Cashier: How is this job useful to society? The profession of a cashier, or an irreplaceable person in modern trade


Profession cashier A cashier is a specialist who manages the receipt and issuance of money and securities, manages the cash register, and sells tickets. The name of the profession came to us from Western Europe

, where, in turn, it originated from the Italian word cassa - “box”. Depending on the specifics of the work, there are bank tellers, currency tellers, cashier salespeople, ticket office workers, and cashier-accountants. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition among a small group of people to appoint someone responsible for storing funds. IN Ancient Rus'

there was the position of treasurer - a person who kept the treasury of private individuals, boyars and princes. In its modern form, the position of cashier appeared at the end of the 19th century with the invention of the first cash registers and quickly became widespread, which was associated with the development of large cities and trade.… Without the profession of a cashier, it is difficult to imagine modern service and trade sectors. The cashier often becomes the first or last person with whom a person communicates in a theater, bank, or store, so it is he who determines the appearance of the entire establishment. Despite the abundance of terminals and other electronic payment systems, most of

Money exchange processes still occur precisely thanks to the work of the cashier.

To work as a cashier, you must be able to operate a cash register, and in retail outlets, also a conveyor; you must know the signs of the authenticity of banknotes, and be able to identify them both with and without an ultraviolet detector. A cashier works with a lot of people, so his essential qualities should be attentiveness, politeness, and communication skills. It is also important to be diligent, trainable and able to work in a team. The job of a cashier requires careful handling of money and resistance to stress. Cash register workers are potentially at risk from robbers, so they should always be prepared for extreme situations, know the enterprise security system.

To work as a cashier, you do not need a higher education - it is enough to take a cashier course or graduate from a vocational school. Many large retail chains themselves offer educational services, training cashiers directly at their future place of work.

An integral part of the financial activities of any commercial enterprise are cash transactions, which can be associated both with direct profit and with the internal work of the enterprise (payment of salaries, bonuses, vacation pay, etc.). Respectively, financial activities companies depend not only on the accountant or financial director, but also on such a seemingly inconspicuous, but very important specialist as the cashier.

An integral part of the financial activities of any commercial enterprise are cash transactions, which can be associated both with direct profit and with the internal work of the enterprise (payment of salaries, bonuses, vacation pay, etc.). Accordingly, the financial activities of companies depend not only on the accountant or financial director, but also on such a seemingly inconspicuous, but very important specialist as cashier.

Note that the modern cashier has long not only accepted and issued money, but also performed a number of job responsibilities, which require representatives of this profession to have certain knowledge, skills and personal qualities, which we will talk about today. We will also tell you about the most significant advantages and disadvantages of working as a cashier, which will help you decide on the choice of your future profession.

Who is a cashier?

Cashier is a specialist who carries out cash transactions with cash, as well as non-cash payments using plastic bank cards And electronic money. Quite often, a cashier combines his direct responsibilities with the responsibilities of related professions: a salesperson or an accountant.

The name of the profession comes from the Italian cassa (box). This directly indicates that the word “cashier” means a person who puts money in a box. The first cashiers include treasurers, who in Ancient Rus' kept the treasury of princes, boyars and ordinary people. In modern form cashier profession formed in the 19th century, when American entrepreneurs the Ritt brothers invented the prototype of today's cash registers - a machine for recording revenue from the sale of goods.

Today, there are several specializations of cashiers, which directly depend on the chosen place and the specifics of the work: currency cashier, bank teller, sales cashier, cashier-accountant, ticket office worker, etc. Naturally, the job responsibilities of the cashier depend on the place of work. For example, a ticket office employee must not only sell tickets, but also provide consulting services regarding the start/end time of a session, performance, excursion, etc. And the cashier-accountant not only accepts money for goods or services rendered, but also issues salaries, bonuses, travel allowances, etc. to the employees of the enterprise.

However, cashiers also have general job responsibilities that do not depend on the location and specifics of the work. These include: customer service at the checkout, maintaining cash documentation, accounting and storage of funds, compiling an inventory of invalid banknotes, checking banknotes for authenticity, as well as monitoring the availability of cash register tapes and other consumables.

What personal qualities should a cashier have?

Cashier job is directly related to financial responsibility, so he must, first of all, be careful, attentive and serious. In addition, the cashier has to communicate with big amount people, and therefore the list of his personal qualities must include:

  • communication skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • neatness;
  • politeness;
  • friendliness;
  • patience;
  • tact;
  • honesty.

