Coursework: pre-sale preparation of goods in a store. Preparatory operations with non-food products

home Most of goods enter the retail network unsuitable for release in large containers and in bulk, loose, etc. This requires appropriate preparation of them for sale. Preparing goods for sale has important for rational organization technological process

in the store, the introduction of progressive forms of sales, improving the culture of trade services for tourists and increasing the efficiency of the store.

The technological process of preparing goods for sale consists of bringing the products into marketable condition and moving them to the point of sale. Technological operations for preparing goods for sale are classified into general, characteristic of all goods, for example, unpacking, sorting, labeling, giving a presentation, putting in containers, trolley for delivery to the sales area, sorting, and specific, characteristic only for individual goods

(Dosage, packaging, testing in action, packaging, etc.)..

The package consists of releasing goods from the containers in which they arrive from the supplier. Open the container with a special tool. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve the quality of the product, as well as the packaging, to ensure its repeated use.

Sorting consists of grouping products by size, style, grade, price and other assortment characteristics. This is necessary for accepting goods in quantity and for subsequent storage in the store. Providing a marketable appearance consists of cleaning from dust, ironing, removing oil, destroying the lost appearance of the top row food products

, elimination of minor defects.

Packing (grocery, gastronomic goods, confectionery goods, vegetables, fruits), slicing, chopping meat.

Dosing is an operation that ensures that the required amount of product reaches the package.

Completing gift sets (haberdashery, perfume, tableware, etc.). Technological operations for preparing goods for sale in general condition

are clearly shown in the diagram (see Fig. 17.5).

Commodity processing of several food products is clearly shown in the diagram (Fig. 17.6).

Preparation for the sale of haberdashery goods, which include thousands of items, is carried out depending on the type of product. For example, some metal haberdashery products, buttons, hooks, etc. are packaged in bags. Individual dry goods are placed on cardboard tablets. Most textile haberdashery products / Ribbons, ropes, lace, etc. / Wound on cardboards of different sizes. Textile haberdashery: scarves, mufflers, ties are placed in boxes. Moreover, ties are ironed with an insert inserted inside so that it does not reflect on the front side.

When preparing goods for sale, you should take into account the availability of inventory on the sales floor. The goods prepared for sale are moved to the sales floor - to departments, sections or consumer complexes, micro complexes.

Rice. 17.5. Scheme of the structural sequence of technological operations for preparing goods for sale

Rice. 17.6. Scheme of the structural sequence of technological operations of commercial processing of food products

For example, “Products for women”, “Products for men”, “Sports”, “Dietary products”, etc.

When laying out goods, vertical, horizontal and combined methods of placement can be used. The vertical method of placing goods is more convenient for clothing and is recommended for use for large and small goods. When laid out horizontally, one or another group

goods are placed along equipment shelves. The combined layout method includes horizontal and vertical layout.

Placement of goods is a system of placing them in separate areas in the service area. various signs inherent in these products / type, size, grade, style, etc. /.

The placement of goods on the sales floor should be carried out in the following stages:

Determining the sequence of placement of the group and each subgroup of goods;

Distribution of space on the sales floor between individual groups of goods;

Placement of product groups and subgroups in accordance with the accepted layout, size retail space and the acquisition of the necessary trade and technological equipment for the placement and teaching of goods.

The technology for placing goods must meet the following general requirements:

Ensure the maximum scope of product teaching, using the entire useful volume of the sales floor;

Distribute customers evenly on the sales floor, ensuring quick orientation;

Provide favorable conditions for customers and service personnel

Provide good visibility shopping area store workers so that they can monitor the completeness of the assortment and order.

In general, the technologist needs to arrange goods in accordance with the frequency and psychology of demand. For example, assigning a permanent place to goods, which helps customers quickly navigate the sales floor, speeds up the sales process, and increases the labor efficiency of store workers. When placing goods on the sales floor, you must remember that first of all, goods are sold that are displayed in places clearly visible to customers.

When placing goods on the sales floor, it is necessary to comply with the rules of product proximity. Thus, chemically moscated goods, pesticides, flowers and some other goods, if possible, should be isolated. Products with a strong odor should not be placed near products that easily perceive this odor / for example, rubber and perfume products, herring, sugar, tobacco products, etc. /.

In the direction of movement of buyers, goods should be located with right side. The rational placement of goods on the sales floor of a store is influenced by the store premises, which bear the main functional load. Their group includes: trading floors of stores and premises for additional customer service. What can be: T-shaped, oblong, triangular, square, circular, oval.

Depending on the size and configuration of the sales area, the characteristics of the product range and forms of sale in stores, various options placement of equipment. The main ones are linear, island, box, combined.

