How to pass the Unified State Exam without problems



At the end of the school year, high school students are busy not only with the upcoming prom, but also with passing the Unified State Exam. It is the successful completion of the certification that largely determines whether they will subsequently enroll in the chosen university.

The most difficult thing before exams is to cope with your emotions and nervousness, but in general, successful results are impossible without comprehensive preparation and knowledge of exam subjects. How to pass the Unified State Exam without problems? What is needed for this? The Unified State Examination is held centrally in all secondary schools of the Russian Federation and involves passing two compulsory subjects

(Russian language and mathematics) and two additional ones at the graduate’s choice. As a rule, students choose those exams whose results will be required to be submitted upon admission to the institute.

Admission to certification is possible in the absence of unsatisfactory grades, and when passing the Russian language - in case of successful writing of an essay in December of the current year. Testing takes place on the basis of another school and involves completing tasks consisting of three blocks. Block A includes tests where you need to choose the correct answer, block B consists of questions that require a 2-3 sentence answer, block C

provides a detailed answer to one question (for example, you need to solve a problem or write an essay).

Test results are assessed by an examination committee, which assigns a certain number of points for each subject. To obtain maximum score for the Unified State Exam, it is important to set yourself up for luck and prepare well for the exam subjects. Main factor

success is time, so preparation should begin long before certification. You shouldn’t be afraid of large volumes of material; it’s enough to devote at least 2–3 hours a day to solving CMMs for several months. It’s even better if you start preparing in the 10th grade, and in the 11th grade you start practicing the acquired knowledge. Since students always experience psychological stress during testing, it is advisable to form the right attitude towards exams and understand for yourself that there is nothing terrible about them. Test questions are designed for the average graduate and compiled on the basis school curriculum

At all times, schoolchildren preferred rest and walks with friends to cramming. If earlier, in the absence of knowledge, some students were saved by elementary ones, then with the introduction of the Unified State Exam, passing the test has become significantly more difficult. How can you pass the certification if you don’t know anything?

The best way is at least last days Before testing, pay attention to preparing for exams. It might be worth hiring tutors or working on a solution test exams. As a last resort, before testing, you can skim through the textbook and try to remember at least something.

Sometimes there are situations when graduates of previous years need the results of the Unified State Exam, for example, for retraining or obtaining a second education. In this case, before March 1, you must write an application to take the tests and submit it to the education department at your place of residence.

Exams are taken on a general basis at the same time as for regular high school students. In addition, for students from previous years, additional testing dates are provided from early to mid-July.

In the presence of Unified State Exam results you can enter any higher education educational institution. Graduates who graduated from school before 2009 do not have such results, so if a person studied at college and intends to continue his studies at a university after graduation, he needs to pass certification.

To gain access to the exams, you need to go through the same procedure that is provided for graduates of previous years, that is, before March 1, submit an application of intent to take the tests to the education department. After this, the student is given a notice indicating the date of the upcoming exams and the address where they will be held.

In order to prepare productively for exams, you first need to decide how many subjects you want to write in the Unified State Exam format and what sciences they will be. As a rule, in each school, before the state exam, the graduate writes a statement indicating this data. Then, taking this document into account, packages with assignments are generated for each student. So, you need to start preparing for exams as early as possible, preferably in September of your senior year.

To better understand the training system, let's divide it into several stages:

Preparation stage. First you need to go to the official FIPI website and download demo versions Unified State Exam options, as well as codifiers that will help you organize information for study.

  • As you go through the material from the codifier, you should highlight the topic with a marker so as not to get confused later in the information flow.

  • Then you need to roughly understand the training system. The first step is to learn how to solve tests. As a rule, they are not too complex, so you can easily learn how to solve them quickly and efficiently.

  • Particular preparation should be given to part C, since it is here that the graduate must show all his knowledge in writing by answering the proposed questions.

  • In addition to the codifier and demo versions, there is such a document as " specification", which is also contained on the FIPI website. In it you can find out how long the exam will take, what items and additional equipment can be used in the classroom.

Planning stage. Once you know roughly what you have to work with, you need to move on to compiling general plan preparation for the exam. What is needed for this? Elementary: pen, piece of paper and markers.

In order to make a good plan and follow it in the future, you need to consider:

  • The number of subjects you will take. You should not choose almost all disciplines, but it is also not recommended to take only basic exams. At the beginning of September, you should know exactly the list of sciences on which the Unified State Exam will be based for you.

  • The points you should score. See what scores are required for your dream department, and then calculate the approximate score on each exam you need to score to get into it.

  • Main priorities in preparation. Find out which subject is more important for your future preparation and focus on it large quantity time, but do not forget about the secondary ones, because they will also play an important role.

  • Amount of time for each subject. For example, if you take literature, Russian language and mathematics, and literature is a core subject, then you can create the following preparation system: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday , Saturday- literature classes, and the rest of the days - Russian language and mathematics. You need to study for at least two hours a day.

The most important thing is constant study, advancement in knowledge and awareness that you are moving in in the right direction. Sooner or later, the volume of your studies will increase significantly, and you will become more confident in your own abilities.

The stage of searching for materials for preparatory classes.

  • Printed books and manuals. It is best to buy publications with the official FIPI mark, since it is this organization that is responsible for preparing Unified State Exam materials.