Since today cashiers carry out cash transactions mainly using modern cash registers and other computer technology, which is constantly updated and improved, a representative of this profession must not only be well versed in the features of the work and operation of such equipment, but also quickly learn to work on more modern models. Well, and most importantly, money, as you know, loves counting, so it’s impossible to imagine a cashier who doesn’t love math.

Benefits of being a cashier

Unfortunately, advantages of being a cashier not as much as we would like. To be precise, there are only two of them:

  • demand – getting a job as a cashier is very easy, since there is a constant “turnover” in this segment of the labor market;
  • accessibility – in order to get a cashier position you do not need to have much work experience, and therefore this job can be an ideal option for students who were not immediately able to find a job in their specialty.

Disadvantages of being a cashier

And here disadvantages of the cashier profession much more than advantages (which is why, as practice shows, they don’t stay in cashier positions for long). The disadvantages of this profession include:

  • low salary - which is disproportionately small, especially in comparison with the huge financial responsibility of the cashier;
  • high risks - when a retail outlet or cash register is robbed, it is the cashier who becomes the first victim of the criminal;
  • monotonous and routine work - throughout the working day, the cashier performs the same type of operations, which are “exhausting” both physically and emotionally;
  • "sedentary" working conditions - all work time The cashier spends time sitting, and this can cause serious illness.

Where can I get a cashier job?

As we mentioned above, the cashier is not required to have extensive work experience or a set of fundamental knowledge and skills. Accordingly, in order to become a cashier You don’t need to go to university – it’s enough to graduate from a technical school or special courses.

However, if you are not going to spend your whole life behind a cash register, and plan to “climb” in the future career ladder, then we recommend thinking about the possibility of entering one of the trade and economic universities in Russia. If the profession of a cashier is exactly the specialty that you consciously strive for, then you can focus your attention on such technical schools as:

  • Oryol technical school of service sector;
  • Shegarsky Industrial and Commercial College (Tomsk region);
  • Novokuznetsk Trade and Economic College;
  • Kamensk-Ural College of Trade and Service;
  • Smolensk cooperative technical school.

To quickly find a job, it is better to use an online source and send your resume to email.

Some sites have a “Respond to a Job” function, which increases search efficiency several times.

The position of a salesperson is quite common, and such work can be found even close to home.

In contact with

Apparatus employed

In order to get a job, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Passport and a copy of the passport (main page, as well as the page with the marriage stamp, stamp confirming the birth of children).
  2. Medical certificate (if you are going to work with food).
  3. Insurance.
  4. Work book.
  5. Recommendations from previous places of work.
  6. Diplomas and certificates of completion of courses or completion of an educational institution.

It is important to know: The salesperson-cashier must present to the HR department the originals of special documents, diplomas, certificates of assignment of categories and ranks.

After signing employment contract or a contract, the salesperson-cashier is required to undergo training at the place of work. Conditions in the workplace must suit everyone sanitary standards: It is necessary to have a bathroom, a place for washing hands and for eating and changing clothes.

The briefing describes in detail what the employee’s responsibilities are and the types of penalties for non-compliance. The employee, after reading the document, must sign it and put the date in the registration journal.

Take into account: job description- This official document, which is subject to accounting and verification.

The liability agreement has terms and is drawn up together with the main agreement. Fact of reception and transmission material assets is confirmed by an inventory, which is carried out on the first day of going to work.

If an employee is hired at a grocery store, then, according to sanitary standards, in the absence of a health book, he must undergo a medical examination within 30 days. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed into the trade department. Minors can work in food, household and other departments, with the permission of at least one of the parents.

The responsibilities of the cashier salesperson include the following requirements:

  1. Don't be late for work. As a rule, you need to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the working day to have time to change clothes and get ready.

2. Have a neat appearance. Hair should be tied up in a ponytail or braid, and nails should be cut short and painted with colorless or beige or pink polish. Also, don’t forget about workwear: a neat and clean uniform will attract buyers to you.

Think about the type of shoes in advance, as improperly chosen shoes can cause your feet to swell at the end of the day. It is best to wear ballet flats, sports shoes, and low-heeled pumps. Avoid wedge heels and stilettos, as excessive stress on the muscles can only harm the joints.

3. Upon arrival at workplace, you need to prepare it: check and reconcile the cash at the cash register, see if there is a spare cash register tape. All consumables are kept by the senior cashier (manager) and must be issued upon request. The cash register tape and other office supplies are paid for by the organization that hired you;

4. The salesperson-cashier, depending on the specifications of the supermarket, must strictly follow the following rules:

  • always greet the client;
  • ask if he needs the package;
  • ask if there is a discount card for this store, and if not, then offer to purchase it;
  • at the end of the manipulations, say “Thank you for your purchase.”

