Borders of the Utrish Nature Reserve. “Bolshoi Utrish” is a nature reserve between Anapa and Novorossiysk. History of the creation of the Utrish State Nature Reserve

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Last minute tours The Utrish State Nature Reserve is located in the northwestern part of the Black Sea coast, in the Western Caucasus, an area dominated by foothill and low-mountain landscapes. As is known, such natural location assumes a large number of

forests The reserve is located on the Abrau Peninsula, about 100 m from the Kerch Strait, separating the Black Sea from the Azov Sea. The cities closest to the reserve are Anapa and Novorossiysk.

On the areas of land and water adjacent to the reserve, a protective zone was created by order of the Russian Government.

Since the climate here is close to the Mediterranean, summers in the reserve are usually hot and dry, and winters are relatively warm. Snow falls, but infrequently, and does not last long; stable snow cover is a rarity for these places. The most rain and other precipitation occurs in November, December and January, with the driest months being May and August. The Northwestern Caucasus is a unique region in terms of the richness and originality of the flora and fauna that must be preserved. Therefore, the creation of a reserve here is quite logical. The forests of Utrish amaze with the beauty and diversity; such valuable species

trees such as hornbeam, downy oak, maple, linden, ash, Pitsunda pine; among the shrubs the most common are juniper and pistachio.

The territory of the reserve is 10,008 hectares, where you can see 20 species of insects included in the Red Book. As for the wildlife of the reserve, it also amazes with its diversity. To begin with, here you can find 65 species of protected insects. Both clusters - Abraus and Sheskharis - represent 12 species of insects listed in the Red Book Russian Federation , 32 species are listed in the Red Book.

Krasnodar region More than 30 species of birds live here, including rare ones, found only in subtropical forests, on the foothills and low. Many mammals live on the territory of the Utrish Nature Reserve - squirrels, hares of several species, roe deer, foxes, bears, large colonies of raccoons, different kinds rodents and many others. Ichthyofauna - fish and other inhabitants aquatic environment- is also diverse, like reptiles, especially snakes.

The amazing nature of the Utrish Nature Reserve attracts the attention of not only tourists, but also local and federal officials. Not so long ago, in 2008, it became known that a decision had been made to liquidate the Bolshoy Utrish nature reserve and it was planned to transfer the protected areas to developers for the construction of a resort and entertainment complex. Needless to say, any construction here will cause irreparable harm to the unique natural system, which exists precisely as an integral, unified animal-plant “ensemble”? Intrusion into any part of this whole will lead to imbalance and, ultimately, to the loss of the reserve. Public intervention prevented the destruction of the reserve, but the road was still built.

At the moment, the reserve is a completely protected area that cannot be entered without a special pass. Special routes are being developed for those who love eco-tourism. Since this is a new business, the exact cost of the routes and their specific content must be agreed upon with the directorate of the reserve.

In order to preserve unique biological species, create special protective zones in which people are not allowed to disturb the natural harmony: hunt, fish, collect plants. There are several such territories in our country. They are also in the south. For example, the Bolshoy Utrish nature reserve in Anapa.

Territorial composition

The reserve was created in 2010. Its territory partially includes the Bolshoi Utrish reserve. The territory of the reserve is divided into several sections. Some of them are forests, another part is the sea. “Utrish” translated from the Adyghe language means “collapse”. This name for this area was not given by chance. Screes and landslides occur quite often here. In addition, tectonic processes are constantly taking place here, thanks to them and the influence sea ​​waves, constantly changing appearance narrow and steep coastline. The Utrish Nature Reserve in Anapa is not only forest and sea, but also mountains. The two highest of them are located on the Abrau Peninsula. These are the Eagle with a height of 548.6 m and the Mare with a height of 531.6 m.

Rich flora

The Utrish Nature Reserve, photos of which are presented in this article, is rich in diverse vegetation. It contains conifers and broadleaf forests, as well as shrubs. Hornbeam, dates, pines, beech, linden and juniper, ash and pistachios grow in it. The Utrish Nature Reserve is a place where relict species of flora grow. 72 of them are listed in the Red Book. There are also plants that have survived to this day from the pre-glacial period: false yellow onion, as well as German medlar, blunt-leaved pistachio, including oriental beech and viburnum gourd, light maple, as well as feathery feather grass, tannic sumac and Colchis kale.

