The best time to holiday in Cyprus. When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, what time of year and where. Resorts, photos, videos When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, when is the rainy season, at what time and where is the best resort


Choose your holiday season in the Maldives wisely As in any tropical country, rainy season in the Maldives

- Not unusual. However, the rest of the time, the islands and atolls of the archipelago have a calm, warm and gentle climate with wonderful weather. The best time to holiday in the Maldives is in winter and autumn, from September to January. We invite you to learn more about the details of the seasons in the Maldives to turn your trip into an unforgettable adventure. While on larger territory In Russia in September the dull time of a long rainy autumn begins, a luxurious holiday season in the Maldives

. Right now, when the fine and nasty autumn rain is drizzling, and fallen leaves are crunching under your feet, you really want the sunny bright days not to go away; I want the sea, summer and warmth. The Maldives will delight tourists with scorching sun rays and white sand beaches, blue waves gentle ocean and great weather . After all, it’s in September season in the Maldives is especially popular among tourists all over the world. The southwest monsoons may sometimes bring short-term rain, but do not be upset. Usually on the islands it rains only at night, and during the day this season's holiday in the Maldives will delight you with a constant temperature of 29 degrees and warm sea

, the temperature of which reaches 26 degrees.

Unlikely short-term rainfall provides only 120 mm of average monthly rainfall. According to the observations of the aborigines, the September holiday season in the Maldives can be divided into three periods: “fura” (08.24-06.09), “utura” (09.07-20.09) and “ata” (09.21-03.10). The first two are characterized by light winds and rare rains, while the latter is characterized by exceptionally clear weather.

What to enjoy on a holiday in the Maldives in October The September “ata” season (09.21-03.10) gives way to the October “hita” (10.04-17.10) according to “Nikaya” - the ancient calendar of local residents. Light wind clear sky

The Hulhangu monsoons leave the islands in October, but they are still strong at night. However, during the day in the Maldives the temperature does not fall below 28 degrees, the water temperature is below 26, and the light breeze and warm air are perfect for a magnificent beach holiday. Please note that this is the weather that best promotes an even golden tan.

Rainfall during the October holiday season in the Maldives becomes even less, reaching general level only 100 millimeters. And if you were given a vacation in October at work, don’t hold a grudge against your boss - go to the Maldives and celebrate a real celebration of life there.

Holidays in the Maldives in November have some surprises in store

It is in November that the northeast monsoon begins to dominate the Maldives. Thanks to him, the islands enjoy a dry and hot atmosphere; the holiday season in the Maldives in November guarantees you only sunny and hot days, however, sea ​​water cools down a little - to 23 degrees. Locals call this season “Iruvai” - this is what we dream about when we wrap ourselves in warm blankets on chilly November evenings and warm our feet by the fireplaces or heaters.

If you want to admire the lush blooms to your heart's content tropical plants and exotic palm trees - go to the Maldives in November. It is at this time that the Maldives turns into a luxurious paradise on earth. However, this season will soon be replaced by the “dosha” period (from 09.12), which always brings with it northwest winds and rains.

Holidays in December in the Maldives

The climate of the Maldives becomes more moderate in December. While the native expanses are enveloping White snow In the Maldives, people go windsurfing, explore tropical bushes and bask on the white sand of exquisite beaches.

Hurry up to get to the Maldives before the rainy season and celebrate the New Year and Christmas holidays in an exotic and unusual environment. Where else in December can the air temperature be 27 degrees and the water temperature 25 degrees? And in December there is almost no rain in the Maldives - the total amount of precipitation barely reaches 70 millimeters.

The November “dosha” season according to the local calendar gives way to the “mula” period (12/10-12/22), and from December 23 to January 5 the “furahala” season reigns, which brings a slight cold snap and rough seas.

Holidays in the Maldives in January - plunge into summer in the middle of winter

Sea disturbances and light precipitation “Furahala” are replaced by the sedate calm of “Uturahala” (06.01-18.01), which is characterized by weak winds, and then the complete calm of the period of the local calendar “Khuvan” (19.01-31.01), when the sea is absolutely calm, the air is unshakable , and the weather in general is perfect for a leisurely and lazy coastal holiday.

