Which sea has high salinity? Examples of the five Task Types. Properties and significance of sea water


Salinity is the amount of dissolved solid minerals (salts), expressed in grams, in 1 kg of sea water. The thousandth part of a whole is called ppm and is indicated by the symbol %o. For example, if the salinity of ocean water is 35%o, this means that 1 kg (1000 g) of this water contains 35%o (ppm) of dissolved substances.

Salinity is one of the main characteristics of sea water; its value expresses the degree of concentration of all substances dissolved in water (mainly salts). The amount of salinity in a particular area of ​​the World Ocean depends on a number of factors: the influx of fresh water and the amount atmospheric precipitation

, the intensity of water evaporation, the formation and melting of ice and water mixing processes. As seawater evaporates, the salinity of seawater increases as the salts remain in solution. When melting sea ​​ice
salinity decreases because sea ice tends to have less salinity than

salinity of surrounding waters.

When sea ice forms, salinity increases due to the fact that only part of the salts pass into the ice.

What is the salinity of the waters of the World Ocean and its geographical distribution?

Salinity in different places, both on the surface and in the depths of oceans and seas, is not the same. The average salinity of the waters of the World Ocean is 35%.

In the open parts of the oceans, salinity changes little (from 32 to 37.9%o), in the seas it varies significantly more - from 2 (in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea) to 42%o (in the Red Sea).

The general pattern of changes in salinity across latitudes under the influence of precipitation and evaporation regimes is typical for all oceans: salinity increases in the direction from the poles to the tropics, reaches a maximum value around 20-25° northern and southern latitudes and decreases again in the equatorial zone. The uniform change in salinity in the surface layers is disrupted by the influence of oceanic and coastal currents and enrichment fresh waters large rivers

. The highest salinity of the World Ocean (S = 37.9%o, not counting some seas, is west of the Azores. The salinity of the seas differs the more from the salinity of the ocean, the less the seas communicate with it; it also depends on their, in particular from climatic conditions. The salinity of the seas is greater than that of the oceans: the Mediterranean - in the west 37-38%0, in the east - 38-39%0;

The salinity of the Red Sea is 37%o in the south, and up to 42%o in the north, in the Persian Gulf in the north the salinity is 40%o, in the eastern part - from 37 to 38%o.

Salinity: in the Sea of ​​Azov in the middle part is from 10 to 12%o, and off the coast - 9.5%o.

The salinity of water in the Black Sea, in the middle part, is from 10 to 12%o, and in the northwestern part - 17%o, with increasing depth of the sea, the salinity of the water increases to 22%o;

in the Baltic Sea with eastern winds - 10%o, with western and southwestern winds - from 10 to 22%o; in the Gulf of Finland near the island of Kotlin - 2%0; in the White Sea on the border with the Barents Sea it is 34-34.5%o, in Gorlo - 27-30%o, and in the middle part - from 24 to 27%o.

In the Caspian Sea, salinity is 12.8% o and in
The average salinity of the Aral Sea is 10.3%.

Salinity of Russian Arctic and Far Eastern seas in areas remote from the coast it is 29-30%.

With increasing depth, salinity changes only up to 1500 m, below this horizon and to the bottom - insignificantly and ranges from 34 to 35%.

In the polar regions, when ice melts, salinity increases with depth; when ice forms, the salinity of sea water decreases.

In temperate latitudes, the salinity of sea water varies little with depth, in sub tropical zone it quickly decreases to a depth of SOO-1500 m, in the tropical it increases to a depth of 100 m, then decreases to a depth of 500 m, after which it increases slightly to a depth of 1500 m, and below remains unchanged.

What is the significance of the salinity and density of sea water?

As the temperature decreases, the density of salty sea water increases, that is, the sea is saltier in winter than in summer! During autumn and winter cooling, the water on the sea surface becomes denser and heavier.
With further cooling, surface sea water, being denser and heavier, “sinks” and mixes with warmer and lighter deep water.

This feature of salty sea water helps to moderate the Earth's climate. When cooling 1 cu. see sea water at 19C 3134 cubic meters. see the air heats up by 1 °C.

