Interview with the famous writer Vadim Zeland. Vadim Zeland: his secret, his history and success


Why is the main mistake in fulfilling desires to think HOW to fulfill it?

Vadim Zeland will tell in his interview to Faberlik magazine - we read about the fulfillment of desires first-hand:

Our world is a huge mirror which faithfully reflects all our thoughts and desires. A person can manage his reality himself, simply choosing in the generous space of options whatever his heart desires. A bold guess! And we asked for a visit to Vadim Zeland to hear about this amazing system from his own lips.

Attention! Transurfing is an amazing system that has brought amazing results to many people. But if you

It's hard to believe at first, but Vadim Zeland and does not call to believe - this is a system that works,- he asserts. The system is called Reality Transurfing. According to her, a person himself can move from one line of his life, where he feels bad, to another line, where it is good.

For more information about transurfing and my personal experience, see this video

The Overseer, a creature who appeared to the physicist and programmer Vadim Zeland in 2001, spoke about how ordinary mortals can, like gods, change their fate. Two years later, Mr. Zeland wrote Reality Transurfing, where he outlined the principles of managing a layer of his own world in the Universe. The book instantly sold out in huge numbers. And from that moment there was published in 17 more languages. Today “Transurfing Reality” is studied by the owners and top managers of the largest companies.

Interview with Vadim Zeland

Faberlic Country: Why do you think the story with the transfer of knowledge from the Overseer happened to you? Why did it fall to you to tell about the transfer system?

Vadim Zeland: My assumption is this: in order to convey some knowledge, you have to be a fool, that is, an empty vessel. If a person is smart, he will start to carry some kind of ad-libbing. And if he is a complete fool, he will be able to transfer knowledge without changes. So I was just such a pronounced fool. Not in terms of education or intelligence. It's just that all my life I've been doing antitransurfing. By the way, unlike many of my readers, who write that they intuitively lived according to transurfing, and my book only confirmed their guesses. In fact, in this work, all the knowledge that many vaguely suspected is simply decomposed on the shelves. For this, transfer has gained popularity.

Faberlic Country: And what does it mean - you lived on anti-trans-surfing?

Vadim Zeland: I was a workaholic and believed that I would achieve everything with hard work. Like the overwhelming majority, he solved problems, and did not create an image of the future, thought about the means, not the goal ... In general, he violated all the principles of transurfing. A fool learns from his mistakes. And so, when all my undertakings collapsed, all hopes were burned out, and I found myself in a complete impasse, did not know how to live and what to do next, and the Overseer appeared.

Faberlic Country: Who were you before you started writing?

Vadim Zeland: I am a physicist by training. He worked for the defense industry. But when disarmament began, our organization was left without funds. Then I retrained as an IT specialist. He has achieved a very high qualification in this area as well. And I thought that if I worked hard and improved endlessly, I would move mountains ...

Faberlic Country:But isn't it?

Vadim Zeland: Not this way. By hard work alone, only retirement and chronic illnesses are achieved. This is the only thing that can be achieved. Everything else is achieved using the principles of transsurfing.

Faberlic Country:I think that for many who are not familiar with your concept, this idea will cause bewilderment or rejection ...

Vadim Zeland: Well, look around! For example, on some of our very rich compatriots - did they work hard or what? And, conversely, people who have worked tirelessly all their lives were left without money. Where is the logic here?

Faberlic Country:Do not know. Where?

Vadim Zeland: On the one hand, there is a category of people who just happened to be near the trough at the right time, but there are also smart people who “woke up” in time, saw what was happening and began to work, but work consciously. Those who become rich are those who first wake up, begin to manage their reality and then work. After all, our brains in Russia are at a high level. There were people who were able to wake up, use and implement some new technologies, including those in the consumer sphere. We are not only strong in oil and gas.

Faberlic Country:What does it mean to wake up? Are we constantly sleeping?

Vadim Zeland: In a sense, yes. Just remember, when you are in a dream, it happens to you, you cannot control it, you do not even understand that you are dreaming about it until you wake up. But there is actually a practice of lucid dreaming. People who are engaged in it can communicate with the characters of their dreams, change plots at their own discretion. In the same way, you can interact with your real life... You either control it, or it "happens" to you like a dream. When a person "sleeps" he has a low criticality of the assessment of what is happening and he takes everything for granted, without even trying to control the circumstances.

Faberlic Country:But there are a lot of people who are trying to "get out" of "circumstances"?

Vadim Zeland: Yes, you mean those who work hard ... I, for example, also believed for a very long time that I could not control reality and had to accept it as we accept a dream. You were born, for example, in a remote village, and you have a desire to become a superstar. In this case, you can choose one of the dreams: first - "nothing shines for me, circumstances are stronger than me." Or the second - "I will be a bitch and I will snatch my chance from fate with my teeth." This is already a "nightmare" dream. Both options are wrong.

Faberlic Country: But what about? If there is really a remote village around, but you want to be a show business star ...

Vadim Zeland: The world is much simpler and much more flexible. Everyone thinks that this is an aggressive environment, where you need to constantly be ready for defense, work with your elbows, and only in this case you can achieve something. As Mao Zedong said, “three years hard work, and then ten thousand years of happiness. " In fact, happiness in the future is an illusion. There is no happiness in the future. It is either here and now, or on another line of life. Therefore, if you are not happy, you just need to move to another line of your life.

Vadim Zeland about the fulfillment of wishes

Faberlic Country: How? How can this hypothetical girl of ours become a star?

Vadim Zeland: The objective reality of conditions means little. There are millionaires who lived in complete poverty, and there are beggars who used to have everything. But those who have no money usually say: "I would be glad, but where will I get the money for my goal?" The main mistake of all people is that after they understand what they want, that is, they groped for their goal, they begin to think how to achieve it. But in fact, our girl needs to constantly scroll through the "film strip" in her head, on which she is already a star, stands on the stage, the audience applauds her, here are the rehearsals, here are the tours, here is the crowd of glamorous photographers ... And then all this will be reflected in her after a while. reality as on the screen.

Faberlic Country: If everything is so simple, why do people not always get what they strive for?

Vadim Zeland: Because they immediately start thinking about the means to an end. What will our girl start to do after she realizes that the stage is her vocation? She will start thinking: “Where can I get money for a ticket to Moscow? How to find an apartment? What to live on in Moscow? How to find a producer? "

Faberlic Country: Well, isn't it natural?

Vadim Zeland: Naturally. But it will not lead to the goal. We get in reality what we play in our head like a film strip. If I constantly play a "film" about how I am a poor rural girl who cannot get through because there is no money and connections, then in reality this is exactly what I will get. The world is a mirror or a screen - whatever you like. What is constantly spinning in my thoughts, then I get in reality. When I think about the way to achieve the goal, I get an endless search. If I constantly think about how I can achieve this, then the mirror will also reflect big sign question.

Or there are options that the mind came up with, but there are not many of these options and almost all of them cost money, which there is nowhere to take. It turns out a vicious circle. And it's very easy to break out of it. It is necessary to turn in your head not the scenarios for achieving the goal, but the goal itself. Endless frame. A shot in which you have already become who you want. All esoteric sources talk about this. Just differently. People don't understand this.

Faberlic Country: I think the point is not that they do not understand, but that everything is not as simple as you say. After reading your book, I asked a lot of people the question: "What do you want in life?" Some answered: “I don’t know”, others - “a lot of money and lie on the couch”.

Vadim Zeland: It's really hard to find your goal. The main thing here is to understand that the goal is the path, not the result.

