How to get to Fox Bay from the resort. Wild holiday on golden sands - Fox Bay (Crimea). Holidays in Liska

home Crimea is famous throughout the world for its picturesque mountains, each of which bears a name and has its own unique story

. The ensemble of the Main Crimean Ridge includes the famous Echki-Dag, consisting of three peaks.

Photos from users: Fox Bay

Adjacent to Solnechnaya Dolina and the village of Shchebetovka. On the northern side of the ridge rises the triangular peak of Kush-Kaya. To the east of it is the forested Echki-Dag, and to the south is Chal-Kaya. The massif is elevated above the sea to a height of 688 meters.

The folded shape of these mountains allowed the formation of such significant lowlands as the Krutoy, Sukhoi and Vetvisty ravines, and the Delyametskaya valley. This place is unique in that here you can see all the pristine nature of Crimea at once. Echki-Dag is translated from Crimean Tatar as “goat mountain”. Kokush-Kaya - “turkey rock”. Kara-Oba is the highest peak of the ridge - the “black hill”. At the foot of these beautiful mountains

there is Fox Bay, famous throughout the peninsula.

Fox Bay Beach

The bay is located between the Kara-Dag and Meganom mountain ranges. The nearest villages are Pribrezhnoye and Kurortnoye. The city of Sudak is 36 km from the beach, Koktebel is 15 km.

It is believed that the bay owes its name to a sea fox, or one of the local rocks that looks like a fox’s face. Be that as it may, the “fox” name stuck.

There are no buildings in Fox Bay, only tents for lovers of “wild” recreation. The beach is about 5 km long and is divided into informal areas. The boundaries between them are very arbitrary, since there are no boundaries at all. The bay is limited only by mountains and the sea.

Informals, “green” tourists, and those who do not need hotels like to relax here. People just put up tents on the shore and live. Even in the last century, the beach was chosen by nudists who walk around without clothes not only on the shore, but also in the surrounding area. IN summer season

mobile shops and cafes opening on the beach offer simple food.

The coastline is uneven, with elevation differences reaching hundreds of meters. Some paths, descents and ascents are so steep and precipitous that they pose a direct threat to life. There are two springs on Mount Echki-Dag: Upper and Lower springs. They say the water there is incredibly tasty. Tourists specially go up for this water.

The mountain trees are low, twisted by the Crimean winds, and there are many bushes. You can find ephedra, capers, wild orchids and the two-flowered Koktebel tulip, which grows only here.

Video hike to Fox Bay:

How to get to the bay

Getting to Fox Bay is not difficult at all. There are buses from Sudak to Koktebel or Solnechnaya Valley. It will be even easier and faster by car. From Feodosia, you should either take a bus to Kiziltash and Kurortnoye, or from the city center take a minibus to Shchebetovka or Kurortnoye, which runs every quarter of an hour. You can already walk from Kurortny and Shchebetovka.

A bus leaves from Kurortny to Feodosia every forty minutes, and there is a direct flight to Simferopol twice a day.

Fox Bay on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44°53’40″N 35°09’53″E Latitude/Longitude

What to see nearby

Ear of the Earth

In Echki-Dag there is a karst formation that attracts lovers of extreme recreation. This is a deep well, going vertically down into the bowels of the mountain. It is winding and very narrow. They get into it using special equipment. Its depth is 132 meters.

A huge dome-shaped cape is clearly visible on the southern coast of Crimea. Here you should dive to a depth of seven meters and swim through the elevator shaft, which is a vertical hole in the rock. Swimming from its lowest point, you can get to the legendary “graveyard of anchors” at the bottom of the sea; one of the anchors weighs two tons.

This park is valued for its pristine flora and fauna. Many animals listed in the Red Book live here. The reserve is protected, but walking excursions are organized with visits to the dolphinarium, an aquarium and a museum of exotic animals.

The name is quite justified - there are at least 300 here sunny days per year. And in this bright place, people have been growing grapes for centuries, from which they make magnificent wines. Some grape varieties do not take root in other places. Accordingly, the wine varieties are unique.