The salinity of sea water increases vertical circulation in the oceans and seas. The air receives much more heat (thermal energy) from the salty waters of the World Ocean than it would receive if the ocean waters were fresh.

The intensity of freezing of sea water and the development of ice phenomena in the seas and oceans depend on salinity.

The horizontal and vertical distribution of seawater density promotes horizontal and vertical water circulation.

Knowing the vertical distribution of the density of sea water, it is possible to determine the direction and speed of currents, as well as the stability of a particular water mass: if the mass is unstable, then denser water lies above less dense water, and the waters will mix (vertical circulation).

The density of sea water is great importance for the inhabitants of the ocean. The stability of the water composition, which affects the distribution of organic and inorganic matter in the ocean, depends on it.

The density of water affects the draft of ships. When moving from ocean water to fresh water and vice versa, their draft can change up to 0.3 m. Therefore, for proper loading of ships in
ports and ensuring the safety of navigation, it is necessary to know the value of salinity and density at the port of loading and at the transition to the sea to the port of destination and take them into account correctly.

Rating of seas by salinity

There are about 80 seas on our planet. Of course, the Dead Sea would take first place in the ranking, since its waters are famous for their salinity. The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth, salinity is 300-310 ‰, in some years up to 350 ‰. But scientists call this body of water a lake.

  1. Red Sea with a salinity of 42‰.

The Red Sea is located between the shores of Africa and Asia. The Red Sea, in addition to its salinity and warmth, boasts its transparency. Many tourists love to relax on its shores.

2. The Mediterranean Sea has a salinity of 39.5‰.

The Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of Europe and Africa. In addition to salinity, it can also boast of its warm waters - in summer they warm up to 25 degrees above zero.

3. Aegean Sea with a salinity of 38.5‰.

The waters of this sea with a high concentration of sodium can cause skin irritation. Therefore, after swimming it is better to take a fresh shower. In summer, the water warms up to 24 degrees Celsius. Its waters wash the shore Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor and the island of Crete.

4 . Ionian Sea with a salinity of 38 ‰.

This is the densest and saltiest Greek sea. Its waters allow slow swimmers to hone this skill, as the high density will help keep the body afloat. The area of ​​the Ionian Sea is 169 thousand square kilometers. It washes the shores of Southern Italy, Albania and Greece.

5 . The Sea of ​​Japan, whose salinity is 35‰

The sea is located between the continent of Eurasia and the Japanese islands. Its waters also wash the island of Sakhalin. The water temperature depends on the geographical location: in the north – 0 -+12 degrees, in the south – 17-26 degrees. Square Sea of ​​Japan more than 1 million square kilometers.

6. Barents Sea with salinity 34.7-35 ‰

This is the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. It washes the shores of Russia and Norway.

7. Laptev Sea with a salinity of 34‰.

Area - 662 thousand square kilometers. It is located between the New Siberian Islands and Severnaya Zemlya. The average annual water temperature is 0 degrees Celsius.

8. Chukchi Sea with a salinity of 33‰.

In winter, the salinity of this sea rises to 33‰, while in summer the salinity decreases slightly. The Chukchi Sea has an area of ​​589.6 thousand km². The average temperature in summer is 12 degrees Celsius, and in winter - almost 2 degrees Celsius.

9. White Sea also has high salinity. In the surface layers the figure stopped at 26 percent, but at depth it increases to 31 percent.

10. Laptev Sea. Salinity at the surface is recorded at 28 percent

The sea has a harsh climate with temperatures below 0°C for more than nine months of the year, sparse flora and fauna, and low population along the coast. Most of the time, with the exception of August and September, it is under ice. The salinity of sea water at the surface in the northwestern part of the sea in winter is 34 ‰ (ppm), in the southern part - up to 20-25 ‰, decreasing in summer to 30-32 ‰ and 5-10 ‰, respectively. Strong influence for salinity surface waters are influenced by melting ice and runoff of Siberian rivers.

There are about 80 seas throughout our planet. All of them enter the waters of the World Ocean. As everyone knows from school, the seas are salty, but they all differ in the saturation of different compounds. Below is a ranking of the saltiest seas on Earth.