Faberlic Country: That is?

Vadim Zeland: If you want to become a pop star, but the thought of going on stage every day and singing does not make you happy, then this is not your goal. This is what I was talking about - there is no happiness in the future. It is either here and now, or on a different line of life.

Remember the fairy tale "The Emerald City". Her heroes were happy just moving towards their goal, in fact, at that moment they got what they were going for. If you are moving towards the goal, and you are already happy with this movement, then this goal is yours, and you will definitely come to your Emerald City. And if you work hard, but this life is a burden for you, you don't like everything and everything is annoying, but you force yourself, thinking “now I am earning my happiness, my ticket to where I will feel good,” then this is an illusion. The most real.

Faberlic Country: So the idea of ​​"wanting a lot of money and lying on the couch" is wrong?

Vadim Zeland: Yes. This is the destination, the way is not spelled out in such a wording, and it will be very difficult for you to get there. But even if you happen to find yourself on the "couch", you will become terribly bored. You will not be happy. Therefore, the sofa is not a goal. I am responsible for my words.

Faberlic Country: But what about those who want to have a lot of money?

Vadim Zeland: Look for that business, that activity from which they will enjoy. Money is just a "side effect" of a correctly found goal. They will come by themselves.

Faberlic Country: How quickly do all these miracles happen?

Vadim Zeland: These are not miracles. Transurfing works with the implacability of physical law. If you regularly rotate the film with a goal, then your reality will gradually begin to shift from one line to another. This will happen unnoticed. It may even seem to you that nothing is happening in your life at all. But here I can give the following analogy.

Imagine flying at night in an airliner. Outside the windows - blackness, you do not see how the landscape is changing there, you are not even shaken ... There is an illusion that you are just hanging in the air. Only the noise of the engine reminds you that you are actually flying. In the same way, everything will happen when you decide to change your reality. She will not react immediately. Unlike an ordinary mirror, in the mirror of reality, the reflection appears with some delay. And people think that nothing has worked out, and change their goal, as a result, the mirror reflects continuous flickering. It must be remembered that physical reality cannot change quickly, as in a fairy tale. And continue to "play your movie", not letting your mind stick in and start caring about how it happens. Constantly: “I am a star. I'm on stage, I'm signing autographs. "

Faberlic Country: It is very similar to the state that is called "soaring in the clouds" ...

Vadim Zeland: From the outside it really looks strange: "Here is a fool, she put on" rose-colored glasses "and imagines something there." But hovering in the clouds is when the slide is twisted from time to time and with no intention to receive it, but only for the very pleasure of “riding” on the “clouds”. This is a concrete job - to twist the target slide, to be systematically in the virtual picture and to remain calm until reality reacts. Nothing can happen for quite a long time - six months or a year. But sooner or later, the key doors will open and you will directly find yourself in the life you dreamed of.

Faberlic Country: It's too fantastic anyway. Do nothing - just dream, well, turn the slide, and get whatever you want ...

Vadim Zeland: I am not talking about not doing anything. We still live in a dual world. It has more than just a metaphysical side. You also need to take some action in physical reality - take vocal lessons, for example, watch your appearance, learn to dance, etc. If you have chosen the right goal, these activities will bring you joy. The main thing is not to think about the means to achieve the goal.

Faberlic Country: How do the doors open?

Vadim Zeland: In life, opportunities begin to appear that were not on the line of life where the person was before, and which the mind could not "calculate". A famous producer will "accidentally" pass by the village of our girl and notice her, someone will meet a long-forgotten classmate, and he will offer Good work, the inheritance will suddenly fall on someone. The options are endless. These are the doors that you just have to enter. To do this, you need to twist your target slide and move your legs towards the target.

Faberlic Country: Convinced. But now let's take a situation in which our girl dreams not of show business, but of a prince ... In this case, she also needs to "turn the slide"?

Vadim Zeland: If she lies on the couch and "twists the slide", no one will jump into this couch anyway. She needs to be in society, to communicate.

Faberlic Country: And if a girl dreams of someone in particular, can you also use the slide technique?

Vadim Zeland: No, when we talk about the fact that you can "slide" something for yourself - we are talking only about inanimate objects. Imagine that our world is a huge supermarket where everyone can choose whatever their heart desires - this is the main tenet of transfer, but you cannot drag sellers or other buyers with you.

Faberlic Country: What happens if you "slide" the relationship with another person?

Vadim Zeland: This may not please his soul. Imagine that you are asleep, you cannot wake up, and someone “loves” you, to whom you have not given any consent. This is roughly the same thing experienced by the soul that is "slid". In this case, a person may begin to experience an antipathy that has come from nowhere to the one who "slides" him. We cannot force anyone to love ourselves, even by the power of intention. At our disposal is only a layer of our world, only our reality. So you can change it.

Therefore, if a woman wants personal happiness, then you need to turn a slide with a relationship that suits her, but without the participation of specific individuals. You need to understand why you are happy and replay this feeling of happiness in your head. Sooner or later, in the layer of your world, your ideal will appear in the flesh. If you felt in your heart that it was him, take the situation into your own hands, get acquainted, even if for this you need to step on the throat of your prejudices. It is, of course, accepted in our country that a man should be the first to approach. But there's nothing you can do about it - you have to take risks. An external intention will lead the man of your dreams to the layer of your world, but you will need to get acquainted and build relationships with him herself.

Faberlic Country: How can this be done?

Vadim Zeland: Yes, the stupidest reason to come up with is to come up, say hello as with an old acquaintance, and then say that you have mistaken. If this is your "door", it will open, the person will want to continue their acquaintance. If not yours, he will politely make it clear that in this moment not interested in you. It's not so scary to play such a scene, but for some reason women are afraid. True, there is still such a thing as someone else's door - it can open, but then all the same, it will slam shut in front of your very nose.

Faberlic Country: That is, if a man called, invited, courted, and then suddenly disappeared, then this is “someone else's door”?

Vadim Zeland: It happens in different ways. Here, you know, you cannot give one hundred percent accurate description how it will be and what will happen. You can only give a percentage of the likelihood. The only thing I can say for sure is that if the relationship did not work out from the very beginning, then, with a high degree of probability, nothing good will come of it.

You need to listen to the whisper of your soul, it can be very quiet, barely audible, but you need to hear it - there is no other way. When faced with a choice, be sensitive to the subtle pain in your soul. If it appeared even against the background of what the mind says - “This is it! The same one, here is the white horse next to you ”, you don’t need to go there anyway. You need to turn on your awareness and understand the situation.

Faberlic Country: It turns out that such an important area as relations is completely beyond “regulation”?

Vadim Zeland: Yes and no. Let's look at a typical situation. The man promised his woman to call and did not call. What does a woman usually think in this situation? He doesn't need me, our relationship is not so important for him, I knew it, and so on ... But he could have lost his phone, he could have been unexpectedly summoned to his superiors, or he was simply confused by a surging feeling, yes you never know ...

There are always two options - positive and negative. Reason will easily accept any version. It is you who make a choice which version to accept, and depending on what you have chosen, you find yourself on one or another line of life. If you perceived this as a bad event, you will move to the life line, where everything is bad. You inserted yourself a film strip in which your man forgot about you. You will unwittingly act on this scenario. And the next time you meet him, even if you don't say it directly, there will be tense notes in your voice, and the man will involuntarily feel guilty. And this is a very difficult feeling, even if the person is not aware of it. And then your loved one will really begin to avoid you.