The monsoons have left before the rainy season from the Maldives, and the atolls are immersed in a sleepy, warm calm - real long-awaited summer compared to the long and harsh Russian winter. Dry climate, rare night rain, air temperature - 22 degrees.

Views: 29656


When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, when is the rainy season, what time and where best resort

Until recently in this country there was Civil War, there was devastation and danger lurked everywhere. But now it’s safe there, there are huge white sand beaches, warm seas and luxury hotels. Yes, Vietnam has become a tourist country with great potential, and every year it gets better and more beautiful. But you can’t vacation in the country all year round, but only some months and these are not the summer months. Intrigued? Then let's see when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, what time of year and where are the best resorts. And, of course, we won’t forget about the islands, where holidays are always better.

Rainy season in Vietnam

Any country in Southeast Asia experiences the phenomenon of the rainy season once a year. And Vietnam is no exception. Here also heavy rains, frequent typhoons and stormy seas. Fortunately for tourists, this does not last the whole year, but only half of it.

The wet season begins in May and lasts in different parts of the country until November-December. During this period it rains almost continuously. Almost always it is heavy rain, accompanied by wind. Sometimes the rain turns into a typhoon and then many coastal cities are flooded and there is water on the streets.

Beach season in Vietnam

After the rainy season ends, the dry season begins, which is called the beach season. This happens in November-December, and lasts dry beach season until the end of April. Although you can still swim here in May, because, as a rule, the rains begin to increase their power only at the beginning of summer.
The best months for a beach holiday are January, February and the first two spring months. That is, tourists have at least four months to enjoy their holidays in the resorts of Vietnam.

Tourists love to come to the country to meet here New Year and Christmas. Therefore, prices these days are slightly higher than other times. But the most tourists are observed on the beaches of Vietnam in February and March. People miss the sun and beaches, and want to quickly start the beach season and relieve stress after a long autumn and cold winter.

Where is it always better to go on holiday in Vietnam?

There are many resorts in the country that are happy to welcome tourists. Some of them are large, some are small fishing villages. But they are all beautiful and have gorgeous beaches.

Nha Trang is the number one resort in Vietnam.

Many tourists vacation in Nha Trang, but do not even know that this resort is located in Vietnam.

Nha Trang is a big resort. Everything is done here to make tourists comfortable: entertainment, parks, water parks, attractions, excursions, attractions and much more. Restaurants and cafes are especially attractive at the resort. There are thousands of them here and each establishment offers a variety of food. It is no secret that tourists choose this particular resort not only because of the beaches and hotels, but also because of the food, which is considered the best in the country.

Excursions in Nha Trang are more varied. Here you can visit Monkey Island, where, as is already clear, monkeys live. You can visit the island, which is entirely dedicated to a park with attractions and entertainment. There is an island nearby that is completely made into a farm. In general, in Nha Trang there is where to go and what to be surprised by.

Phu Quoc – holiday on the island.
The second most popular resort in the country is Phu Quoc Island.

There are many beaches on the island, although, in fact, the entire coast of the island is one large beach. The sand on the shore is white and fine. It is better to walk on it barefoot, and your feet will rest.
There is a pearl farm on the island where they grow pearls and make jewelry from them. There is also a fish sauce factory and huge black pepper plantations.

In addition to the listed attractions, there is something else: amazing undersea world. Diving enthusiasts especially come here to dive under the water. Underwater you can see the underwater world with fish and plants, and most importantly: small submerged islands that keep many secrets.
Since Phu Quoc is an island, you can watch the sunrise and see off the sunset there. Believe me, this is where these spectacles are the brightest and most unforgettable.

Muine is a modern fishing village.
Do you like fresh fish dishes? Then go to the resort of Mui Ne.

