How to accept the feminine in yourself. How to develop femininity, be loved and happy? Advice from a psychologist-astrologer. What to do with behavior

home How to find the man of your dreams and find love? How to preserve beauty and youth, develop femininity? How to become loved and happy? Perhaps these are the main questions that concern a woman of any age and social status

. And I'm no exception. For answers to these and other questions, I went to a seminar by psychologist, Vedic astrologer Konstantin Andreev, who visited our city. The seminar, entitled “Secrets of Relationships,” lasted four days and brought a lot of useful information.

The nature of a woman - how to become happy

Relationships between a man and a woman are built on the main principle: “we are different.” Accordingly, the nature of a woman and a man are different, their actions are different, the requirements and demand are also different. The purpose of a man is to be the patron and protector of his woman, while ensuring the external well-being of the family. A woman’s purpose is to be devoted to her man, to inspire him to take action and to provide a psychological atmosphere within the family. An imbalance or disruption of these important aspects leads to the collapse of all beginning and ongoing relationships between Yin and Yang.

For two centuries now, the role of a woman in society has not corresponded to her divine nature. Based on the request of the State Construction Committee, the fair half of humanity is considered as a working unit. A powerful woman in a padded jacket with a sleeper in her hand is a symbol of the century. She knows how to work and can, but this is not her true purpose, it’s like driving a sports car off-road. Likewise, a woman will quickly become overwhelmed, completely immersed in work. But by her nature, a woman is the personification of beauty and harmony, both external and internal. If she is not like that, it will not be possible to build a normal relationship with a man.

How to develop femininity

A woman is a source of lunar energy, the energy of beauty and femininity. Throughout her life, she accumulates this energy in herself, like a battery, so that later, in a difficult moment for the family, she can give her charge to those closest to her and support them morally. The life of a modern woman is structured in such a way that it is not always possible to accumulate lunar energy. But if you approach this issue consciously, you can achieve good results.

Vanity is the first enemy of a woman, when she takes on more than necessary, tries to a short time she has time to do a lot of things, but she can’t. Concern about this causes even more fuss. We need to stop. Yoga classes help calm the mind and eliminate clutter in the head. An overabundance of external communication and excessive social activity also interferes with the accumulation of moon energy. A woman should communicate only with those who are pleasant to her, who love her, stay in her comfort zone and avoid difficulties, and not overcome them. Overcoming difficulties is a man's task. Excessive communication takes a lot of energy, leaving no time to be alone with yourself. Excessive social activity is not typical for women. She can only participate in activities when they do not take away from family time and energy.

Don't go headlong into work

Also, a woman should not throw herself into work. You need to work, but only if this work is to your liking, if it is not masculine, if you go to it with desire and for the purpose of communication, and not making money. The work should be loved; if it is unloved, then it is masculine; this distances one from femininity, since it interferes with the accumulation of positive emotions.

A woman generally lives by feelings, and if she feels bad somewhere, it means there is a leak of lunar energy. In this case, you need to go to your man and surrender negative emotions, throw them out on the man, and not on girlfriends, children, neighbors, etc. Hysterics are also a part of female nature; if a woman does not throw hysterics at her husband (in measured doses, of course), it means that she does not trust him. A man should not understand a woman (“we are different”), he should love her, endure and accept all emotions, since male nature is, first of all, asceticism.

We love ourselves and get creative

The accumulation of lunar energy is hampered by wearing men's clothing, men's haircuts, the hairstyle must be neat, the lack of jewelry or the inability to use it, and lack of care for one's body. A woman should love herself and be a little selfish, dedicate at least half an hour a day to taking a bath and putting on a mask. Lack of hobbies and creativity also prevents you from being feminine. Growing flowers, visiting a swimming pool, sauna, fitness club, embroidery, reading books, going to exhibitions or theaters, writing poetry, drawing, even if you don’t know how to do it at all, all these processes very powerfully charge you with lunar energy.