Another option: you will not even think why he didn’t call, but “watch” a movie about how wonderful you will spend the weekend together. This is a transition to the line of life where everything will be fine. Of course, you cannot control the entire scenario of the development of a relationship, but when you have inserted a positive film into your head, your mind begins to believe that everything will be so. The mirror will reflect this and then everything will unfold in a positive way. And, most likely, your man will start to appreciate you even more.

Faberlic Country: I can't believe it ...

Vadim Zeland: I myself still can't get used to it and am constantly amazed at how it works. Our mind interferes with miracles, which all the time thinks about the means and does not believe (because it does not know) in some unexpected turns of fate.

Faberlic Country: Wait, I can't imagine a specific person, can I?

Vadim Zeland: You cannot pull a person down with a slide, but you can pull in a situation in which the two of you will feel good.

Faberlic Country: What you described is a situation when, as they say, "there is contact." But what if you are still only interested in a relationship - it doesn't matter with a man or a woman ...

Vadim Zeland: Then you need to start communicating with this person or these people. And use freiling.

Faberlic Country: What is this?

Vadim Zeland: A special case of transurfing. Or, rather, even psychology, not transurfing. The main rule of freiling is give up your intention to receive, replace it with the intention to give and get what you gave up. I'll tell you a story that happened to me in 2003. I started writing a book about transurfing and I was just planning to publish it. In the meantime, I organized the mailing of individual chapters on the Internet. And in the very first months I had an audience of about 3 thousand people. All these people began to fiddle with me: "we want the whole book in full!" and persuaded to sell them the electronic version.

Then I was not in the best financial situation, but I knew that no, the public does not like to buy books. Why, if you can download it for free? What do sellers usually do in such cases? They demand guarantees, "money in the morning, chairs in the evening." I did the opposite. I abandoned my intention to receive money and set an unusual condition - I send the book in full to everyone, but you can pay for it whenever it is convenient, and I will not even check whether it was paid for or not. You have no idea what kind of reaction it caused! To make a simple money transfer, you had to go to Sberbank, stand in line, fill out a receipt ... In general, there is a lot of fuss, and everything in order to transfer 100 rubles.

And in spite of this, they gave me so much that I was able to quit my main job and began to work closely with books. People sent me receipts so that I knew that they had paid, some wrote that they were so impressed by the conditions that they deliberately went and complied with them, and otherwise they would never have paid. Therefore, when you want to get the location of a person, you need to do not scrolling slides, but freiling, that is, communicate and not try to rigidly achieve your goals. Give up the intention to receive, replace it with the intention to give, and you get what you gave up. Works 100 percent of the time out of 100.

Faberlic Country: It's clear. And what to do in a situation when the contact is already there and very close. What to do for a woman who, for example, has a drinking husband. This does not suit her, but their reality is one for two. How to be in this case?

Vadim Zeland: Two options. Or you twist the slide in which you are married to someone who leads a sober lifestyle, and then events may after a while unfold in such a way that you will part with your current drinking husband. A door will open that will lead you to another reality. But twisting the slide - "this is my current husband - does not drink" is useless. You cannot change your husband with your thoughts. But you can create conditions where he will not need to drink.

This is a very delicate question, it must be resolved with specialists. In the meantime, you might wonder why he drinks. Maybe you are unconsciously pushing him around, pushing him and he thus runs away from you. What to do then? Letting go of the person. When he hits a binge, you usually say: "stop drinking as much as possible, do not drink, do not drink." And you will act differently - bring him a box of vodka and say: "Drink!" And watch what happens. I can guarantee that the person will stop drinking.

It often happens that the wife herself does not let go of the reality in which the husband drinks. She is constantly thinking about this problem, constantly spinning this nightmare movie in her head. In fact, any drinker wants to quit drinking, and his wife, with all her scandals, seems to say to him, "Yes, you are an alcoholic, you are a drunkard, you will never quit drinking." And he has no choice but to confirm her words. In general, you should never fight what you don't like. Fighting is always accompanied by hatred for what you are struggling with. And such a strong feeling cannot but be reflected in the mirror.

Faberlic Country: How then to be? After all, a person is not perfect, he constantly has to struggle with something - with wrinkles, with fears, with complexes, with laziness ...

Vadim Zeland: Everyone has negative programs. But if you fight them, then the mirror will inevitably reflect this fight. In this case, you just need to "turn away from the mirror." And not to fight with a negative program, but to create a positive one. Well, for example, let's take such an unpleasant feeling as the feeling of guilt. Almost everyone has it, since we were drummed from childhood that we constantly owe something. To force the child to obey, adults often slide into manipulation, creating feelings of guilt. As a result, a person grows up with the feeling that he owes everyone - family, school, friends, society and himself last.

These people are very easy to manipulate. Feelings of guilt will distort reality, and a person will not be able to find what he really wants. How to get out of this? A person should wake up and realize that he has a chip in his head that makes him act like a dream character - automatically.

The second step is to stop fighting. By willful effort nothing can be changed. You have to admit that you have such a program. Deal with it. And start recording another one. How? Well, for example, without changing the content, change the form. For example, you need to stop making excuses with and without reason. At first, reality will react either in no way or very harshly. You suddenly turned from a teddy obedient bear into an unauthorized person who owes nothing to anyone and builds his life, even if in your soul everything turns upside down by habit.

Your manipulators may be indignant, but if outwardly you behave like a person who cannot be pulled by the strings, then they will soon agree with this. When it comes to an inferiority complex, do the same - stop fighting this program and start writing down another. First, stop reaffirming your worth. Do not try to brag, seem better, stand on tiptoe. Then those around him will intuitively feel: "since he does not use all these techniques, it means that he does not need them, therefore, his significance is already high." Then they will unconsciously make it clear that their attitude towards you has changed. The mind considers this and will overwrite the program itself. I repeat, you can have anything you want if you have the determination to have it.

Faberlic Country: Then it turns out that even immortality is achievable?

Vadim Zeland: The fact is that it is very difficult to rewrite programs that are embedded so deeply and are perceived as completely obvious things. One of these is that people live and die. And they do not live long. If you and I were born in a society where it is normal to live up to three hundred years, then we would live the same. It is very difficult to reprogram your mind. You need to know, exactly to know that it is possible.

Faberlic Country: That is, theoretically, immortality is still possible?

Vadim Zeland: (Thinks- Cf) ... Yes. I am not a supporter of such absolute things as physical immortality. Our soul is a part of God, and life is one of his dreams. God is capable of living in many personalities and seeing a great variety of dreams.

Faberlic Country: That is, any death is not accidental?

Vadim Zeland: I do not know. I do not believe in karma, in debts from past life... Anyone can be both a cameraman and a spectator at the same time. If I am just a spectator, then of course, I will only watch the movie that will be shown to me. Those films that were inserted by someone - parents, society, even bystanders. If a person realizes that he can insert any film into his cinema projector, he will be able to receive any reality. But within reasonable limits, of course.

Faberlic Country: What does reasonably mean?

Vadim Zeland: Well, I, for one, will never become the Queen of England, because I simply cannot insert such a slide into my head. I will not be able to become a ballet dancer or the President of the United States. No matter how hard I try, I cannot insert such a film. If I can, I will. If you can, in a single joyful impulse of soul and mind, accept as reality the fact that you can walk on water, then you will go. In general, if a person truly woke up in a dream called "my life", he would achieve enlightenment and be able to perform any miracles. He would become the full-fledged master of reality.

