When Irina died. Irina Berezhnaya: cause of death, what happened, funeral, photos and videos from the funeral, who is Irina Berezhna, biography and personal life. Achievements and life path


In one country
In a wonderful country
Where not to be
To you and me
Black tongue boot
In the morning he licks milk
And all day through the window
Potatoes are looking with an eye.

However, the poet Irina TOKMAKOVA was clearly mistaken about herself. An entertaining storyteller and an endless dreamer, she “walked” this “country” up and down: in poetry, fairy tales, stories, translations. And she even discovered new words “there”. Remember this typically "childish" poem?

A spoon is a spoon
Eat soup with a spoon.
A cat is a cat
The cat has seven kittens.

A rag is a rag
I will wipe the table with a rag.
A hat is a hat
I got dressed and went.

And I came up with a word
The funny word is plim.
I repeat again:
Plim, plim, plim!

Here it jumps and jumps
Plim, plim, plim!
And doesn't mean anything
Plim, plim, plim!

The best poems different years- for example "Let's play", "Tili-tili", "Ay yes soup", "Dancing", "Ten birds - flock", "Lullaby", "Sleep-grass", "Bukvarinsk", "Kittens", "September" , " Autumn leaves"," Grain "," Willow "," Birch "," Stork "," Zayushka "," Frogs "," Bainki "," Bear "," Sleepy Elephant "," Where the Fish Sleeps "," Conversation of Buttercup and Bug "," The sun goes in a circle "and more than thirty - are collected in her book" Little Willie Winky "(2013).
Who doesn't know one of them teaching about the Russian alphabet?

Was on the river on the Ink
The city is small, not dusty,
From time immemorial
He was called Bukvarinsky.
There, unaware of adversity,
A very glorious people lived:
And hardworking.
A - pharmacist,
B - bochard,
B - feller,
G - potter,
D - hefty crusher,
E is a corporal, he is a military man,
F - simple tinsmith,
Z - old-fashioned cutter,
And - a bearded historian,
K - smart dyer,
L is a tinker
M - painter,
H - porter,
Oh - shepherd,
P is a writer
R - radio operator,
C - shoemaker,
T is a tourist,
U is a fearless tamer,
F is an eccentric amateur photographer,
X is a battle painter,
Ts is a famous cymbalist,
H is a wonderful watchmaker,
Ш is a chauffeur, a big joker,
Sch - his puppy, Bouquet,
E - electrician-power engineer,
Yu is a lawyer,
so what is next
I am me, my friends!

For those who are older, Tokmakova "gave" "lessons" more difficult. Helping to understand not only the primer and mathematics, but also spelling, punctuation and other "snags" and "snags" of the Russian language. One of the educational books, which is called “From the Lessons of Mudroslov”, besides fairy tales about adventures in the magical land of letters and numbers, included fifteen verses: “You remember how they write us”, “What is the word“ syntax ” ? "," Proposal "," Look closely at the pretexts! "," What is adjoining? "...
Here's about the spelling of voiceless consonants - "You can't hear us, you can only see":

The finch hung down at dawn.
What a gentle hang!
With sadness the leaf fell<…>
Letters are written when
They are not heard at all:
Heart - heart,
Rainy - nasty,
Rejoicing - joy and happiness,
The sun is the sun,
Star - star Yes.

This is the Colon song from Songs of Punctuation:

I am called Colon,
And I'm not like the others!
I'm a terribly important sign
Look - I'm two-story!

And here - about "The different meaning of the union" yes "":

He bought soap and a washcloth,
Yes, there was little sense in this.
He stayed black
After all, he was just a bird of crows!

We'll bake cheesecakes with you
And we'll stick some buns too,
Yes, we will pour tea into glasses.
We will invite mom to visit.

Tokmakova has long been deservedly called the classic of children's literature. She is a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for youth and children (2002) and the literary prize named after Alexander Green (2002). And he is still a favorite author of publishers. Only in 2017, “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter“ A ”” (“Makhaon”, Moscow) have already been published and republished; “Everything about Ale, Klyaksich, Vrednyug and others” (“Azbuka”, St. Petersburg); Rostik and Kesha (ENAS-KNIGA, Moscow); Robin Hood (Dragonfly, Moscow); translations: "Christmas Night" by Clement Clark Moore ("Machaon", Moscow); Niels's Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese Selma Lagerlöf("ENAS-KNIGA", Moscow); Peter Pan by James Matthew Barry (ENAS-KNIGA, Moscow); "Armenian folk tales"(" Rech ", Moscow; St. Petersburg).
... It would seem, what is special in this little sketch sketch?