Femininity is a creative principle, it’s not bad if a woman learns to juggle, play the guitar, or enroll in a choir club, even without hearing and voice. The lack of women's affairs and personal time for women's nonsense, as well as the lack of friends, take away a woman's best energy. A woman is simply obliged to spend hours chatting on the phone with her friends, planting flowers, sharing new recipes, decorating the house with different gizmos, corresponding with friends online, exchanging photos, discussing outfits, going to the store to shop, trying on, hemming, washing, starching, etc. d. This “nonsense” makes a woman very happy. A happy wife and mother means a happy whole family.

Delegating rights

Trying to lead, participating in a conflict with a man, performing male duties, such as moving furniture, tightening screws, applying for loans, mortgages lowers female energy to the level of male energy. Undoubtedly, a woman will succeed, but she will not be happy about it; her task is to delegate and inspire a man to do these actions. Competition, desire for independence, independence, constant control, pride “I am myself,” attachment to results - all this is a man’s lot, and a woman does not need to participate in this. Just like you shouldn’t engage in men’s sports and relax “like a man,” for example, getting drunk on beer at the end of a working day. Hunting and fishing are the same male species rest, which they simply need to recharge their batteries. Mechanical life, without a soul, on autopilot deprives you of strength. Also, the incorrect experience of emotions, such as anger, resentment, condemnation, foul language, constant complaints, lack of proper sleep and even sleep paraphernalia is a very powerful obstacle to achieving femininity.

My home is my castle

It is very important for a woman to have order in her home. Her home is her subtle body. Even the smallest problems in the home, such as a door handle falling off, a faucet dripping, wallpaper peeling off, are a disaster for a woman and can cause a storm of negative emotions. Men are built differently: often, until the ceiling collapses and all the taps break, no repairs are needed. Therefore, according to the conservation law feminine energy- needs to be repaired immediately. If a man cannot do it for some reason, then he needs to call a specialist and, for a fee, “fix” the woman’s delicate body.

It is also important to clean out your closet at least once a month. This also contributes to the accumulation of lunar energy. The Vedic astrologer advises dividing all things into four boxes: 1) seasonal clothes, which are worn according to the seasons, put away and taken out when necessary; 2) “give”; 3) “throw away”; 4) “I don’t know yet”, this category of things that is always in doubt. You need to make sure that if the items from this box have not been worn for a year, then they either need to be given away or thrown away. If a woman tries to follow these simple rules, she will be happy even without the help of a man, whom she will subsequently endow with the radiance of femininity and charm.

Relationships between a man and a woman - stages of development

For a relationship between a man and a woman to be strong, it must go through certain stages that are directly related to the seven chakras in the human body. The majority of couples now go through only three of these stages. Energy rises up the body from the lower chakra, located in the tailbone area, to the upper one (crown).

The first stage is sexual attraction

The first stage of a relationship, associated with the first chakra, is sexual attraction. A man, seeing a beautiful, slender woman emitting lunar energy, experiences the sexual desire inherent in everyone by nature. If there is no sexual desire, a woman should work on her body: join the gym, dance, massage, beauty salon, hairdresser and do only the pleasant things listed above, which will help strengthen the energy of the moon.

The second stage is the candy-bouquet stage (discovering the creative side of a man)

When a woman’s body is ready, a man’s energy begins to rise to the second center, which is responsible for creativity. At this stage, the man is looking for ways to take possession of this body. A woman should not give up right away, but play different emotional states in order to get what she wants from a man. Her “worth” in his eyes depends on a woman’s behavior at this stage. Men's imagination is usually poor, and it is the woman who contributes to its development. Bouquets, serenades, poems and other surprises give her the opportunity to believe or not believe him. Faith in your man is the foundation of a family; if there was no beautiful courtship, the wife will not trust her husband. A man’s decision will depend on her self-esteem whether it’s worth pursuing her heart or not. Some men pursue a woman for years, like the hero of the film “The Great Gatsby”: thanks to his beloved, he revealed his potential and became rich and famous.