More recently, this was an ordinary fishing village, and people here lived poorly. But now the fishing village has become modern, and the residents began to live better thanks to tourists. Local sailors catch a variety of fish in the ocean, sell them to tourists and rent them to restaurants. In any cafe there are hundreds of fish dishes on the menu, and to try them all, you will have to spend at least a month here.
The village is located in a small bay and the wind often blows here. And since there is wind, there are also waves. And if there are waves, then there are surfers. Riding a board on the waves is a favorite pastime of locals and tourists after fishing. In the evenings at sunset there are hundreds of surfers in the sea trying to catch a wave.
True, there is a minus here - the resort is located quite far from the airport, and after the plane lands, you will have to travel another 5-6 hours to the hotel by land transport. But it’s worth it; there’s hardly anything that can compare with the beauty and silence of the resort.

Da Nang - the history of the country in one place.
Da Nang resort is visited more by tourists who love more excursion holiday, not beach. The city has museums and exhibitions that preserve the entire history of the country.

We define best time for a beach holiday in Vietnam! When the rainy season ends and begins perfect time for a holiday at sea? When do tropical fruits ripen? Check out our weather overview by month and choose the best time to travel.

Vietnam's climate is influenced by monsoons and varies significantly regionally. Such differences are due to the mountainous landscape and the large extent of the country's territory. Southern Vietnam is characterized by a tropical climate with relatively flat average monthly temperatures, northern and central Vietnam has a subtropical climate with cool winters and rainy, hot summers. In the mountains in winter there can be frost and snow.

Rainy season in Vietnam

The wet season in the regions of the republic occurs in different months. On south(which includes the main resorts - Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau) it begins in May and lasts until November. At this time, the humidity is very high, and short-term tropical downpours occur. There are cloudy, cool and fresh days with gusty winds. The average temperature is about +27°C. For the shortest rainy season. Tourists usually avoid traveling to Vietnam during the rainy season, but some travelers believe that tropical rains are no big deal and come to the country during this time.

IN center In Vietnam, the rainy season lasts from December to April. At this time, we do not recommend visiting the resorts of Danang, Hue and Hoi An. We were just in these cities in winter. The rains, although short-lived, are frequent, and quite cool (not +25°C at all, as they usually write, but, it feels like, about +10...+15°C). The hotels do not have central heating, so the rooms are cold and you can easily catch a cold. It is very humid, clothes and shoes do not dry. We recommend having strong raincoats. It is impossible to swim because the ocean is stormy, and red flags are hung on the beaches. True, sometimes there are sunny days (or at least cloudy, but without precipitation), when you can see the sights. The resort where the most precipitation falls, according to our observations, is Hue.

On a note: during the wet season there may be typhoons (usually in the center of the country, less often in the south and north). From the second half of October to the second half of December, Danang and Hue fall under their destructive effects.

On north The country's wet season lasts from April to November. However, it sometimes rains in winter: we were there in January, and, as in the case of the center of Vietnam, we would not recommend visiting the region without warm clothes, suitable shoes and raincoats. It's cold in Hanoi, temperature +10...+20°C. In Halong the situation is better: it is almost always sunny, but in the mornings and evenings it is quite cool.

Beach season

The beach holiday season in the south of Vietnam falls in the winter-spring period ( December - April) - this is the best time to fly on vacation. During these months there are many visitors from Russia, China, Europe and the USA, weather lovely, but prices are rising. In spring, dry and warm weather already along the entire coast. May - June is the most comfortable time to relax in the central part of Vietnam.

Weather by month in Vietnam


It is cool in the north, warm and rainy in the center, clear and dry in the south. In the south +30°C during the day, +22°C at night, water +27°C. In Danang +24°C, the sea is also +24°C. It is stormy in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of December, +28°C during the day, +21°C at night, water temperature +24°C. In Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh City it is warm and sunny +31°C during the day, +22...+24°C at night, the sea in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and Phu Quoc +26...+28°C. It is better to meet at these southern resorts.

January February

In the north of the country it is cool +19°C during the day, +14°C at night. It is moderately warm in the center: in Danang and Hoi An during the day +23...+25°С, precipitation is less intense, the sea is pleasant +23°С. The season is in the south of Vietnam, the best: dry and clear +32...+34°C during the day, sea +28°C. An excellent beach holiday in Fukuoka, where during the day it is +30°C, the sea is +28°C. In February, dry, sunny weather sets in throughout the country.