Fox Bay- a bay of the Black Sea between the Kara-Dag and Megan mountain ranges in Crimea. The coast of Lisya Bay between the villages of Pribrezhnoye and Kurortnoye is sparsely populated and is famous place recreation for naturists, hippies and other informals. Fox Bay is located under mountain range Echki-Dag. Liska, as the bay is affectionately called, has its own “settlements”: Nyushka, Kuba, Jamaica, Piccadilly, Zelenka, Uganda.

Is part of the regional landscape park Fox Bay - Echki-Dag, created in 2008 with an area of ​​1,561 hectares.

The length of Fox Bay is approximately 4-5 kilometers. On the coast of the bay there is the Echki-Dag mountain range, which translated from Crimean Tatar means “goat mountain” ( eçki- goat, dağ- mountain). Echki-Dag has two peaks: Kokush-Kaya - “turkey rock” (Crimean-Tat. köküş - turkey, qaya - rock) - 570 meters and Kara-Oba - “black hill” (Crimean-Tat. qara - black, oba - hill) - 670 meters. Mount Echki-Dag is one of the highest in the area.

The relief of the coast of Fox Bay is rugged, the elevation differences are very significant, amounting to hundreds of meters. Lots of plateaus, hills and rocks. In the area of ​​Mount Echki-Dag there are two springs (Upper Spring and Lower Spring), the famous “Ear of the Earth” (Crimean-Tat. Yerniñ Qulağı) - a cave more than a hundred meters deep. In addition, one of the features of Fox Bay can be noted that it is underdeveloped: there are no buildings in the vicinity, only tents, of which there are more and more every year. The roads are only dirt.

Informals, “green” tourists, and those who do not need hotels like to relax here. People just put up tents on the shore and live. Even in the last century, the beach was chosen by nudists who walk around without clothes not only on the shore, but also in the surrounding area. summer time Several portable shops with a limited selection of food are open on the coast, forming a small market. In Fox Bay there is one of the most famous naturist beaches on the entire southern coast of Crimea. IN last years the coast from the village of Kurortnoye is increasingly being built up with “wild” garages and boathouses.

The film “New Earth” was filmed here

In 2007, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea adopted a resolution declaring Fox Bay from the adjacent natural area and marine waters landscape reserve local significance"Fox Bay - Echki-Dag."

Some slopes and paths along the Fox Bay coast are very steep and dangerous. There can be a direct threat to life if you are intoxicated while going up and down the mountains.

Fox Bay contains large amounts of gray volcanic clay (also called "keel"), which is used for mud baths.

There is an assumption that the name comes from sea ​​fox. But local old-timers claim that the bay was previously called “Lysa” because of the exposed coastal ledges towering above it. If you look towards Lisya Bay from Ecological trail Karadag (under the Holy Mountain), Mayak Hill seems like a Fox frozen by the sea. The bow collapsed into the sea like a huge limestone block (Crab Cape)

Looking through last year's sea cards, I discovered that the story about our trip to Fox Bay remained unpublished.

So, Crimea, Fox Bay. This small bay is located between the Kara-Dag mountain range and Cape Meganom. Probably the most famous in Crimea (and not only in Crimea, but in the territory of the entire former USSR) a resting place for naked sunbathers, hippies, punks, don’t care and other informals. In Fox Bay there is the largest nudist beach in Crimea, the length of the coast is almost 5 kilometers. Romance, in short!

The desire to get to Fox Bay arose several years ago (though not for me), but it took a long time to make this desire come true. Last September we vacationed in Ordzhonikidze (a small resort village not far from the city of Feodosia), and our friends were just in Fox Bay. One day we came to an agreement, met in Koktebel, then we all went together to visit us, in Ordzho, and the next morning, succumbing to persuasion, we went to Fox Bay to observe the life and way of life of naked savages-tents.