The hedgehog hibernates in winter.
This means the hedgehog is sleeping.
There is a dog in the yard
The master's house is guarding.
The cat walks along the edge of the roof
Perch - in the river ice hole.
From the pipe higher, higher
Stove smoke flies away.

But maybe from such ordinary, seemingly insignificant "details", the little listener and reader of Irina Tokmakova's books imperceptibly and develops a feeling of love for her home, her land, her homeland, and a meaningful attitude to her life, to the people around her, to your being? ..
We bring to the attention of our readers a fragment from our conversation.

- Irina Petrovna, is it true that one Swede put an end to your career as a linguist?
- Yes, really. It was Mr. Borgvist from the delegation of foreign power engineers. Very cute, adorable contact old man! I read some poetry to him in Swedish - after graduating from the philological faculty of Moscow State University, I studied in graduate school in comparative linguistics and worked as a guide-translator. And soon he sent a volume of my beloved Gustav Fröding and a collection of Swedish folk songs for children. She translated these cute and funny songs for her son - Vasily was three years old. One of them - "Gingerbread Men" - in 1958 in the December issue was published by the magazine "Murzilka" with drawings by Vitaly Statsinsky, then the chief artist of the magazine "Vesyolye Kartinki". And in 1961 in "Detgiz" with these songs a book was published "The bees lead a round dance" with drawings by the master of book illustration Anatoly Kokorin.

- Do you remember any one?
- Here you are - "Sheep Curls":

Little lamb
We have a bag of curls
Presented for the winter,
Presented for the winter.

A fur coat came out to my brother,
Mom came out a skirt
And socks for me
And socks for me.

And this is "Per-simpleton":

I went to the market Per-simpleton,
I went to the market Per-simpleton,
He gave the cow for so
He bought a violin for a nickle,
Now it plays like this:

The first book caused and great joy, and no less anxiety. What's next? All around in a swoon: not to bring the thesis to defense ?! But this was no longer interesting to me.

- You haven't found any understanding?
- At that moment my husband morally supported me - we got married in 1953 - artist Lev Alekseevich Tokmakov. He took me away from science, introduced me to publishers. Although he graduated from the Stroganov Higher School of Industrial Art, he immediately began to study the illustration of children's books. In addition, he is a literary gifted person, a good editor.

- However, you have not completely parted with linguistics. And love for foreign languages saved ...
- This is true. I got carried away with translation. Several retold songs, already from Scottish folklore, which accompanied the wonderful illustrations by Lev Tokmakov, were published in 1959 in the April issue of the Murzilka magazine. And under the name "Little Willie Winky" in the same publishing house in 1962 the next book was published.

Little Willie Winky
Walks and looks:
Who hasn't taken off their shoes?
Who is still awake?
Suddenly knocks on the window
Or blows into the gap:
Willie Winky Baby
He tells him to go to bed.

Where are you, Willie Winky?
Get in our window.
Cat on a feather bed
Has been sleeping for a long time
Horses sleep in the stable,
The dog began to doze
Johnny boy only
Doesn't go to bed.

By the way, this is our first joint book with my husband.

- Have there been any other events in your life that can be considered a gift of fate?
- Oh sure. I would even call one of them a real miracle, which, I think, played a huge role in it. In 1941, when the bombing began in Moscow, my mother, Lydia Aleksandrovna Diligentskaya, who worked as the chief physician in a home for foundlings, sent my sister and me to my aunt in Penza. Closer to September, we receive a telegram from my mother informing us that the orphanage is being evacuated to the Urals and she will be passing through this city. You can imagine our joy when, following the telegram, the doorbell rang - Mom was on the doorstep! We were just dumbfounded. It turns out that all of a sudden the teplushki with the orphanages were unhooked and ... left in Penza. Thus, I, a twelve-year-old girl, were not at a loss with my parents: my father, Pyotr Karpovich Manukov, arrived with my mother - he was too old, he was not even taken into the militia. So, although the war years were harsh, hungry, and I saw many other people's tears, fortunately, my personal tragedy from the war passed.