The White Sea, whose salinity is ‰.

One of the smallest seas on the planet is also one of the saltiest. Its area is only 90 thousand square kilometers. The water in it warms up to 15 degrees above zero in summer, and drops to 1 degree Celsius in winter. About 50 species of fish live in the White Sea.

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The Chukchi Sea with a salinity of 33‰.

In winter, the salinity of this sea increases to 33‰, while in summer the salinity decreases slightly. The Chukchi Sea has an area of ​​589.6 thousand square kilometers. The average temperature in the warm season is 12 degrees Celsius, in the cold season - almost 2 degrees Celsius.

The area of ​​this sea is 662 thousand square kilometers. It is located between the New Siberian Islands and Severnaya Zemlya. The average annual water temperature is 0 degrees Celsius.

The Barents Sea has a salinity of 35‰.

The Barents Sea is the saltiest of all located in the territory Russian Federation. It is adjacent to, but is almost 16 times larger in area. The waters are full different types fish due to the fact that the water temperature in summer is about 12 degrees Celsius. And this attracts many marine organisms, which, in turn, attract predatory fish.

The Sea of ​​Japan, whose salinity is 35‰, is in 6th place in our ranking.

This sea is located between the continent of Eurasia and the Japanese islands. Its waters also wash the island of Sakhalin. The Sea of ​​Japan is considered one of the saltiest seas in the world. The water temperature differs depending on the geographical location: in the north – 0 -+12 degrees, in the south – 17-26 degrees Celsius. The area of ​​the Sea of ​​Japan is more than 1 million square kilometers.

The Ionian Sea is 3‰ higher in salinity than our previous record holder.

This is the densest and saltiest Greek sea. Its waters allow slow swimmers to hone this skill, as the high density will help keep the body afloat. IN summer period the water warms up to 26 degrees above zero. The area of ​​the Ionian Sea is 169 thousand square kilometers.

Aegean Sea with a salinity of 38.5‰.

This sea takes 4th place in our ranking. Its waters with a high concentration of sodium can cause irritation to human skin. Therefore, after bathing in it, you should take a fresh shower. In summer, the water warms up to 24 degrees Celsius. Its waters wash the coast of the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor and the island of Crete. The Aegean Sea, more than 20 thousand years old, has an area of ​​179 thousand square kilometers.

The Mediterranean Sea has a salinity of 39.5‰.

The Red Sea with a salinity of 42‰.

It is located between the coasts of Africa and Asia. All year round warm waters provide favorable conditions for many fish and other marine organisms. The Red Sea, in addition to salinity and warmth, boasts. Many tourists love to relax on its shores.

The Dead Sea has a record salinity of 270‰.

Israel has the saltiest water on our planet. Its salinity of 270% makes it the densest on Earth. Being rich in minerals helps people heal all sorts of ailments, but you shouldn't stay in the water for too long - it can have a detrimental effect on your health. skin covering person.

Mikhail Ilyin

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The seas are part of the water surface of the Earth - the World Ocean, being its main part. The salt content for each of them is individual, some exceed the salinity of the oceans. The ranking of the saltiest seas also includes water areas washing the Russian shores.

Interest in the nature of sea water arose among geographers of the 17th century. The hypotheses expressed at that time converged on a general statement about the primordial salinity of the ocean from the time of origin, which was caused by the dissolution of deposits of crystalline salts at the bottom. The theory was also considered that sea water is constantly replenished with salts through fresh water bodies.

Flowing from mountains and hills, rivers wash out rocks salts and carry them into the seas and oceans. This theory is usually called traditional.

Over the following centuries, geographers have repeatedly returned to research on this issue. As a result, today there is a modern theory of why sea water is salty. It is assumed that its primary form is gas condensate, a consequence of the eruptions of numerous volcanoes.

Acid rain belching out onto earth's surface, called chemical reaction with mineral formations, which resulted in salt solutions. In modern oceanography, both postulates are considered correct.

How is sea salinity measured?

Salinity, denoted by the symbol S, is measured in ppm "‰" and in the practical unit of salinity (PSU). The composition of sea water is very complex; in addition to the predominant degree of chlorine and sodium, it contains more than a dozen chemical elements.