  • Forums and special groups on social networks. There are thematic public pages for preparing for the Unified State Exam, where you will be asked to online solve exam tasks, as well as receive advice and help from their peers.

  • Electronic services. Currently there is great amount applications for mobile phones related to exam preparation. Their convenience lies in the fact that you can use them at any time, for example, when returning home in transport. There is also an excellent website “Solve the Unified State Examination”, the database of which is constantly updated with new questions and tasks. In addition, on this platform you can find answers to difficult tasks and algorithms for solving them.

Single State exam every graduate needs to pass today in order to receive a high school diploma and also have the opportunity to enter a higher educational institution. Schoolchildren who have completed tenth, eleventh, and in rare cases twelfth grade without failing grades are allowed to take the exam. In other words, you may have a huge number of “stretched” Cs in your certificate, the main thing is that there are no unsatisfactory grades. Today, 99.8% of graduates follow this rule.

When to take the Unified State Exam. As a rule, the main wave of graduates passes the unified state exam from May 26 to June 20. Later, only those young people who were unable to score the required score the first time pass. Also, if you were unable to attend the exam for valid reasons, you can provide the appropriate certificates and take the exam in the second wave: from July 8 to July 19. You can take the Unified State Exam in advance: from April 20 to April 30. However, do not delude yourself. Taking the exam early is only allowed individuals. These include:

Conscripts. If you are called to military service and you are studying at night school, you have the right to take the Unified Exam in advance.

Foreigners. If you suddenly decide to go abroad to continue your studies or are leaving with your parents for another country, the state will give you the right to take the exam before your classmates.

Hospital. If you know in advance that during the official period of the Unified State Exam, you will need to undergo treatment in a hospital or rehabilitation procedures in a sanatorium, then you need to provide the appropriate certificates entitling you to take the Unified State Exam early.

Climate. If you study in a Russian school located outside our country, you are forced to endure difficult climatic conditions, then you are also allowed to take the Unified State Exam early.

When to submit documents. If you are a graduate of this year's school, then you must submit your documents before March 1 of the current year. Documents are submitted at the educational institution where you are currently studying. If you transfer to another school during your senior year, you must submit documentation to the school where you will be graduating. In the application, indicate the list of subjects that you want to take as a final exam.

If you graduated from school a long time ago and now want to enroll in a higher education institution, then you need to register at the school where you will take the Unified State Exam before March 1 of the year in which you will take the exam. Another option is to register with the education authority located in your city. In this case, you will take the Unified State Exam on the main deadline. If you want to take the exam in additional time, then you need to register before July 5, either at the place where the university you want to enroll in is located, or at your place of residence.

What to take for the Unified State Exam. So, in order to get permission to take the test, you need to take with you a list of documents. Firstly, this is a passport. If suddenly the passport was lost, it is in government agencies, then you can take any other document proving your identity. Secondly, don’t forget about your pass to the Unified State Exam. It is given to everyone in advance. Third, grab a pen with a black core. This can be helium or capillary paste.

You can take additional subjects for the following exams. If you are taking a physics exam. Then you are allowed to take a ruler and a calculator. For the chemistry exam, only a non-programmable calculator. If you are taking geography, you can take a protractor, a ruler, or a non-programmable calculator.

What not to bring to the exam. Apart from the listed items, you cannot bring anything else to the Unified State Examination. This includes mobile devices, cell phones, laptops, PCs, reference materials, textbooks (except for that literature that is indicated in the approved list).

When the rules are broken. If you nevertheless decide to break the established rules and bring a cell phone or a device with you into the classroom that helps you get the correct answer, then you will be removed from the Unified State Examination. In addition, a report will be drawn up about your violation, which will be submitted to the State Examination Commission (GEC). In the future, an investigation will be conducted and a conclusion will be made.

Briefing. When you enter the office, take your seats, you will be given instructions again. Here we will talk in detail about how to fill out the forms, how long you will spend on the exam (in other words, what is the maximum time for taking the exam). You will also learn where and when you can find out about the test results, and how to file an appeal if you are dissatisfied with your assessment. After the briefing, you will be given forms, assignments and drafts.

How to fill out the form? The form must be filled out exclusively in black pen. It can be capillary, helium, a fountain pen, as well as ink.

If you happen to take a regular ballpoint pen with you, we advise you to trace the outline of the answer several times. Otherwise, the scanner will not be able to recognize your answer.

Even in your drafts, it is not recommended to use colored pastes, a simple pencil, or white putty. Read the instructions carefully. Take your time. It is better to spend time understanding the rules for filling out forms than to answer all the questions correctly but mark them incorrectly. Fill out all fields of the form. When filling out, carefully look at the rules for writing letters and symbols. Examples of these letters will be given to you at the top of Form #1.

The correct answer is marked with a clear cross (“X”). If suddenly your line is too thick, then it is better to put one diagonal (“/”). Otherwise, your mark will not be recognized and your score will be reduced.

How much time is allocated for passing the Unified State Exam . The standards change every year. So, according to 2010 data.

Mathematics, computer science, literature, ICT - 240 minutes;

Natural science, history, physics - 210 minutes;

Chemistry, biology, Russian language, natural science, biology - 180 minutes;

Spanish, German, English, Spanish, French- 160 minutes.

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