March, April

March and April are the best months to go on vacation to Vietnam. In March, tropical heat comes to the southern and central regions. This is a great time for beach and sports holidays. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet +34°C during the day, at night +24°C, water +28°C. In Nha Trang the air temperature is a couple of degrees lower. In Fukuoka it is hotter at night +27°C, +32°C during the day, sea +29°C. The northern coast is traditionally colder, but at the end of April you can swim there: during the day +23...+25°С, sea +23°С.


The rainy season begins in the south and north of Vietnam. At the beginning of the month they fall mainly at night, so some opportunities for beach holidays and excursions remain. In Hanoi during the day +31°C, at night +25°C. In Nha Trang during the day +32°C, at night +24°C, water +28°C. In Fukuoka during the day +35°C, at night +25°C, water +29°C.

June August

The rainy season is in full swing in the south and north of the country, daytime temperatures are +32...+34°C, hot, humid and stuffy. Summer months- the best time to relax in the center of Vietnam: Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hue and Hoi An, where it is relatively dry. At the end of August, rains reach the central regions of the country.

September October

In the north of the country, the rainy season is ending, in the south there are short-term rains, in the center there are heavy downpours, there may be hurricanes and floods. Sea water +27°C. In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang +32...+33°С during the day, +24°С at night, in Phu Quoc +30°С during the day and +25°С at night. In October, weather conditions noticeably worsen, it becomes several degrees colder, it rains every day, the sea is stormy, and hurricanes rage in the center of the country. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An, this is the wettest month, with humidity reaching 80% and flooding often occurring.


In November, it is best to relax in the north of Vietnam: the weather there is dry and clear, during the day about +15...+20°C. There is still a high probability of typhoons in the central regions. In Nha Trang it is often cloudy, +26°C during the day, +22°C at night, the sea is cloudy and warm +24°C, in Da Nang +22...+24°C. In Fukuoka, clear and calm water is +27°C, clear during the day +32°C, at night +23°C.

Fruit season in Vietnam

Even Vietnam can envy the abundance of fruits. Mango and jackfruit season starts in March and lasts until summer. Avocados, rambutans and lychees appear in April, and mangosteens appear in early summer. Citrons and cherimoya ripen in June, tropical plums in July, and persimmons appear in August. The season of these fruits is not very long - only 3-4 months, and they can be found on sale until the end of the calendar autumn.

In November, the first winter fruits appear - local tangerines, in December - star apples (starapple). Durians also appear in January, but the season of these exotic fruits is much longer and lasts until October. The most delicious longan ripens from May to July, but you can buy it at any time of the year.

From our own experience we can say that Vietnam is the fruitiest country South-East Asia. It seems that fruit season in Vietnam is all year round: oranges, pineapples, pomelo, watermelon, melons, bananas, grapes, papaya, sapodilla, guava, pomelo, coconut, dragonfruit - there is no shortage of fruits here, we always found them everywhere, moreover By low prices(except that in the north of the country prices are higher, and the cheapest fruit is in the south). We have a special article dedicated to them - we described them, collected their names in Vietnamese and Thai and gave prices and harvest seasons.

(Photo: John Loo / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Hawaiian Islands- a paradise archipelago in the middle Pacific Ocean. The natural beauty of the islands is truly perfect. Active volcanoes are combined with modern urban high-rise buildings. Azure waters, white sandy beaches, luscious Exotic fruits, Coral reefs, Pacific cuisine and endless space for a diver - all this is Hawaii.

The enchanting Hawaiian Islands immerse you in a relaxing atmosphere of a healthy and exciting holiday, unforgettable and at the same time dangerous. To ensure that your vacation memories are only positive, it is important to plan your trip carefully.

Choosing a season for a holiday in Hawaii

In order to competently approach the issue of choosing a season for traveling to the paradise islands, first of all, it is important to decide what seems most interesting to you in Hawaii, what type of vacation suits you best: active or quiet family.

The Hawaiian winter lasts from December to May; perhaps this is the best time to relax on the islands. This is simply the perfect time to surf. Plus, it's also whale season. You can't miss the unique chance to see these amazing and majestic living creatures in their natural environment a habitat.