In modern oceanography, salinity is calculated from the composition of one component taken or from the electrical conductivity of a salt solution, in this case seawater.

For one component, salinity is established through the reaction of the interaction of silver and chlorine ions by repeated comparison. Having measured chlorine, calculations are made using the empirical formula (determined from experimental data): S “‰” = 1.8065 * chlorine content “‰”.

International Union In 1978, oceanography experts approved the Practical Salinity Scale - ShPS-78 (PSS-78).

For its development, the established standard of sea water was used - a solution of potassium chloride at a certain temperature (15°C) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. The studied samples of natural sea water are compared in terms of electrical conductivity with the standard, and from the resulting ratio the salinity is calculated using the developed empirical formula. Average level

salts in oceans and seas from 3.47% (from 3.4 to 3.6), which is approximately 34-36 g/l of sea water.

Top 10 saltiest seas in the world All seas, as separate parts, differ from the World Ocean and from each other climatic regime

, flora, fauna and composition of sea water. Based on the degree of salt content, a certain rating of the saltiest seas on Earth has been built. The saltiest sea (Russia has its own top sea salinity) in the world is the Red Sea, which is internal part Indian Ocean

White Sea

. And the Baltic Sea ranks first in terms of low salinity. The ten saltiest seas are presented below.

The cold northern sea, called the White Sea for its coverage with ice and snow most of the year, is one of the lightly salted seas; it completes the top ten saltiest seas in the world. Located in the western part of Russia, on its northern outskirts. Its salinity in the upper waters (up to 100 m depth) is lower than the oceanic one - only 26 ‰, in depth it reaches 31 ‰.

The White Sea is part of the seas of the Arctic Ocean; the coastline has a winding outline. It has a small size with an area of ​​90.1 thousand km², the depth ranges from 67 m (average) to 343 m. The White Sea cuts into the continent, continuing the Barents Sea.

The reduced salinity of the upper layer of the White Sea basin is explained by the large supply of fresh water from large inflowing rivers, shallower tributaries and very small rivers. The fauna of the White Sea corresponds to a subpolar climate (boreal), but due to low salinity it is not so numerous. Northern commercial fish species live in the surface water layers. In the lower thickness of the sea, where it is more salty and stable cold water

, Arctic life forms predominate. Underwater vegetation - more than 190 species of different algae. Among them are the popular brown and red species. Get to White Sea possible by railway

from Moscow to Arkhangelsk. Travel time is approximately 20 hours, departure from Yaroslavsky railway station. A flight along this route by air will take about 1.5 hours.

The marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, the easternmost in Russia, whose maximum salinity is close to the average ocean level. Fluctuations in salinity from 24 to 33 ‰ are due to seasonal changes and depth - in winter and in the bottom layer, mineralization increases.

Melting ice in spring and summer and the influx of fresh water reduce the salt content in the upper water column.

The water area of ​​the Chukchi Sea washes the shores of Chukotka and borders the East Siberian Sea on the western side. From the east it extends onto the shelves of Alaska and adjoins the Beaufort Sea. In the southern part it is separated from Pacific Ocean Bering Strait. The north side faces the ocean. The sea is shallow, depth parameters: average – 45 m, maximum – 1256 m.

The coastline is slightly tortuous, along the coast there are mountain ranges. The total area of ​​the Chukchi Sea is about 590 km². Cold climate, deficit sunlight and low water temperatures affect the nature of the Chukchi Basin, therefore the flora and fauna are predominantly Arctic species and individuals.

The upper layers of the sea are inhabited by plant plankton, while the lower water column is inhabited by algae, common to northern waters. The depths abound with fish - navaga, polar cod, char. A variety of North Sea mollusks and echinoderms, jellyfish, and in the Bering Strait area, Pacific species of underwater inhabitants.

Among the mammals on the protected islands there are many polar bears, walrus rookeries, and seals. Many nest along the banks in summer waterfowl. A population of whales lives in Chukotka waters.