The third stage - the joy of family life

When the “fortress” is taken and the lovers have reached agreement, the energy rises to the third center, which is responsible for joy and generosity. At this stage, a unit of society is created, a marriage is concluded, he and she give each other joy, they have a common life, sex, power and control.

Stage four - strong relationships

If the lower centers are built correctly, the energy rises to the fourth center, which is responsible for love, harmonious relationships, which are practically indestructible. When energy is rising, it is very important not to drown out, but to experience all negative emotions. It is through experience that blocks in the body are removed and energy circulates easily.

Fifth stage - commonality of purpose

Only a small number of couples have energy that rises to the fifth center, when the family has common goals, a desire to bring something new into this world for the benefit of society. These are usually the wives of great people, scientists, poets, composers, inventors who live with one highest goal.

Stage six - making other people happy

It is rare to find couples who have managed to rise to the sixth center, the center of awareness, living in joint service to people. For example, helping the sick in the hospital, renouncing material pleasures. By making each other happy, such couples make thousands of other people happy.

The seventh stage is absolute

The seventh type of marriage - evangelical marriage - is an absolute level of trust and harmony. If a couple does not go through at least one stage correctly, then the whole body fails. Even if people have been married for many years, it is never too late to return to the right level and complete the process. But for this, a woman must always be beautiful, slim, energetic, so that with her body she can inspire a man to be creative and make him strong.

Femininity is a quality that many representatives of the fair sex try to develop in themselves. It seems very strange, if their nature has already endowed them with the ability to skillfully manipulate the male sex and the ability to look great, then why do some of them strive to become more feminine, what does this give them?

5 reasons why you should develop your femininity

  1. You work in a male team. Very often the people around us greatly influence emotional condition others, as well as on behavior. If you constantly have to work in a male team, then gradually the desire to look good will not become a habit, but will fade into oblivion. After a month of working with men, many of them will stop paying attention to some of your new exploits.
  2. Work or other circumstances have forced you to become tougher and approach many issues with a fairly large degree of pragmatism.
  3. You are in a leadership position. In most cases, such women cannot do without a piece of femininity that needs to be worked out.
  4. Have you ever thought about the need to look attractive in front of men? Moreover, this question concerns not only appearance, but also behavior, gestures, facial expressions, and conversations.
  5. You want to become a true lady who can achieve what she wants without much effort thanks to the representatives of the stronger sex around her.

There are other reasons why you should show femininity, they may differ for each person. In any case, sooner or later, many young ladies realize that at a frantic pace modern life, due to certain conditions and behavior, they lack the softness in behavior, appearance, manners and gait, thanks to which men are ready not only to turn their heads, but to go to the ends of the earth.

Femininity is not only an opportunity to show your best qualities as a lady, but also a magnificent weapon that can be used without problems in the modern world.

So it is important to understand how to develop femininity and win hearts.

We approach solving the problem step by step

If you understand that you really need to develop femininity, then we advise you to divide all your actions into three separate blocks:

  1. Appearance.
  2. Behavior, gestures and gait.
  3. Manner of conversation and communication.

By working through each of these points, you can achieve significant results without spending a little time. It is important to understand that only A complex approach in this matter will help you achieve what you want. Even if you are dressed smartly, you Nice dress and stilettos, but you will talk in a deep voice and behave like a real man, you can forget about femininity.

Remember, people are greeted by their clothes.

In matters that concern femininity, a large role will be played by appearance. This will include clothes, makeup, manicure, accessories, hairstyle. Which of these points should you consider first and what will help you look more feminine?

Change from trousers, jeans, leggings to dresses and skirts. In the latter, in addition, you can use beautiful sweaters with ruffles that will perfectly match your appearance. It has been proven that a man pays much more attention to a woman who is wearing a skirt or dress. This type of clothing will help highlight the beauty of your legs, and it is not necessary that the length be short enough.

Shoes with heels or stilettos. It is important to choose an option that is convenient for you, because it is no secret that many men like women with stiletto heels. They make your gait softer and more beautiful. In addition, wearing heels will produce the effect of muscle tension, due to which your legs will look slimmer.