Confectionery products are placed by type on display cases, shelves, perishable ones - in refrigerated cabinets on display cases. There is a wide range of confectionery products, so their placement and display require first-class skills from sellers. Before, confectionery should be grouped. In the center of the window opposite the seller, of course, are placed sweets, etc., on the left are chocolates and chocolate products, coffee, on the right are flour confectionery products. Decorative elements are often used when displaying confectionery products.

Dairy products and butter are laid out separately from goods with pungent odor, they easily perceive their smell. Products in factory packaging are placed on wall shelves and counters. The cheeses are packed on the counter in circles and bars in one or two rows, with parchment paper placed between the rows. The top piece of cheese is cut and placed cut side down towards the customers. Using best practices, SELA displays products directly in containers to eliminate the time-consuming and costly task of rearranging consumer packaging on store shelves. In this case, high demands are placed on the decorative design of containers and packaging.

Goods must arrive on the store's sales floor fully prepared for sale. Preparing goods for sale includes a series of operations to bring goods to full readiness for sale to customers. The nature and volume of these operations are determined by the properties of the product, the degree of its readiness for sale, and the methods of selling the goods.

Operations for preparing goods for sale are divided into general and special.

TO general For all goods, preparatory operations include: unpacking, sorting, checking the correctness of labeling, giving a marketable appearance (refinement), moving to the sales floor, to the places where goods are placed.

Unboxing- this is the release of goods from external transport packaging, wrapping and binding materials.

Sorting- provides for the grouping of goods according to assortment characteristics: sizes, styles, varieties, prices.

Ennoblement goods involves cleaning them from dust, dirt, ironing, removing factory grease, eliminating minor defects, etc.

Marking includes attaching labels to goods indicating the name of the product, its article number, grade, size, and price.

Sewing, knitted, fur goods, hats, shoes must have labels indicating their name, article, price, size (for clothing, linen and other garments, shoes, hats) and height (for clothing and linen).

Unpacking of goods includes the release of goods from external transport containers, then they are sorted, cleaned of dust and dirt, minor defects are eliminated, labeling is checked for correctness, and price tags are issued. It is advisable to carry out these operations in special rooms with equipped workplaces -

mi. Large stores may have unpacking, packaging, cutting, and workshops for minor repairs of goods. So, sewing products selected according to size and height, eliminate minor defects, clean and iron. For ironing, a special room is allocated, equipped with ironing equipment. Along with this, some manufacturers supply garments on hangers in a covered form, which practically eliminates the need for ironing operations.

Responsibility for the quality of preparation of goods for sale lies with the heads of sections and departments of stores and the manager of the sales floor.

Special operations to prepare goods for sale are carried out with goods that require special methods and techniques of assembly and installation, rolling of fabrics, packaging, etc. They are typical only for individual goods.

In particular, technically complex goods and products complex assortment require special operations to prepare them for sale. For example, when preparing electrical goods for sale, the availability of operating instructions, passports or warranty cards and the completeness of the products are checked, assembly, configuration and adjustment of devices is carried out. Each product item must have a label indicating brief technical characteristics and annotation. At the same time, the workplace for preparing technically complex goods for sale is equipped with network electrical sockets, antennas and other necessary devices. Bicycles and motorcycles are cleaned of anti-corrosion lubricants, assembled, completed and the operation of their main mechanisms is checked.

In accordance with the sales rules, the sale of technically complex goods that have not undergone pre-sale preparation is prohibited.

A significant portion of food products enter the retail chain unprepared for sale. Considering the particular labor intensity of these operations in stores, they should be optimized from an organizational and technological standpoint. For this purpose, special rooms (zones) with an area of ​​at least 6 m2 are equipped, where packaging equipment, inventory and packaging are located.

materials. Workplace The packer is located next to the goods storage area and in close proximity to the sales floor.

They mainly package bulk goods, confectionery, vegetables and fruits.

Dosing of plumb lines is carried out taking into account the demand of the population, timing of implementation, and price. The name and type of goods, net weight, cost, packing date, packer number or seller's name are indicated on the packaging or insert labels.

Of course, when selling pre-packaged goods, preparatory operations are reduced to a minimum, which significantly speeds up the process of selling them, increases sales volumes and improves the culture of customer service.

From the standpoint of minimizing costs, the most effective is packaging at industrial enterprises or through intermediaries. In stores, taking into account the specifics of products and the demand of the population, it may be advisable to package some gastronomic products, meat, poultry and fish.

Preparing goods for sale should be carried out before the store opens or during free time from serving customers. Goods prepared for sale are placed in carts, boxes, trays, and packaging equipment for delivery to the sales floor.