The biography of Vadiv Zeland is very vague. The writer lives in secrecy, communication with readers occurs exclusively through the official website of the publisher of his books. A rather mysterious person. All published books concern the Transurfing theory of reality developed by the author. A fairly popular and discussed theory with many followers. There is even an official Transurfing scale (with presentations, trainers (!), Program and practices).

He writes about himself: "I'm over forty. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union I was engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then - computer technology, now - books. I live in Russia. By nationality - Russian, or more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest has no meanings, however, like all this "

Reality transurfing is a term coined by Vadim Zeland himself. This is what he calls a way of managing his life. According to the author's theory, life is a mirror image of his human worldview. Vadim Zeland claims that he is not the author of transfer at all. This ancient knowledge was passed on to him by mysterious personalities whom he calls the Rangers.

In one of the rare interviews V. Zeland answers the posed pig: "Transurfing is not a speculative doctrine, but a practical technique for managing reality. This Knowledge came to me from the space of options - the information field, from where all the premonitions, insights and discoveries come from. Each of us in one way or another, "connected" to an inexhaustible data bank, but not everyone pays attention to the barely audible whisper of the subconscious and not everyone dares to take intuitive knowledge and feelings seriously. "

At the expense of his followers (students), the writer expresses himself quite specifically: "Well, I don’t consider it necessary to give instructions or conduct seminars and trainings. In books, everything is clear and concrete as it is - take it on board and take action."

The books are written in a simple and fun style. This series of books deals with very strange and unusual things. At some point, this is simply shocking and makes you reconsider your inner worldview for reality.

You are probably familiar with the name of Vadim Zeland and the concept of reality transurfing. According to his concept, which forces us to reconsider the foundations of life, it is possible to manage reality.

Some have questioned Vadim Zeland's concept of transurfing, considering him an ordinary deceiver who extorts money from naive people. Others sing praises to him, because believe that it was thanks to the theory of transurfing that reality was able to change their life in better side... A question arises related to the biography of Vadim Zeland and the reason why everyone pays so much attention to his theory.

The biography of Vadim Zeland is shrouded in mystery. He avoids meeting with journalists, so it can be concluded that he does not like to advertise his private life. In one of the few sources about him it is reported that he is more than forty years old, he lives in Russia, by nationality a quarter Estonian, three-quarters Russian. During the Soviet era, Vadim Zeland was engaged in quantum physics, after that in computer technology, and now he professionally writes books.

Some believe that Vadim Zeland does not exist, that this is a fictional character. In their opinion, this pseudonym was created by the publisher, but in fact the books are created by a community of writers. But on the personal website of Vadim Zeland, this information is denied.

Vadim Zeland himself asserts the insignificance of his biography, justifying this by the fact that he is not the creator and developer of the theory of reality transfer. According to him, this concept is "Ancient Knowledge". It was developed long before him, and he only repeats its main provisions in his works. His relatives and friends do not know that he writes books about reality transurfing. And Vadim Zeland maintains contact with his readers exclusively through the Internet.

In esoteric circles, the concept of reality transsurfing is popular. Vadim Zeland's books have been translated and published in German, Chinese, Bulgarian, English, Latvian, Japanese and Serbian languages... The Official School of Transurfing was opened in 2006 in St. Petersburg. It has branches in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Samara and other cities in Russia and the CIS. The Transurfing Center Netherlands was opened in Holland in 2008. The famous esoteric writer Klaus Joel bases his work "Money is Love" on the concept of Vadim Zelanda.

Currently, 5 books have been published - "steps" of transfer: "Space of options", "Forward, into the past", "Rustle of the morning stars", "Apples are falling into the sky", "Reality management". The books from the cycle "reality transurfing" also include "Actor of Reality", "Practical Transurfing Course in 78 Days", "Apocryphal Transurfing", "The Wrong Side of Reality", etc. In addition to the printed version of books on the Internet, you can find them in electronic format. There is also a large number of audio courses and trainings, which are organized by supporters of the theory of Reality Transurfing.

Wonder mystic Vadim Zeland

I was awakened by the barking of a neighbor's dog. Vile creature, she always wakes me up. How I hate her! Why should I wake up precisely from the sounds that this disgusting spawn makes? We must go for a walk, calm down and somehow distract ourselves from the acute desire to set fire to the neighbor's house. What a dog, such are the owners. Always some bastards creep into my life and try to get me. I dress nervously. Again my slippers have disappeared somewhere. Where are you quirky bastards? If I find it, I will throw it out!

There is fog and dampness outside. I walked along a slippery path through a gloomy forest. Almost all the leaves have already fallen, revealing the gray trunks of half-dead trees. Why do I live in the middle of this gloomy swamp? I take out a cigarette. I don't feel like smoking, but an old habit says I should. Necessary? Since when did a cigarette become like a duty for me? Yes, smoking in the morning on an empty stomach is rather disgusting. Earlier, in a cheerful company, a cigarette was a pleasure, was a kind of symbol of fashion, freedom, and style. But the holidays are over, and gray rainy days with puddles of viscous problems come. And you seize each problem several times with a cigarette, as if you are telling yourself: now I will smoke, catch my breath, and again plunge into this hateful routine.

The smoke from the cigarette got into my eyes, and for a minute I covered them with my hands, like an offended child. I am tired of everything. And then, as if to confirm my thoughts, a birch branch, bending insidiously, hit me painfully in the face. You bastard! In a rage, I broke it and threw it aside. She hung on a tree and began to sway and bounce like a clown, as if demonstrating to me all my powerlessness to change anything in this world. I wandered dejectedly on.

Whenever I tried to fight this world, it first gave in, reassuring, and then gave me a good snap on the nose. It is only in the movies that the heroes go to the goal, sweeping away everything in their path. It's not like that in life. Life is like playing roulette. First you win once, twice, three times. You imagine yourself a winner, it seems to you that the whole world is in your pocket. But in the end, you are always the loser. You are just a goose at the party, which is fattened up to be fried and eaten later to the sound of cheerful music and laughter. You are wrong, this is not your holiday. You made a mistake…

So, floundering in these gloomy thoughts, I went out to the sea. Small waves bit the sandy shore viciously. The sea blew unfriendly on me with cold dampness. Fat gulls walked lazily along the shore and pecked at some kind of rot. There was not a drop of emotion or intelligence in their eyes - only a cold black void. These eyes seemed to reflect the whole world around me, just as cold and hostile.

Some bum was collecting empty bottles on the shore. Would you stomp out of here, swamp schmuck, I want to be alone. No, it seems, he is heading towards me, he will probably beg. I'd rather go home. There is no rest anywhere. How tired I am. This fatigue is always with me, even when I am resting. I live like I'm serving a sentence. It seems that everything should change soon, will begin new life, and then I will become different and will be able to enjoy life. But this is all in the future. In the meantime, the same dull hard labor. I keep waiting, but the future does not come. Now, as usual, I will eat my tasteless breakfast and go to my boring job, where I will again squeeze out the results that someone needs, but not me. Another day of a burdensome and meaningless life ...

I was awakened by the rustle of the morning stars. What is this sad dream I had? As if some fragment of my former life has returned. It's good that this is just a dream. Relieved, I stretched, like my cat does. Here he is, a lazy person, lying to himself, lounging, and only with his ears shows that he is aware of my presence. Get up, mustachioed muzzle. Will you go for a walk with me? I ordered myself a sunny day and went to the sea.

The path went through the forest, and the rustle of the morning stars gradually disappeared into the discordant chorus of the bird people. Someone especially tried there, in the bushes: “Feed! Feed!" Ah, here he is, a wretch. Little fluffy ball, how do you scream so loudly? Surprisingly, it never occurred to me before: all birds have such different voices, but none of them enter into dissonance with the general chorus, and they always get such a harmonious symphony that no sophisticated orchestra can reproduce.