Dangerous trees

Tourists need to be very careful, especially if they are new to the southern flora. Plants that look harmless can cause harm to human health. For example, the hold-tree, which grows in the Utrish Nature Reserve, is very dangerous. Once in its thickets, you can stay there forever, which often happens with animals. Large thorns do not release their prey and do not allow it to move forward, so you should not even try to get through the thickets of the tree, it is better to bypass them.

Animal world

Just like other similar places, the Utrish Nature Reserve is a refuge for many species of mammals. Some of them are listed in the Red Book. For example, These animals live alone and hide very well, so it is not so easy to see them. Cats' favorite habitat is mountains. Usually the Caucasian cat hides from people, but the lack of food, and these are usually small animals and birds, forces it to go out to their homes and hunt domestic animals.

Several species of bats live in coastal grottoes. Scientists have even discovered the rare European black ear. Also, the Utrish Nature Reserve is a place where 8 species of amphibians plus 14 species of reptiles live. Turtles, snakes, snakes, newts, frogs, toads and copperheads live here.

Marine life

Do not forget that the territory of the reserve is located not only on land, but also on the sea. And fish live in it. Brown trout and also Black Sea beluga are included in the Red Book of Russia. And the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory includes the light croaker, the yellow trigla, as well as the four-banded cromobius. Some people prefer to live there only in the summer. For example, bluefish, bonito. Here they feed and reproduce, and with the onset of cold weather they go to the Sea of ​​Marmara. And others live permanently: sprats, anchovy, horse mackerel and others.

Underwater danger

Some Marine life They pose a danger to humans because they are poisonous. For example, the spiny shark, better known as the katran. Its poison is located in its dorsal fins. If a person pricks himself about them, he will experience severe pain, swelling and redness will appear. If you are allergic to this poison, the consequences can be even more serious. It also lives in the Black Sea. There is no need to be afraid of it, because it reaches a length of only 60 centimeters and lives only in the deep layers of water, feeding on fish and invertebrates. Crabs can cause discomfort by pinching a person with their claws. There are many of them in the marine area belonging to the reserve. But they do not attack first, so you should not touch them with your hands, otherwise the crab will grab your finger with its claw and let go only after a while. And this can be quite painful, especially if the “attack” was made by a marble or stone crab, the width of which is 9-10 centimeters, which means the claws are quite large. In addition, you can prick yourself on the spines of scorpionfish, sea ​​ruffe or a sea dragon.

Do tourists like the Utrish Nature Reserve? Reviews about it are only positive. And how can one not like a wonderful southern nature! If you wish, you can get here on your own by minibus or bus, or along with an excursion. If you sail to Utrish on a sea vessel, you can enjoy unforgettable views of the rocky shores. Visible from the sea legendary rock, to which Prometheus was chained. The desolation of the local expanses attracted nudists, who set up their own beach in one of the lagoons. Tourists relax in tent camps in natural spaces. You can go horseback riding along the mountain trails, or you can just relax alone with nature. Air and sea have a healing effect, they are especially useful for those who have diseases of the skin, lungs or bronchi. While relaxing in the reserve, remember that it was created in order to preserve nature: do not litter, do not burn grass, do not destroy plants and animals. Then our descendants will be able to see the beauty of our planet.

Good morning.

I had the opportunity to travel a little around the Krasnodar Territory with the goal of visiting Utrish Nature Reserve. I’ll tell you what I happened to see and feel there.

I'll start with a description of the area. Bolshoy Utrish is a landscape, floristic and marine reserve, stretches 12 kilometers along the coastline and is closed from the north by the Navagirsky ridge. The area of ​​the reserve is 5112 hectares, it is located between the villages of Sukko and Maly Utrish. Created by the Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory in 1994.

On September 2, 2010, the Utrish State Nature Reserve was created on the basis of the reserve. IN this moment The reserve is divided into 4 sections and many protected areas are excluded from it:

1) The unique juniper-pistachio forest in the area of ​​the second and third lagoons is the most ecologically valuable territory, according to experts, but this is the place where it is planned to build a so-called “physical culture and health complex”;

2) Corridors (150 m wide) of access roads to this facility, including a “fire-fighting forestry road”;

3) Coastal strip east of the village of Maly Utrish.

On Utrish there is the only well-preserved area of ​​typical Eastern Mediterranean landscapes in the Northern Black Sea region. Here the unique Mediterranean core of the tertiary relict flora is most clearly expressed, including such endemics as tall juniper, pistachio, mackerel and Pitsunda pine. The most ancient plant association is pistachio-juniper woodlands, where 62.4% of plant species belong to the Mediterranean flora, and in oak-hornbeam forests such species account for 40.9%. There are 75 species in total herbaceous plants, 107 species of trees and shrubs. About 60 species are listed in Red Book. In forests Big Utrish Trees up to 1000 years old have been found.