Combination of two or three colors in one image. This applies to both accessories and clothing, as well as makeup. You shouldn’t look too bright; there should be a golden mean in everything.

Try to give up sneakers and those shoes that are very similar to men's. If you are short, use higher stiletto heels. If, on the contrary, nature has endowed you with considerable height, then you can choose neat shoes with small heels or wedges.

And I recognize my sweetheart by her gait...

The behavior of every girl and woman can reveal how much feminine and masculine principles are combined in her. It happens that a girl looks really impressive, but she has very sharp movements, and in her gait and communication she resembles a man. To avoid such an imbalance, it is necessary to carefully work out all the skills.

A gait is considered feminine when a woman moves slowly, in small steps. This does not mean that you need to mince or take very small steps. If walking in stilettos or heels was alien to you, then this task will require you to spend more time training. You can practice at home. Simple enough, but effective exercise It counts if you try to walk around the room holding a book on your head. This will develop a smoother posture and gait, since the book will not have to fall.

Please note that any movements you make should be very soft and smooth. Forget about harshness and jerkiness. You should show softness and complaisance with your entire appearance. This should concern the way you walk, turn your head, change your position, sit in a chair or car.

Use actions that can highlight your feminine side. This includes adjusting a hanging curl, beautifully tossing your hair, and playing with a shoe. If you drink coffee in a cafe or eat dessert, do it slowly, savoring every bite. This will also show that you can experience every moment of your life, do it slowly, enjoying this process.

What to do about behavior?

Most often, this is the most difficult point to master in creating femininity. It's quite simple to explain. Many women in the real world are goal-oriented leaders who are used to getting what they want. But femininity is incompatible with such a concept. Therefore, even if a person’s soul cannot be changed, then external behavior can be adjusted. What should you do for this?

If you are communicating with a man, do not try to seem smarter than your interlocutor. It just so happens that men think women are much stupider than themselves. Why bust this myth if we really know it's not true? Show that your interlocutor is a true professional in a particular topic. Why undermine his confidence in this?

Voice. Femininity also largely depends on this. No matter how pleasant a woman is, if she speaks in a deep voice, then it looks really terrible. The voice should “flow” and literally captivate and enchant the people around you, so you need to work on this point. Record yourself on tape and listen to exactly how you speak, what is the speed of your conversation, how soft and pleasant the timbre of your voice is. Try to change it and see what happens now.

The main obstacles on the path to femininity

You should definitely become familiar with the pitfalls that may be on your way. There are not so many of them, but imperceptibly they can shake your desire to comprehend such a science and learn all the wisdom in this matter. These include:

The pursuit of money, a career, achieving one’s goals, position in society. Unfortunately, this is very rarely combined with such a quality as femininity. In most cases, a girl or woman becomes more rude, loses the habit of soft behavioral traits, and learns to lead. Therefore, it practically does not combine with femininity.

Constant whims. This can be discussed in contrast to career women. Of course, it is very convenient to relieve yourself of responsibility by shifting it to men. On the other hand, this will not always be a manifestation of true femininity. This quality implies a certain wisdom and knowledge of life principles. Therefore, it is best to show that you are a mature and self-sufficient person, but at the same time you are very vulnerable, and you cannot do without help.

Trying to prove that you are strong and independent. You can know this within yourself, but you cannot show it to anyone.

The fact is that men will always try to protect weak women who are nowhere without help and support.

If you show that you can walk into a burning hut without any problems, that you can stop a galloping horse, any man will ask the question: “Why does she need me?”

For many, the lack of femininity can be called a quality that is inherited. Remember if there are female relatives around you who show their feminism and independence from the male gender. If there is, then you need to act completely opposite.

Combine these tips, avoid the most glaring pitfalls, and in the end you will be able to create an image that will please not only others, but also a large number representatives of the stronger sex.

Development of femininity in girls it starts from an early age. When she looks at her mother and repeats her movements, poses, phrases. When he tries to put on lipstick or use scissors to shape his hair. And even when he asks: “Daddy, please buy me ice cream...” How can you refuse someone like that?! And that’s what she needs! And the child already understands that being affectionate is beneficial...