You can only get to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug by plane; there are flights to Anadyr and Pevek. From Moscow to the “capital” of Chukotka – Anadyr, the flight will last approximately 8 hours, until northern city Russia – Peveka, the flight is a little longer.

Laptev sea

Another marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, the water area of ​​which is covered with ice most of the year. The area of ​​this harsh sea is 672,000 km², the maximum depth on the northern side, which turns into the ocean, reaches 3385 m. The Laptev Sea is located on Russian territory.

It is bounded on the south by the northern Siberian coast, on the west by the Taimyr Peninsula and the Severnaya Zemlya islands, and on the east by the New Siberian Islands. The salinity of the Laptev Sea ranges from 15 to 28 ‰, it belongs to the low-salinity seas.

The lowest salt content is in the surface layers and in river mouths; the deeper, the higher the salinity of sea water. From the coastline with a length of 1300 km most of seas – shelf with an average depth of 50 meters. The coastline is replete with bays and bays. Large rivers flowing into the sea: Lena, Khatanga. The largest port is Tiksi, located east of the mouth of the Lena.

Due to the harsh climate, the region's flora and fauna are not very rich. Underwater inhabitants are dominated by diatoms, some species of shelf algae and planktonic organisms, a small number of invertebrates, mollusks and starfish. Among the fish there are also small sea creatures (capelin, smelt, navaga) and freshwater ones entering from the rivers.

Beluga whales and whales live offshore. The islands are inhabited by polar bears, walruses and seals. The only way to travel to the Laptev Sea, as well as to other seas of the Arctic Ocean, is by plane. From Moscow to Tiksi Airport, the flight time depends on the number of transfers along the route: minimum – 13 hours, maximum – 31 hours.

Barencevo sea

The Barents Sea, which washes the Russian and Norwegian shores, is considered one of the saltiest seas. Its salinity ranges from 30 to 35 ‰. The Indiga and Pechora rivers bring large amounts of fresh water.

The sea has an average depth of more than 200 m, and a maximum depth of 600 m. It is located on a huge continental shelf with an area of ​​​​about 1,500 thousand km², the dividing line runs along the northern European coast, the polar archipelagos of Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land, and along the western coast of Novaya Zemlya.

The flora and fauna of the Barents Sea are similar to other marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean, but are more diverse and numerous. In addition to arctic algae and bottom inhabitants, boreal species are common. In the second half of the 20th century, the Kamchatka crab was artificially introduced into the habitat of the Barents Sea.

One of the largest ports in Russia, Murmansk, is located in the Barents Sea. Other ports are no less strategically important - Naryan-Mar and polar Varandey. By air, a direct flight to Murmansk from Moscow will take approximately 2 hours 40 minutes, with a transfer in St. Petersburg - 4-5 hours longer.

Unlike others northern seas, the Barents Sea can be reached by rail: from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities to Murmansk. Naryan-Mar can only be reached by plane.

Japanese Sea

The saltiest sea in Russia is the Sea of ​​Japan. It is among the first in the world in terms of salt content. Its maximum content in water is about 35 ‰. The marginal sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean occupies an area of ​​1062 thousand km² between Asia, the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin and the Japanese Islands. The greatest measured depth is 3742 m, average depth– about 1600 m.

The saltiest sea in Russia, its indicators are about 35 ‰.

The Eastern Sea of ​​Russia is a collection of sea basins and straits between numerous islands. The underwater world of the Sea of ​​Japan is represented by a rich mixture of southern and northern species of vegetation and animal organisms.

Bright representatives of the depths, striking the imagination:

  • various ascidians;
  • sea ​​anemones similar to exotic flowers;
  • sea ​​cucumbers and shrimps;
  • sea ​​urchins And sea ​​stars;
  • jellyfish;
  • mussels and oysters.

Squids and octopuses live here large sizes, and Kamchatka crab. In the Sea of ​​Japan you can observe several species of whales, dolphins and seals. Those wishing to get to the Sea of ​​Japan can get to Vladivostok. The flight from Moscow will take on average about 10 hours. The train will cover the route from Moscow to Vladivostok in almost 7 days.