It is enough to read a few of your poems to understand that you are looking at the world with open eyes. It turns out that spring has “very warm / Feet” - after all, “the snowdrifts melt / Under her feet” (“Spring”), and “little fluffy hares” sway on the branches of the blossoming willow - “They don't go down. / Are they afraid of foxes? " The rain is "a drop, / Water saber, / I cut a puddle, cut a puddle, / Cut, cut, did not cut, / And I was tired, / And stopped" ("Rain"). “The pines want to grow up to the sky, / They want to sweep the sky with branches, / So that the weather remains clear throughout the year” (“Pines”). You hear the song of oak seedlings, conversations of wind and aspen, old willow and rain, a big spruce and flies. And you even know, “what the river / Narrow path asked about” and what the nut bush said to the hare. Where does this sensitivity and tenderness come from?
- It's hard to say ... Childhood and adolescence passed with foundling children. I lived at an orphanage, which, as I said, was in charge of my mother, a pediatrician. She could not leave her charges either day or night. Just imagine: a bunch of children around - both in the rooms and in the yard. Constant conversations about children in the family. Endless, disinterested, with full dedication, mother's cares: now they need to be fed, now to deal with them, now they get sick, now they have mischievous. Head spin!..
In the evacuation in a village near Penza, the same social circle - the same children. Often, as a twelve-year-old teenager, I was entrusted with walks with an older group.
Surrounded tall pines, this orphanage was located in an unusually picturesque place. Big beautiful river Surah. Magnificent forests. Left to myself - adults were absorbed in the troubles of youngsters, I found myself alone with nature. And - with books. The fact is that my aunt, a literature teacher, lived in the same village. And from my grandmother, who once taught mathematics at the gymnasium, she got a wonderful wardrobe full of books. All the classics! It was read in verses by Afanasy Fet, Fyodor Tyutchev, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, laid a reliable spiritual foundation, penetrated not only consciousness, but also the subconscious. And then it echoed in verse. Thank God there was no TV then. Only a black plate of radio - receivers and typewriters were taken away from everyone during the war ...
I think that all this together influenced my poetic development, laid a reliable spiritual foundation, penetrated not only consciousness, but also subconsciousness. And then it echoed in verse. And I told about the everyday life of that orphanage during the war years in a short story "The Pines Are Noisy".
And of course, my husband is also “to blame”. Indeed, by the time I started writing for children, children's literature had already firmly settled in our house.

More often than not, your reader is a listener. Parents read books to him. He himself either only learns the alphabet, or does not yet know the letters at all. How can you explain your attachment to the "foolish babies"?
- The fact that they are the best to perceive poetry. Because they are incredibly emotional, trusting, they easily enter the world of fairy tales and easily exist in this world of fantasy and sounds. If the poems are melodic, they are instantly remembered. It's very interesting to work with them!

- Do you support complaints about hardened children's hearts?
- I often visit nurseries, kindergartens, schools and am ready to object to detailed reproaches. Children are curious and genuinely sincere. Listening to poetry attentively, falling asleep with questions. True, it is a little more difficult to start a conversation with those who have grown out of "short pants" - schoolchildren of the second and fourth grades. Before, you just open your mouth - they are "yours". Much more energy now goes into swinging and holding them. To a certain extent, these guys have already lost the immediacy of perception. But even with them you eventually find mutual language and the same inquisitive eyes.

When dealing with babies, it is easy to slip into a mentoring tone. You manage to avoid preaching. Although, in almost every verse, an educational moment is still present. For example:

I ask you not to slide down the railing,
You can get crocodiles in the teeth!
They lurked at every site
And everyone who drives out is grabbed by the heels
And dragged to the bottom of the African Nile.

- Take out, take out,
Take out, take out, take out
A worm from the depths
Throw, throw, throw
On the road by the pine tree.
Feed your friends!
- Knock-Knock!

And what crybaby will refuse to sleep, having learned that "owls do not sleep at night: / Capricious guys are guarding"?
And in such poems as "I can stand in the corner ...", "It's nobody's cat ...", "I'm sad - I'm lying sick ...", "How long Friday lasts ..." or "I hate Tarasov ..." give a reason and adults to think about what is good and what is bad:

I hate Tarasov:
He shot a moose.
I heard him tell
Even though he spoke softly.

Now the calf-lipped
Who will feed in the forest?
I hate Tarasov.
Let him go home!