5. Lunch time is regulated by the store director and can be divided into 2 parts of 30 minutes each. Large organizations provide workers with hot meals in the canteen.

6. At the end of the day, the employee is required to count the revenue and remove the cash register tape, check all the data and fill out the cashier's journal. Evening proceeds must be handed over to the senior cashier or other financially responsible person against the signature of the employee.

The senior cashier is required to count the entire amount in the presence of the employee. The operator enters the data into the computer and summarizes the results at the end of the month. By accrual wages An accountant is involved: depending on the monthly revenue, the amount of the bonus is calculated.

Features of working in a department store

The cashier-seller is obliged to fulfill, in addition to all the requirements listed above, the following obligations:

  1. Advise customers on the product, talk about characteristics, dimensions, manufacturer and price.
  2. Assist in trying on clothes and selecting the right size for the customer.
  3. Show samples of goods, put them in the hands of the buyer (an obligatory function of the seller is the ability to interest and captivate the buyer).
  4. Pack the goods, punch and insert the receipt.
  5. The employee is obliged to exchange the defective product for a new one or return the money if the buyer provides a receipt and a defective product.

The seller has the right to offer the buyer to try on several types of clothing to increase sales efficiency. Using the skill of aggressive marketing is acceptable only if this task has been assigned to you by your manager. The key role in the sales system is the ability of the seller to feel the buyer and make positive contact with him.

Professional functions do not include the following items:

  1. Inspection of personal belongings of visitors (unless this is specified in job responsibilities). Only the store security service, security guards or other supervisory person can inspect the buyer. The check is carried out in indoors, where the Inspection Report is drawn up. In this document, the seller can act as a witness and, if necessary, sign.
  2. An employee has the right to refuse activities that are not related to direct duties. An example of a situation: the operator asked to issue a delivery note. In this situation, the salesperson-cashier has the right to refuse, since performing this work requires competence to work on a computer.
  3. Work in after school hours. According to the law, out-of-hours hours must be paid, and work on weekends and holidays is paid double. The employee himself can express a desire to stay if he considers it necessary. The manager does not have the right to manipulate or provide psychological pressure per employee.

The cashier-seller does not have the right:

  • leave the workplace without approval from superiors;
  • do not enter completed purchases on the cash register;
  • be rude, rude or insult the buyer;
  • come to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • cause moral or physical harm to other employees.

The quality of the work performed and the employee’s achievements must be rewarded and monitored. Control consists of constant regulation of compliance with requirements.

An employee has the right to ask for financial assistance from the organization’s management in the following cases:

  • in case of fire or natural disasters;
  • when moving to a new place of residence;
  • in case of industrial injuries that occurred due to the fault of the enterprise;
  • at the birth of a child;
  • in difficult life circumstances (death of a relative, etc.).

The employee is obliged to exclude conflict situations in the workplace, as well as verbal abuse. In the event of an emergency, you must notify the security service or the head of the department via internal telephone.

Future sales cashiers will find the following video about cash register skills useful:


Of course, the functions of a cashier and the main functional responsibilities are somewhat different from the area where he works. And the cashier performs his functions in many places.

Cashier is a related profession in the banking sector and institutions various types transport, entertainment in nature, trade enterprises, shopping supermarkets. It cannot be said that the cashier is purely female profession. Today you often meet men at the cash register. But this is not so important, the important thing is that where cash and non-cash payments are made to the client, the profession of a cashier is in demand.

What are the functions of a cashier?

The cashier is appointed to the position by the manager or director of the shopping center and only he relieves the cashier from his functions. What should a cashier do, what are his functions? The cashier organizes the operation of the cash register in the department entrusted to him. The functioning of the department and, accordingly, the cash register is carried out in accordance with the organization of work of the trade establishment. The functions of a cashier begin with familiarization and practical use of the Instructions on the job responsibilities of a cashier. The cashier performs the following functions:

  • serves customers at the cash register - this is the main functional responsibility of the cashier;
  • prepares daily cash receipts and cash flows.

The cashier-accountant, in addition, performs functions related to:

  • preparation of advance reports;
  • If necessary, issues salaries to employees.

The functions of a cashier also include:

  • processing, registration, reconciliation of bank reports;
  • reflection of everyone financial transactions when conducting accounting;
  • ensures the safety of funds and relevant documents;
  • transmits financial documents to the archive in a timely manner.
  • The main functional responsibility of a bank teller is to conduct transactions with cash and securities;
  • maintaining and recording documents confirming cash transactions;
  • recording all transactions in the cash book - income and expense records;
  • reconciliation of cash and transferring it to collectors.