The sun stretched out its rays between the trees. This magic illumination revived the volumetric depth and richness of colors, turning the forest into a wonderful hologram. The path took me carefully to the sea. Emerald waves whispered softly to the warm wind. The coast seemed endless and deserted, but I felt comfort and tranquility, as if this overpopulated world had specially allocated a secluded corner for me. Some people believe that the world around us is an illusion that we ourselves create. Well, no, I don’t have enough conceit to assert that all this beauty is just a product of my perception.

While still under the oppressive impression of a dream, I began to recall my former life, which in fact was just so dull and hopeless. Very often I, like many others, tried to demand from this world what was supposedly due to me. In response, the world turned away indifferently. Experienced advisors told me that the world does not lend itself so easily, it must be conquered. Then I tried to fight this world, but I didn’t achieve anything, I was just exhausted. The advisers even in this case had a ready answer: you yourself are bad, first change yourself, and then demand something from the world. I tried to fight myself, but it turned out to be even more difficult.

But then one day, I had a dream, as if I was in nature reserve... I was surrounded by indescribable beauty. I walked around and admired all this splendor. Then an angry old man with a gray beard appeared - as I understood, the Keeper of the reserve. He began to watch me in silence. I went to him, and as soon as I opened my mouth, he sharply reined in me. In a cold tone, he said that he did not want to hear anything, that he was tired of capricious and greedy visitors who were always unhappy, constantly demanding something, making a loud noise and leaving behind mountains of garbage. I nodded with understanding and went on.

The unique nature of the reserve just stunned me. Why haven't I been here before? As if spellbound, I walked without a specific goal and stared around. The perfection of the surrounding nature could not be adequately expressed by any thoughts, and even more so by words. Therefore, in my head there was some kind of enthusiastic emptiness.

Soon the Overseer appeared before me again. The stern expression on his face softened somewhat. He signaled me to follow him. We climbed to the top of a green hill, and we got a view of the valley amazing beauty... There was a settlement there. The toy houses were buried in greenery and flowers, as if showing an illustration for a fairy tale. This whole picture could be looked at with affection if it did not seem somehow unreal. I had a suspicion that this could only be in a dream. I looked inquiringly at the Overseer, but he only grinned into his beard, as if he wanted to say: "There will still be!"

We were descending into the valley when I began to realize that I do not remember how I got to the reserve. I wanted to get at least some explanation from the old man. I seem to have made the awkward remark that those lucky ones who can afford to live among such beauty must be fine. To which he answered irritably: "And who does not allow you to be among them?"

I started a hackneyed record that not everyone is born in luxury, and no one can choose their destiny. The caretaker looked at me like I was an idiot and said: “The fact of the matter is that every person is free to choose any destiny for himself. The only freedom we have is freedom of choice. Everyone can choose whatever they want. "

Such a judgment did not fit into my ideas about life, and I began to object. But the Overseer did not even want to listen: “Fool! You have the right to choose, but you don't use it. You just don't understand what it means to choose. " Some kind of nonsense, I did not calm down. How can I choose whatever I want? You might think that everything is allowed in this world. And suddenly, I realized that it was just a dream. Puzzled, I didn't know how to deal with such a strange situation.

As far as my memory serves me, I hinted to the old man that in a dream, as well as in reality, he is free to carry all sorts of nonsense, this is his whole freedom. But that remark didn’t seem to hurt the Overseer, and he just laughed back. Realizing all the absurdity of the situation (why did I get involved in a discussion with the character of my own dream?), I already began to wonder whether it would be better for me to wake up. The old man seemed to have guessed my thoughts. “Well, that's enough, we don't have much time,” he said. “I didn’t expect them to match me with a cretin like you. And yet, I have to fulfill my mission. "

I can’t resist the remark: a perfectly normal reaction is assessed by a fig guru from a dream as cretinous :) "Literary" method? Rather, a psychological maneuver: don't be a nerd, but believe without reasoning :)

I was about to start asking him what kind of "mission" it was and who "they" were. He ignored my questions, and asked his, as it seemed to me then, a stupid riddle: “ Each person can find freedom to choose whatever he wants. Here's a riddle for you: how to get this freedom? If you guess, your apples will fall into the sky».

Why ask a riddle to an obvious nerd? :)

What other apples? I already began to lose patience and said that I was not going to solve anything - it is only in dreams and in fairy tales that all sorts of miracles are possible, but in reality apples always end up falling to the ground. What an unnatural coquetry :) it is clear that here magicians smell to her To which he replied: “Enough! Come on, I have to show you something. "

When I woke up, I realized with regret that I did not remember the continuation of the dream. However, I had a clear feeling that the Overseer had put some information in me that I was unable to express in words. Only one incomprehensible word was imprinted in my memory - Transurfing. I think that with this word - a small, unobtrusive lie (it is possible that the whole dream is also) :) Like the guru suggested a term for further popularization :) The only thought that was spinning in my head was that there was no need to improve my world myself - everything had long been created without my participation, and for my own good. You should not fight the world for a place in the sun the same way - this is the least effective method... It turns out that no one forbids me to simply choose for myself the world in which I would like to live. Ah, our poor, unreasonable smaller brothers are other animals that survive by fighting :) dying, gnawing at each other :) Life is harsh for them, but they open their arms to us, however, only to those who know the term Transurfing :)

At first, this idea seemed absurd to me, and I would most likely forget about this dream. But soon, to my great surprise, I discovered that a completely clear picture of what the Overseer meant by the word began to appear in my memory. to choose and how to do it. The solution to the Riddle of the Overseer came by itself, like knowledge from nowhere. Every day something new was revealed to me, and every time I experienced a tremendous surprise, bordering on fright. I am not able to rationally explain where all this knowledge came from. And I can :) read the links above. There is only one thing I can say with complete certainty: nothing like this could have been born in my head. :) cheap coquetry again :)

Ever since I discovered Transurfing (or rather, I was allowed to do it), my life was filled with a new joyful meaning. Here is this phrase on duty where you can not subtract: from the spam scam of the Internet pyramids, to books like Louise Hay :) Anyone who has ever been involved in some kind of creativity knows what joy and satisfaction a work created with his own hands brings. But this is nothing compared to the process of creating your own destiny. Although, the term "creation of fate" in its usual sense does not fit here at all. Transurfing is a way to choose your destiny - literally, like a commodity in a supermarket. What all this means is what I want to write. You will learn why apples can "fall into the sky", what the "rustle of the morning stars" is, as well as about many other, very unusual things. And it would be better to attach a video with apples falling up :)

Here is such an extraordinary "theoretical substantiation" :) It turns out that nothing is justified by anything but visions :)

The Riddle of the Overseer

There are different approaches to the interpretation of fate. One of them is that fate is fate, something predetermined in advance. Whatever one may do, one cannot escape fate. On the one hand, such a concept of fate is depressing in its hopelessness. Therefore, you need to quickly come up with a suitable one :) It turns out that if a person is caught in a fate that is not of the highest grade, then no hope for improvement is foreseen. But on the other hand, there are always people who are satisfied with this state of affairs. After all, it is convenient and reliable when the future is more or less predictable and does not frighten with its uncertainty.