I find it difficult to explain how it turns out to write this way. God gives. I hate reading notation. I do not like edifying verses - they are boring and tedious.
In my opinion, modern children's literature, and especially the one that is addressed to children, should first of all teach an adult how to deal with a child.

In order to write for children, do you need to fall into childhood to some extent? That's proof of that, isn't it?

For help! Into the great waterfall
A young leopade has fallen!
Oh no! Young leopard
Fell into a large waterfall.
What to do - again out of place.
Hold on, dear leopard!
Again, it does not come out of the blue.

Don't go anywhere! Little is required - to keep in the soul that kind and dear that he once experienced himself. As he wrote in “ Little prince"Antoine de Saint-Exupery," all adults were children at first, but few of them remember about it. "
All children's writers can be divided into two groups. Among the first I include those who work with their heads and hands. Having set a goal - for example, to write a poem - they go out of their way to realize it. Such “creativity” cannot be called anything other than writing. Usually such poets and prose writers did not take place in adult literature. They imagine that the nursery will be up to them. The second is those. who proceeds from their inner experiences - writes as the heart dictates. My sympathies are with them.
No doubt, talent is necessary for any writer. But being a children's writer is a special gift from God. A similar "specialization" takes place in fine arts... Some artists only deal with graphics. Others feel the book better - they are illustrators. And for some, the work of their lives is painting.

- And yet, are there rules on how to write for children?
- Every poet, obviously, creates them for himself, again himself. It seems to me that children's poetry should be mixed with love. And there must certainly be a thought in them. Alas, the opposite is more common.
A children's poet who only composes "composition" without thinking about how, in what direction the personality of his reader will be formed, does not set himself serious ethical, psychological, aesthetic and linguistic tasks, is worth little.
In addition, for some reason it is believed that children's poet its own range of topics: "Doll", "On a walk", "Dog" and the like. All this is great! But what's the point of the rehash? Add something new to them, your own! Isn't there enough imagination? For a child, every moment is a discovery! Invite him to look at this world with curiosity and from his own point of view!

That is, those "keys" that are mentioned in one of your translated poems are quite suitable for a children's poet?

To open the forest
You need not to rush
You need eyes and ears.
My keys: look, be silent,
And take note. And listen.

Undoubtedly. And also children's poems should be dynamic, included in the rhythm of the child's existence. He's an incredibly restless creature! If an adult tries to repeat all his movements, which he does in a matter of minutes, he will quickly be exhausted. Plus a purely verified form and rhyme. Finally, a light, sonorous rhythm.

- Partially the claims that you have towards modern children's literature, you have already "presented" ...
- Not without sadness I notice that the wave of postmodernism that has taken over literature has not spared children's poets. There are a lot of things in poetry that seem to me unhelpful for the health of the baby. Why, for example, stir up the aggression that is already present in the child? It must be extinguished, directed in a good direction! On the contrary, it is cultivated - as in those creepy overseas TV animated series with endless fights, brawls and such nonsense.

On this score, there is such an opinion: after watching a "warlike" cartoon or comic strip, the child will splash out negative emotions in the course of viewing in experiences and then it will be good ...
- Excuse me generously, I have good reasons to disagree with this opinion. It is not shared by those child psychologists and pediatricians with whom I have discussed this issue many times. After all, this is not at all about slobbering! And not about pink glasses! But a kind-hearted lining in works for children, be it poetry, a fairy tale, a play or a film, is an immutable thing.

... Poets of the first magnitude, who write for children, Irina Tokmakova then called Valentina Berestov, Emma Moshkovskaya, "undeservedly little-known to the general reader" ("In the place of publishers, I would not tire of republishing her poems - funny, with a fresh look, inventive, unusually kind!" ), and Boris Zakhoder.
Alas, now, including Irina Tokmakova herself, none of them survived.

She turned 89 in March

Text: Year of Literature.RF
Photo: matrony.ru

Children's poet, prose writer, translator of children's poetry, laureate of the State Prize of Russia for works for children and youth Irina Tokmakova died at the age of 90. About this on my facebook reported translator Olga Varshaver.

Irina Tokmakova was born in Moscow on March 3, 1929. She wrote poetry since childhood. In 1953 she graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University. The first literary translation was a collection of Swedish folk songs for children. The first published book of her own poems - "Trees" - was made jointly with her husband, illustrator Lev Tokmakov.

