How to get a coupon for high-tech medical care. Receive high-tech medical care. Referral to hospitalization

home There are situations when conventional treatment does not help. At such moments they save unique techniques

, expensive drugs and the latest equipment that are part of VMP.

What it is? How is it different from conventional medicine? How to get quotas for high-tech medical equipment in 2018, what documents to prepare?

Look for answers to these and other questions in our next article.

What is VMP, and for what high-tech medical care are quotas allocated in 2018? It should be noted right away that VMP is an expensive pleasure. And for some drugs or operations, money within the framework of the RMS ordinary person


To solve the problem, the concept of VMP was introduced.

  • What is VMP? Firstly
  • , VMP is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of three words - high-tech medical care. Secondly

, this abbreviation stands for state-of-the-art medical care. It is provided in the case of complex diseases such as oncology, leukemia and other serious pathologies, in the treatment of which highly professional specialists perform operations and other manipulations, using high medical technologies, minimizing the risk to the health and life of the patient.

  1. What distinguishes high-tech medical care from conventional care is:
  2. Methodology.
  3. Treatment approach.

A (wider) list of services provided. By quota we mean the amount of amounts that the Mandatory Fund health insurance

allocates each year for treatment a specific number of people living in a particular region.

State support in the form of a quota covers citizens’ expenses for treatment, incl. - stay in a specialized clinic, rehabilitation and provision of medications. NEED TO KNOW:

A common disease is not subject to quotas. Only that type of assistance that requires specialized equipment and certain training of specialists.

What high-tech medical care will receive quotas in 2018?

For the state to allocate funds to rid a person of a disease, only compelling reasons are needed.

  • The list of diseases subject to quotas published by the Ministry of Health contains up to 140 diseases. We will name only a few of them. And we're talking about:
  • Internal organ transplantation.
  • Treatment of hereditary diseases, including leukemia, oncology, etc.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys.
  • Operations on the eyes, spine, etc., which require specialized equipment, etc.

BY THE WAY: The Russian Ministry of Health determines the number of quotas for each medical institution operating under the appropriate license, i.e. which will accept only a certain number of patients for budgetary treatment.

Sources of financing quotas for high-tech medical care in 2018 - are treatment and operations completely free under quotas?

Until recently, the VMP was financed by federal budget.

And after 2014, high-tech medical care was divided into 2 main parts, which financed:

  1. Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (i.e., which was included in the state compulsory medical insurance program).
  2. Only the federal budget.

Due to this, the availability of treatment has become higher, and the waiting time for hospitalization has become shorter.

In 2018, all high-tech assistance is financed only from the MHIF budget. And the principle financial security simple


  • Which is part of the basic compulsory medical insurance program, finances are received by transferring amounts as part of subventions to territorial funds.
  • Which is not part of the state program, finances within the framework of fulfilling the state task for providing treatment are directly transferred by federal government agencies.

Some types of treatment are paid for by the regional budget of territorial units of the Russian Federation. There is co-financing of expenses of Russian entities that arise when providing such high-tech assistance from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

The Ministry of Health fully determines:

  1. List of clinics with the latest equipment and specialists of the highest category.
  2. Number of patients who will receive VMP in 2018
  3. Calculation of the base rate.

The medical institution is determined taking into account whether the therapy the patient needs is included in the basic program:

  • The therapy, which is included in the state compulsory medical insurance program, will be carried out where they work under the terms of this type of insurance.
  • If VMP is not included in the basic system, then it is provided in private centers and government institutions Ministry of Health.

BY THE WAY: VMP is also provided to small patients. Thus, consultations with a uroandrologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist will be provided by the Center for Reproductive Health of Children and Adolescents at Morozov Children's.

How to get high-tech medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy in 2018 - what to do if high-tech medical care is not included in the compulsory medical insurance policy?

This process is not as simple as we would like. At each of the three main stages, the patient must undergo a specialized commission.

First, they pay a visit to the doctor and inform him of their decision.

Stages of registration

To obtain a quota for surgery or treatment when providing high-tech medical care in 2018 you need to:

  1. Get a referral from a doctor.
  2. If necessary, undergo additional manipulations and examinations.
  3. Obtain a certificate from a doctor indicating the diagnosis, treatment method, diagnostic measures, general condition patient.
  4. Submit the certificates to the commission of the medical institution involved in quotas for consideration.
  5. Wait 3 days and get a decision.