To get from Ordzhonikidze to Fox Bay, you need to: take a minibus or bus to Koktebel - you wait half an hour for departure, another twenty minutes you shake along a dusty road among the mountains and hills; in Koktebel, change to another regular transport heading to Kurortnoye (another twenty to thirty minutes) - you need to get off in the center of the village, before reaching the biological station; From the center of the village it takes about twenty minutes to get to the sea; and, finally, the last push - along the coast in a western direction, leaving Kara-Dag and Kurortnoye behind, to Liska - about an hour on the road, if you walk at an average pace (if you are not in a hurry, the walk will take all of one and a half, or even two hours).

This is the village of Kurortnoye, the center of the settlement:

Yes, the appearance of the village is completely non-resort, but every summer, thousands and thousands of vacationers come to Kurortnoye (oops, pun intended). The sea is blue and warm, the mountains are beautiful and high, wonderful bays with very clean water and small cozy beaches - I want to go there too, again.

Among the ruins, unfinished construction, long-term construction and reconstruction, occasionally there are mansions in which rooms are rented out to those wishing to spend some time in Kurortny. By the way, the prices for decent housing in these small and apparently run-down villages southeastern Crimea(Koktebel, Ordzhonikidze, Kurortnoye, Shchebetovka, Primorsky, etc.) are quite comparable to those in Yalta. That is, good housing is expensive, and sometimes very expensive.

We looked back, and behind us was the beach of the village of Kurortnoye, and right behind the extinct Kara-Dag volcano was Koktebel, from which we had recently arrived:

We move along sea ​​coast. The terrain is clayey hills and mounds, indented by trails and paths.

I really liked this stone - where did such a huge boulder come from?

By the way, almost the entire coastline along the road from Kurortny to Lisya Bay is strewn with large stones. Cape Meganom is visible ahead (by the way, the Meganom Peninsula is one of the driest places in Crimea), the climate there is like a desert.

We walked a couple of kilometers and looked back again - Kara-Dag looked like some kind of monster with its snout in the sea:

The area is practically deserted; only ours is moving in the direction of Fox Bay. small company. Again big stones falling from the sky:

Representatives local fauna. These are not seagulls, but some strange birds that look a little like ducks. Although, maybe these are not ducks, but completely different animals:

Fox Bay is already visible in the distance:

Cape Meganom is huge:

A stone that recently fell on the path blocked the road with a kind of gate:

You pass through these gates, and here it is, the destination of the journey - Fox Bay:

Fox Bay met with chaos and a huge amount garbage. The stories of local old-timers that during the season, in the summer (let me remind you, we were in Lisk in early September, when there were almost no vacationers left) there was much more garbage on the coast, should have reassured us, probably. But they didn’t calm me down. Acquaintance with Fox Bay did not start with very pleasant things.

"Mattress area" This is what the local ancient aborigines contemptuously call those who come to Liska by car on weekends - they say they came to swim on mattresses. By the way, the entire Fox Bay is divided into such conventional areas: Nyushka, Zelenka, Jamaica, Cuba, Uganda, Piccadilly, Kinogorodok, etc.

“Zelyonka” is apparently because in this part of the bay some bushes and trees grow, and even grass makes its way through the clay soil.

In a self-made “wine shop” they sell wine by the glass, supposedly licensed, produced by the Koktebel plant. The price is exorbitant compared to prices in nearby villages. But the local savages take it, there is nowhere to go, because the nearest civilization is an hour’s walk through very rough terrain.

Somehow like this:

We move deeper. It's hot, dusty, I want beer and a swim.

Another almost standard still life from Fox Bay. Sad.

Do you see the Kara-Dag sparkling with its teeth in the distance? We have gone quite far from Kurortny.

In the center of Liska there are even some signs of civilization:

Shop - beer, ice cream, drinks, cigarettes. The prices, as I already said, are high - but there is no choice. By the way, the store has electricity from a diesel generator, and natives often come here to recharge their Cell phones and even laptops. They are, of course, the most genuine aborigines, but many take advantage of the achievements of progress.

A typical picture from Fox Bay, if you look towards the sea:

And we are heading to the planet Plyuk towards Zelenka, to the place of residence of the comrades who invited us to visit:

This is how people live in Liska.