And yet, the fatal inevitability of fate in this sense cannot but cause feelings of dissatisfaction and internal protest. A person deprived of luck complains about his fate: why is life so unfair? One has everything in abundance, while the other is constantly in need. One is given everything easily, while the other is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and all to no avail. Nature endows one with beauty, intelligence and strength, while the other, it is not clear for what sins, bears a second-class label all his life. Why is this injustice? Why does life, which has no boundaries in its diversity, impose any restrictions on certain groups of people? What are the guilty of those less worthy? The author does not explore the world, but selects his own "fair" mechanism for its device :)

The deprived person feels resentment, if not indignation, and tries to find, at least for himself, some explanation of his inferior position. And then all kinds of teachings appear, like karma for sins in past lives. One might think that the Lord God is only engaged in raising his negligent children, but even with all his might, he has difficulty with this very process of upbringing. Instead of punishing for sins during his lifetime, God for some reason postpones retribution until later, although what is the point of punishing a person for what he does not remember. You might think that God is only engaged in the "open arms" to fulfill the desires of those who know the conventional term Transurfing :)

There is another version of inequality, encouraging by the fact that those in need and suffering now will receive generous compensation, but again, whether somewhere in heaven, or in some next life... However, such explanations may not be entirely satisfying. Whether these past and future lives exist, or not, is practically unimportant, because a person remembers and is aware of only one, this life, and in this sense it is the only one for him. Quite a radical departure from the prevailing esoteric ideas!

If you believe in the predetermination of fate, then humility will be the best remedy for melancholy. And again new explanations are found, such as "If you want to be happy, be happy." Be an optimist and be content with what you have. A person is given to understand that, they say, he is unhappy, because he is always unhappy and wants too much. And you should be satisfied by definition. You need to enjoy life. The person seems to agree, but at the same time, he is somehow embarrassed to meet with joy the gray reality. Doesn't he have the right to want something more? Why should he force himself to rejoice? After all, this is the same as forcing yourself to love.

No, after all, this philistine level of reasoning, this superficiality of judgments gets enough :) But with what aplomb it stands out! The guru is inaccessible :) and many read avidly. Some because such pop singers know how to keep the attention of the inexperienced and not very literate, and some because the level of gullibility allows. You should have seen how stupid it is :)

Some "enlightened" personalities are always scurrying around, calling for universal love and forgiveness. Wow! Do not hesitate to give a kick to fellow myst iks :) A person can pull this illusion over himself, like a blanket over his head, so as not to directly face the harsh reality, and it really becomes easier for him. But deep down, a person still cannot comprehend why he should force himself to forgive those whom he hates and love those to whom he is indifferent. What good is it to him? Somehow it turns out not natural, but tortured happiness. As if the joy should not come by itself, but you need to squeeze it out of yourself, like a paste from a tube.

Of course, there are people who do not believe that life is so boring and primitive that it comes down to one predetermined destiny. They do not want be content with what they have, and prefer to rejoice at achievements, not given. For such people, there is another concept of fate: "Man is the smith of his own happiness." Well, as you know, you have to fight for happiness. How else? “Knowledgeable” people will say that nothing is given so easily. It would seem that an indisputable fact: if you do not want to accept happiness as it is given to you, then you have to work with your elbows and get your way.

Instructive stories testify to how heroes fought bravely and labored selflessly day and night, overcoming unthinkable obstacles. Only after going through all the hardships and hardships, the heroes won their place under the sun. But not everything is all right here either. Millions are fighting and working, and only a few are achieving true success. Here! The author did not wonder why? After all, if you understand the reasons, then at the same time you will understand that no "right desires" can help here :) You can spend your whole life in a desperate struggle for a place in the sun, but you will not achieve anything. What is it, this life, so cruel and intractable?

What a painful necessity it is to fight the world and get what you want. And if the world does not give in, then you need to fight yourself. If you are so poor, sick, ugly, unhappy, then you yourself are to blame. You yourself are imperfect, and therefore you must change. A person is confronted with the fact that he is initially an accumulation of shortcomings and vices, over which he must work hard. A sad picture, isn't it? It turns out that if a person was unlucky right away, and he was not born rich and happy, then his lot is either to humbly bear his cross, or to devote his whole life to the struggle. Somehow the soul does not lie to enjoy such a life. Is there really no gap in all this hopelessness?

For example, materialism is based on the assertion that matter is primary and consciousness is secondary. Idealism asserts just the opposite. Neither one nor the other statement is unprovable, nevertheless, on their basis models of the world are built, each of which is very convincing and finds devoted defenders. About persuasiveness and unprovability: Egg or chicken? Each direction in philosophy, science and religion explains this world in its own way and each direction in its own way is right and not right. We will never be able to describe absolutely exactly the absolute truth, because the concepts that we use are relative in themselves. In the famous parable of the three blind men well, very beloved by mystics and therefore "famous" :) it tells how one of them felt the trunk of an elephant, the other leg, the third ear, and then each made his own judgment about what the elephant is. Therefore, it is completely meaningless to prove that one description is uniquely true and the other is not. The main thing is for this description to work.

You are probably familiar with the well-known idea that reality is an illusion that we ourselves create. Though, no one ever really explained where this illusion comes from and how it turns out. It turns out that we all watch "movies"? This, of course, is highly doubtful, but in a certain sense of e, there is some truth here. There is another opinion that everything is quite the opposite - the material world is only a mechanism that operates according to strict laws, and our consciousness cannot determine anything here. And this, too, has an undeniable grain of truth. Neither one nor the other is true: About determinism

But the human mind is so arranged that it seeks to have firm ground underfoot, devoid of ambiguity. I just want to smash one theory to smithereens, and put another on a pedestal, what scientists have actually been doing for millennia. This is also a lie... Scientific theories do not refute one another. Here is a classic work on this topic:http: // www. scorcher. ru / art / theory / any / lacatosh. php Why: After each battle for truth, only one fact remains on the battlefield: any theory represents only a separate aspect of the manifestation of a multifaceted reality.

Every theory works ???? , and therefore has the right to exist. Any concept of fate works the same way. Yah??? Then the concepts of the same name described on my site also work, and they are the exact opposite of transerfing ones :)) something so opposing should definitely not work :)) If you have decided for yourself that fate is something predetermined, which you are not able to change, then it will be so. At the same time, no one will move, which means that no one will stop changing fate, and if he does, he will simply enter the general thermodynamic circulation of substances in nature :) In this case, you voluntarily give your destiny into the wrong hands, no matter whose, and become a boat sailing by the will of the waves. If you think that you yourself are creating your own destiny, then you consciously take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, on yourself. You fight the waves trying to control your boat. Please note what happens: your choice is always realized. What you choose is what you get. Is this how it is ?? What geese is this statement intended for? :) Whichever worldview you choose, the truth will be on your side. Others will argue with you precisely because they, too, are right. The author is completely crazy. Probably, many will suspect that he is thinking a deep thought :) but I assure you, don't try to deepen it, it won't work :)

If any phenomenon of the manifestation of reality is taken as a starting point, that is, it is considered a starting point, then a whole branch of knowledge can be derived from it. And this knowledge will be internally consistent, and will successfully reflect one of the manifestations of reality. For the foundation of a whole knowledge, it is enough to take only one or a few facts that are not fully understood, but still take place. The author is completely incorrect, or rather, just vulgarly uses the concept of "knowledge". Here is an educational program: Knowledge as a conscious phenomenon.