The decision by the health department of a particular entity is made within 10 days.

If it is positive, the commission remains:

  • Indicate the medical institution where high-tech care is provided in 2018.
  • Send a package of patient documents.
  • Tell him about your decision.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Most patients are matched with a clinic located closer to their place of residence.

This medical institution, operating under a license to perform VMP in 2018, sends:

  • Voucher for the provision of high-tech medical care.
  • Copy of the protocol.
  • Information about the patient's condition.

Within ten days, the quota commission of the clinic to which the documents were sent makes a decision after the meeting.

BY THE WAY: If the money was used to treat the patient, the voucher for VMP remains in the clinic as proof of funding from the budget.

It may take about 23 days. A very long time. And it’s not a fact that the decision will be positive. This is for situations where you can’t wait, it’s just a disaster.

But there is another option for obtaining a quota. Those. — go to the clinic yourself, licensed for high-tech treatment.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Sign the documents at the local clinic (with the attending physician and the head physician) where the diagnosis was made.
  2. Go to the clinic with these papers.
  3. Write an application for a quota.
  4. If the decision is positive, then you need to go again with the coupon to the health department.

If VMP is not included in the compulsory medical insurance policy, you must make an appointment with the department.

The procedure for obtaining a quota for surgical VMP in 2018 - list of documents and registration stages

The main document for referring Russian residents to specialized clinics for the provision of primary care is the corresponding order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for applying for a quota is as follows.

The Ministry of Health distributes “quotas” for treatment to specified regional clinics. And each region has the right to send residents only to where the quota has been allocated.

To receive the so-called coupon-referral for VMP, the person applies to the local Department of Health or the regional ministry of the Ministry of Health.

List of documents

After visiting the doctor who confirmed the diagnosis, the patient in need of treatment must collect a number of documents.

The regional health department expects him to submit:

  • Passports and their copies.
  • Statements.
  • Written consent to the processing of personal data.
  • Minutes of the commission meeting from the medical institution whose specialists made the initial diagnosis.
  • Extracts from the medical record, where examinations and diagnosis are entered.
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy and its photocopies.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Certificates of disability (if any).

Press services of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Denis Grishkin

The Moscow government is increasing the amount of subsidies for the provision of high-tech medical care..

High-tech medical care (HTMC) is provided in the treatment of complex diseases. In such cases, cellular and information Technology, robotic technology and genetic engineering methods.

The number of Muscovites who receive such assistance is growing. This year, 99.8 thousand patients received it, and next year, according to forecasts, there will be 115 thousand people. This is also facilitated by the growth of funding for high-tech medical care: Moscow is doubling the city budget for the provision of high-tech assistance - from 2.5 billion to five billion rubles, due to which the number of operations performed with the help of modern equipment will be about 1.5 thousand types.

What medical profiles provide VMP?

High-tech assistance can be obtained in a number of profiles, including:

– abdominal surgery (treatment of organs abdominal cavity);

- obstetrics and gynecology;

— gastroenterology;

- hematology;

— dermatovenerology;

— combustiology (treatment of severe burn injuries);

— neurosurgery;

— oncology;

— otorhinolaryngology;

— ophthalmology;

- pediatrics;

— rheumatology;

— cardiovascular surgery;

- thoracic surgery (organ surgery chest);

— traumatology and orthopedics;

— transplantation of organs and tissues;

— urology;

- Maxillofacial Surgery;

— endocrinology;

— neonatology;

— pediatric surgery during the neonatal period.

The list of types of HFMP is published on the portal

Documents for obtaining VMP

All Russian citizens can receive high-tech assistance for free. Main condition - medical indications. They are determined by the attending physician of the medical organization where the patient is being diagnosed and treated. If there are such indications, the doctor issues a referral for hospitalization to provide high-tech medical care. There are requirements for the referral: it must be printed or legibly written by hand and certified by the personal signature and seal of the attending physician, the personal signature of the manager medical organization(for example, the head physician of a clinic) or an authorized person, as well as the seal of this medical institution.