Ionian Sea

The Ionian Sea washes the mountainous shores of the Balkan Peninsula, southern part Apennine Peninsula, Sicily and the western coast of Crete. Represents part Mediterranean Sea, from the neighboring Adriatic, separated by a strait.

In terms of the salinity of sea water, the Ionian Sea is one of the five most saline seas. The salt content in the Ionian Sea is 38 ‰.

In addition, it is the deepest in the Mediterranean Sea, the maximum depth is 5121 m. The water area is 169,000 km², the water is clean, transparent, and has a blue tint.

The diversity of flora and fauna in the Ionian Sea is ensured by the ecology and high water temperature - min t° does not drop below 14°C in winter. Larger species in the waters include bottlenose dolphins, tuna, and sharks. Among the plants, algae of various types predominate. Cephalopods reproduce well in the Ionian Sea: there is a wide variety of them here, as well as edible mollusks. The resorts of the Ionian coast are located in the Italian region of Calabria, the island of Sicily, Albania, and the islands of Crete ( West Side

) and Corfu, where you can only fly from Russia. Flights to the Mediterranean are organized from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The Aegean Sea washes the coasts of Turkey and Greece and is another component of the Mediterranean. Half of its outskirts are fenced by land: on the east side - Turkey, on the west - the Balkan coast, in the north - the island of Lemnos and the Chalkidiki peninsula. The exit to the Mediterranean basin is blocked by many islands of different sizes.

There are almost 2000 islands in the Aegean Sea. In the northeast is the Dardanelles Strait, separating it from the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The salinity of the ancient water area is 38.5 ‰, which is higher than the average ocean level. The total area is 179,000 km², the maximum depth is up to 2500 m, the calculated average depth is 1000 m. The bottom of the Aegean Sea is very picturesque, covered with white sand, on which bright emerald grass grows. The water is clear, with an azure tint.

The terrain is bizarre with numerous naturally created grottoes. The main species of flora and fauna are similar to the Ionian Sea, but not so numerous. Lives in the Aegean Sea a large number of sponges, octopuses, cuttlefish, there are small cat sharks. There are peculiar inhabitants of the depths: clown fish, parrot fish, mollusk - limpet.

Getting from Russia to Turkish resorts on the Aegean coast will not be a problem. Travel agencies offer tours with flights to suit every taste from different cities. Before Greek Athens You can fly from St. Petersburg and Moscow without any problems.

Mediterranean Sea

Located on the list of the largest, deep-water seas in the world, the Mediterranean Sea is classified as Atlantic Ocean. Its water area covers 2,500,000 km² and serves as a division for Europe, Africa and Asia. The shores are so curved and cut into the water area that protruding parts of the land delimit it into several marginal seas.

Due to its enormous size and multi-level bottom topography, the depth of the Mediterranean Sea ranges from a minimum average of 242 m to a maximum depth of 5121 m.

In the ranking of the saltiest seas, the Mediterranean Sea is in 3rd place. Its salinity level is set at 39.5 ‰.

The flora and fauna are characterized by a variety of species with a relatively small number of inhabitants. The poverty of plankton limits the existence of larger living creatures due to lack of nutrition. Among the animal inhabitants there are white-bellied seals, sea turtles, and stingrays. The diversity of fish species is 550 species.

An important place is occupied by commercial, edible shellfish and invertebrate representatives. It is easier and faster to get to all the seas of the Mediterranean basin from Russia by plane. But it is still possible to travel by train from Moscow with 2 transfers through Minsk or Warsaw. Travel time will take 4-5 days.

Red sea

The Red Sea ranks 2nd in the top 10 in terms of salinity, taking into account the Dead Sea. Its salt content in sea water is 40-40.5 ‰, fluctuations range from 38 to 42 ‰. Such increased level salinity is explained by the absence of inflowing freshwater rivers. It shares the African continent with Saudi Arabia on the eastern side and washes the coasts of Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Israel.

The saltiest sea in which you cannot drown (as in the Russian Sea of ​​Japan) covers an area of ​​438,000 km². Its maximum depth reaches more than 2000 m. The bottom topography is not uniform, there are many sharp changes. This sea is also the warmest in the world; even in winter the water temperature does not drop below +20°C.