Greetings, friends! And today we will talk about the most important thing that a woman has - her femininity, about the development of femininity in oneself.

Raising a girl

But how often does everything go smoothly? ordinary life? What if dad pays little attention to the baby, and mom doesn’t have any joy in picking up scattered shoes or broken lipstick?... And the girl is left alone with herself (at best) or punishment follows punishment. About the development of femininity and the education of traits Real Woman could this be the case in this case? Alas, this does not happen very rarely.

And who among the women of the middle generation does not remember checking their makeup or manicure at school? Standing out from the crowd and trying was not welcomed. And here's the receipt good education, professions, career growth, the ability to do everything yourself - yes, that’s what you need. Our mothers were raised this way, and they raised us the same way. Perhaps it never even occurred to them that in addition to feeding and drinking, teaching how to be good, they had to teach how to please men, be able to communicate with them easily and naturally, behave with dignity, but at the same time be affectionate with their husband, support finally inspire him in any endeavor. How could they know this if, without having time to raise their tiny baby to their feet, they had to rush to work, manage in several places at once, stand in long lines for food, clothing, equipment and apartments. Such was the time, and blaming anyone now makes no sense!

The development of femininity is real

There are those who were lucky to be born with natural spontaneity and charm. They are endowed with femininity by nature and know how to use it at the subconscious level. Such representatives of the fair sex stand out from the crowd, it is simply impossible not to notice them. They are often envied by other women. I don't think you should do this! It is much wiser to learn from them the ability to present themselves to the world.

So we come to the most important thing - what to do if a woman is not happy with herself, with herself as a woman. And the first thing you need to do is to realize this fact. Completely calm, without unnecessary emotions, avoiding self-deprecation and self-criticism. By the way, this will be a very step...
Then a decision must be made. Either you do nothing, continue to live in the same way as before, or you don’t come to terms with this circumstance and decide to start working on yourself, on your appearance, and decide to awaken your Inner Woman. It should be understood that almost any quality of a person is subject to change in the course of working on oneself.
Femininity is nothing more than a set of qualities of a Woman (namely with capital letters), which evoke admiration and approval from men and other Women.

Tips for cultivating in yourself, your Beloved, the qualities of a Real Woman

So, let’s cast aside all doubts and shame, stay alone with ourselves and begin to develop femininity in ourselves. Here are some tips you can use in your endeavor. Remember, only you know yourself and your body best, so choose the most suitable methods, show your imagination - complement, continue the above thoughts:

    • Eliminate the word “problem” from your vocabulary and replace it with the word “task”.
    • Set yourself small but realistic goals every day. For example, receiving a compliment from A.I.
    • Work with an assessment of current events. For example, in the evening before going to bed, review the past day and analyze the work done.
    • Set yourself a rule: for every critical remark addressed to you, find at least three advantages. Don't be afraid to be ironic! Light irony will allow you to defend yourself and others with humor and virtuosity.
    • Morning self-hypnosis in front of the mirror is a must Have a good mood! Remember - you are the best and you are smart!
    • Lying in bed before going to bed, you feel ideal, the way you want to see yourself. Draw in your thoughts, imagine your perfect, but quite real image in different situations, get used to it.
    • Exercise immediately and decisively! Let it be 10 minutes in bed or half an hour in the gym, it all depends on your desire to change yourself and get closer to the ideal.
    • Practice your body movements. Repeat to yourself - I am flexible and soft! Exactly! “Hard” can be broken, but “flexible” bends but does not break. “Soft” softens any blows of fate. Remember this as often as possible!
    • Learn to serve yourself “deliciously.” Taste and sense of proportion, advantages and disadvantages - this combination contains all the raisins of a Real Woman!

The key to any success is persistence and regularity. It is impossible to achieve something by remembering the task at hand from time to time. Get used to desired Image, keep it in your thoughts as a general background.

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