In the referral, the doctor must indicate:

— Full name of the patient, date of birth, address of registration at the place of residence (stay);

— number of the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) and the name of the medical insurance organization (if any);

— number of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available);

— diagnosis code of the underlying disease according to ICD-104;

— profile, name of the type of high-tech medical care needed by the patient;

— name of the medical organization to which the patient is sent;

- Full name and position of the attending physician, contact telephone number and email address(if available).

The referral for hospitalization must be accompanied by an extract from medical documents, certified personal signatures doctor and chief physician (authorized person) of the clinic or hospital. It must indicate the diagnosis of the disease (condition), its ICD-10 code, information about the patient’s health status, the results of laboratory, instrumental and other types of studies that confirm this diagnosis. Also on the list of necessities are copies of a passport or other identification document (for children under 14 years of age - a copy of the birth certificate), SNILS (if available), compulsory medical insurance policy. To hospitalize a minor patient, you must provide a copy of the passport of his legal representative. The patient must consent to the processing of his personal data.

What to do after receiving documents

If necessary help included in compulsory medical insurance, the doctor’s referral and other papers must be sent to the medical institution where the patient will be treated. You can do this yourself or through your clinic or hospital. In the latter case, the documents must reach the addressee within three working days.

After this, the clinic or hospital will issue a coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care. Within seven working days, a special commission must decide whether the patient has indications for hospitalization.

Waiting times for emergency medical care depend on the availability of beds in the hospital where the patient is referred and on the queue on the waiting list.

If medical care is not provided for by compulsory medical insurance, then the documents are sent to the department for high-tech medical care of the Moscow Department of Health at the address: 2nd Shchemilovsky Lane, building 4a, building 4. In this case, the Department will issue a coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care. The patient selection committee will make a decision within 10 working days. Then you need to act in the same way as in the case of providing assistance under compulsory medical insurance.

How to get high-tech medical care in Moscow is described in detail in the section on the website portal.

1. The attending physician of the medical organization where the patient is undergoing examination or treatment (for example, a clinic at the place of residence) determines the indications and draws up a package of documents for issuing a coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care.

2. If the patient is sent for the provision of primary care at the expense of the federal budget, then a package of documents is delivered to the healthcare authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of the territory). If the patient is sent to provide high-tech medical care at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, a package of documents is delivered to a medical institution that will provide high-tech medical care (host medical institution).

3. Submitted documents are reviewed by the Medical Commission of the territory’s health care authority or the Medical Commission of the host municipality.

4. When the commission makes a positive decision, a special accounting form “Voucher for the provision of medical treatment” is issued for the patient. Currently, the “Coupon for the provision of VMP” is electronic, which means that all stages of receiving VMP by the patient, copies of extracts and examination results are recorded in the electronic account, and the stages of obtaining VMP can be tracked by specialists on the Internet.

5. After the commission makes a decision on the date of hospitalization, the health authority of the territory where the patient lives and the patient himself is informed (usually through the institution that referred him for further treatment). When referring patients for the provision of primary care at the expense of the federal budget, if the patient belongs to a preferential category and has not refused the package of social services, he also has the right to free travel to the clinic and back at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. The patient is given a coupon for receiving VMP with the signature of an official.

Write to us

If you have a referral to receive VMP and your waiting list is more than 14 days, or send us copies of your documents to the address: . Be sure to include your contact phone number, our specialists will contact you.

Required documents

  2. EXTRACT FROM THE PATIENT'S MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION SIGNED BY THE HEAD OF THE MEDICAL ORGANIZATION (OR AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL) AT THE PLACE OF OBSERVATION AND (OR) TREATMENT OF THE PATIENT (Must contain information about the health status and the examination and treatment performed, recommendations on the need for referral to a medical institution for the provision of high-tech medical care, results conducted clinical diagnostic examinations according to the profile of the disease).
  3. DIRECTION FOR HOSPITALIZATION FOR VMP (Minutes of the meeting of the commission on the provision of VMP).

Submit an application on the portal

On the portal of state and municipal services Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Portal) you can fill out online Applications for services provided by the State budgetary institution healthcare of the Moscow region "Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky", namely: Quota for receiving high-tech medical care. After submitting the application, the Applicant can track the status of consideration of the application through the Portal. More detailed information information about services can be found at

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