Simultaneously with preparing goods for sale, it is necessary to prepare the sales floor, which ends with checking the operation of cash registers and weighing equipment.

An important and labor-intensive operation of the store’s technological process is preparing goods for sale. Goods must arrive on the sales floor fully prepared.

Operations for preparing goods for sale are divided into general and special.

Preparatory operations common to all goods include unpacking, grouping them according to assortment characteristics, checking the correctness of labeling, giving them a presentation, serving them on the sales floor, placing them and displaying them in the customer service area or at the seller’s workplace.

Special operations for preparing goods for sale are carried out with goods that require special methods and techniques of assembly and installation, fabric rolling, packaging, etc. They are typical for individual goods. The number and complexity of operations to prepare goods for sale depends on how prepared they arrive from suppliers. When the store receives goods that are maximally prepared for sale, the sales process is significantly accelerated, the costs of its organization are reduced, and the culture of customer service is improved. However, not enough goods are delivered to the store fully prepared for sale, so it is necessary to rationally organize the implementation of these operations directly in the store. When unpacking a product in a store, it is freed from external shipping containers, grouped by size, style, color and other characteristics, cleaned of dust, dirt, grease, ironed, minor defects are eliminated, the correctness of labeling is checked, and price tags are issued. Then the goods are placed in carts, boxes, trays, and packaging equipment for delivery to the sales floor.

Some products require specific preparation.

Technically complex goods and goods of complex assortment are prepared for sale using special operations and techniques.

Thus, before submitting technically complex goods to the sales floor, an additional check is made for the availability of operating instructions, passports or warranty cards and the completeness of the products. Assembly, configuration and adjustment of devices is carried out. Each sample sent to the sales floor must be clearly labeled with a brief description. technical specifications and annotation.

These operations are performed by store employees or, under contracts of trading organizations, by specialists from repair companies. Workplaces for preparing technically complex goods for sale must be equipped with electrical outlets, antennas and other necessary equipment. The sale of technically complex goods that have not undergone pre-sale preparation is prohibited.

Particularly labor-intensive are special operations for the preparation of food products for self-service stores: cutting, packing, packaging, etc.

Due to the insufficient supply of packaged food products, packaging operations are carried out directly in stores. To do this, it is necessary to equip special workplaces in the back rooms of stores with an area of ​​at least 6 m2. In stores with a fairly large volume of packaging, it is advisable to use special equipment. The packer's workplace should be located next to the goods storage area and in close proximity to the sales floor.

Dosing of plumb lines is carried out taking into account the demand of the population, the norms for the supply of goods to one buyer, the timing of sales, and the price. Depending on the physical and chemical properties of the goods, they are packaged in polyethylene or cellophane film, parchment or wrapping paper, bags, mesh containers, boxes, etc. The packaging of goods packaged in stores or insert labels indicates the name and type of goods, net weight, cost, packing date, packer number or seller's name.

Preparation of goods for sale should be carried out, as a rule, before the opening of the store or during free time from serving customers in specially designated areas.

The process of preparing food products for sale may generate waste. They are divided into liquid and illiquid.

Liquid waste includes ham bones, heads, ends, etc. They are subject to sale at prices specially established for them. Goods for which liquid waste standards have been established are sold by suppliers and received in stores minus a discount on waste. Some liquid waste (oil stripping waste, bread crumbs, sugar, etc.) is transferred according to the act to other organizations for recycling.

Unliquid waste (mesh sausages, fish fins, paper tampons and wrappers, etc.) are not subject to further use and are written off according to special standards.

High-quality execution of operations to prepare goods for sale ensures a high level of service, increased labor productivity, accelerated turnover of goods, improved technical and economic indicators of the store, and reduced time for purchasing a purchase.

Increasing the supply volumes of goods in packaging equipment that are maximally prepared for sale will help reduce the costs of preparatory operations in retail trade enterprises.

In the Smak-6 store, before being served on the sales floor, goods are fully prepared for sale. Preparing goods for sale consists of unpacking, sorting, cleaning, packing, packing, and labeling. The number of preparatory operations in the store depends on the degree of preparation of goods for sale at the time of arrival at the store.

When unpacking, goods are freed from external transport containers, sorted, dirt is cleaned, and minor defects are eliminated. All these preparatory operations are carried out in special rooms with equipped workstations.

A significant part of food products comes in bulk form, and they are packaged directly in stores. They mainly package bulk groceries, confectionery, vegetables, and fruits. The packaging area is located in close proximity to the goods storage area and near the sales floor. The packer's workplace is equipped with appropriate equipment and packaging material. The store uses special devices and devices to prepare goods for sale.