For example, quantum physics is based on several unprovable truths - postulates. The author is quoted as a "specialist in quantum physics", but clearly one of those specialists who heard the ringing, but do not know where he is. To call the postulates truths, in contrast to the axioms, can only be a person who does not understand their essence. They are unprovable because they themselves serve as the initial, starting point of knowledge. The object of the microworld in quantum physics behaves in some cases as a particle, and in others as a wave. Scientists have not been able to unambiguously interpret such dualism. it is clear what kind of specialist :) scientists have no difficulty with this! therefore, they simply accepted it as a given, that is, as a postulate. The usual lies of the profane ... The postulates of quantum physics reconcile the variety of forms of manifestation of reality as if the blind had agreed that the elephant in one case behaves like a pillar, and in the other like a snake.

If, when describing an object of the microworld, choose its particle property as the main one, then you will get a model of the atom, which was built by the famous physicist Niels Bohr. Will not work. Because it does not describe the properties of a real atom :) In this model, electrons revolve around the nucleus, like planets in solar system... If we choose a wave as the main property, then the atom will turn into a superposition of waves. Both one and the other model works by reflecting individual forms of manifestation of reality. It turns out again that we get what we choose. Probably, unprepared people think that a genius says interesting things :) you should listen to them :) But here he prepared a deliberate falsification in order to use this "argument" in the future. It's like saying that a person's model can be described by a contour drawing of his profile, which, of course, does not describe any inherent properties of a person and, in general, can remind in itself a lot of other things that you have chosen - you have received!

In general, any manifestation can serve as the postulate atom, the starting point of the industry knowledge, which will certainly work and have a right to exist. In my pursuit of the truth, people have always sought to understand the nature of the world by studying its individual aspects. Arrays of scientific knowledge hurts were created as descriptions and explanations of certain natural phenomena. Only as descriptions, not explanations! Explanations are different :) It is interesting that further in the text the author himself understands this: "In general, any laws do not explain anything, they only state the facts." This is how separate branches of knowledge emerged, often conflicting with each other.

The nature of the world is one, but constantly shows different guises. Before people have time to properly examine and explain one face, another appears immediately, which does not agree with the previous one. Scientists make attempts to combine various manifestations of reality in order to eliminate contradictions, but this is hardly possible. There is only one single, unquestionable fact that unites and reconciles all branches of knowledge - the diversity and versatility of forms of manifestation of reality. Multivariance our world is its first fundamental property. Isn't it too clever for a former "quantum specialist"? How could he equate property and multivariance ?? But mystics are capable of any "explanations". This is called excuses.

Carried away by attempts to explain individual manifestations, adherents of various branches of knowledge for some reason bypass this fact. Well, they are all fools! :) Indeed, it would seem, what else can be learned from this? Multivariance serves as a reference point ??? I will argue that the author himself does not understand what this means! like zero on a grid. Any starting points of various branches of knowledge, in relation to him, are secondary. However, the initial point itself is not paid attention to, as if it does not carry any information. And nevertheless, information is available, and quite surprising.

To solve the Riddle of the Overseer, we will take the property of multivariance as a starting point. Well, how can you take this if the concept is so strange and undefined? In other words, let us take as a postulate the fact that reality has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation. Oh, let's just believe the author :) In spite of general character of our postulate, you will see how interesting and unexpected knowledge it reveals.

Let's start with the fact that the forms of manifestation of reality must have a source from where all this diversity comes from. Where are all the laws of our world "written down"? This is a real pearl of a "specialist"! :) Our world manifests itself as the movement of matter in space and time. It is also twisted, but this is still a philosophically forgivable allegory. This movement is subject to certain laws. As you know, points are located on the graph of a function in accordance with a certain mathematical formula. Not well, I'm bastard! We can say that the law of motion of a point on the graph is the function formula. You can say any nonsense :) But formulas, like laws, are abstract inventions of the human mind, created for ease of understanding. It is highly unlikely that nature stores all these formulas somewhere. Well, what a profound understanding is necessary :) That's just the "laws" they, the trees, just exist as phenomena of the development of causality, and the formulas describe them (exactly or not).

How else can you store the location of the points on the chart? Of course, in the form of an infinitely large array of coordinates of all points. Another stupid notion :) is this an alternative? The capacity of a person's memory is limited and cannot cope with infinity. But for nature, infinity is not a problem. Does nature also think and solve problems? She does not need to generalize the location and movement of the points on the graph in the form of a formula. If we break the line of a function into infinitesimal points, then each point can be considered as a cause, and the one following it - as a consequence. No. Because the cause is not just a point on the conventional graph, but what affects the effect according to certain laws. As a result, any movement of a material point in space and time can be represented as an infinitely long continuous chain of infinitely small causes and effects.

In our knowledge, we represent the movement of matter in the form of a law, and in nature this movement is inherent in its natural form - as an infinite number of causes and effects. Complete bullshit, sorry. Roughly speaking, data on all possible points of motion of matter are stored in a certain field of information, which we will call space of options... It contains information about everything that was, is and will be. Now it is clear why the author needs this garbage: he left the true laws of nature and came to his completely contrived space of options! :) A cheap manipulation and the job is done: the theory is "justified" :)

The space of options is a completely material information structure. It has borne unrestrainedly :) It seems that everything has been proven, the author's idea has already become material and has all the properties that it wants. This is an endless field of information containing all possible variants of any events that may occur. We can say that there is everything in the space of options. We will not wonder how this information is stored - for our purposes it does not matter. The only important thing is that the space of variants serves as a template, a coordinate grid for any movement of matter in space and time.

The author himself warned that this is an arbitrary fantasy (and, frankly, an unusually stupid, superficial fantasy), having made an "assumption", formulating a "postulate at". But, instantly forgetting that this is just an arbitrary assumption, he leans on it with all the weight of his attachments as if it were in fact a reality :) And then this - has already been proven and all this revelation - completely, as it were, within the competence of a guru-author, who almost condescendingly begins to give explanations from a "specialist":

Each point in space has its own version of this or that event. For ease of understanding, we will assume that the option consists of script and scenery. "Let's consider "- it will also unobtrusively become a real entity :) The scenery is the appearance, or form of manifestation, and the script is the way in which matter moves. For convenience, you can divide the space of options into sectors. Each sector has its own scenario and scenery. The greater the distance between the sectors, the greater the differences in scenarios and scenery. The fate of a person is also represented by many options.

In theory there are no restrictions on scenarios and scenery of a person's fate, since the space of options is infinite. We are already talking about a theory that makes it possible to speak and substantiate on its behalf "theoretically".

Further - in completely the same spirit and there is no point in citing the entire text (who is interested, let him look in the original). And what is the result? Of course, anything the author wants, in particular:

We can say that reality unfolds along the line of life, depending on the chosen point of reference. You get what you choose. You have the right to choose precisely because an infinity of options already exists. Nobody forbids you to choose your own destiny. All fate management comes down to just one simple thing - make a choice... Transurfing answers the question of how to do it.

How! Wanted and bungled anything! Let's do it right now !?

Here are the direct meanings of new misunderstandings:

In other words, how and why information structure turns into matter?

I hope I didn't tire you very much with physics. :) ... I inevitably have to give at least some kind of theoretical justification so that the mind does not lose its footing. :)))))))))))))))

... there are people who can literally carry out the materialization of objects out of thin air. But there are very few such people, and they do not advertise their abilities. And no one knows about them except the author :)

It is not even possible to assert with certainty that inanimate objects have nothing like the radiation of living organisms. Not to mention the One Spirit that pervades all that exists, and which we call God. Each creature has its own consciousness and forms a layer of its own world. We can say that everything in this world carries a particle of God, and thus He rules the whole world.

