, then it is an active skill. This means that it will take up one of your power slots in any of the profiles and can be applied with the press of a button.

Triangle skills are passive skills that give you a permanent active buff. To maximize your character, it’s easier to take a couple or three good skills than to start mixing everything up. Level up the three main active skills used in the game, and then invest all the remaining points in passive abilities that will support your play style.

Your active forces must also be perfectly matched to each other. It is a good idea to have two skills for performing a combo on the enemy and one for finishing it. You can read more about this system in the description of the skills.

Dedicate yourself to a small number of skills and profiles

On paper, in Mass Effect Andromeda you have the ability to change game builds on the fly, just like in a multiplayer game, which makes it possible to not get stuck on one path. But in reality, with such a distribution you only make things worse for yourself. It takes great amount points. Having two or three sixth-level skills is a much more lethal match than having a dozen second-level skills.

As a result, if you try to unlock all the profiles, you will spend forever leveling each of them for their bonus to be of any use to you.

We recommend that you take one of the mixed profiles, such as Vanguard or Guardian, and invest in two of the three types of abilities (Combat, Technique and Biotics). Take three active abilities in your chosen two skill trees, buff them to maximum, and at the same time spend the saved points on the passive abilities of your skills.

If you don’t like your build, then you can go to the Reset station on the Storm, which is located in the Medbay on the lower floor.

Try new weapons before selling your old ones

There are a huge number of weapons in Mass Effect Andromeda and they are all different from each other, even within a class. It's not even a matter of different weight, clip capacity or damage dealt. Some of these guns handle really differently from each other, and yet they come from the same family.

For example, there is an assault rifle in the game that takes some time to warm up after pulling the trigger. She then fires a short burst, after which she needs to warm up again. It's not exactly what you'd expect from an assault rifle class weapon, is it?

Since you can't change your loadout during a mission, you don't want to fight bosses and heavily armored enemies only to find out that your weapon is completely useless.

It's better to disassemble equipment rather than sell it

While credits in Mass Effect Andromeda aren't as plentiful as previous Mass Effect games, they're still quite plentiful thanks to the various junk items that come your way. They do not take up inventory space and can be easily sold with one click in stores. True, some hardcore fans may want to read the names and descriptions of these items first, as there may be references and Easter eggs there.

In addition to this junk, there is your equipment and, perhaps, it is better to hold on to it rather than sell it. Once you have taken the previous advice and decided the fate of the weapon, instead of selling it, go to your inventory and use one option to disassemble it.

Guns, armor and improvements to them are all disassembled items that will give you additional resources to use when crafting. And since some crafting resources are quite difficult to find, disassembling every item you find is a wise decision.

As a bonus, you can disassemble things directly during the mission and the resources from the disassembled item will not take up space in your inventory. So this is a great way to free up some inventory space during a mission if you find yourself running short of it for the items you find.

Be aware of the weight of the weapon when lifting it

When leveling up the Ryder, you will be able to wear more equipment. You can carry a maximum of four types of weapons and four types of consumable items. You may want to load yourself up with all the guns, but it’s better not to do this.

Mass Effect veterans know that weight matters. Each weapon comes with its own weight, and the heavier your equipment, the longer your skills will take to recharge. So it's simple: if you want more skills, you'll have fewer weapons. And vice versa.

Frankly, we don't advise you to load yourself up with guns, as your abilities are what make combat in Mass Effect so satisfying. So choose your weapons wisely and don't forget that some upgrades for guns can make them heavier or lighter.

Don't forget about melee combat and consumable items

One of the main innovations in Andromeda is the slot for melee weapons, into which these same weapons can be equipped. You start out with an omni-tool, but it's best to remember to upgrade this aspect of your inventory. You will find new melee weapons in the form of loot or crafted items. These can be either more powerful omni-tools or elemental swords, hammers or other weapons.

For example, the Azari Sword is the most best weapon in Game. Andromeda has a ton of different melee weapons. For biotics, for example, it is absolutely delightful and incredibly destructive. Simply put, close combat is worth your time, especially on profiles that reward that “intimacy.” The Vanguard profile provides a gigantic melee bonus at high levels, which will naturally make the weapon much more dangerous.