Tent, sleeping bags, makeshift fireplace, daily trips to the mountains for firewood and water. Late rise, breakfast, sea-sea-sea, evening and night gatherings or visits, and again morning.

Someone even brought a pet with them:

There are a variety of people in Fox Bay. As I understand it, most of those who relax here are distinguished by out-of-the-box thinking and behavior. This does not mean that these people are inadequate; on the contrary, they are quite adequate, very nice and really assess what is happening around them.

Those who came to Liska solely for the purpose of “breaking away” (in one of the many ways provided, or even several at once) for the most part are also adequate. Well, or almost adequate.

We didn’t stay at the tents for long, but went to the beach. We swam, sunbathed, and went to the nearest “bar” for beer. Bar is a very strong word. A huge tent, inside of which there is a very conventional “bar counter” made from scrap materials; homemade tables and benches - you can sit in the shade of a tent and even drink cold beer from a refrigerator powered by a diesel engine.

Entering the bar, we immediately saw a girl standing on a table located to the left of the entrance. The only thing the girl had on was one red sock, which she wore left leg. The girl was young and very beautiful. She stood on the table, wearing a red sock, with a mop in her hands. I dipped a mop with a rag into a bucket of water (the bucket stood on a bench near the table) and used this mop to wash the table on which it stood. She did it very focused and enthusiastically.

The guy who was at the makeshift bar saw the girl and started shouting: “What are you doing? Stop worrying about bullshit, get off the table and start cleaning” - well, something like that. The girl sent the guy away, using profanity, and continued to move the mop on the table. The guy said something much harsher in response, and the girl threw the mop, sat down with her beautiful naked butt on the table, and dipped her feet in a bucket of water. I sat there and was sad.

A few minutes later, another girl (as I understood, an acquaintance) turned to her and asked some question: either she was joking, or she sympathized. And suddenly, out of nowhere (and where could it have come from? The girl was wearing only one sock!) a knife appeared in our heroine’s hands, which she began to wave, chanting something like “how many have I stabbed, how many have I cut, how many souls have I ruined! Well, in that spirit. The girl walked for some time with a grumpy gait between the tables, telling something about her hard life, and gradually calmed down, sat down next to the bucket and, as it seemed to me, fell asleep.

Yes, of course, there are people in Lisk whose behavior may cause confusion among untrained observers (like us, for example). But local aborigines don’t pay attention to such shows special attention. In Fox Bay, people gather who are free in their actions, and, moreover, their style of behavior is determined by the environment. And the situation is such that such a performance is, in principle, commonplace, and even welcomed. It's fun, isn't it? You can laugh. Or sympathize.

From the bar we returned to the seashore. By the way, there are very few people. We swam and lay on the warm sand. We decided to go somewhere to eat. You can have a snack in one of several self-made catering establishments just like the “bar” - such “halabuds”, assembled from wood, cardboard and the remains of other once-industrial goods. It looks like a cafe. The inside of the cafe looks like this:

On the stone wall hangs a long-faded painting depicting the leader of the world proletariat:

By the way, Lenin, along with Che Guevara and Bob Marley, are very popular characters among the residents of Fox Bay.

Our table was on the second floor of the “cafe”, and we climbed up these stone steps:

From our top shelf it is very interesting to look at what is happening below:

Ethnographic style of “cafe” decoration:

After sitting in the “restaurant” for a while, we got ready to go home. We bought beer and some water, put our backpacks on our shoulders and set off on the way back, towards Kurortny. We spent only half a day in Fox Bay, but there were enough impressions.

The impressions are twofold. I liked it in Lisk, and I would like to stay there for a longer time - two or three days, for example. But no more. I probably couldn't stand it any longer.

There are many interesting things in Lisk and the surrounding area that we did not have time to see and experience. A film town where many famous films were filmed. The Echki-Dag mountain range, which you would like to climb and admire the sea from above. The Ear of the Earth cave is very deep and mysterious. Well, and most importantly - interesting people, some of which I am already familiar with.