And why was there all this theory of etitization at all, when it was simply possible to refer to God? Because all mystics always strive to use the authority of science to make their fantasy persuasive :)

Using the principles of Transurfing, you will get stunning results. Let's just agree right away not to torment ourselves with questions about why and how it works.

Exactly :) Why was it in vain to fool your head?

The selected order is always and unconditionally executed. And if it is not fulfilled, then you are ordering bad :)

Further, delusional fantasy flourishes with completely absurd delusions :)

And what is the actual technique of the mysterious and 100% transformation? Yes, here you are:

Let's say your boss yelled at you. Is he tired, or is he in trouble in his family? Then he needs peace of mind. Imagine him relaxing in a cozy armchair by the TV, or by the fireplace, or with a fishing rod by the river, or in a bathhouse with a glass of beer. Do you know what he likes? Maybe higher officials put pressure on him, and he is afraid of responsibility? Then he needs confidence. Imagine him gliding confidently on alpine skiing, or in a sports car, or at a party when he's in the spotlight. Maybe something hurts him? Imagine him cheerful and cheerful, swimming in the sea, riding a bike, playing football. Of course, it's better to imagine what he is fond of. But you don't have to guess, don't let that bother you. It is enough to imagine this person in a situation where he is satisfied.

What's going on here? Here he appeared on your horizon with a problem for you. (And it could be a burglar, too.) Take a break from the problem he is bringing you. This way, you don't stick your head into the frequency capture loop from the start. Imagine this person getting what they need. (What does the burglar want? Eat, drink, inject?) Visualize a picture of this person being satisfied. If you succeed, consider that the problem is over. Check it out!

What kind of self-confused idiot does one have to be to seriously push this to people ?! I'd like to send him himself to test this method on a sodomy maniac. Maybe he will carry it :) but not at all because he moved his ears, mentally pleasing him :) but rather, the rapist will simply go nuts from such idiocy and disdain :)

Again, you need to frame the method. public policy, and download gratuitous resources from the outstretching embrace of the world :)

And, unfortunately, there is still no video with apples falling up :)

So, what did Zeland reveal to the people of such genius? Never mind. The ancient esoteric tale that dreams come true was sung by Blavatsky, Richard Bach wrote his mystical novels about this, all esotericists vied with each other and talk about it. It's just that Zeland did it in the most impudent way: no one has yet argued that it is so simple and affordable that you can even try it on bandits! :) "Physicist by specialty" proved to be just an ignoramus, not versed either in the issues of the declared specialty, or in general in the methodology of science. Only a layman can be so confused in the most elementary things. He seemed to wake up from the last century and still does not know anything that has been done and understood during this time :)
And in general, there are too many mutually exclusive contradictions and absurdities in the text that have been paid attention to. The text is only for those who fly above all meaning and directly to the desired faith.

“You don't have to be strong and confident in order to achieve your goals. There is another, much more effective alternative. It's like learning to ride a bike. Transurfing is a powerful technique that gives you the power to create the impossible, with an ordinary point of view, things, namely - to control the fate at your own discretion. " But "There will be no miracles.":) and everyone who wants to learn how to ride a transfiery bike tomorrow will be able to throw apples into the sky with a careless effort of their desire :)

But seriously, there are many drivers who like to drive drunk in a car. They have euphoric lightness, joyful omnipotence. Until a good brain-clearing accident. Exactly the same is the recommendation of Zeland. Those who use them seriously lose their grip on reality, rely on the confidence that is not given personal experience, but written in lightweight recipes in the spirit of Louise Hay. Sooner or later, this leads to an acute conflict with reality - a disaster in life. With one exception: if only a person lives at the expense of his own skills and abilities, and not on a ready-made one, he really needs his own life experience, which cannot be replaced by any recommendations.

Vadim Zeland(born USSR) - Russian writer, author of a series of books on reality transurfing and live nutrition. The author of nonfiction books, very popular all over the world, believes that science has reached a dead end and its development has given nothing but technogenic civilization and infection environment... Technogenic civilization is a concept that runs like a red thread in almost all the books of Zeland. The author makes a special emphasis in his books on awareness, the activated state of the "caretaker". Awareness means "being clear about where I am, what is happening, what I am doing and why."

In the book "The Maker of Reality", published for the first time in 2008, answering a reader's question:

Still, who are you? I would like to know more about you.

I'm over forty. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then - in computer technology, now - in books. I live in Russia. By nationality - Russian or, more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest does not matter, however, like all this.

It is also known from his interview that V. Zeland lives in St. Petersburg.

Personality of Zeland

Since there is almost no reliable information about Vadim Zeland, then among the readers of books published under his authorship, various rumors and speculations about his personality arise. So, for example, in the Yekaterinburg center practical psychology"World of Harmony" admits that Zeland was invented by the "Ves" publishing group, which publishes books on transfer. However, on the personal website of Vadim Zeland, this kind of information is denied:

Contrary to popular myths, I can assure you that Vadim Zeland is not a group of authors and not a virtual character created by a publishing house….

The official site of the author presents a photograph of the author. In 2010, Vadim Zeland published a series of video lectures entitled "The wrong side of reality", where he spoke in detail about his practices. The available video material confirms the author's image posted on the official website.

On the official youtube channel of the Transurfing Center, its founder and director, Tatyana Samarina, said that she personally knew Vadim Zeland and that the person in the videos is indeed Vadim Zeland. However, then some controversy arises, since Zeland has repeatedly stated in his books and interviews that his friends and relatives still do not know that Vadim Zeland is him, and that he is the author of the bestselling books about Transurfing. From which it follows that "Vadim Zeland" is a pseudonym.

Vadim Zeland starred in one of the documentaries of the cycle "The theory of improbability", where he talked about excess potentials. At the same time, he sat in complete darkness, and he was not visible.

In 2011, Vadim Zeland starred in documentary "The riddles of our I".

In 2013, Zeland spoke at the official symposium Quantum & Fragilities in France.



Transurfing is a holistic, holistic teaching that includes not only metaphysical methods, but also reality management, work on one's own energy. For good energy, you need to eat natural products... Artificial foods place you in a lower vibration range. Hamburgers plus alcohol, smoking….

Vadim Zeland

Knowledge of Transurfing, according to the author, came to him as an inspiration, after many life mistakes as a result of which he found himself "in a full hole, from which there were no prospects." How this happened Zeland described in detail at the beginning of the first book about Transurfing. In his unusual dream, he met the Overseer. After this dream, information began to flow to him in fragments, in the form of understanding, which the author wrote down. Zeland began to put the scattered records into a systematized picture. It turned out to be a book. He came to the conclusion that this knowledge is a metaphysical technique that translates desires into reality. The author claims that information comes to him from the field of information, which is also often called "the space of options" in books. However, it should be noted that they are not the same thing. The concept of "space of variants" is broader, in the Transurfing model everything that is appears from the space of variants, and it contains all possible variants of what was, what will be and what could be. To popularize his books, the author himself used the techniques he described, thanks to which, according to him, such an effect was achieved.

Transurfing Center

The teaching and technique of Transurfing quickly gained popularity. One of the readers, Tatiana Samarina, who has a higher psychological education, in 2006 in St. Petersburg, the Transurfing Center was created. Its purpose is to spread the ideas of transurfing, and to teach people its very technique and individual techniques. The Transurfing Center now has its branches in Moscow, Samara, Chelyabinsk and other cities of Russia and the CIS, in 2008 it opened in Holland "Transurfing Center Netherlands".

Tatiana Samarina played the role of Tufty in the videos in which the non-fictional version of the book Tufte Priestess is published.

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