The average daily air temperature in this period of time is as comfortable as possible and ranges from 20 to 26 degrees.

It's no wonder that the Hawaiian winter is the most popular season to visit the islands. If you decide to travel to the islands in winter, then you should take care of booking a hotel and transport to get around the island in advance.

Spring comes to Hawaii in March and continues through June. Couples in love from all over the world strive to visit the islands at this romantic time of year. Trees bloom in spring in Hawaii Jacaranda, and the islands seem to be shrouded in a fabulous lilac fog.

Also during this period, the city of Hilo hosts the traditional colorful “Merry Monarch” festival, the purpose of which is to perpetuate Hawaiian culture and the subtle art of graceful hula dance. average temperature The air temperature in Hawaiian spring stays at 25 degrees, however, clear days can be diluted by temporary rains.

Summer in Hawaii is hot and sunny, lasting from July to September. The air warms up to 30 degrees during the day. Summer in Hawaii is the season for juicy mangoes, which are used to prepare a large number of variety of dishes and drinks. The beaches, shops and restaurants are simply packed with tourists and local residents. If you prefer a measured and relaxing holiday, then do not fly to Hawaii in the summer.

Hawaiian autumn– unbearably hot and humid season. There are fewer tourists and, accordingly, prices for food and accommodation also decrease.

Major Hazards in Hawaii

Among the main dangers of the paradise islands are tsunamis (typical for the northern regions in the summer-autumn period), earthquakes (echoes of Chile and Alaska) and volcanic gases (dangerous for asthmatics and allergy sufferers).

Modern man organizes his day without paying attention to his natural biorhythms. But disruption of the body’s “internal clock” leads to a deterioration in well-being and even development various diseases: depression, diabetes, obesity. No matter how difficult it may seem at first glance, it is still worth trying to combine your life schedule with natural biorhythms, as this is guaranteed to bring enormous benefits to your health.

Temporal organization of man

The peak of a person's brain function, concentration and wakefulness occurs in the late morning. This is due to a gradual increase in body temperature: its rise begins shortly before waking up and lasts until noon. A warm shower helps speed up this process.

From about 12 noon to 4 pm, concentration decreases. Besides, it's lunch time, after which you always want to sleep! Drowsiness overcomes a person around 14:00. It's time to take a nap.

Surprisingly, post-work fatigue can increase creative forces. For some people, it’s better to solve open-thinking problems in the evening. While the efficiency of performing analytical tasks does not change throughout the day. Fatigue makes it easier for the brain to make alternative, sometimes unexpected, decisions.

Optimal time to work and communicate on the Internet

Research has shown that emails sent early in the morning (for example, around 6 a.m.) e-mail most likely to be read by the recipient. It's like reading a newspaper at the beginning of the day.

Reading Twitter at 8 - 9 am allows you to start the day on a cheerful note. At this time, the overwhelming number of messages are filled with optimism, positive emotions and energy.

Between 10 and 11 p.m., Twitter becomes one big emotional flood. At night, people are more relaxed and capable of empathy. They generate emotionally rich messages, both positive and depressive.

Work vs Leisure

When building your work and rest schedule, listen to your “internal clock” to improve your quality of life.

Best time for physical activity- from 15:00 to 18:00. Muscular activity from 2 to 6 p.m. is 6% better than during other hours. Also, lung productivity at 5 pm is 17% higher than at noon.

After lunch, good coordination is observed, and joints and muscles become more flexible, which reduces the risk of injury. This time period is ideal for playing tennis, hockey, golf, badminton or frisbee.

Eat for your health!

Scientists conducted a study: they put experimental mice on a high-calorie diet. The first group could eat at any time of the day. Animals in the second group were only allowed to eat during the 8 hours they were awake. Mice that only ate while active were 40% (!) thinner and had lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Despite the fact that research on this matter continues, we can confidently say:

We are not only what we eat, but also when.

Moral of this story

Summarizing the above, we get the following universal work and rest schedule:

What do you think: can you make your day more productive if you synchronize your biorhythms with your daily plans?

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