Of the invertebrates and reptiles, it is worth mentioning the striped empusa discovered here, previously known only from finds from the Crimea, the steppe rack, Mediterranean turtle, for which this is the only habitat in Russia, and the Aesculapian snake ( Red Book of the Russian Federation and IUCN). Among the birds that nest here are the short-tailed snake eagle, the white-tailed eagle, the black vulture, the vulture and the peregrine falcon, as well as a huge variety of species during the spring and autumn migrations along the sea coast. It is worth highlighting such a rare species as the mute swan, which winters in coastal lakes of the estuary type. When wintering and migrating along these shores, you can observe loons, grebes and another 80 species of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds.

They live here rare species Mediterranean butterflies.

The water area included in the reserve is characterized by high species diversity various types hydrobionts - macrophyte algae, phyto- and zooplankton. 227 species of algae were found at this site.

In these places there are migration routes and partly the feeding routes of horse mackerel, mackerel and anchovy, and after them - the migration routes of bottlenose dolphins.

The fauna on Utrish is very diverse, the most interesting thing is that when you live on Utrish, you are in close proximity to animals such as Jackals, Raccoons, Squirrels, Hares, Hedgehogs, Boars, Wolves and many others.

Local “aboriginals” live on Utrish; there are about 70 of them; they monitor the ecology of the area.

Today Utrish is a vacation spot for people from different cities of Russia and, as it seemed to me, the only place where you can reunite with surrounding nature, remoteness from sources of pollution makes this place even more attractive, long hikes in the mountains, swimming in the sea, sunbathing.. All this can be achieved in the moments spent here. The only thing I would like to convey to people who come here is that nature itself is beautiful without people, and when the impact on it is too frequent, it cannot restore its resources, and people trample the already dry soil, which is very difficult to recover and possibly you need to refrain a little from traveling to such places, at least for a couple of years, so that nature can recover and accept you renewed. You yourself, went there to renew yourself, give Mother Nature a rest.

The Utrish Nature Reserve is located on the Black Sea coast, on the Abrau Peninsula between the villages of Sukko and Maly Utrish. Bolshoi Utrish is a state landscape, floristic and marine reserve, which is part of the Utrish Nature Reserve.

From the north, its territory is closed by the Navagirsky ridge, reaching a height of 535 meters.

The Utrish Nature Reserve is an incredibly beautiful corner of nature, created as a result of seismic vibrations, as well as thanks to the sun, wind and sea.

Bolshoi Utrish Nature Reserve - how to get there

  • By bus or minibus
  • On a ship departing from the Anapa Marine Station.


Unlike other protected areas, Bolshoy Utrish includes not only land territory, but also sea waters. So from 5112 hectares total area The land area is 2582 hectares, and the sea area is 2530 hectares.

On the territory of the village of the same name there is an equipped pebble beach, two kilometers to the south, in the area of ​​the first lagoon, there is a nudist beach, closed by rocks from prying eyes. Nearby is the Zhemchuzhny waterfall, flowing from a mountain river and having a height of about five meters. The waterfall is small and full of water in early spring.


The aquarium is located on the territory of the dolphinarium, here you can see such fish as sturgeon and mullet, flounder and stellate sturgeon, red mullet and stingray, as well as rapana and oysters, shrimp and mussels. All these exhibits are caught at sea and released into the wild at the end of the season.

Snake Bay

800 meters north of the village is Zmeinaya Bay, on the site of which there used to be a lake called Zmeiny, because there were many snakes in it. When the narrow isthmus separating the lake from the sea was blown up, a bay was formed.

Along its banks grow juniper forests, the depth of Snake Lake reaches eight meters, and the area is 22 hectares.

IN Snake Bay There is a parking lot for sailing and motor yachts and everyone can rent a boat and go on a trip to the open sea.


Along the artificial lintel you can go to the lighthouse monument, erected in 1975 in honor of all the sailors who fought on the Black Sea in 1942-1943.

In this place in March 1942, a military ship named after the hero Civil War Jan Fabricius was blown up by an underwater mine and washed ashore. For three months, the ship's crew remained at the combat post in the half-submerged ship, continuing to fire at fascist planes, and only by order of the command did the soldiers join the defenders of Novorossiysk.