Goodbye, Fox Bay. Perhaps we'll see each other again.

If we summarize the articles about Fox Bay posted on the Internet, then in most cases the main idea will be something like this: a place where all sorts of informals drink and sunbathe naked. I want to talk about my experience in Fox Bay.

Geographical location of Fox Bay

Between and Karadag there is Chalka Bay. Its length is about ten kilometers. Part of this bay is a narrow strip of beautiful beach under the clayey slopes of the Echki-Dag ridge and bounded by Mount Nyushka and Cape Crab, only 2.7 km is called Lisya Bay, although Liska itself ...

Background to the trip to Fox Bay.

The first time I heard about Fox Bay was from the daughter of the owner of the room we rented in Sudak. By this time, we had already ceased to be simple mattresses and began to appear very rarely on the city beach of Sudak. First we (me and my wife Larisa) examined New World with its colorful bays, Tsarskoe beach and then wild beaches along the road Sudak - New World, but more on that another time. All this gave us the right to consider ourselves savages and almost nudists.

And Tatyana’s stories about her vacation in Fox Bay excited my soul. She spoke with delight about some kind of wild, free kingdom, where you just can’t get to it - there is no road, no water, no forest - so everything - firewood, water, food, personal belongings - must be carried on yourself. But for that – complete freedom: of speech, of press, and of clothing. And the basic principle is - do what you want - the main thing is not to disturb others. The next year, we again listened with envy to Tatyana’s stories about Fox Bay with new details.

And finally, we made up our minds.

Sudak Solnechnaya Dolina Coastal.

A bus runs from Sudak and takes you only to Solnechnaya Dolina, but the minibus runs more often and goes to the beach of Solnechnaya Dolina - the village of Pribrezhnoye, which is another three and a half kilometers. The departure point is the lower platform of the Sudak bus station, the schedule is there, on the pole (schedule 2011 in the photo). During the season there are a lot of people, and the minibus is an ordinary small passenger “Gazelle”. In the city it stops a couple of times, but it is impossible to sit in it, except to rest one leg. The route goes along the coast to the east - Cape Alchak, Kapsel Bay, Cape Meganom, past the Arhaderesse wine cellars, Solnechnaya Dolina, and finally the beach (Pribrezhnoe).

A little about Sun Valley Beach.

By the way, the minibus does not reach the sea a little, but stops near the branded wine store “Solnechnaya Dolina”, so the bulk of the people first pack wine, both to take away and in, and then move on. Yes, the wine list of the Solnechnaya Dolina factory deserves separate article, the only thing is to try it – you won’t regret it. And one more thing: in the second half of August, these stores sell local grapes, tasty, ripe and, compared to the market, for nothing. From the store 50 meters is the Pribrezhny embankment, and behind it the beach, by the way, is very good - sand, small pebbles, clean water, and few people. To the right there will be a small market, then the beach of Solnechnaya Dolina is blocked by the fence of the Russian military unit. Who are they protecting here on the beach? And from whom? There will be a row of “cafes” to the left. You should go there. Actually, behind the last cafe the trail to Fox Bay begins. She either climbs the hills or walks along the very edge of the surf. Here and there there are settlements of savages. The places, although wild, are not very nudist. Basically, everyone is by car, and so on until “Kinogorodok” - the last point that can be reached from Solnechnaya Dolina.

Film town. It’s not Fox Bay yet, but the beaches are already wild.

“Kinogorodok” is a former film set in Chalka Bay in oriental style. It was built in 2004, and it became the set for the filming of the film " Live fish". The embankment, the palace, the houses. Everything is abandoned and is falling apart more and more every year. And between them there are tents and cars. Our first attempt to reach Lisya Bay ended somewhere halfway. We walked as always - naboom: along to the sun and stars, without even asking those around us. And then, having passed the next section along the edge of the surf under the cliff, we came out onto a wonderful beach. On a small step along the beach there were tents scattered on both sides of the gentle surf and completely naked men and women. , sunbathing and bathing bodies. It was already 9-10 o’clock, that is, very hot.