What are the functions of a senior cashier?

  • The senior cashier receives funds to pay wages, bonuses, and travel allowances to employees.
  • He leads cash book based on the provided receipt and expense documents.
  • Reconciles cash and book balances.
  • Describes old banknotes to replace them with new ones at the bank.
  • Prepares the necessary reports.

What is the functionality of a cashier?

The functionality of the cashier is as follows:

  • Cashier is a variety of positions and career opportunities - cashier, senior cashier, administrator.
  • Ability to work with the fiscal register.
  • Operations with a barcode scanner.
  • The cashier is given the opportunity to work with scales.
  • Carrying out work with documents.
  • Implementation of an electronic payment system.

The cashier functionality is the availability of three versions:

The first version - the Light version - is the initial functionality that ensures the efficient functioning of a small store. The position of cashier is acceptable here.

The second version - Standard - has sufficient functionality that ensures the operation of the supermarket. Supermarkets have both cashiers and supervisors, and many administrators are needed.

The third is the Prof functionality - professional functionality, maximum and effective, which ensures the work of large trading enterprises and chain stores.

What are the responsibilities of a cashier?

The functional responsibilities of a cashier are determined by the institution in which the cashier works.

  • The direct functional responsibility of the cashier is to pay the buyer.
  • The bank teller takes into account the circulation of funds, issues them, accepts them, and stores them. He maintains the relevant documentation, draws up orders for the receipt and expenditure of funds, conducts Required documents.
  • The sales cashier counts the amount of purchases made by the buyer and gives out change.

What are the main functions of a cashier?

  • The ability to serve store customers in a certain section, while demonstrating the product, selling it, and providing customer consultation.
  • Ensuring the operation of the cash register and eliminating minor breakdowns.
  • Monitoring and safety of entrusted material assets.
  • Inventory receipt of goods from the warehouse for sale.
  • Accounting and control of goods offered for sale.

A modern cashier knows how to work with plastic cards and electronic money. He knows how to perform various functions, not only to sell a product, but also to competently talk about it. Sometimes a cashier combines several positions. In enterprises, a cashier can serve as an accountant. You can work as a cashier anywhere, there are opportunities for professional growth.

The cashier will rise through the ranks to senior cashier, then administrator. The cashier's professional skills grow, and his salary increases accordingly.


A cashier is a specialist who is in charge of receiving and issuing money or securities, managing a cash register or selling tickets. The word for the profession comes from the Italian “cassa” (box). The specifics of work vary among bank tellers and foreign exchange tellers, cashier salespeople and cashier-accountants, and ticket office workers.

The history of the Cashier profession How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

The tradition of appointing a person in a group who stores and, if necessary, issues funds, comes from time immemorial. For example, in Ancient Rus', the treasury of boyars, princes and other persons was kept by treasurers. Modern look the profession took over towards the end of the 19th century, when big cities, trade, the first cash registers were invented.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status professions

Modern sphere trade and services cannot be imagined without a cashier. Often he becomes the first person a person encounters in a store, bank, theater, and he, as it were, determines the appearance of the institution itself. Although today there are many terminals, electronic payment systems, and non-cash ones, most of the money exchange processes occur when using the labor of a cashier.

Features of the profession Cashier Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

Today in the labor market there is a great demand for cashier services. His responsibilities, in addition to working at the cash register, include maintaining cash documentation and maintaining order in the workplace. Subject to high-quality work, it is possible to be promoted to the position of senior cashier, who is responsible for the smooth operation of all cash registers, keeps records of cash flows, and cooperates with cash collectors. Cashier pay can be average or above average. It depends on the level of the institution and the level of responsibility.

"Pitfalls" of the Cashier profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

To work as a cashier, you need to know the cash register and conveyor well, and be able to work on them. The cashier must know perfectly well how to distinguish a genuine banknote from a counterfeit one, and be able to check them with or without an ultraviolet detector. Since the work involves people, the cashier must be able to work in a team, be efficient, polite, neat, and sociable. You should be especially careful and attentive when working with money. The cashier must always be prepared for an emergency and know the security system of his enterprise.

Where and how to get the Cashier profession Where do they teach professions?

Higher education You don't need it to work as a cashier. You can simply take cashier courses or enroll in a vocational school. In many retail chains, cashier training takes place on the job.

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