The Red Sea is surprising in that, with such high salinity, it contains great amount species of underwater inhabitants.

Ichthyologists have described 1.5 thousand fish and invertebrates, about 300 species of various corals. The mysteries of the Red Sea puzzle scientists all over the world to this day; all the depths have not been fully explored.

The Red Sea attracts a lot of tourists. Airports to which there are direct flights from Russia are located in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Domestic airlines or buses will take you directly to the coast.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is only called a sea, in reality it is an endorheic lake. In terms of salinity level - 270 ‰, it ranks 1st in the world and exceeds the ocean average by 8.6 times. In addition to salts, water contains a unique amount of minerals, which has a beneficial healing effect on health.

The highest concentration of salinity prevents any life from developing in the Dead Sea. At the same time, the smallest microorganisms were still found in the lake water.

Masses of people who want to improve their health flock to the Dead Sea. There is a bus service from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem to the lake. Also, one-day excursions to the Dead Sea are organized from any Israeli city.

Top 5 saltiest seas in Russia

Curious details about its underwater world:

  • some individuals migrate from the north to southern waters in cold weather;
  • small jellyfish live in underwater thickets, contact with which causes paralysis, and a repeated bite can be fatal;
  • There are 12 species of sharks in the depths.

The saltiest sea in Russia after Japan is the Barents Sea. Its salinity is determined to be 32-35 ‰.

Facts for those interested in interesting things:

  • the entire water space of the Barents Sea is located beyond the Arctic Circle;
  • in April, 75% of its area is occupied by floating icebergs;
  • In 4 years, all sea waters are renewed.

The Bering Sea, with a salinity level of 28-33.5%, ranks 3rd in Russia.

Interesting details about him:

  • considered the largest sea in Russia;
  • the northern outskirts of its water area are already covered with ice at the very beginning of autumn, and thaw only at the end of May, beginning of June;
  • The Bering Sea is stretched in 3 climatic zones– arctic, subarctic and temperate.

The list continues with the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with a salinity of 25-33 ‰, occupying 4th place.

Its attractions:

  • the glow of water and ice caused by the phosphorescent plankton living in it was recorded;
  • Almost 120 rivers flow into this sea;
  • fishing in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the absolute right of Russia.

Interesting facts:

  • the only sea that washes only the borders of Russia;
  • in former times this sea was called Icy;
  • The Vikings called the White Sea the Bay of Snakes, due to the curvature of the coastline.

Top 5 Russian seas in descending order in the table:

Name of the sea Salinity (‰) Area (thousand km²)
Japanese 35 1 062
Barentsevo 32-35 1 400
Beringovo 28-33,5 2 000
Okhotsk 25-33 1 583
White 23-30 90

The saltiest lakes in Russia, where you can't drown

Russia's high-salt lakes rival the Dead Sea in terms of therapeutic effects on the human body. Many of them have higher mineral content. Their salinity is so high that it is impossible to drown in them.

The saltiest of them:

  1. Lake Baskunchak is in Astrakhan region. The area of ​​the reservoir is 106 km², the depth reaches 3 m. The saturation with sodium salts (300 g/l) is supplemented with mineral mud used in treatment various diseases.
  2. Lake Razval- a reservoir formed on the site of a salt quarry by filling it with flood waters. Deep lake, in some places up to 18-22 m, small size - 0.068 km², located in the city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg region. The high salt content (200 g/l) and minerals favors the treatment of many diseases.
  3. Lake Elton, located near the Kazakh border, in the Volgograd region, has a second name - Golden Lake. In terms of salt saturation, it is ahead of the Dead Sea - up to 400 g/l. Filled with a mixture of saline solution and hydrogen sulfide mud. The area of ​​the lake is 152 km² with a shallow depth of only 1.5 m. Not far from it there is a sanatorium of the same name.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the saltiest seas in Russia

Features of the saltiest sea in Russia - the Sea of ​​Japan:

There are about 80 seas on our planet, and each of them is unique in its own way. Some are part of the World Ocean, some attract tourists with picturesque views or the diversity of their flora and fauna. But all seas have common feature- they are salty. The alkali content in each of them is different, and today we will talk about what they are - the saltiest seas in the world.