Among the books of Irina Tokmakova - a collection of poems "Summer Downpour", the play "The Enchanted Hoof", the story-fairy tale "Happily, Ivushkin!" She translated fairy tales about Moomin trolls, Astrid Lindgren's story “Mio, my Mio!”, “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Graham and other works.

Dmitry Shevarov:

Sad news: the poet and translator Irina Tokmakova died - her name in Russian children's literature has long been next to names Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov, Valentina Berestova... Irina Tokmakova is a synonym for joy, delicate taste, pure words and love for the little reader.
Her first books were created in the early 1960s in collaboration with the artist Lev Alekseevich Tokmakov... Their books have become masterpieces of our children's book publishing, examples of the harmony of text and illustration. The books of Irina and Lev Tokmakovs were published in millions of copies, and are still being reprinted.


Little Willie-Winky
Walks and looks
Who did not take off their shoes,
Who is still awake.

Suddenly knocks on the window
Or blow into the gap
Willie-Winky Baby
He tells him to go to bed.

Doctor TV presenter, as well as Doctor of Medical Sciences Irina Chukaeva at the age of 67 died in Moscow in the city clinical hospital№ 13 in the evening of January 5 Preliminarily, the cause of death could have been a complication after pneumonia.

Died TV presenter doctor Irina Chukayeva: television career of Irina Chukayeva

Residents of Russia became aware of the cardiologist Irina Ivanovna Chukayeva when she appeared as a presenter on one of the country's federal channels. It was the TV channel "Russia" and participation as a host and author of its own program "Studio" Health "for ten years allowed it to win the trust of millions.

As a recognized specialist in cardiology, Irina Ivanovna initiated the creation of educational films for patients. The doctor was confident that her project would help Russians improve their quality of life.

After herself, Chukayeva left a great not only television, but also scientific legacy.

Died TV presenter Irina Chukayeva: scientific activity of Irina Chukayeva

After ten years on television in 2011, Irina Chukaeoi was awarded the title of Honored Doctor Russian Federation... Also from 2003 to last year she was the head of the department of polyclinic therapy at the Russian National Research Medical University named after V.I. N.I. Pirogova.

Her student textbooks medical universities even during their lifetime were considered classic in outpatient therapy. Chukayeva's contribution to the development of medicine in Russia is simply invaluable.

Colleagues with great respect and trepidation speak of Irina Chukayeva as a specialist and a person with a big heart. Not wanting to stand aside, Chukayeva was a member of the Russian Cardiological Society, took over the position of executive director at the Center for Professional Support of Primary Care Physicians.

Died TV presenter doctor Irina Chukayeva: colleagues about the death of Irina Chukayeva

Colleagues of the suddenly deceased Chukayeva recognize her as a teacher, doctor and TV presenter. Nana Pogosova, who is the main freelance specialist in preventive medicine at the Moscow Department of Health, calls Irina benevolent, considering her excellent students an indicator of her true professionalism. At the same time, Nana notes that the TV presenter was a charming, beautiful woman and she is very sorry that the one who gave the Russians a lot of informative information from leading experts passed away.

Nana remembered Chukayeva as an excellent specialist who always spoke brilliantly at conferences, and at the same time as an excellent, kind and beautiful woman who left this world too early.

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Yesterday, August 5, Irina Berezhnaya from the Party of Regions faction in a traffic accident on the Adriatic coast between Croatia and Italy.

According to the online edition LB.ua, an accident with the Ukrainian political and public figure occurred at about 01:30 am in Croatia on the road between the cities of Maslenitsa and Posedarje.

Referring to information provided by the police, the Croatian press reports that 36-year-old Irina Berezhnaya was driving towards the city of Posedarje in the passenger seat of a Mercedes car. The car had Bulgarian numbers. The driver of the Ukrainian politician was a 38-year-old Bulgarian.

At about 01:30 am, the car, in which there were 3 people - Berezhnaya with her daughter and the driver, flew off the road and crashed into a lamppost on the edge of the highway. The reasons for the incident are still being established.

Upon the arrival of the police and the ambulance, two deaths were reported - a 38-year-old Bulgarian driver and a 36-year-old

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8-year-old daughter of MP Danielle received minor injuries - she was taken to a hospital in the Croatian city of Zadar, which is located in the central part of the Adriatic. There is no threat to the child's life, but she is still in severe shock.

Croatian police have not yet provided information on the identity of the driver and other victims, if any. By the way, for a couple of hours on the section of the road where the accident happened, road traffic was stopped for several hours.

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