After two kilometers of walking through the mountains under the sun, the place seemed very attractive, and we decided to take a break. After settling in and swimming, I looked around, and among other things, on the distant hill I noticed a cafe and a suspicious little blue house on a hill. What was my surprise when it turned out to be the store of the Solnechnaya Dolina winery! It’s clear – we didn’t go any further.

Second attempt to reach Fox Bay.

It’s interesting that we didn’t make it to Fox Bay the following year either. We, as always, were vacationing in Sudak, and our daughter and her boyfriend decided to live like savages on that beach in Chalka Bay, which we discovered last year. We visited them often and with pleasure, brought food, swam, and sunbathed. And then, finally, we decided to go further, but the weather this year was not good. Either wind, or rain, or even a storm. This is what happened this time too. As soon as we passed, the Chalka Bay Film Town rebelled - the wind grew stronger, a cloud rolled in, and it began to rain. I’m still kicking myself for not taking a photo then. The road back is a complete extreme. Squally wind. Shower. The path either climbs steeply up, then goes along a clay slope at 45 degrees, or along the edge of the surf along a wall sliding down. Once again nature explained to us that what seems to be the safest place can be very formidable and dangerous.

And finally, FOX!

And finally, the next time, we safely passed the Cinema Town, walked three hundred meters along the pebbles between the sea and the wall and found ourselves in the world of summer, sea, nudity and freedom. Interestingly, what struck me was not naked ladies with large busts or young girls sunbathing in what their mother gave birth to. No. I was amazed by the relationships between people. Some walk naked, some clothed, some without a top, and some without a bottom. But no one pays attention to this. Well, enough about psychology.

Settlements and population of Fox Bay.

The beach of Lisya Bay itself or simply Liski is somewhere a little more than a kilometer away. Sand, small pebbles. There are rocks in the water in some places. In calm weather, the water is very clean, warm, and the surf is weak. There are a lot of fish in the sea and dolphins often come. In general, they say there something like kindergarten. There is a step above the beach, and behind it a steep slope made of blue clay (yes, the same one that is packaged and sold on trays).

The population is diverse. From the Pribrezhny side, this part of Lisya Bay is called “Nyushka”, almost calm family holiday. Children are frolicking in the shallow water. Older boys play volleyball or juggle with a strange apparatus consisting of balls on a rope. Somewhere further down the beach is Jamaica with the corresponding ensign. Although I also saw the flags of Russia and Poland. Here they beat drums almost around the clock, young people wander around with signs of various subcultures in their hairstyle, remnants of clothing and accessories.

Closer to Kurortny there are shops and cafes. You can get here along the only dirt road, made by a small business about ten years ago, and it’s about twenty minutes on foot to the village of Kurortnoye. That’s why there are a lot of “mattress people” here, music plays loudly in the cafe - discos until the morning. And in general, if it weren’t for the completely naked ladies and men, then everything began to resemble not Fox Bay, but Koktebel or Sudak. Although the cafes here are unique - people not only drink and eat there, but also sleep, and I got the impression that some people live there. I especially liked the free-standing “restaurant” (at the very beginning). Two-storey reed bungalow. There are practically rooms on the second floor. There are some “informals” sleeping around, but an excellent cook and they fed us well.

Help continued

ends in a place called Piccadilly Circus. And it is conditionally divided into several “villages”, among which: Piccadilly - there is a market, Zelenka - a comfortable place in the shade of trees up the ravine, then Jamaica with Cuba, and, finally, Nyushka - also up the ravine, although without trees, but It's more or less quiet here.

Fox Bay Beach

The width of the beach in Fox Bay is up to ten meters, every year, for some reason everything is mostly sand, small pebbles, shells in the surf - pebbles, sometimes large ones. Lots of beautiful stones. There are also semi-precious ones, sometimes even Carnelian is found.

How to get to Fox Bay.

On foot.

from Pribrezhnoe - a little more than three kilometers, or from the village of Kurortnoye - less than two. In both cases, there is a path along the shore - you won’t get too lost, I want to say one thing - it’s not very easy to walk in flip-flops.