In the last position in the ranking of the saltiest seas in the world is the White Sea with an area of ​​only 90 thousand square meters. It is located in the north of the European part of the Russian Federation and belongs to the Arctic Ocean. The sea is cold, you can’t really swim in it, because in summer the water warms up to no more than 15 degrees Celsius, while in winter its temperature is -1 degree. The White Sea is fed by the waters of such large rivers as the Northern Dvina, Onega, Kem, Ponoi, as well as many small reservoirs, and the depth of its bottom ranges from 50-340 meters.

9 Chukchi Sea

It is located between Alaska and Chukotka, characterized by a high concentration of salts - at the level of 33%. The cold waters of this reservoir, even in the warm season, do not warm up to more than +12 degrees. Despite low temperature water (in winter -1.8 degrees), the fauna of the Chukchi Sea amazes with its diversity. In addition to many species of fish, walruses and seals live here, polar bears live on the ice floes, and in the summer there are lively bird colonies. Depth differences range from 50 to 1256 meters.


The area of ​​the reservoir located between the islands Severnaya Zemlya and Novosibirsk, is 662 thousand square km. The water temperature here is one of the lowest on the planet - it never rises above 0 degrees. Most of the year the waters are covered with ice, and several species of fish live at the bottom.

There are a couple of dozen islands in the sea where remains of mammoths are found even today.


A salty sea on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, it washes the shores of two countries at once - Russia and Norway. The area of ​​the reservoir is 1,424 thousand square kilometers, the maximum depth is 600 meters.

The sea plays a key role in fishing and transport links, and is home to two major ports– Russian Murmansk and Norwegian Vardø.

There are often storms here, and undersea world rich in different types of fish and plankton. Mammals are also found here - seal, seal, polar bear, beluga whale.


The area of ​​the Sea of ​​Japan is 1062 thousand square kilometers, and the maximum depth is 3741 meters. The highest recorded salt content is 35 percent. The Sea of ​​Japan is one of the most salty seas on the planet and the saltiest in Russia. The northern part of the reservoir freezes in the cold season, the climate here is moderate, in the summer the air above the sea warms up to 25 degrees Celsius. Animal world rich and varied. There are many species of fish and mammals here, and fishing for crabs, scallops, and algae is carried out.

The most salt Lake in Russia - Baskunchak. The salt content in it reaches 37%


Thanks to the high salt content in the Ionian Sea, it is easy to learn to swim - the water literally keeps the swimmer on the surface. The area of ​​the reservoir is 169 thousand square kilometers, and the greatest depth is 5121 meters. The bottom off the coast is covered with sand or shell rock; the climate here is very favorable, which contributes to the development of tourism. The waters of the Ionian Sea warm up to 25.5 degrees in summer, the minimum water temperature in winter is 14 degrees Celsius.


There are so many salts in the waters of the Aegean Sea that doctors advise washing under running water after swimming here. fresh water to avoid skin irritation. The water temperature ranges from 14 (in winter) to 24 degrees (in summer). This is one of the most ancient bodies of water on the planet; the age of the Aegean Sea is more than 20 thousand years. IN Lately the ecological situation here leaves much to be desired; the underwater world is becoming impoverished due to the death of plankton, which is necessary for feeding fish, although previously in these places in industrial scale caught fish and octopuses.


This sea stretches between Europe and Africa; in addition to the fact that it is one of the saltiest bodies of water on the planet, it is also rightfully considered the warmest. In summer the waters warm up to 25 degrees, and in winter the temperature is sea ​​depths does not fall below 12 degrees. The flora and fauna here are more than diverse; some species of fish living in the Mediterranean Sea are listed in the Red Book. Its area is 2,500 thousand square kilometers, and its maximum depth is 5,121 meters.


Despite the high alkali content, sharks, dolphins and stingrays live in the waters of the Red Sea. Unique feature the sea is that average temperature water changes little throughout the year, its maximum value is 25 degrees.

The area of ​​the reservoir is 450 thousand square kilometers, most of it is located in the tropical zone with appropriate climatic conditions.


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