Before delivery to the sales floor, goods are marked and placed in trays, baskets, boxes, trolleys or packaging equipment

2.4 Placement and display of goods on the sales floor

In the Smak-6 store, goods are placed so that they are visible and easily accessible to buyers and sellers. When placing goods, demand, interchangeability and replenishment of some goods with others are taken into account. Goods on the sales floor are placed in compliance with the rules of product proximity, sanitary rules, in sufficient quantities and the full range available in the store.

Each type of product is supplied with a price tag indicating the name, weight, manufacturer, price, and date. Perishable goods are placed in refrigerated retail equipment. Products are delivered to the sales floor at a time when there is a minimum number of customers in it, so as not to interfere. Sales process. Carts are used to move goods.

When placing goods in the sales area of ​​the Smak-6 store, the following requirements were taken into account: providing customers with the opportunity to navigate the sales area and make purchases in a minimum short term; creating comfortable conditions while customers are in the store; providing customers with the necessary information and a wide range of services; optimal use of store space; ensuring the safety of material assets; organization of rational commodity flows and settlement transactions with customers.

Each product group in the store is assigned a permanent placement area. Products that are being prepared for sale in the store are placed closer to the area where preparatory operations are performed. For example: the deli department is located in close proximity to the preparation area. Our own products are supplied to the sales area directly from the kitchen. Products that require buyers to familiarize themselves with them for a long time are located in the depths of the sales floor so as not to interfere with the movement of customer flows. For example: a department with tea in special gift packaging is located in a more spacious part of the sales floor, which allows the buyer to take his time choosing a gift for loved ones.

To place goods on the sales floor of the Smak-6 store they use Various types commercial furniture, packaging equipment, commercial refrigeration equipment. Products on retail equipment are laid out vertically, thereby ensuring better visibility. They also use the simplest methods of displaying goods (direct laying, in bulk, etc.); for example, fruits and vegetables are laid out in bulk.

When displaying packaged goods, individual samples are left unpackaged or in transparent packaging so that the buyer can examine them.

June 24, 2015

Pre-sale preparation for the sale of non-food products () is the most important stage of the technological process that is carried out at any retail outlet. But before the product reaches the store, it must be prepared for shipment, and printed materials must be sorted.

For clarity, let's look at this using the example of printed materials.

The main steps are

  1. Filling out an application for products.
  2. Sorting involves grouping the assortment by name, author's name and type of product.
  3. Complete sets.
  4. Barcode sticker.
  5. Packaging products in cardboard boxes or film.
  6. Delivery to the store.

Preparing goods for sale in the store

After the printed products have reached the point of sale, the next stage of preparation begins for the sale of non-food products directly at the point where sales will take place. Responsible for its implementation are sales workers, who bear full responsibility for accepting the goods and giving them the proper appearance. Feature This work directly depends on how ready the product is for sale, its properties and the method by which the sale will be carried out.

Preparatory operations

Preparatory operations There are two types: special and general purpose.

Common operations include:

  • unpacking (releasing containers and tied materials). The main requirement of this stage is the preservation of the quantity and quality of the goods;
  • sorting involves arrangement according to assortment characteristics;
  • checking the conformity of the product according to its labeling;
  • giving a marketable appearance;
  • moving to places where goods are placed;
  • display of goods.

This type of pre-sale preparation of goods is acceptable for a regular store that has display cases and shelving.

These operations are carried out by sales workers who prepare and display products before opening the store. For this purpose, the store has specially designated premises in which pre-sale preparation of goods is carried out. So in stores before the holidays, in order to sell goods that are not in demand, they put together gift sets consisting of three items, two of which are very popular. They are packaged in special boxes or bags. All this attracts the buyer, and the store receives double benefits. Attaching labels (bar codes, price tags) can be done directly at the places where the sale will be made.

Special operations for preparing goods for sale are typical for separate groups who need to perform additional actions in order for this product to acquire a decent appearance. So with clothing products, in order to give them a marketable appearance, they sometimes use

steamer. With its help, wrinkles on clothes are smoothed out and the product acquires a marketable appearance.

Preparation for the sale of non-food products creates the preconditions for better application of progressive sales methods. For example, in bookstores where self-service is used, such preparation of goods helps to improve appearance hall, losses are reduced.


Sorting of printed products ( - creates the opportunity to deliver goods to the sales floor in proper form, taking into account the desired topic, and at the same time, creating convenience for yourself and customers in accessing the literature of interest.

High-quality implementation of all stages of pre-sale preparation of non-food products ensures customer service at the proper level and helps to increase labor productivity, increase sales, accelerate product turnover, improve store performance and reduce the time required to purchase goods.

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