The character of a teenager and his psychological changes

As a child begins to grow up, a number of changes take place. The character of a teenager cannot be called simple, and often parents have a hard time finding a common language with a student, but knowing some basics of psychology will help achieve mutual understanding.

Experts assure that a certain behavior is characteristic of a teenager. It is at the age of 13-17 that schoolchildren cause a lot of trouble to parents and teachers. They strive to prove their independence to society.

Experts believe that it is in adolescence that character is formed. This does not mean that before and after nothing will be pawned. Just during puberty, hormones are released. It is under the influence of hormonal changes that a person becomes more sensitive, emotional and sometimes irritable. He thinks and thinks a lot. During this period there is a rethinking of values.

Despite the fact that all people are different, there are a number of characteristics that are inherent in almost all adolescents. Specialists conducted research, as a result of which they managed to prove that during the transitional age, schoolchildren strive for individuality, but at the same time they become very similar to each other.

Adolescence is considered one of the most dangerous. At this time, parents need to devote as much time as possible to their children, strive to get close to them, be aware of all their problems. If the moment is missed, it can lead to very unpleasant consequences. High school students are very vulnerable and subject to social influence. If a son or daughter ends up in bad company, it will be more difficult to correct the situation.

What are the characteristics of today's teenagers? The most important is, perhaps, the desire for independence. During this period, students may move away from their parents. If mothers and fathers do not find the right approach to their child, the emotional gap will only increase. Some psychologists call the desire for independence "a sense of adulthood." When a child reaches a certain age, they want to make their own decisions. A teenager has the opportunity to observe how certain changes occur to him. He gets some experience, his body develops. This gives the right to think that now the student is equal in rights with mom and dad, can talk to them like friends.

In order not to lose the trust of a teenager, adults really need to switch to more equal communication. Instructive tone, orders in this case are not entirely appropriate. It is necessary to show the growing person that he is considered, his opinion is listened to, but at the same time, adults remain his parents.

Another feature of the character of adolescents is excessive sensitivity to grades. We are talking not only about marks given by school teachers, but also about praise or, conversely, criticism. Sometimes incorrectly stated remarks can make a student fall into a deep depression. How to behave as an adult in such a situation? In order for the child not to have a feeling of inferiority, it is necessary to avoid harsh criticism, especially if it is not entirely fair. But praise can also play a cruel joke on a teenager. It is impossible for it to be expressed for random merits. The student must be clearly aware that no one will praise him just like that, that in order to achieve some goal, it is necessary to work hard, make certain efforts. Excessive criticism leads to depression. A teenager may become withdrawn or even shy. But the lack of comments forms his overestimated self-esteem. When he still has to face criticism, it will be perceived very painfully.

Today's teenagers are characterized by increased demands on adults. Often they notice all the shortcomings of teachers and parents. At the same time, individual mistakes of the teacher can be discussed collectively in the class. If parents begin to notice this for their children, they need to talk with their son or daughter, explain that such behavior is not entirely correct and that every person has the right to make a mistake.

Modern adolescents are characterized by an increase in physical and emotional activity. They cannot sit in one place. They constantly want to run somewhere, actively explore everything. During this period, it is very important to find a suitable occupation for the student, to direct his energy in the right direction. If this is not done in time, a teenager can fall into a bad company and it will become much more difficult to control him.

Adolescence is characterized by frequent breakdowns, emotional instability. Experts explain this by the high content of certain hormones in the blood. Even a minor incident can cause very violent emotions in a high school student. Teenagers often act spontaneously, without thinking about the possible consequences. Unfortunately, this behavior is difficult to correct. Parents need to analyze various situations with their children more often, show clearly what a certain behavior led to in the end, how trouble could be avoided.

Some modern high school students are often rude to adults and allow themselves too much. This cannot be allowed. Students must respect the interlocutor and in no case allow rudeness in conversations. In adolescence, people often choose "authorities" for themselves. It is very important that parents or older comrades, brothers, relatives act as an example for them, but not comrades from bad companies.

During puberty, students are overly receptive to any information. That is why experts consider it necessary to conduct various trainings and seminars. Do not underestimate the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Schoolchildren consider themselves mature enough, but for various reasons they are not always able to assess what is good and what is evil. Communication with professional psychologists will help to draw the right conclusions.

Today's teenagers are gullible. That is why they often choose the wrong path. The opinions of experts on this matter differ. Some believe that it is necessary to give the student the opportunity to make mistakes and analyze the current situation, while others think otherwise. The best decision on the part of parents is to choose a flexible policy. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to draw their own conclusions, but in the event of a serious danger, it is still not worth staying on the sidelines. In some situations it is necessary to take a tougher stance.

A person's character changes a lot during adolescence. The transitional period is characterized by an unwillingness to be like everyone else, a desire to become independent from parents. Moms and dads should take it calmly and without unnecessary emotions.

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