By car.

From the Feodosiya - Sudak highway in front of Shchebetovka, turn onto Kurortnoye. Then leave Shchebetovka and after some time the road will go to the left, and a dirt road will go straight across the field along the forest belt. If you turned correctly, then soon there will be a bridge over the river and large containers in the field, go past them and go up the hill (there will be a forest here), then go down, pass the pond, and end up in the sea... Turn right and along the beach to a small market , right in front of the market the road will turn right, go around the market and again up a small hill - behind it the main beach of Fox Bay itself will begin (information from the network, I didn’t go there myself).

From Solnechnaya Dolina you can only get to Kinogorodok. In the Kinogorodok area and further to Pribrezhny there are also many good wild beaches, access by car, you can meet nudists, but the atmosphere is not the same. There are no informals, fire shows and drums until the morning.

From the road to Pribrezhnoye you need to turn left back in Solnechnaya Dolina and past the lakes, through the vineyard (there is security there, you need to negotiate) you will go to the sea. There are many roads there, it is better to check with the locals. From Kinogorodok to Fox Bay about seven hundred meters along the shore.

The photos are from last year - I didn’t have a blog when they were taken, but I decided to post them anyway. And all because I’m planning to go here with my family in literally a month, but if it weren’t for certain circumstances, I would have lost it now.
Fox Bay is a unique cocktail of sea, mountains, rocks, forest, clean air, guitars, fires and relaxedness. It is considered a mecca for nudists throughout the post-Soviet space (a kind of branch of Goa), but you don’t have to be a nudist to relax here. There is a lot of wine here, but there is no alcoholism or bull (I didn’t notice).

The fun and goodwill that reigns on Liska is so addictive that many people who come to relax for a couple of weeks quit work and business and stay until the first cold weather. There is even a unique case - a guy and a girl who met here built themselves a hut and live all year round for 4 years now, and their daughter was born here. By the way, here they are (the girl with her daughter):

But first things first. The road to Fox Bay lies from the village of Kurortnoye (40 minutes by bus from Feodosia) along a picturesque rocky beach.

There is also civilization here - a kind of center of a tent city - here you can eat, buy water, wash yourself under fresh water, charge phones and other equipment...

But it’s small, and then there are kilometers of beach

You can pitch a tent right on the beach, but then you will have to go to the mountains for firewood and water, or in the mountains and go to the beach to the sea.

But the view from the mountains, especially at dawn, is worth it

We stopped high in the mountains in the forest.

Here in the mountains there is a source of fresh water, where you need to go if you don’t want to buy water (however inexpensive - 50 kopecks per liter)

View of Mount Achkidag (goat mountain)

From above, under the rock, you can see a forest - this is where we stopped. It also contains the source.

Those who don't have a tent, don't be discouraged. This is not at all a reason to deny yourself a trip to Liska)


In general, due to the presence large quantity free time, many people discover unexpected talents.

Some girls are doing a photo session for VKontakte avatars against the background of mountains

Here, on Fox Bay, there is a beautiful dilapidated cinema town. Once upon a time it was built for the filming of the film “Live Fish” (the film, unfortunately, was never released). And now it serves as a wonderful decoration of this place.

Many settle right among the “ancient ruins”

You can take a walk to a small winery - it’s a long walk, but it’s worth it - the wine is delicious

Nearby view of the vineyards

They say - God forbid someone here to steal grapes - the watchman walks around with live ammunition. But somewhere far away, behind the mountains, there is an abandoned vineyard, and whoever takes the time to get there can eat grapes to their heart's content.

Behind this winery the non-nudist zone begins

But, let's return to Liska

On a windy day, nothing indicates that the beach is nudist)

But already after lunch the sun came out

I couldn’t resist either)

Well, perhaps that's enough photos. And so it is clear that this is simply heaven on earth.
Way home

On the way you need to pass under this stone

The village of Kurortnoye. From here the bus took me to the station

By the way, in the background is Mount Kara-Dag, and around it is the Kara-Dag Nature Reserve.

What else to read