Consumable items (or simply consumables) have replaced many of the skills from classic Mass Effect for all classes. Here you can find disintegrating, cryo and incendiary ammo, plus other useful bonuses, including a quick boost to your health and shields back to maximum if you are in a fairly hot spot or in a life-threatening environment, in which, for example , radiation reigns. They don't affect your weight score, so take as many of them as possible, unlock extra slots on the Tempest, and use them often, as they can turn a brutal battle in your favor.

Carry something that can penetrate shields

Shields are a lifesaver for you and your allies in Mass Effect Andromeda, but they can also be a pain when enemies use them. Just like you, enemies can recharge their shields, and they can and will run away and hide, quite quickly.

The game has special skills for destroying shields, so you may want to switch profiles when facing certain shielded bad guys. However, in general, high-velocity weapons such as SMGs or assault rifles are the best options for countering shields.

For the most effective destruction of “shield fighters”, we recommend that you buy relatively cheap consumable disintegrating cartridges. They just eat them alive. Destroy the shield, then switch to a heavy weapon to finish off. Set fire to shield warriors or apply continuous damage to them, which will lead to a decrease in shields.

...and don't forget to wear something against armor

The armor is less annoying than the shields in Andromeda, but it's still pretty damn tough. Armor is represented in the game by a health bar yellow color, unlike red health and blue shield.

Armor is the opposite of shields, i.e. things that work well against shields work poorly against armor, and vice versa. To inflict maximum damage to armor, use weapons with a low fire rate, for example, large caliber pistols or shotguns. Fire abilities such as a flamethrower are also suitable for destroying armor.

Again, consumables work here too if all else fails. Cryo and incendiary rounds are ideal for destroying pesky armor.

Combat has now become more fluid

The original Mass Effect trilogy became more and more focused on cover-based gunplay over time. While Mass Effect: Andromeda does have a cover mechanic, your primary approach to combat should be more fluid, so get used to it.

Covers here aren't an active system where you have to press a button to duck behind something. In Andromeda they are dynamic. Once you get close to cover, Ryder will naturally duck behind it. Aiming around cover and blind fire will work as you'd expect from this position. Health, shields, and biotic barriers regenerate faster when you're in cover, so they'll come in handy if your shields are down and you're in a dangerous situation.

You also have to be willing to move, and quite often. A new jump pack and different evasive moves are major changes to the Mass Effect formula, giving you maximum mobility that wasn't possible in previous games. Ideally, you will need to be constantly mobile in fights, use moves to bypass opponents and approach them from the flank. Don't forget that some abilities help with movement or they can recharge your shield without cover. So use items, skills and profiles that will support your playstyle.

Explore the Tempest and Nexus after completing the main story missions

This is old news for Mass Effect veterans, but it's a must-do in Bioware's RPG, so make sure you check out important NPCs after completing major story missions or discovering a new planet.

A lot of conversations with your comrades are locked while playing through the main story, so if you want to unlock those loyalty missions or in-depth romance, then check them regularly. Sometimes various messages on the Tempest will indicate new developments, but not always. So visit each member of your crew between missions. No one will sleep with you if you forget to talk to them.

You should also go back to the Nexus and walk through the main areas of this location. Even if you think you've fully explored a location, new side missions appear there all the time, and you'll save yourself a lot of time by collecting them all at once and completing them on your first visit, rather than flying back two or three times while completing missions according to your needs. quest log later in the game.

Improve your Nomad and learn to manage it correctly

The new Nomad has a few new tricks up its sleeves compared to the Old Nomad, but it's still possible to get stuck in clearings or get stuck on dangerous slopes if you're not careful.

If you find Nomad boring (or love it but want it to be even better), make sure you develop upgrades in the research center. As in the indicated location, you can get a pack of blueprints by talking to the Angaran Engineer NPC at the rebel base once you progress through the main quest. The most useful upgrades improve acceleration and provide six-wheel drive, the ability to change traction, and a bonus to the shield when exiting a vehicle.

Benefit from the Nomad's advanced capabilities, learn how to switch between primary and six-wheel drive, engage and disengage traction, and how to use boost and jump. In general, check your control settings. You can even turn the headlights on and off, which isn't useful when driving in the mountains, but is still a nice touch.

Also always look for upgrades for Nomad after you find new shop with goods. In them you can find a bunch of interesting things for your transport.

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