The old lighthouse was installed back in late XIX century, and in the late 1990s a small chapel was built inside it.

From the history of the reserve

The Bolshoi Utrish Nature Reserve was created in 1994 in accordance with the decree of the Head of Administration of the Krasnodar Territory on a coastal strip 12.5 kilometers long.

On September 2, 2010, a state nature reserve was formed on its basis, the boundaries of which were determined in 2011. In accordance with the latest edition of the Regulations on the reserve, it was divided into four parts and the following territories fell out of its composition:

  • Unique juniper-pistachio forest in the area of ​​the second and third lagoons
  • Several corridors to the coast, including a fire-fighting forestry road to the second lagoon
  • Coastal strip east of the village of Maly Utrish.

Currently, the World Fund has come to the defense of Utrish wildlife and Greenpeace Russia, as well as many other environmental organizations whose goal is to preserve this unique and only corner of relict Mediterranean forests in Russia.

The Utrish Nature Reserve impresses with its beauty - emerald forests and rocky mountains, curved coastlines and endless sea distances.

Big and Small Utrish: worthy of attention

Reserve with interesting name « Utrish " is located in Krasnodar region, in the vicinity of the city of Anapa. The name “Utrish” reflects the geological location of the place where state law allocated protected area. On maps, or from a bird's eye view, one can see the beautiful outlines of a peninsular piece of land, intricately curved, hugging with its lines a warm sea bay, sheltered from the wind and cold sea ​​currents far from the main coastline.
The word “Utrish” translated into Russian from Adyghe means “failed mountain.” This name is given according to the legend of Prometheus. The local epic claims that it was on this rock that Prometheus was chained; there were even stains of his blood in the form of red ore stains. From the suffering of Prometheus, the nearest mountain, which sympathized with the hero and shared his torment with him, collapsed. After this failure, the modern territory of the peninsula remained Abrau.

Scientists are conducting diverse work in the Utrish Nature Reserve
This is a relatively new reserve. It was officially recognized as a protected area only in 2011, and before that local authorities maintained the territory at the reserve level, independently preserving natural assets. There is a reason for this: the resort area is usually more susceptible to destruction than little-visited places in other territories.
Now the law is protecting and attempts are being made to restore the unique natural complex, located in the dry subtropics of the Caucasian Black Sea coast. Scientists carry out environmental monitoring, develop and implement scientific methods of nature conservation, and carry out activities to environmental education population.

The climate in the Utrish reserve area is moderately warm. These places are characterized by rather hot, dry summers, if the presence of humid sea air can be considered drought. Winter here is usually relatively warm, without snow cover, when the snow melts before it has time to fall to the ground and turns into wet precipitation. The heaviest amount of precipitation occurs in November and winter months. The driest period here is from May to August, the most convenient time for guests to visit the reserve, which is what local tourism is designed for.

Mountain plants Utrish Nature Reserve
Utrish differs from the entire local landscape not only in its special geographical location, but also an amazing landscape that is still naturally preserved in the Northern Black Sea region. The territory of the Utrish Nature Reserve is characterized by foothill and low-mountain landscapes covered with mixed unique forests.
This is a typical Eastern Mediterranean nature, including at the same time rare plants– juniper, blunt-leaved pistachio, Pitsunda pine. These plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia, but they grow luxuriously here in the local coastal juniper-pistachio forests, which constitute the main, unique value of the Utrish reserve.
A total of 60 plant species are listed in the Red Book; they are protected and cultivated here to allow nature to give them the opportunity to grow extensively. The list of trees is also considered unique, among which there are individual specimens preserved in the depths of forests, reaching an age of up to 1000 years.
The water area located on the territory of the reserve pleases scientists with a variety of marine plants, among which there are 227 species of algae, phyto- and zooplankton.
Rare animals of the Utrish Nature Reserve
Fauna presented great variety. Among the inhabitants of the Utrish reserve you can find the Aesculapian snake and Mediterranean turtle who live only here. Scientists have discovered rare insects here - the striped empusa and the steppe racket. Rare Mediterranean butterflies live here, all species of which can be seen in the local museum.
Warm sea ​​coast attracts horse mackerel and mackerel here, which undergo their feeding period here. The migration routes of the anchovy are marked here, followed by the migration of rare and very beautiful bottlenose dolphins.
Swimming in the early morning can bring a surprise: close to the shore, attracted by the splashing of water and children's voices, pods of young curious dolphins swim up and even allow themselves to be touched by especially cautious children.

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